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Cardiovascular diseases- one of the main causes of death: more than half of the deaths from natural causes become victims.

Many factors lead to their development, starting congenital pathologies and ending with stress and in the wrong way life. One of the first symptoms becomes pain in the heart.

However, chest pain does not always mean heart problems: problems with the spine, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, neurological disorders.

How my heart hurts when various diseases, by what signs can one distinguish cardiological pain from non-cardiological pain and what to do in case of sudden heart pain?

Heart pain symptoms

Not always the first signs serious illness are pronounced. In many cases, the heart practically does not bother a person for years, occasionally aches or every day reminds of itself differently unpleasant sensations such as coldness, heaviness, tightness in the chest.

A visit to a cardiologist in order to check if there are any serious irregularities in work of cardio-vascular system, is necessary if you experience the following symptoms:

  • After physical exertion or with nervous tension in the chest area pulls, presses or burns, colitis makes you feel sick;
  • While eating, walking, laughing, shortness of breath begins for no reason at first glance;
  • Increased fatigue is noted;
  • Erectile dysfunction in men;
  • Numbness of the limbs, blue at the base of the nails;
  • Snoring and sleep apnea, especially when lying on your back;
  • Swelling, especially swelling of the feet and hands. On early stages they are noticeable only by indirect signs - the shoes begin to press, the rings cut into the fingers. But even minor swelling is very serious symptom talking about circulatory disorders.

A visit to a cardiologist, correct diagnosis and timely prescribed therapy can save the patient's life.

Causes of chest pain associated with the heart

Not all pains on the left side of the chest are heart pains.

The most common cardiac causes can be divided into several groups:

Vascular pathologyInflammatory diseasesCongenital and autoimmune pathologies
Myocardial infarction;Pericarditis;
Ischemic heart disease and angina pectoris;Endocarditis;Heart defects;
TELA. Arrhythmias of various origins.

Myocardial infarction

Heart attack is one of the most formidable heart diseases, without urgent medical care often becoming the cause of the death of the patient.

The cause of a heart attack is acute violation circulation: blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque leads to necrosis of the areas of the heart muscle that have been deprived of nutrition. Symptoms in women and men are the same.

Heart attack pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin and other medications.

Extensive necrosis of the heart muscle is accompanied by loss of consciousness, blue lips and nails, and breathing disorders. In some cases, the discomfort characteristic of myocardial infarction is not accompanied by pain at all.

At the first suspicion of a heart attack, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible. It is impossible to cope with this condition on your own.

Myocardial infarction

Angina pectoris

Ischemic heart disease, or ischemic heart disease, most often develops in men over 45 years old, and makes itself felt by attacks of angina pectoris caused by spasm or narrowing of the coronary arteries and malnutrition of the heart muscle.

Her popular name, "Angina pectoris", expresses the nature of the pain that manifests itself in an attack - a pressing sensation resembles the severity of a small but massive load.

Patients describe this feeling with the words "the toad crushes."

In addition to pain, which, as with a heart attack, often radiates to the neck, lower teeth, left hand, angina pectoris is manifested by interruptions in the pulse, shortness of breath, weakness, nausea and dizziness, sudden pouring sweat.

The attack can begin after heavy physical or emotional stress or without apparent reasons- this suggests that pathological process managed to go far enough.

In order to alleviate the patient's condition, it is necessary to provide him with peace and take nitroglycerin.

IHD rarely occurs when normal pressure, therefore, long before the onset of seizures, a person may be tormented by symptoms of arterial hypertension.

Aortic dissection and rupture

Sharp sharp pain on the left, so strong that it sometimes leads to loss of consciousness - one of the main signs of aortic dissection or ruptured aneurysm.

These pathologies often occur against the background of connective tissue dysplasia, in which the heart muscle and large blood vessels are more vulnerable than in healthy people.

If the aorta ruptures due to an aneurysm or stratification of its walls, the patient may die without urgent medical attention due to massive internal bleeding.


Blockage of the pulmonary artery by a thrombus leads to disruption of the lung-heart complex.

This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

For pulmonary thrombosis, nitroglycerin and other heart medications do not help. Like most other vascular pathologies, this condition is life-threatening.

Inflammatory heart disease

Development different kinds inflammation is most often caused by streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. Autoimmune processes lead to them, fungal infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, tuberculosis and syphilis.

Inflammatory heart disease includes:

  • Pericarditis- inflammation of the lining of the heart;
  • Endocarditis- inflammation of the heart valves;
  • Myocarditis- the heart muscle is directly affected.


Symptoms of pericarditis are similar to those of angina pectoris. It's crushing pulling pains in the middle part of the chest, accompanied by shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat and radiating to the neck, arm, shoulder, lower jaw.

In a seated position, it is easier for the patient to breathe, and at night during sleep he tries to take a semi-sitting position.

