Creative games for children 1 2 years old. Staged games: showing objects and actions with their names. What can you do with a baby in one or two years: independent games


Happy child 19.07.2016

Dear readers, you probably like to spend your time interestingly with your children and grandchildren. Today on the blog I want to present a selection of interesting educational games for children from 1 to 2 years old using simple materials at hand. Julia Verenkina, mother of two children, will tell about such games. I pass the floor to Julia.

Games for children 1 - 2 years old using improvised materials

When a child is not very interested in store-bought toys, parental ingenuity comes into play. This is what happened in our family.

We are lucky to become the parents of a little researcher who constantly needs to offer something new, interesting, unusual. Then we began to invent games with improvised materials. It is very exciting, and most importantly economical. As it turned out, many do-it-yourself games are not at all difficult to make. We learned something in developmental classes, the kid suggested something, we remembered something from childhood.

I will say again that the recommended age is indicative. Some children can easily cope with tasks earlier, others a little later. All kids are different. Also, not all developmental activities with a child from a year old may appeal to him, but some will definitely appeal to him. Experiment!

Games for the development of fine motor skills of children (from 10 months)

Of course, this type of activity requires parental supervision. Small items here are pebbles for an aquarium (as an alternative - small pebbles), buttons, beads, bells and other sewing accessories. But games with such small objects are very useful for the baby and should be present in his Everyday life. The safety precautions are simple: they played and removed to a place unknown to the child.

A favorite game can be, for example, picking up pebbles for an aquarium in a non-spill cup. We started playing at the age of 10 months, and by the age of one, the child was already doing well on his own. But, at first, he needs to be shown how this is done, or rather, to direct his hands. That is, take his pen with his hand, grab a pebble and put it in a glass.

The little ones have good muscle memory, and they easily remember hand movements.

Pebbles can be bought at a pet store, building supermarkets, and a glass at an office supply store. Instead of pebbles, you can take buttons, beads, small lids, and so on.

Over time (from about a year and a half), you can teach your child to sort objects by color: in a blue cup, objects of blue color, in yellow - yellow.

Also, from beads, buttons, pebbles and a baby pencil case, you get an excellent rattle!

Educational game for children "Find a couple" (from a year to a year and a half)

Quite an interesting game, which can also be made from improvised means.

The first variation of the game: cut images of familiar objects into halves and invite the baby to find a pair. What does it look like? Several pictures depicting a ball, a house, a tree, a cat, etc. cut into two parts and offer to the child. The pictures themselves can be printed, drawn, taken as postcards or clippings from magazines. His task is to find two halves and assemble the drawing. For the first time, the child is offered two pictures (4 parts), gradually increasing their number.

The second version of the game provides for the presence a large number two identical items.

For example, two blue bottle caps, two cubes of the same color, two mittens, two balls, two identical parts from the designer, two intercom chips, etc. It is desirable to have about 20 items (10 pairs). We put half of the items in a bag, the other half in a cup (or place it on the table). The task of the child is to get the item out of the bag and find a match for him from the cup. Enough exciting game for children one and a half - two years. The number of items can be varied and changed. And you don't have to buy anything.

Hair bands (from one and a half years)

Moms of boys, have you seen such small children's hair ties in stores? And mothers of girls themselves will understand what it is about. Another game for developing finger motor skills is stringing rubber bands on a marker or felt-tip pen. The main thing is that the diameter of the marker is slightly larger than the rubber itself. The child must make an effort, learn to stretch the rubber band to put it on a pencil or marker.

Plasticine games for children (from 1 year old)

Dear readers, I won’t talk about simple modeling from plasticine, this is the first thing that comes to mind. I will offer an alternative: gluing pieces of plasticine onto a sheet of paper.

To do this, you need a piece of plasticine (one or more colors) and paper. The task of the child is to tear off small pieces, roll up balls and, pressing with a finger, stick them to the paper. Plasticine balls can not only be pressed down, but slightly smeared. With such a task, a one-year-old baby will definitely cope. But do not forget to show and guide the child's hands.

When the baby learns such a game, you can diversify it. To do this, give the baby something small (noodles, beans, peas, pieces of foil or colored paper, beads) and show that they can be glued to plasticine. You get good crafts.

Another variation of this game. Laminate the image of a tree without leaves and invite the baby to “glue the leaves”.

Green in summer, yellow in autumn, and snowflakes in winter. In the same way, you can prepare ladybug no blemishes, a brush of mountain ash without berries, etc. After the game, the plasticine is easy to assemble, and the stencil remains until the next creative lesson.

Educational game for children "Studying forms" (from a year to a year and a half)

At the age of one year, children are already quite good at distinguishing the main geometric figures. This can be used for playing. Parents need to prepare the same number of cubes (you can different color, size) and balls (for large mud table tennis).

It is necessary to put the balls and cubes in one box and ask the baby to sort them. Balls in one pile (cup, tray, box), cubes in another. During the game, you need to speak with the child the actions and forms of objects, teach generalization.

