What do you need in a new bath. What you need to take to the bath: a list of necessary bath accessories. We turn the bath into a SPA

A trip to the bathhouse is in a great way relaxation, stress relief, health improvement. If you visit it regularly, you will always feel great. But not everyone knows what to take with you to the bathhouse. To get a great rest, you need to prepare a few essential items.

Who is not allowed to go to the bathhouse?

It is necessary to know not only what to take with you to the bathhouse, but also to whom such a visit is contraindicated. People should not go to the bathhouse and sauna:

  • with fear of the steam room;
  • with acute illnesses;
  • with general atherosclerosis;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with various infections;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with psychosis;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with vegetative disorders.

In the bath you cannot:

  • drink alcohol;
  • steam on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • drink soda;
  • drink cold drinks;
  • overwhelmed physically.

At feeling unwell do not go to the steam room, as there may be complications. It is necessary to gradually get used to the heat. In case of severe overheating, you need to leave the steam room.


Stones are needed for the bath, if planned independent organization your bath. When visiting a public institution, they are usually not needed. There are several types of stones:

  • talcochlorite;
  • gabbro-diabase and volcanite;
  • basalt;
  • jade;
  • jasper.

Where can I get stones for a bath? You can assemble them yourself or buy them in a specialized store.

Banya broom

This attribute is the most important for a Russian bath. If you plan to visit the Finnish sauna or then such a thing will not be required. When choosing a broom, you need to pay attention to which tree the branches are from. This determines the effect of the massage.

A birch broom can cure bone and muscle pain. Oak relieves nervous tension and skin ailments. The twigs can be fresh or dried. A dry broom quickly becomes fresh if steamed in hot water... The broom can also be steamed, then it will become soft.


What to take with you to the bathhouse, if not a washcloth? The skin is steamed, dead cells flake off. A washcloth will help this process. Rubbing has a massage effect that restores skin blood circulation, has a tonic effect.

Everything natural is suitable for a bath, so a washcloth must also comply with this rule. The product can be made of loofah, sisal, bast. Each of them is tough, so it perfectly cleanses the skin. For small children, natural

A glove-shaped washcloth is great. It is put on the hand: it is necessary to perform massage movements with pressure, treating all areas of the skin. If you plan to visit alone, then you need to take a long-handled brush with you. Such a device will allow you to rub your back without anyone's help.

A cap

If you are planning a hike with you? We need a special headdress. It is necessary for those steam rooms where the temperature reaches 80 degrees. This will protect your head from overheating and your hair from drying out.

There are linen, cotton, felt or felt. Each of these materials is good in its own way. You can choose any product to your taste.


What to take to the body bath? Requires 2 large towels. You will need one of them in order to lay on the hot shelf before you sit down. A second towel is needed to dry and wrap around you.

What to take to the city bath from clothes? Needed bathrobe which will be more comfortable than a towel. It will be possible to relax in it after the steam room.


What to take to a public bath? Don't forget your slippers. You can do without them only when visiting your own bath, and in in public places it is rarely perfectly clean, which can cause fungus on the legs. Moreover, it can be rubber flip flops, and something original, for example, bath slippers made of linen, felt, sisal.

Soap and shampoo

What to take with you to the sauna for hygiene procedures? This requires soap and shampoo. When choosing products, pay attention to the aroma. If he is intrusive, then he has a synthetic origin. You should not purchase such products. It is advisable to take soap from natural ingredients, since there will be no chemical additives and animal fats in it.

For a bath, soap based on tar and goat milk... These products are different from standard bar soaps. They are usually produced in liquid form.

Caring products

If you plan to go to the bathhouse, what should you take with you for care? Since the pores of the skin open up in the steam room and absorb the valuable composition, you need to take remedies... For example, honey that is ground massage movements... After such a procedure, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, and toxins are removed from it. Honey massage has an anti-cellulite effect.

For a steam room, scrubs that cleanse the skin are suitable. It could be sea ​​salt, coffee grounds, chopped nuts with olive oil... After the steam room, you can apply different masks: from oatmeal, honey, cream, fruits and berries. You need to choose a product that is suitable for your skin.


