What to take with a public bath. How to go to the bath and steam? Preparation, rules, recommendations. What a lady needs

Going to the bath is a whole ritual! The bathing ritual includes an extensive action, which requires quite a few trifles, the so-called bath accessories. If you want to know what to take with you to the bath, this article is especially for you.

Before going to the bath, you need a special attitude. You can't go to the bath bad mood, on the hastily. After all, the bath balances the physical and mental condition. That is why the most important thing in the bath ritual is a positive attitude.

When going to the realm of steam and heat, be sure to collect a special bath set, which includes:

Broom is the king of the entire bathing empire. Therefore, it is a must to take it with you! Which one you choose is just your personal preference. How many brooms exist!

Each has its own purpose, medicinal property. For example, juniper broom and fir broom - this is taken with them to the bath by older people. Currant, linden - for lovers of aromas in the steam room. Eucalyptus broom - just a storehouse of medicines, a real doctor in the bath.


If you go to a common bath or sauna, be sure to take your favorite basin with you. Agree that it is better to wash from your own basin, the one that you like.

Many do not like the iron gangs of public baths, they heat up very quickly, they are not as light as plastic basins. Here the choice is entirely yours.

rubber slippers

There are also plastic slippers in retail, but they are painfully slippery. On a soapy bath floor, it is very easy to fall in such slippers.

Public baths and saunas are a habitat for fungal diseases. And getting infected with mycosis of the feet or other fungal diseases of the skin of the legs will not be great work. Therefore, I strongly advise you to opt for rubber slippers for a bath (they have a closed toe and heel).

A hat in the bath is necessary, it will save your head from excessive overheating and will not dry out your hair.

It is advisable to use hats made of natural material. natural fiber, such as felt, felt absorbs moisture well. You can use hats made of wool and cotton.

Bath mittens

Bath mittens can be canvas, tarpaulin and woolen. It is convenient to work with a broom in mittens, palms are not rubbed.

Special felt or mittens made of natural materials used for massage during the bath procedure. They also collect sweat from the body.

The sheet in the bathing business has many functions. For example, they wrap themselves in it when they leave the steam room. She is laid on benches and benches to protect herself from hot surfaces.


The pad is used exclusively for hygiene purposes. Public baths and saunas do not give us a guarantee that all visitors are exceptionally healthy people.

Also, the litter can protect in the bath from contact with hot floors and benches.


Ideally, you need two towels. A towel in the bath is needed only for wiping the body and hair of the head.

Under no circumstances sit on it, it should hang quietly in the break room or locker room and stay dry and clean.


In the old days, the bath was called - "soap". The name speaks for itself, the soap in the bath is not in last place. We cleanse them skin pores, get rid of sweat and greasiness. The most acceptable for a bath is a simple bath soap, or liquid soap grandmother Agafia.

The choice of shampoo is very individual. Some people like homemade shampoos. Someone loves expensive brands famous brands.

And someone does not chase fashion and buys the most ordinary shampoos. In any case, I advise you to use a shampoo according to your hair type.

You can talk about this bath attribute for a long time. Undoubtedly, the best are natural washcloths. After all, the quality of washing in the bath and cosmetic effect which our skin receives in the first place depends on what material the washcloth is made of.

Natural washcloths are much harder than artificial ones, such as body sponges. But, a bath sponge is simply irreplaceable when bathing small children. It will also help to keep the summer tan after the holidays.

Clean change of clothes

If after the bath you put on your old clothes, you can assume that bath procedure ruined in the bud! Clothes are taken to the bath clean and tidy!

There is no doubt that it is desirable to have underwear made from natural materials such as linen, cotton, wool.

Synthetics on a steamed body are worn very poorly, and our skin is uncomfortable in such clothes. Spacious natural clothing prolong the effect of the bath, it continues to warm our body and does not irritate sensitive skin.


Brushes in the bathing world are intended exclusively for massage purposes. They come with long handles, they are convenient to massage the back area, the back of the legs.

Brushes are both wooden and silicone, plastic. Wooden brushes are a tool to fight cellulite! Not a little important role plays the fact what kind of wood the brush is made of. Each tree has its own properties, aroma and benefits.

Wooden brushes have one significant drawback - they get wet from moisture, crack, dry out, pathogenic bacteria very often settle in them.

brushes from artificial materials are more suitable in the bathing kingdom, bacteria do not settle in them, they do not crack, they are well polished and quite suitable for wet massage.

Pumice stone for feet

For foot care, do not forget to take this bath attribute with you.

It will cleanse the skin of the legs from corns, calluses and rough skin on the legs. A few simple movements and your legs are like a baby!

