Acne mask with vitamin a. Face mask with ascorbic acid against inflammation. Video: Vitamin face masks at home

Vitamin E (tocopherol) has been successfully used in cosmetology for a long time, it promotes cell renewal and prevents skin dryness, which slows down the aging process, and also eliminates imperfections and smoothes fine wrinkles. The result from the use of masks with tocopherol is noticeable after several sessions.

1) Release form

Tocopherol is fat soluble vitamin, therefore, it is produced exclusively in the form of an oily solution in vials or gelatin capsules. To provide nourishment to the skin of the face, it is added to night creams or homemade masks.

2) Application of pure tocopherol on the skin of the face

An oily solution of vitamin E is applied to clean, dry skin before going to bed with a cotton pad and left overnight. In the morning wash your face with warm water. You can do this procedure no more than twice a week.

3) Mask with vitamin E and glycerin

This is one of the most popular, simple and effective masks. Glycerin is able to retain moisture and creates a protective film on the skin, and the ingredients that are mixed with it have a better effect on cells. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 25 grams of glycerin (1 bottle) with 10 grams of vitamin E. It is more convenient to buy tocopherol in a vial, otherwise you will have to pierce the capsules and squeeze out their contents. The mask is applied in the evening on a cleansed face. There may be a sticky feeling from the glycerin , but this will go away when the product dries a little . An hour later, the face is wiped with a soft cloth, but do not wash, leave overnight. Within a week, the skin will become smoother and velvety.

4) Mask with oils and herbs

In a classic mask of glycerin and vitamin E, add 100 milliliters of herbal decoction of chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort and one teaspoon of camphor or castor oil. Such a mask, in addition to moisturizing and rejuvenating effect, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial impact .

5) Mask with vitamin E and egg

Again, a little classic mixture of glycerin and tocopherol is required, to which egg yolk is added and mixed. The mask should be applied to the skin immediately after preparation. Wash it off with warm water after drying.

6) Moisturizing mask with vitamin E and honey

Vitamin E solution, honey and any vegetable oil (olive, tea tree, coconut, almond, sea buckthorn, grape seed) are mixed in equal proportions. One egg yolk is added to the mixture. The mask is applied immediately after preparation and kept on the face for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water, even if during this time it does not have time to dry.

7) Nourishing mask with vitamin E

To prepare a nourishing mask, you need to mix 5 drops of vitamin E and A and add freshly squeezed aloe juice. 10 minutes after application, the mask is washed off with water. contraindications.

First of all, the health and beauty of the skin does not depend on the quantity and quality of various creams or masks. It is important that the diet was healthy and complete, because everything in it is interconnected. So, for example, for its absorption of vitamin E, trace elements zinc and selenium are needed, and tocopherol, in turn, is necessary for the absorption of vitamin A (retinol).

What allows a woman to maintain beauty and youth for a long time? Of course, healthy and radiant skin. And support her good condition vitamin E helps. It quite rightly deserves the title of beauty vitamin. He is the undisputed leader in the fight against aging. Vitamin E is actively used in cosmetology, included in the composition of creams and lotions, since the effect of its effect on the skin is confirmed in practice and undeniable.

Why is vitamin E so useful?

  1. Actively participates in the regeneration of skin cells.
  2. Fights the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.
  3. Significantly reduces wrinkles, tightens the skin, increases elasticity, gives it elasticity.
  4. Due to the effect of vitamin E, damaged skin heals faster.
  5. Eliminates pimples, blackheads, age spots, scars, cleanses pores from blackheads.
  6. Whitens the skin, makes freckles almost invisible.
  7. Helps skin cells to retain moisture, eliminates peeling.
  8. Enhances the action of vitamins A and C.
  9. Fights cancer cells.
  10. Keeps sebum production under control.
  11. Restores normal blood circulation, gives the skin healthy color, acts on it as an antidepressant.

