How to celebrate a woman's 50th birthday at home. The main thing is creativity! The song "Birthday" from the repertoire of Georg Ots

Today we published cool script anniversary of 50 years for a woman who is the best in her field. Such a scenario can be carried out in a chic restaurant or even at home. The main thing is the atmosphere, the host will arrange everything else.

Leading: Good evening to all those present! This evening cannot but be kind, because it is dedicated exclusively to kind, pleasant and wonderful person... But maybe some of those present still do not know what kind of person he is? Try to guess who it is. So here is the description:

Her dazzling smile disarms even the most harmful and conflicting person;

Her overflowing energy energizes even the dullest unsmiling ones;

The sea of ​​\u200b\u200btalents that nature endowed her amazes even the most recognized geniuses;

Her sensitivity can melt the most severe heart...

So who is this? Well, of course, this is everyone's beloved and respected Olga (the name of the hero of the day). Meet!

plays solemn music, the hero of the occasion enters the hall, she is greeted with applause, the host escorts her to a place at the head of the table.

Leading: Here she is - our heroine of the evening! Spectacular women must appear spectacular!

Olga has a very important anniversary today. And although one should not talk about the age of the lady, but this is not at all the case when you need to hide and be shy. Wonderful, beautiful Olga is twenty-five again today!

Sounds like a solemn opening.

Leading: Look how many people came to congratulate this beautiful woman! Here is her whole family, and friends, and colleagues. And everyone prepared wonderful surprises and congratulations for her. So, Olya, today you have to see and hear a lot of interesting things about yourself ... And for starters - the first toast! For you, Olya, for your holiday!

Big name game

The host invites the guests to remember as many famous and great people as possible who bear or bore the same name as the hero of the occasion. Who will be the most active will receive a prize.

The presenter can also prepare in advance and find out which of the great people was born on the same day as the hero of the day, and talk about this fact. But be sure to emphasize that all geniuses and stars fade before the merits of the beautiful hero of the occasion.

Then the facilitator gives the floor to relatives and friends.

Husband: Friends! I have known this unearthly woman for a very long time. And yet, I never cease to admire her. Moreover, every year I admire more and more. And by today's date, as many as fifty qualities have accumulated, for which I love her ... Yes, yes, I will tire you, but I will definitely list them all!



























Sense of humor.





Stress resistance.










And finally, the most important thing is love for your family!

Like this ideal woman I got it, I don’t know for what merit! We recently celebrated a silver (you need to substitute your own version) wedding. I raise a toast to you my dear!

The husband gives his gift, kisses his wife. Tamada thanks for original congratulations. Congratulations to the children next.

Congratulations from children on the anniversary to mom

How often do we insist stubbornly

That we ourselves know everything in the world,

What in vain does mom give advice,

After all, we are not little children.

It's no wonder that mom

Such insulting speeches

After all, this is the most-most-most

Native and close man!

And the truth is that over the years

We need mom more and more...

We hasten to confess our love to mom

On this glorious anniversary!

Children hug and congratulate the hero of the day, give a gift, flowers and a big plush heart as a token of their love.

Leading: Bravo, wonderful congratulations! It's nice to speak in verse about the best mother in the world ... You see, I also managed to rhyme, almost like yours. In this regard, we will raise our glasses again to Olga!

Then the colleagues of the hero of the day come out to congratulate.

Congratulations from colleagues

Colleagues: We started preparing for the anniversary of our dear Olya long ago. They thought, they guessed. Well, now we will show you how it happened ...

1st employee: Well, girls, what can we come up with for Olechka's anniversary? How would you congratulate her in such a way that it will be remembered for the rest of her life?

2nd employee: Hurrah, I came up with it!!! Let's give her a trip to some exotic country! To Mexico, for example!

A soundtrack of a Latin American melody sounds, a man comes out dressed as a Mexican - in a big hat, with a guitar, kneels in front of the birthday girl and pretends to sing especially for her.

Person 3: No, no. It will cost a lot, we don't earn that much. What other options?

1st employee: Then, perhaps, we will call the most trusted fortune teller for Olya, let her predict the future for her!

Gypsy music plays, a woman dressed as a gypsy comes out, takes the birthday girl by the hand and begins to "guess":

Oh, I see, you will have untold riches! Oh, you will be happy! Oh, your children will be happy! All seven!.. What? Don't you have seven? Oh, there will be seven! Honey, you gild the pen, then I'll tell you everything!

3rd employee: No, no! All these guesses are complete nonsense! We need to come up with something else.

2nd employee: Listen! Super idea! Let's pay for a male striptease for her?

Under romantic music a man (or two) comes out and performs several dance elements, like a striptease. The audience is supported by applause.

3rd employee: Well, no, Olya is married, then her husband will arrange for us ...

1st employee (addressing the guests): That's how we thought, thought, we broke our whole head. And we decided to sing for Olechka ourselves! Can't we?

Colleagues sing the song "Oh, Olechka."

The song "Ah, Olechka" (to the motive of the song "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka" from the movie "Carnival Night").

Ah, Olya, Olya, Olechka

(replace with the name of the hero of the day),

Well, who didn't know this?

Our Olechka is known

With its beauty

The most pleasant character

grace of manners

And at work Olechka

An example for all of us!

Can't be!

Imagine this,

An example for all of us!

Everywhere our Olechka

And everyone loves and waits

Once our Olechka

Called to Hollywood.

There are millions of dollars

They promised her

But our close-knit team

Dear for Olechka!

Can't be!

Imagine this,

Dear for Olechka!

Ah, Olya, Olya, Olechka

Success was everywhere

Noticed our Olechka

One Arab sheikh.

He lured me into a harem,

He gave gifts to her.

But our team Olechka

Still cuter!

Can't be!

Imagine this,

Still cuter!

Where Olya appears

It's getting warmer

How Olya smiles

All at once more fun!

She has a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfriends

And lots of friends...

More at our Olechka

Today is the anniversary!

Can't be!

Imagine, today is the anniversary!

Happy anniversary, dear Olya, with a wonderful holiday. May the source from which you draw your cheerfulness, optimism, your love for people never dry up!

Leading: Thanks for the creative compliment! It is impossible not to raise a toast to this! And let's wish her the strongest, excellent health, because health is the harmony of soul and body, and this is the most important thing for a person!

Table competition for the anniversary

After that, you can take a short break.

Leading: Friends, since we are talking about the soul and body, it should be noted that both of our Olga's are in perfect order and deserve all praise! And we have one more little surprise, more precisely, not very small, judging by external dimensions. Dear men could not stay away from such an event and prepared their congratulations in accordance with modern trends!

Attention, dear guests: now these people will read rap to the hero of the day!

Two or three men from acquaintances or relatives come out, dressed in fashion caps, chains, sunglasses. Read rap one verse at a time, in turn.

"Jubilee" rap

How are we in the area

There is a beauty anywhere

The name of this chick is Olya,

She drove everyone crazy!

Guys cry and sob

Under her window they suffer

That's how it is in our city!

From dawn to dusk

Guys have no rest

Waiting for Olya to come out

Olya will tell them: "Hi!"

Go around half the world

But there are no such people as Olya,

That is why there is no peace in the soul!

But one day we found out:

Now Olya is not alone,

She chose another

Not one of our boys!

In vain they sang songs to her

And under the windows stood

The war is lost for her love!

For you, dear Olya,

We read this rap

If anything isn't true

Don't take it to heart.

We're not musicians at all

DIY talents,

You reward us with a smile for this!

Everyone applauds.

Fun competition for the anniversary

Leading: Yes, after this, in the place of Olga's wife, anyone would have tensed up! Such eagles dedicate real rap to her! So, the next toast will be for our dear birthday girl to hear such sincere and beautiful words every day, because she fully deserves them!

After the toast And now comes the most touching moment of our celebration. Not because the birthday girl can be touched, but because the people closest to her - her husband and children - will congratulate her. It often happens in life that there is simply no time to say a few words. good words himself close person. But the holidays are there to fix that!

Husband and children (if any) congratulate, give gifts.

The host offers a toast to the family of the birthday girl, to all her household members, so that they are healthy and always make her happy.

Then congratulate the rest of the relatives.

If elderly parents of the hero of the day are present in the hall, special attention should be paid to these people.

After congratulations, the host announces a break and dancing. During the dance break, several competitions can be held.

Competition "Sex Change"

There should be a good prize at stake, for example, a bottle of champagne.

The facilitator explains to the dancing couples that when the music stops, the couple should quickly exchange some item (from what they are wearing) with each other. The last couple to do so are eliminated and the dance continues. The winning couple is praised for the resulting avant-garde outfit and rewarded.

