What accessories to wear with. What are the types of accessories? Fashion accessories: stylish women's bags

How to choose the right accessories

“To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time”
(Coco Chanel)

It is said that women have two problems with clothes: nothing to wear and nowhere to store. You are familiar with this morning horror that begins every time this unfortunate closet is opened ... If not, then you probably already know that the secret of a great wardrobe is not in the quantity of clothes, but ... (of course, in quality, but that’s all and so they know) ... in the ability to make ten multifunctional outfits out of one thing on different cases and reasons.

Until I mastered this science, I always had nothing to wear, and it seemed that I had few clothes. By buying more and more, the problem was not solved. Mountains of things, irritation, constant spending ... But now there is complete harmony in the closet, and I have money for something other than dresses and suits. How did I achieve this? The problem was solved simply: with the help of accessories. I used to think that accessories are such women's jewelry items that you should definitely buy, and then we'll figure it out.

It turns out that accessories can completely change the image and style without extra costs on clothes! They save not only our money, but also the effort that we spend looking for numerous outfits that fit different life situations: work, study, rest, guests, holidays, dates, going out and so on.

In dictionaries, the term "accessory" means an accompanying item (from the Latin word accessorius - additional; from French word accessoire - belonging, addition, accompaniment).

Accessories include:
Scarf / tippet / scarf / cape;
Belt / belt;
Jewelry: brooch, beads, pendant, bracelet, earrings, rings, necklace, hairpins;
Headwear (hat, beret, hat, etc.) / hair ornaments;
Gloves / umbrella;
Many fashion designers refer even shoes to accessories because of their unique ability to change our look and style in a few minutes.

Grand schemer

Sometimes a significant amount of money remains in stores, but there is still nothing to wear. I will tell you how you can save money, and at the same time always look different and stylish. Let's take, for example, classic dress your favorite cut and perfect suitable color. Not necessarily a little black - yours basic dress can be gray, dark blue, beige, burgundy, dark green. The main thing is that it ideally suits you in color and style.

So, a basic sheath dress in your favorite color, combined with a strict business jacket, a classic bag and stilettos (or pumps) - and you are ready for the office, business meeting or interview.
But in the evening, the same dress + a bright, long silk/chiffon scarf/stole, combined with a bright small handbag, a bright belt, colored shoes and beads - and you are ready for a party, a visit or a cafe.

And if you go on a date after work, then the same dress is complemented by a feminine hat with an appliqué or a small flirty veil, a lace bolero or cape, shoes with small heels. This creates the image of a romantic and graceful stranger, whom you definitely want to fall in love with.

Got an invitation to the theater after work? There is nothing easier! Just throw a smart coat over your favorite basic sheath dress, take a small velvet or satin clutch, put on shiny earrings and a necklace - and you are irresistible at the premiere of the season!
As you can see, there is only one piece of clothing, but there are several images!

It is not necessary to buy a new dress for every party or holiday. You can accessorize the same dress so skillfully that every time you look different.

What is important to know about accessories

Choosing the right accessories is an art that can and should be learned. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The choice of accessories is creative process, consisting of various subtleties. When choosing accessories, you should proceed from the event and its theme, your mood / worldview and the time of the day. Accessories should match your outfit (for example, you should not wear an elegant necklace with jeans and a sweater, but pearl beads with a beach colored sundress).

There is a temptation to overload yourself with accessories to make the outfit seem completely different. It is not right! The most suitable would be to take as a basis no more than three things that are perfectly combined with each other. For example, bracelet, belt, beads. Or a hat, gloves, belt. Thus, you will not look like a cleared Christmas tree.
It is also important to choose the right size accessories. On the big women small accessories do not look at all (very thin weightless chains, small beads, elegant small earrings), and massive jewelry blocks the beauty of petite girls.

Another additional nuance of choosing the size of accessories is the openness of the outfit. Open outfits look best with small feminine accessories (pendant, small original pendant), but closed outfits require larger details. Accessories should match in size: for example, large earrings do not match with a small, thin chain.

It is necessary that the accessories stand out in color, and not merge with the clothes. This color contrast will emphasize your individuality. Try to match the accessories with the basic outfit. For example, romantic flower theme in your image, a handbag with a floral pattern, a hat with a decoration in the form of a flower can continue; or flower decoration in hair (hoop with a flower, spectacular openwork bandage with flowers, etc.).

As the famous Coco Chanel said: "Fashion goes, but style remains." This statement is true for both clothes and accessories. Therefore, it is best to choose neutral classic pieces that never go out of style and go with almost any outfit. For example, you can buy an accessory in a fashionable color today, but classical style.