Where to look for vitamin E

In medicine, vitamin E is called tocopherol. You won't have to look for it for a long time. It is freely sold in a pharmacy. Tocopherol available in 3 forms:

These preparations allow the use of vitamin E in pure form, but caution should be exercised. Do not forget that these are primarily drugs and it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them. If the skin is seriously damaged or the circulatory system is broken, or there is medical indications, then pharmaceutical preparations are worth replace with products, tocopherol content. These include:

  • fresh green, red and red vegetables;
  • unrefined vegetable oils;
  • red berries;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • milk, liver, eggs;
  • herbs - nettle, raspberry, dandelion leaves, flax seeds, alfalfa, rose hips.

Essential vitamin E possible get in two ways:

  • Inside from food.
  • Outwardly, using special cosmetics and homemade masks.

How to apply face masks with tocopherol

Mask Recipes



Mix 5 drops of aloe juice and the same amount of tocopherol solution. Enter into the mixture 10 drops of vitamin A and 1 tsp. spoon nourishing cream. Apply the prepared mixture on your face. Action time - 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.


For the mask you will need 2 tables. spoons of yogurt, and 1 table. a spoonful of honey and boiled in water or milk oatmeal. Mix the ingredients. Enter a few drops of tocopherol. To enhance the effect, enter a little vitamin A. Apply the prepared mixture to your face. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. After completing the procedure, wash your face with cold water.


This mask is made up of egg white and a tablespoon of white clay. Add 3 drops of vitamins A and E to the resulting mass. Dilute the resulting mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the prepared mixture on your face. Action time - 1 minute, Use for washing warm water.

Eye care

  • 1 table. put a spoonful of cocoa butter to melt in a water bath. Mix it with 1 table. spoon sea ​​buckthorn oil and 1 table. spoon of vitamin E. This mass should be applied to the eyelid area and covered parchment paper. After 15 minutes, remove excess mask by blotting them paper napkin. The procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a week.
  • Combine with 10 ml of tocopherol solution 50 ml olive oil. Apply the mask to the eye area for 15 minutes. If the unabsorbed mixture remains on the skin, then blot it with a paper towel. This is a great daily mask.

For problematic skin

Grind 1 table in a coffee grinder. a spoonful of oatmeal. Add 1 table to them. a spoonful of olive oil natural yogurt, as well as liquid honey. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Then combine with a mixture of 10 drops of vitamin E. Apply the finished mass on the face. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes. Use warm water for washing. This mask will help prevent acne.

For dry skin

A mask of sour cream and honey will help get rid of the feeling of dryness and tightness. 2 table. spoons of sour cream, 1 table. mix a spoonful of honey until smooth 3 drops of vitamin E, 1 teaspoon each. a spoonful of olive oil and rosehip oil. Apply the prepared mixture on your face. Time of action on the skin - 20 minutes. Take warm water for washing.


  • Mash half a banana, a mandatory ripe one. Combine the resulting mass with 5 drops of vitamin E, with 2 tables. tablespoons of heavy cream and mix everything well. Apply the prepared mass on the face. Keep it on your skin for 20 minutes. Take warm water for washing. The mask is great for all skin types.
  • Combine 25 g of glycerol and 10 g of tocopherol. Apply the prepared mixture on your face. After an hour, wipe with a napkin, but do not rinse with water. The mask is left overnight. It will restore smoothness to the skin, make it velvety.

For oily skin

Rub 2 table. spoons of oatmeal with a coffee grinder. Mix with 5 drops of tocopherol in oil. Add lemon juice 15-18 drops. Apply the prepared mixture on your face. The mask is valid for 20 minutes. Use warm water for washing. At the end of the procedure, take an ice cube and wipe your face with it. Such home mask will make the skin softer.


Chop the cucumber. Add 2 drops of tocopherol in oil to the resulting slurry. Apply the prepared mixture on your face. Keep the mask on the skin for 20 minutes. Use warm water for washing.