When visiting public bath you need to take a basin with you. It will be much more convenient this way. It should be noted that there are often iron containers in the common steam room, which quickly heat up.


These devices are used for massage. They can have long handles. They are easy to massage the back and legs. Brushes are available in wood, silicone and plastic. The former are used to treat cellulite. Great importance looks like wood. Each tree has special properties, aroma and benefit.

The disadvantages of wooden brushes are that they get wet from moisture, crackle and dry out, so pathogenic bacteria remain on them. Brushes from artificial materials great for bacteria-free, crack-free, highly polished and ideal for wet massage.


This attribute is needed for foot care. With him it will be possible to cleanse the skin of corns, calluses, rough areas. A few movements are enough to improve the condition of the legs.


During steaming in the bath, the body loses a lot of fluid. To fill this shortage, you need to take a thermos with herbal or green tea... The drink will quench your thirst and also fill you with vivacity. For herbal tea lemon balm, calendula, thyme, as well as others are suitable useful herbs... It must be prepared according to the dosage. Sweeten with honey.

Green tea should be brewed with 80-degree water, not boiling water. Then the drink will be healthier. In the bath, you can take a vitamin collection, for example, a decoction of rose hips, sea buckthorn, strawberries. There are many recipes for making these drinks.

Juices made from carrots, beets, and grapes are perfect drinks. Only they should be freshly squeezed. Natural kvass and mineral water are suitable.

it required list the necessary things for the bath. It is important to prepare in advance for her visit, because then the rest in the steam room will be effective.

Hard to come up with best rest for a Friday night than a visit to the bath or sauna. Soft steam, aroma of spices emanating from stones, massage with a steamed broom will calm the nerves and help to relax after a difficult working week... However, in order for your trip to the sauna to become as comfortable as possible, and besides, safe, you should prepare for it in advance and take everything with you. necessary accessories... Consider what regular visitors take with them to the sauna. And what accessories the representative will need fair half humanity.

What you need to take with you to the sauna

First, you will need slippers to avoid getting exposed to foot fungus. At the same time, the regulars of such public institutions prefer rubber shoes that does not absorb moisture and does not slip too much on wet floors.

Secondly, you will definitely need a hat that will protect your hair and head from overheating. Let us remind you that it is strictly forbidden to wet your head in the sauna, because wet skin heats up much faster when dry and can get heatstroke. It is better to refuse to use a synthetic cap, as it interferes with natural ventilation and accumulates moisture. The most suitable headgear in a sauna is from natural wool, felt or regular towel.

Thirdly, despite the fact that many visitors to the sauna do without any clothes, it is better to take a bathrobe with you. Agree that after a steam room it is much more pleasant to please your skin soft cloth rather than wrapping yourself in a wet sheet or towel. In addition, from the steam room you need to get to the shower, which is more convenient to do in a good-quality dressing gown, and not in a wet and short "Roman toga". Terry cloth the robe also has a slight massage effect.

Fourth, do not forget to take at least two towels with you to the sauna - a large one and a small one. The latter - again for hygienic reasons - is convenient to lay in the steam room, so as not to come into contact with the steamed skin

What a girl should take with her to the sauna is aroma oils for rubbing or massage. However, in some establishments, the use of oils is prohibited, so it is better to inquire about the possibility of their use in advance. And here mandatory elements will become a washcloth and high-quality shower gel, which will be useful when washing after a sauna.

You can also take natural scrubs for the skin of the face and body, which effectively remove the softened by steam upper layer epithelium. This contributes to a more active penetration of moisture and tonic substances from the atmosphere of the steam room into the deep layers of the skin.

And a little about brooms

Many regulars at a sauna cannot imagine visiting it without a brisk whipping of a broom. This is a traditionally Russian procedure that has been carried out in a bathhouse for a long time. However, a Russian bath differs from a sauna in high humidity and cooler air, so it is quite pleasant to steam in it with a broom. But not everyone can withstand the treatment with a good broom in a dry and hot Finnish sauna. Therefore, a quality broom can be considered a desirable but optional attribute.

Note that they usually take home-made brooms with them to the sauna. Most known variant bath broom - birch, but you can use more exotic ones. For example, a linden broom, which has an antipyretic effect, or eucalyptus, the fumes from which have a beneficial effect on immune system and are effective for various lung and colds diseases.