A few more secrets of the perfect image

Clothes may not be very expensive, but accessories are your investment. long years! choose expensive accessories that will faithfully serve you for several years;
Quality above all! Never skimp on quality;
Don't skimp on a good bag either. cheap leather deputy spoils the whole image! Have a few in your wardrobe. expensive bags different colors that match your outfits. You will not have to think about how to look perfect in any situation for many years;
Choose designer items - they look expensive and respectable at all times;
The classic never goes out of style;
Give preference to solid and high-quality materials: leather, silk, chiffon, satin, suede, wool;
Choose as decoration natural stones or luxury jewelry which looks expensive;
Shoes may vary, but good quality! Don't neglect colored shoes;
We are not rich enough to buy cheap things ( folk wisdom);
Get creative with your look: paint a picture own style like an artist, with details and imagination.

Photos: http://glamtalks.ru, www.thelocalq.com, http://www.sydnestyle.com, http://thirtysixmonths.com, http://en.paperblog.com, www.stylisheve.com, helens-wardrobe.com

Glossy magazines compete with each other to help us learn about all the latest fashion trends, including latest ideas by combining clothes and accessories.


1. Wear no more than 3-4 massive accessories.

In one image, you can combine large accessories, but there should be no more than 3-4. And, of course, they must match each other in terms of color, style, and the material they are made from.

2. Don't hide big collar under a bulky scarf.

You don't have to wear big scarf if your coat already has a large collar. Instead, put on light scarf on the neck.

3. Use a complete set of suitable jewelry if they are small.

Some people argue that wearing a pendant, earrings, bracelets and rings from the same set looks gaudy. This opinion is partly true, but it all depends on how massive the accessories are. If they are small in size, then in combination with each other they can look elegant.

4. Forget the rule that says your bag must be the same color as your shoes.

Choosing a bag to match the color of the shoes is optional. If your shoes are very bright, then it is better to choose a handbag in a contrasting light tone. Another rule is not to buy fake brands. It is better to buy cheap bags in bulk that will look very stylish than to go around with a fake.

5. Prioritize.

When working on our style, we should always try to define exactly what effect we want to achieve and then just apply the right accent to our look. We can make our clothes, make-up or accessories the main part of our image, but we must avoid trying to achieve the same effect through all three elements at the same time. The combination of a puffy collar on a blouse with huge earrings looks simply absurd.

6. Forget about the watch if you are wearing Evening Dress.

Wristwatches go well with urban or business style clothes. However, the watch does not match with evening dress.

7. Remember that big rings not suitable for everyone.

Thick rings look bad on short fingers, although thin rings can visually increase their length. Keep this in mind when buying a ring.

8. Gloves should be paired with one of your accessories.

The best way choose the right colored gloves, this is to look at your shoes or belt. As a general rule, your gloves should be paired with at least one accessory.

9. Avoid black shoes if you are wearing pastel shades. 10. Combine specific, like culture-specific, accessories with clothing only. neutral color.

If you wear accessories with a lot of threads or balls, pair them with neutral-colored clothing.

The easiest way to change or decorate any look is to wear various accessories. It is jewelry that can make each image shine with new colors, hide flaws or highlight advantages, and also emphasize the status of its owner. But, even considering the huge variety of handbags, belts and jewelry, most fashionistas are afraid to opt for an extraordinary and bright accessory. You should not be afraid of such jewelry, because even they can fit any outfit.

How to choose the right accessories?

Before you buy any thing, be sure to decide in what outfit you will use it. The main thing to remember is that the brighter and original accessory, the more ordinary things should be. Another rule for choosing accessories: choose them depending on the time of year. Good for winter big bags and overall products that look good in given period. For summer time, it is better to use accessories created from any natural materials, which can be amber, wood, coral or other ornamental stones. Knowing what accessories to choose, you can easily create a large number of images from the same things.

When choosing accessories for, pay attention to the cut of the product. If the thing has clear geometric lines, choose jewelry and other products with even edges and right angles. When creating a gentle and soft look, accessories with rounded shapes. Always remember harmony in color scheme between outfit and accessories. In addition, the entire image must be designed in the same style direction. For example, none of the classical formal suit will not tolerate combination with extraordinary jewelry or solemn diamonds.

Nowadays, it is not at all necessary to buy a bunch of new things when the old ones are already tired and boring. You just need to open your wardrobe and soberly assess the situation. Most likely, you will find a lot of good things there, just you can look at them in a new way. And accessories can help with this. Surely you have hats, gloves, bracelets, scarves, straps, necklaces, brooches and other trinkets. Often we make purchases thoughtlessly, because the main thing is to like the thing. But then such products are sent to the closet for storage, because it turns out by chance that they do not suit you at all. So, in our article we will look at how to choose the right accessories for clothes so that such troubles no longer happen to you.

What are accessories?

Accessory is the simplest and convenient way make changes to your image. If you choose it correctly, you can make it sparkle with completely new colors, it would seem, fashion dress. Such a small detail will hide the flaws and emphasize your dignity.