This mask is made from egg white and a teaspoon of honey. 10 drops of vitamin E are added to them. After mixing the ingredients well, apply on the face. The mask works for 10 minutes. Use warm water for washing. The recipe for this mask can be safely used by the owner of any skin.

Stay young and beautiful without resorting to radical measures, quite easy. To do this, it is enough to use homemade face masks. Preparing them is very simple, and purchasing necessary ingredients causes no difficulty. The principle of their application is regularity. If you show a little patience, you will soon see the long-awaited result - the skin of the face will become healthy, smooth and radiant.

Vitamin A or retinol is especially useful for dry, aging and problem skin. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and anti-aging properties, this component is often used in cosmetology, including in creams, serums and masks. The latter, by the way, are easy to cook yourself using the most affordable products.


The action and benefits of vitamin A for the face

Vitamin A (also called retinol) is a group of substances with a similar structure (retinol, retinal, carotenoids, carotene, xanthophyll, retinoic acid, retinol palmitate, retinol acetate), which perform a number of important biological functions in our body. Retinol has two forms: it is ready-made vitamin A and provitamin A (carotene), which enters the body and turns into vitamin A.

In relation to the skin, vitamin A for the face performs a number of functions that provide general health and skin radiance

  • accelerates blood circulation in the skin;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes, including acne;
  • As a strong antioxidant, it has a neutralizing effect on free radicals preventing early skin aging;
  • stimulates the processes of cellular renewal, providing a general rejuvenating effect;
  • evens out the relief of the face, eliminates age spots and improves complexion;
  • increases the resistance of the skin to negative impacts environment(sun, low temperatures etc.);
  • promotes the restoration and strengthening of epithelial cells that make up the skin.
  • moisturizes, improves elasticity and strengthens the skin structure.

If a sufficient amount of this substance enters the body, the skin of the face looks healthy, toned and fresh, with its deficiency, a variety of cosmetic problems, the main of which are wrinkles, acne, dry skin . To get rid of them enough to drink vitamin complex with retinol. Such complexes should be selected by a doctor after a preliminary consultation.

Vitamin A is the main active ingredient in many anti-aging products for skin care. Usually such funds are not cheap. For home care for facial skin, vitamin A can be effectively used as part of natural masks(it is not used in its pure form), but it is recommended to do this on a regular basis for women after 35 years of age. Before age period the need for frequent use this substance is not available, 1 procedure per month is enough to improve skin tone. The effect of such a vitamin mask is complex and noticeable immediately. Despite everything, vitamin A is still pharmacy drug and must be used with great care! Masks with retinol experts recommend doing in the cold periods of the year.

If there are contraindications to the use of vitamin A, foods rich in this substance (viburnum, parsley, spinach, egg yolks, dairy products, pumpkin, carrots, fish oil, algae) can be used as ingredients for homemade masks.

You can buy vitamin A for the face (retinol acetate) at any pharmacy, and in several forms:

  • oily solution for oral administration;
  • in capsules with oil content;
  • in ampoules.

Pharmaceutical preparations of retinol are highly concentrated, so their use has contraindications.

Video: Excellent vitamin A for the face in Malysheva's program "Live healthy!"

Vitamin A for the face, contraindications for use

  1. skin damage, open wounds with purulent content.
  2. Skin diseases.
  3. Allergic reactions.

With caution (after consulting a doctor), retinol should be used by women during pregnancy and lactation, since its excess can provoke disturbances in the development of the fetus. An overdose of vitamin A manifests itself in the form of nausea, loss of appetite, headache, enlarged liver.