Educational games for children with covers (from one and a half years)

Another improvised material is covers from plastic bottles. When there are a lot of them (30-40 pieces), you can lay out geometric shapes, lines, snakes, zigzags with them, build towers, sort by colors. Spill-proof lids also come in handy.

Dance classes for children (from the year)

Pro music lessons you can talk a lot. You can diversify them by dancing with pompoms, ribbons, paper birds. It is enough to take sticks for rolls and attach to the pointed end satin ribbon(sold at any fabric and accessories store). Instead of a ribbon, you can take a New Year's "rain" and teach your child to dance with them. Girls will especially like it. Well, and moms, because it's so cute!

Modeling from dough (a game for children from 1 year old)

Unlike plasticine, it’s not scary if the child puts the dough in his mouth. Salt dough products can also be dried. Gouache or food colorings vary the color of the dough. Mouse, bird, hedgehog, worm will become great gift grandfather or grandmother.

Drawing for children (from 9 months)

Everything seems to be clear here: pencils, watercolor, gouache. Some children do not need to show anything at all, they themselves will come up with better parents.

And some people need to be interested. In addition to the brush, you can draw with your fingers, cotton buds, foam rubber sponges, toothbrushes, make prints. Pencils can be used to trace objects, palms, draw details, etc.

Try drawing a simple pattern on paper with a wax candle, and then have your child paint the drawing with watercolors. Get pretty interesting craft. In this technique, you can, for example, make a snowflake for the holiday. Older children can be offered live coloring, whose characters can be revived.

If you are not familiar with live coloring, I invite you to watch a short video.

And there is also an opportunity to download live coloring pages for free here.

get live coloring pages

Educational games for children for coordination (from 1.5 - 2 years old)

When the baby begins to confidently walk and run, you can offer him such a game. You will need: table tennis balls (10 pieces), a spoon, a basin. The balls are scattered on the floor. The task of the child is to pick up the ball with a spoon and bring it to the basin. The task is not easy, it perfectly trains coordination of movements, accuracy and patience. You can also pour water into the basin and launch the "boats". For older children, you can play a game in the form of a competition.

Container with cereals (game from 1 year old)

This is probably one of the most favorite children's activities. Many are simply delighted with it, but what good is it! V Plastic container buckwheat, peas, beans, noodles are poured with a lid ... The child is given spoons, cups, a strainer and enjoy the silence.

Under the container, you can spread a piece of fabric to make it easier to clean up after the game. Over time, you can teach your child to hide the toy in the croup, and then look for it. Also offer acorns, cones, walnuts. The most important thing after the game is to close and remove the container in an inaccessible place.

Stringing beads (from the year)

Another type of game with small objects. The essence of the game is clear from the title. It is necessary to prepare beads and wire. Everyone can play!

The most important thing in the classroom is to praise the baby for successes and not pay attention to failures. From the first time, many games will not be clear to the child, but over time, he will definitely learn everything! Another plus of such developmental activities is that they provide for the direct interaction of the child with an adult. And this means you can spend time together, fun and useful.

I hope you enjoy my tips. Wish good health you and your kids!

I thank Irina for the opportunity to publish this material.

Yuliya Verenkina, happy mother, inspirer of ideas for a thematic blog of an online store of live coloring books. Website address -

I thank Julia for the selection of such wonderful games for children from 1 to 2 years old. In my opinion, very simple and Interesting games. And I really liked the idea of ​​live coloring pages.

And for the soul, we will listen to you GIOVANNI MARRADI — Summer Wind Good mood all together with the summer wind from Giovanni Marradi.

see also

    12 Feb 2018 at 13:18



    16 Feb 2017 at 14:33



Your baby has already taken the first steps, and it turns out, beyond the threshold of what has been studied up and down home hides a whole unknown world. In the period up to two years, the child begins to learn it, albeit under the gaze of the parent, but more independently.

What skills develop in a child from one to two?

Physical development

Between a year and two physical abilities The child is undergoing tremendous change. The skill of upright walking is honed. Gradually, becoming more confident in his movements, the baby learns to overcome obstacles: to step over pits, walk on grass and pebbles without falling - his legs become less and less tangled. Soon, along with the ability to walk, the ability to run, jump, climb on various surfaces. The young climber easily climbs onto the back of the sofa, up the hill, the Swedish wall, and then confidently slides back.

Speech development

Speech development becomes more conscious: the child moves on to words and phrases, and then to the formation of his first sentences.

Having accumulated sufficient vocabulary in the first year and a half, closer to two years, the child can already explain what he wants, naming the action, denoting its subject and object. Often during this period, the baby accompanies his phrases with gestures.

Development of sensory perception, game and object activities

During this period, along with the continuation, through direct interaction with them, the skill of manipulating objects is activated.

Closer to two years old, children are already able to give roles to objects and play scenes from life, imitating loved ones or heroes of their favorite cartoons and fairy tales.

