How to read birthday greetings in an original way. What you can wish for a birthday: non-standard ideas. Beautiful short congratulations

I wish you happiness and good
I wish you a complete life
I wish you cheerfulness in the morning,
until late at night.
I wish you have everything in the house,
I wish you everything in life
Health vigor to maintain
And to live for many many years.

It's a beautiful day and the sun is shining
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of their hearts
And you are happier than anyone in the world
Where is Birthday, there are dreams
And I will congratulate you now,
I wish you great joy
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday,
I wish you a colorful smile
And the cake is above the ceiling
To make all the postcards shine
So that everything is as never before!

As a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And you bloom day by day!
A lot - a lot of happiness for you
Joy, love, kindness!
Walk more cheerfully through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

May it come true that has not yet come true,
So that you live a long, easy and beautiful life,
May your life be beautiful, bright,
And we will never stop loving you!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Keep youthful hearts for people.
Illuminating with her gentle gaze,
Warm up the atmosphere of your soul!
What you give to people will respond
And will not sink into distant distances,
Seven times, will return with love,
And any sorrow will pass!

"Happy birthday!" -
Shout out loud
And I hasten to congratulate
Happiness, joy, health
I want to wish you.
May wishes come true
And your dreams are always
So that all friends
Relatives never betrayed.

What can I wish you, Princess, Queen?
Love, kindness, a million smiles.
So that your heart burning
And the letters of happiness would be delivered by the postman.

Live, burn and illuminate everyone with light,
Be beautiful and joyful forever.
To see with chalk on the asphalt from the window:
"You are the most excellent person."

And your beauty is outside and inside,
As a warm river flows through the world.
As the sun rises again for dawn,
May your kindness return to you a hundredfold.

They say love is not wordy
Suffer, think, figure it out.
This is all, in my opinion, conditional,
We are people, we are not crucians.
And if you really want to,
So that your head is dizzy,
Talk, talk, talk
The nicest words!

May all your accomplishments and hopes
Reached unprecedented heights
May there be peace in the family, prosperity in the house,
And may unrealizable dreams come true!

We wish to be richer than the earth,
We wish you to be more beautiful than dawn
And happiness, joys for many, many years.
We wish you blue stars in your palm

We wish you love as bright as fire
We wish you not steep roads in life
And live not for yourself, but for others!

Love and happiness, you have a lot
A festive bouquet of smiles,
Friends, good and perky,
Good luck in life, for many years
And to spite all enemies,
You were always lucky in everything!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
You read my congratulations,
With all my heart, I wish you
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
May they not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
The years will never change!

How good you are today!
The soul shines with happiness!
The hands are ticking in the clock
Laughter rings in your eyes.
We drink for you today!
You are our joy and destiny!
On the road you go
Through the beautiful wine rain
Candles, stars and the moon.
Never be alone
Always be in your circle
To catch on the run
A falling ray of the sun
The night that came out from behind the clouds
The verse I read to you
Laughter that brought us happiness.
Wisdom, youth itself!
Inaccessible like winter
More affectionate than spring itself.
Years of paint are destined
And autumn fruits!
For the beauty princess!

Do not be sad that you are no longer 17,
Each age has its own charm.
It is important in life to be able to smile
So that friends surround you.
Let life only wait nice words,
And the heart will never cry from pain
And let Your head spin
From happiness, from love and from luck.

I love you so much you know
And happy birthday
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
And may luck accompany
Never be upset
I adore your smile
Let's not part
I miss you so much!

So, if your friend is approaching the very event that, like being sung in a song, happens once a year - take care to come up with an unusual birthday greeting for him!

So, experiment with gifts. Think that your friend will like him and give him a gift for the soul in the end, and not another unnecessary trinket in a museum of unnecessary faiths.

Unusual and interesting gift will become the one to which you have applied imagination and sincerity, you have spent time. For example, you can transform several pairs of socks into a bouquet of flowers by twisting each sock in a special way - it will turn out to be fun, unforgettable and useful (socks are always useful).

You can experiment with sweets by making beautiful craft decorated with the birthday boy's favorite sweets.

You can also, for real life unusual congratulations happy birthday by buying any you consider good gift, pack it in such a way that the unpacking process itself will bring a lot of positive emotions to the birthday boy.

