How to file the gel with a file for a beginner. How to cut square nails? File wet nails

The nail file is one of the most important tools For beautiful manicure. With its help, you not only give the nail plate a beautiful shape, but also contribute to its health. If this is not done correctly, the nails may begin to peel, the nails will not have a good shape, etc. How to file your fingernails correctly?

To keep the nails, there are a few simple rules for caring for them. Except correct technique sawdust, it is very important to have a suitable and. Every woman needs to know:

  • Nails can only be filed dry;
  • WITH special attention refer to the selection of nail files. Pay attention to the abrasiveness, the quality of the materials and how comfortable it is to use.
  • The best nail file is glass. The use of iron leads to painful and brittle nails, even with strict adherence to all the rules.
  • Nails should always be filed in one direction. You can not change the direction of the sawdust, so as not to contribute to the delamination of the nails.

Common forms

Oval and almond

They look good on short nails. The difference between these shapes is that the almond has a sharp top, while the oval is only smoothly rounded.
The oval is very close to natural form nail. Such filing is incredibly simple, it is enough to adjust the shape a little. Starting movements from the center, gradually moving to the edges of the line with neat rounded movements. The sides must be strictly symmetrical. try
When filing the almond shape, symmetry must also be observed. Try to file the nail towards the center starting from the ingrown extreme place of the nail. Try to keep the shape pointed and when the desired angle is reached, start filing two sides at once, starting from the center. Try to keep the movements neat and gradually increase like a pendulum. Try to file equally on each side. This is the strongest form of the nail and is able to withstand any load, as long as the nails are healthy.

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If you file your own nails at home, you provide them with beauty, perfect shape and health. But for this you need to learn how to do it right. Otherwise, you will end up with flaky plates with a terrible shape.

Read our article and you can do a manicure at home no worse than in the salon.

You will need:

Choosing nail files

The best are plastic-based files (1). Second place - glass (2) and ceramic (3). Metal (4) spoil the natural nail.

Glass and ceramic are dishwasher safe.

  • Use a 300-600 grit sanding file. It will ensure the smoothness of the edge of the nail.
  • Too hard nail files (80–100 grit) can only be used for extensions. Natural they spoil beyond recognition.

If you have very short nails, and it’s impossible to make a shape, apply oil to them every day or to strengthen the plate and to enhance growth. And soon you can choose the form for them.

Nail preparation

  1. First of all, you need to wash your hands with soap, removing sebum, because of which it will be more difficult to file.
  2. Then dry well with a towel.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to leave the bathroom, because due to the too soft surface of the nails, they can break.


Trim the length with nail scissors. There are certain rules on how to do trimmed manicure.

  • If you want square, don't cut too much. A square can only be made on a long nail plate. They cut them straight, leaving sharp edges that will subsequently be filed.
  • Oval cut in the shape of an oval.
  • To get an almond shape, trim the edges of the nail a little more than the tip.

In order not to break the nail, the file must be held with the coating parallel to the side of the nail that you are filing.

The sides are filed the least, because there they are the thinnest and can delaminate. You need to saw off the edges until the desired result is achieved, while holding the file straight (to achieve square shape) or turned at the edges (for an oval or almond shape).

Move the file from the edge to the center smoothly in one direction. Do not move the file back and forth, damage the structure. Just lift it up, remove it and go back to where you started filing.

The file is carried out on the nail no more than ten times, so as not to damage it.

If filing from the side to the center, hold the file perpendicular to the top nail plate. If the file is tilted, the structure will deteriorate. For thin nails the location of the nail file should be perpendicular to the surface of the nail, slightly wrapping it under the nail.

If, after the procedure is completed, there are “remains” along the edges, remove them by placing the nail file under the nail, pointing smoothly “up”.

Private questions and answers

    How to saw correctly round nails?

    To get about round shape, the nail must first be given a straight shape. Next, file from the edge of the nail plate to the center, giving the edge a semicircular shape.

    How to file nails a soft square?

    By the same method as square ones, only with small roundings along the free edge of the nail.

    How to file nails with a spatula?

    Owners of nails in the form of a trapezoid, which expand at the top, should avoid a square shape.

    How to file sharp nails?

    First do oval shape. Then the edges are filed until they become sharp. The nail file is moved from top to bottom along the sides of the nail.

    How to file stiletto nails?

    Start filing from the end of the smile line. Direct the movements to the center point on the straight cut of the nail. When the center point of the cut and the point at the end of the smile line are on the same straight line, start filing the other side of the nail in the same way. At the tip of the nail, get a right angle. We round it up. The easiest way to get this shape is from a triangular shape.