After taking bath procedures, you are very thirsty. You can take with you a bottle of kvass, a thermos of green tea or any herbal teas. You can read more about what to drink after a bath in my separate articles on this topic.

In conclusion, I want to say that you should not neglect the rules of personal hygiene in baths and saunas! Remember that it is through bath accessories that such dangerous diseases like: scabies, lice, staphylococcus and fungal diseases.

Towel, slippers, broom, basin, bathrobe must be individual! Use only what you took with you to the bath, and do not lend your belongings to strangers.

Going to the bath is a great way to relax, relieve stress, improve health. If you visit it regularly, you will always feel great. But not everyone knows what to take with them to the bath. To have a great rest, you need to prepare a few necessary things.

Who can't take a bath?

It is necessary to know not only what to take with you to the bath, but also who is contraindicated for such a visit. People should not go to the bath and sauna:

  • with fear of a steam room;
  • with acute illnesses;
  • with general atherosclerosis;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with various infections;
  • with tuberculosis;
  • with psychoses;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with vegetative disorders.

In the bath you can not:

  • drink alcohol;
  • take a steam bath on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • consume soda;
  • drink cold drinks;
  • be physically overloaded.

At feeling unwell do not go to the steam room, because there may be complications. It is necessary to gradually get used to the heat. In case of severe overheating, you need to leave the steam room.


Stones are needed for the bath, if planned independent organization your bath. When visiting a public institution, they are usually not needed. Stones are of several types:

  • soapstone;
  • gabbro-diabase and vulcanite;
  • basalt;
  • jade;
  • jasper.

Where to get bath stones? You can assemble them yourself or buy them in a specialized store.

Banya broom

This attribute is the most important for the Russian bath. If you plan to visit the Finnish sauna or then such a thing is not required. When choosing a broom, you need to pay attention to which tree the branches are from. This determines the effect of the massage.

Birch broom can cure bone and muscle pain. Oak relieves nervous tension and skin ailments. Twigs can be fresh or dried. A dry broom quickly becomes fresh if it is steamed in hot water. You can hold the broom for a couple, then it will become soft.


What to take with you to the bath, if not a washcloth? The skin is steamed, dead cells exfoliate. A washcloth will help this process. Rubbing has a massage effect, which restores the blood circulation of the skin, has a tonic effect.

Everything natural is suitable for a bath, so a washcloth must also comply with this rule. The product can be made from loofah, sisal, bast. Each of them is tough, so it perfectly cleanses the skin. For small children, natural

A washcloth in the form of a mitten is excellent. It is put on the hand: with pressure it is necessary to perform massage movements, treating all areas of the skin. If you plan to visit alone, then you need to take a long-handled brush with you. Such a device will allow you to rub your back without anyone's help.


If you plan to go to the bathhouse, what to take with you? You need a special headgear. It is necessary for those steam rooms where the temperature reaches 80 degrees. This will protect your head from overheating, and your hair from overdrying.

They are linen, cotton, felt or felt. Each of these materials is good in its own way. You can choose any product to your taste.


What to take in a body bath? Need 2 large towels. One of them will be required in order to lay on a hot shelf before sitting down. The second towel is needed for wiping and wrapping around yourself.

What to take to the city bath from clothes? Required bathrobe which will be more comfortable than towels. It will be possible to relax in it after the steam room.


What to take to a public bath? Don't forget the slippers. You can do without them only when visiting your own bath, and in in public places it is rarely perfectly clean, which can cause fungus on the legs. Moreover, it can be rubber flip-flops, and something original, for example, bath slippers made of linen, felt, sisal.

Soap and shampoo

What to take with you to the bath hygiene procedures? This requires soap and shampoo. When choosing products, pay attention to the aroma. If it is obsessive, then it has a synthetic origin. You should not purchase such products. It is advisable to take soap from natural ingredients, as it will not contain chemical additives and animal fats.

For a bath, tar-based soap is ideal and goat milk. Such products are different from standard bar soap. They are usually available in liquid form.

Care products

If you plan to go to the bath, what to take with you for care? Since in the steam pores of the skin open up and absorb the valuable composition, you need to take medicinal products. For example, honey, which is ground massage movements. After such a procedure, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, toxins are removed from it. Honey massage has an anti-cellulite effect.

Scrubs that cleanse the skin are suitable for a steam room. It could be sea ​​salt, coffee grounds, crushed nuts olive oil. After a steam bath, you can apply different masks: from oatmeal, honey, cream, fruits and berries. You need to choose a product that suits your skin.


When visiting a public bath, you must take a basin with you. That will be much more convenient. It should be noted that often in the common steam room there are iron containers that heat up quickly.