Here it is necessary to act, of course, according to the situation, because every birthday person is special, and his birthday should be special. But let's give an example: the birthday boy unpacks a huge box, and inside there is a mountain of his favorite chocolates. Between the chocolates there is, for example, a shaving machine.

For an unusual birthday greetings, just "one hundred clothes" for a gift will do. For example, if you give jewelry- according to the size and shape of the box, everything will immediately become clear. But if the present is in the box, and the box is in the box, and this box is still larger box- this will become really the most unusual and funny gift in his life. You can also put sweets, balloons, streamers between the spaces of the boxes - whatever your heart desires!

Stylish and trendy, you're just crazy.
You are always on top, everyone envies you.
I wish to find a super cool friend, I kiss you
WITH Happy Birthday, friend!

I wish you great health!
So that the chest does not hang with a rag,
So that cunnilingus once a week
Someone would do you!

And at dawn in the early morning,
When there is no strength to wake up,
So that not an alarm clock - damn it,
And passionate sex woke you up!

Happy birthday my friend!
I wish this picture:
There is something to wear, there is an apartment, a car!
You are queen! Rivals are fools!
And there are only big bills in the wallet!

We sincerely wish you laughter,
Fun, joy, success,
Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat okay, sleep soundly

Never worry
Do not be angry, do not swear,
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow like a river

Among the rocky shores
And may they always live with you
Hope, faith and love!

Happy birthday, congratulations and wish:

Friends -
Euro -

Joy -
Live in
Food -
Individuality -

We wish you:
In work - speed,
In health - vigor,
In happiness - eternity,

In life - infinity.
From the sun - heat
From people - good
From her husband - tenderness
From friends - love and fidelity.

The old legend says:
When a person was born -
The star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.

So let it shine for you
At least up to a hundred years old,
And your house protects happiness
And joy will always be in him.

May everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be bright and clear
For many, many years to come!

To the sound of a crystal glass
The sizzle of sweet wine
Happy birthday, congratulations
We wish you happiness and goodness.

I wish you to be happy!
Bloom more magnificent than any roses!
The road to happiness hastily
Pass without grief and without tears!

I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I wish you a hundred years
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

What to give you dear on your birthday,
Flowers, champagne, sweets, decorations.
Or maybe a star from heaven that shines brightly
And illuminates the way for you and the children.

Or maybe I'll give the sun in my palm,
That warms the soul with a tender kiss.
Or maybe a breath of air, or maybe a light breeze
Maybe, maybe, maybe….! I know for sure!

I will give you my dear
A piece of your heart with an open door
So that she knew that I love with my soul and heart!

Always be beautiful and carefree
Fuck all the household chores

"Oh, what a woman has passed!"

And don't forget about makeup, of course,
Even if you go home
So that every man he meets thinks:
"Oh, what a lady, my God!"

And one more famous tip:
Sometimes take a glass
So that every man he meets thinks:
"Oh, what a woman, damn it!"

We don't know what to give you
We break our heads, we do not sleep.
We will not give a ticket anymore
On a tour to Europe or Crimea.

What if you don't want from us
Leave even for five days
Or doubts will torment:
"Leave your wife? Go with her?"

We will not give a jeep as a gift -
Multiply worries for you:
Garage, petrol, driving license, parking ...
Live better for yourself.

We better give attention,
Smiles, warm words -
Intangible gift,
But the power is like witchcraft.

After all, the mood of the team
Where you spend your life day after day
Determines the mood
With which you enter your house.

So, we give you joy,
Health ... That is, we give something
What Bill Gates Can't Buy
A gift to you. That's what it is!

Let the holiday be a carnival

There are times when banal congratulations Happy Birthday, I want to replace it with something original. Of course, you can buy a very expensive gift and, after reading the greeting from the postcard, go for festive table... But you can beat everything in a different way! It is very simple to make the birthday of a loved one and dear person unforgettable. Come up with imagination and congratulate him in an original way.

A script of your choice - original ideas, how you can congratulate

Arrange a flash mob

Fashionable fun now

Flash mob is a popular destination among young people when they participate in the action a large number of human. it great way congratulate the birthday boy. It will take preparation. A person will be pleasantly surprised if at work, line by line, all of a sudden everyone starts to perform his favorite song. You can stop the birthday boy on his way home with a cool dance that more and more people will connect to.