The temperature usually rises to subfebrile.

Endocarditis is manifested by disturbances in the heart rhythm, symptoms of heart failure - cyanosis of the skin, edema of the limbs, face, accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity, shortness of breath.

Pain with inflammation of the heart valves remains mild for a long time, the clinical picture does not correspond to the real severity of the patient's condition. Even with timely treatment mortality from endocarditis reaches 30%.

With myocarditis, the heart hurts or pulls, the attacks of pain are not associated with physical or nervous stress. Like others inflammatory diseases, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature.


Excessive extensibility of chords - constrictions of connective tissue, to which the "petals" of the heart valve are attached, leads to its prolapse.

Like aortic aneurysm, this pathology is a frequent companion of connective tissue dysplasia.

Pain in prolapse is not associated with physical and nervous overload, they are localized on the left side of the heart region, have an aching or squeezing character.

Their frequency and strength depend on how severely the functions of the heart valve are impaired.

Heart defects

Often congenital defects development of the heart is detected even in the hospital and corrected in the first years of the patient's life.

But some of them give a pretty blurry clinical picture, and cannot be recognized immediately.

With age, when body weight and blood volume increase, the strength of the heart muscle is no longer sufficient for full-fledged work. Heart defects are manifested by a variety of symptoms.

Where the pain is localized, how serious the accompanying manifestations are, how often and with what intensity they make themselves felt depends on general condition the patient and what kind of heart defect he suffers from. Only a cardiologist can determine the exact diagnosis.


Most often, cardiomyopathy is a consequence of autoimmune processes. With her, the vessels and valves of the heart remain healthy, and blood pressure does not exceed normal performance, however, the heart muscle gradually thickens and loses its elasticity.

The strength, nature of the pain and where they are felt depend on the stage of the disease: with mild cardiomyopathy, the diseased heart reacts with an increase in heart rate, pressure and tingling sensation to physical exertion, and in severe cardiomyopathy, it hurts almost constantly.

Unpleasant sensations can be localized in any part of the chest and under the heart; nitroglycerin is ineffective against them.



Arrhythmias of various kinds are most often affected by women. Some of them, such as sinus or respiratory arrhythmias, have practically no effect on health, and the patient may find out about them by chance during a planned ECG. Others, such as atrial fibrillation, often lead to atrial fibrillation and sudden death.

During an attack of arrhythmia, pain is rather a secondary symptom that occurs against the background of an abnormal heart rhythm.

It is rarely very strong and does not go beyond the heart.

Chest pains of non-cardiac origin

Distinguishing heart pain from other pain is not easy enough, not everyone guesses whether chest pain can be caused by reasons not related to the heart.

However, information about how non-cardiological diseases manifest themselves will make it possible to understand what hurts even before visiting a doctor.

Osteochondrosis and herniated discs

An attack of thoracic osteochondrosis can be easily confused with an attack of angina pectoris. With it, the patient experiences pressing pains that can radiate to the left shoulder and arm.

An attack of pain is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, fear of death. Most often, an attack is preceded by an unsuccessful fall, or an awkward turn, intense physical activity.

Spinal pain is not relieved by nitroglycerin, but, unlike heart pain, it is relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Nise and Ketorol.

With intercostal neuralgia, which most often occurs as one of the complications of herniated intervertebral discs.

Unpleasant sensations in the form of burning, sharp or dull pain, aggravated by breathing, talking, sharp movements, are often localized above or below the heart.

The patient can easily indicate where the source of pain is located and where it gives. A pronounced reaction to any movement makes him frequent, breathe shallowly and try not to move his hand from the affected side.

It is possible to distinguish intercostal neuralgia from heart pains by the absence of such accompanying symptoms, as an increase or interruption in the pulse and not associated with discomfort, difficulty in breathing.

Heart neurosis

Frequent stress hormonal disorders, hyperexcitability nervous system lead to the development of cardioneurosis.

Prolonged aching pains in the apex of the heart, from the left edge of the chest, accompanied by insomnia, anxiety, often appear after overwork.

Often, cardioneurosis accompanies the onset of menopause. On the ECG, as with ischemic disease heart, no changes are visible.

To relieve pain caused by neurosis of the heart, sedatives and sedatives... This condition almost never leads to disturbances in the work of the heart muscle and does not threaten the patient's life.

Lung disease

Pressing, accompanied by heaviness and shortness of breath, chest pain accompanying diseases of the respiratory system, is almost always accompanied by symptoms such as cough, fever, noises in the bronchi. Therefore, it is difficult to confuse it with heart pain.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Arising from the set various reasons stomach cramps, burning chest pains caused by peptic ulcer or acute gastritis with high acidity are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In some cases, they are so intense that they resemble the symptoms of myocardial infarction.

It manifests itself in a similar way acute pancreatitis- inflammation of the pancreas located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity. It is impossible to stop this life-threatening condition without urgent medical attention.

