Peeling with acetylsalicylic acid and honey. How to make peeling with aspirin at home. Recipes for peeling with aspirin

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    I have problematic skin and sometimes I get acne. I tried a lot of face masks, scrubs, but as soon as you stop using them, the problem immediately returns. Recently on the Internet I saw a topic about peeling with aspirin. They write that during this procedure, the acid affects the skin in a positive way and new inflammation does not occur. Reviews, of course, varied. Before trying at home on my own and not harming the skin, I would like to ask those who have already done peeling with aspirin - is there any special rules applying this remedy, what are the contraindications? How effective is this procedure with problematic skin? Or it is better to address to the cosmetician?

    I regularly do aspirin peels. there is nothing complicated or dangerous in it, the main thing is to buy the right pills. You need the aspirin that breaks down into granules in water. I take 2 tablets in my hand, put them under the tap and the tablets immediately disintegrate. With the resulting granular porridge, I lubricate the T zone, I especially carefully apply it to those places where clogged pores. I don’t rub hard, I have a soft brush from store peeling, and I treat my face with it. I keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse off very well.

    Arina Konstantinova

    I did it simply with aspirin (I used the cheapest tablets, they also dissolve normally) and with the addition of honey. I like it. The skin is evened out, the pores are not so noticeable. And aspirin is salicylic acid, which is found in all anti-inflammatory drugs, so the rashes decrease and the pimples dry out. Often I don’t do it, because it’s still a serious drug, and the skin of the face is sensitive.

    I periodically do peeling with aspirin. It has three main properties: cleanses clogged pores, eliminates excessive fat content skin, and thirdly, a slight whitening effect. For example, freckles become much less noticeable.

    It is advisable to do such a peeling once a week and not to do it on inflamed skin.
    4 aspirin tablets (without additives and shell);
    1 teaspoon lemon juice;
    1 teaspoon of baking soda;
    1 glass warm water.
    Crush the tablets, mix with water and lemon juice, apply the finished mass on the face and hold for 5 minutes.
    To neutralize the acid, you need to prepare a solution of soda diluted in a glass of water and wipe your face. Then the skin will peel off, but it's okay, just remove the peels with a cotton pad with water. Result great skin takes on a fresh look.

    I also speak well of peeling with aspirin. Only I do it differently. Aspirin with water dries quickly, begins to crumble as soon as applied. So I pour half a tablet of aspirin into water with a quarter of a teaspoon of oatmeal and add 4-5 drops of glycerin.

    Ilona, ​​tell us about the effect of this peeling on the skin. Where do you buy glycerin, in a pharmacy? How often do you peel? How to cook oat flour(just grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and that's it?) Thanks in advance for your answer.

    I learned about this method of peeling 2 months ago and I still use it, I like that everything is very fast and without any problems, it will take you only 15-20 minutes to complete the entire procedure. I began to see the effect of this procedure already 2-3 times using this method. So I advise all girls.

    Girls, aren't you afraid to do aspirin peeling in the summer? I really like it, but I'm afraid of hyperpigmentation, so I leave it until autumn-winter. This summer is hot, humid, and any peeling slightly irritates my skin, even if you don’t go outside for a week after the procedure (((.

Aspirin is one of the most commonly used pain relievers. But in addition to its main purpose, aspirin has found application in the world of beauty and youth.

This is how aspirin peeling was created, the action of which is based on acetylsalicylic acid. Very often, this type is also called a mask, since there is no difficulty in preparing the active substance for peeling, and the procedure itself can be carried out independently at home.

The effect of peeling with aspirin

The main purpose of aspirin peeling is to cleanse the skin of inflammation, eliminate swelling and redness on the skin, and refresh the skin. Aspirin peeling highly recommended for those who suffer from acne, because it lovely way prevent the penetration of various infections through irritations on the skin. Also, the active substance ideally removes purulent inflammatory formations from the skin that cannot be removed with the help of cosmetics.

Peeling with asprin is used not only for the face, but also for those areas in which, for example, after depilation, ingrown hairs have appeared in the skin. Active substances aspirin deeply cleanse the skin, exfoliate dead cells and release hairs from under it. At the same time, along with the exfoliating effect, aspirin makes sure that irritation or swelling does not appear at the site of such problems.

anti-aging chemical peeling with aspirin | Alternative salon procedures #75

Aspirin peeling / Facial peeling at home / Aspirin mask

Aspirin peeling (Peeling)

Face mask based on aspirin. Effective and cheap.

