Cocker spaniel how to care for an adult dog. Diet and products. History of the Cocker Spaniel breed

The breed was bred by artificial crossing, the main task of which was to become an ideal hunting dog.

In our time, the English Cocker Spaniel has retained not only the ability to hunt, but has also become an excellent sporting breed with tireless energy that constantly sets the dog in motion.

If you are an avid hunter and want to buy an English Cocker Spaniel, you will definitely not make a mistake in your choice, he has a sharp sense of smell and very well feels the mood of the owner. It copes well with hunting, both in water and in the forest. Always ready to bring killed or wounded game. It is believed that earlier they were used even in falconry.

English Cocker Spaniel description and standard FCI (FCI)

Purpose: gun dog, search and frightening of game.

FCI classification: Group 8 retrievers, spaniels, water dogs. Section 2 spaniels, dogs by bird. With working tests.

Photo English Cocker Spaniel in red color with a wary look

General form: athletic short stature, proportionate build with strong bones and well-developed muscles.

Important parameters: The height from the withers to the ground is almost equal to the height from the withers to the base of the tail.

Personality/Temperament: cheerful, energetic, affectionate and devoted. On the hunt it is very active, hunting passion is visible in the lively waving of the tail, especially when the English Cocker Spaniel follows the smell of game.

Head: In proportion to the body, massive, but not angular with smooth lines.

Skull: Well developed with clear lines, neither too fine nor coarse.

The transition from the forehead to the nose: moderately pronounced, between the nose and the occiput.

Nose: The nose is broad with well-opened nostrils.

Muzzle: square.

Flews: neat, without excessive sagging.

Jaws/Teeth: Regular scissor bite, upper jaw covers the bottom tightly. Teeth are straight and white. Jaws are strong.

Cheeks: do not protrude.

Eyes: Large, bright, not protruding. dark brown or Brown color. The eyelids are tight. In chocolate or chocolate white, dark hazel eyes are acceptable. The look is lively, soft, attentive and cheerful.

Ears: Long, oval tips, set at eye level. The edge of the ear should reach the tip of the nose. Densely covered with long, silky hair.

Neck: middle length, muscular, blending smoothly into the shoulders, without dewlap or folds.

Case: strong, compact.

Topline: Straight, without arching, falling smoothly from the croup to the root of the tail.

Croup: short, wide.

Chest: Well developed, deep, moderately broad. The ribs are smoothly curved towards the middle, the false ribs are long.

Tail: Set on slightly below the line of the back, carried not above the line of the back. If necessary - docked.

docked tail(docking is only permitted in some countries): not docked too short, leaving 2-3 vertebrae and continuing the topline.

Undocked tail slightly curved, of medium size, reaching to the hocks. Thick at the base with a smooth thinning towards the end. Densely covered with hair.

English Cocker Spaniel photo in wildflowers

Forelimbs: straight with strong bones. Articulation angles are moderately pronounced.

Shoulder blades: obliquely set, flat, pronounced withers. The shoulder blades and shoulders are about the same.

Forearm : Straight, level from elbow to wrist.

Elbows: pressed to the body, looking strictly back.

Shoulders: set obliquely, pressed to the body, elbows are directly under the withers.

Paws: rounded, toes are collected in a lump, pads are elastic dense. Claws are strong.

Hind limbs: seen from behind, straight, muscular, with strong bones. Articulation angles are moderately pronounced.

Thighs: Muscular but not loaded.

Lower thighs: Muscular, approximately equal to the thighs. The knee joints are strong, with well-defined angles.

Knees : Well bent.

Metatarsus: short, forming a good articulation with the hocks, allowing strong repulsion.

Paws: oval, tight toes, firm pads, strong nails.

Movements: smooth, confident, wide step.

Wool cover: outer hair soft, smooth, sometimes slightly wavy but never hard curly; not too profuse and never frizzy. Short and thin on the head, medium length all over the body. The English Cocker has a beautiful dressing coat, not too long so as not to interfere with work in the field. It is cut to emphasize natural lines. The forelimbs, the bottom of the pad, the groin, and the hind limbs are covered with profuse hair.

english cocker spaniel color

solid color:

  • Black
  • Red
  • Gold
  • Chocolate
  • black and tan
  • Hepatic and tan

Solid color cockers are not allowed to have white. Only a small spot on the chest is allowed.