Competition "Puzzle"

In the hall where the holiday takes place, the letters cut out of colored paper are hidden, making up the phrase "Congratulations on the anniversary." It can also be pieces of a large photograph of the hero of the day. Guests must find and collect all the fragments, whoever finds the last fragment - a prize.

Host (after the break): Sit down, friends, and we will continue our holiday. While you were dancing mobile phone our hero of the occasion received some strange sms. And with her tacit consent, allow me to voice them:

Let your life turn into a continuous storm... of positive emotions!

WITH Best wishes, Hydrometeorological Center

In honor of your fiftieth birthday, our bank has opened a special account for you. You can use it after the next fifty years.

Swiss bank

Your resume has been reviewed and very interested. Come to the interview promptly.

Modeling agency "Yagodka again"

Your application to join the Who for... club cannot be granted for one reason. You look too young!

Club management

No amount of makeup will spoil me.

Your beauty

According to the star calendar, this day is favorable for new acquaintances. Do not avoid old acquaintances!

Astrologer Tamara Globa

Are you on fire? Then we go to you!

Fire brigade

Leading: Yes, with the advent of mobile communications, even this is possible! And I have a suggestion to play one game... Dear Olga, don't be afraid, you don't have to do anything, but still get ready, because we're talking about you!

Game "Animal World"

You need to prepare pictures with images of different animals (you can cut them out from somewhere). The host takes turns taking out pictures, and the task of the guests is to quickly say how the hero of the occasion looks like this animal.

Let's say a squirrel is economic, thrifty, etc.

The main thing is that the pictures are chosen without offensive hints (for example, so that you don’t have to compare with a monkey, crocodile, etc.). The one who answers the most and most original is given a small prize.

Leading: friends how much beautiful words today was pronounced in honor of our birthday girl! I think Olga has something to say in response.

Anniversary is given a response.

leader (after response word): Thank you dear birthday girl for these words and this evening, thank you all for congratulations and gifts. Many were awarded, but

we have a few more for Olya useful little things, just necessary for a real woman! So...

A real woman is the keeper of the hearth.

Therefore, we give her a box of matches so that her hearth always burns hot!

A real woman is a mistress of all trades.

So we give her rubber gloves so that those hands will always remain beautiful and tender, no matter how hard they manage!

A real woman - in addition to being the mistress of the house, is certainly the personification of beauty.

Therefore, we give her a mirror so that she can be sure of this at any time!

A real woman - no matter how old she is and how many years she is married - always remains a hunter.

Therefore, we give her a bow and arrows, even if not quite real, but even toy ones, but they shoot accurately at men's hearts!

And finally real woman always and everywhere feels like a queen.

Of course, Olga is the queen of tonight, and the queen in life. So let's crown her right now!

They take out the prepared paper crown and put it on the hero of the day. A solemn march sounds.

Leading: Now we have our own own queen! But in order to fully begin to reign, the queen must take an oath. I will read the text, and you answer whether you swear or not:

I swear to love my subjects (husband, children and grandchildren) and not be too strict with them.

I swear not to chop off heads for small infractions, such as: breakfast not delivered to bed, unwashed dishes, lessons not learned.

Forgive your subjects some weaknesses, such as having pets, fishing, watching football and hockey on TV.

In turn, the subjects undertake to love and respect the queen, to give her flowers, all kinds of pleasant little things and good mood every day!

May everything in your life, Olya, be just like a king!

And for all the wonderful guests, I also have a surprise...

The presenter takes out air balloons three colors. Guests are invited to choose a ball for themselves as a keepsake of the evening. And when they choose, it is announced that these are not just balloons, but props for the Three Wishes game in honor of the hero of the day.

Holders of, for example, red balloons should kiss the birthday girl, blue ones should sing a song for her (together or separately), yellow ones should dance!

Leading: Let this wonderful holiday continues, dance, have fun and do not forget to toast the health of the beautiful hero of the day!

1. A path of stars is laid out on the floor in the hall.
Guests line up in rows on the sides of the hall with balloons in their hands
The hero of the day enters the hall and stops in front of the "star path".

Step aside, friends, step aside
Smile heartily at this moment
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday!

Dear Elena Vladimirovna!
Today all your guests
You shine bright
After all, the reflections of your star
You direct them
So let your rays
And henceforth we are bestowed with affection,
And it seems to us life
Great fairy tale!
(Guest applause)

To extend this fairy tale to us
At least for a little
You must hurry through
Star track.
Every star is just a mystery
You only need one answer.
Get up on the star track
And guess at least something!
(The hero of the day stands on a star, the Host reads out a riddle, and so on with each star)

This is what each of us dreams of
I think that includes you:
Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers)
(The son gives the hero of the day a bouquet of flowers)

To remember later your biography,
We will do this now ... (photo)

From now on, pamper your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)
(Husband kisses the birthday girl)

For all the heroes of the occasion
At moments like these
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause)
(Guest applause)

Miracles today we can not get around,
Let it rain down from the sky now ... (confetti)
(The birthday girl is showered with confetti)

To be always with friends together,
We all need to perform ... (song)
(Guests sing "Happybirthdaytoyou")

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here the anniversary ... (salute)
(Guests, piercing balloons, imitate fireworks)

The tests have passed, you, the birthday girl, marvelously,
We want you to invite all guests to the table.
(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated)

Presenter Dear guests!
For the birthday girl to feel wonderful moments,
We will continue at the table our congratulations
You have an anniversary today
Yes, not simple, but golden!
We could soon believe
That he is your fortieth,
Pretty in appearance, gentle,
Well, how not to fall in love with this?
You are good in everything
And be proud of your life.
Achieved everything in it<пять>
And keep striving
To be an example, to radiate light,
In business to be the first master,
Too early to draw conclusions
They let us down more and more...
And you just need to live brightly!
You manage it like.
May you continue to be happy
In friends, work, longevity,
To wipe the nose of all enemies
And, as always, be a Lady in everything!

And now we're all waiting for the word
From native, dear,
From the one who has been around for years
With whom fearless and adversity.
Behind him, like behind a stone wall,
This is Nikolai, your dear husband!

How much beauty in the world:
The sun, the sky is blue,
And spring flowers
They can't compare to you.
For many years we walked side by side,
It was all sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
We are already getting old.
We won't let her into the house
Let him take a walk
When it comes again,
Let us not be found at home.
You are my good
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with lots of love.

The amber cup is full for a long time,
Wine splashes with white foam.
Let's drink to Lena all of us to the bottom.
May her life be long!
Guests drink and eat. The song "Happy Birthday" sounds. Irina Alegrova.

2. Host: Our anniversary is taking place today in an unusual setting. We are with you on the Yubileiny ship. Here, on the upper deck, numerous guests went up. Our ship will make a journey through the seas and waves of our memory, sail into the "family" bay, and moor to the "Big Table" island. We will certainly visit the attraction of the island - the endless river, the name of which was given by Mikhailo Lomonosov himself - "Forty degrees". For the entertainment of the guests of the ship, a special entertainer was issued - this is me.
The midwife is visiting, she will tell us not by rumor,
How Lenochka was born.
After all, this anniversary holiday is obliged to birth.
(Very funny scene!!! Need a big diaper, bib, big nipple)
KNOCKING: Coming out to the music of "Gentlemen of Fortune"
Midwife: Good afternoon, honest people, I see a feast in your mountain.
And I'm a midwife. Where is my little hero?
I personally took delivery, I personally put on a cap,
And I’ll tell someone now, if I find out, I’ll show it.
Here he is, that marvelous child, I have known since the cradle.
Like spring heaven, these clear eyes.
Those chubby cheeks, those strong lobes...
Well, get up, don't be lazy, hug your old grandmother.
Gorgeous! What to hide. Well, let's try
Your first outfits, you stay next to me.
I will put diapers on you, as on a beloved child.
And I'll tie a bib... Well, don't laugh, I beg you.
Bow your head a little, I'll put on a cap deftly ...
Now - the baby is exactly as you were born in the summer at night.
The hour has come and without a doubt we will raise a toast “For the birth!”
We’ll only cheat Lenochka with a glass,
We will give her a pacifier.
Lena, dear, don't be angry,
You smile at the guests
And sit at the head of the table, drink wine and be merry.
And it’s time for me to bow, even though I’m old, but things are waiting.

(take a photo of the hero of the day with all the guests !!!)

Moderator: Dear Elena Vladimirovna!
Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect and love for you, would like to say special words and make a special gift.
We would give you a miracle
Magic beautiful moment
Only a miracle has been done before
The people who gave you life, birth.
The word for congratulations is provided mom Valentina Nikolaevna!
Please raise your glasses and drink for the mother of the hero of the day! (The song “Happy birthday, my daughter sounds!”) The guests drink, have a snack.