Aspirin peeling has another unique feature- it has a moisturizing effect, so the skin after the procedure is not overdried, very elastic and healthy in appearance.
Aspirin peeling is contraindicated in pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding, those who have open wounds or cuts on the skin, who are allergic to salicylic acid. Do not use aspirin on the skin after taking sunbathing, on the tanned skin, as well as after depilation.

How to do peeling with aspirin at home

To prepare the mixture for peeling you will need:

  • several aspirin tablets;
  • a small amount of water;
  • some honey.

Method of preparation: Aspirin is diluted in water until granules are formed, after which honey is added to this mixture. Mix everything well.

Before applying the peeling mixture, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed. Aspirin-honey mixture is applied to the face for about 10 minutes. Remember to avoid the area around the eyes, lips and between the nose and lips. After the time of action of aspirin, massage the skin well with peeling granules and then rinse off. cold water. After the procedure, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin. A similar procedure can be carried out every other day, and after 4-5 sessions the skin will become smooth, fresh and healthy in appearance.
Peeling with aspirin is especially recommended for those who constantly suffer from acne, or who just has problem skin. Despite its simplicity and low cost of preparation, it is very effective method cleanse your skin with minimal cost time, effort to study the effects of aspirin and its components on the skin.

Superficial chemical peeling at the modern pace of life is necessary for every woman to maintain the beauty and freshness of the skin.

We will learn how to do facial peeling with aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) at home and what rules to follow.

Benefit and harm

Acetylsalicylic acid in medicine it is used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, blood thinner.

These same properties determine the use in cosmetology. Penetrating through the skin pores deep into the epidermis, aspirin activates blood flow, preventing lymph stagnation, as well as:

Acetylsalicylic acid has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and capillaries, strengthening their walls, preventing the development of rosacea.

Peeling with aspirin can be used not only on the face, but also on the neck, décolleté and other parts of the body that require exfoliation.

Harm can be brought by illiterate use of the remedy when combined with alkaline components, as well as aromatic oils, which react with aspirin to form sticky resins.

It is desirable to combine acetylsalicylic acid with cleansing, toning and skin-smoothing ingredients:

  • lactic acid products;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • honey;
  • starch, etc.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic) peeling can be used at any time of the day, including in emergency cases when you need to look good after a sleepless night or stress.


Over time, each woman can choose an individual combination of components for her skin type, which allows you to quickly make your face well-groomed.

But at the very beginning, use time-tested recipes.

For peeling, you will first need regular aspirin tablets (not effervescent).

Each tablet contains 500 mg acetyl salicylic acid, as well as microcrystalline cellulose and corn starch, which also have a very beneficial effect on the epidermis.

All recipes are for three tablets. This corresponds to 1.5 g of pure substance, which is enough for the face, neck and décolleté.


In this case, use only aspirin with water (3 ml). Tablets very quickly disintegrate in a small amount of moisture into a granular substance (suspension), which is very convenient to apply to wet skin and massage, clearing dead cells and fat.

You need to do this for 1-2 minutes, then wash your face, smearing your face with your favorite cream.

This peeling is ideal for oily and combination types.

With normal and dry, it is better to use the recipes below.


For more deep cleansing take an aspirin aqueous suspension as in the previous recipe and add 10 g of candied thick honey to it.

After mixing, a creamy, viscous mass is obtained, which must be applied to the surface to be treated with patting movements, as if driving into the skin.

Tapping with your fingertips on your face is desirable until the color of honey changes from yellow (light brown) to white or grayish.

This means that the cosmetic mass has extended maximum amount waste from the epidermis. It's time to wash it off and apply cream on your face.

This recipe is suitable for any type of epidermis. With dry and sensitive after peeling, you can make a nourishing mask.

Facial peeling with aspirin and honey:


To stimulate collagen synthesis superficial peeling take:

  • aspirin;
  • water - 5 ml;
  • candied honey - 15 g;
  • iodine - 3 drops.

First, tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are suspended in water, mixed with honey, left for 10-12 minutes. Then iodine is added and immediately applied to wet skin, massaging in a circular motion along the lymphatic lines.