Spotted (the main background is light) and piebald (the main background is dark) colors:

  • black and white
  • Red & white
  • liver white
  • fawn white

Spotted and piebald can be with or without specks.


  • Black and white and tan
  • Liver white with tan.

Roan colors (Roan):

  • black roan
  • chocolate roan
  • Red roan with black pigmentation
  • Red roan with brown pigmentation
  • Golden roan with black pigmentation
  • Golden roan with brown pigmentation
  • red roan
  • fawn roan
  • Hepatic roan
  • Blue roan with tan
  • liver roan with tan

All other or combinations of colors not listed above are non-standard.

Disadvantages: Any deviations from the standard are considered as disadvantages, the magnitude of which depends on the degree of health impairment, as well as affecting the ability to perform their traditional work.

Disqualifying vices:

  • Marked malice or timidity.

P.S. : Males must have two obvious, normally developed testicles, fully descended into the scrotum.

English Cocker Spaniel character

The English Cocker Spaniel is cheerful, outgoing, and gentle. But, despite his innate friendliness and sociability, he is extremely distrustful and wary of strangers.

They get along well with children and love to play with them.

They get along well with other pets. devoted and cheerful disposition, makes a wonderful pet out of a Cocker Spaniel, great for keeping, as in big family as well as a lonely person.

Most often, in the family, he approaches one specific person, for him he will be the main host. The English Cocker Spaniel has a keen sense of smell and excellent eyesight, making it an excellent hunter.

But, like many breeds, the Spaniel has some drawbacks, its overly cheerful nature, and the perpetually wagging tail, often show some fussy movement, this becomes especially noticeable during training. Although having gained patience, the owner will overcome this character trait a little over time.

Photo black english cocker spaniel in the snow

This playful, cheerful, sympathetic and gentle dog by nature, she is sociable and ready to be near the owners all day long, play and have fun.

There is an opinion that some individuals are overly dependent on their owner, in which case it is very important to teach your pet independence. Sometimes there are quite timid and shy cockers, and it depends only on the owner whether he can overcome cowardice in his pet and raise her bold.

There is an opinion that bitches are more stubborn in nature compared to males, and always try to dominate.

Different teams, English Cocker Spaniels learn quickly enough, as they always try to please the owner. Many of them are quite stubborn, then training will take more time. Some show a jealous attitude towards their things, bowl, toys.

Like any hunting dog, it is very important for the Cocker Spaniel to receive the appropriate exercise. They are able to accept any physical exercise, and sometimes it seems that they do not get tired of hunting at all, but on the contrary, they work hard enough.

This feature is especially noticeable on the street, during walks. She loves active games and exercises. But before you start an English Cocker Spaniel, you should remember that you will have to devote time every day to walking, playing, and different exercises for pet training.

The English Cocker Spaniel is great for keeping in country house or in the village, because the street and fields are his element. But it gets along well in a city apartment.

English Cocker Spaniel Grooming

English Cocker Spaniel in the photo mother with puppies

Although the English Cocker Spaniel is not a long-haired breed, you will have to work a little to make him look beautiful and neat. You should remember that grooming is a daily job.

After all, wool without care will grow back and become thick, sometimes wavy, and then everything will gather on it, from weeds to dust. This will be followed by the appearance of mats, the fight against which becomes impossible.

Therefore, be patient and accustom your pet with the appearance in your house to the daily combing procedure.

It should be taught as early as possible, otherwise the adult dog will resist all sorts of procedures.

To care for a woolen coat spaniel (grooming), you will need the following tools:

  • two metal combs, one with fine teeth, the other with sparse, blunt teeth;
  • two brushes, massage and with short bristles;
  • slicker;
  • scissors - thinning;
  • blunt scissors with straight and curved ends;
  • electric clipper with various attachments;
  • glove or mitt for grooming;
  • stripping knife and a piece of pumice stone

Examine the eyes, for the absence of redness or too copious discharge, in case of pus, consult a veterinarian.

Regularly inspect your teeth, check for the absence of tartar.

Diseases of the English Cocker Spaniel

Chocolate color English Cocker Spaniel photo between colors

  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Allergy
  • Melanoma
  • Lipoma
  • Perianal adenocarcinoma ( benign tumor glands around the anus
  • Dysplasia hip joint
  • Epilepsy
  • Hypothyroidism (a disease thyroid gland)
  • Discopathy ( degenerative changes in intervertebral discs)
  • chronic hepatitis
  • demodicosis
  • Deafness
  • Cataract
  • Keratoconjunctivitis
  • Progressive retinal degeneration
  • Glaucoma
  • cherry eye
  • Inversion of the century
  • Eversion of the eyelid
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes)
  • Dwarfism
  • Hydrocephalus of the brain (characterized by an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain.