  1. Before using retinol, you should test for the presence of allergic reactions, for which the substance in its pure form is applied to the skin of the wrist. If there is no itching or redness of the skin, then vitamin procedures can be carried out without fear.
  2. If the mask recipe contains honey, oils and others active ingredients that require heating to enhance their properties, then when vitamin A is turned on, this is not necessary, in order to avoid reducing its properties.
  3. Before applying a mask with vitamin A on the face, it is necessary to steam ( steam bath) and cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  4. The compositions are applied to the entire face, except for the area around the eyes, following along the massage lines.
  5. Keep the mask for 15-30 minutes, then rinse with herbal decoction or water room temperature and lubricate the face with a regular cream.
  6. Do the procedure one hour before bedtime. The wellness course includes 10-12 procedures performed 1-2 times a week. After that, you need to take a break for three months.
  7. Retinol combines very well with vitamins D, E and B.
  8. Retinol is not recommended for long-term use, an overdose of the substance can cause dryness, thinning of the skin and flaking.

Home recipes for all skin types with vitamin A

Anti-inflammatory mask with aloe juice.

Nutritious night cream for your skin type - 1 tsp.
Vitamin A oil solution - 10 drops.
Aloe juice - 5 drops.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a glass bowl and apply on a pre-steamed and cleansed face in an even thick layer. After 20 minutes, remove the rest of the mask cotton pad.

Vitamin oil mask.

Olive oil (unrefined) - 1 tbsp. l.
Retinol acetate in ampoules - 1 pc.

Enrich the oil with vitamin, mix thoroughly and spread on clean face. Rinse off the mask is not required, after half an hour, remove the remnants of the product with a cosmetic tissue.

Curd-olive mask.

Cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content - 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Retinol - 10 drops.

Combine the components into a homogeneous mass and apply to a clean face. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with water at room temperature and apply a regular night cream.

Mask with aloe and oatmeal.

Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.
crushed cereals- ½ tsp
Vitamin A in oil - 5 drops.

mix oat flour with aloe juice and leave for 2 minutes. Add retinol acetate to the finished mass and apply on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash with warm water, lubricate the skin with a cream corresponding to the type of skin.

Nourishing milk mask.

Fatty sour cream - 1 tsp.
High-fat cottage cheese - 1 tsp.
Retinol in ampoules - 1 pc.

Thoroughly grind the milk components together until smooth, then add vitamin A. Distribute the composition on the face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water, then apply nutrient appropriate for your skin type.

Rejuvenating honey-oil mask.

Sweet almond oil - 1 tsp
Burdock oil - 1 tsp
Liquid honey - 1 tsp.
A solution of vitamin A in oil - ½ tsp.

Add retinol to the oil mixture and massage into the skin. Leave for half an hour, remove the remnants of the product from the skin, blotting with a paper towel.

Vitamin tonic for acne.

Chamomile flowers - 1 tbsp. l.
Steep boiling water - 200 ml.
Vitamin A in ampoules - 1 pc.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile, pour boiling water over the raw material and infuse it until it cools. In the finished filtered infusion, include the vitamin and pour into an empty and clean bottle of tonic or lotion. Wipe the skin with the product twice a day after washing.

To maintain the health of the skin and the body as a whole, vitamin A must be enough enter the body with food. pure vitamin A is found in animal products (meat, cod liver and eggs), in the form of provitamin A or carotene it is found in products plant origin(in sea buckthorn, carrots, apricots, tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits of red, orange and yellow color). Include foods rich in this substance in your diet every day, but do not forget about a sense of proportion, because an excess of a vitamin is just as harmful as its deficiency.

Bad ecology, malnutrition and poor-quality care have a bad effect on the body as a whole and on the condition of the skin separately. If you notice the first deterioration, you need to act immediately. can form the basis of proper care. Preparing and using them is quite easy. All you need to do is just choose the ones that suit you best. Or you can use several options, and after that decide on the choice, judging by the first results.

How to prepare such mixtures? Usually, they include vegetables and fruits. Puree from them or the juice itself is stirred with flour, oatmeal or almond bran. After application, the entire mass is left on the face for 20 minutes, and then removed wet wipe or wash off with water. It is also recommended to apply a nourishing cream immediately after use.