3. Host: Many years have passed since then,
When the miracle happened
You came into the world
It is unknown where.
Happen only once in a lifetime
similar phenomena.
We sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy birthday today!

And now, dear guests, a brief historical background
This was in 1965. A girl was born, they named her Elena. And who knows the hero of the day better? We answer the questions together, the winner of the poll is in for a surprise
(Those who named the correct answer are given chips)

1. Place of birth. (Terentyevsky maternity hospital)
2. What time of day was she born. (afternoon)
3. Favorite toy (doll)
4. What is your favorite flower (rose)
5. Favorite dish(Chicken with pineapple)
6. Favorite hobby(floriculture)
7. Favorite drink (champagne)
8. Favorite color (blue, pink)
9. Favorite singer (singer) (Stas Mikhailov)
10. Favorite song (Bouquet of white roses)
According to the results of the poll, the winner was ……. Your prize is a kiss from the hero of the day!!!
And now, as a gift to the hero of the day, a song performed by us.
distribute the words to the guests and sing this song to everyone together. N. Baskov "Happy Birthday"

The word for congratulations is provided godmother our hero of the day - Galina Nikolaevna.
Toast: So that the feelings of the birthday girl are always overwhelmed,
I want us to raise our glasses now

4. Anniversary awards
Leading: And we continue our voyage. I ask the personnel of the Yubileiny ship to prepare for the procedure for awarding the hero of the day (music-fanfare sounds)
As in one wonderful kingdom,
In the Sokolovsky state
Today the holiday is proclaimed,
The working day is over!
Brother and matchmaker, merchants, boyars,
Wise men from the sovereign
Get dressed, comb your hair
Retinue friendly gathered
And finally rushed
In this fabulous palace.
To observe solemnity
Please bring the throne here! (throne chair)
(Husband brings in.)
The hero of the day passes and sits on the "throne"

Well, beautiful girl
Tonight you are the queen!
Please be our queen
And we present the symbol of power!
You are truly worthy of the throne.
So, the crown is awarded! (crown)

To fix the triumph of the moment,
All attributes of power should be handed over!
Sons-in-law, relatives, godfathers,
Well, in general, the whole huge family!
Help dress the queen
Bring on the mantle! (mantle)

To your beloved loyal friends,
With whom do you share joy and misfortune,
Who is easier to be around in this life
It is entrusted to hand over this scepter! (bottle of cognac (wine)
(t. Olya)

Who is closest to Elena, dearest in the world?
Like rays of light - beloved children.
Until the great-grandchildren of the wedding, you must live!.
And drink a cup of wine at that wedding!
Give the queen a sovereign glass!
And let the audience applaud! (glass of wine)

And so that in this life forever
I only remember good moments
Today, here and only for you
Here are the thunderous applause! (guests applaud, Kirkorov's ringtone "Pair to the Queen" sounds)

1. You raised excellent children,
She clothed and fed them.
You are ready to give them everything!
We award you the title - MOTHER! (Natalia Nikolaevna)
2. You protect the family hearth,
And you live well with your husband.
You are for him in all years
Exemplary in everything - WIFE! (Dad)
3. You - faithful wife for your spouse.
But we know for sure that you are still great - FRIEND! (Katya)
4. In the house - order, comfort, cleanliness
You don’t wear the title of MISTRESS for nothing. (Kolya)
5. you know how to cook delicious food not out of boredom.
It is necessary to give the title again - GOLDEN HANDS! (Misha)
7. In the village ... ... rumor is coming,
That you are an excellent GARDENER! (Katya)
8. If there are darling grandchildren,
We present the title of GRANDMA! (Natasha)
9. Honor the elders, take care of the younger ones.
Patient and kind, you are called the best SISTER! (Kolya)
10. Generous and rich, like spring,
She will give us a hundred smiles.
Meeting with her will turn out good luck for us,
AND A WOMAN - such a miracle is called! (Misha)
11. Let everyone remember forever
Elena.- A GOOD PERSON! (I)

For great services to the fatherland
And all the rest of humanity
And also in connection with the holiday date
I ORDER You to be rich!
From the President of the Russian Federation and all of us
Take a small advance
In the form of a ribbon of the winner,
From a domestic manufacturer.
Wear this tape without taking it off
Adding a percentage to it daily,
And only you will increase wealth
On such a ribbon, you can give us.
To make sure everything is done right,
I order the award to be washed urgently!

Toast: In Siberia they say: 1000 kilometers is not a distance, 100 deer is not a herd, 60 degrees is not frost, 50 years is not age. And this means that our birthday girl has a lot ahead of her.

5. Host: And now - solemn silence, drumming of hearts!
Senior sailors Nikolai and Natalya, your way out.
Congratulations to the children: verse Natashin.

Nika: I really love my grandmother, my mother, my mother.
She has a lot of wrinkles and a gray strand on her forehead
It makes you want to touch and then kiss.
Edik: Finally everyone fell asleep
Don't peep my secret
Because for granny
I will draw a bouquet.
Roses, asters, daisies
Flash brightly on a postcard.
I will write to my grandmother
How I love her.
What her pancakes
I always praise.
It's good that everyone fell asleep,
Outside the window is already dawn.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

Congratulations to children and grandchildren (Song to the melody "Hope")
Shine in the eyes of mom lights
We came to visit you today
To congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Wish good luck and health
be what you've always been
Be always cheerful and beautiful
So that you always have your destiny
Bringing happiness in the palms
Chorus: Mommy! Our earthly compass,
Your heart warms us all with warmth.
On this holiday - your big anniversary
Nobody warm words no regrets!

Let zucchini grow in the beds,
Apples and jars of jam.
Only weeds do not dare to grow,
So as not to spoil your mood!
May there be many bright days
And smiles on loved ones.
Make a wish soon
And believe me, it will come true!
Chorus: mommy, we love you
And we wish you great happiness
And let there be a family
And may health be strong
And you still can't forget
Years that flew like birds
If you are young at heart
There will be many anniversaries in life
You are dearer to us every day,
There is no more beautiful mother in the world.
And at the table they will sing to you now
Our children you love.
Chorus (performed by grandchildren):
Granny! We love you
For cottage cheese, pancakes and gifts.
On your holiday, making you happy
Let's give our bright gift.
Children and grandchildren give a gift.

Toast: Gifts, cards and congratulations -
It evokes a wonderful feeling.
To extend this joy to us,
Glasses must be poured.
(Assol's song "My mother is the best in the world" sounds)

6. Host: And we continue our voyage and the word for congratulations is given to the junior sailors of our ship - Ekaterina and Mikhail.
I know by heart
More than a thousand songs
And about the mother-in-law in none
You won't find good words.
More love in songs
Nightingales and groves,
And what is love
If there is no mother-in-law!
I'll tell you about mine
Let me say a little:
We have a mother-in-law in our house
In the rank of general.
If the mother-in-law sings
Everyone sings to her
If she dances
The heart freezes.
If the mother-in-law is cheerful,
Breathe more happily.
Bake pies -
Real jam!
In general, what is there to judge
I'll tell you more simply:
These are the pies
Here is such a mother-in-law!

congratulations from daughter-in-law

Poems of my native mother-in-law
I am always ready to give.
After all, this is their endless work,
What a troublemaker got married.

No need to worry anymore
And with the son "small" to swear:
Where was he and who was he with?
And where did he drink, and what did he drink ...

A young mother-in-law will come -
The mother-in-law immediately melts with happiness.
Doesn't know where to sit
Deciding what to eat?

It is necessary to take care of the mother-in-law for this,
Give awards for sons
And remember all their troubles
Don't forget to visit them
Daughter-in-law sings the song "You do not frown angrily brow, my dear mother-in-law"

Misha, son-in-law: toast.
A wise man was asked:
Who was the happiest person?
The sage replied:
— Adam, because he didn't have a mother-in-law.
And I think that if Adam had a mother-in-law like mine, he would be even happier, and I want to raise this toast to my mother-in-law. For you, mom.
They drink, they eat.

7. Host: It's time to give the floor to the "Restless" sailors of the Yubileiny ship.
song on the motive of the song "From a smile it will become warmer for everyone."

Smile, friend, have fun!
Happy birthday you are happy to congratulate.
For your family and friends
Your perky laugh is the best reward!

We are not old ladies yet.
Attractive sides.
Seeing off the eyes of people stunned.
We are girls anywhere!
All problems are nonsense!

We are girls anywhere!
All problems are nonsense!
And what year goes by is none of your business!