It is quite easy to recognize a hernia of the esophagus.
Pain that resembles an attack of angina pectoris usually occurs when the patient is in a supine position and becomes easier when he gets to his feet.

Spasms of the gallbladder, blockage of the bile ducts with stones are also often manifested by severe pain. Despite the fact that the liver and gall bladder are located on the right, the pain in this case is of a shingles nature and is given to the second side, to the area of ​​the left hypochondrium.

Nitroglycerin is ineffective for all these diseases. Antispasmodics and drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice will help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Pain in the region of the heart is a common reason for seeking medical attention. They have different character, duration, a certain irradiation. In addition, discomfort in chest have a different etiology and their appearance is not always associated with cardiac pathology. This article describes the most characteristic signs of heart pain, indicates pathologies that can mimic it, and also tells how to distinguish true cardialgia from pain syndrome of a different etiology.

Causes of pain in the heart

The etiology of this unpleasant symptom is very diverse. Heart pain occurs, as a rule, in the presence of coronary artery disease, in which the coronary vessels are affected. Also, the cause of true cardialgia is inflammatory heart disease, congenital defects, VSD. In addition, there is a wide list of pathologies that are accompanied by pain in the chest, which mimics heart damage. Some of them are described below.

Cardialgia with osteochondrosis

The clinical manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis are very similar to the pathology of the respiratory system or the cardiovascular system. Patients complain of pain in the chest, which intensifies when bending, changing body position, as well as after dynamic or static loads. The pain often appears in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and spreads to the region of the heart, left arm and sternum. It can be disturbing when lying on its side or back, which forces patients to take a forced position, which reduces pain syndrome... Unpleasant sensations have different intensities, arise in different time days.

Shortness of breath is also a common symptom. Patients note that they do not have enough air, since normal inhalation is difficult. Sometimes during a meal, patients also notice a sensation foreign body in the throat and along the esophagus.

Pain in the heart with neuralgia

Cardialgia with this pathology occurs in only 10% of clinical cases, but is characterized by high intensity. Sudden pain syndrome develops. Patients cannot raise their left arm or turn their head. If pain spreads from nerves that are pinched by intercostal neuralgia, palpation of the intercostal spaces leads to increased pain. An increase in the intensity of pain is also observed when inhaling, coughing or laughing. The nature of the pain is usually shingles, stabbing, cutting, dull, persistent, or paroxysmal. Maybe sharp pain, which does not allow you to make a single movement.

Cardialgia with neuroses

Why does the heart hurt during psycho-emotional overstrain? The main reason is the development of cardiac neurosis. At the same time, cardialgia has certain features. So, in most cases, it occurs among people who are characterized by negativism, isolation, emotional lability. Favorable factors in in this case can be called bad habits, chronic lack of sleep accompanying mental disorders... With neurosis of the heart, there is compression and discomfort in the chest, dizziness and excessive sweating, headache and nausea. Patients may lose consciousness. Also characterized by an accelerated pulse, changes blood pressure, feeling short of breath, tremors, panic attacks and stabbing pain in the heart.

Heart pain during exercise

As a rule, this complication develops after excessive training. With intense physical activity, the heart requires more oxygen. An inadequate reaction of the body is manifested in the narrowing of the coronary vessels, which impairs the blood supply to the myocardium, and leads to the appearance of pain syndrome. Typically, athletes may experience heart pain, which disappears after rest. If It's a dull pain in the region of the heart more long time, you should reconsider the training scheme and reduce the load, as this can be dangerous. In addition, it should be remembered that in cases where significant tachycardia appears after exercise, excessive sweating and shortness of breath even after stopping physical activity or the left arm becomes numb, you should see a doctor immediately.

Cardialgia with vegetative-vascular dystonia

For cardiological syndrome with this pathology, the following symptoms are mainly characteristic: pain in the heart of an acute and stabbing nature, which appear both after physical exertion and at rest, disturbance of the heart rhythm in the form of tachy- or bradycardia, changes in blood pressure. Pain syndrome can be mild.

As a rule, there is a paroxysmal or dull pain in the heart, but it is accompanied by excessive fear or even hysterical seizures, in which a person cannot adequately assess his condition and overestimates the complexity of the present manifestations. In addition, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, temperature changes, general weakness and sweating, tinnitus and excessive sleepiness, headaches, mood swings are recorded, which is especially pronounced in adolescents.

Heart pain in chronic alcoholism

With constant abuse alcoholic beverages myocardial dystrophy is formed. At the initial stages of its development, patients complain of palpitations, lack of air, headache and bad sleep. It is also characterized by pressing pain in the heart, increased irritability and sweating. At first, cardialgia occurs in the form of attacks at night, accompanied by tachycardia, extrasystole or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, which later becomes permanent. In addition, after alcohol, which is consumed in large quantities, the heart enlarges, its tones become dull, acrocyanosis appears, the liver thickens, swelling of the extremities and signs of heart failure develop.