The market is replete with all kinds of jewelry, gloves and bags, so many ladies are afraid to buy unusual and too bright accessories. But you need to get rid of such fear and learn to select additional elements under clothes of any style for all occasions. That is, before you buy anything, you need to think carefully: what will you wear a new thing with?

Important! The more original and more expensive decoration, the simpler your image should be. Remember that the main task accessories - filling the voids in your images. It's like connecting link, thanks to which jewelry and clothes merge into a single set.

Basic rules for choosing jewelry

A complex image is always created on the basis of layering, and accessories play an important role in this process. First you need to decide on the type of your appearance: the shape of your face and eyebrows, take into account your hairstyle.

face shape

To choose the right accessories for clothes, take note of the following recommendations:

  • If your facial features are too sharp, then give preference to pointed geometric elements.
  • For owners round faces it is better to prefer oval and round decorations.

Thanks to this approach, you will once again emphasize your natural data.

Important! You need to take into account the so-called temperature of your appearance. That is, if cold shades are more suitable for you, then it is better to buy jewelry made of silver, but gold is ideally combined with warm shades.

Different types of clothes

If it’s difficult for you to figure this out on your own, then use the advice of experts to help you understand how to choose accessories for clothes. These include the following:

  1. Clothing with a boat-shaped neckline is characterized by a fairly wide line, due to which the neck opens a lot. Therefore, it is better to wear long and flowing necklaces with it. They will not contact the neckline and visually lengthen the silhouette.
  2. With shirts whose collars are fully buttoned, wear better accessories worn over clothing. Perfect optionlarge pendants and massive eye-catching necklaces.
  3. If you like to wear shirts with an open collar, then it is better to give preference to massive necklaces that are worn directly around the neck. These can be short pearl necklaces or necklaces with several strands, or a chain with a miniature pendant.
  4. With a high draped collar, it is better to combine long necklaces to give an elegant look.
  5. Clothes with round neck, like in T-shirts, harmonizes well with large short and massive catchy necklaces. Also, in this case, it would be quite appropriate to put on several neat chains with pendants at once.
  6. The real challenge for jewelry is, of course, square cut. Best Options here - wearing long lasso necklaces, jewelry with clear geometric shapes and lines or chains with original pendants.
  7. The strapless dress can be combined with many jewelry options. The naked neck becomes a canvas for creating the most real masterpieces. But it is better if the accessory rises a couple of centimeters above the fabric. It can be elegant, long, wide and short chokers, catchy, large and expansive necklaces.
  8. For lovers of turtlenecks, it is recommended to give preference to flowing jewelry that will visually make the neck longer. The best option- a long, massive and catchy necklace.

The role of color in choosing accessories

In fact, it is difficult to immediately learn how to choose the right accessories for clothes, because you need to take into account a large number of points. It is necessary not only to take into account the features of things and their tailoring, but also to learn how to combine colors correctly. Remember two basic rules:

  • Always try to combine warm colors with warm ones, and cool colors with cold ones. To warm colors include those in which there is a yellow pigment, and cold, where there is a blue tint.

Important! Remember, that Orange color- warm. But blue can be both cold and warm at the same time.

  • It must be borne in mind that any shade other than black, orange and white can be both cold and warm. Naturally, in nature there are quite original combinations of cold and warm colors, and this phenomenon is called the color wheel. It is quite easy for a person who does not understand this to make a mistake, but if you always follow the rule of temperatures, then troubles can be avoided.

Style with accessories:

  • Are you excited about american style 30s? Then you should take a closer look at fur boleros, pearl threads and beautiful quilted bags. Moreover, it is not necessary to put on everything at once, you can just complement your image with some one element.
  • If you are a fan Casual style then complete your collection of accessories metal pendants with inscriptions of various original forms.
  • For everyday outfits ideally massive chains made in nautical style. Thanks to this detail, you can refresh any image. Vests with gold chains look charming.

Important! And remember that jewelry can not only decorate the figure, but also spoil it, so you need to remember how to choose the right accessories for clothes. For example, miniature and slim girls better to wear jewelry small sizes, and forget about too heavy and massive parts. BUT full ladies too small handbags and jewelry should be avoided.

How to choose a watch for clothes?

Many people assume that wrist watch are needed only to show the time, but in reality they are able to emphasize in the best possible way vital status its owner. To pick up ideal model for yourself, you must, first of all, decide what you will combine them with in your wardrobe.

For example:

  • With clothes of a classic style, watches with a plain dial and a dark leather strap look optimal. Remember: no frills in this case!

Important! You can try experimenting with a rectangular or thin oval watch with a metal bracelet.