While the breed is said to be ideal for the beginner dog breeder, caring for a Cocker Spaniel puppy can be quite a hassle. Find out how to prepare for the arrival of a new family member, how to properly educate him and take care of his health?

How to Prepare for Buying a Puppy

If you decide to take a puppy of this breed into the house, then you probably already know about all the features of the character. From the first months, English spaniels are distinguished by enviable activity, therefore they are rarely able to sit still. Pets are mobile and fervent. They, like the American Cocker Spaniels, are considered hunting dogs, so they need to be provided with daily exercise.

Before you bring a puppy to a new home, you need to prepare.

  1. The dog must have its own sleeping place, the most the best option there will be an aviary. For the first weeks, the puppy will urinate at night (the breeder will definitely mention this), so you need to put diapers on the bed or mattress. The sleeping place should not be in a draft or in a damp corner. The pet should easily climb there. If the place is chosen poorly, then over time the spaniel himself will let you know about it, as he will sleep where it is most convenient for him.
  2. Due to its size, the spaniel feels good in the apartment. It is impossible to keep a dog of this breed on the street on a leash. The animal is not suitable for the protection of the territory. The Cocker needs constant freedom of movement in order for the musculature to develop properly.
  3. Get combs, scissors and other tools in advance to bring the dog into proper shape. Spaniel is difficult for a long time to remain motionless, therefore, from childhood, he must be taught to cut, but more on that later.
  4. Caring for a Cocker Spaniel puppy also includes balanced diet. Representatives of this breed have a very thick and beautiful coat with an undercoat, so the baby's diet should contain the necessary vitamins.

Cocker Spaniel Puppy Care: Grooming

Any dog ​​from childhood should be taught to comb, trim, clean ears and bathe. If you do not raise a puppy, then in the future he will become unsocialized, it will be difficult for him to sit at least a minute in one place. Therefore, many breeders recommend taking a spaniel for a haircut from childhood. So he will get used to other people's touches and in the future there will be no problems with grooming before exhibitions or competitions.

Beautiful long ears spaniels simultaneously deliver a lot of inconvenience to the dog and the owner. The owner should periodically check them for infections and inflammations, as well as clean them of sulfur. To do this, you need to use a slightly damp swab or napkin, different for each ear, so as not to transfer a possible infection.

The English Cocker Spaniel needs to be bathed once a month, as well as cut. long hair on the paws in the shape of a circle so that debris and dirt do not get stuck there.

Features of education

Caring for a spaniel puppy is more than just grooming and feeding. As the owner, you must constantly be close to the dog, since education must begin from childhood.

Due to the breed's increased popularity and promiscuous crossbreeding, spaniels are increasingly showing signs of hysteria. In order for a dog to grow up balanced and adequate, it needs to devote a lot of time from childhood, educate and encourage it.

Pets are well trained, they can learn a lot of commands. The first step is to teach your dog the simplest commands "next", "sit" and "fu".

How to train a Cocker Spaniel puppy?

Every dog ​​needs to be trained. If this is not done, she will become spoiled and uncontrollable, and will cause more trouble than joy. Training should be done from childhood, teach the puppy to calmly accept haircuts and bathing, adequately respond to strangers and owners, as well as:

  1. Spaniels need firm hand. They are mobile and active, always ready to quarrel with a neighbor's dog and bark at someone, so there should always be a strict owner nearby.
  2. Very often, spaniels show themselves as jealous, they can protect their toys or their owner, so if there are children in the house, they immediately need to be told about this feature of the breed.
  3. Under no circumstances should a dog be beaten. Any living creature reacts badly to the "whip", so it is best to use a reward system for a job well done.
  4. If you are unhappy with the puppy, then a disappointed tone will work better than shouting and swearing, as spaniels are sensitive to changes in the owner's mood.

Experienced dog handlers can tell you how to raise a spaniel puppy. The training of this breed is not much different from the rest. Pets are stubborn, have a character, but love their owner very much. You should know that the spaniel is a selectively bred hunting dog. Therefore, let it fulfill its destiny as much as possible. And even if you are not a hunter, and you can only hunt pigeons in the park, there are many games that imitate hunting.


