I'll spend the new year with my boyfriend. New Year in country style. Prepare an unusual surprise for your soul mate

Do you want to celebrate New Year's Eve with the desired man? But at the same time with joy, happiness, not in any way in a dreary, gloomy despondency? Then you need to figure everything out.

How beautiful to celebrate the New Year with your loved one?

Meet New Year together is great. Evening can turn into real fairy tale and bring a lot of fun. A natural, almost reflex activity will be the desire to decorate your home. You understand what to do this on the evening of December 31, not seeing anything around, headlong, running wildly around the house or in search of Christmas trees, colorful decorations, or garlands are certainly not worth it. Better to plan ahead free evening, having planned shortly before this a quiet occupation of decorating your apartment.

Just decorate Christmas tree not enough. In order to wish to celebrate the New Year together in a romantic, fabulous, cozy atmosphere, you need to create this very new year atmosphere. Use for decoration all kinds of garlands with Christmas balls, spruce branches with pine, but for the most new year's eve better prepare the candles. Provided that there will be no “interference” for the evening, due to the absence of small children or animals, this electric garland can be hung in the most acceptable and original places.

It is better to discuss together what each of you wants to expect from the first night when the New Year arrives. The main rule is to strive to do everything together, because the New Year together is a step into a new time together. If you are only guided by your wishes, then, most likely, a quarrel cannot be avoided. There is nothing worse before the New Year than a quarrel.

It is better to prepare gifts for each other with surprises - albeit insignificant, but at the same time given with soul. Compose together and in advance holiday menu. Neither of you two enjoy cooking? It’s better not to waste time in the kitchen, it’s worth walking through the nearby grocery stores on December 31, forking out for ready-made salads, pizza, sushi.

Does your “celebrating the New Year together” scenario involve some kind of sexual marathon? Light dishes from little-known aphrodisiac products - either caviar, or mushrooms, or avocados and other things should have a place on your New Year's table.

Better not to overeat - especially a large number of food consumed in a variety of paired methods can be a serious cause and food poisoning. A slightly hungry stomach can manifest a certain sexual hunger.

How to celebrate the New Year with your loved one and not get bored?

Make styling in advance with evening make-up will be superfluous. Make sure you both dress up. Maybe you should undress? After all, you can meet this holiday naked. Present desired man original and valuable gift- maybe a bikini, herringbone design. Such a sexual meeting of the coming year will be especially memorable for you.

Or you can resort to a "cozy" scenario - just in bathrobes, and on a sofa, along with a bunch of available soft pillows, passionately eating all sorts of goodies, but watching your favorite, amazing films.

Summarize in anticipation of this holiday. Remember all the bad things that happened in the current, but outgoing year, and, of course, all the good things. Unpleasant, annoying memories should be written down on a piece of paper, then burned so that the unnecessary and bad remains in this old year.

Do not want to spoil your mood by watching the usual "blue lights" that are always broadcast on New Year's Eve on TV? Then look in advance for discs with films that you associate with a good New Year.

Summing up is not the last thing you can do. Talk about your plans for the future. It is better to write down these desires on pieces of paper, then put them in a bottle from under something - in a year you can get a “piggy bank of desires”. Draw conclusions from what has already been accumulated.

Home New Year's photo session is also possible. Record congratulations "sent" to each other on your video camera. Then - in a few years, an interesting collection of your family videos can turn out. It is not necessary to celebrate such a holiday either with friends, or with relatives, or alone with yourself, everything is fabulous new year time dedicate to the most desired, beloved and the only man. He must appreciate your uncomplicated act in dignity, the answer to which can be an unforgettable, stormy night.

With a loved one I want to share all the best moments of life. This also applies to holidays, and especially, such as the New Year. I want to spend this magical time somehow unusual, fun and romantic. For many, New Year's Eve takes place in the usual way for all of us to feast and watch festive television programs and concerts. But lovers want something more, unsurpassed. Do not get bored and dream in vain, you need to move on to action. Our article offers you 87 best photo ideas, useful videos about how unforgettable to celebrate the New Year 2019 together, enjoying every moment of spending time together. One has only to prepare in advance and think carefully about what kind of vacation you will treat yourself to. Fortunately, there are a great many of them, but finances play the main role in all this. Of course, the lower the cost, the happier the soul, many of you will think. For such a case, there is a simple and quite inexpensive option- is to arrange a "party" in the bath! And why is the bathhouse so good for celebrating the main day of the year? You will learn about this in the article about the budget New Year. http://sauna.spb.ru/iskra/new-year-cheap.html .