After the procedure, the face comes to life immediately due to activation cellular respiration. During the session, you may feel pleasant warmth but not burning.

When discomfort exfoliation must be stopped immediately, washing off the cosmetic mass from the face with plenty of water.

Rejuvenating chemical peel with aspirin:

With lifting effect

Prevent sagging, increase elasticity skin any type of help next composition for peeling:

  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • corn starch - 15 g;
  • water - 25 ml.

Starch is brewed hot water, getting a thick paste or jelly. Aspirin is turned into a suspension, mixed with the resulting jelly.

The resulting mixture is quickly applied to the skin of the face and neck, making a massage for 3-5 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.

Starch is desirable to take corn, since potato is brewed very thickly, it is difficult to wash it off the face later.


To get rid of age spots, make freckles less noticeable, whiten your face, this recipe will help:

After mixing the ingredients, you should get a mixture that squeaks a little when rubbed between your fingers.

They process the face, starting from the forehead, moving to the bridge of the nose, wings of the nose and chin. Lastly, the cheeks are massaged, washed off with cold water, and the face is wiped with a decoction of parsley.

Peeling is not suitable for dry and sensitive type . In this case, for exfoliation, it is better to mix the drug tablets with 10 ml of kefir.

The combination of two acids (acetylsalicylic and lactic) contributes not only to whitening, but also to moisturizing dry epidermis. Even more peeling recipes for skin pigmentation -.

For acne and comedones

For problematic oily or combination skin, mix:

Apply the mixture quickly on the face, process for 5-7 minutes, rinse with warm water.

After a 2-hour session, the skin is not lubricated with anything, allowing the pores to breathe freely. Then apply a moisturizing gel or serum.

If the problematic epidermis is of a normal or dry type, then instead of green clay take pink, and after the session wipe the face with tonic. The cream is applied 2-3 hours after the procedure. you can read in a separate article.

Rules for use and precautions

For getting desired result essential for aspirin peeling follow the following simple rules :

  • oily and combination skin steam out before the session, warm up normal and dry with a compress, light massage or just take a shower;
  • peeling is carried out only on the wet surface of the epidermis;
  • when preparing a mixture for exfoliation, it is undesirable to use metal objects. Acetylsalicylic acid reacts with metals to form toxic products harmful to the skin;
  • after the session, the skin is moisturized with a cream, serum or lotion. For dry skin, you can make a nourishing soothing mask.

After exfoliating the skin with aspirin, you can immediately do makeup, go out on your face, but do not forget about protection against sun rays, applying cosmetics With high spf(at least 30).

When to expect an effect

The result of the procedure with aspirin is noticeable immediately- the face becomes smooth, tender, acquires living colors.

After two weeks, acne disappears, and after a couple of months, the face becomes noticeably brighter, getting rid of age spots, and becomes younger.

By regularly applying acetylsalicylic exfoliation, you can achieve not only tightening of sagging cheeks, but also overall weight loss of the face, especially in the double chin area.

For oily and combined type peeling is done every seven days. The course consists of 10 sessions. You can repeat it in a month.

normal skin you can exfoliate with aspirin once every ten days, and dry- twice a month, not more often.


Peeling with acetylsalicylic acid cannot be carried out at:

  • pregnancy and lactation, since aspirin has teratogenic properties;
  • skin lesions, purulent boils;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to the drug and allergies to it.

Before the session, you need to do an allergy test. At a positive result procedure must be abandoned.

Aspirin peel can help a woman with any skin type and the degree of her well-being.

It is important before starting the procedure to put real purpose, and then choose the right ingredients for the type of epidermis.

For those whose struggle with acne has been going on day and night for more than a year.................................................. ......

For those who do not wash their face once in the evening, they risk finding dozens of new inflammations on their face in the morning .............................. ................................................. ...................................

For those who are ready to smear their face with ANYTHING, just to slightly improve the condition of their problematic skin...........................................................................................

For you... my poor little things, and sisters in misfortune, I am writing this review!

**************ABOUT ME**************

Problematic skin for 9 years already: (Skin type - oily, not prone to peeling, enlarged pores, black dots, open and closed comedones, periodic inflammation ... in general, a complete set!