Heart pain during pregnancy

V this period serious changes take place in a woman's body and the usual work of many organs and systems, including the heart, is disrupted. As a rule, the cause of cardialgia during pregnancy is an increase in circulating blood volume, a constant increase in body weight, uncomfortable position, iron deficiency in the body, fluid retention and increased blood pressure. Do not forget about the significant hormonal changes during this period, which makes women weaker to the action of stressful situations or to sudden atmospheric changes.

Cardialgia for lung diseases

With the defeat of the respiratory system, chest pain has the following features:

  • characterized by an acute but short-term character;
  • as a rule, there is no irradiation of pain sensations;
  • the pain intensifies with a deep breath;
  • the presence of pulmonary symptoms such as cough, sputum production, shortness of breath;
  • dry or wet wheezing, percussion evidence indicating lung involvement.

It is worth noting that most often pain in the heart during inhalation is observed with the development of pleurisy. With this pathology, it can have a different distribution. With inflammation of the parietal pleura, pain is localized in the lower parts of the chest. In the area of ​​the shoulder blades, pain appears if the parietal pleura of the upper lobe of the lung is affected. If apical pleurisy is diagnosed, then due to irritation of the brachial plexus, there may be concomitant pain in the arm, and with diaphragmatic pleurisy, pain is spread to the abdominal area and is accompanied by vomiting.

That is why, for a correct diagnosis, it is important to clearly determine where it hurts. This helps to distinguish true cardiac pain from clinical manifestations of lung damage. It is important to remember that cardialgia in respiratory pathology cannot be considered the leading one. clinical syndrome... More specific manifestations are taken into account (cyanosis, fever, signs of intoxication, cough, shortness of breath, sputum production).

How to understand that it is the heart that hurts?

If you experience any discomfort in the area of ​​the heart, you should immediately consult a doctor for thorough examination... Blood tests, ECGs, myocardial scintigraphy, angiography, echocardiography, and cardiac MRI are done to confirm cardiac involvement.

How does your heart ache?

Of course, according to the complaints of patients, one or another pathology can be suspected, but for correct diagnosis clinical manifestations are not always decisive, since, as can be seen from the information presented above, pain in the region of the heart can appear in many other diseases that are not associated with direct damage to the heart.

If we talk about the main characteristic manifestations of heart pain, then we can name the following:

  • if the cause is angina pectoris, the pain occurs behind the sternum, has a compressive, cutting, dull or sharp character. As a rule, it extends to the left hand, the scapula, sometimes it may not have a clear localization, lasts from a few seconds to 20 minutes. During an attack, shortness of breath, a feeling of shortness of breath and fear of death appear. Painful sensations do not depend on the position of the body or breathing, are quickly removed by nitroglycerin;
  • in the case of myocardial infarction, intense anginal pain occurs, which radiates to the scapula, arm, abdomen, left half of the neck, lasts longer than 15 minutes and does not respond to nitrates, accompanied by profuse sweat and fear of death, as well as shortness of breath and unproductive cough. V individual cases myocardial infarction occurs without pain.

What to do with cardialgia?

When an attack of heart pain occurs, you should stop any physical activity, sit comfortably or, if possible, take horizontal position, unbutton clothing and provide access fresh air... The patient should be given one nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. If there is no effect, taking the drug can be repeated at intervals of three minutes. If the pain syndrome lasts more than 20 minutes and does not decrease after taking nitroglycerin three times, you should call ambulance... By her arrival, the patient can be given an aspirin tablet to chew. With tachycardia more than 110 beats / min. it is advisable to take anaprilin (if there are no contraindications).

It is important that first aid is provided in as soon as possible after the onset of pain. This helps to avoid severe complications, including myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac arrest. In addition, it should be remembered that even in the case when it was possible to independently eliminate the pain syndrome, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out its etiology and prevent a second attack.

Heart pain is a symptom of multiple problems, but not always heart problems. This is how pathologies can manifest musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, neurological disorders. Therefore, each of us needs to know how to distinguish pain in the region of the heart associated specifically with his disease in order to prevent serious complications, for example, myocardial infarction.

Unpleasant sensations in the chest area have received a collective name in medicine - cardialgia.

What pathologies can pain speak about?

Pain in the region of the heart can indicate many pathologies. Cardiac include:

  • ischemia (angina pectoris, rhythm disturbances, myocardial infarction, postinfarction cardiosclerosis);
  • inflammation of the myocardium, with a violation of the main functions of the muscle: excitability, conductivity and contractility;
  • myocardiopathy;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • heart trauma;
  • neoplasms.