These devices are used for massage. They may have long handles. They are easy to massage the back and legs. Brushes come in wood, silicone and plastic. The former are used to treat cellulite. Great importance looks like wood. Each tree has special properties, flavor and benefit.

The disadvantages of wooden brushes are that they get wet from moisture, crack and dry out, so pathogenic bacteria remain on them. Synthetic brushes are great for bacteria-free, crack-resistant, highly polished and ideal for wet massages.


This attribute is needed for foot care. With it, it will be possible to cleanse the skin of corns, calluses, coarsened areas. A few movements are enough to improve the condition of the legs.


During steaming in the bath, the body loses a lot of fluid. To make up for this shortage, you need to take a thermos with herbal or green tea. The drink will quench your thirst and fill you with energy. For herbal tea, lemon balm, calendula, thyme, and others are suitable. useful herbs. It must be prepared according to the dosage. Sweeten preferably with honey.

Green tea should be brewed with water at 80 degrees, not boiling water. Then the drink will be more useful. In the bath, you can take a vitamin collection, for example, a decoction of wild rose, sea buckthorn, strawberries. There are many recipes for making such drinks.

From drinks, juices from carrots, beets, grapes are perfect. Only they must be freshly pressed. Suitable natural kvass and mineral water.

it required list necessary things for the bath. It is important to prepare in advance for her visit, because then the rest in the steam room will be effective.

The immediate task of the bath is to cleanse and relax the body, so first of all you will need products for washing your hair and skin. It is advisable to use for this purpose soap and shampoo that contain minimal amount fragrances and chemicals.

Steamed pores open slightly and absorb everything that you pour on the body in the bath, so give preference to natural cosmetics for personal care.

You will also need a brush with a long handle and a washcloth of medium hardness, which will not hurt, but will clean the steamed skin from dead cells and dirt. With the help of a brush and a high-quality washcloth, you will massage the body and activate blood circulation in the skin capillaries, exfoliating a large number of dead skin. In addition, do not forget to bring personal hygiene products, several towels and a change of clothes with you to the bath. One towel will be useful in the shower, and the second you will place on the shelf in the steam room to wipe off the perspiration.

Bath items

Be sure to put flip flops or rubber slippers in your bag, as the chances of infection with a fungus in the bath are quite high. Men will need men's bathrobe put on after leaving the steam room, and for girls - a clean sheet. In the bath itself, it is advisable to bathe naked. Also, be sure to bring a bath cap made of cloth, felt or natural fabric, which will protect your head from heatstroke, and your hair from high temperature in a steam room.

It is difficult to bathe in a steam room without a hat, because the head feels burning, the ears burn, and the person simply overheats.

In the bath you need to drink a lot of liquid, because with sweat the body loses a lot of water - from 0.5 to 1.5 liters. To replenish the balance, take a green or herbal tea, kvass, juice, fruit drink or other cold soft drink, in no case beer or vodka, which are often taken with them to the bathhouse.

To make the procedure even more pleasant and beneficial, you can add some essential oils or herbal tinctures to the water for pouring stones, which will make the steam fragrant and saturate your Airways useful substances. So, coniferous, eucalyptus, mint, lemon and myrtle oils are ideal for a bath, which must be added to the water - 3-5 drops are enough.

And finally, don't forget main attribute baths - a birch broom that will help to steam the body deeply and make an excellent healing massage from head to toe. Take a few brooms with you - you can't go wrong.

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O miraculous properties Bath procedures have been known to mankind since ancient times. Unfortunately, at present, not everyone has the opportunity to wash and take a steam bath in their own bathhouse. However, do not forget that on such an occasion there are public saunas and baths with excellent conditions.

Many people don't give special attention bath fees, and then with disappointment, because they didn’t take something important. There is a list of things that are sure to come in handy in the bath:

Moisture resistant slippers

Change of linen

for a joint visit to swimming trunks or a swimsuit;

detergents cosmetics(shampoo, soap, etc.);

washcloth, brush or sponge;

two terry towels;

a bath broom, birch is best, it is not necessary to steam it, you can just put it for aroma;

· comb;

bath hat.

What else can you grab:

hair dryer;

thermos with tea or fruit drink;

· bathrobe;

· nail scissors;

Scrub or peeling (in the bath, the pores open, and the effectiveness of the procedures increases);

massage brush

· essential oils;

cream, masks, lotion;

You can take food with you. Alcoholic drinks in the bath is better not to take. They will definitely not be useful, rather, on the contrary.

