The guy threw if he could come back. How to return a man after a breakup: advice from a psychologist. Don't make new mistakes

.:: 02.11.2015

It's funny, but guys and girls are made of different test... Everything that happens between us is the result of misunderstanding each other, unwillingness to understand or, on the contrary, the unity of souls and thoughts on the verge of intuition.

When a guy says he doesn't want a relationship, he means that and nothing else.

But you can indulge yourself with the thought that he was just a little tired, was not himself, just offended, oh no, he just did not see how good you are! Thoughts like this - main mistake girls. And the best way out after parting is not to try to return everything, but to move on.

“I don’t know what to do because I really want him back! Is there a way to get him to give me a second chance? I realized that my feelings for him are really strong and I just want us to be able to start all over again. "

Well, it's time for you to shake yourself up! Until you just broke up, and you feel an emptiness inside yourself, an emotional breakdown. Someone will say "I was gutted." Calm down until you start rebuilding your thoughts for more positive mood you won't get anywhere. He won't come back to you just like that. Any man, whether ex or new boyfriend, does not want to be with a woman who is not confident in herself, constantly cries or, even worse, is hysterical.

Love yourself

Feel completely self-sufficient. Shake it off at last and tell yourself that life goes on, pretend you just time out. You hovered in temporary space for a minute to take care of yourself. I know you will say that it is unrealistically difficult, it is impossible to concentrate, etc. Believe me, almost every girl was in your place, so sister, I understand you. But the minute, during which you need to feel the fullness of yourself as a person and as a woman, can last for weeks and months.

I want to cry - cry, the case suffers for a couple of weeks, but not longer. If you haven't forgotten, then you're going to get your boyfriend back, not mourn your grief. Pull yourself together!

Why do you need him

Think about why you want it back. Really ask yourself why? Perhaps this is just a whim, an insult that you didn’t leave, but you? If this is not the case, analyze why you broke up. Exactly "analyze", sort through the shelves, put yourself in his place, look at yourself through his eyes, through the eyes of his friends (they also leaked their opinions to him).

Fixing bugs is not as easy as it sounds. Many times you said to yourself: “I will not pay, I will not humiliate myself,” and again and again you would break into sobs. And this should not be repeated. You are not sure of yourself if you still talk about him with tears in your eyes. Any negative emotion is not your help. And we need to find a way to prevent such misunderstandings from arising.

Don't make new mistakes

Mistakes are inevitable if you're going to constantly remind your ex of yourself. Remember, when a person falls out of your field of vision, you are always curious about what happened to him, where and how. Even guys are curious - although they try to look indifferent, they are a little curious too. And besides, almost every guy is pleased to see that his ex-girlfriend misses him. But he must receive this information fleetingly, very dosed. You should not be intrusive, constantly call out his eyes and shower him with your photos or text messages.

Give him time to come to his senses, take a break from your relationship and ... get bored a little. If you broke up in an argument, then for the first weeks he will continue to feel angry or resentful. But it will gradually calm down, the bright and good moments of your relationship will be easier to remember. He especially needs to be given time if you are really to blame for him. And all the more he needs time if he is already dating new girlfriend until their candy-bouquet period is over.

Start chatting with him

When you realize that you are completely calm, confident and are no longer going to snot, you can try to contact your ex-boyfriend, in any way that was most often used before (sms, phone calls, Email).

Start a dialogue with a question on neutral topic... The most commonplace option is to ask the phone number of your mutual friend or the details of some news about which he has heard and can tell.

Another option to strike up a conversation is not to ask questions, but to offer him something interesting, not a gift in the literal sense, rather a present of this kind, which does not oblige him to anything and does not look like a favor. For example, you turned out to have a book on a subject interesting to him, saw on a trip unusual souvenir, which he will definitely like. You need to present it so that he does not feel constrained - hand it in and quickly succeed, you can pass the souvenir through your friends. But do not convey messages in words, but attach a note. Do not write about feelings, let the message be friendly and neutral. This will force him to contact you to say thank you.

If you have absolutely no idea how to get out there, start neutrally with the traditional phrase: "Hello, how are you? How about just being friends?"