7 games with children aged 1 to 2 years

A game for the physical and mental development of the baby

"The ball is an all-rounder"

One of the favorite toys of a child aged one to two years remains the ball, but the range of games involving this unpretentious toy is expanding. One child will spend hours driving the ball around the court, studying the relationship between the force of impact and the speed of the ball, and the other will observe the force of gravity in action, endlessly throwing the ball down the hill.

Closer to two years, you can start playing "edible - inedible" in a simplified variation. You just say the word, roll or throw the ball to the baby and ask him to repeat the word when he returns the ball back.

This role-playing game develops speech, fantasy, and first communication skills in kids.

"Little Raccoon"

Many babies at this age are ready to play in role-playing games, manipulating toys, and someone is already taking on their favorite roles of little Raccoon, a nurse, a fireman.

Take toys, designate roles. You can act out the plot of the child’s favorite fairy tale or a situation: a trip to the zoo or a visit for tea, a trip to public transport. Manage each of your game figure. Ask questions on behalf of the figurine, answer the child's questions, encourage him to take action.

Game for the development of gross motor skills and speech

Round dance game develops gross motor skills, coordination, sense of rhythm, strengthens emotional connection baby and parent.

"Pan rode"

Stand in a circle, hold hands. If several adults and children are playing, position yourself so that the child is standing between two adults. If there is no company, then you can play together.

The game begins by walking in a circle and chanting the words:

"Pan rode, pan rode,
walking step by step"

After several circles with a “step”, the round dance speeds up. The step turns into a light run. The words also change:

"Pan rode, pan rode,

The circle is moving even faster. Adults raise the kids by the hands so that they take their legs off the floor:

"Pan rode, pan rode,
rode on and on and on"

Finally, the participants in the round dance gently fall to the floor, saying:

“In the hole - boom!
They crushed forty flies!”

Repeat the game, spinning in a round dance in the opposite direction.

Outdoor games for children 1-2 years old

outdoor game- this is an emotionally rich, conscious and active activity of the child, which occurs while observing necessary rules, and encourages creative fulfillment of conditions in changing game situations.

outdoor play requires mental and physical effort from the child, and at the same time gives him joy, a sense of satisfaction and captures the imagination. the game activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes, improves movements, develops their coordination, forms speed, strength, endurance.

game mobile activity gives ideas about the world around, develops memory and a sense of rhythm, enriches children's speech, teaches them to act in a team, empathize, help each other; obey general requirements; forms honesty, justice, endurance and discipline.

hide and seek with a mouse

Show the baby a toy mouse and offer to play hide and seek with him. while dad and baby clap their hands loudly and count to five, you hide the toy (first in plain sight and accessible to the child place, further gradually complicating the task of finding and hiding the toy better and better).

hide and seek

Invite your child to play hide and seek. tell the baby: “hide from me” and cover your eyes with your hands. go in search, loudly voicing your actions: “where is ... (child's name)? maybe it's in the closet. check. no, he's not here. maybe it's under the table…” and so on until you find it. then ask the baby to close his eyes or go to another room and hide there.


most interesting and fun game. the baby runs away from you - and you catch up with him and hug him. then switch roles.

who quickly

Tell the baby: "who will run to dad (sofa, closet, etc.) faster." and start the competition. Of course, the baby will be the winner!

carrot for bunny

Spread carrots and potatoes (toy or real) on the floor and put the bunny on the children's table. invite the baby to collect only carrots for the bunny in the garden.


perform various movements with your baby: clap your hands, dance, crawl, stomp your feet, etc. as soon as you say "stop!" - all activities are stopped.

day Night

when you say "day" - you can move, walk, stomp, clap. "night" - everyone stops and tries not to move.

small - big

tell the baby: “that's how big we are” and raise your hands up. “And now the little ones,” squat down. repeat the exercise several times: “big, small, big, small”, you can gradually increase the pace.

cold - warm

sit with the child on the carpet, legs folded in Turkish. say: “The north wind blew. It got cold, cold." shrink into balls, crossing your arms over your chest. to the words: “The sun came out. it became warm, warm ”- relax, fan yourself with handkerchiefs.

bear - bunny

seat a large toy bunny and a bear in different sides of the room. stand with the baby in the middle of the room and say: "run to the bear."

when the baby touches the bear, say: "run to the bunny." in the future it will be possible to complicate the task: run to a big bear or a small mouse; big or small bunny; go add 1-2 more toys to run to.

do like me

ask the baby to repeat after you: pat yourself on the head, clap your hands, sit down, stand up, raise your hands up, grab your ears, etc.


take a lantern and show the child how it appears on the wall yellow spot: 2 it's a sunbeam. invite the child to catch the bunny with his palms. if the bunny is on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.