Stumbling on Aireke up the mountain positive feedback about aspirin peeling don't try this weird way of using it medicinal product I just couldn’t, although I didn’t have any special hopes initially, because before that I had already tried both a gelatinous mask and a mask from egg white, and a mask from activated carbon, after which the condition of my pores did not improve even a gram!

Acetylsalicylic acid, I think, is known to everyone, and can be easily found in any medicine cabinet, if not, the cost of a standard aspirin in any pharmacy is 3-4 rubles!

Do an aspirin peel pure form I was afraid, and still am afraid, so I added 1 tablespoon of white clay to 2 crushed aspirin tablets, and diluted this mixture with water to the state of liquid sour cream, and applied it to the previously cleansed skin of the face.

Ingredients for aspirin peel


In principle, nothing new, the same as from a mask of one clay. As soon as the clay began to dry out and the skin began to tighten, I washed this slurry off my face with massaging movements, and was really in shock - no blackheads on nose, keratinized was removed from open comedones upper layer, and their contents, sorry for the unpleasant details, literally asked to be extracted! Peeling did not affect closed comedones in any way!

As a fan of picking my face, I began to clean out the pores with the help of a special "acne squeezer"! Their contents came out incredibly easily! Without extra effort and extra pressure! In general, I barely stopped .... I treated the surface of the face with hydrogen peroxide (there are no pustules with it after mechanical cleaning), and from that day I decided to do such peeling constantly / periodically!

The next day, the pores were also in excellent condition, for me, there was no peeling and irritation on the face!

After 3 days, having matured for the next peeling session, this is what I thought ..... If salicylic peeling so perfectly removes dead skin cells, and opens the pores, then you can try to extract their contents less traumatically than mechanical cleaning way - with the help of hydrophilic oil, which, if accessed deep into the pores, is able to dissolve the fat located there!

How to do it yourself hydrophilic oil how to use it correctly, and details about it useful properties I wrote

This is what hydrophilic oil looks like

After the hydrophilic oil cleanses the contents of the pores, they will need to be disinfected / pulled off with something, and here a mask based on white clay with the addition of essential oil with antiseptic properties (tea tree, rosemary, palmorosis).

Ingredients for our third cleansing step

And the next time I experimented with my skin according to the above scenario!

Girls / girls / women .... this is really fantastic! None of the home, pharmacy, masmarket products, not a single trip to the beautician gave me such an effect!

Skin is velvety! Pores cleared! And much less noticeable!

Now I am set for a course of SUCH cleansing, well, at least from 10 sessions!

I did not find any side effects from using aspirin on my face (it turns out that today I did aspirin peeling 3 times)

For girls / girls / women with problem skin, I think my experience in the fight against acne will be useful.

What really helps me:

This procedure is popular among teenagers and young adults who suffer from acne and high fat content skin. It is worth noting that aspirin for facial peeling can be attributed to bactericidal and regenerating drugs. In most cases, this manipulation helps to get rid of increased excretion sebum.

Useful properties of peeling with aspirin:

  • Purifies and regenerates the skin. Aspirin acts as an adsorbent that attracts and absorbs all debris and fat from the surface of the dermis.
  • Gets rid of blackheads. This drug has been successfully used for comedones. When aspirin comes into contact with the surface of the skin, the drug particles suck up debris and dirt.
  • Eliminates inflammation. Aspirin is distinguished by its disinfecting properties. It eliminates redness and small wounds, which often happens with acne.
  • Reduces dark spots . Aspirin is a weak acid that promotes even distribution of melanin in the skin layers. Thanks to this, freckles and age spots are reduced.
  • Prevents skin from drying out. This is possible due to the formation of a thin film after the procedure. It is she who prevents the evaporation of moisture and makes the code smooth, reducing dryness.

Contraindications to the use of peeling with aspirin

Of course, acetylsalicylic acid can hardly be called completely safe and permitted. Therefore, there are contraindications to peeling with this substance.

List of prohibitions:

  1. damaged skin. If there are scratches and open wounds procedure cannot be carried out. Aspirin can cause itching and burning if it comes in contact with them.
  2. Waxing. After shugaring, electric or waxing aspirin peeling should be delayed. The fact is that after the procedure, small wounds and redness may remain in place of the hairs. When aspirin is applied, the pores can become inflamed.
  3. dilated capillaries. For rosacea and vascular network peeling with aspirin is contraindicated. It stimulates blood circulation and can cause capillary enlargement.
  4. recent tan. If you have just returned from the sea or love to visit the solarium, wait a little with an aspirin peel. This procedure can cause the tan to wash off.
  5. Sensitive skin. Aspirin is a rather aggressive substance and can cause rashes and irritation.