  • Chocolate. As you know, cocoa beans are a storehouse of minerals that contribute to rapid rejuvenation skin. If used in the preparation of home mixtures, they will help to increase the elasticity of the skin, soften it, improve and even out the color, smooth out wrinkles. To prepare such vitamin face mask, take 1 teaspoon cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon fat sour cream, ? teaspoon of jojoba oil, ? a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, and 2 drops of vitamin E. Mix cocoa with sour cream, add butter and vitamin E. After thoroughly mixing, apply the mixture on dry skin for 20 minutes, cover cling film and a warm towel. Rinse everything off with warm water.
  • Bananas. Mash one peeled banana with milk. If you have fat type, we recommend adding 5-6 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mass for 15 minutes, and then wipe your face with a swab dipped in raw milk.
  • Honey. Use 4 tablespoons of honey, 2 egg yolks and 100 g vegetable oil. First, grind the honey and yolks, and then add the oil. We recommend applying the mixture in several coats every 5 minutes until it is finished. To remove the mass, use a cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction.
  • Tomatoes. This mixture is great option for those who want to cleanse the skin and narrow the pores. If you have a fatty type, add a little kefir or low-fat cottage cheese to the tomato pulp. Do not apply the resulting mixture around the eyes. For best effect add ground oatmeal, wheat flour and honey.

  • Raspberry. This composition helps to get rid of age spots. Apply raspberry pulp 2-3 times a week. And in order to even out the color, mix raspberries, olive oil, sour cream and egg yolk. For more consistency, add a teaspoon of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder.
  • Salad. Grind lettuce leaves (2-3 tablespoons) and add 1 tablespoon of full-fat sour cream and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse everything, and then wipe with a cotton pad dipped in strong tea.
  • Potato. Boil in the skin, peel it and mash it. Add a little milk and one yolk to the resulting gruel. Mix all ingredients and apply for 20 minutes. To prevent the mixture from drying out, cover your face with gauze. Rinse off with warm water first, then cool water.
  • Apple. This mask is suitable for those who have an oily type. Peel one apple and grate it on a fine grater. Add lemon juice, honey and olive oil. Mix all ingredients and apply for 15 minutes. It is recommended to wash everything off with water at room temperature.

As you can see, they can be different. Make your choice and get started proper care right today.

Video, vitamin face masks.

Self-prepared masks, scrubs and creams can eliminate many shortcomings, but do not always bring the expected result. To attain desired effect, you should pay attention to vitamins for the skin produced in vials, ampoules and capsules, designed specifically for cosmetic procedures.

Similar vitamin preparations ideal for external use - penetrating deep into the skin, they nourish it, actively participate in the normalization of the processes occurring in the tissues.

Any vitamin fulfills its specific mission: retinol accelerates the process of cell renewal, but the B group of vitamins keep your skin in good shape and prevent its rapid fading, ascorbic acid is responsible for fresh and even tone skin, and vitamin E will tighten everything that has already begun to sag after 45 years and return it to the category of “those who are a little over 30”.

Cosmetic vitamin masks help solve the whole spectrum skin problems:

  • remove inflammation;

  • reduce the number of wrinkles, make deep ones less noticeable;

  • improve turgor, restore youthfulness to the skin;

  • struggle with unpleasant features of the skin (eliminate excessive dryness and peeling, or, on the contrary, remove oily sheen).

The principle of action of vitamin masks

Vitamins for masks are selected depending on what kind of problem needs to be solved:
  1. Dark spots.
    To overcome these shortcomings, vitamin C- it has an antioxidant effect, improves the general condition of the skin, rejuvenates and enhances its protective functions. We recommend using stable vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), as it has a stable activity and retains its properties on the skin for longer long time than regular vitamin C. Suppresses melanin synthesis. L-ascorbic acid also reduces the activity of tyrosinase, which produces melanin. Lightens melanin that has already accumulated subcutaneously, and, accordingly, lightens pigmentation (freckles, spots), makes them less noticeable. Prevents further pigmentation. Studies have proven the effectiveness of stable vitamin C in reducing the redness (erythermia) caused by UV radiation.