An extended list is suitable for those who go to the bathhouse with friends and are going to have a good rest. After all, a bath is a place where the soul rests, and the body is cleansed, in addition, it great way relieve stress and nervous tension. Do not neglect a snack or your favorite cosmetics, because it's worth it. It is better to take everything you need at once, so that later there will be no disappointments.

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It's no secret that for many bath - lovely way relax, relieve stress, improve health. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what exactly you need to take with you, intending to warm up from the heart. So, let's consider what to take with you to the bath for both girls and men.

Sheet, towel and bedding

Out of ignorance, some of us take a sheet with us as a bedding to the steam room, which they will then turn around. However, this cannot be done. For a bath, you need a special bedding. This can be a large piece of fabric, preferably cotton, linen or flannel. Such a fabric will perfectly absorb the sweat generated in the steam room.

After the bath and in between soaring, a sheet is just necessary. A large terry towel will come in handy after a shower.


After each visit to the bath, for hygiene purposes, the bedding must be boiled and ironed with a hot iron.


In the bath, this item is simply indispensable. After all, rubbing with a washcloth, we bring to our body tangible benefits. This excellent massager perfectly massages the skin, increasing blood circulation (especially in fatty deposits) and providing a tonic effect. Experienced bath attendants advise taking a natural, moderately hard washcloth with you to the steam room, for example, from a loofah (dried fibrous fruit of a plant).

But with the help of plastic corrugated palms, which are fixed on the wrist, or terry hard mittens, you can well remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, making it more tender and smooth. Also, a special bath brush made of pig bristles is perfect for this, it is fixed on a small wooden plank. For convenience, it is sometimes made with a long handle so that a person can rub his back on his own without resorting to the help of others.

Soap and shampoo

What kind of soap do you take with you to the bath? Probably the usual toilet that you use every day. But real bath lovers know very well that there is a special bath soap. It differs from the toilet in that it contains less perfume and aromatic additives that can irritate sensitive steamed skin.
Bath soap may contain natural ingredients and medicinal herbs, which in turn gives therapeutic effect on the skin.

Revitalize and nourish dry skin with strawberry soap containing vitamin C and essential oils. Cleanses and disinfects pores oily skin soap based on calendula extract. Find " mutual language» with mixed skin raspberry soap can, while balancing the pH balance and making it less sensitive.

Apple soap is suitable for all skin types. It gives the skin tone and improves its color. A soap with an extract of celandine and pine needles has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect, which is good to use for problem skin.

As for the shampoo, take with you the one you usually use at home.


Washing with a washcloth and soap should not be done before visiting the steam room. If you do not adhere to this rule, then hot steam will only harm your skin: after all, skin that is actively washed with soap and a washcloth is degreased, irritated and becomes drier.


A cap in the bath protects our hair from strong steam and dry air. The best option would be if you choose a hat made of wool or felt. Although some prefer to wrap their heads terry towel. True, at the very wrong moment such a "turban" can be untied, you will come to build it again. And it often happens that a person has to adjust his headdress several times, and this, you see, is very tiring and distracts from the main procedure.


Many people take rubber slates with them, but such shoes are not desirable for a bath, as you can easily slip in them.

Slippers should perform two tasks at once: reduce the effect of slipping and protect the feet from fungal diseases. Therefore, it is better to give preference to closed models with embossed soles.

Honey and oil

After the bath, our skin needs good hydration and food. For example, face skin, neck pamper honey mask. As for the body, oils (walnut, almond, coniferous, etc.) that can make the skin smooth and velvety will have an excellent effect on it.


During and after a hot bath, this tonic drink will help you maintain the balance of moisture in the body, increase perspiration and quench your thirst. It is better if you brew green tea instead of black tea, and replace sugar with honey.

Bathing is unique opportunity to carry out a complex of relaxing and wellness procedures at any time of the year.

This is a special ritual that requires proper preparation and comply with all applicable rules.

And in order to provide yourself with maximum comfort and coziness, the bath should contain a whole arsenal of necessary bath accessories and accessories.

When choosing accessories for a bath, first of all, you should pay attention to their quality and functionality.

Modern bath accessories can be made of plastic, wood and metal. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Accessories for a bath made of wood are distinguished by aesthetics, environmental friendliness and safety. Often they are made of oak, linden and cedar. When heated, such products exude a mild aroma of essential oils.

In order for wooden products to serve for more than one year, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. They can not be doused with boiling water or cleaned with aggressive household chemicals.

To store such accessories, it is worth choosing dry and well-ventilated rooms, away from open heat sources, in order to prevent them from drying out and cracking.


Made of plastic, they are more practical and durable than wooden counterparts. They are resistant to aggressive impact are easy to use and require little maintenance. Plastic products are made from heat-resistant and non-toxic polymers resistant to mechanical damage and overheating.