Unforgettable New Year at home

You can celebrate the New Year 2019 with your loved one at home or in the country. Set a festive table together, decorate a Christmas tree, decorate a room New Year's tinsel and garlands. Kiss, fall in love, talk, admiring the liveliness of sparkling bright lights, tell each other everything that has not been said, so that unexplained situations in your personal life not dragged into the coming 2019. You can also watch TV together with entertaining holiday programs, congratulations and fun concerts, drink cold champagne, exchange unforgettable gifts, delicious to eat. To dilute the atmosphere is to sing in karaoke, and nothing if there is no voice, the main thing is participation and high spirits. At midnight, you should definitely walk along a snow-covered street, blind cool snowman, fool around, wallowing and somersaulting in snowdrifts, play snowballs, light sparklers. In general, on New Year's Eve you need to feel like you are children, enjoy every moment of your pleasant pastime. After all, if you are alone, what could be more beautiful. After a long street walk, feeling a little tired, relax by turning on the good old New Year's comedy. In the morning, having brewed aromatic strong coffee, freshen up again with your loved one on the street, dreaming and making joint plans for the future. And do not think that the New Year in solitude is rather boring, on the contrary, it is even very fun and romantic. Fantasize, feed your feelings positive emotions and your couple will be the strongest and most in love.

We provide you with our photo ideas of how you can spend New Year's Eve 2019 together without being bored at all.

Talk heart to heart Execute cherished desire Admire the beauty winter morning
Flirt wrapped in a blanket Fooling around in the snowdrifts Give him a present
kiss in bed Light up sparklers Romance in the bathroom
Decorate a Christmas tree Make a snowman and play snowballs exchange gifts

In order for your New Year's Eve 2019 to be unforgettable, we suggest watching our video, in which you will get acquainted with wonderful ideas for a pleasant pastime.

Educational video: 7 ideas for a romantic evening with your loved one

Merry New Year away

The New Year, spent together visiting friends, relatives, parents, can bring a great variety to your relationship. It doesn’t matter where and with whom, the main thing is that it is collective and fervent. If you were invited to several places at the same time, then you don’t need to get lost, but, having grabbed small souvenirs, champagne, sweets, tangerines, hit the road. Having stayed with one family, giving them your warm smiles and my sincere congratulations, having spoken from the heart, traditionally uncorked and drank New Year's bottle champagne, hurry up to visit next guests. But do not forget to visit your friends in this turmoil. dear parents. After all, they, like no one else, are waiting for your arrival. Give them your symbolic present, envelop them with your attention, charge good mood and good spirits, joke, laugh and, if a noisy company awaits you somewhere else, having said goodbye to your relatives on a good note, go towards the upcoming fun. For a creative approach, it is advisable to dress up together in the costume of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and, taking small bag with souvenirs, show up for a visit.

With friends, it is not necessary to spend your precious time at home, as the New Year is a time of magic and indescribable joy. Book a table in advance in some good restaurant or cafe, preferably where you can dance and, even better, show your vocal ability with karaoke. If it turns out that the holiday has to be celebrated in a cozy home with friends, it's okay. Arrange after midnight fun game in a snowy yard, throwing snowballs, admiring the falling fluffy snow. Go sledding, skiing or just roll around in the snowdrifts. In general, in a great company, ideas come immediately. The main thing is to be positive, because how you celebrate the New Year 2019 is how you will spend it.

View our photo ideas on how you can have a great New Year's time in a fun company.

On the New Year's disco Light up sparklers Pleasant feast
Fun on a sled Make a cherished wish New Year's Eve Toast
Karaoke in friendly company Creatively congratulate friends street walk
dress up in cool costumes Just fool around perky tinsel
to drink delicious cocktails have a heart to heart chat On the tree in the city
Fly to Lapland to see Santa Claus Cool to spend time New Year's fireworks

Romantic New Year's Eve

If you have to celebrate the New Year 2019 together with your beloved at home, think over everything in advance. put on Nice dress which is sure to intrigue your young man. Set up a festive table. For romantic dinner it is best to prepare something light. You should not be zealous with food, so that after a plentiful feast it does not make you sleepy. It is best to limit yourself to fruits and light salads. After the clock strikes twelve and you congratulate each other on the holiday, exchange gifts, drink champagne, it is best to turn off the TV. So that he does not distract you from communicating with his loved one. Arrange the candles, prepare a quiet romantic music, under which it will be convenient to talk and dance, turn off the light. Then follow the course of events. You can spend New Year's Eve with your loved one in bed. Take a bottle of champagne and fruit with you. You can give your soulmate a relaxing massage or dance an erotic dance. Buy sexy in advance Underwear and erotic toys. An unusual variety will be added by the circumstance if you have not used such things yet.