What a lady needs

Many ladies are very fond of the sauna precisely because, in addition to relaxing ones, you can also take care of own appearance, having received a guaranteed effect. In this case, the visit to the steam room becomes regular. pleasant procedure, and you need to prepare for it thoroughly and in advance.

What should a woman take to a sauna? Shadows, powders, foundation creams- all this clogs the pores, like a cement slurry that is easily and naturally removed in the sauna, so do not forget to take a set of masks with you. You need to apply them on steamed skin, and then the effect will be truly magical. Instead of factory-made, even the most expensive, it is better to use homemade masks from natural ingredients or made according to folk recipes.

Such simple masks like crushed berries and crushed fruits, heavy cream or sour cream, ground coffee, cocoa, which perfectly cleanse and tone skin cells. It is not difficult to make them, even if you did not plan to go to the sauna in advance.

If you like aroma procedures, take infusions with you medicinal herbs that are poured onto the stones. Good needles, mint or lavender, which relieve stress like hand. Thyme tincture, on the other hand, causes drowsiness, so it is best not to use it if you plan to return home while driving.

If, purely aesthetically, the shapeless are unpleasant to you and you cannot imagine yourself in a felt "budenovka", replace the hat with a terry turban. Neatly assembled, it will give you an oriental charm and how a real woman will allow you to show off your wardrobe, even where it is not customary to dress in principle.

Sauna menu

What to take from food to the sauna? Many of our fellow citizens associate a visit to the sauna with a plentiful feast and alcoholic "relaxation", but this is a serious and dangerous delusion for health. And if a plentiful table in the steam room is completely useless, then alcohol is just a mockery of your health. Why?

The heat in the steam room greatly dilates blood vessels, respectively, in order to maintain normal blood pressure, the heart should work more actively. Eating abundantly, visitors to the sauna or bath increase the load on him even more. Judge for yourself if this is helpful.

The same school physics works in the case of alcohol, which greatly dilates blood vessels even without the sauna heat. Believe me, more than one lover of alcohol has received a vascular collapse in a sauna. Do not neglect the rule that alcohol is the last to take with you to the sauna.

Also useful and pleasant

Do not forget a light and tasty drink, which will allow you to replenish the level of fluid in the body after its active elimination with sweat. Give preference natural drinks, rich in vitamins and microelements, such as herbal teas, berry fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, fermented milk ayran, tan or yogurt.

Basically, that's all you have to put in your bag when going to the sauna. AND last advice: when going to the steam room, devote this time only to yourself. Try to relax as much as possible, relieve tension and leave all problems behind the doors, then the sauna will give you exactly the effect for which it was invented.

Ah, the bathhouse ... What else is so sweet to the heart of a Russian! The tradition not just to wash, but to take a steam bath, has long and firmly entered the life of our compatriots. And now practically not a single summer cottage, not a single Vacation home do not do without this most important outbuilding. Is often absolutely essential element country life and is built by the owner with love and care.

Birch firewood and birch broom - what a sauna without them

Every Saturday in the evening over the dacha villages haze from the bath pipes curl, and the aroma of the roasting temptingly spreads through the air ... Well, are we going to the bath?

And what should you take with you, what should every self-respecting bather have? Of course, a broom! Here we will begin the story about bath accessories with him.


"Broom in the bath, everyone's boss"- one of the many Russian sayings about the bath, because the broom is the most important attribute of the bath. What are brooms made of?

The most common are from the branches of deciduous and coniferous trees. Of the deciduous, the most beloved by the people are birch and oak brooms, there are also linden brooms; of conifers, fir is recognized as the best - the fir foot is very soft and fragrant. Junipers are also used, but the juniper is quite thorny, here you need to have a special habit. As for me, most of all I like birch brooms: they are softer than oak ones, and most importantly, they are very fragrant.

Nettle brooms are also used: plucked stems of dioecious in a hot bath lose their stinging properties, so there is no need to steam. Branches of fragrant and medicinal plants, for example, . Yes, they also use eucalyptus brooms, if they can be purchased somewhere. They are very scented thanks to their essential oils.