Contrary to popular belief, spaniels are not only professional hunters. Dogs of this breed have proven themselves as friends and companions, nannies for teenage children and partners on walks.

Therefore, if you need a pet for the house with an indefatigable supply of energy, then pay attention to the representatives of this breed. Russian Spaniel - a good choice for a family with a child, and the cost of such an animal is quite affordable.


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Year of release: 2010.
Speciality: veterinary medicine, Veterinary.


I have experience in veterinary clinic over 7 years.

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The Cocker Spaniel from England is a worthy representative of this family. Initially, the breed was created exclusively for hunting, but this did not stop amazing dogs become great pets. Dogs are incredibly charming and playful. In their hanging ears, smart eyes and tail, which is constantly in motion, it is simply impossible not to fall in love. Spaniels are able to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness around them.

The history of the formation of the breed

The main role in the formation of the breed belongs to the British. The inhabitants of this country began to breed spaniels in ancient times. According to one of the legends, the closest relative of dogs is the lop-eared bird dog. The first representatives of the species were brought to Great Britain by the troops of Emperor Julius Caesar. Later stud books indicate that English breeders managed to breed many varieties of spaniels. To do this, experts crossed various European breeds, including Molossians and Great Danes.

Incredibly beautiful, compact, but at the same time strong dogs did not get such a name at all by chance. From English "cocker" is translated as "forest bird". It was for hunting birds that brave dogs were used. Dogs of the Cocker Spaniel breed were first mentioned in the works of Sydenham Edwards. He described them in the world-famous book British Cynology, published in 1801. In 1885, the first Spaniel Club was founded in England. In the future, this organization has made a huge contribution to the development of the breed.

The common ancestor of all is known worldwide modern dogs cocker spaniel breeds - the legendary black meadow male Obo. He was born in 1879 and soon gained fame as an ideal producer. It was this dog that became the progenitor of a line of squat cockers with a somewhat elongated body. His puppies had courage, courage and endurance. They easily found prey even in dense thickets. For a long time, it was the black-colored Cocker Spaniels that were especially popular. Only by the beginning of the 20th century. individuals of brown, golden, white and red hues began to spread.

Initially, the breeders avoided animals that had grooves on the muzzle, too large white marks on the chest and light “socks” on the paws. Despite the fact that such spaniels were incredibly beautiful, they were not allowed to participate in competitions and exhibitions. As a result, even in ancient times, requirements for color were formed, which are still relevant today. Since the 1940s, when breeding cockers, they began to separate depending on the shade of the coat.

What external standards must animals meet?

For English Cocker Spaniels, the description of the breed presents strict requirements for the appearance of dogs. The animal must have a compact body and small size. On average, the height of an adult male at the withers should reach 39–41 cm. In a female, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare slightly lower. The weight of the pet must be in the region of 12-15 kg. However, when checking, the focus is not on kilograms, but on the constitution. The dog should be moderately well-fed, have a beautiful, healthy, shiny coat. Signs of rickets, like other deviations in health, are unacceptable. The ears are well-groomed, the nose is wet, and the eyes are shiny. Here are the main criteria that you should pay attention to when buying a four-legged friend.

To participate in exhibitions and breeding, the requirements for a thoroughbred dog are much wider:

  1. The head of thoroughbred spaniels has a regular and clear shape. The transition from the forehead to the nose is pronounced.
  2. Thin teardrop-shaped ears are on the same level with the eyes. They are long and set low, so they easily reach the nose.
  3. The eyes of purebred pets are large and dark, not bulging. The pupils shine brightly. The characteristic of the breed allows that chocolate-colored dogs may have light brown eyes.
  4. The nose is straight with strongly developed nostrils and a large tip. Normally, it should be black, but chocolate-colored animals may have a brown or red nose.
  5. The body of the pets is well developed. The topline is correct, with only a slight slope from the loin to the base of the tail.
  6. The chest is of medium size. It is deep and beautifully built.
  7. The back is short and muscular. It has a straight shape.
  8. The tail is located just below the line of the back. In puppyhood, docking is mandatory. Cut off half, and sometimes even 2/3 of the length. Experienced breeders recommend tail docking at 1-5 days of age.
  9. The front legs are straight, set evenly. They have a short length and full dark pads.
  10. The hind legs are distinguished from the front ones by more developed muscles. The hips of the representatives of the breed are powerful and impressive, which allows for high running speed.

