Presentation of types of theaters in the dow and use. Presentation on the topic: Theatrical activities in kindergarten. Forms of organization of theatrical activities

The value of theatrical activity Theatrical activity allows you to decide
many pedagogical tasks related to
expressiveness of the child's speech,
intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education.
Theatrical activity - inexhaustible
source of development of feelings, experiences and
emotional discoveries, a way of joining
spiritual wealth.
As a result of theatrical activity
the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing
their attitude towards good and evil; knows joy,
related to overcoming the difficulties of communication,

Feelings and
Theater assistant in
speech development,
We become
We are getting smarter
quick wits,
We become

Tasks for the development of speech: 1. Replenishment and activation of the dictionary (due to words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs); 2. Z

Tasks for the development of speech:
1. Replenishment and activation of the dictionary (for
counting words denoting the names of objects,
actions, signs);
2. Consolidation of the skill of using a direct
and indirect speech;
3. Improvement of monologue and
dialogical forms of speech;
4. Education of a culture of speech communication,
ability to act in concert

Active in theatrical activities
dialogue develops as a form
socialized (communicative) speech.
The stage dialogues are perfect
"correct", that is, verified
chronological, logical, emotional.
Learned during preparation for the performance
literary images of speech children use
subsequently as finished speech material in
free speech communication.

Theatrical game Tasks: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner for

Theatrical play
Objectives: To teach children to navigate in
space, evenly spaced
platform, build a dialogue with a partner on
given topic. develop ability
voluntarily tense and relax
separate muscle groups, memorize words
heroes of performances, develop visual
auditory attention, memory,
observation, creative thinking,
fantasy, imagination, curiosity
stage art.
Objectives: Develop skill
voluntarily respond to
team or musical
signal, readiness
act in concert
develop coordination
movement, learn to remember
given poses and figuratively
transfer them.
Main areas of work with children
Work on the play
Culture and technique of speech
Tasks: To develop speech breathing and
correct articulation, clear
diction, varied intonation
the logic of speech; learn how to write small
stories and fairy tales, pick up the simplest
rhymes; speak tongue twisters and
poems, complete vocabulary.
Tasks: Learn to compose etudes according to
fairy tales; develop action skills
with imaginary objects;
develop the ability to use
intonations expressing
various emotional
states (sad, happy,
angry, surprised, delighted,
plaintively, etc.).

Forms of organization of theatrical activities

Forms of organization
When choosing material for dramatization, you need to
build on age capabilities, knowledge and
children's skills, enrich them life experience,
stimulate interest in new knowledge, expand
creative potential:
1Directly organized educational
-theater class;
- theatrical game in other classes
2. Educational activities in progress
regime moments:
- theatrical game;
- dramatization game;
3 Independent theatrical and artistic
activities, theatrical play in everyday

The object-spatial environment provides a joint theatrical activity of children, is the basis of independent creativity.

Object-spatial environment
provides joint
theatrical activities of children,
is the basis of independent
creativity of each child, a kind
form of self-education.
The variety of theaters contributes
increasing children's interest in
theatrical activities.

In pedagogy and psychology, the problem of
relationship between personality and creativity.
Preschool pedagogy today is looking for ways to develop children in
purely children's activities as opposed to learning
school type.
It is the game that should be predominantly used
L.S. Vygotsky defined play as the leading activity
at preschool age. L.I. Bozovic considers it necessary
so that the leading activity is the main
the lives of the children themselves.
Thus, the game is a kind of center around
which focuses the main interests and
experiences of children.
Theatrical activity is a kind

Theatrical activities in kindergarten
organizational can permeate all regime
moments: to be included in all classes, in a joint
activities for children and adults in their free time,
carried out in the independent activities of children.
Theatrical activities can be organically
included in the work of various studios and circles;
theatrical products
(dramatizations, dramatizations, performances, concerts and
etc.) can be included in the content of holidays,
entertainment and sweet Fridays.

Of all kinds puppet theater in kindergarten
the most popular are:
- picture theater (on flannelgraph, cardboard,
- theater of toys and parsley (glove)
According to the method of control, theatrical puppets are divided into two
the main types are riding and floor.
Mounted are those that the puppeteer controls
because of the curtain.
In turn, they are glove and cane.
Floor puppets "work" on the floor, puppeteer
manages them in front of the audience.
Outdoor puppets include puppets and large (growth)

Theatrical activity presented in
puppet theater and theatrical
which are divided into two groups:
directorial and dramatization games.