    How to file your nails the same way?

    To get the nails of the same length, from time to time look at them from the inside of the palm, bending your fingers into a fist ( thumb don't bend). Then the length of the nails can be compared and determine which ones to correct. Compare nails on both hands.


To do this, use a buffer (buff) - a volumetric file rectangular shape designed for polishing nails. Use it to add shine.


Now you need to apply hand cream and cuticle oil. Do this as often as possible to improve the skin on your hands and the condition of your nails. Especially do not forget about it after washing your hands.

More detailed instructions you can watch the video on youtube.

Private questions and answers

    Can you file your nails every day?

    It is forbidden. This will damage them, as they will not have time to grow back normally. You can do this every two to four weeks.

    Can painted nails be filed?

    Forbidden! Sawing the nail and varnish together provokes the delamination of the plate. If the painted nail is broken, you can only easily remove the "excess" with a nail file.

    Can you file your nails from the side?

    How to cut nails from the side?

    On the sides, it is not recommended to file much, as the nail is too thin there. This could damage him. Make minimum movements. But if you do sharp shape, in this case, with a nail file on the sides of the nail, move from top to bottom.

    How to file nails for guitarists?

    Nail file - only highest quality with a steel blade with a notch and diamond (or other precious stones) coating. Hold the file between the nail at an angle of 45 °. Movements are short in a straight line in both directions, unlike regular manicure. Make the edge of the nail plate even, round the corners. Sand your nail sandpaper of the highest quality to even out sharp edges and remove rough sharpening marks. Polish to a shine.

    Is it possible to file the nails of a baby?

    Babies and older children can, even need to, file their nails. This should be the end of the nail trimming procedure. The nails are filed with a nail file until uneven edges are smoothed. Use a nail file with a soft coating and rounded edges.

    How to file correctly male nails?

    For men, medium abrasive and polishing files are used. You can cut the length with both scissors and a file. Start with the little finger. Move from the sides to the center. Hold the nail file only perpendicularly, this is the only way to remove all layers nail plate. Do not file a man's nails under the root.

    How to file toenails?

    Take an ordinary nail file, but not a metal one. Saw in a straight line. Do not cut the corners under the root, they may begin to grow. Don't leave your nails too long, they can curl. Do not cut the edges of the nail plate, but file it.

artificial nails

Shellac/gel polish

If you don’t like the shape, you can’t change it with a nail file. This will cause the coating to peel off very quickly. At home, and only then file.


Opinions differ on whether they can be filed. Most experts say that after filing they crack, break off. You can only file lightly to remove excess glue.

Overhead has a different thickness, unlike natural. If you want to file, get ready for the fact that it will not look very pretty. This is their advantage - they do not require special care always accurate. Correction is necessary only at the site of the growth of your nail. There it is easily filed so that the transition is less noticeable.


To do this, be sure to buy files and polishers for artificial nails. This cannot be done with a metal saw. Despite their strength, filing is best left to a manicurist.

Nail care means, first of all, their regular filing. This allows you to give the nails a beautiful shape, as well as avoid delamination and prevent breaks. For those who are used to doing their own manicure, first of all, you need to choose the right tools.

Professional masters have a whole arsenal, consisting of various kinds nail files, but for home use you need to choose one reliable manicure tool, which is suitable for your type of nail plate.

Choosing a nail file

All professional nail files for home manicure can be divided into the following categories:

  • For the treatment of artificial nails;
  • For processing natural nails;
  • For sealing nails;
  • For polishing nails.

Degrees of abrasiveness of nail files

Pay attention to the numbers indicated on each file. They indicate the level of abrasiveness of the coating, depending on which the file may be suitable for thin and brittle nails or hard and extended ones.
The abrasive is measured in grits.

  • If you have natural nails, the ideal nail file for you is 240/280 grit.
  • In order to grind small irregularities on the nail plate, use a grinder or buff. Its degree of abrasiveness should be 280/320.
  • If you want to add shine to your nails, use the soft side of the buff, a polisher with an abrasive 900/1200 grit can only be used by professionals in beauty salons.
  • For artificial nails, abrasive nail files with an index of 100 to 180 grit are used.
Paper files

Most of the time, these tools are for disposable. The basis of these nail files is specially processed paper or cardboard. An abrasive is applied to it - Teflon, granite or (less often) quartz.

Such nail files cannot be processed disinfectants. As a rule, they are used in beauty salons and are immediately disposed of.

Nail files on a plastic base

Such nail files are made of foamed plastic, they are very delicate to natural nails, avoid injury to the nail plate. Ideal for thin and soft nails.