Smile, friend, have fun!
Let the days of separation not upset you.
Every day gets brighter
Sunny sounds wake up every morning!

Smile, friend, have fun!
Without a smile, even songs are not sung.
The years go by faster and faster.
With us memorable dates remain.

Leading: The floor is given to friends!
Toast: For a cheerful company
Few glasses, give me a cup!
Pour me some wine!
Let's raise a toast to our friends!
(drink, eat)

9. Host: We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all the places at the table

Leading: Our ship sailed through the seas and waves of our memory, we moored to the island "Big Table", plunged into the river "Forty degrees". And now let's greet each other ....

Everyone raised their hands together
They waved their right hand.

well and left hand goes down until
On the knee. Not yours, but your neighbor's.

Right hand hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We embrace indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

Swayed left, right.
You are rocking great! Bravo!

Now let's stroke your belly.
Let's smile to the fullest.

Let's push the neighbor on the right.
We wink at the neighbor on the left.

We take a glass in hand, until
pour its edges!

We continue the fun
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!

A glass so as not to sweat
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!

And with a neighbor opposite,
Support the team!

Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...

Let's say "Congratulations!"
And we all drink to the bottom!
Don't forget to have a bite - and pour yourself again.
They drink, they eat.

10. Host: As any keeper of mass undertakings, I think it's time to play. (the rules are cut questions and answers into strips and each guest takes one question and one answer)

Moderator: Thank you all for your frankness.
Good hostess and kind soul.
“Elena, happy anniversary,” we whisper, barely breathing!
Dear glasses and forks,
Let's drink for a warm-up
To ease the heart
Gotta pour a stack

Immediately JOKE TEST
(Guests should pick up glasses.)
Host: Who is holding the glass in right hand is absolutely the right people, but today after the fifth glass they are easily thrown off course.
Who holds a glass in his left hand - these people often go to the left, but not today.
Whoever has a full stack - these people are most happy for the hero of the occasion, so they drink to the fullest, the main thing would be what.
Whoever has a little in a pile or half - these people drink little, no matter how much they drink, everything is not enough for them.
Those who have "white" in their glasses - these people are modest and shy, when they drink, they always hold on to the wall.
Those who have “red” - these people are the soul of any company, they drink everything.

Those who hold a glass with two or three fingers are cautious people, they are afraid that instead of vodka they have been poured mineral water.
And whoever holds the whole "five" - ​​these people usually do not drink from small dishes - why get dirty, drink, drink like that ...
But! No matter how you hold your glass today and whatever is poured in it, the main thing is not to forget to drink for the hero of the day!
(They drink, have a snack. Music sounds.)

11. Leading: In honor of the anniversary, our multi-colored banner ensemble “Yablochko” dance ... Unfortunately, I did not have time to prepare. But he managed to prepare the guests - without sea ​​uniform, but with ditties. Begin! (Sing ditties)

Toast. On the wishes of a rich harvest
The guests have a large stock of them.
Congratulate the hero of the day on this date
We all want now.
On an anniversary birthday
We understand all the desire
congratulations to say
And drink a cup for happiness.

12. Host: On this our anniversary evening.. continues.
Let's try together, all together
Say congratulations not in prose, not in song,
And with a simple creation folded into a rhyme,
Funny such a small performance.

One day the gardener came into her garden,
Leaving your worries and affairs.
And suddenly she has a slight breeze
From the flower bed came:
Guests: Happy birthday!
Gardener, knowing her mission,
In response, she promised: I’ll pour everyone right now
There is a tulip in the flowerbed, he is French by nature,
The gardener shouted: Everything will be in openwork!
Flowers and trees to her at this moment
They said louder already: Happy birthday!
She fixes her hair,
She calmly replied: I’ll pour everyone right now!
Here is a rose, full of rich aromas,
I added my own word: Both-on!
Tulip, giving important view humble figure,
Added imposingly: Everything will be in openwork!
And the garden in the morning was filled with birdsong
And it hums in unison with might and main: Happy birthday!
The gardener in this garden is like in paradise,
And again he answers: I’ll pour everyone right now!
Narcissus grew up in a flower bed, admiring himself,
He reacted to everything: Complete crap!
And the rose, the bud opened, is pale,
Philosophical advertising only: Both-on!
Tulip, temperament is close to the storm,
He argued loudly: Everything will be in openwork!
Flowers bloomed to everyone's surprise,
And the garden rumbled with might and main: Happy birthday!
He called the gardener as his friend.
Well, she promised: I’ll pour everyone right now!
Colored daisies, cutie girlfriends,
Whispered to each other: Shall we wave a glass?
Narcissus, to maintain his image,
Looked only contemptuously: Complete sucks!
And the rose opened completely from the wine,
She shyly repeated everything: Both-on!
Tulip, suddenly thinking about Cupid,
I decided to repeat that Everything will be in openwork!
And the garden was filled with wonderful flowering
And he did not get tired to congratulate: Happy birthday!
The gardener gives her smile
And it chirps sweetly: I’ll pour everyone right now!
Suddenly a bumblebee flew in, in daily care.
I just looked at the garden: Well, damn it, you give!
He undertook to pollinate everyone cheerfully and briskly
He also made sure no one was sober.
He first directed his path to daisies,
Those were happy: Shall we wave a glass?
Narcissus is disturbed by the usual peace,
And he was dissatisfied: Complete crap!
The beautiful rose is in love with a bumblebee,
And whispers playfully to him: Oba-na!
Tulip, though French, but a man by nature,
With a bumblebee he drank: Everything will be in openwork!
A garden in admiration, a garden in tenderness
Chanting in unison now: Happy birthday!
The gardener remembers her date
And the garden will answer: I’ll pour everyone right now!
They want trees, bushes and flowers,
So that life is unspeakable beauty!
Success in the family, success in work,
Health and happiness! Well, damn it, you give!

Leading:. It's time for us to drink
ANNIVERSARY friendly ... URA-a-a-a-a-a-a-a!!!
13. Host: They say that all birthday people remember all the past years and would gladly change their “gold” status to “silver”. But I don't think it's worth the hassle. And now I will prove that 50 is the best, the most fun age. (Cartoons aged 25 and 50.)
The hero of the day and a friend come to the center. They take turns reading the cards.
Leading: Only the container was empty,
Took a bite - and pour again:
For the health of the hero of the day,
For a happy anniversary.

14. Presenter Dear guests! Dear hero of the day! Now greet with friendly applause guests from far abroad. The Italians have arrived. Nikolyanto-nachihanto and Nataliano-translated.
(Disguised “guests” enter - an Italian and a translator. They have a package with gifts: a package of spaghetti, ketchup, an onion, a bottle of Amaretto. Each has his own text. The Italian reads one sentence, the translator immediately “translates” it.)

Italian Brillianto, blooming, hero of the day.
Translator Dear hero of the day!
Italian A sieve freely, drunken parasite tight.
Translator Dear guests!
Italian Katite, with figato soon from here.
Translator Greetings to all who are here.
Italian convict hard worker dollar is not received.
Interpreter Representatives of the working class and commercial structures.
Italian Uchito, chitato, chitato, paper marato and music, and then kicked out.
Interpreter of Education and Culture Workers.
Italian And other gentlemen lodyrento.
Translator And other other employees.
Italian slurry on anything.
Interpreter I arrived on a special flight.
Italian Italy stubbornly shines in the eyes.
Translator From sunny Italy.
Italian congratulations on the anniversary of Lenusyanto Borisyanto.
Translator Congratulate the hero of the day Lenochka.
Italian Tashchito pocherto boltato from Italiano in cehanto different brando.
Translator I brought greetings and congratulations from Italian and Czech friends.
The Italian En is all unnecessary borochlyanto.
Translator And small modest gifts.
Italian Spervanto was awarded Italian belly grow, fat accumulated, yok reketiro.
Translator First of all, our spaghetti straw.
The Italian puts a hefty relish, sousento, as a reward.
Translator To straws for color sauce from America.
Italian stinks a mile away, chipollina head from mafia structure
Translator For the smell specially from the Sicilian mafia - onion.
Italian Spilled that drained unfinished.
Translator The famous Amaretto liqueur.
Italian Pomerento wished forgiveness.
Translator In conclusion, I would like to wish.
Italian The back is not bolento, the nose is not chihanto, the catfish are cusanto, the legs are shaganto.
Health Translator.
Italian In the garden, kopanto, in the house, tascanto bags, everywhere in time.
Youth Translator, for long years life.
Italian Do not matyukante, always love, respect friends.
Translator Friends, happiness.
Italian Always pouring for the anniversary of Lenusyanto!
Translator Let's drink for the hero of the day Lenochka!