Pathologies manifested by heart pain:

  • esophagitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux pathology;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • chemical burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach;
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome, accompanied by gastric bleeding;
  • perforation of the ulcer;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • aneurysm or dissection, congenital narrowing of the aorta;
  • pulmonary artery thrombosis, etc.

Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis after a detailed diagnosis.

The nature of painful sensations

Pain in the region of the heart can be of different nature and intensity. Therefore, you should know what kind of pain in the heart are in order to prevent its complications. Next, we will consider their types.

  • Squeezing

Constant compressive pain in the heart informs about a lack of oxygen in the myocardium - the heart muscle. This symptom is characteristic of almost all forms of ischemia (ischemia is a decrease in the blood supply to the myocardium with a weakening, cessation of arterial blood flow).

Angina pectoris is characterized by squeezing discomfort behind the sternum, radiating under the scapula and into the left arm. Discomfort almost always occurs after physical exertion, at rest or after taking nitroglycerin preparations.

Compressive sensations occur in people with various rhythm disturbances (bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia). Discomfort is often accompanied by fear, shortness of breath. With such pathologies, constricting pain appears in the heart.

  • Sharp

Sharp pains come on suddenly. They are characterized by the following pathologies:

  1. Angina pectoris. Prolonged angina attacks, accompanied by a feeling of constriction, indicate thrombosis, embolism, sharp stenosis of the coronary vessels. In such cases, nitroglycerin preparations do not help. If a person has taken two tablets with an interval of 10 minutes, but the discomfort does not go away, you should definitely call an ambulance. Only professional medical techniques will help prevent myocardial death - necrosis.
  2. Myocardial infarction. This pathology is a necrosis of the muscle wall. It is characterized by very pronounced, lingering sharp sensations that are given to the abdomen and are very similar to an attack intestinal colic... It is not possible to relieve discomfort with nitro drugs. It is accompanied by a lack of air, severe sweating, hand tremors, bouts of nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, arrhythmia. Often, people suffering from a heart attack have convulsions, involuntary urination.
  3. Pathology of the digestive tract. The cause of acute, sharp discomfort in the chest is the perforation of the stomach ulcer. From a sharp attack, a person becomes ill, there are "flies" in front of his eyes, his head begins to spin, right up to loss of consciousness.
  4. Pulmonary artery thrombosis. Pathology is a blockage of the arterial bed of the lung with a thrombus. Tachycardia, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, fever, wet wheezing, and cough can join the sharp pain. Thrombosis is a medical emergency that requires urgent medical attention.
  5. Aortic aneurysm (the aorta is the largest artery). Pathology is characterized by discomfort in the upper sternum. Discomfort lasts for 2-3 days, usually occurs after physical exertion, is not observed in other parts of the body, does not go away after nitroglycerin drugs.
  6. Dissection of the aortic aneurysm. Aortic rupture leads to blood flow between the layers of the vessel walls. When the wall breaks through, rapid massive blood loss occurs. Speaking in simple words, a huge hematoma is formed in the vessel. Often, pathology develops in elderly men. A condition when blood accumulates between the layers of the aorta is characterized by a sudden, sharp tearing discomfort behind the sternum or around the heart. Usually gives under the shoulder blade.

In parallel, pressure surges are observed - at first it rises significantly, then drops rapidly. Characteristic signs- asymmetry of the pulse on the hands, blue discoloration skin... A person sweats a lot, while fainting, his breathing is disturbed, his voice wheezes, shortness of breath is observed. Hematoma leads to a lack of oxygen in the myocardium and coma.

  • Crushing

Sudden pain and pressure behind the sternum develops with angina pectoris. The pain is paroxysmal, it can be relieved by taking nitroglycerin drugs. Distinctive feature between angina pectoris and heart attack - an attack of angina pectoris does not happen at rest and at night. Pressing sensations are almost always accompanied by surges in blood pressure.

Pressing pains in the region of the heart can be the cause, the symptoms (neurosis of the heart). In addition, the person will feel dizziness, arrhythmia, which are most often observed after a strong stressful situation, excitement.

Another reason for the feeling of pressure and discomfort in the chest is myocarditis. Symptoms: severe squeezing in the chest, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, swelling of the lower extremities.

Myocardiopathy, myocardial dystrophy, neoplasms of a diseased heart also give oppressive sensations... But in this case, the discomfort does not arise from physical exertion. It develops independently even at rest.

  • Stabbing

Many people perceive stabbing sensations for life-threatening pathologies. But such tingling sensations indicate neurosis. This condition does not threaten a person's life. It is associated with the intense pace of life, a heavy load on the psyche. Any cardiologist, having heard from a person that chest pain is sudden, short-lived and similar to an injection, will say that this is not a cause for concern. Such symptoms do not indicate serious pathologies.

The causes of such pain in the heart can be irritability, breakdown... Most often, emotional crises are prone to such crises, people who are strongly experiencing any, even the smallest troubles, people.