Director's games in DOW include:
1. table theatrical games:
- table toy theater (theater
walking, conical (or cylinder, box)
- table-top theater of pictures (theatre of toys and toys, can theater (on mugs,
transparent glasses), plane theater)
2. poster theatrical games:
- stand-book,
- shadow theater
- Theater on flannelgraph.

Theater on hand.

Finger theater - contributes to better control of the movements of their own fingers.

Puppet theater on the table - contributes to the possession of the technique of controlling table theater puppets (dolls from paper cones, cylinders, boxes

Puppet theater on the table - promotes possession
table theater puppet control technique
(dolls from paper cones, cylinders, boxes.

Toy theater


can theater


Plane theater "Hare-boast".


Shadow play

Puppet show

Theater on a flannelgraph: can be used as independent entertainment as part of an educational activity

dramatization games

The types of dramatization are:
games imitating images of animals, people,
literary characters;
role-playing dialogues based on the text;
dramatization of works (rhymes, small
fairy tales, songs, short literary texts;
performances by one or more
works (dramatic performance,
musical drama performance, children's opera,
choreographic performance, performance
rhythmoplasty, pantomime, musical).

Dramatization games in preschool educational institutions include:
Finger Dramatization Games - Attributes
the child puts on his fingers, but, as in dramatization,
acts for the character.
(For example, the fairy tales "Turnip", Goat and seven kids,
"Swan geese".
The display of such fairy tales can be shown by two, three children,
which are located behind the screen).
Dramatization games with bibabo dolls - in these games
a doll is put on the fingers of the hand. The movements of her head
arms, torso are carried out with the help of movements
fingers, hands.

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MBDOU d / s No. 4 "Penguin". "Development of the child in theatrical activities" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 4 "Penguin" "Child development in theatrical activities"

One of critical factors development of children in theatrical activities is the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of their creativity. For the development of creativity, a comfortable environment is necessary. psychological environment and warm friendly atmosphere in the children's team, family. Theatrical activity allows solving many pedagogical problems, especially speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic development, the tasks of children's socialization; performs a psychotherapeutic function.

Relevance: The problem of education and upbringing of preschoolers by means of theatrical art is relevant not only as an independent section of the artistic and aesthetic education of children, but also as a powerful means of socializing children. In our time - a time of stress - everything is overgrown with a lot of problems. That is why it is necessary through the theater to help the child perceive the world and reality, and, of course, to instill a love for the theater, for the Russian word ... It is important to constantly stimulate the child to show sympathy for the people around him, to be patient even with strange ideas unusual in real life. All-round development children through theatrical games will be effective only if it is purposeful process, during which pedagogical tasks are aimed at achieving the ultimate goal.

The purpose of the work of teachers of MBDOU d / s No. 4 "Penguin" through theatrical activities: - the formation of the experience of social skills of children's behavior preschool age- education socially active preschooler- art education and upbringing of children; - formation of aesthetic taste; - development of communicative qualities of a person; - education of will, imagination, fantasy, development of speech; The purpose of the work of preschool teachers through theatrical activities: - the formation of the experience of social behavior skills of preschool children - the upbringing of a socially active preschooler - art education and upbringing of children; - formation of aesthetic taste; - development of communicative qualities of a person; - education of will, imagination, fantasy, development of speech;

Teachers should start working on this topic with processing methodological literature, search interesting shapes joint activities with children and parents, drawing up a work plan on the topic of self-education. Together with music director pick up artistic and literary works for staging musical and literary compositions, dramatizations. The next stage of work is the organization of a developing object-spatial environment.

Types of theaters presented in groups: stand-book, bi-ba-bo (a set of puppets for playing), flannelograph, shadow theater, table theater, cone theater, finger theater, mitten theatre, "Theater in faces" - masks of heroes, caps, medallions, shadow theater, screen, attributes for disguise... Types of theaters: Desktop toy theater. Desktop picture theatre. Poster theatrical games. Book stand. Flannelgraph. Shadow theater. Dramatization games. Dramatization games with fingers. Dramatization games with bibabo dolls.

In each group, a “Corner of the Theater” should be created, where educators place various types of theaters, costumes, hats, masks, books and magazines with illustrations about the theater, theater programs, board games according to fairy tales didactic games on the topic "Emotions", "We are going to the theater", etc.