The appearance of animals largely determines how much English Cocker Spaniels cost. If you buy a friend, and not a show copy, it is not at all necessary that it meets the above requirements.

What colors are recognized as the standard

Representatives of the Cocker Spaniel breed come in two colors: solid and spotted. The first species includes animals whose coat has a monochromatic chestnut, red, black, sable hue. At birth, Cocker Spaniel puppies may have light spots on paws or muzzle. However, as the pet grows older, they become invisible. Some monochromatic specimens have tan areas - areas of a different shade.

Their depth and saturation of color is important.

In spotted pets, white is added to the main color. At the same time, light areas can be scattered over the body completely randomly. For example, a completely black dog with a few white spots, as well as an almost snow-white dog with small black marks, is considered black and white. The speck gives special originality to the spotted color. It can be very thick or very rare.

The Cocker Spaniel dog breed has several colors that do not meet the standard:

  • white with brown or black pigmentation;
  • brindle;
  • blue or steel.

Animals with such colors are not allowed to participate in exhibitions.

The nature of pets

The Cocker Spaniel is active, playful and responsive. Funny pets are happy to come into contact with people around them and love to communicate with other four-legged animals. However, most of all they like to spend time with the owner.

Of course, the characters of different individuals are different. But there is also common features characteristic of the entire breed. For example, animals are very friendly and good-natured. These behavioral features allow them to get along well in families with small children and easily find contact with babies. faithful dog will be a wonderful companion for an elderly lonely person. Some pets become so attached to their owners that they completely lose their independence. However, if English Cocker Spaniel puppies received competent education, this problem can be avoided.

Initially, animals were bred for hunting. In this business they are surprisingly industrious and indefatigable. The pet can easily find the shot game and bring it to the owner. Active and resourceful on the hunt, at home the pet turns into the kindest creature. He is a favorite of all family members, requires affection and attention. And if the dog behaves freely with the household, then the visit of an outsider makes her wary.

This quality is evidence of excellent watchdog qualities pets.

All types of cockers are incredibly energetic, constantly in motion. Instincts force them to constantly hunt small animals and birds. Sometimes it is very difficult to tear the dog away from the intended prey, because he is used to pursuing it to the end. However, if the pet is properly raised, it may well get along with other four-legged animals, including cats. Sometimes dogs are jealous of their beloved owner for other animals. But they do not know how to be offended at all. Even if the pet is punished, in half an hour he will not remember the incident.

It is extremely rare among spaniels to meet dogs with a quiet and timid character. But still, most representatives of the breed are distinguished by sociability and curiosity. Some pets have a serious drawback - a tendency to incessant barking. Another negative character trait is stubbornness, as well as excessive developed sense property. The latter in most cases manifests itself in relation to toys.

How to train a pet

Training an English Cocker Spaniel does not require serious efforts from the owner. However, the owner must remember: in order for the pet to agree to follow the commands, it is necessary to praise and reward it. But about aggression and rudeness in the process of education should be forgotten. Cocker puppies are very gentle and sensitive. A bad attitude can make them disappointed in people.

If a Cocker Spaniel puppy was purchased as a pet, it is quite enough to give it to a general training course. There, the animal will be taught to obey, taught the basic commands: “near”, “place”, “lie down”, “sit”, “fu”. Moreover, the learning abilities of pets are so high that not only a professional, but also a beginner can engage in their upbringing.

If the owner decides to do the training on his own, he must remember one thing. important rule: during classes it is forbidden to show excessive affection. If a Cocker Spaniel puppy realizes that the owner is too soft, he will begin to be stubborn or completely ignore him. Therefore, when educating, it is advisable to speak strictly with the pet. And as a reward, you can use a friendly tone and your favorite treat.

If the English spaniel will be used as a hunting dog in the future, after completing the general training course, he needs to be coached.

Usually preparation for hunting begins at 7-9 months. It is desirable that the pet gets used to the area where it will hunt in the future from an early age. As a rule, the English Spaniel shows excellent results when hunting field, waterfowl and swamp game.

At the first stages faithful assistant should be accustomed to the sound of a hunting horn. In this case, the pet will not be afraid of him and will learn to understand when to approach the owner. From an early age, Cocker Spaniel puppies intended for hunting need to develop their instincts. To do this, the owner hides some thing, for example, a toy or a treat, and the dog must find it. Each time the task becomes more difficult.