If after the breakup you had a relationship with another guy, or you broke up with the love of your life by twisting new romance then your ex should immediately understand why you are looking for a conversation with him. In the first or second dialogue, do not rush to disclose all the information. He should not think that your lover left you, but you need to make him understand that you are free. At the same time, don't even hint that you want to return it back.

Your conversation should leave him with an aftertaste of lightness and a little nostalgia. And also relief. After all, your ex-boyfriend would surely feel awkward if chance meeting somewhere in public place, could be afraid of scandal, tears or aggression. And so, easy conversation with a hint of good relationship or friendship, you will relieve possible tension, but do not impose new problems.

No future in the past

Understand that returning an ex-boyfriend means starting a new relationship. You have made monstrous mistakes or become victims of circumstances, one way or another, you need to start everything with blank slate, and not as a continuation of an interrupted relationship.

Secondly, you must open up to him in a new way, he must not see in you that which once annoyed him. At the same time, he should be pleasantly surprised who you are now.

You can change outwardly - change your hairstyle, style of clothing. But you should not drastically change your role, if he knew you as a Turgenev girl, this does not mean that in the image of a vamp woman you will be able to keep him.

Take action

Get in his eye, but don't be annoying. The best meeting is a swing. You periodically encounter him, then disappear from sight for several days. Meetings do not have to be in real life, for example, you can just leave comments in the city VKontakte group, where he looks. Your photo will still catch his eye.

Smart guys know all of these feminine receptions and tricks, don't think that he doesn't know about your maneuvers, underestimate him. Therefore, do not overdo it, be sincere and natural!

Use the past to your advantage! If he liked any of your clothes, put them on again. If you have a little thing that he gave, unobtrusively demonstrate. It can be a pendant around the neck, a toy in the background of the photo.

If you have the opportunity to meet him, do it in a place where you have been together before, and about which pleasant memories have been preserved.

Feel his mood

If during your communication he answers cautiously, in monosyllables, with irritation, back off, do not bother with questions, do not call or write. Apparently not enough time has passed yet or you are already overdoing it - do not exert pressure. If he answers you bluntly, turn it into a joke (neutral humor).

You shouldn't do anything if you are not sure that you still care about your ex-boyfriend a little!

If he asks to be left alone, leave him alone. Communicate with him as little as possible. If you have to face him, for example, at work, pretend to be casual.

If he easily and with interest supports the first dialogues, proceed carefully.

In order not to break the wood and not spoil everything, remember the basic rule:

Be discerning and figure out his feelings before making an obvious attempt at intimacy. You don't want to look pathetic !?

Be smarter

You can just tell him when you meet that you are very sorry about lost relationships and want to be there again. But do not use phrases that can cause conflicting feelings on subconscious level: "I want you back; I want to come back to you ”- as a rule, this evokes associations with committed mistakes. Say: "I may not be perfect, but you are the best that was and is in my life."

Never say phrases like:

  • “I will wait as long as it takes to be with you again” - you put yourself in dependence, give a reason to use yourself or play with your feelings.
  • “I can't live without you” - such expressions carry a tinge of fanaticism, you hang up on the guy not just obligations, but also responsibility for your life.

Remember a man in one or two phrases, especially on a call or SMS, you cannot return. Set yourself up for the long haul.

Do not use heavy weapons such as flirting on the blind. For a start, a smile will suffice. Not every girl is capable of flirting softly and not persistently. Erase the images of sexy movie heroines in your head, just be sweet and feminine.