With constant anxiety, fear, emotional overstrain, adrenaline is reflexively released, which activates vital systems. In the course of evolution, the body has adapted to fight, for example, to attack or flee in the face of imminent danger. In the event that adrenaline is not spent on muscle mass, it “tries to find” its realization in other organs, provoking stabbing sensations in the chest area.

  • Strong

Unbearable severe pain in the heart may indicate a heart attack, pulmonary thrombosis, dissection of the aortic aneurysm. At the same time, the person is excited, rushing about. except severe pain in the area of ​​the heart, people experience a strong fear of death.

  • Burning

Such pains in the heart have the following reasons:, pericarditis, neurocirculatory dystonia, heartburn with gastroesophageal reflux (reverse reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus).

  • Sternum pain on inspiration

Shooting pains when inhaling from the side of the heart may be a sign of temporary infringement of the spinal nerves. Aching sensations at the exit - a symptom of protrusion (a pathological process in the spine, in which the intervertebral disc bulges into the spinal canal), intervertebral hernias. Constant discomfort and frequent pain on inspiration in the heart area are formed against the background of a violation muscle tone and are expressed in muscle overstrain, as well as spondylosis (pathology of the spinal column, which consists in the proliferation of vertebral tissue in the form of thorns, protrusions), osteochondrosis.

How to tell if pain is related to heart disease

There are a number of specific symptoms that will tell you how to determine that heart pain is associated precisely with its pathology. If at least a few of them are present, this is a reason to contact the cardiology center:

  • painful sensation lasts at least 30 minutes;
  • discomfort occurs during a night's sleep, at rest;
  • pain in the heart and disappear after taking nitroglycerin drugs;
  • pain in the heart area is periodically accompanied by suffocation, dizziness, fainting;
  • pressure in the chest area appears after physical or psychological overstrain, heart pain radiates to the area of ​​the left arm, scapula;
  • there is an increase in the frequency of contractions, a violation of the rhythm for no apparent reason;
  • the skin, while the heart hurts, turns pale, acquires a bluish tint, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • the person feels weak, sweats a lot.

Often, pain in the region of the heart is accompanied by aches, numbness of the muscles of the forearms. Then they rise to the muscles of the shoulder, give to the sternum; sweat is released intensively; breathing becomes difficult; legs and arms "do not obey" a person.

What to do with heart pain

What to do if you experience pain in the heart area:

  1. Take Corvalol. If the discomfort persists, then most likely the person has serious problems. In this case, you should call an ambulance.
  2. Hold your breath for a while. But if, with this, the pain in the region of the heart still does not subside, this indicates serious problems, if it decreases, it indicates neuralgia or muscle problems.

Any kind of discomfort in the chest area cannot be ignored. It should not be forgotten that many pathologies are secretive and can be perceived by people as a consequence of fatigue after physical exertion. To prevent development serious illnesses life-threatening, you should visit a cardiologist.

The hair coloring technique is not so complicated as to be trusted exclusively by hairdressers. And professional hair dye products are now sold in any cosmetic store: so, armed with paint and the appropriate tools, you can safely get down to business.

What is hair coloring and how to dye your hair correctly, you will learn on this page.

What is hair coloring at home

Hair coloring is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures, which was used with equal success by both men and women. In Ancient Persia, for example, men dyed their beards with henna - it was considered beautiful. However, let's not go into history.

Doing hair coloring is the most quick way to change yourself. Every woman wants to be attractive, and hair coloring in this sense can work wonders, making you either romantic and gentle, then bold and daring, then confident and strict - it all depends on which hair color you choose for yourself.

Hair dyeing used to be done exclusively in hairdressing salons. However, now hair coloring at home, thanks to a large number a variety of coloring agents, available to anyone.

Dye for home hair dyeing

Before dyeing your hair, decide which dye is preferable for you. Dye for dyeing hair at home can be natural and artificial (chemical). Which one is preferable? It all depends on your taste, on the structure of the hair and on the final result you are striving for.

Natural and chemical dyes have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is known that a natural dye affects the hair more sparingly than a chemical one, but the dyeing is not very persistent.

Hair coloring chemical agent is more persistent and saturated, but often such paint aggressively affects the hair, as a result of which it is damaged. If you decide - “we dye our hair at home with a chemical composition” - you will have to remember that beauty requires sacrifice and once again weigh the pros and cons, especially since different means give varying degrees intensity of hair coloring. Sometimes, in order to change your appearance and be satisfied with the result, it is enough to apply some "milder" effect than hair dye, especially since there are many options.

Hair coloring products: dye and shampoo

Hair coloring products are selected depending on how much saturated color you need.