Gradually, Cocker Spaniels learn to catch game. The dog needs to be allowed to smell the bird, and then move away from it, indicating the location. In most cases, it will easily detect prey. The Cocker Spaniel, whose training is carried out according to all the rules, learns quickly. Already at a young age, the dog becomes a good hunter.

What care does the dog need

The Cocker Spaniel breed is incredibly beautiful and graceful. The main advantage of animals is a healthy, shiny coat. True, it is she who is the biggest drawback. The hairline of a pet requires proper care. Representative of the English Cocker Spaniel, whose coat care will be incorrect, loses presentable appearance and beauty. Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Owners need to take into account that spaniels do not shed seasonally, but constantly. To prevent curly hair from falling off, it must be combed out daily, removing dead hairs. For the same purpose, periodic trimming should be carried out.
  2. It is not worth washing your pet often, as water procedures can cause dandruff and lead to tarnishing of the coat. But to clean the dog with a special brush equipped with teeth different lengths, follows regularly. The massage procedure is not only very useful, but also pleasant for a furry friend.
  3. Grooming your Cocker Spaniel requires regular nail trimming. To do this, use a special nail cutter. It is important to be as careful as possible, as there is a high risk of damage to blood vessels. During the procedure, small hairs growing between the pads on the paws should also be removed.
  4. After every walk winter season you need to carefully examine the paws of the pet and wash off the salt from them. Otherwise, there is a risk of inflammation.
  5. It is important for the owner to know how to care for the ears. They need close attention. Once a week, the ear canals should be cleaned with a special solution. During feeding, the ears must be tied up so that food does not fall on them. There are also special bowls for spaniels to avoid this.
  6. Care English cocker Spaniel includes regular rubbing of the eyes. You need to perform the procedure 3 times a week. Can be used as special solution, and tea leaves.
  7. Teeth also need regular brushing. To care for spaniels, you should get a paste and a brush. Relying only on food that provides protection against tartar is not worth it.

In order for the care and maintenance of a pet not to cause problems, it must be taught to hygiene procedures since childhood. In this case, everything will be brought to automatism and will not take much time.

Remember that proper care of a puppy is the key to its beauty and health.

Cocker Spaniel Diet

Like dogs of any other breeds, Cocker Spaniels can be fed two types of food: natural food or premium dry food. Of course, the second option is much more convenient. However, most pet owners prefer natural products believing that such food is much healthier. If you use familiar food for feeding, you can choose an individual diet for pets with various features nutrition. For example, allergy sufferers.

Most of the breed are greedy for food. That's why dangerous problem that pets may face is obesity. Particularly inclined to set excess weight animals that lead an inactive lifestyle and spend a lot of time in the apartment. Therefore, before pampering your pet with another treat, think about what can happen to the dog after a while. Perhaps soon you will have a cute, but sick and unhappy fat man living with you.

What foods can not be used for feeding pets

Cocker spaniels have an excellent appetite, while they are illegible in food. The owner must strictly control what he eats. pet. Animals often love to beg. A treat for pets is any more or less edible thing.

It is impossible to succumb to the pleading look of a pet and give him forbidden food. The consequences of such an act can be dire. Unacceptable foods include:

  • raw, bony, river fish;
  • tubular bones that can injure the delicate mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • bakery products, especially freshly baked white bread;
  • sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products;
  • confectionery and pasta;
  • broccoli and uncooked white cabbage.

The owner needs to make sure that the diet of the animal is balanced, correct and healthy. It is recommended to additionally give the dog vitamin and mineral complexes. They are sold at any veterinary pharmacy.

What diseases can occur in pets

Representatives of the breed rarely get sick. However, strong immunity does not always protect them from hereditary and acquired ailments. Most often, cockers have several diseases:

  1. Psychological illnesses that can occur in dogs include aggression, hysteria, and an increased tendency to panic.
  2. Asthenia is a common dermatological ailment. With this disease, the pet's skin does not have normal elasticity, sensitivity and strength. The animal may itch before the appearance open wounds. Fungi can settle on injured areas.
  3. Dogs also have weak eyes. Cataracts, glaucoma, inversion of the eyelid and other problems with the organs of vision are not uncommon.
  4. By inheritance, defects of the musculoskeletal system can be transmitted to the pet. One of the most common and dangerous is hip dysplasia.
  5. The most vulnerable part of the dog's body are the ears. Wrong care for a puppy or an adult can provoke the development of otitis media.