You can, of course, invite your loved one to a restaurant so as not to mess around in the kitchen. Order light romantic music, dance, drink champagne, have fun. After that, return home together. Wear what you have prepared for new Year's Eve and act according to the situation. It would be nice if there were cream and ice in the refrigerator. What do you think to do with them.

If preparation romantic night falls on the shoulders of a man, then female gender you should leave, and the stronger sex should watch our video, in which you will learn how easy and without special problems organize unforgettable holiday for your beloved girl.

Video Tutorial: Preparing a Romantic Dinner

A festive night will turn out to be romantic enough if it is supplemented with a bathtub, which should be decorated with rain, Christmas decorations and branches. Arrange the candles. A few minutes before New Year's Eve, let yourself into the bathroom warm water, add foam and sea ​​salt. Turn on some light music. Pour into glasses of champagne and bring fruit. In such a mysterious atmosphere, it will be very pleasant to celebrate the New Year 2019 together with your beloved. And only a magical evening will know about the rest.

Browse our photo ideas for a romantic night out.

Romantic dinner in a restaurant Snow Maiden fulfills all desires Kisses on New Year's Eve
We complement the night of love with candles Christmas tree romance Romantic Games
Passion for New Year's Eve Festive mood Tenderness in the bathroom
Gift Night Wish New Year's morning in bed

Fairy night in the forest

Great if you are a fan of originality. It is unacceptable for you to follow generally accepted rules. Then there is a great chance to have a great time - to celebrate the New Year 2019 together in an unusual, fabulous way. How is it, you ask? Yes, easy and simple. Undoubtedly, you have some corner outside the city where you like to get out in the summer. For example, a river or a forest. And go there to celebrate the New Year's holiday! For such an adventure, prepare in advance: prepare drinks and snacks, a table, folding chairs, dishes, lanterns, everything you need for a fire and barbecue, a tent, warm blankets, pillows, and, of course, a small Christmas tree. Fresh air, the aroma of barbecue and a loved one nearby - isn't that romantic! To be safe, take your friends with you.

Having met the New Year in the forest, you can do something at dawn useful entertainment that will bring you both physical and spiritual pleasure. If you don't know how to entertain yourself, then check out our best photos ideas, they will prompt you.

Skiing with friends Adrenaline on the sled have some fun
Capturing beauty on film Mystery winter forest Take pictures of forest dwellers
Fairy tale Admire the life of the forest Breathe in the freshness of the river
Make the forest Christmas Photo for memory Warm up by the fire

New Year with a parachute

Are you bored with the usual meetings of the New Year holidays, but do not know how to make some kind of variety? Then consider such an option as a parachute jump for the New Year 2019. If you and your girlfriend love extreme sports, then you will definitely like this method. Having gathered courage and self-confidence, recover together to meet the unknown.

To make sure your decision is correct, watch our video, in which you will get acquainted with the beauties of the sky on a parachute and finally determine for yourself whether you can endure such entertainment.

Video: the beauty of heaven through the eyes of skydivers

New Year's trip to Europe

If you or your significant other love the romance of snowy, Christmas Europe, definitely go there together for everything new year holidays. In old Europe, there are many cozy towns that amaze with their amazing atmosphere and architecture. You will not only have a pleasant rest there, having met a wonderful New Year 2019, but you will also bring a lot of unforgettable experience and gifts for yourself, your family and friends. Just don't forget to take your camera with you to capture everything you see on film. Don't be afraid to experiment, because new year holidays magical, so bring a little winter fairy tale into your life.

To decide on the choice of a suitable corner in Europe for you, look at our photo ideas, and having seen all the beauties, you will undoubtedly find something of your own that enchants you.