  • If you and your ex-boyfriend were tied only physical proximity, leave him alone - he will always seek fresh sensations.
  • If he dumped you, don't try to make him jealous. The reasoning "maybe he'll understand what he's lost if he sees me with another guy" can further widen the gap between you.
  • Always remember why you broke up.
  • Do not beg, do not run, do not cry in front of him - this will only push him away, and you will feel humiliated afterwards.
  • Do not have too high hopes, even if he continues to communicate with you, this does not mean that he will want to renew the relationship, perhaps he is just well-mannered and is trying to remain friends.
  • If you have already parted more than two times, similar relationships no future. But do not confuse a quarrel, resentment and a complete breakdown of relations - these are two different things.
  • If he returned to you, learn from mistakes, remember the problems that were the previous time, so as not to repeat them.
  • Feel when you need to let go. Don't turn your relationship into a monthly stream of depression and negativity. Then you will regret wasted time and nerves - look around so many guys!
  • Do not renew the relationship if he broke up with you because of another girl or dumped another girl because of you. He is clearly not ready for serious relationship and he has already used his chance with you.
  • Uncertainty in relationships torments and insults. If you want your boyfriend back as soon as friendships are established, make it clear what kind of relationship you want.
  • Don't use it, don't play on feelings (guilt, duty, attachments), but don't let yourself be used.
  • Before trying to get your boyfriend back, find out how he behaved after breaking up. If your friends claim that he spoke offensively about you, do not try to renew the relationship, have pride. Feedback bad about ex-boyfriend or a girl is unworthy of any man.

Yulia Shvetsova, consultant psychologist

The feeling of being in love is wonderful, and the realization that a woman has reliable support and protection in the form of her man gives additional strength and a sense of peace. The hardships of life are much easier to bear together. Relationships fill life with new colors.


But no one is perfect in this world, and it happens that at one moment everything changes. It would seem that only yesterday the chosen one looked at his woman with a look full of love and passion, but today he is cold and seemingly completely closed to communication. Sometimes the cooling in the relationship occurs temporarily, but it happens that this leads to the fact that the couple ceases to exist. and, left alone, the woman can only think and guess what the man will decide. Will he come back?

Why did it happen?

Having the fact of discrepancy, one should initially understand the reasons for what happened. It's no secret that the atmosphere in a relationship directly depends on a woman. So what most often leads to a breakup? The reasons are different:

  • The feeling that everything is boring. Feelings lose their sharpness over time - this is inevitable, but it is within the power of every woman to try to refresh them.
  • Absorption by everyday life. Many ladies chores put much higher than the need to pay personal time to your chosen one. Even in the cleanest and most tidy house, hardly anyone will like it. A man can afford a housekeeper, a cook, as well as the rest of the household staff, he needs a chosen one for spending time together and feelings.
  • Communication with your beloved in a pretentious tone. Sooner or later, even the most resilient will flee from such moral oppression. No man makes a claim.
  • Conflicts with relatives on the part of a woman, in which she does not take his side.
  • The extinction of a passion that no action is taken to restore.
  • Lack of love and deep feelings.

What should a woman do if she wants a man to come back?

After a period of emotional distress, shedding tears into the pillow and several evenings spent in the company of friends, discussing which guys are ungrateful, the stage comes when something needs to be changed. Whether men return after parting largely depends on the woman's mood - what measures will be taken and what result will follow.

The first thing to do is to take care of yourself. Left alone, a woman gets a little more free time, which should not be spent bursting into tears, reveling in her own grief and complaining to everyone she meets about her tragic fate. This period can be perfectly filled useful activities... First of all - calm down, listen to yourself, understand what you want, not what you need. It's time to love your nature. This is where building healthy and happy relationships with the people around you begins. A woman who appreciates and loves herself will definitely attract a worthy partner.

Thoughts of men

I wonder what men think after breaking up? As a rule, they also try to understand themselves, their feelings. Some just try to take a break from life together, devote time to hobbies, meet friends. Those who from previous relationships immediately jumped into new ones, in the initial period enjoy the novelty of communication, burning passion, etc. Then the time comes when a man makes a choice - to remain alone, develop new relationships or return to his former woman.

Young man's actions and feelings

The behavior of men after parting is sometimes surprising. Especially if the initiative for the gap lies with him. Instead of completely disappearing from the life of his ex, he begins to look for meetings, regularly reminds of himself, tries to attract attention. Often a man calls after a breakup, catching the former by surprise. Such actions take place when the culprit of the gap feels confused. After all, he is not used to being alone, making any decisions on his own, especially if the couple has been together for a long period of time.

The feelings of a man after parting are ambiguous. On the one hand, he is seized by a feeling of freedom and lightness, on the other, he often becomes hostage to such a situation. This is not a problem at first. However, further the situation becomes a little more complicated. When a man is simply left alone with himself, it is much easier for him to figure it out.