To detect and prevent diseases in early stage visit your veterinarian regularly. Don't forget to keep a healthy diet.

The Russian Spaniel breed, the pride of Russian cynology, appeared in Russia more than 130 years ago.

Due to its compactness and light weight The Russian Spaniel is practical when kept in an urban environment.

Breed lovers may be interested in the question, how much does a puppy of the Russian hunting spaniel breed cost and how long can they live as long as possible?

There is a National Club in Russia, within which a large number of nurseries. In these kennels, professional breeders breed dogs that are appropriate.

The price of a Russian Spaniel puppy from a nursery can range from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. Russian hunting spaniels of Siberia gained great popularity, among which great amount dogs with championship titles.

The Podolsk section of Russian hunting spaniels, which has existed for more than 30 years, is also famous for its champions.

The participants in this section general classes training, sharing knowledge and experience.

Average life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The official breed standard for the Russian Spaniel was adopted in 1951. The description includes the following features:

The head is rather dry, of medium length, with a rounded, moderately wide cranial lobe. The eyes are small oval shape, eye color - brown (shade depends on the color of the coat color).

The ears are hanging, long, close to the cheekbones; reach the edge of the nose. The neck is of medium length, set low, strong, without wrinkles.

The withers are well formed, higher in males. Smooth, durable, strong back. In general, the croup is strong, of medium length. Chest broad, deep, false ribs well developed.

The tail is quite dense at the base, active, even, with a dewlap. During the movement, the dog keeps it at the level of the back. The forelimbs are rather dry, bony, even. The hind legs are set at a greater width than the front.

The Russian Spaniel in adulthood weighs 14-18 kg, the height at the withers for females is 36-42 cm, for males 38-44 cm.

The coat is long, delicate, with a satin sheen, can be straight and slightly curly ().

The length of the coat on the body and limbs of the dog is not the same: longer - on the chest, tummy, ears and tail. There are three types of color: solid, two-color and tri-color.

Solid colors include: chocolate, red (from sand to red), black. With this type of color, small marks are acceptable. white color on the neck, chest or legs.

Tan may also be present. Bicolor colors are: black, red and chocolate, combined with white; speckled, as well as roan colors.

Permissible tricolors are chocolate white and tan and black and white and tan.

The main character traits of the Russian Spaniel breed are: love of life, responsiveness, tenderness and balance.

During the hunt, this is a valuable assistant, possessing all the necessary characteristics of a hunting dog: quick wit, keen sense of smell, perseverance, determination.

Like, the Russian Cocker Spaniel is an excellent swimmer. The development of hunting qualities should be carried out in conjunction with an experienced instructor. Classes in game form speed up the learning process.

This dog is in perpetual motion, even just walking in the fresh air.

The Russian Cocker Spaniel will roam in search of prey, intercepting various rustles and smells.

It will be an excellent companion on a long walk. However, owners need to know that the intelligence and accommodating nature of the pet can be combined with the gift of the artist.

Asking for a tidbit, the dog is able to persuade even a stone statue.

Also, the pets of the Russian hunting spaniel are characterized by reliability, thanks to which its guard qualities are fully manifested.

Must start at early age(immediately after purchase from the nursery). Incorrect and late training can lead to serious difficulties in the future.

Dogs that do not know the measure of what is permitted will bring only trouble and trouble to the owner.

Up to two months of age, with proper care, it is necessary to feed a Russian spaniel puppy at least six times a day.

Birth weight (340 - 350 grams) should increase to at least 4 kg in two months. Weight gain must be monitored carefully, first fed with food accepted in the nursery.

A puppy should be fed porridge with the addition of minced meat (including bone meat), add grated carrots.

Four times a day they are transferred from the age of four months, and from six months the Russian Spaniel can be transferred to the nutritional norms of an adult dog. Weight in half a year should be from 11 to 13 kg.

It is important not only to properly feed a Russian Spaniel puppy, special attention during care and maintenance, regular walking, cleaning and bathing are subject.

Walks must be carried out strictly according to the regime: in the morning (after waking up); day longer and in the evening before going to bed. Small puppies should be walked more often.