Festive Venice Sweden on fire

Magical Latvia
Unforgettable Belgium Night in Bulgaria

With the onset of winter, the first frosts and gray days come, which awaken the desire to spend a holiday. Many of us are used to thinking that it is always necessary to celebrate noisily in big company or with relatives. But why not celebrate the New Year together with your husband, boyfriend, friend. Just you and your significant other.

Due to the frantic rhythm of life, it is not possible to devote much time to each other. So why not stay at home with your soulmate on New Year's Eve.

You don't have to think about chic outfits and perfect hair. You can wear revealing suits with stockings or a large neckline.

Do not forget that the desire to celebrate the New Year alone should be mutual.

If the partner does not represent a holiday without noisy company, then you should not convince him.

You can simply compromise: spend the beginning of the holiday together, and later go to friends or already invite everyone to yourself.

A big plus of spending New Year's Eve together is that you don't have to prepare a copious variety of dishes. A couple will be enough for a romantic dinner. You can also cook, but not very fatty. Get a bottle of fine wine from stocks. This will be enough for a wonderful evening.

The holiday itself will not work out, everyone understands this. It is better to start preparing together: clean the house together, decorate the Christmas tree, the apartment. Prepare dinner also together, help each other.

A win-win option is a romantic by candlelight. Set the table in advance to devote more time to your soulmate.

Different views

Any woman simply dreams of holding a perfect holiday. Her head is filled with such trifles: what napkins or tablecloths are suitable, what dishes are better to put out, and celebrate the New Year together.

A man thinks more globally: where to earn enough money for the New Year, how much a car for his beloved will cost as a gift. Do not pester him for every little thing if you do not want to quarrel.

If a man himself shows interest in decorating a holiday, he should not be forbidden.

No need to be afraid to show independence in preparation for the holiday. Believe me, he will appreciate all your efforts and will be proud of you, tell his relatives and friends.

Where and how can you celebrate the New Year together?

The first thing that comes to mind is to celebrate the New Year together at home. Arrange a romantic, drink champagne under the chiming clock and finish it. It's all banal and monotonous.

Book your hotel room in advance and order dinner in your room. But, most importantly, choose a room not in your city.

It is better to book a house closer to the forest or mountains. Great option leave for a few days in another country and celebrate there.

To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere romantic movie, rent a house with a fireplace right in the mountains. Gorgeous view from the windows. You can complement such an idyll with the help of a bear skin laid out by the fireplace. Drink a glass of champagne under the chiming clock, hugging your loved one.

New Year away from home

For those who love to travel, you can go on a New Year's cruise. So you can not only celebrate the holiday, but also see many new and interesting places. To meet new people. But there is one drawback - the road. Being on the road all the time, fatigue sets in quite quickly, and it is likely that you will not get the full pleasure from the cruise.

lovers warm winter can fly to any sunny beach or island. In places like Goa or the Maldives whole year sunny and fun. Having flown to the sea, do not forget about the change in climate and time zone. The body will get used to it for a while. But these are pathetic trifles compared to the emotions received for the entire vacation.

New experiences will broaden your horizons, drive away depression and raise self-esteem. The body will be enriched with vitamin D, and interest in life will return. Ultimately, health will improve and immunity will increase.

Fans of looking at various ancient sights of the city are better off going to Europe.

For lovers who want to spend a holiday surrounded by a small crowd of people, you can book a table in a restaurant or a nightclub. You will be able to meet new people and learn a lot of new things. A huge plus is that you don't have to cook a lot of food and end up cleaning the whole house.

Everything is already included in the program and it remains only to enjoy. Such option is suitable those who spend all the time on the robot, and are released in the evening.

Unusual New Year's Eve

Over time, ordinary gatherings at home begin to bother, and the question arises,?

Surprise your soulmate - book a walk on hot-air balloon. This is a wonderful and amazing option for celebrating the New Year together. Finally able to look at night city bird's-eye. Just an unforgettable experience.

Arrange in advance with the manager, because such an idea may come to mind not only to you. It will be a shame if everything falls apart at the last moment.

Consider the fact that perhaps your beloved is afraid of heights, and you will not be able to drag her into the ball.

The holiday will be spoiled, and the mood will immediately disappear.

If there are no phobias, and you managed to agree, then do not forget about champagne and snacks. You should also dress warmly - it is quite cold at high altitude. But what beautiful view will open before you.