Varieties of aspirin for face peeling

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug that helps relieve pain syndrome, reduce fever and reduce inflammation. In addition, there are medical devices, which are used in cardiology to reduce the development of thrombosis and blood clots.

On the this moment there are a lot of medicines with this name in the pharmacy. The composition of these drugs is different, in addition, the concentration of salicylic acid itself in the tablets is different.

Varieties of aspirin:

  • Effervescent tablets. These are Aspirin 1000 and Aspirin Express. The concentration of salicylic acid in Aspirin Express is 500 mg. These medicines are used to bring down fever quickly and are not meant to relieve pain. They must be added to water and wait until they are completely dissolved. This type of medicine should not be used for facial peeling.
  • Aspirin C. These are also effervescent tablets, in which the concentration of salicylic acid is 400 mg. In addition, the preparation contains 240 ml of vitamin C. It is used to relieve fever and cold symptoms. Vitamin C allows you to recover faster.
  • Aspirin 500 mg oral. This medicine is not customary to dissolve in water. It must be swallowed without chewing, drinking a small amount liquids. It is this aspirin that is used in peeling.
  • Aspirin Cardio. The concentration of salicylic acid is 100 and 300 mg. Such aspirin does not reduce the temperature and does not anesthetize, but it thins the blood, which prevents a heart attack. This type of peeling tablet is not suitable.

To prepare a mixture for peeling, it is necessary to use tablets for oral administration with a concentration of 500 mg. Preparations Aspirin Cardio or Aspirin C should not be used for this, since they have a low concentration of acetylsalicylic acid and other components may be present.

Aspirin peel recipes

These miracle pills can be mixed with various ingredients. The composition of the mixture depends on its purpose and individual features skin. Often acetylsalicylic acid is combined with clay, fruits and dairy products.

Aspirin peel for oily skin

It is worth noting that acetylsalicylic acid does an excellent job with excessive amounts of sebum. Typically, such products may contain lemon juice and blue clay. These substances are suitable for very oily skin, which is prone to the formation of comedones.

Recipes home peeling with aspirin for oily skin:

  1. With honey. Crush 4 aspirin tablets and inject 20 ml of warm water. Add 30 ml of warm nectar. Use flower or linden honey. Apply the mixture with a brush in a thick layer on the face. Massage for 2-3 minutes and leave on the skin for another 10 minutes. Rinse off the residue with warm water, apply cream. Repeat no more than 1 time per week.
  2. with clay. Mix a teaspoon of clay powder with 3 crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid. Pour in warm water until a viscous slurry is obtained. Enter 2 drops of oil tea tree and almonds. Blend again and apply to skin in a dabbing motion. You want the mixture to stay moist, so soak a bandage in water and place it on your face. Leave the compress on for 10 minutes. Massage with palms for 1 minute before rinsing off. To remove the mixture from the skin, pour 10 g of baking soda into a glass of warm water and moisten with a solution cotton pad. Remove any remaining mixture. This peeling perfectly tightens pores and prevents the appearance of a huge amount of sebum.
  3. With lemon juice. This composition brightens age spots and normalizes the work. sebaceous glands. It is necessary to powder 3 aspirin tablets. Purchase uncoated medicine in regular white tablets. Add a mixture of water and lemon juice to the powder. The concentration of the solution should be 50%. That is, the solution contains the same amount of water and juice. Apply the mixture for 5 minutes and then rinse soda solution. This procedure is called neutralization and allows you to reduce irritation and peeling after peeling.

Aspirin peel for acne

Aspirin can significantly reduce skin problems. Salicylic acid disinfects, respectively, the bacteria in acne stop multiplying. Inflammation decreases, formations disappear.