Now on sale there are special bamboo brooms - in the form of a bundle of long and thin sticks. They are used not so much for vaping (otherwise you can get bruises), but rather for light massage pats.

If the birch broom is fresh, recently cut, it is not necessary to steam it. Otherwise, it becomes too soft, produces a lot of mucus and is not very pleasant to use. But already dried brooms must be filled with hot water.

In our market you can find bath brooms for every taste, just follow the link.

Bamboo broom, massage, 60cm (Our Cedar), 921 251 rbl WATCH
The Gardener's Empire

Massage broom Bath stuff small bamboo Massage broom Bath stuff small bamboo 249 rbl WATCH

Eucalyptus broom "Hot Pot" 108 rbl WATCH
The Gardener's Empire

Broom massage Bath stuff bamboo Broom massage Bath stuff bamboo 369 rbl WATCH

Well, we seem to have decided on the brooms. What else is important to take with you to the sauna?

Sheet or large towel

Too important attribute bath procedures. Big terry towel or a linen sheet - the main thing is that the material is natural, well absorbing moisture, pleasant to the body and the size allows you to wrap yourself in it.

Hat and mittens

These accessories are essential for the most avid and desperate bathers. In general, even if you do not take a steam bath, but just like to sit on the shelf and warm up, it is better to put on a hat or a kerchief on your head: this way you will protect your head and hair from excessive overheating.

And if you take a steam bath, you need a hat, otherwise not only the head, but also the ears can get too hot and even get burned. The same is with the hands: with a strong steam, waving a broom with your bare hands is not very pleasant, they burn very much from the heat. So inveterate bathers put on special felt or felt mittens in the bath, but no, ordinary tops will do (wide mittens, usually worn over mittens) - they are the most convenient, they are easy to put on and take off on wet hands.

Bath hats are made of natural felt or wool, according to the shape - for every taste. Most convenient simple hat in the form of a bell. By the way, they are sold in special sections of stores.

If you visit a public bath, be sure to have slippers with you (ordinary slates will do) and a special seating mat, which can also be purchased at the store.

Rugs are rubber, made of typesetting boards, felt, and if there is none, then it will do just small towel.

Take a look at ours, there you will surely find something to your liking.

Sauna mat Marine Bath stuff, felt 100% 310 rbl WATCH

Sauna mat Sheet Bath stuff, felt 100% 610 rbl WATCH

249 rbl WATCH

Bath items Mat Bath items for baths and saunas felt 999 rbl WATCH

In your summer cottage bath, the shelves are usually covered with a sheet - this is both more pleasant and aesthetically pleasing.

All of the above are the most essential bath attributes.

Wooden accessories

If you are just building your bath, then you need to immediately take care of things like a good durable ladle on a long wooden handle, bath thermometer and wooden gang- this is optional. You can also steam a broom in a regular basin. But the wooden gang is prettier!

Oils and herbs

Aromatic oils and herbal infusions will not interfere in the bath. They are added to the water to be fed, and nice smell poured over the bath together with steam.

It's good if on summer cottage you grow various fragrant herbs. Before the bath, brew the twigs in a bucket or basin Brushes and scrapers

We have already said that thermometer in the bath is necessary. While giving steam, look at it: the temperature in a humid Russian bath should usually be within +60 ... + 75 ° С.

The Russian steam bath is good because, unlike other baths, it has optimum humidity- 40%. While in the sauna it is only 10%, and in the Turkish hammam - all 100! To determine this indicator, you can hang a special device - hygrometer... Although this humidity is usually maintained in a Russian bath from the very beginning, due to its structure.

Used in a bath and cosmetic oil... It is applied to the body already on the final stage all bath procedures and easily massage while sitting in a warm steam room.

Going to the bath, be sure to take with you drinks - herbal, kvass or just water. But alcohol (even beer) to use in the process bath procedure not worth it.

Well, it seems, and have prepared everything you need. Is the bathhouse ready? Who is the first to take a steam bath?

Each self-respecting bathhouse attendant has its own list of necessary things for a high-quality and comfortable stay in the bathhouse.
Most often, the content of the list depends on personal preference and experience, but there are some things that every hover needs. We will tell you about these things.