runaways are jumping
we call them - they don't go,
were here - and they are not here.
jump, jump in the corners,
were there - and they are not there.
where are the bunnies? gone,
we didn't find them anywhere.
(A. Brodsky)

fluttering butterfly

Make a butterfly out of colored cardboard or sew a butterfly out of fabric (fleece). tie it to a rope, and the rope to a stick (you get a fishing rod). move over the child's head in different sides butterfly, and the child should try to catch it.

beauty butterfly
descends on a flower.
above the flower flutters, dances,
flapping its patterned wing.


invite the baby to turn into sparrows. turn your head, flap your wings, fly around the room. flew, flew, squatted down and rest.

and now let's see if there are grains anywhere, and peck them (we fold our fingers with a “beak” and pretend that we peck the grains). During the game, you can pronounce the words of the poem:

sparrows, sparrows
fly, fly, fly,
find more seeds
sparrows want.

sun and rain

when you say "sun" - you can freely run around the room, have fun. if “rain”, then open the umbrella and call the baby to hide under the umbrella from the rain.

while you are standing under an umbrella, you can say the words of a nursery rhyme to call the sun:

rain, rain,
pour full,
little kids

you can hide not under an umbrella, but under a large scarf, towel, in a playhouse - tent, etc.

birds and nests

you and the baby are birds. walk around the room, flap your wings, look for worms, peck them, etc. when you say "it's raining!" - the birds need to fly to their nests (hoops laid out on the floor, or high chairs).

chickens and cat

you are a chicken and the child is a chicken. dad can act as a cat who will sleep for now. Hen and chicks go for a walk:

the hen came out,

yellow chicks with her,

the hen cackles: “ko-ko!

don't go far.

on a bench by the path

the cat lay down and dozes"

cat opens eyes

and chasing chickens.

on the last words, the cat wakes up and runs to catch up with the chicken. the chick runs to the mother hen under the wing.

naughty chicks

this game is more fun to play with multiple kids or adults. you - mother - chicken, children and adults - chickens.

chickens run away from you, you catch up with them and seat them on chairs. but the chickens do not obey: as soon as you move away from them, they jump up from their seats again and start running away from you.

wolf and bunnies

in this game, a child and an adult are bunnies. wolf - will be imaginary. bunnies play freely on the lawn - they dance, run, walk.

to the words "gray wolf" - they run to each other and hug. you can come up with a house in which the hares will hide from the wolf: chairs, a hoop, a curtain, etc. then the hares carefully peek out of the shelter, tell each other that the wolf is not there, and again go to have fun.


you and your child squat down and say:

a bird sat on the window,
sit with us for a while
sit down, don't fly away
the bird flew away - oh!

on the word ah - get up and run around the room, waving your arms - wings.

at the bear in the forest

This game requires the participation of two adults. a bear (one of the adults) sits on a chair in the corner of the room and “sleeps”.

another adult, together with a child (or children), walks through the forest, picks mushrooms, berries, shouts “ay! ay! then the adult and the children, holding hands, begin to approach the bear with the words:

at the bear in the forest
mushrooms, I take berries,
while the bear sits
and growls at us.

on the last word the bear growls (gently! so as not to frighten the child) and runs after the child and the adult.

bear and children

this game requires the presence of two adults, and children - the more, the more interesting. one adult is assigned as a bear, he "wanders" through the forest, saying:

Misha walked through the forest,
Misha was looking for children,
long, long he searched,
sat down on the grass and dozed off.

at this time, another adult and children are hiding from a bear walking through the forest. when the bear sits on a chair and "falls asleep", the children dance joyfully, play, run around the room with the words:

the children began to dance,
feet began to thump.
bear, bear, get up,
catch up with our kids.

the bear wakes up and starts to catch up with the children.

Material for the lesson.

When the baby turns 1 year old, the very time comes when the child needs to be taught something, only one thing is asked: “How?”. In fact, everything is simple, you need to learn it - by playing! It is unlikely that the baby will refuse to play with you.

But at the same time, one cannot scold a child, much less punish or beat; pronounce the words correctly, do not distort them, because the child remembers exactly your pronunciation of words, and then you definitely will not need a speech therapist. And most importantly, do not try to force the child to play the game that he this moment do not like it, but on the contrary, adjust to his mood and wedge into his game, but play for the good of the cause. Even if you offer the kid to play the game that he always loves to play, but this time he categorically refuses to do it, it may be that he is tired of it and is no longer interested. Considering all the listed nuances, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Developing creative skills games for children from 1 year old

  1. If you are somewhere in nature or in the country, you can put it on the ground or on the grass large cardboard, approximate size A1, and next place a basin or any other suitable container for this and dilute the paints in this basin, then invite the child to stand with their feet in the basin. Accordingly, the paints will be on their feet and resemble this cardboard, that is, draw with their feet. If it's summer - you can bare feet, if it's cold outside - you will need rubber boots. This game will be exciting not only for the child, but also for you.