If a young man has another girlfriend ...

If at this moment he is in the company of a new darling, he most often just wants to run away. It seems that the relationship captures him, but one thing is to secretly see his mistress, enjoy the intrigue and passionate meetings, and quite another - to live with her in the same territory. In everyday life, a person is known as best as possible. And a once sweet stranger can turn into a grumpy concubine in a moment. It so happens that having caught her chosen one in communication with the former, the current passion for the first time shows her true face.

Possible scenarios

Further events develop according to several scenarios:

  • If the reason for the separation is leaving for another woman, then, despite all the pain and tragedy of what happened, you need to try to save own face and also disperse on a friendly note. You never know how life will turn out and what will happen in time. Perhaps the new relationship is not destined to develop into something more, then there is a chance to do everything for the man to return after breaking up.
  • When a young man goes nowhere, simply because passion has died out. Often this happens after many years when the children become adults, and nothing connects him with his wife. In this case, you can try to get your husband back by simply talking to him honestly. Maybe we should give him more freedom. Aged men love to dedicate free time your favorite activities, such as fishing, hunting, etc. During this period, it is better to support your partner, with his permission, you can join his hobby. Then perhaps common interests and topics for communication.
  • If a man is tired of watching his chosen one in an untidy state, always dissatisfied and offended, then you need to take care of yourself as efficiently as possible. And do not complain about the lack of time. Now there are a lot of ways to make life easier. Get yourself in order, visit a beautician, hairdresser, have a manicure and pedicure. Take time for a session After being transformed, tune in to a friendly mood. Ask your partner to help you mend your relationship. This will help you understand better why men come back after breaking up. The psychology of the deed will become more understandable. This means that in the future it will be possible to exclude all the reasons leading to

If you look closely, it becomes obvious that the answer to the question of whether men return after parting depends largely on the woman herself. If she sees the point in continuing the relationship, there are unsaid kind words and not everything is done together, then this will certainly be. Further, on the initiative of the woman, everything will happen so that the union is reunited. If there is no point in further endeavor, as well as in the relationship itself, then you shouldn't even try.

When a man returns after parting, a woman has a choice - to take him back or to burn the bridges and let him float freely. In any case, after this moment, life will change forever. After the experienced events, none of the couple will remain the same.

Why is it coming back?

There are many reasons why men come back after breaking up. Human psychology is arranged complicated way, so it's worth understanding everything in order. Men come back because:

  • They are uncomfortable to be without a chosen one, her role in their life is large enough.
  • In comparison, truth is born. It often happens that the ex, in the opinion of a man, has the best qualities than a new passion.
  • Representative strong half humanity sometimes needs time to understand how deep his feelings for the former chosen one are. When they are serious enough, the relationship is renewed.

These are the most common comebacks after a breakup. Psychology is a complex thing, it is not so easy to understand it. Reasons to return to old relationship in fact as many as there are personal views. But still, in the listed ones, you can find some hints.

If he returned to you ...

When a man returns after parting and a woman decides to accept him back, the stage of restoring trust and relations in general begins. Now it is important to take into account all the reasons for the gap and to prevent the repetition of mistakes. It does not hurt to always find time to put yourself in order, to establish it in the house or apartment. Also, from now on, all claims, reproaches and accusations should be replaced with requests. Praise and tell your man more pleasant words more often.

Old relationships in a new way

Now it is clear why men return after parting. They need a new relationship, but with an already proven partner. During this period, he receives more attention, less reproaches and less pressure. Life is getting better, relationships are getting a new breath. Now a woman needs to show all her wisdom and establish a connection with her beloved. An important part of a fulfilling relationship in which both partners are happy is, of course, intimacy.

In this, you should show your imagination, purchase underwear for special cases, at least sometimes create a suitable atmosphere and more often please your loved one with bodily caresses. The same goes for tactile touch every day. You can have a relaxing massage after a working day, which will relieve fatigue and tension. Pay more attention and effort to this, and soon life will begin as if anew.