Recipes for aspirin peeling from rashes:

  • with aloe. This mixture reduces inflammation. To prepare the composition, crush 3 tablets of the medicine and pour into a bowl. Pour in 15 ml of warm bee nectar. You can take any, candied, it is pre-melted in a water bath. Peel the aloe leaf from the skin and chop with a knife. Enter the resulting jelly into a mixture with aspirin, average. Spread evenly on the face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with soda solution.
  • Cinnamon. Cinnamon improves blood circulation and prevents the spread of infection on the face. Grind 4 tablets of salicylic acid and mix the resulting powder with 15 ml of flower honey. Add 5 g ground cinnamon. It is advisable to grind it yourself. Apply the composition on the face and leave for 7-10 minutes. Remove with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.
  • With kefir. This mixture perfectly removes fat and cleanses the pores. In addition, it relieves inflammation and redness. Prepare a powder from 4 aspirin tablets and inject 25 ml of warmed kefir. Take biokefir with a high percentage of fat content, this will slightly reduce the likelihood of skin peeling after the procedure. Spread the mixture on your face with dabbing movements. Massage and leave for 7 minutes. Remove with a tissue soaked in a solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).
  • With coffee. Turn 4 aspirin tablets into powder and add 30 g of kaolin to the medicine ( White clay). The dry mixture is averaged and add 10 g to it. ground coffee. Dilute the whole mass with water until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. It is necessary to get a mass similar to porridge. Apply it on a washed face and leave the application for 8-10 minutes. Remove any remaining mixture with warm water.

Whitening aspirin peel

Aspirin does a great job with bumps and freckles. This drug stimulates a uniform redistribution of melanin in the skin. After a while, pigment spots disappear.

Recipes for whitening peeling with aspirin:

  1. with garlic. Pour a spoonful of blue clay powder and 4 crushed aspirin tablets into a bowl. Average the dry mixture and add 5 ml of lemon juice. Pour 10 g of salt and chopped garlic clove. It is desirable to apply the resulting mass pointwise, that is, directly on the age spots. The exposure time of the composition ranges from 10-12 minutes. Don't massage your skin. The mass is removed with a wet cotton pad.
  2. with soda. This mixture can be called explosive, since the composition of the product contains both soda and acid, which violently react with each other. As a result, the skin is brightened. It is necessary to mix in a bowl 10 g of sodium bicarbonate and powder from 4 aspirin tablets. Enter 5 ml of lemon juice and honey until a slurry is obtained. Apply the mixture to your skin. Application time is 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and moisturize your face with cream.
  3. with herbs. Prepare a decoction of calendula flowers. To do this, pour a handful of inflorescences with 250 ml of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 20 minutes. Strain the infusion. Mix 6 aspirin powder with 5 ml lemon juice. Enter 15 ml of herbal decoction and mix. Immerse gauze in the resulting solution and place it on your face. It is desirable that the fabric fits snugly against the skin. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes and wash your face with water.

Peeling technique with aspirin

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, certain rules must be followed. Use the highest strength aspirin, i.e. 500 mg, without additives.

Rules for performing facial peeling with aspirin:

  • For oily skin, when preparing a mixture in powder from tablets, it is worth adding water. If you have dry dermis, be sure to inject vegetable and essential oils.
  • The procedure is carried out no more than once a week.
  • It is best to apply the mixture on the face in the evening and not go anywhere. After the procedure, the pores are open, so you can do harm.
  • If you have oily skin, before applying healing composition do steam bath, it will help open the pores and make the procedure more effective.

Post-peel skin care

Aspirin peeling opens and cleanses the pores, so it is necessary to properly care for the skin after the procedure. It is best to carry out the manipulation on the same day of the week, in the evening. In just a month, the face will become younger, and acne will disappear.

Skin care after peeling with aspirin:

  1. Immediately after applying and removing the product, lubricate your face with a moisturizer. Acetylsalicylic acid dries out the face.
  2. Apply sunscreen the next day before leaving the house. The fact is that the skin becomes sensitive, which can provoke the appearance of new wrinkles and premature aging.
  3. Use hypoallergenic cosmetics between treatments. Be sure to lubricate the skin with a basic moisturizer before applying makeup.
  4. Try to rub your face less and do not use any scrubbing products. The skin can be very flaky, this is absolutely normal.
How to do peeling with aspirin - look at the video:

As you can see, aspirin is unique and very useful tool which will help the skin look beautiful and healthy. This is an inexpensive alternative to salon peeling.