15. Host: And our ship moored to a secret bay, let's try to open all its secrets.
I'll tell you a secret...
The essence of the game is as follows: the participants take turns pulling pieces of paper with text from the bag and reading it aloud. All texts begin with the words "I'll tell you a secret ..." and beyond various options, i.e., the participants in the game, as it were, reveal their little secrets to those present. Usually these "secrets" cause a lot of laughter from others and the players themselves.

16. A gypsy comes out with a song.
to the motive of the song "What can I say" (gypsy)

Fashion changes daily
And we can't help but sing about it
Anniversaries are loved by the people
In Rus' they will always be.
Waiting for a sparkling date
The hearts of the guests freeze
Anniversary we walk today
May we all have more fun.

Well what can I say
Well what can I say
That's the way people are
Want to know, want to know
They want to know what will happen.

There will be happiness and the house is a full bowl
And love will overflow.
Our Lena in the world is not more beautiful.
And of course he will create paradise in the house.
And the kids will give love
And friends and family will come
Congratulations on your anniversary
And we sing and dance here.
Guessing to the birthday girl: Give me your hand, golden! I'll tell you a fortune, my dove, but I'll tell you the whole truth. Such beautiful woman what more could you want-
You, my dear, to perform on stage. (Mom)

Guessing to the guests: The essence of the problem is this, your head is drunk!

To you, my beauty, I will say such a thing -
Do not build eyes on your neighbor, otherwise I will punish !!! (Kovaleva)

It’s time for you to get married, but they don’t marry ...
Now I guess and tomorrow they will take it!
Tonight, late at night, you go out into the garden,
And there is a man with flowers and white - white horse! (Kostina)

For a good woman, I do not feel sorry for the good
I’ll tell you the kids are small and small ... (Atroshchenko)

And you all believe in a fairy tale, you want to be a princess,
And marry Ivashka the Tsarevich?
In general, I will concoct this business for you,
But I’ll have to give half the kingdom! (Baba Valya)

To be you, beauty, tomorrow morning an asterisk, a berry, a pussy, a fish, but if you give beer, you will become a wife again. (Kate)

You will have a fan
A real fucking colonel
Just don't be fooled
Don't get too carried away with them. (Baba Galya)

You are a man in years, but you all believe in fortune-telling.
You probably also write ads in the newspaper.
To calm you down, I'll bewitch you now ..
You will meet a young girl at a late hour!
And you will be satisfied and happy for five or six days,
While there is a lot of currency in your pocket. (Village Seryozha)

You, you are my killer whale, right from the early morning
The wife will find you on the other, that will be “Yes”! (Kovalev)

You, my diamond, machine interest-
You will receive a shiny Mercedes as a gift. (Misha)

It became to me that you are a fisherman,
Yes, you are not just a fisherman
By the river in winter and summer
The rod is in your hands.
Frost doesn't scare you
You don't mind the heat
Only the fish, it seems,
Was she not a mermaid?
And you don't know
That he got himself hooked. (Kolya)

You, man, are so lucky in life -
In the service, you will advance to envious people in spite. (Dad)

And for this, do not skimp on the anniversary and pour it. Pour a full glass to make us all hot! Don't forget about yourself. Drink with us!
Let's drink to Lena. Dear Lena.
The world has never seen such a beautiful one.
Lena, Lena, drink to the bottom.
We'll pour more wine.
(sounds Svetikov's song "What can I say")

17. Presenter:. (A circle is formed, candles are distributed to everyone, the lights in the room go out, they take out the cake with the words of the presenter)

Anniversary candles lit
Congratulations, hero of the day!
On this memorable, festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift.
Let in darkness and silence
Words will find their way to you...
Let me wish on a holiday -
Let happiness be only help.
Good luck, heat, heat,
We wish you good health again
And again we will say to the hero of the day
All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS!
So that luck awaits along the way,
And every evening was joyful,
And we will also ask you in addition -
Blow out those candles!

(Happy birthday music plays right there and everyone sings along, then the candles are blown out, and at this time the music sounds (it's your birthday today))

18. Host:
Well friends
Anniversary is over
And outside the window the moon is already rising,
The wax of hot holiday candles is melted,

So our life goes by quietly
But we will not regret the past,
Looking forward to the day ahead
No wonder the wise have one piece of advice,
Only the one who walks can master the difficult road.

(Vaenga's song "We wish everyone to be healthy") sparklers.

And now the fireworks!!!

The game "Be Frank" Questions.
Do you allow yourself little pranks?

Is it true that you draw dollars at night?
Do you know how to do Thai massage?
Would you like to breed hamsters?
Don't you want to play the fool sometimes?
They say that you are a CIA agent. This is true?
Are you ready to survive the end of the world?
Do you still drink cognac in the morning?
Do you like to listen to Verka Serduchka?
Why don't you get drunk?
Could you be my sponsor?
Do you like hedgehog jokes?
Would you like to order phone sex?
Have you ever brewed moonshine?
Can you be trusted with a secret?

Game "Be Frank" Answers
Only on Tuesdays from 3 to 5.
I better take care of my health.
Yes, I'd rather strangle myself!
As they say in Odessa: “And what will I get from that?”
Better contact my lawyer.
Yes. I'm without complexes.
Nothing human is alien to me.
And in the morning, and in the afternoon, and in the evening.
If only for sale.
As Ellochka the cannibal said: “Ho-ho, boy!”
I'm not as rich as you think.
And you would drink from mine!
We will meet the next end of the world with dignity!
If necessary, then only for the currency.
Intimacy, leisure not to offer.
There is still gunpowder in the powder flasks and berries in the buttocks


I fell in love with a Georgian
Tricked hard:
Turned out to be big
He only has a cap.

I am laundry soap
Bought a wash for a man.
He yelled all over the block
But he did not become an economic one.

Our neighbor smeared himself
Fashionable ointment "Clerasil".
All pimples disappeared immediately.
Even the one you needed.

"Komet" cleans and erases,
And it kills germs.
I'll get up early in the morning
Mother-in-law "Comet" natra.

Who drinks vodka, not kvass,
He then lures:
They say in an intimate hour
The rating goes down.

I mixed a little
Exciter in moonshine.
I was waiting to get excited
And he lay down and passed out.

Husband saw a lamb
Under my wife's bed.
The lamb was in a shirt
And he was holding pants in his hand.

Odysseus, although he is Greek,
And he was also a man.
He loved Penelope
For her big butt.

My mother told me:
"Walk carefully
Don't lie under the car
Under the driver you can.

I loved the falcon
Beautiful, tall.
Got on the bed
To kiss me.

I kindly explained
That didn't change him.
It's, Lord, I'm sorry
Everything is nearsighted!

Grandfather watched porn
Our grandfather began to fool around:
Village old ladies
They hide in closets.

I went for champagne
I got a cold in my throat.
I'll buy myself vodka
I will treat the throat.

Guests gathered at the table
All happy sit.
And the owners are shaking:
"Are they going to eat everything"?

With a young girl in Sochi
The old man walked alone.
Instead of a heart on a dark night
Lost his jaw.

I'm happy today
More fun than the whole village.
I stomp my heels
And I wiggle my ass.

In the woods under a bush
Two foundlings are lying.
One forty-eight years old
The other is sixty.

Mother-in-law asked for ketchup.
I brought mustard.
Now I can't remember
How did you get to the hospital.

text options for the game "I'll tell you a secret":

I'll tell you a secret
What I value my health:
I'll take a pill in the morning
I will apply ointment at night.

I'll tell you a secret -
I go to the nude beach
And in general my nature
Very prone to negligence!

I'll tell you a secret -
I drink vodka without restraint!
Give me a bottle in hand -
Drink and don't eat!

I'll tell you a secret -
I take care of my appearance.
I'm at work for hours
I am sitting in front of the mirror.

I'll tell you a secret -
I breed leeches.
These lovely cuties
I keep it in a jar at home.

I'll tell you a secret
I follow the figure
At work instead of tea
IN Gym go!

I'll tell you a secret -
I have been serving in the FSB for a long time,
Because this service
I find it very important!
I'll tell you a secret -
Something I'm going crazy:
That I smoke a hookah at night, I will put on a veil.

I'll tell you a secret -
I take care of my ears
And any villain
I'll put it on my shoulder blades.

I'll tell you a secret
That I don't wear underwear.
If anyone doubted -
I'll prove it right now!

I'll tell you a secret -
I go to museums
Slowly exhibits
I take it out of museums.

I'll tell you a secret
I keep a garden.
I won't dig the beds
But I'll show you the place!