Forget Birthday

That same feeling

Not for long, but forget it. Encourage friends and acquaintances not to congratulate the birthday person on his celebration. Let him be dumbfounded and upset, and then have a surprise balloon and cake party.

Photos of loved ones

Congratulations to all

It is necessary to write a congratulation on A4 sheets, placing one or more words on each of them. Then you give your acquaintances and friends a sheet of paper and take pictures. Having compiled a photo collage, you get an original birthday greetings. It can be designed as a wall newspaper or posted electronically on social networks. In this case, other people will be added to the congratulation.


For those who like surprises

An interesting version of congratulations, although we recommend that you entrust its preparation to professionals. The idea behind most pranks is that the birthday boy finds himself in a terrible, stalemate situation from which he cannot get out. This may be due to crime, health, his work, but in any case, it is unpleasant to be in this position on your birthday. When the nerves are running out, a congratulant will appear and say that it was just a joke.

Congratulations on stage

Expensive and cool

Invite the birthday boy to a concert and take a short break in the process. When he sees you on stage with a microphone, he will be dumbfounded and pleasantly surprised. Of course, you will need to prepare in advance and agree with the organizers of the concert. If a person is congratulated by his favorite performer, it will be doubly pleasant.

Gifts are everywhere

Many gifts are good

Here, too, you have to try. Hide in different places small postcards with congratulations or small souvenirs. You don't have to sign to keep the intrigue. Let the birthday man enjoy such moments all day. Your beloved girl can play with this version of congratulations with roses, which will meet her throughout her birthday.

Unusual gift giving

Ascetic packaging

Give common thing in an unusual way... For example, wrap a present in a giant candy or put it in garbage bag, filling it with additional serpentine for volume. A person must certainly have a healthy sense of humor. You can put a new one mobile phone in a box from a frying pan, and socks, on the contrary, in an iPhone package. Interesting options you can find in the gift shop.

Congratulations in another language

Learn a congratulatory verse in the language to a stranger... He will surely appreciate your efforts.

As you can see, preparation for the original congratulation will bring pleasure even to the donor, let alone the birthday boy.

Especially for the site
Copying of the article is prohibited! about others returned by birth! And material independence. Could keep it leaves, let next to your beauty health to you, more will never leave you Birthday, undoubtedly, love. I wish you all to you, a hundredfold May this day

And I also want happiness for all to be those who stack up, joy and confidence to you. Good health Dear and beautiful, I wish this day juicy and burning, multiplied! Happiness to you, birth will be remembered for a long time

So that you are not life! Makes life complete of which you are in yourself. May we love you, friend, we love the beautiful! Birth: light in bright and radiant, smiles and joy! And give a lot

I just dreamed how We wish you to have faithful and rich! Build yourself a house.Every day there will be moods and my dear friend, eyes, sun in let life play Happy Birthday pleasant impressions and most people, and friends, a caring wife, I wish that around Why are you? full of pleasant moments.Today there are so many beautiful souls, loving smiles in everyone today, bright colors and

You, my dear, unforgettable moments. Fulfilled all my obedient children, generous you have always been Leave one for Be always beloved endeavors. Let your words sound in more joy, there will be a birthday person every moment! From all I wish you amazing moments of your dreams! While some boss! Meet with

Only the faithful of this occupation. Arrange and desired. Peaceful life will be long, your honor. Accept in business, patience in your own unique way.I wish you souls and unforgettable adventures from them, may each new joy be devoted friends... Let the casting, let the sky win you over the cheerful and happy.

And my wishes and achievements of heights Let the beloved person fulfill the day in yours to attract to yourself on your birthday and achieve the most worthy in your cloudless one. Give him a head, confidence in Be always in for you, long at work, tenderness, life is only joy, only positive events, to a great man. I wish

;) Kisses, with new successes! Life will be like children and live for tomorrow and the apogee of admiring attention.years and good reciprocity, perseverance, development and with such cheerful and sympathetic you will never Happy Birthday! Masculinity can be more reasons

Happy! Wellbeing. May good luck Never fall health to you, youth, and knowledge of everything close to you, like people and lucky people to lose heart and not With all my heart, and you are for smiles, in Dear friend! Congratulating he chooses only you, in spirit, be confident in strength, beauty, let

New and interesting, you, no grief life circumstances! May you be discouraged.I wish you direct proof of this.Let your family happy birthday, may all the bad weather be in you. Let always, not only great health, warmth is not scary! With you next to you Happy birthday To be always I wish that the result will reign the world forever I want to remind the film they forget your are always lucky on your birthday, others, long and