  2. Sculpt with a child from plasticine, of course, at this age the baby will not be able to mold something sensible, but this is normal. Sculpt and you, show what you can mold, give the finished figures to the child, let him look at them, play with them or take them apart. Help the child to mold, preferably with his hands, something elementary, for example: a ball, a cube or something like that. This procedure also helps to develop motor skills, which are very necessary for the child. Do not be afraid to get dirty, because plasticine stains can be removed even from clothes if you follow.

  3. Draw with your baby with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, or all of these in turn, as you see fit. As in the last game, do not expect your child to draw a masterpiece, at first it will be just "cartoons", the main thing is that the child has an interest in drawing and try to express something of his own in the "drawings". Take yourself a separate sheet for drawing and give a separate one to the baby. First, draw on your sheet, tell and show the baby everything that you draw, and at this time, numerous multi-colored lines will appear on the sheet of the baby. After that, try to draw something elementary with the child’s hand in his leaflet, he will quickly get tired of it. Ask him to help you, because you cannot cope with this on your own. As a rule, the child really wants to supplement your drawing with something of his own, so to speak, to put his final touch. If you draw with felt-tip pens, then this will contribute to the development of not only creativity the baby, but also the motor skills of the baby’s pens, because each felt-tip pen must be closed after drawing, that is, with a thin object to get into a rather thin hole.

  4. Color with your baby coloring pages, the rules are almost the same as with drawing, the only thing is that this is a more delicate work, where you can not go beyond the edges. After making the final touch to your baby, he will look at this colorful masterpiece with great pleasure, tell him everything that you painted, tell him what color you did it, ask the baby to show the colors that he already knows, maybe it will be just 1 or 2 colors. Ask the child to show the objects that the child already knows in the picture. Such a game, plus everything, will develop the memory of the baby, which is also not unimportant.

  5. Make an application with the baby, take a landscape sheet white color, cut out simple figures, for example: the sun, a tree, a flower, something that can be quickly cut out and not abuse your baby's patience. Smear these figures with glue stick and stick, you need to involve the baby in all these actions, but be very careful with scissors and make sure that the glue does not end up in the baby's mouth, otherwise your own inattention will lead to unpleasant consequences.

  6. Build a Lego castle with your child. Despite the fact that it is believed that this constructor is intended for children from three years old, in this case you can neglect this warning, the only thing is that every detail of this designer must be large. Most likely, the baby will want to help you in this activity, but even if in your understanding this is not help, still do not neglect it and be sure to praise the baby for helping to create the castle, which will also serve as an exercise in fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills games for children from 1 year old

  1. When you go for a walk outside, take one empty 0.5-liter water bottle with you without a cap, and invite your child to collect small pebbles and try to put them in this bottle.

  2. Give your baby the prints that you don't need: newspapers, magazines or something else - and let the baby tear the leaves, than smaller pieces it will tear off, the more it will develop fine motor skills hands

  3. For next game you will need an empty water bottle of any volume with a lid, screw the lid on, and offer the child to unscrew it, then, on the contrary, unscrew the lid, and offer the child to screw it on.

  4. Scatter some small items and ask the baby to collect them, he is unlikely to collect them, but while he is trying to pick up a small thing, fine motor skills will again develop.

  5. Ask the kid to assemble the pyramid, at first you will do it yourself, and the child will be an outside observer, and in the future the roles will change, and you will become an outside observer, and already your baby will independently collect this pyramid. When collecting a pyramid, name the colors, ask the baby to show one or another color, which will also help develop the child's memory.

  6. Take a landscape sheet, you will also need buttons, they can be anything, but there should be a lot of them. Invite the baby to lay out some kind of picture with the help of these buttons, for example: an apple, but when practicing with buttons, do not step away from the baby and do not turn away for a second so that he does not pull it into his mouth. You can also give the child toy dishes and ask him to cook dinner from these buttons, in this case you can use pasta, but only large ones.

Games designed to develop attention and memory in a child from a year old

  1. Ask the baby: “Where is the nose?”, Answer: “Here it is”, while gently touching the tip of the baby’s nose, at first all these actions will only cause your little one to smile, and then in response to this question, he himself will show you the nose, the same can be done with any other part of the body.

  2. Show your child how you cook, take a pot, cover it with a lid, then open it, take a spoon and stir the contents of the pot, invite the kid to repeat all this and you will make sure that your child will do it all with pleasure.

  3. Show your baby pictures of various animals, and then ask them to show these animals, pronouncing their names.

  4. Show the baby a toy, then ask him to close his eyes, put this toy in a prominent place, then ask the baby to open his eyes and find the toy.

  5. Take three glasses, turn them upside down, hide a candy under one of them and swap the glasses, do all this with the baby, and then ask the baby to guess where the candy is.

Thus, it will turn out that a contented and joyful baby who will delight calm and happy parents with his successes.