Plastic nail files are very easy to care for: just rinse them in warm water and wipe cotton pad moistened with any disinfectant.

Nail files on a metal base

Perhaps, such tools can be called the most durable and durable. But they are only suitable for very strong and healthy natural nails, as they can lead to delamination of the nail plate.

Nail files made of thin metal coated with diamond or ruby ​​powder are also very durable, but they are used for processing only artificial nails, since their coating can easily injure the natural nail plate.

Nail files on a glass base

The glass nail file is ideal for strong natural nails. Such a nail file gently polishes the nail plate, thereby not violating its structure.

The glass nail file is easy to clean, just rinse it warm water and wipe. The service life of such a nail file is high.

Crystal nail file

The crystal nail file, unlike its predecessor, is designed for thin and brittle nails.

It gently acts on the nail plate, smoothing out minor flaws in thin nails. Such a nail file is also unpretentious in care.

Silicon or ceramic nail files

These nail files are designed to seal the tip of the nail. This prevents it from splitting. Usually such nail files are called preventive.

Ceramic nail files should be protected from impacts, it is best to store them in a cloth case.

Men need to use hard nail files to file their nails, since their nails are rougher than women's, and for children's nails, you need to take the softest nail files so as not to damage the still delicate structure of the nail. But children do not need to file their nails much, it is better to just carefully cut the corners with nail scissors.

Shape of nail files

Nail files are straight, in the form of a boomerang (“bananas”), as well as rhombic, square or domed (allow you to process nails of any shape, even in places that are difficult to access for sawdust). Most often, straight files and curved "bananas" are used to reduce the length of the nail plate and give it the desired shape.

How to hold a nail file

This should be addressed special attention. Place your thumb on the bottom edge of the nail file, the other four on the top. The hand should not be very tense, otherwise your movements will be sharp and sloppy. Start the nail treatment with the little finger, alternately heading towards the thumb. After making several movements, check the symmetry of the shape.

Choosing the shape of the nail

Before you start processing nails, you need to decide what shape you want to give them. Girls with long graceful fingers can afford short nails of any shape. Thick and short fingers look much more elegant if the nails are long. Girls with brittle nails oval or square shape should be preferred.

The most vulnerable nails are long and sharp.

Make sure all nails are the same length and shape, otherwise your manicure will look messy. It is best if the free edge of the nail protrudes beyond the tip of the finger by about 6 mm.

How to file your nails correctly

Square nail shape: best suited for fingers with a rectangular nail bed. First you need to file the middle of the nail, making it straight. Then the lateral edges of the nail are attached desired shape the ends are not rounded.

Square shape with rounded corners: here it is better that the nails are short or middle length. First file the middle of the edge of the nail, it should be straight. Then process side edges rounding the corners of the nail in one direction.

Oval nail shape: Ideal for all types of fingers and nail plates. In addition, it visually lengthens the nails. Process the corners, giving them the desired rounding. The nail file should be moved only in one direction from the side edges to the middle of the nail. Then you need to smooth the corners with a soft file to achieve symmetry.

Sharp nail shape: looks good only with a sufficiently large length of the free edge of the nail. First, the nail plate is given an oval shape, and then the nail is sharpened. To do this, drive the nail file from top to bottom along the sides. This should be done gradually.

Polishing and polishing the nail

When finished filing your nails, treat them with a polishing tool: this way you can get smooth nails with shiny finish.

For the procedure, you will need a double-sided buff for polishing. With its soft side, work the entire surface of the nail plate to give it shine, and then with the polishing side, walk along the edges of the nail.

Polishing your nails can often weaken your nails, but polishing them about once a month can improve them. appearance.

Before filing your nails with a buff, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for using polishing files. They can be carried out on the nail no more than 10 times. The same applies to filing small irregularities on the edge of the nail.

The only one for sure useful procedure for nails using files - this is filing and polishing with essential oils. In another way, this procedure is called sealing the nail with essential oils. To do this, put 1 drop on the nail plate essential oil ylang-ylang or universal nail oil blend and buff the nail with a super soft or suede buff. The procedure with a suede buff can be carried out once a week. With polishing (however soft it may be) - no more than 1 time per month.

At the end of the procedure, apply a strengthening varnish on the nails. Silk, nylon fibers, minerals, vitamins and moisturizing ingredients in its composition prevent mechanical damage nails and strengthen the nail plate.

Proper filing of the nail plate is not only their beauty, but also their health. Taking advantage useful tips of this article, you can always do a neat and perfect manicure at home.