  • For a jumper or plain jeans fit round clock on a leather or fabric strap, with slight illumination, a bracelet.
  • Evening or holiday outfits harmonize perfectly with jewelry watches with rhinestones or natural stones.
  • Sports style will complement the watch on a plastic strap with an electronic dial. The main thing is that they are combined with other accessories.

Important! Short people should wear products with a medium dial, but fat girls and guys are advised to avoid watches that are too small.

How to choose accessories for outerwear?

It is quite possible to learn how to choose the right accessories for clothes, in particular for the top, the main thing is to make your choice slowly, with a cool head.

An old fur coat or coat can be updated with a beautiful brand new scarf, hat, gloves, exquisite shawl or beret. For example:

  • With drape or tweed coats, scarves tied around the neck, made of wool with a Milanese knot, look great.
  • A handbag in the shape of a trapezoid will complement the ensemble of mittens or mitts in an original way.
  • It is better for petite girls to stay on small handbags. When choosing an accessory for a fur coat, consider its color and style.
  • Mink coats are best worn with silk scarves, a leather rectangular bag, boots on high heels. You can dilute such an ensemble with an elegant shiny brooch.
  • It is recommended to wear down jackets with French berets, hats with pom-poms, downy mittens, Russian scarves, voluminous snoods.

We decorate the eyes with original accessories

Glasses are a unique item that has not only sun protection, but also decorative functions. They can be lens and solar. But be that as it may, you need to learn how to choose the right accessories for clothes of this particular nature. First you need to decide what color the frame should be - too intense or too weak.

Remember a few simple rules:

  • If you have too soft color skin, then a dark frame will only make your look heavier and older. Also great importance they also have facial features.
  • The hue and color of the metal are selected solely according to the individual color temperature, and the color saturation depends on the saturation of the person's appearance.
  • “Aviators” have always been and will always be relevant, because they are able to complement any image. You can wear them with coats, jackets, denim shirts, chiffon blouses, classic and tracksuits.
  • Now you are ready to make your image more interesting and attractive, and not with bright, provocative clothes, but with appropriate and elegant or catchy, appropriate general style clothes, accessories.


How often do we rejoice in the purchase of an unusual, chic necklace, bring it home and understand that ... there is nothing to wear it with. We try on one, the second dress, but we cannot achieve harmony in the image. But the necklace is good, and the dress looks great, but they don’t fit together. And this happens quite often - poorly selected accessories spoil the whole image and mood. About, how to choose the right accessories for clothes, we will tell in today's article.

But first, we will remind you of the role that accessories play in the wardrobe of a modern girl.

1) They help to build images for any occasion. We at the Academy distinguish 4 main occasions - free, business, festive, romantic. And even basic accessories can help transform habitual image beyond recognition.

2) Help to manifest ideal proportions Your figure. With proper use, accessories play not only a decorative function, but can also take Active participation in modeling your ideal silhouette.

3) Accessories help to show your style in the image. Accessories that carry a specific style orientation (there are also Basic accessories without a pronounced style) will enliven the image based on the Basic things and make it bright and memorable.

4) Emphasize the character of your image. With the help of accessories you can build different mood images every day. Today you are a modest student - tomorrow you are a socialite. And then it depends only on your imagination and ability to choose and place accessories in the image.

What should be considered when choosing accessories?

When choosing accessories for clothing, it is important to consider following rules:

1. Choose your outfit and accessories according to place and occasion upcoming event.

2. Consider your color type and your Base and Vivid palettes. Here we draw your attention to the following trick: if you are building an image based on Basic things, add bright accent you can use accessories in the color of your Bright color palette. And vice versa - you can neutralize the saturation of bright clothes with the help of calm accessories. base color.

3. Body type is just as important than color type. For example, to the “Pear” silhouette, to balance the voluminous hips, massive jewelry around the neck is suitable. Slim belt designate the waist at the "Rectangle". Perfect " hourglass» Suitable for almost any accessory.

4. The composition is also important. If you have curvaceous, then small accessories may be lost in your image. You should give up small handbags and open sandals on stilettos. But girls with a thin physique will not fit large bags.

5. Make sure that all accessories in the image match exactly yours. style direction. You may have accessories of several styles in your wardrobe, however, in one image it is better to maintain one style direction.

6. Let's move on to another rule - moderation. Moderation concerns both the amount of jewelry and their shape and size.

  • For example, the older a woman is, the less jewelry she can wear at the same time.
  • If you wear to a party sparkly dress, do not complement it with shiny jewelry - this will be considered bad form.
  • Do not use neck jewelry if the top of your outfit is already decorated with embroidery, beads or an asymmetrical neckline.
  • It is not recommended to wear a full set of large jewelry at the same time - a bracelet, a ring, a necklace and earrings.
  • Also, don't place too many decorations around. The image runs the risk of becoming oversaturated.