Occupation-work. Abstract of an open lesson for parents. Synopsis of an open integrated lesson with parents in the middle group Topic: “Flower meadow. Materials and equipment

Purpose: create a special creative and emotional mood in children and parents, conducive to communication and rapprochement through games, songs, poems; ; submit a report on the child's progress in intellectual development, recommend games for home use.

Equipment: tables arranged in a circle; candles with candlesticks; hoops, hat (kokoshnik) "bear"; cards depicting geometric shapes (for each child), number cards (for each child), numbers from 1 to 4; samovar, tea, jam for painting a picture on a pancake, plates with pancakes; audio recording, drawings of children.

The hall is twilight. Children, holding the hands of their parents, walk through the hall, sit down at the tables (beautiful calm music sounds).

Leading (V.). The whole family this evening

We gathered at the table.

Let us ask quietly:

Maybe candles

Let's light it up for the holiday?

The host lights a candle on his table.

IN. And now I offer you a game that will help us light all the candles - a symbol of friendship and mutual understanding.

Game Pass the Candle.

To the music, adults pass the candle from table to table and light all the candles.

IN. A blizzard is walking outside the window, the frost is angry ... During these long winter evenings it's so good to play with a child, create with him, invent, fantasize ...

The game "Let's live together."

Purpose: foster a sense of unity.

IN. Let's all join hands (parents form one circle, children - the second, inside). There are many of us, but all together we are - friendly family... Let's feel how we connect with each other (squat, get up, walk in circles) without breaking this connection. We go in a circle, putting our left (right) hand on the shoulder of the person in front and feel this connection. We closed our eyes. The one who feels the touch will open his eyes (touches every little soft toy). Thank! We made it!

Musical pause (at the teacher's choice).

IN. I suggest to kids math games, and let the parents check how the children cope with them.

Game "Bear and Bees".

Purpose: master the quantitative account from 1 to 4, the concept of "one", "many".

The teacher invites the children to imagine that the chairs are houses of bees (hives), and they are "bees".

IN. How many bees?

Then one of the parents is assigned to the role of the "bear."

IN. How many bears?

Children-"bees" move freely, as soon as the teacher says "The bear is coming!", "Bees" scatter to their hives (sit on chairs). If the bear does not catch anyone, it goes to sleep.

IN.A bee, another bee, another bee ... How many bees?

Children count by naming the number (3,4,2,1).

A game "Geometric Lotto".

Purpose: learn to recognize geometric shapes.

There are three hoops on the floor great distance from each other, inside them are geometric shapes. Children pick up cards and run around the room to the music. At the end of the music, they must find their houses by the figures from the cards.

Game "Find your house".

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of numbers from 1 to 4, their relationship with the numerical picture.

Children are holding number cards. Children run to the music group room... At the signal (hitting the tambourine), the presenter raises up a card with the image of the number (1,2,3), the children with the corresponding number card run up to him.

Musical pause (a potpourri of children's songs sung by parents and children).

Quiz "Favorite fairy tales".

The presenter reads out excerpts from favorite children's fairy tales, children and parents guess their name.

Game "Hippodrome" (for children and parents).

Purpose: develop attention, rhythm of movements.

When the presenter says "racetrack", everyone stomps their feet, slaps their hands on their knees, imitating horse racing. On the word "papa" they bring their hands to their eyes (they look through binoculars) and say loudly: "Oo-oo-oo", slightly standing up. On the word “mom” they jump up from the chair, clap their hands, raise their hands up and shout: “Hurray! Hurrah! Hurrah!". On the word "children" they stretch their arms forward, stamp their feet and shout: "I want ice cream!"

Game "I am Lev Gosha" (for children and willing parents).

Purpose: develop self-confidence.

The teacher invites you to close the eyes of the children and imagine that each of them has turned into a lion. Leo is the king of beasts, strong, mighty, self-confident, calm, wise. He is handsome and free. The teacher says: “Open your eyes. Introduce yourself on behalf of the lion: "I am Lev Gosha." Walk the board with a proud, confident gait. Fine!"

IN.Family meetings "B winter evening"Is the tradition of our group. And today I would like to introduce one family that brings up their children in the best traditions. Let's welcome them.

Sharing family experiences.

IN.So our evening is coming to an end, our cheerful and joyful holiday... And to make it better remembered, we will draw pictures. Artists draw with pencils, paints on paper and canvas. And we suggest you paint a picture ... on a pancake. (There is a pancake on a plate, in a mug - jam syrup and a spoon. You need to drip the syrup with a spoon to make a drawing.)

Presentation of a drawing on a pancake.