    Vitamin K Phylloquinone can be advised to those who are mercilessly fighting freckles and age spots other types. Its whitening properties are excellent. In addition to this function, vitamin K eliminates swelling and inflammation.

    Vitamin A effectively solves the problem of excessive pigmentation on the face. It makes metabolic processes in cells proceed more intensively, stimulating the activity of the cells themselves.

  2. For oily skin
    Vitamin A. Controls how much subcutaneous fat is produced sebaceous glands so that the face does not shine with a greasy sheen.

    Vitamin PP (B3). Oily sheen can be eliminated by using vitamin PP - it dries up sebaceous secretions, has a stimulating effect on circulatory system improving tissue nutrition.

    B5 / pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid has drying properties, so it perfectly cares for oily, problematic skin.

  3. inflammatory processes.
    Vitamin A- has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. It is successfully used for the treatment of inflammations on the skin of the face of various kinds (pimples, acne, ordinary irritation).

    B1 / thiamine - treatment of skin diseases Thiamine is also actively used by dermatologists and cosmetologists. The first prescribe it as the main treatment for neurogenic dermatosis, itching of the skin, pyoderma, psoriasis, eczema - skin diseases associated with disruptions in work nervous system. Since it's enough serious pathologies, if they poured out on the face, without treatment with thiamine, the beauty and health of the skin cannot be returned.

    Vitamin C- known for its wound healing properties, so it can be used to treat acne, inflammation, ulcers, wounds and microcracks on the face. This vitamin is one of the best in treating acne. It is recommended to use stabilized vitamin C, as it has a stable activity and retains its properties on the skin for a longer time than regular vitamin C.

    B6 / pyridoxine. Pyridoxine is without exaggeration the favorite vitamin of all dermatologists: in almost all skin diseases appoint him. If you are not faced with cosmetic defect, a serious illness, reflected on your beautiful face, pyridoxine is exactly the vitamin that your skin needs for a speedy recovery.

  4. Improvement general condition skin.
    Vitamin E- to eliminate the signs of aging (wrinkles, swollen face oval), as well as dryness and irritation.

    Vitamin K- to combat dark circles around the eyes and prevent rosacea and rosacea.

    B2 / riboflavin.- cellular respiration. This vitamin is considered one of the most necessary for the beauty and health of facial skin. It is he who provides free and full respiration to the cells, transporting more and more doses of oxygen to them. This leads to an acceleration of metabolism with all the ensuing consequences: the complexion becomes beautiful, healthy and natural, no rashes torment the skin, it shines, conquering everyone with its brilliant appearance

    Vitamin P / niacin. Niacin is involved in many metabolic processes that occur in cells. First of all, he is responsible for the healthy, natural color face, and in addition to this effectively protects the skin from harmful effects from the outside, improves complexion.

  5. Puffiness, circles under the eyes
    B12 / cyanocobalamin- improves color, smoothes the relief, eliminates age-related puffiness

    Vitamin E- rejuvenates, improves skin elasticity, reduces swelling, bags under the eyes, puffiness

    K / phylloquinone helps to get rid of circles under the eyes and prevents swelling.

  6. Stretch marks, deterioration of skin turgor.
    Vitamin A The action of vitamin A helps to cope with shortcomings of this kind - it stimulates the production of collagen, tightens the skin, moisturizes, slows down the aging process. As a result, the face looks younger, the skin becomes elastic, acne is eliminated.

  7. For dry skin
    Vitamin A- helps thinned, flaky and dry skin to find protection in his face and get necessary hydration. Provides immediate soothing effect have a hard day when tired skin needs toning and extra nourishment.

    Vitamin D3- Ideal for chapped, dry skin. Action: nourishes, strengthens the epidermal barrier, prevention and treatment of skin problems (psoriasis, eczema), retains moisture, protects against external factors, an immunostimulating agent.