Program content

The child is taught to perform interconnected direct and reverse actions with objects: lay out and collect, take out and put in, shift balls into a box, bucket, roll them along a groove, lay out and collect colored caps, string 5 identical rings on a rod, put hollow objects (smaller in larger), cover identical hollow objects (cubes, cones) smaller with larger. The kid is shown how to assemble a toy from 2 parts (matryoshka, bochata). In games with a child, objects made from various materials(metal, wood, polyethylene, paper, fabric), emitting different sounds (bell, tambourine, rattle).

Activity with cubes

Target: In the process of practical actions, introduce the child to the features of the cube - a stable geometric figure that has the same faces. On an emotional-sensory, indicative basis, to give an idea of ​​the properties of filled and hollow containers.

Material: 8 cubes of the same size (4 cm) and colors are placed in two boxes measuring 10x10x3 cm and 5x5x15 cm

Lesson progress: Mom gives the child a flat box with a lid. "What's in there?" the adult asks, shaking the box. The kid opens it and takes out cube after cube one by one. Mom teaches the baby the action of sequentially laying out objects, that is, one after the other. At the end, an empty box is shown to the baby: "No! There is nothing!" The box is closed with a lid and shaken: "It does not rattle. An empty box," says the mother. Then the baby is offered a tall box, the mother shakes the box: "Knock-knock! What's there?" Mom tilts the tall box and, one by one, by shaking, passes cube after cube to the baby (this is how the sequence of actions with objects is observed). When the box is empty, the baby is offered to look into it, shake it: "No! There is nothing!" In the third part of the lesson, mother and child build a tower, and then a train. Cubes are superimposed vertically or applied one to the other in a horizontal plane.

Activity with colored caps

Target: On an emotional-sensory, indicative basis, introduce the child to objects of a conical shape (hollow cones of different colors and sizes) - "caps".

Material: 8 multi-colored caps, sequentially nested one into the other. The color of the caps can be chosen arbitrarily or in accordance with the main colors of the spectrum.

Lesson progress: Mom puts a toy in front of the baby - caps, stowed sequentially one into the other. The child sees only the top, largest cap. The mother moves the entire structure to the baby and offers to remove the top item, then the next one. Draws the attention of the crumbs to the color of each cap and sequentially (in a row) builds one after the other. In the second part of the lesson, the mother “folds” all the caps in front of the child’s eyes, successively covering the smaller cap with the larger one. All this is accompanied by a cheerful conversation, emotionally played out. Then the baby is given the opportunity to act with the caps as he wants. In subsequent lessons, mom shows how to build a beautiful turret from caps, successively placing each smaller cap on top of the larger one.

Lesson with matryoshka

Target: To acquaint the child with a folding structure: from one, large, a second, small, appears. Material: Two toys - big and small. Two tables are cut out of the boxes or by bending a cardboard strip: a large one and a small one.

Lesson progress: For playing with nesting dolls, you can come up with an entertaining story. For example, they can ride cars, dance, play "hide and seek": hide under a handkerchief in front of the baby. And let him discover them under a handkerchief. At the end of the lesson, the mother offers to “drink” them with tea, treat them. Matryoshkas are placed at impromptu tables, a large one - at a high (large) table; small - for low (small). Cups are prepared in advance, from a nut shell or thin paper strip, coiled. Mom vividly plays up the situation of tea drinking, nesting dolls thank the child. The adult once again reinforces the knowledge gained by the baby, showing a small nesting doll and a large nesting doll. Putting alternately one or another toy into the baby’s hands, he asks to show where the “big” and where the “small” nesting dolls are. The size of objects is emphasized by the voice (for a small one - a thin voice). Next, the baby plays with nesting dolls arbitrarily, as he wants.

Occupation with rings

Target: Learn to perform the action of stringing on the rod. Teach the child to take the ring with his fingertips, clasping it from above, or large and index fingers hugging him from the side. Material: Pyramid - one-color rings (at least 8--9 cm in diameter, 5--6 pieces) on the rod.

Lesson progress: In front of the child lies 5-6 rings of the same size. Mom encourages the baby to take the ring in his hands, run his palm over the surface, try to put it on the side surface, roll it left and right; teaches the child to take the ring with his fingertips. "Let's collect the pyramid!" Mom suggests. She is the first to move the rod towards her and lowers the ring on it. Then he offers to repeat her action. If the baby finds it difficult, the mother performs the action with his pen, or repeats the show again. You can use a sound technique: the ring, passing through the rod, descends in its upper part, falling on the support, makes a sound. "Knock!" - Mom comments cheerfully, encourages repeating onomatopoeia. Then the pyramid is assembled completely. Mom focuses the attention of the child on the result of his "work". If the child is still interested, you can repeat the game with rings from the beginning. You can repeat the collection of the pyramid with rings of a different color. Thus, the baby sees the two pyramids of different colors he has collected. Mom emphasizes their color.

Activity with balls

Target: In the process of practical actions on an emotional-sensory, orienting basis, learn to perform actions with objects, taking into account their shape and position in space. To form the ability to take the ball with your fingertips, roll it along the tray.

Material: 8 balloons (diameter 4 cm) of the same size and color. Tray for rolling balls.