I'll tell you a secret -
I'm on a diet
I eat grain all day
Or I gnaw a bone.

Baskov's song lyrics

From smiles light around
And have no fun
It's like they all agreed
Everyone wants to hug you
Only the soul is full of happiness
And it doesn't matter what's in the yard
Summer autumn Winter Spring
This is your day on the calendar

your birthday
He is the best without a doubt
There is no better mood
On your birthday
your birthday
Left behind regrets
There is no better mood
On your birthday

Let another year pass
Don't be sad and don't be sad
Everything in life will be fine
So just go crazy
Kind words on this day can not be counted
After all, all your friends are around
It's good when life has
So much joy and love

your birthday
He is the best without a doubt
There is no better mood
On your birthday
your birthday
Left behind regrets
There is no better mood
On your birthday

The age of 50 years can rightfully be called the Jubilee. After all, this date in ancient Judea was considered worthy of celebration and honor.

Preparations for an event of this magnitude begin in advance, especially when it comes to organizing a woman's anniversary. Make up original script, include in the text more facts about the birthday girl, information about hobbies, as many personal cute details as possible. For 50 years, life, like a mosaic, has been composed of wonderful episodes. Let the anniversary evening remind you of them, and the birthday girl smile again.

Organizers prefer to take finished script for the anniversary of 50 years as a basis, and after that they decorate it with personal congratulations to the woman, favorite contests. On our portal, you have collected high-quality scenarios for anniversaries of 50 years for a woman. The resource box is open!

This scenario for a woman's 50th anniversary is easily implemented at home, and is also suitable for holding an event in a large team.

  • "Stage" - the dance floor - the place where they will play out funny scenes on the anniversary of a woman;
  • "Making room". Hang wigs, feather boas, 50th Anniversary and Anniversary signs here, and set up a photo booth;
  • "Buffet" - a separate table with sweets, snacks and alcoholic drinks;

The invitation and the menu can be made in the form of a theater program. In the program for the anniversary of the 50th anniversary of the woman, performances by guests and the presenter are planned, but the evening will undoubtedly be decorated with professional performances by artists of any genre.

At the entrance, each guest is given a number, as in a wardrobe, with a request to keep it until the end of the evening. During the holiday, the presenter distributes multi-colored tickets to active participants, at the end, the calculation and presentation of prizes will be made.


The guests stand opposite each other and pull on five golden ribbons. Attached to each ribbon is a sheet of paper with captions ranging from "10 years on stage" to "50 years on stage". To the music, the hero of the day enters the hall.

Leading: Good evening, beautiful birthday girl! Hello dear guests!
We are so lucky today to come to this holiday!
You are the prima donna of the evening!
And in honor of you we play a performance!
You are illuminated by the lights of the ramp,
And the restaurant is already sold out!
But first let's go back in time
And remember every joyful moment.
How the happy decade went by
And what do you remember about those ten years!

The birthday girl goes and cuts each ribbon on the go, remembering happy events In my life. At the end of the journey, her husband or son hands her a bouquet and escorts her to the table.

The first lady has an anniversary
So let's hurry up
Take your seats in the auditorium!
To start congratulations fun!

Guests are seated at tables.

Act 1 - Congratulations

Leading: Who will tell us and tell us what "50" is?
They admire you, thank you from the bottom of their hearts!
In wishes you get a positive charge,
And fun, rejoicing reign everywhere on this day!
Fifty as a new impulse
To live, to seek, to dream
And as in youth it is necessary
Don't be afraid to take risks!
Prosper and reign, hero of the day,
Take care of the harmony in your soul!
Well, we are for the first royal toast
We raise our glasses higher!

table break

Leading: Congratulations, like butterflies, flutter,
Colourful, bright, very pleasant!
I give the floor to the main man.
Attention please! Congratulations from your husband!

To light music, the birthday girl's husband gives her a gift and makes a toast.

theater quiz

For each correct answer, the presenter will present a colored ticket.

Leading: Tonight is a theater evening
Our prima has an anniversary!
Guest, be open and cordial for pranks,
And answer the quiz questions boldly!
And to warm up the first question:

  • In what year did the prima donna (the name of the hero of the day) enter the stage called Life? (year of birth);
  • In what century did theater originate? (in the VI century BC);
  • Which of the children's characters, instead of studying, sold his ABC and bought a ticket to the theater? (Pinocchio);
  • What is the name of the time in the theater when everyone is running to eat cakes with soda? (Intermission);
  • What flowers does the prima donna (the name of the hero of the day) prefer? (name of favorite flowers);
  • In the theater during Shakespeare's time, men performed all roles, including women's. There was a common joke among the public about the actor who played the queen. When the start of the performance was delayed, they said: “Queen ...” (Shaves);
  • What noise during the performance do the artists like the most? (Applause)

Yes, let's give ourselves a big round of applause!

Leading: I invite my beloved children (names), as well as their spouses (names), to congratulate the birthday girl!

table break

Leading: Best girlfriends hurry to congratulate!
They stood up for each other,
In trouble and joy, they wiped all the tears,
Funny feasts ran together!

Congratulate close friends, give gifts. After they sing a song, it starts female half hall, in the second verse the male half is connected.

The song "Birthday" from the repertoire of Georg Ots

We are happy on your birthday
We will give songs, give gifts,
And this evening is sincere
Let's talk about love.

Let the singers we are not the best
Not entertainers, cinema,
In honor of you on this remarkable day
We will raise our glasses with wine.

We are ready for you on your birthday
On the hands of their strong swing,
And look at you with admiration
After all, you can't give 50.

Do not think that we are arrogantly flattering,
Just happiness in the eyes, look!
You welcome all guests with care,
We feel a bright light inside!

Wise men in the east say: for some, golden mountains are the goal of life, for others, star glory, and for a sage, it is the most precious thing in the world. best friend, faithful, reliable, devoted.

So, let's drink to disinterested true friends, to the threads of friendship that intertwine the fates of (the name of the birthday girl) and her friends, her friends!

Leading: So, I announce the first intermission!
The first act of the play is finished!

Everyone can visit the dressing room of artists, take a couple of memorable photos. And be sure to check out the buffet!

Act 2 - Entertainment

Let's move on to the fun part of the holiday, entertainment, games, jokes and contests. Go-e-e-ride-and-and-and!

board game

Leading: Attention attention!
Next task!
We will play a game with you
Simple enough.
I'll call you words-shifters,
I will encrypt the value!
Name of movies and songs, TV shows.
Brain is a little worth tightening up!
Who will be the first to guess
That's what the prize is for!

List of turnarounds:

  1. Come into the world as an ugly girl (Don't be born beautiful)
  2. Time to get divorced (Let's get married)
  3. Eternity of Shame (Minute of Glory)
  4. Pair of Pairs (One to One)
  5. Little Slowness (Big Races)
  6. Reconciliation of the short-sighted (Battle of psychics)
  7. Mannequin and lawlessness (Man and law)
  8. In the war of people (In the animal world)
  9. Bar of Sad and Confused (KVN)
  10. Already alone on the street (While everyone is at home)


  1. Why are you lying still, fat oak? (What are you standing, swaying, thin rowan?)
  2. Alien wolf, you are my wolf cub. (My bunny, I'm your bunny)
  3. Grandfather died one sad duck. (Two merry geese lived with granny)
  4. From a smirk fun night darker. (From a smile, a gloomy day is brighter)
  5. Sailor, sailor, burst into tears ... (Captain, captain, smile ...)
  6. The pink boat is running, not swaying ... (The blue car is running, swaying)
  7. If only, heat, heat (Oh, frost, frost)
  8. Pears on the grass (Apples on the snow)
  9. I'll lay you down at sunset, I won't go to kick you out, shod (You wake me up at dawn, you'll go out unshod)
  10. I crawled out into the forest in the morning with a donkey (I will go out at night into the field with a horse)

Fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Leading: Dear guests!
Attention please! All artists crave recognition!
And so we declare
What a real performance we will play for you!


  • Snow White
  • 7 gnomes
  • wind and rain
  • Red Sun

The host invites 7 male volunteers and assigns them to the role of gnomes (you can give out symbolic costumes for more fun). Also, the smallest girl on the anniversary is invited to play the role of the Red Sun.