When a relationship gets back on track with renewed vigor, it doesn't really matter why men come back after breaking up. Human psychology is arranged in such a way that, if in the beginning there was interest in the analysis of the root cause, in the future it is lost. Partners are just trying to mend their relationships.

When the outcome of parting is not so rosy, you just have to put up with it. It happens in life, and it is better to really let go of the person, and with him the situation, although this is not easy. Over time, life will show that such an act was the best solution of all possible.

You were abandoned by your beloved boyfriend and you can't find a place for yourself? Do you want to return it? In this article, we'll show you how to get back the guy who dumped you!

By the way, if you had a fight with a guy and do not know how to apologize, then we advise you to look at this page here -

Finally it's time for real first love with deep feelings and experiences. Everything begins, as usual, beautiful and romantic - dates, flowers, confessions, kisses. Lovers tremble with each other and try to please the dear person in everything. But suddenly the first one appears alarm bell and something goes quite differently from how it began: a feeling young man gradually fades away, he becomes indifferent, and disappears from the life of his chosen one, and it seems that forever.

Let's start with prevention so that this doesn't happen if you truly value your love. Remember the one he loved you, and what is changing in the relationship. It is no coincidence that there is a saying "they are greeted by their clothes." Most of the men are visuals, as they say about them "love with their eyes." First of all, of course, the guy will look at the "cover", and it is important if this "cover" has not been worn out over time, because it is much more pleasant to have intimate relationship with well-groomed girl... But this is not the most important thing - the main thing is not to lose the warmth of the relationship and not to go too far: not to dominate your loved one and not to over-love.

If in a couple a girl is stronger in spirit, tougher in comparison with the gentle character of her chosen one, is capricious, makes her do whatever she wants, allows her to offend her man in a quarrel (and even worse - in public), then she risks quickly losing her lover. After all, any man values ​​his honor, and when they try to turn him into a rag, then he becomes unbearably painful for such antics of his beloved. If he endures for some time, and later an affectionate and soft-natured girl appears in his fate, but she knows how to take on many obligations (there is a type of men who love when a woman can decide a lot), then he will leave without hesitation To her. And he will no longer give a damn about threats and tantrums from the former. And it's also bad when women simply go into love, completely dissolving in it, abandoning their interests and following every step of their beloved, pleasing him in everything. Such a girl can quickly get bored. Common interests in a couple are important, general development, more importantly - understanding and trust as in oneself. In the first place in love is, oddly enough - friendship, and becoming best friend for your boyfriend, understanding him, not condemning his mistakes, on the contrary, jointly leaving difficult situations- then such love can last throughout life.

But prevention is missed, no matter from whose side, and the beloved is gone. How did he leave: silently, without saying anything, gradually changing every day, and with cooled feelings disappeared from your life? Or with a scandal from scratch, loudly slammed the door, despite your pleas? In the first case, it will be more difficult to return the guy, in the second - practically nothing needs to be done, he will come himself. This second case - clear sign the fact that such a man needs such a release by a scandal. Such a character cannot be changed and the girl will always face a choice - to continue the relationship with the young man or not. A family drama can begin with anything: with unwashed dishes, disagreements on some issue, and more often because of unfounded jealousy... Moreover, such a person is not really Othello, rather he is a "pseudo-contender", he needs some kind of clue from which to develop adrenaline in the blood - to make a real scandal. Real jealous people are like secret agents- they do not immediately show their feeling, they look closely, look for hints and clues for a long time, and only when there is really something to complain about, they demonstrate this feeling to the fullest.

But the brawler, if he left and even shows his resentment for some time or does not appear at all for several days, he will definitely show himself again, put the past quarrel on the shelves, so much so that he will definitely remain guilty girl... And again there will be scandals, and again pleas: "Do not go away!", And again slamming the door, stormy reconciliation, and again and again. The girl will simply become overgrown with a guilt complex, and it is completely unreasonable. And even if she cannot bear such ordeals, and she herself wants to end the relationship, then she will have to get rid of him for a very long time, so simply he will not lag behind her. So is it worth worrying in this case?