Lesson progress: Mom offers the child a box of balloons. The child acts with the box, chooses the balls, they roll out. Mom rolls one or the other ball to the child. The lesson can be done sitting on the carpet. Then the mother takes the box and invites the baby to bring the balls one by one, which are again collected in the box. In the next part of the lesson, the child is taught to roll the balls along the groove. It can be made from cardboard. They roll out again. Collecting balls in a box and rolling them out is repeated several times.

Lesson "What's in the pot?"

Target: Introduce the child to various items help him remember their names.

Material: A set of "vegetables" (carrot, cucumber, turnip, tomato), saucepan with a lid. A set of "vegetables" is pre-invested in a saucepan.

Lesson progress: Mom shows the child a saucepan: "What is there?" The kid opens the lid and chooses vegetables. Mom offers to consider them. She puts one object, then another, into the child’s hands, offers to run her fingertips over the surface of each object. "This is a green cucumber, this is a carrot," she says. Items are put back into the saucepan. The activity is repeated.

Education of cognitive activity when getting acquainted with the environment

Program content

Introduction to household items. Child 1 year-- 1 year. 3 months introduce them to furniture (table, chair, bed), dishes (spoon, plate, cup), clothing (hat, dress, shoes). Draw the attention of the baby to their purpose and how to act with them. They are introduced to the simplest vehicles (wheelchair, trolley, stretcher). They show a car standing near the house (it drives, buzzes, there are wheels, they spin). They show animals living nearby: a cat ("kitty"), a dog, birds. Note the features of each animal (eyes, tail, ears).

Acting with toys.

An adult shows simple stories using medium-sized toys, for example, with a doll, matryoshka, duck. Includes toys depicting animals (dog, cat, bunny, bear) in the staging. Conducts demonstrations of everyday and funny situations with these toys, including vehicles (cars with a body, cars, carts, sleds). In staging with a doll, the idea of ​​​​pieces of furniture, clothes and utensils (spoon, plate, cup) is fixed.

looking at pictures

The child is taught to recognize images of familiar objects. For viewing, pictures are offered that depict one object, without additional details, in a static position (doll "lala", dog "av-av", duck "ha-ha").

Introduction to fiction

A child can read simple works of folklore (rhymes, songs, fables), the content of which reflects the learned actions accessible to his understanding (“Ladushki”, “Magpie-crow”, “Finger-boy”). By 1 year 3 months the baby is taught to understand a simple plot, expressed in poetic form("Geese-geese", A. Barto "The sun looks out the window").

Activity with a doll

Target: Continue to acquaint the child with the surrounding objects, their features and possibilities of use. Learn lightweight names (doll - "lyalya", dog - "av-av"). To give the concept of commonly used names of these objects, to encourage the use of a lightweight version of the name or onomatopoeia in active speech. To teach the baby to recognize familiar objects from the picture, to call them with lightweight words.

Material: Medium size doll (30-40 cm), dog (20-25cm). Two pictures showing a doll and a dog.

Lesson progress: Mom cleans up toys so that the baby does not see them at the beginning of the lesson. She attracts the child with a cheerful conversation, trying to concentrate his attention, then plays a scene: there is a knock. “Someone is coming to visit us,” my mother says; a doll appears in front of the baby's eyes. "The doll -" Lyalya "came to Sasha (child's name)", - explains the mother. The doll greets if the baby wants to pick it up, the mother gives it away, but the child comments on the child’s actions: “Where are the eyes (handles, legs, mouth, nose) of the “lyali”? (shows), and where does Sashenka have? (shows). Then asks to repeat: “lyalya” and immediately clarifies: “Doll.” Then a picture depicting a doll is shown: “Here is “lyalya” - the doll in the picture. Where is "lyalya?" - Here! In the picture - "lala". In the next part of the lesson, suddenly there is a bark and a dog appears, the doll hides. Similarly to the first part, a scene with a dog is performed, the lightened word "av-av" is introduced. In the third part of the lesson, the doll reappears, the dog is happy to meet her. Once again, mom tries to enter into the active dictionary: "lyalya", "av-av". He asks to repeat them. Shows pictures: "Where is "lyalya"?", "Where is "av-av"?" If the child is difficult, the mother is responsible for him.

Lesson with a toy car (car).

Target: Continue to acquaint the child with the names of objects and toys in the immediate environment. Learn to understand the words denoting the actions of the subject ("The car - "beep" - went, stopped")

Material: Toy car with body, doll. Note: the toys must be proportionate to each other, the car is 30-40 cm, the doll is 20-25 cm.