In working with children, such activities are used as: Acquaintance with various types of theaters, enriching ideas about the theater and theatrical professions through showing, looking at illustrations, talking about the rules of behavior in the theater and visiting a children's puppet theater. Learning verses with different intonations (“Cockerel-golden comb”, “Tili-tili-tili-bom”). dramatizations folk songs"Gloves" in the translation of S. Marshak, poems by E. Uspensky, A. Barto, P. Berestov ... Game independent activity with various types of theaters (table, finger, puppet, mittens). Games aimed at rallying children's team“Let's get to know each other!”, “Hear me”, “Birds on a perch”, “ Sound wave”, “Two mirrors”. ·

Theatrical games "Guests came to us", "Chefs", "Guess what I'm doing?". Games and exercises for actions with imaginary objects “What we do, we won’t say, but we’ll show”, “Birthday”. Etudes for the main emotions - joy, chagrin, surprise. Musical rhythmoplasty (free improvisation rhythmic movements) Games and exercises for the development of imagination, fantasies “It happens, it doesn’t happen”, “Transformation of an object”. joint visual activity for the production of scenery, masks. Excursions. Mini-exhibitions of children's works on literary works, Holidays, leisure, entertainment evenings, playing situations.

Working with parents: 1. Consultations. 2. Making attributes by the hands of parents. 3. Selection of literature and photographs of theaters and theatrical productions. 4. Equipping the "Corner of the Theater" with new attributes. 5. Speeches at parent meetings.

Thank you for your attention

    slide 1

    This is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, to nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice the world around them interesting ideas, embody them, create their own artistic image of the character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, the ability to see unusual moments in the ordinary. Theatrical activity helps the child overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

    slide 2

    The value of theatrical activity

    in children's educational institutions can and should be given to all types of children's theater, because they help: to form correct model behavior in modern world; to improve the general culture of the child, to attach to spiritual values; introduce him to children's literature, music, fine arts, rules of etiquette, rituals, traditions, instill a steady interest; gives elementary representations about types of theatre. to improve the skill to embody certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, encourage thinking. contribute to the development of play behavior, aesthetic sense, the ability to be creative in any business, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of stage creativity, musical and artistic abilities of children; develops public speaking and creative community skills.

    slide 3

    Versatile development of preschool children in theatrical activities

    slide 4

    Main areas of work with children

    Theatrical game Tasks: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. To develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups, memorize the words of the heroes of the performances, develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts. Rhythmoplasty Tasks: To develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal, the willingness to act in concert, develop coordination of movement, learn to memorize the given poses and figuratively convey them. Culture and technique of speech Tasks: To develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic of speech; learn to compose short stories and fairy tales, pick up the simplest rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, replenish vocabulary. Fundamentals of theatrical culture Tasks: To introduce children to theatrical terminology, to the main types of theatrical art, to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the performance Tasks: To teach how to compose sketches based on fairy tales; develop skills of action with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations expressing a variety of emotional states(sad, happy, angry, surprised, delighted, plaintive, etc.).

    slide 5

    Forms of organization of theatrical activities

    When choosing material for staging, you need to build on the age capabilities, knowledge and skills of children, enrich their life experience, stimulate interest in new knowledge, expand their creative potential: Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, a theatrical lesson, a theatrical game at holidays and entertainment. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical games in Everyday life. Mini-games in other classes, theatrical performance games, children visiting theaters with their parents, mini-sketches with puppets during the study regional component with children, involving the main puppet - Petrushka in solving cognitive problems.

    slide 6

    Forms of work

    Theatrical games speech games Rhythmoplasty Dramatization of songs, chants, round dances Use various kinds Theater Dramatization of fairy tales Visiting theaters Interaction with parents

    Slide 7

    Types of theater in kindergarten

    bibabo table theater flannel theater theater book-theatre five-finger theater mask theater hand shadow theater finger shadow theater live shadow theater magnetic theater puppet theater

    Slide 8

    Organization of a theatrical activity corner

    Corners for theatrical performances and performances are organized in groups of the kindergarten. They allocate space for director's games with a finger, table theater. In the corner there are: various types of theaters: bibabo, table, flannel-graph theater, etc.; props for acting out scenes and performances: a set of puppets, puppet theater screens, costumes, costume elements, masks; attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, scenery, scripts, books, samples of musical works, posters, cash desk, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