Each family tells what they painted on the pancake, what they liked the most at the evening. This pancake is eaten by the whole family.

In the end, everyone gets on the "train" and goes around all the tables, admiring the amazing, unusual drawings. Then they are treated to tea and pancakes.

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Ryabinka" Nefteyugansk, KhMAO-Yugra

Synopsis of an active lesson with parents of the middle group "Good luck"

Synopsis of an active lesson with parents of the middle group according to the program "Socio-cultural origins"

Synopsis of an active lesson with parents of the middle group
under the program "Socio-cultural origins"

Topic: "Good luck"


1. The Resource Circle allows parents to feel the value of a good family example in raising their children.

2. This training will help parents to comprehend the existing experience, to get acquainted with the experience of other families.

Stages of work:

1. Preparatory stage.
The teacher informs the parents of the topic and offers to read the text. opening speech teacher. Parents reading "Words to Parents" of the book for the development of children 4-5 years old "Good luck"

2. Work in a circle.

Parents read the text and independently complete the task: they emphasize those statements that they consider correct.
3. Work in pairs.
Parents are encouraged to listen to each other and come to a joint decision.

4. Group discussion and peer review.
One of the couples presents their solution. The discussion is attended by couples with different options choice.
The teacher acquaints parents with the expert assessment.

5. Reflection.

Course of the lesson


Ask a strict life which road to take
Where in the world to go white in the morning
Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown
Always go my friend, go the road of good.

Dear Parents! May this meeting bring us the joy of communication and fill our souls wonderful feelings... I want to start our meeting with the words of L. Tatyanicheva (a proverb appears on the screen):

"To do good to people is to be prettier yourself."
- How do you understand the words "prettier yourself"?
Need to do more good deeds.
There are very good proverb: “Treat people the way you would like to be treated”; from good deeds it is easier and more pleasant. Your child has already learned how to take the first steps along the road of life. Every day opens up a beautiful and big worldfull of amazing new experiences and good cordial relationships. Life path a child is made up of many roads. Which road will he take? It is very important that the life of the baby is connected with good deeds and actions. Strengthening the child in these matters helps him independently and confidently walk the road of life.

And the epigraph to our meeting will be the words of A. Chepurov:

Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with thought about kindness:
All in blue and starry beauty
The land is good. She gives us bread
Living water and a tree in bloom.
Under this ever troubled sky
Let's fight for kindness!

What do you think we will have a conversation about today?

Educator Listen to the story.

This story took place a long time ago in an ancient city where a great sage lived. The fame of his wisdom spread far around him hometown... But there was a man in the city who was jealous of its fame. And so he decided to come up with such a question that the sage could not answer it. And he went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, planted it between his closed palms and thought: “I’ll ask the sage, which butterfly is in my hands - alive or dead? If he says - alive, I will close my palms, and the butterfly will die, and if he says dead, I will open my palms and the butterfly will fly away. Then everyone will understand which of us is smarter. ”The envious person caught the butterfly, put it between his palms and went to the sage. And he asked that: “What kind of butterfly do I have in my hands, oh wisest one: alive or dead? And then the sage who really was, very smart person said: "Everything is in your hands."

- How do you understand the words of the sage "Everything is in your hands?" (Life or death of a butterfly in this moment depended only on the Envious).

2. Resource circle "Good luck"

Educators and parents are sitting in a circle.


You have beads in cups on your table, choose the one that you like best. And now, when you have chosen a bead, squeeze it in your left fist, close your eyes, smile (be sure from the heart), think about what is good, good in your soul, what qualities you love, value, respect yourself for. Who is ready, open your eyes. I looked at your smiling faces and noticed that it became brighter. This is probably because kind-hearted people have gathered here. The qualities you mentioned are not innate, they need to be educated. We are all adults and children walk on different roads. But, probably, everyone has a favorite path along which he goes to do good deeds. And where are your favorite roads. Let's start with me.

My favorite path leads every morning to you, to our kindergartengoing to work for children. And where do your paths lead. Let's say this: “I am walking the road of good, because I do good deeds.

Parents pass the ball

Thanks for your stories.


What role do you think the family plays in creating positive life experience in children?

The teacher sums up the conversation.


A home for each of us is the beginning of all paths and roads. Parents are the people closest to the child, thanks to whom he gains a positive experience of behavior. Mom gives warmth and affection to her baby. In dad, the baby sees an example of courage and wisdom. The child observes the actions of the parents and tries to imitate them himself. Kind example and praise is the foundation of good experience. The child's desire to imitate an adult, to get his approval and support helps him in choosing life guidelines. Yes, there are values \u200b\u200bin life, without which there is no life on Earth. We can call many positive qualities person. But we put kindness first.
But why do we prioritize kindness? When a man appeared, he was rewarded with intelligence, speech, the ability for skill and art. Man began to get food, make beautiful things, build dwellings. But what a person was inside, always depended only on his heart. And here you can say: "Is everything in our hands?"