If some women prefer to do manicures in salons, then most of them try to take care of their nails at home. Does anyone get it in the highest degree professionally, while someone suffers by doing great amount errors.

The most common mistakes women make while filing their nails are:

  • Most women use low quality nail files and therefore they are not always pleased with the result of their own work. The choice in modern stores is quite large and most often ladies buy a nail file without thinking at all about what it can do with nails. You should know that the coarser the nail file, no matter how advertised it may be, the more likely that it will leave microcracks on the surface of the plate. Microcracks later become the beginning of nail breakage. In everyday life, when moisture gets on the nail or it hits the surface, it is quite possible to get a break. Preference should be given to glass and ceramic nail files. Of course they are more expensive, but in the end, they will be able to please you. a positive result. Also, try to always use a nail file for polishing nails, which effectively smoothes all the edges of the nail, overwriting cracks.
  • Another mistake - filing nails with a layer of varnish. Such an occupation can quite realistically provoke a delamination of the nail plate. If the need for filing is very great, then you need to do this with careful several movements, just by removing sharp tip. Such a file will help the nail not cling to clothes, hair and tights, solving many of your problems and getting rid of unpleasant situations.
  • Big mistake - file your nails just out of boredom. Too frequent exposure to the nail, vibrations of the nail file and micro cracks will lead the nail to a deplorable state. Remember that high-quality nail filing should be done only once a week.
  • Significant damage can be done to the nail if constantly be distracted from his filing. Of course, this way you will make the process more interesting, but watching TV, talking with loved ones and simply taking your eyes off your hands, you risk injuring the nail, which will lead to its delamination and breaking.
  • Of great importance sawing technology, after all, the usual movements "back and forth" are unnatural to the very structure of the nail plate. If you want not to harm the nail, the movements should be done from the edge to the center
  • Can't file wet nails, since in this state they are more than dry, subject to injuries caused by a nail file. Especially gross mistake the initial soaking of the hands in the bath and subsequent filing is considered
  • Among other errors, it should be noted such violations as: using a nail file as a tool not only for nails(she can only saw the nail plate, other surfaces spoil it), deep filing of the sides of the nail plate(such filing leaves cracks on the nail that has not yet grown and dooms it to a break), incorrect holding of the nail file
How should you properly file your nails?

How to file oval fingernails correctly?

Perhaps there is no such woman who has never filed her nails to give them a more aesthetic appearance, accuracy and practicality. But besides the fact that you need to be able to file, it is important to know the features of nail files, techniques and methods.

There are certain generally accepted forms of nails that women try to observe: square, oval, almond-shaped. Modern nails- These are natural nail plates and extended with a special material. In any case, they require attention and care.

basic nail shapes

The oval shape of the nail is very feminine. This classic version shaping the nail plate. Such a shape can even effectively visually lengthen the fingers.

It is not difficult to give the nail an oval shape:

  • Take a nail file and first, with smooth movements in one direction, file the edges of the nail plate from the sides to the center
  • It is important to know that the movement of the nail file should be stopped approximately two (maybe a little more) millimeters before the middle of the nail
  • If a sufficiently sharp tip remains in the center of the nail plate, round it off in the end result with horizontal movements
  • Sand the edges with a polishing file to make them soft and sloping, as well as to avoid microcracks.

Video: " How to change the shape of OVAL nails?

How to file almond-shaped nails?

The almond shape is not just a beautiful nail shape, it is the most feminine, fashionable and popular way to highlight your hands. This form visually lengthens the fingers, makes them sophisticated, "cat-like" playful and beautiful.

In some ways, the almond-shaped shape resembles a claw. This claw adds charm to a woman and makes her nature more passionate. Very popular at the moment French manicure on almond-shaped nails and a solid red or black base color.

This form can be safely called a classic, because it has existed for a very long time, but has never lost its relevance. It is worth noting that almond nails should not have any sharp corners, as is the case with the almond itself. However, the edges of such a nail and the tip are narrower when compared to the well of the plate.

It will be quite difficult for a non-professional to model such a shape on nails. Precision is required in this business, so you will get a beautiful shape and not make the plate too sharp. The most difficult thing, according to women, is to make absolutely all nails the same.

almond shaped nails

Another feature of this form is the presence of sufficient length at the nail. Too short nails can not be modeled. The ideal length of such a nail should be comparable to the bed itself.