Hair dye (colorator) is a product with the strongest effect. The effect of such a dye on your hair is extremely intense: you can radically change your look. The fact is that the oxidants contained in hair dye are able to break down natural pigments, thereby freeing up space for a chemical dye. It is with the help of such a tool that a bright blonde can become a burning brunette, and a brown-haired woman can give her hair the color of an eggplant or pomegranate. Positive side use of hair dye - intensity and color fastness, the ability to radically change hair color, negative - active influence on the hair structure, which can lead to damage. After intensive hair coloring, even if the coloring has not caused visible damage, it is necessary to apply a special care complex - now they are produced by many companies.

High-quality coloring agent - a product that gives a short-term effect. These shampoos contain paint (or rather, pigment), which "settles" on the hair and lasts until the next shampooing. You may not have to flaunt your new color for a long time, but you have a good chance of changing your image often. It should be said that coloring with special shampoo can not be called intense, but if you want to make your natural color hair, giving it the desired shade, better means can not found. Since the coloring shampoo does not contain components that aggressively affect the hair and allow the pigment to penetrate deep into its structure, you can not be afraid of hair damage.

Professional hair coloring products: toning

Washable tinting is in many ways akin to coloring shampoo: it contains pigment that settles on the hair without penetrating deep into its structure. However, this pigment is more persistent: it stays on the hair for a relatively long time, finally removing itself only after you wash your hair 5-7 times. The advantage of this tinting is the gentle effect on the hair and the intensity of the coloring, the disadvantage is that it is gradually washed off the hair.

Another tool for dyeing hair, albeit with a short-term effect, is intensive toning. Unlike rinse-off, intensive toning contains an oxidizing agent that promotes the penetration of pigment into the hair structure. However, this remedy can still be called sparing. It is washed off from the hair within two months. I would especially like to mention the so-called on-off toning, hair dye products, if desired, without a trace of washable special composition when you want it. The peculiarity of using intensive toning is that the hair should not be dyed or bleached before using it.

Hair coloring tools: bowl, gloves, drape

What needs to be prepared before dyeing? No matter how you can wait to start the transformation process, remember that it is impossible without some necessary things.

One of the essential tools for dyeing your hair is a regular bowl (preferably a plastic one) in which you will dilute the dye. You cannot do without this container, since many modern colorators include not only a dye, but also a fixing emulsion. To prevent the reaction between these two components from happening before you start painting, they must be mixed immediately before painting.

Stock up on a pair of gloves: you need to dye your hair, not your hands.

A drape made of oilcloth, polyethylene or waterproof fabric will help prevent paint from getting on your clothes.

Hair coloring tools: comb, cap

One more necessary tool for hair coloring, this is a comb with which you will evenly distribute the dye through your hair. A wide-toothed comb is preferable: you will have to spread the paint over wet hair, but it is more difficult to do it with a comb with fine teeth. For the same purpose - paint distribution - you can use a special brush.

A sheet of foil or oilcloth cap will be especially useful if you want to achieve the brightest and most intense shade: in this case, the cleavage of the pigment occurs under a stronger heat effect, which intensifies the chemical reaction. Don't forget about a towel, hair balm, hairdryer and skeleton brush: with these items you can completely tidy up your hair after dyeing.

We dye hair at home: safety precautions

Remember that hair dye is chemical composition which can cause an allergic skin reaction. It is necessary to observe safety precautions when dyeing hair in any case, and if the scalp is damaged or affected skin disease such as psoriasis or eczema, there is no need to take risks at all - hair coloring is not for you yet. But even if your skin seems completely healthy, it will not hurt to check it for an allergic reaction, especially since you do not have to make an appointment with an allergist for this. All it takes is a small amount of the composition with which you are going to dye your hair, and a little patience. Do not be too lazy to apply the composition to the back of the elbow, after wiping it with alcohol. Repeat this procedure three times to be sure and leave to dry completely. Now you have to wait two days, but after exactly 48 hours you will be able to determine exactly whether the selected composition is suitable for you. If the skin does not appear allergic reaction, you can safely use paint. If the reaction made itself felt, you should not use such a paint. The appearance of allergies in you does not mean that the composition itself is bad: it is just that we are all different, and what is suitable for some does not suit others at all.

So, everything is ready, there is no allergic reaction, so you can dye your hair. But before you start to paint, you need to wash your hair, you think. Stop! Another mistake. Coloring is not a haircut. If the haircut turns out to be the neater, the cleaner the hair, then the coloring is the opposite: the procedure will be more gentle if done on unwashed hair. That is, before dyeing your hair correctly, you do not need to wash it in any case. Of course, this does not mean at all that before dyeing you need to walk with a dirty head for a whole week, dyeing your hair a day or two after washing your hair is what you need.

Hair coloring technique (with video how to dye your hair)

Check out the video on how to dye your hair, and feel free to start dyeing:

1. Before dyeing your hair, squeeze the coloring compound out of the tube into a bowl. If a fixing emulsion is included with the formulation, mix them together. Remember to wear gloves on your hands. Your ultimate goal is dyed hair, not your hands.