Bath broom.

This is the most important subject for right time spending time in the bath. It's no secret that a broom made of twigs different breeds trees have different influences on the body, so before purchasing, initially decide on the type of wood.

There is also an option to buy several types of brooms and alternate massage treatments.

Washcloth and hat.

The hat is indispensable in the steam room, as it protects your hair and body from heatstroke. For greater efficiency, before visiting the steam room, the cap can be slightly wetted, then it will keep the head in the cold.

A washcloth is also needed, but in the shower. After the end of the sessions of visiting the steam room, it is worth taking a shower and washing off the remaining sweat from the body and harmful substances that were excreted from the body.

It is important to remember that both the hat and the washcloth must be made of natural materials so your skin stays toned.

Towel and slippers.

We can't do without slippers even at home, and the bathhouse is far from an exception, especially if it is public. Experienced bath attendants allocate separate slippers for visiting the bath, which they use exclusively when visiting it.

It is convenient to take two towels to the bath at once, one of which is suitable for wiping and warming, and the second is most often placed on the shelf in the steam room. The second is easily replaceable with a sheet.

Shower accessories.

These most often include soap and shampoo, which are carefully chosen. It is important to remember that natural soap can only be in liquid form. Both shampoo and soap should be chosen from natural ingredients, so the effect of visiting the bath will only increase.


Her choice is approached no less carefully. By cosmetics we mean natural scrubs and masks, most often prepared with our own hands. Also, this can include essential oils and herbal decoctions, with the help of which the effect of aromatherapy is created.


The bathhouse excludes the use of alcohol, but at the same time it is an excellent place for drinking different teas. Herbal tonic teas are best suited to keep the body in good shape. When visiting a bath, the body loses a lot of fluid, and best of all, this balance is restored by ordinary drinking water.

This is a list of the most essential things that will come in handy when visiting a bathhouse. Each bath attendant can exclude or add the necessary things, depending on preferences.

So, today is Saturday - bath day, and we have a question: what to take with you to the bath... It seems that everything is simple, but depending on how we treat him, the phrase “what to take with you to the bathhouse” takes on a different meaning. Imagine, you come to the bathhouse and it turns out that you forgot your slippers. Of course, nothing terrible happened - you can walk barefoot. And what if the washcloth is still at home? Then quite melancholy!

All these are trifles, but, as a rule, they sometimes "poison" our lives. I don’t think that this will not spoil your mood - after all, you came to the bathhouse to remove psychological and physical fatigue, gain strength, it's nice to chat with friends and just have fun, and here it is! If I have stated my thoughts convincingly, then let's get down to business.

So, what do you need to take with you to the bathhouse? Yes, everything you need. See below and remember.

It is better to take two brooms - one is oak (it catches up the heat well), the other is birch (excellent aroma).

Bath Guru Tips

Mandatory bath accessories

  • ... For those who do not take a steam bath, it will still be useful to breathe in their aroma. You can steam it and use its infusion to wash your hair.
  • Moisture resistant slippers.
  • Detergents (soap, shampoo).
  • Washcloth, sponge, etc.
  • Bath hat or cap. If not, you can grab an old felt or knitted hat.
  • Mittens. You can buy them at the store. As a way out, ordinary construction gloves or woolen mittens will come in handy.
  • At least two terry towels. On one you can lie in the steam room, while the other can be wiped off. A sheet will not hurt either.
  • Comb.
  • Changeable underwear.
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks (with a joint visit to the bath).

It will not hurt to take to the bath

  • Bathrobe.
  • One small terry towel for women. It will be possible to sit on it in the steam room.
  • Scissors for cutting nails.
  • Pumice.
  • Massage brush.
  • Thermos with tea or broth.
  • Aromatic oils, infusions, nourishing creams, honey.
  • Hair dryer.
  • You can grab a couple of sandwiches, vegetables or fruits.
  • Juices or tonic drinks.

As you can see from the list, everything is not so simple. But ours is worth it. Agree what to take with you to the bath everything you need is really needed. Plus, it doesn't take too much effort. The main thing is not to forget! - this is a ritual and little things should not be here!