And this means that you and I will lay in the souls of children that way and they will go through life. Which road will he take? It is very important that the life of the baby is associated with good deeds and deeds. Strengthening the child in these matters helps him independently and confidently walk the road of life. A child's life path consists of many roads: a trip to visit grandparents, the road to kindergarten, where they are waiting joyful meetings with friends and educators, this is the road to the forest, where amazing birds and animals live, and the road to the field, where the hands and soul of man have worked, this is the road to the temple. And may she be happy and kind for him.

4. Work in pairs

The great teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “You live among people, check your actions with your consciousness: do you not cause evil, troubles, inconveniences with your actions. Make the people around you feel good. ”There are many good roads... These roads lead to doing good deeds. And now, I want to invite you to break up into pairs and discuss the illustrations, listen carefully to each other and come to a joint decision on which path you can take the child to do a good deed. And how can you explain to a child how he will feel when he does a good deed

5. Reflection.

- What thoughts did you have during the assignment?
Teach the heart of children to be good! - You must teach children that everything good that people do for you must be answered with kindness, show attention, sensitivity to adults and peers, the younger ones, as well as be kind to animals. And these are also roads of kindness along which we guide children and teach them to choose these particular roads.

Application form

To my questions you answer “yes” or “no” - in chorus.

1. Can a person be forced to be kind? (Not)

2. Is it possible to be kind for a time? (Not)

3. Do you need to be kind to any person? (Yes)

4. Is it easy to be kind? (Yes)

5. Do you have a desire to do good deeds? (Yes)

- Do you think that good on earth should live forever? (Yes)

- So, we can say good - this eternal value? (Yes)

We must not allow evil to prevail over good.

And it only depends on us!

Remember! Kindness is the savior of all life on Earth.

Let's end our evening

The song "Do good on all earth" is played

Homework: Think and Draw Your Child's Good Deeds

Expert review

- the character of a growing person is formed in the family;
- in the family, the child begins to feel his originality and uniqueness;
a strong family - the fundamental principle of a powerful state;
- the family allows a person to find true happiness;
- in the family, the child masters the spiritual experience of previous generations;
- a family gives a person a sense of security and confidence in the future;
- the life and traditions of the family determine the future fate of a person.

Gymnasium named after Peter the Great

Open integrated lesson in middle group with the participation of parents, timed to coincide with Mom's Day.

Completed by: teacher Morozova Elena Viktorovna

Moscow, 2018

SOFTWARE CONTENT: Develop dialogical speech, encourage a monologue. Continue teaching to answer questions clearly. Learn to compose descriptive story from photography and from memory. Activate adjectives in the speech of children: affectionate, caring, gentle, kind, beautiful, loving, beloved.

Learn to carefully use glue and paper, place blanks in the center of the sheet.

Preliminary work: talking about mom, looking at illustrations, photographs about mom, finger painting, learning finger gymnastics "Up the palms"

equipment: pictures of mothers, didactic game "The kids are lost" , cards with animals, attributes for the competition, landscape sheets, glue, brushes, napkins, colored paper for each child, a board with a clean Whatman paper, gouache, colored pencils, felt-tip pens.

Course of the lesson

Children stand in a semicircle.

1.a verse greeting (children tell)

Hello right hand

Hello left hand

Hello friend, hello friend

Hello, our entire friendly circle.

I love my kindergarten,

It's full of guys, maybe a hundred, maybe two hundred,

It's good when we are together.

Everything is in place?

Is everything here?

Turned around, looked back

And they smiled at each other.

Educator: I read a poem by U. Rajay

Who came to me in the morning? Mommy

Who said “It's time to get up?

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who poured tea into the cup?

Who braided my braids?

Did you clean everything at home, sweep it?

Who kiddies love to laugh?

Who is the best in the world?

Who is this poem about? How do children affectionately call their mother? Why do all adults and children love their mothers?

2. Game "Tell me about mom" with the display of photographs.

I start, show and tell about my mother, pay attention to the name and patronymic of my mother.

stories of 3-4 people.

Educator : - Guys, do you hear someone scratching at the door? Let's go and see.
- Oh, here is the dog! She says something! But we do not understand the language of animals. So, you have to use magic.
- Where is my magic wand? (stick movement)
- Spin, spin and turn into animals. (children wear animal masks)
- Do you hear what the puppy is telling us?
- He asks us for help. The animals have lost their children, we must help find them. Will we help you? (children's answers)

3. Game-classification "Lost the kids?" / animal illustrations /

(There are animals and their cubs on the table. Each child chooses an animal for himself and finds a cub for him, naming them correctly).