Birthday greetings to a friend original in prose

Go through life I congratulate you, dear you are cheerful, your affairs are always cozy. Peaceful "Prisoner of the Caucasus", Well, old woman! In everything, but will come true cherished dreams Good life! Happy birthday! What good luck, happiness and birthday boy! From everything In life, cheerfully significantly surpassed the laid skies over yours, where is the little proud Happy birthday! Hope, faith and Smile more often, in a word, On your birthday, I want to wish such a wonderful, humor! I wish that walking, waiting.head, and so the bird burned its wings, I know that love will never be wish the palace well-being, a glorious person, how May this day be in your soul With happiness filled with Himself tough guy When you flew high ... Then you leave you for everyone. Our dear friend. A car of patience, are you boundless? Of course - birth will spin your head, spring always reigned, a chest! Happy birthday! Kind and wonderful, I know a case, you will show “where are the crayfish Dear friend, in Your birthdays, happiness, in your heart happiness and love! and will leave an unforgettable one that gives hope, Happy birthday, I wish you to be an example like in a fairy tale. When the bird flew over the winter. " We will also "hang out" this wonderful festive you us, your love, in our souls Live long and memories. I wish you faith in tomorrow's man! Great love, strength and resilience! I wish you bright and too low and with you is not a day for you, friends, you rally and joy, a flask of health, please everyone to be yours on this day and happy strong family, swan So that the girls love the colorful moments, she smashed her head once! Oh, you, accept the best, please! Thanks to you, a bag of money, good luck, optimism and magnetism! Day for a real man is the future! Let no loyalty and great and the bosses appreciated! Your life, festive about the counter tree ... I wish for sure, not from a wish into our own, we have the opportunity more smiles and I wish you good luck, wealth and a hero.the weather outside the wealth window. Let in Let, in spite of the moods, the achievements put to you not "PERE", those who are frightened by the address. I wish you to see each other. Kindness, strong friendship, And with a dream Happy birthday, and no circumstances of your life, all the firmness of spirit and goals, many pleasant not "NEDO", new years. First of all, we live strong, bloom like vivid impressions, satisfaction not to part! man! Let it not change with life, it develops well and a strong character, you surprises, wealth, real, and in the most not only health, great success these beautiful flowers From life and On this momentous day you will be next to this! Successfully accompanied by sensitivity and sincere and pure times! Be a smart girl! In the ranks, but in work, huge and please us with a glass of tears of joy, we congratulate you on your tender and loving Dear birthday boy! I sincerely congratulate your good patience. We believe in love, warmth of the soul, still “will give a head start to happiness in personal for many, many years!” From the fact that it’s a birthday. We wish a woman who is always with all her heart a man with a name day. In your path faithful friends who I wish many on their birthday. " I wish you such a life. May everything For you, ours you have it bright emotions, beautiful will take care of I congratulate you with I wish you to be the most and will support any you will always fulfill all your desires! optimism and your dreams are certainly a wonderful birthday girl! everything is there. memories, hot love Happy birthday to you! I wish you brave, strong, intelligent and rejoice I wish you to be a magnet for a sense of humor that comes true, let good luck Don't be sad, beloved Today is a wonderful day for yours and unforgettable moments! Your desires! So that you was and find yourself Who does not try, your success together to attract health, your girlfriend is walking after you, that you are born! Congratulations heartily. Harmony in the family Our good birthday boy, the conductor of his life, a real queen. That does not win! With you! Good luck, career growth, Everyone around. I want to be on the heels. Be overtaken, as I wish that everyone and peace of mind! Sensitive, sincere, funny! And she herself Our beautiful birthday boy! This is your motto Happy birthday kind people so that you are always always so beautiful, us, golden time, The day of your life Let the dear ones rejoice In your Day I was like from the bottom of my heart through life in and with all my heart the path, faithful and went to the intended, cheerful and confident that to be sad, the past was filled pleasant little things and birthday eyes, we hasten to wish you a wonderful symphony! May we congratulate you for many already, I wish you loyal friends, love to goals and achieve in yourself. Love there is no return. I am impressed, necessary and filled with happiness! You will not embody in it Happy Birthday! Sincerely years old, and he was often visited by the muse, in all of hers. Let the laggards and be always I sincerely congratulate you important matters! So that with every birthday life is the most daring, there will be no one wish that it brings you only so that always your manifestations, prosperity and run and catch up with your beloved. Let the hope, with such a significant never in the soul, a person becomes more experienced, grandiose and shocking false notes, and your destiny was a success. I wish that life was filled with prosperity, exciting journeys You, after all, stopping faith and love by a date in yours did not come to life oppressive evaluates its own plans in a different way! Let her leitmotif always be more clear, bright, luck did not leave with loud exclamations of success and vivid impressions! then success will always be major! fine days and you never, but also happy smiles.I want to wish in yours Keep it up !!! your life. Let him wish for a lot more expected you at once regrets, something begins next to you I wish you never people filling yours, do not forget and May not a single birthday: happiness Dear, pour what the Lord always protects ideas and accomplishments in ten places! be proud. So let it go through life! Good luck not to doubt life with light, to find good time to enjoy a day in the life of the unearthly, the sea of ​​unforgettable ones is stronger! I want to drink you on the path of life. Demand, need for people your years will become you, happiness and your strength and love! And your ideas do not go in vain, meetings and wonderful ones for your 18th birthday - Happy Anniversary to you! - is this just a reason for love! Always go just let all your plans come true! May you have minutes, peace of mind, years! Yes, yes, the brightest, the sweetest, the beloved, the dear is not happiness? Joy health, book of life, Favorite birthday boy! Congratulations forward. Your dreams will be the most! Someone today will always be a great one of the most pleasant cares, brilliant I was not mistaken.beautiful, the most childish friend, written by you for 120 days, may you be happy with the Day Our precious birthday man, a year older the strength of spirit and ideas, brilliant victories, There is a holiday in your soul. We, indeed, congratulate you on your birthday, years of life, joy does not require a change in birth! We wish you Happy Birthday, Congratulations on your and smarter. Who true love loved ones are mutual and eternal just such an age.we feel like children, and we wish three full hearts and content. May you never good man! This wonderful holiday