2. Using a comb or special brush, apply the composition to unwashed hair. Correct technique hair coloring dictates that special attention should be paid to the roots: it is in the direction from the roots to the ends of the hair that the colorizer should be applied.

3. Leave the dye on your hair for a while. The breakdown process of natural pigments can take different amount time. It depends on both the composition of the dye and the type of your hair. On average, the exposure time to hair dye ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. Check the time according to the instructions that are in each package of paint. If you want a more saturated and lasting color, wrap your head in foil, rolling a kind of cap out of it, or put on an oilcloth hat.

Hair luminescence is new technology coloring that improves their condition. It is based on the use of the negatively charged elumen dye, which penetrates deeply into the hair with a positive charge. The hair is colored perfectly and does not deteriorate, but on the contrary, it feeds on nutrients.

4. Thoroughly rinse the paint off with warm (not hot!) Water.

5. Dry your hair with a towel.

6. Dry and and brush.

7. You can admire the result.

How to properly dye your hair at home

Hair color needs to be updated from time to time. Firstly, the effect of the pigment on the hair does not last forever: over time, the color still fades. Secondly, the hair grows continuously, and soon you run the risk of discovering that the regrown hair roots, which differ in color from the dyed areas, significantly spoil the big picture... So re-staining cannot be avoided. Since hair roots differ in color, special attention will have to be paid to them. The composition is applied to the roots for 20 minutes, after which it is distributed with a comb along the entire length of the hair and remains on them for another 10 minutes.

When dyeing your hair, remember that this procedure requires some precautions and restrictions. For example, a hair-dyeing compound should not be used to dye eyebrows and eyelashes. The correction (the procedure is even more subtle than hair coloring) will be done in a beauty salon, and there is mascara for coloring the eyelashes. So use hair dye only for its intended purpose.

If the colorator gets into your eyes while coloring, immediately rinse them with plenty of water. Do not hesitate to use water even in cases where paint has got on the skin of your face, hands or clothes: you are unlikely to want to flaunt mahogany stains where they are not provided for by the laws of fashion.

Black hair is not suitable for all women. Girls with bronze skin can afford to be brunettes, but "dark-skinned" dark color hair ages. Black hair goes to the owners fair skin... However, girls with white porcelain leather black hair is contraindicated.

Hair coloring technology: error correction

Hair coloring technology is a troublesome process, and rarely anyone can manage without mistakes, especially at first. What to do in cases where the coloring for some reason still does not suit you 100%? Dye your hair? Yes, of course, everything can be fixed. However, before you work on fixing errors, understand their causes.

1. Hair after dyeing has become too dark in color. This can happen for several reasons. You may not have paid enough attention to the selection the right tone and chose too dark, or your hair is too thin and you simply overexposed the dye on it.

2. The resulting color is too light. The only explanation lies in the wrong choice of the composition: apparently, you mistakenly used a too light one, and next time you will need to use a composition one tone darker.

3. After drying and styling, you find that the hair color is uneven. There are several explanations for this. The most likely one is that you have used too little formulation. Meanwhile, there is a clear rule: one tube of paint is enough for short and semi long hair(up to or just below the shoulders). For longer hair, you need to take two tubes of colorizer. This rule applies at least for the first hair coloring. In the future, if you just want to refresh your chosen color and return its brightness, it will be enough to use one tube.

Hair can be colored unevenly for other reasons. If you are a middle-aged woman, then when dyeing your hair, you strive not only to change your appearance, but also to paint over the gray hair. However, it is precisely because of gray hair that the hair is sometimes not completely dyed, especially if gray hair many. The way out is to choose a more intense paint tone next time.

Sometimes the dye lays on the hair unevenly due to the peculiarities of their structure. The thicker the hair, the more difficult it is to dye it, in contrast to thin hair, which dyes quickly. However, there is a way out here as well. Before dyeing, you can use a bleach to break down the cells of the hair's natural pigment, and only then apply the colorizer. You can choose a more intense tone and, after applying the dye to your hair, hold it longer (but within the time specified in the instructions for use!).

And finally, another reason for uneven coloration is hair styling products. Unwashed hair should be dyed, but if it has styling products, it is better to wash your hair before painting than to do it over all sorts of varnishes, mousses or gels: the result can be unpredictable, especially since any styling product is, as a rule, a chemical composition, so that between its components and the components of the colorant a chemical reaction may occur. Therefore, either rinse the styling products from your hair and color it immediately after washing on clean hair, having previously dried them with a towel, or be patient and wait with staining for another two days, without washing your head and without using foams, varnishes, gels and other means.

4. The scalp was irritated after dyeing. This means that you have either overly sensitive or allergy-prone skin. It remains to add that if chemical dye because of the peculiarities of the skin, it does not suit you, but you still want to change the hair color, you can use one of the options for gentle hair dyeing.