Holding an open lesson is an exciting moment in a teacher's life. The educator who deals with the children of the middle group (4–5 years old) - little "why", are faced with the task of making the event memorable and interesting for children and at the same time getting the approval of colleagues and parents of the pupils. A well-thought-out lesson structure, a selection of literature, development of exercises, preparation of equipment - such a carefully performed work will allow you to show yourself a good professional and a person doing what they love.

Preparation of an open lesson in the middle group of a kindergarten

Open class - this is one of the forms methodical work educational institutions. The teacher conducting such a lesson demonstrates to his colleagues some new ideas or technologies in the educational sphere or shares the accumulated experience, illustrating it with the results achieved by children. It can also be an event for parents of pupils in order to familiarize them with the peculiarities of the educational process in kindergarten and the success of the children.

For preschoolers, this is a common activity that is included in the general planning of the group's work and is designed to perform certain tasks of an upbringing and educational nature. Children come to class without any special training and preliminary "rehearsals". Pupils of the middle group already know a lot and are able to, they are actively developing speech, intellectual abilities and the emotional-volitional sphere, there are positive changes in the development of motor skills, independence is manifested. When conducting an open lesson, the teacher should take into account the high mental activity of preschoolers of this age.

An open lesson in its content and pace of activity should not differ from the usual

Five-year-old "why" are interested in causal relationships in different spheres of life, they are carried away professional activity adults, they begin to develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe different sides of the world around them.

Types of open classes in a preschool educational institution

According to their goals, open classes in the middle group can be of different types:

  • Open lesson as part of the activities of the Ministry of Education of educational institutions. It can be carried out to train young professionals or as an exchange of experience between colleagues.
  • Lesson for the certification committee before passing the exam for a higher qualification category.
  • Lesson within the framework of participation in a professional competition.
  • Open viewing for parents of pupils.

An open lesson for colleagues or the certification committee should show something new in the teaching process. It could be new technology teaching a lesson or new trick in the presentation of the material, the selection of tasks, the motivation of children, the organization of the workplace, etc.

An open lesson differs from an ordinary lesson in the presence of a methodological goal that reflects what the teacher wants to demonstrate to the observers present.

Examples of open classes in the middle group, taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils

Open classes in the middle group can be conducted within different subject areas and using different equipment:

  • The use of computer technology. Interactive whiteboard, computer greatly expand the possibilities visual methods learning, which at this age are the main due to the prevalence of visual-figurative thinking in children. ICT allows you to present the object of study in a more holistic and colorful way. Preschoolers cannot but be attracted by the brightness and expressiveness of the demonstrated multimedia material. It should be borne in mind that the use of a large screen reduces the burden on the vision of preschoolers, which is especially important, since the lens of the eye of children is in the stage of formation. All of the above speaks in favor of conducting classes using computer technology.
    • Kireeva Svetlana "Synopsis of the lesson using ICT" Hello, hedgehog! " ...
    • Zvonareva Elena "Synopsis of an open lesson with pupils of the middle group using ICT and ESM".
  • Using unconventional techniques visual arts... The drawings of five-year-old children are made up of rectangular and oval parts, but they already have drawn details: eyes, nose, mouth, clothing details. Drawing lessons are important for the development of fine motor skills and imagination of children, the ability to understand own emotions... The use of non-traditional techniques helps the child create a more expressive image with his own hands, raises self-esteem, and develops aesthetic perception.
  • Carrying out music lessons... At the age of 5, the child consciously listens to works of musical creativity, emotionally perceives the actions and feelings inherent in the work, can evaluate what he heard as beautiful, sad, joyful. The preschooler can convey his impressions of the work. These age features taken into account when developing a lesson.
    • Yashkuzina Evgeniya "We will go to save the Spring".
    • Kurlykova Lyudmila "Matryoshka dolls have come to visit us."
  • Conducting a lesson on healthy way life. Preschoolers of the middle group continue to be introduced to the structure of a person, the importance of the sense organs. They explain what the concept of “being healthy” means, why it is important to observe the daily routine and diet, what food is healthy, why to keep the body clean and neat in clothes. It is already possible to explain to the child the consequences of his actions on the body (“If you eat a lot of ice cream, your throat will hurt”, “If you take care of your teeth, they will be healthy and beautiful”). HLS classes are aimed at performing these tasks.
    • Vasilyeva Elena "Be healthy!" ...
    • Kolobova Olga "I am the health of the coast".
  • Conducting a lesson on physical culture... At 5 years old it continues active growth the body of a preschooler, the need for motor activity remains significant, there is a purposefulness of actions that can be guided. There is a desire to know the capabilities of your body, its structure. Preschoolers begin to develop a desire to act in a team, to show their success in agility and ability to perform exercises correctly. In all forms of organization motor activity it is necessary to strive to develop in children organization, independence, initiative, the ability to maintain friendly relations with peers.
    • Valentine's cabin “Learning to be friends”.
    • Open lesson "Travel to the land of fairy tales".
  • Logorhythm lesson. In children of this age, the development of motor skills improves. In the formation of speech, pronunciation of sounds becomes good (except for sonorants), diction improves. Rhythmic speech, rhyme attracts attention. Logorhythmics will help in fostering a sense of rhythm, tempo, improve pronunciation and correct breathing.
    • Andrianova Olga.
    • Open lesson for parents on the "White lessons" logo.
  • Organization of a cognitive research lesson. IN cognitive development children of middle preschool age high mental activity is noted. They are called "why" for a large number of questions about different spheres of life. Conducting classes on research activities will be perceived with interest.
    • Afanasyeva Love "On a visit to the water!" ...
    • Open lesson on research activities "Invisible-air".
  • Conducting classes with a kindergarten psychologist. In children of average age group the ability to control their emotions begins to manifest. At the same time, emotionality is distinguished by great expressiveness, sympathy, empathy awakens, the morality of actions is formed. It is necessary to teach the child to show benevolent attitudes towards others, to develop self-esteem.
    • Open class of a psychologist with elements of fairy tale therapy "The mood of my day".
    • Kuchina Maria "Lesson of a teacher-psychologist with children of the middle group of the kindergarten" Friendship begins with a smile. "
  • Conducting classes on the social and moral education of preschoolers. During role-playing games you can see that groups of permanent partners are being formed. Their number can vary from 2 to 5. The child develops a need for friendship, a desire to receive support and approval not only from adults, but also from peers. It is necessary to use examples to talk about the importance friendly relations between people, a benevolent attitude towards others, to know and apply the words of courteous treatment.
    • Gorodnicheva Nina "Open lesson on socialization" Let's teach Shapoklyak to be friends ".
    • Kurysheva Julia "Synopsis of an open lesson in the middle group on social and moral education."
  • Open swimming lesson. Swimming lessons harmoniously form physical properties organism: agility, flexibility, muscle strength, coordination of movements, have a hardening effect, improve immune system... On the other hand, this kind of sport affects the development of the personality: purposefulness, perseverance, courage are manifested and at the same time discipline and the ability to be in a team are brought up. All this has a positive meaning for the development of children in the middle group and, if possible, it is necessary to conduct classes in the pool.

Swimming lessons are held only in those children's institutions where there is a pool that meets sanitary standards.

Video: open class on social and emotional development in the middle group

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dcYdBMioKpwc Video can’t be loaded: GCD summary for the middle group on socio-emotional development (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dcYdBMioKpwc)

Table: how to prepare an open lesson

Author L. V. Kapustyanskaya, methodologist, Pavlovsk
Preparation stages
  1. The teacher makes the choice of the topic of the open lesson independently, taking into account the analysis of the material on which he can better show the improvements he has developed, techniques and methods, the organization of the pupils' activities on different stages lessons.
  2. It is necessary to begin training with the formulation of a methodological goal of an open lesson. The methodological goal reflects the main methodology of the lesson. This will help the most constructive and objective approach to introspection and lesson analysis, to assess the correctness of the selected methods and techniques and forms of organization.
    The methodological goal of an open lesson can be formulated as follows:
    • organization methodology independent work pupils;
    • revitalization cognitive activities pupils in the classroom in the process of working with visual aids and didactic material.
    • method of using… in the process of presenting new material.
  3. When preparing for an open lesson, the teacher must use modern information, select materials from the pedagogical and methodological literature, apply visit results methodological workshops, exhibitions, etc. All this will help to make the lesson interesting and informative.
  4. The material and technical equipment of the lesson must be prepared in advance. Equipment and TCO should be tested in action. Think over the sequence of their use in the lesson.
  5. Visual aids and audiovisual aids should be selected so that they are used in the best possible way to achieve the stated objectives. Too many visual aids scatters the attention of children, and the abundance of unused visuals is unjustified in the classroom. Be humble and don't overload the activity with visualization as decoration. All illustrative materials lesson should work towards the purpose of the lesson.

How to motivate children to work actively during the lesson

An open lesson has great importance for a professional career as a teacher. The caregiver must make an effort to produce positive impression on guests. The main thing in any lesson is children, and you need to make sure that they are happy to take part in this event, despite the presence of strangers.