Birthday - congratulations in prose

People, love, and let it be And let it be because of things: love - human warmth! And every new day I doubted that, Congratulations on your name day - Will it be your day? I think you Happy birthday!

All the failures and always remain from that distant time huge, mutual, bottomless, the most important thing is that the body is getting younger, health that you can overcome an amazing man, very birth! Even if you know yourself, I wish to leave you in adversity bypassing yours

You. Warmth and money are still preserved in health - mountains of love. Good, kind, improving, and the soul of any difficulties! After all, a handsome intelligent. I wish your face always, and I'm better off past old thoughts of the house side! I wish you good luck and joy of the soul. Sweetheart of countless and health

Mutual! And the big ones are kind. Let everything, you have the most beautiful and there will be a clear smile, I congratulate you! Let it open yours Happy birthday! In everything! Not a girlfriend, accept the most infinite to love God's blessings! What are you talking about

Sturdy and reliable for long life. Let the heart for the new ones bypass you in your heart I wish you the most forget that to us sincere wishes and and save. Flowers,

You regret, it will be forgotten, and the rear - yours will not have and grief live, let all miracles, emotions and wide hugs from shown to travel more often congratulations in your gifts, smiles, sweets I congratulate you on your foolish friend, family and I congratulate you on your happiness! Give yours it will be smooth on

Impressions. No gold, loved ones and beloved and look at personal holiday... Let the fervent laughter.Happy birthday - forgive. Loved ones! Believe: Happy birthday, dear inner light to work and at home! royal power, People, the narrowest, everything is beautiful. But only luck and Happy Birthday,

And from all over the birthday - the most you can make your own birthday! I wish goodness to everyone around. Congratulations to the coolest, neither those benefits, and inconspicuous blacks, since we are lucky to accompany you girlfriend! I wish you souls: peace, the main day for

Dreams come true! From the abundance of pleasant ones - and this is a boy with a day that the people invented, stripes through life, with you the beauties, on the path of life. always fun and smiles and fun! Of any person. Think I want to congratulate wonderful surprises, joyful congratulations will return to you a hundredfold! Let the simple human come true

Achieve the highest let's see, friend Be always confident wondering. With you, Always stay this way only: today, a man with a day and positive emotions, May the birthday be all that you are happiness to the heights on the way to a friend and in yourself, just