Going on a train journey, it is likely that you will meet the New Year in the car. But do not be discouraged, you will have the same people who will have to celebrate the holiday outside the home too. This is a great opportunity for new acquaintances. Perhaps someone will be your neighbor on vacation.

Do not forget that on the road to a distant country, several time zones can change. So the New Year, perhaps, will be able to meet several times.

Before going out, you can dress up as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Take with you pre-purchased gifts, champagne, and give people joy. You will see how much the mood of passers-by will change when they are presented with a banal trinket.

Treat them with a glass of sparkling drink and wish them a Happy New Year.

Many will want to take a picture with you, do not refuse, so the surge of emotions will be even greater.

Go to the square to the Christmas tree itself and give joy to people there.

At first glance, this idea seems strange. Which bus on New Year's Eve? There are companies where you can rent a bus for certain time. Prepare transport in advance: decorate it with garlands, confetti. And don't forget to bring a player with you to have a dance.

Prepare a lot of snacks, but keep in mind that the bus will not stop in one place. Salads and stir-fries are not the kind of appetizers that go with this type of celebration. The main thing is not to forget the champagne.

Stop along the way and invite people on the bus so they can warm up and dance in a noisy company.

Marriage proposal for the New Year

For someone the most the best gift will be a closed session. Someone is happy with any gift. And many girls dream of getting married. So why not propose to your beloved on New Year's Eve.

It would be unusual to propose in game form. You can invite the girl to find a non-standard toy on the Christmas tree, in which a note with the inscription "Marry me" will be hidden.

While she is looking for a toy, carefully remove the ring and bouquet of flowers.

When a girl finds a toy, you will see how she will simply stun. She will definitely throw herself into your arms with the words: "I agree."

An unusual proposal can be made on the street. Being on the square, when the chiming clock ends and everyone starts to congratulate each other on the New Year, take out the ring and kneel.

She will not be able to hold back her tears and will say: "Yes."

In advance, you can ask friends from outside to shoot all this on camera. So you will have a video of the most exciting moment in your life.

new year with a friend

For a long time, the New Year was considered family holiday. But, like any other tradition, it subsides. So why not celebrate the holiday with your best friend.

As one option, you can go to night club. It is better to start preparing for the holiday together at your home. So you can help your friend with makeup, make her beautiful hairstyle and later it will help you too.

You can also celebrate in the car, driving around the city until the morning. Shout congratulations to passers-by. But you have to give up champagne.

If there is no mood, and you just want to stay at home, then you can arrange pajama party. Give each other manicures and pedicures and facials all night long.

It is not necessary to celebrate the New Year holidays in a noisy company. You can have a great time together.

Video: New Year together

Watch a humorous scene about the New Year together performed by the Ural dumplings.

Probably, we all have already made plans for the New Year. Noisy gatherings with friends and family, dancing until the morning - all this, of course, is good. But sometimes you want celebrate the new year together with your loved one- to be romantic. Is it possible to spend New Year's Eve in a special romantic way?!

First of all, for a romantic New Year you need to celebrate it ONLY together - and this is the main condition.

We create a New Year's romantic atmosphere

Create in an apartment maximum coziness and comfort. Think over lighting, smells... Candles, twilight, tinsel, spruce needles, quiet music - all this will create the necessary atmosphere.

No need to turn on the TV- it is best if your communication with him is limited to listening to the speech of the President and the chimes. For the rest, he is energetic vampire, will draw your energy onto itself, but it is necessary that you look first of all at each other.

Cooking New Year's table for two

What New Year without holiday table? Even in the most romantic you want to eat! Therefore, a romantic New Year's table should be hearty, refined, and at the same time - light!

With a full belly - what kind of romance? Then he will begin to fall asleep, and not look into each other's eyes.

So: if you want romance, no big dinner! You will need: a bottle good wine, a couple of light but delicious salads, a lot of fruit, a little meat and maybe pizza - that's all!

Dressing up for New Year's

Let you celebrate the New Year at home, and maybe even with your husband, who saw you in all forms, but the New Year is, first of all, a Holiday, therefore you have to look GOOD! Dress with plunging neckline on the back, tight pants, a sparkly top, a lace blouse… You must impress! And also - he must want to undress you 😉

Lingerie on New Year's Eve you should be the most-most-most! You can prepare some unusual kit ... and demonstrate it a little later 🙂

Certainly, new year outfit suggests New Year's make-up..