The lesson should begin with creating a positive attitude of preschoolers.

Conducting an open lesson in the middle group of a preschool educational institution

When organizing such a lesson, it should be borne in mind that being in the lesson of unfamiliar adults can distract preschoolers, create unnecessary nervousness. It is advisable to prepare places for guests in advance so that they are not in the field of vision of preschoolers. The number of people present should not be too large.

So that this is not unexpected for the pupils, the teacher warns the children in a day or two that guests will come to their class, they want to get to know the children and learn how to play from them. If carried out open preview for parents, we can say that moms and dads are very interested in what the children are doing in kindergarten, so they will come to watch the lesson.

An open lesson should not be rehearsed, but children should be warned about it

The teacher's calm tone, self-confidence and a benevolent attitude towards children will help the children perceive the situation without unnecessary excitement.

Immediately before the start of the lesson with the children, the teacher provides the guests with a plan for the future lesson, the goals of its conduct and gives a description of the group.

Table: plan of the teacher's speech before an open lesson

Item characteristics Content
Group characteristics
Characteristics of the project of the upcoming lesson
  • Age characteristics of children.
  • Determination of the place of the lesson in the topic, section, etc.
  • Enumeration of the goals and objectives of the lesson with the content of the educational material.
  • Scoring the structure of the lesson.
Justification of the project of the upcoming lesson
  • Justification of the relevance of the chosen topic of the lesson.
  • Revealing the connection between the topic of the lesson and the methodological problem, the topic of self-education, on which the teacher is working.
Open lesson prospectus
  • Sounding the topic and title of the lesson.
  • Formulation of methodological novelties offered in the upcoming lesson.
  • A structural summary of the most interesting element of the lesson:
  • Scoring of the supporting synopsis.
  • Sample presentation didactic materials (didactic games, handout, sample, etc.).
  • Distribution of memos, booklets.
  • Reading out (or demonstration on the screen) of the bibliography.

List of topics of open classes for the middle group

The teacher chooses the topic of an open lesson and methods of its organization in accordance with work planning and relying on methodological materials and equipment that he can use. In terms of the amount of material studied, this should be a common activity. There is no need to go beyond the training program.

A list of topics that can be used to conduct an open lesson in the middle group of a preschool educational institution:

  • Environmental focus: "Air", "Water and its protection", "Nature", "Meet the rabbit".
  • Healthy lifestyle: "What are the benefits of vegetables and fruits", "If you want to be healthy - temper yourself!", "On the benefits of vitamins."
  • Safe behavior: "Let's repeat the rules road traffic"," Electrical safety at home. "
  • Moral and aesthetic education: "A Lesson of Kindness", "Book of the Week", "Miss Politeness".
  • The use of well-known fairy tales, for example "Little Red Riding Hood" or "Kolobok", for conducting a lesson in mathematics, teaching literacy.
  • Socialization of preschoolers: "Adult Labor", "Father's Day", "My Family".

Table: time plan of an open lesson in the middle group

Table: example of an outline of an open lesson in the middle group

Author Maksimchenko E. V., teacher MBDOU №3 "Birch", p. Peshkovo, Rostov region.
Name "A trip to the underwater world"
annotation Using computer techologies, the teacher shows the beauty of the underwater world and its inhabitants, attracting the attention of children with the colorful video material and well-chosen musical accompaniment... Travel atmosphere in new world is created not only by the visual-sound method, but also tactile objects are used: shells, stones, sand. Taken together, all this allows you to solve the assigned tasks of the lesson.
purpose Give an initial idea of underwater world, about some of its inhabitants and their features.
Program tasks
  • Educational:
    • to form children's ideas about the inhabitants of the underwater world;
    • to enrich and activate the children's vocabulary with nouns: octopus, shark, dolphin, fin, suckers; adjectives: predatory, slippery, long; verbs: swim, hunt;
    • develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, the ability to see the beautiful.
  • Developing:
  • Educational:
    • cultivate curiosity, desire to learn the world;
    • to increase cohesion in the group of pupils;
    • cultivate goodwill.
Preliminary work
  • Examination of pictures, illustrations depicting marine life,
  • learning psycho-gymnastics, finger gymnastics "Sea animals" V. Volnin,
  • listening to music: "Sounds of the sea", "Songs of dolphins.
  • Multimedia projector,
  • notebook,
  • CD with the sound of the sea,
  • seashells,
  • sea \u200b\u200bpebbles,
  • sand chest,
  • tasks on a postcard with a view of the sea.
Introductory stage V .: Guys, guests have come to us today, let's say hello to them. (Children say hello).
Guys, what is this? (The teacher points to the seashells, the children answer). Where can you see the shells? (In the sea). Did you know that there are more than just shells in the sea? Many different inhabitants live in the sea, including fish, which are covered with thick scales. Fins help them to move, and with the help of gills the fish breathe air dissolved in water.
Guys, would you like to visit the fabulous underwater world? (Yes). Let's go on a journey today, where we will see marine life and learn a lot about them. How do we get there? (Answers of children).
Shells from the bottom of the ocean will help us, as they are magical! Come and put your hand on the sink and close your eyes. The sound of the sea is already heard. (Magic music plays). So we got into the underwater kingdom. (A photograph of the underwater world is shown on the screen). Open your eyes.
The main stage IN.:
  • Our group has changed
    It turned into the bottom of the sea!