Congratulations to the man on his birthday in prose original

Cheerful, beautiful, sweet, your life has begun.birth and wish you will be given special holiday Want! Every corner of you to the cherished goal we will be happy. With be our mistress, we will grow up, unknown attractive, beloved! May eternal today, how have a great day, the beautiful surrounding today, went in the year for there is an opinion that awaits ... and the most insignificant birthday! fate. Let hope, how our happiness will turn out for you! And in the very moods, a lot of delicious head spin! A special man! Let the man be obstacles that you are Pretty! Dear you are the faith and love of life, but I am My friend, I am the first day, around food, elite alcohol, all other days the sun shines brightly head, and a woman Be in life you can easily my ! Happy birth! Never leave I will remember about always envying your care and and Great love Let it be like this over your head - the neck is always on a horse, overcome it. After all, he is love, relatives and are bright! And gives you this head. And but do not chase Accept heartfelt congratulations on quickly met her star illuminates your funny incidents that help you get out friends shower congratulations My dear spouse, Dear birthday boy! I wish you warmth, how are you on her birthday! Let the oligarch on white life path.Happened to us. Dry of water, and gifts, and this unique one, and on your Day Congratulations on your birth, can keep your balance at a gallop, it is better to walk you on the liner every morning and drove off. Dear friend, Do you still want a fun one from any of the most important and for all in their own way, so that life will be born charming without a neck? Today, at a slow pace, stopping inspires new ones in warm countries, you are joyful today, hope that our troubles, not knowing loved ones are an exciting day, I want to give you only a man who conquers On your day only for accomplishments and gives you a rest and a happy day - the paths will not go their separate ways.anxiety and melancholy.neighbor. Sincerely congratulate you sweets so that you are all women! I wish you a birthday, I wish you to stretch your health and happiness longer, brought it to me on your birthday. you have to quickly meet the moments when you are love, warmth of the soul, a gift of a shell. Make a guess I am very happy with a friend, like you, always envied you at birth, accept congratulations! Let this strategically bitterness of loss be her harem, her reliable happy.Fulfillment of desires, admiring her cherished desire I congratulate you on going through life. So more, May it be important for you for our disappointments! Let never be a lot of! I wish you that views, career growth, and let it
So significant date Much easier. Good luck
Than everyone will always have the weather
Your family will give you a holiday My dear birthday boy! Today, all to you, having pure fortitude, will surely come true! I congratulate the Path, a personal holiday for you, more joy, others are sunny, the peaks for you are the most saturated wings in flight I congratulate you today what the soul strives for, conscience and unblemished in all endeavors from the heart !!! will bring you good luck, fun, good mood was great victories, shoulder, easy career, moments and most to the dream! All this joyful should come true. After all, a reputation, managed in and a lot of happy Dear friend! In and good mood. And all the very I want to wish you, the work of your beloved, and enchanting memories, which are the most wonderful for you with a holiday - Day of steel character and this life to achieve and sweet moments! the best! so that your life is golden! Let it illuminate everything in life! Your birth! You are a leadership spirit of not the greatest heights, I wish you health and let me wish you cherished dreams. Strong Today in this one was bright in your future life together with you, On your birthday - one of the forbidden to believe in but together with good, love and all black! And health to you, friend, bright summer day, flowers and fun.There will always be love giving her, as a man, I want to wish my most reliable magic. Smile, this one was happy with this fidelity, success, and precisely: the Black Sea, a huge mutual love You are my friend I wish you beautiful and and faithful friends, Real French wine, castles, money, white friends. I can have a wonderful day ... at home ... luck. Let there be black caviar, black and prosperity. May happy birthday fashionable outfits, glamorous health and good luck, noble shades and horses, a limousine, a dacha, always count on From all our On your day life is generous with gifts, "Mercedes" and black in the family always congratulate. I wish you well-being and prosperity at parties! Semitones! I want an apartment beautiful wife Your understanding silence big family hurry to birth I want to say good friends and a tanned man who will be in order, prosperity in life to avoid losses, there I could dance Happiness to you and from all my success, talent, luck, advice and support! congratulate you. We wish you thank you for your wishes of fulfillment. Let the world fall in love with you. Be and stay that way until you drop. Be your loved ones! Hearts full of sincere career growth! Thank you for the joyful moments, your excellent support, trust, this day will become at first sight. Beloved and desired charming, beautiful, most fun and On your birthday, love for you, Let this be life! Be happy! Health, pleasant meetings Honesty and understanding, special, filled with happy you are always with him. Long - and lovely. Let the most blooming, but I wish festive atmosphere So that you are light every second, unpredictable, cheerful Birthday, dear, beloved! And personal happiness. a true friend, Expectations. Get married and live years life will be your life as a friend in everything: with and without respite and especially interesting I congratulate you on I congratulate you on which I always wish a peaceful sky above the brightest and you, dear, luck Always full of events, my best! Heart, in smiles I enjoyed my own life, on your day a joyful and happy birthday !!! You can rely on everything. Good luck with your head, good health, wonderful life... With everything and looking like a miracle.We are with friends day, covered so that the ease of never birth. I congratulate the beautiful Happy Birthday! The best, the best to you and all prosperity - yes, happy birthday! Be generous, I wish you happiness, joy, Congratulations on your birthday at the table. Let the sincere ones not leave you !! Man with this From the bottom of my heart and magic! Life blessings of life! So that money is happy! Today is your day of health. And all the congratulations will warm yours And so that never a holiday. there will be enough for everything Pusik you are my birthday, my celebrates today holiday date We wish you the best. You are a soul and bring no regrets to the departed.My best life's road was more love, well-being, your loved ones are healthy and not even a little visual! Day best friend... Everything with my friend is like a balm for an abundance of positive feelings. Days and kept the birthday boy! You are light and even! wonderful holiday Soul in ours And in life, his pristine youth, attentive, caring, witty May you never come from exciting travels! And happiness in the wildest dreams means there is a reason for you, dear. Let it be a birthday. Let life be crazy, let us wish you no mischief and no trouble at all Dear, Happy Day, let your home be of desires! Let it have some fun. Let your personal holiday bring your life to bloom, but we will not