    Vitamin F- also suitable for dry skin, protects it from bad weather, has a regenerating and restoring effect, maintains the integrity of the skin barrier, significantly reduces moisture loss

    Vitamin E- increases toxin resistance of cells and immune protective properties, improves oxygen transport to tissues, nourishes the skin and mucous membranes, prevents skin dryness, rejuvenates, increases skin elasticity

  8. wrinkles, age-related changes skin
    Vitamin A. It makes metabolic processes in cells proceed more intensively, stimulating the activity of the cells themselves. This leads to the necessary tissue regeneration after damage due to increased collagen production - this is how the facial skin rejuvenation desired by all occurs.

    Vitamin PP (B3). Vitamin PP perfectly removes toxins and prevents moisture loss. It improves regenerative processes, therefore skin recover quickly and look much better.

    B5 / pantothenic acid B5- capable of short time smooth out quickly and discreetly small wrinkles give skin elasticity and firmness

    Vitamin E. Tocopherol is not in vain known as a vitamin eternal youth and unfading beauty. Not such age-related processes that occur with the skin, in which this unique substance would not interfere. Tocopherol levels the skin relief, regenerates and renews cells, smoothes wrinkles, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and prevents early skin aging. Rejuvenates, improves skin elasticity, reduces swelling, bags under the eyes, puffiness. Widely used in cosmetology for prevention early aging cells and the appearance of their premature signs, as well as for the prevention and control of mimic, as well as deep wrinkles

    Vitamin C / ascorbic acid- stimulates the synthesis of collagen, making the skin more elastic and firm. She is also responsible for strengthening the blood vessels that deliver required amount useful oxygen to cells. Attention for cosmetic masks you need to use stable vitamin C.

    B12 / cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B12 starts regeneration processes inside the cells, as a result of which they are reborn. Renewal of the cellular composition of the skin cannot but affect its appearance: it blooms, as if in youth, - the color improves, the relief is smoothed, age-related puffiness is eliminated.

    H / biotin - rejuvenation (vitamin B7). Biotin is an invariable participant in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, activates regeneration processes at the cellular level, contributing to the renewal and rejuvenation of facial skin.

    Vitamin D3- antioxidant, slows down the aging process, smoothes wrinkles, anti-inflammatory effect, nourishes, strengthens the epidermal barrier, retains moisture, protects against external factors, immunostimulating agent.

    Vitamin F- has a regenerating and restoring property (participates in the construction of cell membranes), preserves the integrity of the skin barrier of the skin, significantly reduces transepidermal moisture loss, protects the skin from aging, external adverse factors, has a pronounced anti-aging effect (smoothes wrinkles), refreshes and improves complexion, cleanses the skin

All vitamins do one thing or another. positive impact on the skin, but you should not use them all together at once - a well-chosen vitamin mask, aimed at combating the main shortcomings, will bring greater efficiency and benefit.

Rules for the use of vitamins for facial skin care

Vitamins have a fairly strong effect, so if you use them without following the recommendations, they can only exacerbate problems.

To achieve desired result, it is necessary to study the basic rules for the use of drugs before the first use.

1. Attention! When preparing masks, adhere to the percentage of vitamin input in cosmetics. We recommend purchasing vitamins in cosmetics component stores, the input percentages will also be written there. It may differ from different manufacturers depending on the concentration of the vitamin.

2. Application vitamin cocktails does not always provide desired effect. More often in cosmetology, formulations containing only one group of vitamins are used.

Some exceptions are allowed:
- a mixture of vitamins E and A brings good result: the skin is cleared of acne, dryness disappears, cells are renewed, so that the skin looks fresh and young). Vitamin E improves the absorption of vitamin A.
- the antioxidant effect of vitamin C is enhanced by vitamin E

3. Started ampoules should not be stored for a long time - vitamins react with oxygen and lose their properties, the effect of their use is reduced. It is better to buy vitamin solutions in dark glass with a dispenser in online stores. It solves storage and usage problems

4. Before the first use, you should definitely make sure that there is no allergic reaction for the drug. To do this, a small amount of it is applied to the wrist or skin on the bend of the elbow and after a while it is checked to see if irritation or other negative symptoms have appeared.