But in the first case, when the relationship on the part of the guy came to naught, and he left you, it will still be more difficult to return love. Of course, you definitely need to find out the reason for his indifference - what is wrong with you? What are you missing? Very important straight Talk, although it can be difficult, and you will hear a lot of accusations against you. Do not argue or scandal - draw a conclusion for yourself. The main thing is to listen, because if a person speaks out, he hopes that he was understood correctly. Offer to start the relationship over - if not immediately, but cool down a little. Start from scratch, as it started, just don't repeat past mistakes, don't go overboard. If a young man does not want to make contact, and does not agree to a conversation, then it is better to write him a letter, necessarily transmitted through mutual friend, who can convince not to tear the letter, but to read it. Without threats and proof of your innocence, write to him about how bad you are without him, how you do not sleep at night, and the world without him has become so dim. And only after that, state all of the above: what is the reason, what can be changed and how to start all over again? Ask an ambassador friend to convince the lover to have a frank conversation that can make a difference in the relationship.

We also prepared a guy. And the most difficult case- when a guy left you for another, falling in love with a rival. It will be very difficult, but sometimes effective. All ladies' tricks go in. Try to make him see you - in the company of mutual friends, in a cafe, even if the beloved appears with his new passion. Just be different, not like he is used to you. He expects stormy explanations from you, but they are not - instead: you, bright, beautiful, smiling, are surrounded by men (even if they are in cahoots with you), there is light flirting... It is important to look more interesting against the background of your rival. There is such a film "Theater", based on the novel by S. Maugham, where the main character, an actress who has long lived with her not quite beloved husband, is experiencing passionate love relationship with a young man, completely falling in love with him. But he soon became interested in another young actress, forgetting the main character. And that is exactly how - on the stage of the theater, playing in the same play with a young actress, she showed herself in the best light and introducing the debutante to the audience in such a way that everyone appreciated the young actress as mediocrity in comparison with her - bright, beautiful woman... The lover rushed to win the heart again the main character, but it was too late - she simply took revenge.

Try to understand why the relationship ended. Was there a quarrel, betrayal, or did you feel that he gradually lost interest in you? Knowing the reason why the guy left you can help you figure out if it's worth returning.

  • Analyze his behavior in the weeks leading up to the breakup. This will help you determine if the relationship can be saved.
  • If it was a sudden breakup due to a difference of opinion, he may just need a little time to cool down.
  • If the relationship has gone awry for months, consider if trying to get it back is really worth the effort.
  • Analyze the cause of the dispute. If the breakup is due to an argument, understanding why it happened can help you fix it. Was this your first fight or were you constantly fighting? People swear, disperse and reconcile all the time. However, if it has become a habit, it already indicates larger problems in the relationship in general.

    • If physical abuse occurs during an argument, understand that this is never the norm. Not best idea returning to a relationship with someone who uses physical violence against you.
    • And vice versa: you should never use physical violence against a partner. Seek help from friends, family, and possibly a doctor if you have or have thoughts of harming your partner.
  • Decide if you can forgive cheating. If the breakup was due to infidelity, think about whether it will be possible healthy relationship... In most cases, you shouldn't return a relationship that ended due to infidelity.

    • If he cheated, decide if you can truly forgive him. If the breakup is recent, you may react emotionally.
    • If you cheated, consider whether trying to come back will be fair to your boyfriend. Most people find it difficult to forgive betrayal in the form of betrayal.
    • Perhaps the betrayal happened for a reason. Probably the person who did this was not satisfied with the relationship.
  • Find out why he lost interest. If a relationship has faded due to a loss of interest, think about the reason. Perhaps you didn't have time for each other, or you were worried. difficult period, or is it just not your person.

    • He might have cooled off to you because one of you has changed. You may have gone through a temporary change due to difficult circumstances, or you may have become better. Sometimes people grow up individually.
    • If the relationship ended because one of you changed, you might both be better off moving on.
  • Admit your mistake. If you think you did something wrong, you should accept it and prepare to admit your wrongdoing. Understand that if you hurt your boyfriend, chances are your actions hurt him.

    • Be sure to try your best not to commit this act again. If your boyfriend takes you back, it's important not to repeat your mistakes.