Technology for giving nails an almond shape:

  • First of all, make a thorough manicure, removing all dirt from the nail, polish, cuticles and hangnails.
  • Giving an almond shape involves the initial formation of a square nail. Using nail scissors, cut the tips of your nails in a straight line.
  • File down sharp corners on both sides with a nail file. Thus, the nail will take the form of an extended trapezoid
  • A softer nail file should soften the edges of the plate and give the nails a more final shape, squeezing the corners. The nail will gradually become almond-shaped

Video: “Almond nail shape”

How to file square nails?

Along with the almond-shaped, the square shape remains one of the most popular. Such nails go to almost all fingers, thin and full. On such nails looks great as a French manicure, and any other design. It is much more difficult to give a square shape to natural nails than extensions, but it is quite possible.

square nails

Creation technology square nails:

  • Make a quality manicure: remove the varnish from the surface of the plate, clean the nail, remove the cuticle and burrs
  • The length of the nail should be shortened to the desired size, while trying to make the line as even and longitudinal axis of the finger as possible.
  • You should start sawing the nail, holding the nail file parallel to the finger so that the side is as even as possible
  • This sawdust is repeated on the opposite side of the finger.
  • Make a horizontal file of the nail, giving it the shape of a square
  • There are three types of square nails: sharp square, soft square, round square. Each shape depends on how smoothly you cut the sharp corners on the sides

Video: " How to make square nails? How to file nails correctly?

Is it possible and how to file extended nails?

Many questions about filing arise in women who build up nails in salons. Such nails are also not immune from the fact that at any moment they can break, crack or form a sharp tip that can cling to hair and clothes.

You can avoid these troubles if you carefully file extended nails. You can do this, but be very careful. The fact is that a too rough attitude to the nails and filing them with a low-quality tool can lead to delamination, when the material literally tears off the layer of the plate to which it is attached.

It is important to know that such nails should only be filed with a special nail file. To do this, you will need an abrasive sample file, which is sold in the nail art and manicure departments. Such a nail file can have several sides of different hardness.

filing extended nails

How to file nails with gel polish and shellac?

You can file nails with varnish or shellac, but this should be done with a fairly soft nail file. It is impossible to use hard abrasive, large and metal files because they can simply tear off the coating layer and lead to peeling of the nail.

A damaged nail will be much thinner and will be prone to frequent breaks and microcracks. File such nails very slowly and carefully, because if you do it in a hurry and ineptly, you risk ruining the entire manicure.

nail file with different hardness and polishing

How to file nails if there is no nail file?

There are situations when the nail breaks suddenly, and there is simply no special nail file at hand. If you still have a lot of work ahead of you, you should find a suitable item that can smooth out the edges of a broken nail instead of a nail file. This may come in handy:

  • regular coin, side part which (rib) has a ribbed surface
  • A brick wall is a soft nail file, but it can cause your nail to turn red
  • Asphalt is a tougher surface, but it is just as effective in eliminating the sharp tip on the nail.

Take care of your nails in time, always keep an eye on their shape and listen to the recommendations for home filing. If you take care of the beauty of your nails, they will also delight you with their health and strength in any situation.

Video: " Selection of the shape of the free edge of the nail»

Nail files are playing important role for performing both edged and unedged manicure at home. The health and impeccable appearance of the nail plates depends on the choice of nail files suitable for filing nails and the possession of the technique for their processing. If a metal file is suitable for processing extended nails, then natural nail plates can be seriously damaged by such a tool. It is important to know how to properly file your nails with a suitable file to give the free edge an oval, almond-shaped, square or round shape.


These are diamond-coated files with laser engraved grooves on the working surface. Laser files are quite expensive, but very durable and suitable for gentle processing of fragile and thin nails, and some models are designed to remove the cuticle;


Budget option, which is made of foam plastic. Suitable for polishing and shaping nails after preparatory filing with a tool with a coarser abrasive. Plastic nail files can be easily cleaned and disinfected with an antiseptic;


Disposable files with soft abrasive (Teflon coating). Very comfortable option for nail care during the holidays.


Do not file your nails more than once a week, so as not to provoke delamination of the plates;

· When processing a nail with a file, try to perform no more than ten movements (choose the appropriate abrasiveness of the tool);

· During the procedure, the thumb holds the nail file from below, and the rest - from above. It is necessary to file nails only in one direction, moving the tool from one edge to the other;

Dry your fingers before using soft towel, since the processing of wet nail plates leads to their delamination;

· Before you file your nails with a file, be sure to remove the remnants of the old coating with nail polish remover;

Do not file the sides of the nail plate too deeply, as cracks may appear on them, and bleeding wounds may appear on the side ridges.


Dear girls! We will be grateful if you share your secrets, experience and ways to perform hygienic and decorative manicure at home in the Comments.
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