    Slide 9

    Model: development of creative activity of preschoolers (program N.F. Sorokina and L.G. Milanovich "Theater - creativity - children")

    improvisation Scheme: The role of costumes, scenery, object environment Search for expressive means Game movements Work on the motor skills of the hand and its movement on the screen Intonation, character, puppets Acquaintance with the basics of dramatization Acquaintance with the basics of puppet theater and puppetry CHILD Acquaintance with the basics of acting Independent theatrical activity Holidays , entertainment Game movements Expressive reading Facial expressions Expressiveness of movements Staging performances Dramatization games Telling fairy tales

    Slide 10

    Development of artistic abilities of children through theatrical activities

    Diagnostics of the development of children's artistic abilities. 1. Consistent acquaintance of children with various types of theater. 2. Staged development by children of various types of creativity. 3. Improving the artistic skills of children through the experience and embodiment of the image in fairy tales. 1. Staged songs. 2. Theatrical sketches. 3.Entertainment. 4. Folklore holidays. 5. Fairy tales, musicals, vaudeville, theatrical performances. 1. Creation of a theater group. 2. Production of decorations, screens. 3. Purchase of puppets for the theater. 4. Organization of the orchestra. 1. Individual conversations with parents. 2. Consultations for educators. 3. Cooperation with the city puppet theater, with the Youth Theater, with the school. 1. Work with the program of N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich "Theater - creativity - children." 2. Search for highly artistic musical works for arranging theatrical performances. 3. The study of Russian folk games.

    slide 11


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What is theatrical activity? Types of theatres.

The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. FROM mental development closely related to the improvement of speech. In the process of working on the expressiveness of the characters’ replicas, their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, sound culture speech, its intonation structure.

We can say that theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep feelings and discoveries of the child, introduces him to spiritual values. But it is equally important that theatrical classes develop emotional sphere child, make him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events played out.

Thus, theatrical activity - essential tool development in children - empathy, i.e., the ability to recognize the emotional state of a person by facial expressions, gestures, intonation, the ability to put oneself in his place in various situations.

“In order to have fun with someone else’s fun and sympathize with someone else’s grief, you need to be able, with the help of your imagination, to transfer yourself to the position of another person, to mentally take his place.”

Of course, in theatrical activities huge role the teacher is playing. It should be emphasized that theatrical classes should simultaneously perform cognitive, educational and developmental functions and in no case be reduced to the preparation of performances.

The content of the theatrical classes includes:

View puppet shows and conversations on them;

Playing a variety of fairy tales and dramatizations;

Exercises for the formation of expressiveness of performance (verbal and non-verbal);

Exercises for the socio-emotional development of preschool children;

Therefore, the content of such classes is not only acquaintance with the text of any literary work or fairy tales, but also familiarity with gestures, facial expressions, movement, costumes.

Building an environment for theatrical activities.

The environment is one of the main means of development of the child's personality, the source of his individual knowledge and social experience. The object-spatial environment should not only ensure the joint theatrical activities of children, but also be the basis for the independent creativity of each child, a peculiar form of his self-education. Therefore, when designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activities for children, it should be taken into account.

Individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;

Features of his emotional and personal development;

Interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;

Curiosity, research interest and creativity;

Age and sex-role features;

The need for theatrical activity in the life and development of the child is visible even in home environment when a child, while playing, tries to imitate your parents or your favorite character from cartoons or fairy tales. To recreate this character, he tries to change himself externally: for example, by putting on a suit.

In kindergarten, to recreate any character from fairy tales, children can use not only costumes, but also toys or special devices used in theatrical activities.

In August, we reported on a project on theatrical activities. And we outlined the goal of the project - to create a theatrical corner for our group using various types of theaters, costumes and paraphernalia.

To begin with, we want to invite you to view a presentation on the types of theaters used in preschool educational institutions. And in conclusion on this part of our parent meeting, we suggest that you try to create one or another type of theater yourself at home.

1. Viewing a presentation

2. Distribution of types of theaters.

The final event of the theatrical activity project, we want to offer you a staging of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" by Ch. Pierrot, where not only children, but also parents will participate, playing various roles. We plan to coincide with this event in conjunction with the international women's day March 8.

Thank you for your attention.

A presentation on the theme of theatrical activity in kindergarten can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Presentation subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you to interest your classmates or audience. To view the contents of the presentation, use the player, or if you want to download the presentation, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slides.