Leading: Dear guests, and you have a significant role to play! As soon as I say "wind", howl loudly, as soon as I say "rain" - tap your fingers on the table, and if I say "thunderstorm and storm" - tap with all your might with your feet. So let's start our show!
Beyond dense forests, beyond high mountains lived seven dwarfs. To the music, the participants come out and dance.
Let me introduce them to you, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Each dwarf bows, curtseys, or grimaces. The last one runs into the hall late.
The gnomes worked day after day, but they also loved to rest. Of course, everyone had their hobbies and weaknesses ...
Monday is a terrible sleepyhead (yawns and scratches the back of his head),
Tuesday - loves cake and ice cream more than anything in the world (licks his lips and rubs his stomach),
Wednesday - quarrels with everyone, but grumbles (turns his nose up and turns away),
Thursday - loves everything shiny and round (starts to unscrew the button of the nearest guest or puts a spoon in his pocket),
Friday - sneezes the most, always, in all directions, on everything and everyone,
Saturday is a party animal, what to look for, all the time on the move,
And Sunday - the soul is wide open, glad to everyone, loves everyone! (goes to hug)

The dwarves worked, hammered in gold and traded in jewelry. But all their efforts and efforts were directed only to please the most beautiful woman in the world - Snow White! (Fanfares sound and the birthday girl comes out).

All the gnomes adored Snow White, they carried her in their arms, and gave compliments every day! And everyone expressed their love in their own way
Monday sat on his knees and cradled,
Tuesday stroked her hair, and her beautiful head,
Wednesday massaged tired shoulders,
Thursday - small legs,
And Friday - covered tender kisses pens,
Balagur-Saturday sang serenades,
And Sunday hugged all day!

One day we all went for a walk together. But suddenly a terrible wind rose, a heavy rain began, and out of nowhere a storm with a thunderstorm came up! The gnomes got scared and hid behind Snow White. But the Red Sun ran out and rolled out! There is no more Wind, the Rain has ended, the Storm and Thunder have subsided!

And all together, to celebrate, they began to ... dance the twist and rock and roll !! Everyone is welcome to the dance floor!

Drinking and dancing break

dance game

Leading: I invite everyone to the dance floor! Dear guests, at our holiday today everyone will try themselves as a master of disguise! Get in big circle and start moving to the music! But as? Now I will tell you!

Guests move in a circle to the music. The leader begins to list the signs of a person gradually accelerating the pace.

Leading: Depict the walk of a young dandy, a dandy, dressed to the brim! And now you are an old woman of 90 years old. You are a baby just getting on your feet! You are a tightrope walker!

  • You are terribly frightened, you are being watched;
  • You are a butterfly catcher;
  • You are a tourist with a heavy backpack, who is already on the 5th day;
  • You are a girl who carries a jug on her head;
  • You are a person whose boots are tight;
  • You are a sleepwalker;
  • You are Michael Jackson moonwalking!

mobile game

Leading: We continue to develop acting skills! I ask all participants to unite in teams of 3-4 people! You need to depict without words what is written on the cards!

Each team leader gives a sheet with the name of the song. And the task of the audience is to guess what song it is about. A cheerful tune plays in the background.

board game

Leading: You brought the birthday girl the most worthy and best gifts! But you always want to give even more! Let's imagine that you have such an opportunity. What would you give a birthday girl if you had the ability to conjure? But the main condition: you can show the gift, you can’t use words!

The host goes around the hall and randomly raises the guests. If the audience and the hero of the day guessed what the actor was giving, the host gives him a colored ticket.

Leading: The second intermission has arrived!
Let me tell you this fact:
Friendly barmaid at that table
Prizes will be given to everyone who owns a number!

A win-win lottery is being played.

Act 3 - Rewards

Assignment of the title "Honored Actor of the Party"

Leading: The solemn moment is coming! It's time to choose the best! Dear guests, I ask you to count the number of colored tickets that you received during the evening!

Guests count and voice the number. Among men and women, guests are selected who have scored maximum amount points. Fanfares sound, and the guests are awarded with diplomas "Honored Actor of the Evening", "Honored Actress of the Evening". The first and last name and stage name are entered into the diploma. Prepare several diplomas in each category in case there are more winners.

Leading: For brave guests, for grateful spectators
Let's fill the glass and drink it all to the bottom!
Immensely delighted, you surprised,

The hostess is enchanted!

tea drinking

Traditionally, the holiday ends with the introduction of an anniversary cake. The cake can also be themed. To the music, the birthday girl blows out the candles.

Leading: At the feast of practical jokes and transformations
We can't miss out on this fun!
Who wants to taste a sweet cake,
(name of the hero of the day) must tell.
Give her a solemn promise
And swear without hesitation
That in her honor he will jump with a parachute,
Or in the morning will please with a bouquet.
Birthday girl, you listen and remember
And whoever likes it, give the cake to him!

The guests make promises, and the hero of the day distributes the cake.

Candlelight dance

Candles and sparklers are lit throughout the hall. Beautiful music sounds, and the husband or son invites the birthday girl to dance. Guests after the first round join the dance.

Leading: Dear beautiful lady,
Nobody believes his eye.
It seems to us that we are a little delirious,
Who will give you 50, I don't understand?
You are so fresh, so energetic!
A thousand lights shine in the eyes!
Well, the right word, just indecent,
You overshadowed everyone with your beauty!
Everyone sincerely wishes you prosperity, success,
Travel half the world,
To be healthy and happy
Create, love and be the first prima!
A celebratory toast ends our evening
Let's just say it frankly:
Vivat, prima donna! Smiles are countless!
Applause thunders in your honor!

Anniversary props

  1. Decorated scissors, 5 gold ribbons, decade plaques, bouquet of flowers, crackers;
  2. A large supply of colored tickets for the presenter;
  3. Lyrics of the song, laid out on the tables;
  4. Costumes for a fairy tale;
  5. Song title cards
  6. Small nice lottery prizes;
  7. Diplomas for the winners of competitions, symbolic prizes;
  8. Bengal lights, candles.

What does 50 mean for a man? The time when the house is not only built, but also inhabited and furnished; when the son not only grew up, but he himself, most likely, started a family; when the tree has already grown and rustles with leaves. How to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a man, so that it matches the importance of the date?

After all, those who consider 50 years old are mistaken. It's half a century. So, at least half a century is ahead! And if half of life has been lived, then this is a worthy reason to celebrate such a date magnificently and on a grand scale: to sum up, make plans, rejoice in the company of dear people.

Getting ready for the anniversary

You can't let the anniversary pass unnoticed by you. It must be real holiday souls! Some time before the onset solemn date(a month or even two or three months in advance) start thinking and planning your holiday. Not only experience and imagination will help you in this, but also professional organizers holiday events and celebrations. Turning to the masters in this field, you can be guaranteed to celebrate the anniversary so that everyone will remember it for another half a century.

Guest List: Invite everyone or just loved ones?

As we all remember, there are two types of holidays: for narrow circle loved ones and for everyone. By "everyone" can mean your work colleagues, former classmates and classmates, distant relatives, neighbors and just acquaintances.

You have to decide who to invite to your anniversary. The guest list needs to be thoughtfully compiled, taking into account the relationship between people, their tastes and interests - so that everyone likes it. There may be several dozen people. If you want to cozy holiday family circle - call only loved ones. Typically, according to this significant occasion it is impossible to be alone. Most likely, having learned about your intention to arrange a holiday, many themselves will begin to ask for a visit.

Place of the holiday: so that there is a place to roam

Based on the list of guests and your financial capabilities, choose a place where you will celebrate. It is very important that all guests can comfortably accommodate there. In addition, this place must:

Be located where everyone can easily reach;

Correspond to the atmosphere of the holiday and your status;

Give guests the opportunity to “roam around” without disturbing anyone in the neighborhood.

Maybe it will be a restaurant or a club, or maybe a recreation center or a hotel (now many hotels have the possibility of organizing banquets). Perhaps in the warm season, you want to organize a celebration on your own site or in nature. This is also a good option, but guests may not always like this choice.

We compose the menu

For menu planning, it is best to consult with the event organizer. If you are celebrating an anniversary at a restaurant or other establishment, making a reservation in advance, then make a list of dishes that will be served on the table.

It must be festive dishes, salads and appetizers different taste. Hot meals are a must. If there are vegetarians among the guests, then take into account their tastes by providing several vegetarian dishes.

Of course, there must be birthday cake What is a holiday without it? Take care also of desserts and drinks. Men's anniversary It’s hard to imagine without good alcohol, so agree on this menu item too. If there is a lot of alcohol, then it must be good so that the guests feel cheerful and fresh the next morning.

We choose a toastmaster so that no one gets bored

Usually any important holiday This is not just a gathering, this is a real action! Especially if you have invited twenty, thirty or even one hundred people. You definitely can't keep track of everyone at the same time.

And so that no one gets bored, order the services of a toastmaster. Of course, you can do without it, but then bored guests will be on your conscience. And a professional in the field of holding holidays will surely cheer everyone up and will not let guests get bored for a minute.