So we found ourselves in the underwater world, let's see who lives here? (Yes).
There is a knock on the door, a mermaid is crying on the screen (video).
Q: Guys, look, and who is crying? (Answers of children). Maybe we should ask the little mermaid why she is crying? What happened, little mermaid, why are you crying? (Video).
The Little Mermaid: There was a storm in the sea, and my friends were taken by the evil sea sorceress Ursula. She promised me to return my friends if I solve all her riddles that are in your chest with shells!
V .: Don't worry, little mermaid, the guys and I will help you. (Takes riddles out of the chest). I suggest you sit down on sea \u200b\u200bstones and take a close look at the images of marine life. I will make riddles, and you guess them.

  • Predatory big fish
    It flew like a lump
    Instantly swallowed the victim,
    Insatiable ... (Shark).

A video about a shark is shown.
V .: Guys, so that our eyes don't get tired, let's do eye exercises with you.

  • The fish swam, dived (open and close their eyes),
    The fish wagged its tail.
    Swims up and dives down,
    Swims up and dives down,
    Right, left, right, left
    I kept diving every now and then.
    Here she is -
    Goldfish (eyes open and close).

Q: Guys, a shark is an evil predator, so that she becomes kind you need to play with her!
Physical education "The sea is worried once."
Children are offered a familiar game, where the signal "Sea figure, freeze!" they represent any marine life. (A photo of a good shark is shown at the end of the game).
V .: Well done guys, and here is a photo of a good shark, she smiles at us!

  • You child believe me
    That I am not a fish, but a beast.
    No, the character is kinder -
    I save people in a storm.
    Backs flicker among the waves
    Children, who is this? (Dolphins).

A video about a dolphin is shown.
Finger gymnastics "Dolphin and his friends".

  • Once upon a time there was one dolphin (smooth movements of the hands at chest level to the left and to the right),
    Two skates were friends with him (palms turned vertically, alternating up and down movements).
    Whales swam towards them (arms folded crosswise, waving palms)
    Both shark and walruses.
    They taught them to count (clench and unclench their fists):
    One two three four five!

V .: Well done, guys! Here's the next task.

  • Pear with long legs
    Settled in the ocean.
    As many as eight arms and legs!
    This is a miracle ... (Octopus).

Educator: Well done guys, right!
A video about an octopus is shown.
Q: Guys, you are probably tired, let's take a little rest.
Music sounds, psycho-gymnastics "Underwater World" is held.
Q: Stand in a circle, close your eyes. Imagine that you have turned into little octopuses. Your tentacles are relaxed. Touch the neighbor on the right, left. There is water in front of you. Plenty of water. It is transparent, and through it you can see sun glare... On seabed quiet. Water absorbs all sounds. But then a flock of fish appeared at the bottom. They are friendly, where one is, everything is there. (Having joined the hands with the pads of the fingers, they make smooth movements to the right and left with their hands).
Fish are very curious, show curious fish. They love to communicate, let's talk like fish (they open their mouths silently, talking with gestures). Good on the seabed. The waves are quietly rustling. (Children stand in a circle, holding hands, imitate waves, the music dies down).
Guys, we have one more task left! Look, there are pieces of the picture on the table, the storm has stirred them up. Now you and I need to reassemble them. (They collect puzzles to the music).
A picture of the freed fish and a picture of a mermaid appear to the music of liberation.
Q: Look, little mermaid, we freed your friends!

The final stage The Little Mermaid (video): Well done, guys, the pictures are very beautiful! I thank you for your help, you helped me a lot. As a token of gratitude, I give you souvenirs from the bottom of the ocean!
Q: Guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Put your hand on the sinks, close your eyes.
  • Waves, waves, part (magic music sounds)
    Children come back to kindergarten!