5. The process of preparation for applying a vitamin mask consists of a thorough cleaning of the skin from the remnants of cosmetics and care products. It is also advisable to remove keratinized particles of the epidermis with the help, especially if the skin is problematic.

The duration of the mask is 20-30 minutes. But if you feel the sting discomfort wash off the mask immediately. Such a reaction can be if you have included warming components, salt or burning essential oil. Vitamin masks recommended to do the course. So, to eliminate acne or rejuvenate, it is necessary to apply them at least twice a week, the duration of the entire course in this case is 10-15 procedures.

Before you start using masks, you should identify the exact cause of the skin condition. Possibly inflammation. unhealthy color faces and other problems caused internal processes in the body. Then the use of external agents will help only slightly or not at all.

Recipes for face masks with vitamins

There are many recipes for vitamin masks. When choosing or compiling your own recipe, be guided by existing skin problems and the result you expect from using the mask.

Universal mask. Oatmeal + vitamin

Vitamin can be used any of the above, suitable for solving your skin problem. Oatmeal in the mask is the base. Why Oatmeal? Oatmeal is ideal for all skin types.

simple mask from oatmeal helps to achieve the following results.

  • For facial skin problems like acne, oatmeal is simply invaluable.
  • Too dry skin will receive the necessary moisture.
  • On the oily skin faces oatmeal mask eliminates greasy shine.
  • The processes of wilting will slow down, the elasticity of the skin will increase.
  • Normal skin will receive the necessary trace elements and vitamins.
Oatmeal pour boiling water or milk. In the oatmeal that has cooled to a pleasant temperature (36-38 degrees), add the vitamin. And strictly observe the dosage. If the recommended input percentage is 1.5%, then, respectively, for 1 tablespoon base mix(about 20 grams), you need 0.3 grams of vitamin. In 1 gr oil vitamin about 17 drops.
Accordingly, if the percentage of vitamin input into masks is 1.5%, then for 1 tablespoon of oatmeal we introduce 5 drops of vitamin

Popular masks on the Internet:
  1. Moisturizing mask. Glycerin + Vitamin E
    This mask copes with dry skin, moisturizes it well, increases turgor, reduces signs of aging. To two tablespoons of filtered water, add a tablespoon of pharmacy glycerin, 5 drops liquid vitamin E. It is good to use shungite or silver water

  2. With inflamed skin, acne. Vitamins E, A + sour cream + clay
    This mask copes with the shortcomings of problem skin: reduces inflammation, moisturizes. Mix 1 tablespoon of white clay and 1 tablespoon of sour cream 20-30% fat. Add 5 drops of vitamins A and E to the mixture, mix.

  3. Curd mask for dry skin. Vitamin E + butter + cottage cheese
    Homemade cottage cheese of high fat content (2 tablespoons) is kneaded, 2 teaspoons of olive oil are added, combined with five drops of liquid vitamin E. The result of the application is mature skin looks younger, wrinkles are less noticeable, the complexion is even and healthy.

  4. From wrinkles. Cream + Aloe Juice + Vitamin E
    A teaspoon of high-quality nourishing face cream is combined with 5 drops of vitamin E and one teaspoon of properly prepared aloe juice. The mask is aimed at eliminating dryness, reducing the number of wrinkles, and increasing elastin production.

  5. Anti-aging. Banana + Vitamin C + Oatmeal
    Such a mask will help restore youthfulness to the skin, cleanse the face of inflammation. Banana is kneaded into gruel, 2 tablespoons of this mass are taken, combined with a teaspoon of oatmeal boiled in milk. Add 5 drops of stable vitamin C to the mixed mass.
Vitamin masks are really useful and help to achieve noticeable result funds. Already after the first application, you can see positive changes in the condition of the skin, but do not stop there - after the course, the face will look younger, healthy skin color will return, and all minor defects - wrinkles, acne or redness - will disappear.