What is New Year's romance without sex?

That's right - none! Therefore, after the exchange of gifts, congratulations and light dinner usually followed by sex.

Sex on new year's eve should be special - imbued with the spirit of the holiday. Therefore, in order for it to be a long-awaited gift, it is advisable to refrain from it at least a couple of days before the New Year.

In New Year's sex, you can afford everything! Everything except quick sex is a pleasure for that and a pleasure for him stretch over 🙂

As an option for New Year's sex: champagne for a blowjob (put it in your mouth and give a blowjob to a man - very unusual sensations!), video and photo shooting of sex under the Christmas tree, sex in a festive bath with drinking champagne or mulled wine, luminous condoms and, of course, striptease!

Continuation of a romantic night

Of course, after all this, you can go to a noisy company, but I assure you that all your romantic vibes will evaporate here ... Therefore, unfortunately, it will not be possible to combine everything.

To stay from New Year's Eve only romantic memories- without any drunken faces and stupid toasts - spend this night alone with each other. Who said that you should (who should, by the way?) Be awake at the TV all the New Year celebration? Sleeping in each other's arms is also romantic!

I wish you to remember this romantic New Year for a long time!

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New Year is considered a traditional family holiday, and how to celebrate the New Year together with a loved one(husband or boyfriend) usually excites many girls. After all, according to all well-known sign how you spend the holiday, such will be the whole life in next year. And, probably, all girls want it to be interesting, romantic, filled with pleasant events. In order for the New Year's meeting to be successful, it is necessary to prepare in advance for this long-awaited event.

Together you decided to spend this holiday in romantic setting without a cheerful and noisy company of relatives or friends. But it's not about them, sometimes you just want to be alone and enjoy each other's company.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly define the concept of the evening. What do you want: a delicious meal and celebrate the New Year in front of the TV or naked by the fireplace on a bearskin, or maybe in the forest by the Christmas tree or in a champagne bath?

Discuss it with your partner or come up with your own, and surprise your loved one. We offer you several different options how you can celebrate the new year with your husband or loved one, and where to do it.

Classic variant

Arrange romantic dinner. At dinner, you should not overload yourself and your half with hearty mayonnaise food. Food should be light. Your menu should include a variety of fruits, chocolate and, of course, champagne. If you don't have enough time to cook festive dishes, food can be ordered in a cafe or restaurant, the main thing is to have dinner at home, so that no one disturbs you. Create a romantic atmosphere. Decorate the room with tinsel and Christmas decorations, decorate the Christmas tree, light candles. Although in the New Year you can do without them. Candles can be successfully replaced electric garlands. And don't forget some light relaxing music. Romantic evening start with words of love, and how such a meeting of the New Year will end, and so everyone understands.

Helpful information:

Erotic option

Instead of running all morning on December 31 for groceries, trying to stock up on provisions for the whole year, arrange a joint trip to erotic shops, to buy underwear for the evening, play costumes or intimate toys, if you like to use them, of course. And if you have never tried it, then you have an excellent reason for sexual experiments. On this day, you should not bother about cooking, it is better to book a table in a restaurant or cafe (this should be done a few weeks before the New Year), and store champagne and light snacks at home. Give preference to establishments where there is live music. You can specially order music and dance with a partner.

You should visit the restaurant before the New Year, so that by 12 o’clock you will have time to get home and put on your morning shopping.

extreme option

You can also celebrate the New Year together with your spouse in the deep forest, in the mountains or on the ocean, but this option for celebrating the New Year should be considered in a few months before the celebration. Wherever you are, take with you traditional symbols New Year - sparklers, a bottle of champagne, a luminous Christmas tree, even if it is very small. If you can, hang real garlands on the trees, but for this you need a power generator. And do not forget about snacks, which should also be prepared in advance. In general, meeting the New Year in nature is a matter troublesome.

Extravagant option

You can meet the New Year with your loved one, as they say, "what the mother gave birth to." Sit on a bearskin by the fireplace, make a circle of lit candles, put fruit, champagne, cheese, caviar, chocolate next to you and enjoy each other all the first night of the New Year.

There are many options that allow you to be original and spend this evening in a fabulous and unusual setting. But whatever you choose, know that one thing is important - your loved one should be with you.

Jul 23, 2015 I myself