Presentation slides

This is a good opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, to nurture the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around them, embody them, create their own artistic image of a character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, and the ability to see unusual moments in everyday life. Theatrical activity helps the child overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

Theatrical activities in kindergarten

The value of theatrical activity

in children's educational institutions it is possible and necessary to give all types of children's theater, because they help: to form the correct model of behavior in the modern world; to improve the general culture of the child, to attach to spiritual values; introduce him to children's literature, music, fine arts, etiquette rules, rituals, traditions, instill a steady interest; gives elementary ideas about the types of theater. to improve the skill to embody certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, encourage thinking. contribute to the development of play behavior, aesthetic sense, the ability to be creative in any business, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of stage creativity, musical and artistic abilities of children; develops public speaking and creative community skills.

Versatile development of preschool children in theatrical activities

Main areas of work with children

Theatrical game Tasks: To teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. To develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups, memorize the words of the heroes of the performances, develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, imaginative thinking, fantasy, imagination, interest in performing arts. Rhythmoplasty Tasks: To develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or a musical signal, the willingness to act in concert, develop coordination of movement, learn to memorize the given poses and figuratively convey them. Culture and technique of speech Tasks: To develop speech breathing and correct articulation, clear diction, varied intonation, logic of speech; learn to compose short stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; pronounce tongue twisters and poems, replenish vocabulary. Fundamentals of theatrical culture Tasks: To acquaint children with theatrical terminology, with the main types of theatrical art, to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the performance Tasks: To teach how to compose sketches based on fairy tales; develop skills of action with imaginary objects; develop the ability to use intonations that express a variety of emotional states (sad, happy, angry, surprised, delighted, plaintive, etc.).

Forms of organization of theatrical activities

When choosing material for staging, you need to build on the age capabilities, knowledge and skills of children, enrich their life experience, stimulate interest in new knowledge, expand their creative potential: Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, a theatrical lesson, a theatrical game at holidays and entertainment. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical play in everyday life. Mini-games in other classes, theatrical play-performances, children visiting theaters together with their parents, mini-scenes with puppets in the course of studying the regional component with children, involving the main puppet - Petrushka in solving cognitive problems.

Forms of work

Theatrical games Speech games Rhythmoplasty Dramatization of songs, chants, round dances Use of various types of theater Dramatization of fairy tales Visiting theaters Interaction with parents

Types of theater in kindergarten

bibabo table theater flannel theater theater book-theatre five-finger theater mask theater hand shadow theater finger shadow theater live shadow theater magnetic theater puppet theater

Organization of a theatrical activity corner

Corners for theatrical performances and performances are organized in kindergarten groups. They allocate space for director's games with a finger, table theater. In the corner there are: various types of theaters: bibabo, table, flannel-graph theater, etc.; props for acting out scenes and performances: a set of puppets, puppet theater screens, costumes, costume elements, masks; attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, scenery, scripts, books, samples of musical works, posters, cash desk, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

Model: development of creative activity of preschoolers (program of N.F. Sorokina and L.G. Milanovich "Theatre - creativity - children")

Improvisation Scheme:

The role of costumes, scenery, object environment

Search for expressive means

Game movements

Work on the motor skills of the hand and its movement on the screen

Intonation, character, puppets

Introduction to the basics of dramatization

Acquaintance with the basics of puppet theater and puppetry


Introduction to the basics of acting

Independent theatrical activity

Holidays, entertainment

Expressive reading

facial expressions

Expressiveness of movements


Dramatization Games

Telling tales

Development of artistic abilities of children through theatrical activities

Diagnostics of the development of children's artistic abilities.

1. Consistent acquaintance of children with various types of theater. 2. Staged development by children of various types of creativity. 3. Improving the artistic skills of children through the experience and embodiment of the image in fairy tales.

1. Staged songs. 2. Theatrical sketches. 3.Entertainment. 4. Folklore holidays. 5. Fairy tales, musicals, vaudeville, theatrical performances.

1. Creation of a theater group. 2. Production of decorations, screens. 3. Purchase of puppets for the theater. 4. Organization of the orchestra.

1. Individual conversations with parents. 2. Consultations for educators. 3. Cooperation with the city puppet theater, with the Youth Theater, with the school.

1. Work with the program of N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich "Theater - creativity - children." 2. Search for highly artistic musical works for arranging theatrical performances. 3. The study of Russian folk games.