Lesson progress: Mom invites the baby to play. Outside the door is the sound of a beeping car. "What is this? Do you hear: "beep-beep-beep"?" A car drives into the room. Note: Mom is in the doorway to the room and plays out the first part of the lesson without showing the toy right away. So the adult enhances the orientation activity of the baby. In the second part of the lesson, a scene of a car trip is played out, new words are introduced - “bee-bee” went: “beep-beep”, the car is buzzing: “beep-beep”. "How the car hums, repeat!" Mom asks. During the lesson, the adult focuses the baby's attention on the actions of the car: it drove, it stopped, it buzzed, it drove again. In the active dictionary of the child, the mother tries to enter the words: "beep" and "beeps", at the end she builds a sentence: "Bibi beeps." In the next part of the lesson, a doll sits in the back of the car: "Lalya" went; stopped "beep". The scene "doll in the car" is played out situationally, the adult comes up with various simple collisions of the plot, amusing the baby. Introduces new and repeats babbling words and onomatopoeia familiar to the child. Activates the speech of the child. At the end of the lesson, the doll leaves by car, promising that he will come to visit soon. Note: Classes must be repeated 2-3 times, enhancing the impressions and consolidating the knowledge of the baby.

Reading the nursery rhyme "Ladushki-okladushki"

Target: To teach children to imitate game actions, to form a sense of rhythm.

Lesson progress: Mom plays with the child, reading by heart: - All right, all right! (Child claps hands)
Where were you?
- By Grandma.
- What did you eat?
- Kasha. (The child makes "flashlights" with handles)
- They drank yogurt.
Yogurt is delicious, (Child tilts its head forward)
Sweet porridge,
Grandma is good!
We drank, ate, shu-u-u ... (The kid spreads his arms)
They flew home, (Waves his hands)
sat on the head,
The paws sang. (The child puts his hands on his head) The nursery rhyme is repeated.

Lesson - game "Orders"

Show items in action. Playing out a simple plot with several objects using a generalization of actions ("The dog village. The doll village. Sasha sat on the chair"). The game "Assignments" is the execution of a verbal assignment, consisting of one action with the participation and assistance of an adult.

Cspruce: Continue to acquaint the child with the names of the actions of the doll, matryoshka, dog, people. Learn to understand the common name for these actions (walk, fall, sit down, lie down). In active speech, allow them to be replaced with lighter words (Doll - "lyalya", walks - "top-top-top").

Material: Doll, dog (bear, Pinocchio).

Lesson progress: The game with objects unfolds situationally. An adult comes up with a plot based on childhood experience and interest in the actions of the characters. For example, first a matryoshka came, then a dog, and so on. Then they alternately sit down, dance, sing. "Matryoshka is dancing, the dog is dancing, the doll is dancing," says the adult.

Indicators of child development by 1 year 3 months.

Leading lines of development
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT social development Speech development motor development Cultural and hygienic education
Pedagogical focus
sensory parenting and development of actions with objects Storytelling game emotional nurturing in the process of communication Getting to know the environment. Speech development General movements Skills in life

1. Knows and finds, at the request of an adult, three-dimensional geometric shapes: a cube and a ball.

2. While playing, he distinguishes between two objects of different sizes: large and small (nesting dolls, Christmas trees, cubes, mushrooms)

3. Removes and strings 5 ​​single-color rings on the rod.

4. Consistently removes insert items (cubes, colored caps).

5. Covers a smaller object with a large one: "the cap is hidden."

6. Following the example of an adult, he pushes balls into a ball thrower.

7. Puts a cube on a cube ("house", "turret").

8. Rolls balls from the tray (at the request of an adult).

1. Knows how to reproduce learned actions in the game (feeds the doll, rocks the bear) Transfers familiar actions from one object to another. For example, he strings rings of the same size on the rod. Then, at the request of an adult, he does the same with the balls.

2. Imitates actions at home: coughs like a grandfather, “reads” a newspaper like a dad, “talks on the phone” like a mom.

1. Tied to close person,

Bored in his absence.

Recognizes him in the photo.

3. Strives for playful interaction with an adult.

4. With appropriate upbringing, benevolent towards other children.

1. He is well oriented in the room, understands requests: “come to the crib”, “sit on the chair”, etc.

Understands and shows "Where does Sasha bathe?" (bathroom), "Where does Sasha eat?" (kitchen).

2. At the request of an adult, he shows parts of a person’s face, identifies them in animals, and finds them in a plot toy.

Speech active

Uses babble and light words (car - "bibi", duck - "eider").

Speech understood

Significantly increased the stock of understood words.

1. Walks independently.

Can independently change the direction of movement.

In case of difficulty in walking, it can switch to crawling.

2. He climbs the ladder of the children's slide with a side step.

3. Performs, according to the word of an adult, the learned movements with the handles: “flashlights” (rotation with the hands); "goodbye" (waves a pen); "okay" (clapping hands).

1. Confidently holds a cup of liquid in his hands. Independently brings to the mouth, drinks.

2. Holds a spoon in his fist, can independently eat thick food from a deep plate (an adult's help is needed: he feeds the baby with another spoon).

3. When dressing, she helps her mother: gives a handkerchief, a hat.

4. With appropriate upbringing, he begins to report his physiological needs (to ask for a potty).