We make a script for the celebration

Yes, yes, because a holiday without a script can become completely unpredictable or even go bad! A script doesn't mean that everyone has to do the same thing. But if you turned to the services of a toastmaster, then he (or she) knows exactly how to spend a man’s 50th birthday.

You can write a script yourself, but this will require remarkable imagination. If you or someone you know has experience in mass holidays, then think exemplary scenario celebrations, including welcoming guests, toasts and a birthday speech.

We choose contests and games to make it fun

Many run into the question, what do guests do at the holiday? Not only eat and drink, really! To prevent guests from wandering around the corners, you need to take time between the change of dishes funny jokes, games and competitions.

On the one hand, it is always fun and will not let you get bored. On the other hand, it will allow you to warm up perfectly and improve your appetite before a new change of dishes. Finally, those who know little about each other will get to know each other and feel more confident and relaxed.

We select music and songs for the anniversary

Another important element any holiday is, of course, music. Can you imagine a holiday where the main sound is the sound of a spoon and forks? Of course, this cannot be allowed. Therefore, it is necessary musical accompaniment for a feast. In those moments when toasts or speeches are spoken, the music will need to be made a little quieter.

And within the framework of the script, there may well be songs that you and your guests like. You can turn on the recording so that the guests sing along. You can sing in chorus - but then you will need a backing track (the music of the song without words) and a sing-along - maybe it will be the same toastmaster. It is better for you to coordinate the entire musical program with him. There should be congratulatory songs for half a century, and purely masculine, and funny songs for dancing. You can get creative and remake a couple of songs for your own anniversary.

We decorate the room

Any banqueting hall- this is just a place where you can put tables, accommodate guests and turn on music. To make it the place of your holiday, decorate it according to your taste.

Decorations can be very different - from banal garlands or the number 50 from balloons to exclusive posters and complete thematic design hall. Nobody will limit your imagination. Masters in organizing holidays will help you develop a design, and artists and designers will help with the practical implementation of your idea.

We order photo and video shooting for memory

Of course, we must not allow solemn, memorable and funny photographs, as well as video recordings from such an event as an anniversary, to remain! Now almost everyone has cameras and cameras, but it is better to order a professional photographer or videographer.

And it is better to order both one and the other type of shooting. If finances allow you, you can also order a holiday album to show it to guests later, or a video film that will keep a long memory of the past holiday for you.

Bottom line: the 50th anniversary will be unforgettable!

Having carefully prepared, you will make your anniversary not just a holiday, but a grandiose event. It will be a great occasion to get together and have a good time with friends, colleagues and old acquaintances.

Take fun seriously (as weird as it sounds). Consider the wishes of the guests and do not miss anything. Then you yourself will get great pleasure from the anniversary and such a supply of energy and positive mood, which will definitely last at least another half a century.

The room in which the celebration will take place should be decorated. To do this, you can use balloons, flowers, bows, posters. Everything should reflect the round date and the very hero of the occasion. While the guests are gathering, pleasant background music sounds.

- The amazing age of fifty, it's not much, but it's not enough. As this beautiful music sounds, so the past time was beautiful. But we all know that the most beautiful time have (name) in front.
Fill up your glasses
Let the wine flow like a stream
Gifts, flowers, wishes
And the fiery thrill of speeches
The right of the first congratulations and the first presentation of a gift, we transfer to a very close and dear person.

(It can be a husband or one of the children, a toast is made and a gift is given. Guests raise their glasses.)

- Fifty is not an easy birthday,
Fifty - golden birthday
There are many guests here
To celebrate (name) anniversary!
I was given one very interesting scroll and asked to read it in front of everyone.

presenter (unrolls a scroll, like an old message with a seal and signatures and reads):
His Majesty the Sovereign (the name of the head where the birthday girl works) decrees this letter!

Reward the novice (name of the birthday girl) for her diligent efforts and valiant work personalized gift. And continue not to get sick, not to grow old, and not to be sad, but to remain the same beauty. This letter is sealed and confirmed by witnesses. The entire retinue of the Tsar in the amount of 10 people signed below:


- A gift from employees, to the studio!

(Fanfares sound, a gift is brought in, “From His Majesty” should be written on the box in advance.)

The floor is given to the boss (the name of the boss, or one of the employees).

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- And now, for our dear birthday girl, we will all sing a song of congratulations together.

(The song sounds: “Let them run awkwardly ...” You can use a soundtrack with words, you can take karaoke.)

- Dear, dear mother, your children, your already adult children, are in a hurry to congratulate.

(Children congratulate and present gifts. Guests raise their glasses.)

- We love our children very much, but more than children, we love grandchildren. The smallest and most charming, welcome them, they came to congratulate their beloved grandmother!

(Children can give balloons or flowers, or any nice little thing. You can read a poem for grandmother.)

- Here are the sounds of beautiful music
I want to call everyone now
Hurry up, get out
We will dance with you

(Incendiary music sounds, everyone goes out to dance, the birthday girl dances in the center.)

- Do not disperse, wait a minute, we have prepared a surprise for you, pull the forfeits, pull everything, at the end you will receive a wonderful prize.

(Guests take out colored papers from the box, only one letter is written on them. Everyone sits down in their places.)

- We wish you a happy birthday
exorbitant fun
And in addition to it
Happiness, joy and ..... Stand up guests with green cards and add up your letters, what happened, say everything together in unison.

Guests :
- Luck!

- That's right, well done, a toast to good luck.

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- never get upset
Let the blood run through your veins
At fifty it might start

Again the first .......... Stand up guests with red cards, what is your word, say it all together.

Guests :
- Love!

- A toast to love!

(Guests raise their glasses.)

- Friends, you wished so much
I will not say many words here, I wholeheartedly wish
Heroic to you ..... Stand up, please, who has blue cards, what is the word, say it all together.

Guests :
- Health!

- Here is the next toast, for the health of our birthday girl.

(Guests raise their glasses. A short break during which dance music may sound.)

- They came to congratulate you, the most faithful friends. It is with great pleasure that we give them the floor.

(Childhood friends or former classmates, or former neighbors, etc. Guests raise their glasses.)

- This is how it is done in Rus'
If the soul asks
Play our harmonica
I want to sing a ditty.

(Any ditties can be redone for the birthday girl, it is advisable to lure more people so that everyone participates.)

- Our dear guests, you danced with all your heart, look, there are gifts here, they are also very good.
Who can get a gift for our birthday girl.

A "Get a Gift" contest is held. A rope is pulled to a certain height, small gifts, rose flower, napkins, apple, etc. Participants must eyes closed cut off one gift with scissors and present to the hero of the occasion.

The next number is called "Dance of the Little Swans", men are dressed ballet tutus and ask to dance.

- And another wonderful number was prepared by the weaker sex.

(Women pick up children's balls in the form of weights, there are also inflatable dumbbells, and they dance with them to the song "Heroic Strength".)

Guests (raise hands):
- We!

- Who is in favor of pouring a glass?

Guests :
- We!

- Who is in favor of drinking for our birthday girl?

Guests :
- We!

- Let it be so!

(A table pause, during which soft music sounds in the background.)

- You've stopped drinking
There are already you stopped
Tired of sitting at the table?
Well then everyone got up quickly
We will do exercises
repeat everything after me
Arms higher, legs wider
waved three four

(Guests wave their hands above.)

Hands quickly forward
Let's make a turn

(Guests from arms outstretched rotate hips.)

And now vice versa
Hands down and chest forward

(Guests with lowered hands stick out their tummies.)

Well all together three four
We put our feet wider

(Guests put their legs wide and arms to the sides.)

Let's wave friendly
One two three four five

(Guests wave their hands around.)

Now let's walk together
At the tables, we need to pour.

(Guests again go to the table. Dinner pause.)

- Can everyone hear the microphone?
I announce a dance marathon.
Dance "Russian".

(Sounds like folk music, for example "Lady". The guests are all dancing.)

- Dance "Caucasian".

(The lezginka is turned on. The guests are all dancing.)

- Dance "Gypsy".

(They put on "Gypsy", the guests all dance.)

- Oriental dance.

(Any music from the East will do.)

- Dance "Jewish".

(A musical composition sounds, the guests dance.)

- The winner of the dance marathon becomes (announces the person who danced all the dances). He is entitled to a prize, a nominal medal from the birthday girl.

(Takes out the medal he made and rewards the dancer.)

- Golden anniversary, today is a beautiful day
(name patronymic) honey, you should be
On this day, all your wishes will come true
We wish you to continue to live happily ever after!

(For more effect, use large crackers with shiny tinsel or clap Balloons filled with confetti.)