To maintain cleanliness and neat appearance the pet should be cleaned and combed daily with a comb. Water procedures spend every three months, preferably in an open pond, where the Russian Spaniel can swim to his heart's content.

Photo gallery

The basic principles of care and maintenance of the Russian breed described above, the spaniel photos of which, you can see below, will help the owner ensure a comfortable coexistence of a pet that will live and give happy years of life.

When acquiring a new family member, a happy owner asks a lot of questions.

What is the right care? What to feed your pet? What diseases can he develop? Let's try to answer these and other questions.

English Cocker Spaniel puppies are small, funny and very interesting. But at the same time they have great potential.

Very often, future owners fall in love with this at first sight. An inimitable look, funny "pants", a wagging tail and disinterested goodwill attract.

But you should not assume that representatives of this breed are peaceful in everything, if necessary, they will be able to fearlessly protect their family.

It should be noted that some puppies become too dependent on their owners, so you need to teach your pet to be independent in time.

English Cocker Spaniels try to please their owner, because of this, they quickly and easily learn everything new.

True, some of these four-legged ones are prone to frequent, loud and not always justified barking, which somewhat complicates their maintenance.

Some pets show increased stubbornness and possessive attitude, especially to their things.

Caring for a dog of this breed is not difficult, and it consists in observing the basic rules. When purchasing a dog breed, the English Cocker Spaniel, people think that the puppy's coat does not require special care. In vain.

By the time the dog grows up, his coat will be very difficult to handle. In addition, a dog that has not been taught from the very young age, to such processes, will resist, becoming an adult, delivering a lot of trouble to its owner.

At any age, it is necessary to comb at least three times a week. For this, various coarse brushes and combs are used.


Cocker Spaniel should be washed regularly, every month. Bathe dogs using various means, for dogs with long hair.

Special conditioners, heal hairline and have an antistatic effect.

After bathing, the dog is covered with a large towel and soaked with excess moisture. After that, proceed directly to drying, using a hair dryer and brushes.


Grooming an English Cocker Spaniel is best left to an experienced groomer. Each dog has its own original proportions, and a poor-quality haircut will change the appearance of the pet beyond recognition.

The specialist knows where it is better to focus attention, and where, on the contrary, to hide flaws. AT ideal, after, the Cocker Spaniel will look beautiful and natural, as if complex procedures were not performed on it.

Nail care

The claws of the animal should be trimmed regularly, as they grow. For this procedure, special nail cutters are purchased.

Dental care

Tartar appears on the dog's teeth from time to time. Because of it appears bad smell from the mouth, and over time, tooth decay can begin. You can get rid of this problem with special means or by contacting a veterinarian.

In the first days, the appearance of a puppy in the house, you can not leave him alone. Don't forget that the Cocker Spaniel is a domestic dog despite its hunting instinct.

At home, do not tie the dog. The English Cocker Spaniel, of any age, must move a lot in order for its skeleton and muscles to develop properly.

Prepare in advance the place where the puppy will sleep. Representatives of this breed are very gentle, sociable and love direct contact with the owner, so they always try to lie down nearby, on the sofa, but you should not pamper your pet too much.

The place should be located away from drafts and prying eyes. It is best if it is a bright and warm part of the room.

Try to make sure that the owners can see the pets from their place. The material for the "crib" can serve as a children's mattress, it is covered with any natural fabric.

English Cocker Spaniels have an excellent appetite, they are in continuous movement and require sufficient, high-calorie feed.

From meat products, use: beef, horse meat, chicken meat, liver. The main rule is not to feed your dog raw meat products.

Fish and vegetables. The fish is given cleaned of large bones, and the vegetables are pre-rubbed on a grater.

Also, for proper development, a four-legged friend must be fed with various cereals. Do not forget about the vitamin-mineral complexes developed for dogs, especially during the growth period.


When the care of the animal is correct, it rarely gets sick, but even if all the rules of keeping are observed, health problems may appear.

Common diseases:

  • otitis;
  • distichiasis;
  • discopathy;
  • cherry eye;
  • entropion;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • atopy;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • lipoma;
  • melanoma;
  • hepatitis.

In addition, dogs can suffer from demodicosis, deafness, dwarfism, and skin cancer.

Photo gallery

Let's look at pictures of the English Cocker Spaniel, which is great with children and friendly to strangers. Despite the fact that he is a born hunter, he is good with the rest of the household inhabitants.