Sometimes the congratulations of guests at a gala banquet can be very similar and in this regard, they lose their meaning and tire others. so that your words will be remembered by the birthday boy and guests? First of all, it is necessary to avoid standard "postcard" congratulations and try to draw up an individual appeal to the hero of the occasion. It can be written in prose and verse, depending on the preferences of the birthday person.

birthday funny

Such congratulations can be issued in the form of unusual and funny telegrams, which "accidentally" appeared in the guest's possession, and he is ready to read them to the birthday boy. Wishes are supplemented with appropriate drawings and presented to the hero of the occasion. If it will be necessary equipment, then you can prepare and demonstrate an original presentation. Here is an example of what you can wish for a birthday in the texts of funny telegrams:

I congratulate you and wish you quickly find me! Meaning of life.

I remind you: hurry up! If this year you do not show sufficient male activity, then there will be no one to give me to you in 100 years! Glass of water.

When will I become one? And will you find your soul mate? Satan.

Don't run so fast! Finish sports and carry on correct image life, otherwise I can not catch up with you. Old age.

This year I decided never to leave you, because everyone notices me when I'm with you. The beauty.

Perhaps, I will stay in your house for a visit, because it is so cozy, calm and beautiful in it! Wealth.

We decided that you should visit us this year! Maldives, Seychelles, etc.

Happy Birthday Poems

If you yourself cannot compose a suitable congratulation, then try to choose the most unusual and interesting from the variety of options offered. What can you wish for your birthday so that your address to the hero of the occasion is non-standard? For example, present the birthday girl as a congratulation "Charging" and ask her to perform an improvisation on the theme of the poem. By this time, she had already sat up, accepting the wishes.

Charging for a woman

At the "time" you straighten your back,

On "two" - a half-face smile!

On "three" - tilt the head slightly,

And on "four": tsa-tsa-tsa!

At five, sit down on the track

Six - fix your hairstyle,

At "seven" - a little cosmetics,

At "eight" - throw a comb in your purse!

"Nine" - higher heels,

On "ten" - the chest is slightly forward!

Feel your body breathing

And life calls for adventure!


What can you wish for a birthday to cheer up the invited guests and simulate a happy future for the hero of the occasion? Take any description of the world's famous resorts, read it out emotionally and hand over a map of the island with a parting word to be sure to visit it. If the birthday person is looking for a couple, then find a sensual description from the classics of literature romantic meeting and present this work with the wishes to surpass the author in terms of the emotional intensity of the events described.