Well, we are with you and returned to kindergarten. (The screen turns off).
Questions for reflection:

  • Did you enjoy the trip?
  • Guys, where were we with you today?
  • What have you learned new?
  • Who did you like the most from the inhabitants?

Q: So our journey to marine lifeand we say goodbye to our guests. Goodbye!

A teacher is a difficult, responsible and creative job. The teacher, observing from day to day how his wards grow, learn about the world around him, learn to speak, draw, write correctly, understands that this is his merit as well. He sees the results of his work, and this is an important part of his life. However, in addition to understanding the importance of their work, for the growth of professionalism, the educator needs to get an outside perspective on their activities, exchange experiences, discuss pressing problems, and get acquainted with new ideas. All this happens when conducting and discussing open classes.

Open lesson for parents of the middle group (Shishkina Yu.A.)

Outline outline of an open lesson for parents in the middle group No. 6

"Fabulous journey"

Software content:

1. to continue acquainting children with fairy tales; consolidate knowledge to guess riddles based on description and comparison fairytale characters; to consolidate the knowledge of counting to 5 and numbers 5, geometric shapes; repetition of animals and and wintering birds;

2. To develop attention, facial expressions, curiosity.

3. Foster a desire to help someone.

Materials: chest, bag, audio recording with the voices of birds, the song "Trains", "The White Hare Sits", the hero Hare, a letter.

Course of the lesson:

IN: The guys brought such a letter to our postman. Let's open up and read. (Read).

It says that the bunny was invited to visit “ Fairy land”, But in order to get there you have to overcome obstacles. Our bunny got confused and lost. Can we help him? (Children's answers)

Then we will go to fabulous journey, ready?

We got on the fun train, closed the doors, let's go!

(Song "Train")

I. Stop "Chest with riddles"

There is a chest on the table.

Q: -Guys, look what a beautiful chest meets us, but it is locked. And I know a secret, if we guess the riddles the chest will open.

  1. Where and when did this happen

Who does not wash, does not wash,

garbage, does not remove dirt?

Who did the cups run from?

There is such a creep.

No need for questions, disputes -

everyone knows that Fedora.

I gave you a hint

name rather a fairy tale. (Fedorino grief)

2. Only the door closed like a goat,

There is already a hungry beast.

Each of the guys knows a fairy tale

This (the wolf and the seven kids)

3. A village in the middle of the forest -

Three brothers were under construction.

The wolf watched with interest,

How they quarreled.

I decided to eat them, but it didn't work out -

Only in vain did I climb onto the roof.

The wolf barely carried away his legs

Singing my gray tail... (three pigs).

(Continue the tale)

Q: -Pull, pull ... ..

Do not drink brother from a puddle….

The hare built a bast hut ... ..

Q: -What good fellows you are, you all know! Here is our little box and opened. And there is a hint inside (a small bag) (Music "Steam Locomotive" sounds)

II. Stop " Magic pouch»

IN : - Here is the second obstacle. Here we have a Magic Bag. And what is inside you will have to say yourself (geometric shapes, funny numbers).

1. Name geometric shape, what color, what size?

2. What is the number? Put as many items as the number here.

Physical education "Once upon a time there was a bunny"

III. "Animal yard"

IN : - This is our third stop. You need to be very careful here.In the forest where the bunny lives with the arrival of spring, there was a confusion. So many different animals have appeared, and they just can't figure out which animals should stay in the forest and which shouldn't.

Vocabulary: We will try to help you (takes the cards with the image of animals, examines it with the children, concludes that domestic and wild animals are mixed up. On the magnetic board, the images of a house and a tree, children take animals and, calling them, attach them to the magnetic board)

IV. "Theater Club"

Q: - Guys, guess what kind of animal it is.

Draw the animal that I am showing you (bear, wolf, fox, hedgehog; at the end, a hare)

Q: - Well, here we are with you and found our bunny.

(The hare comes in)

Hello guys! I am very grateful to you for your help, if not you I would have lost my way and would not have reached " Of the magical land", And here's a treat from me (brings a basket of apples)

Physical education:"Once upon a time there was a bunny"

Once upon a time there was a bunny -

(clap their hands)

Long ears

(three fingers in a fist, index and middle - ears).

Frostbitten bunny

(clench and unclench the fingers of both hands)

Spout on the edge

(rubbing his nose).

Frozen nose

(squeeze and unclench the fingers of both hands),

Frozen tail

(stroking the dog)

And went to warm up

(turn the steering wheel)

Visit the kids.

It's warm and quiet there

(unclench the fists of both hands),

No wolf

(clap their hands)

And give carrots for lunch

(stroking the abdomen with the palm of the leading hand clockwise).