Metal bath accessories are becoming more and more popular for use in modern baths and saunas due to their practicality, durability and wear resistance. Often, such products are used in dressing rooms or washing departments with a moderate temperature of air heating.

To ensure the aesthetic appeal of bath rooms, it is recommended to choose accessories in the same style.

Going to the bath, you should prepare a basic minimum of accessories that will be required for wellness procedures.

Bath brooms

The key accessory of the Russian bath is a broom. Without it, it is difficult to carry out any wellness and relaxation procedures. Bath brooms can be bought at specialized stores, but you can cook with your own hands.

When buying brooms for a bath, you should consider the type of material from which they are made. This is what determines the therapeutic effect of products on the body.

The most requested are following types brooms:

  • Birch - for traditional bath massage and relieve muscle pain;
  • Oak - for strong steam, removal of emotional and physical tension, treatment of skin diseases;
  • Juniper and fir - for flavoring the air and preventing respiratory diseases, strengthening the immune system;
  • Wormwood - for relaxation and relieving physical fatigue;

Bath broom is selected together with special device- a steamer, which is a wooden container with a lid. The steamer is intended for high-quality and safe steaming of brooms.

All kinds of bowls, ladles and buckets will not be superfluous in everyday life, which will create a special atmosphere of comfort during bath procedures.


This is a special basin (barrel) made of wood, with a volume of 6 to 65 liters. It is used for washing, in some cases - for steaming bath brooms. In private baths, it is recommended to provide each member of the family with a gang, taking into account the size and design of the product. AT public baths the number of wooden gangs is determined by the area of ​​the washing room.


In public baths there are two buckets - for washing and steam rooms. In the washing room, a large bucket is used to collect water in basins or bowls, in the steam room - a small bucket with a long handle for safe watering of the heater. Fans of pouring are additionally recommended to purchase a 2-liter bucket.

The best option- a ladle made of wood or metal with a wooden handle. Plastic buckets are suitable only for washing departments.

Don't forget the washcloth

When carrying out basic and auxiliary bath procedures, it is difficult to do without a washcloth. The washcloth is used to cleanse the skin and holding a lung invigorating massage.

In the bath, you need to use washcloths made from natural materials - loofah, bast and sisal.

Such products help improve blood circulation, gently cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. For young children and teenagers, it is better to use a natural sea sponge.

In addition to the traditional washcloth, you can purchase a massage mitt. With its help it is more convenient to massage all parts of the skin.

For individual bath procedures, it is recommended to purchase massage brush medium hardness on a long handle. It is quite effective in self-massage.

Hats and shoes

To protect the head from heat stroke during the procedures, special headgear is provided - made of felt, flannel, wool, linen and cotton.

A properly selected hat should be soft and pleasant to the touch, not cause allergic reactions. Before visiting the steam room, the headgear should not be wetted with water to avoid overheating of the scalp.

The hat needs to be laundered from time to time. Woolen and felt products are washed only by hand in warm water with addition soap solution. You can unscrew the product with a terry towel, dry it in a well-ventilated area in a straightened form.

Slippers must be on the list necessary accessories. Slippers for bath procedures can be made of plastic, rubber or foam. They are comfortable, practical and hygienic. It is better to choose models with a special grooved sole.

Products made of felt, felt, bast, sisal, straw and even wood are suitable for saunas. Care for such shoes is the same as for hats - they must be washed in warm soapy water.

Towels and accessories for washing

You can also use special towels with hidden Velcro as bath clothes. Such clothing is aimed at men and women, may have special protective straps and patch pockets.

When carrying out any bath procedures, it is impossible to do without auxiliary accessories - soaps, shampoos, shower foams, brushes, sponges and oils.

Soap and shampoo

When choosing cosmetic bath products, it is recommended to pay attention to their smell and quality. Bath cosmetics should not contain dyes and fragrances. It is better to give full preference natural ingredients which will not cause allergic reactions. The best option for a bath is tar, birch and milk soap. Soap can be replaced if desired. soft gel or shampoo.

Scrubs and masks

Bathing is a great opportunity combine wellness and. Enlarged and cleansed pores are well perceived by any cosmetics, so you need to use special cleansing scrubs and nourishing masks for the skin. After applying such cosmetics, the skin becomes smooth, elastic and cleansed.

And according to tradition, any bathing procedure ends with a tea party. The best option - green tea or any herbal drink. For brewing a drink, a herb is suitable that contributes to maximum relaxation of the body - mint, lemon balm, chamomile. Such a drink will fill the body with vivacity and energy for the whole day.