Is it possible to harm the baby. the most dangerous diseases for a pregnant woman. Is it possible to crush a baby in the stomach

Quite often, mothers ask obstetricians how dangerous it is to sleep on your stomach, hit your tummy, get an elbow nudge from fellow citizens in public transport... Wouldn't it hurt the baby? Doctors are trying to calm down: the baby is under reliable protection... This does not mean that it is not necessary to protect the tummy at all, but it is not worth it to panic excessively and be afraid that the slightest effect can harm the baby. The kid is in amniotic fluid that reliably absorb all shocks. So, most of the worries are psychological factor... Any mother instinctively covers her tummy, as if protecting the baby.

Good sleep to you

Quite often, expectant mothers worry: what position to sleep in so as not to harm the baby. Don't worry and trust your feelings. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the uterus does not greatly increase in size, your baby is still a baby-with-marigold, therefore, sleeping on her stomach does not interfere or harm either mother or baby. As the uterus grows in size, you yourself will feel that lying on your stomach becomes uncomfortable and will begin to avoid this position. Someone else sleeps on their backs for several months, someone immediately turns over on their side. The supine position also quickly becomes uncomfortable because later dates the inferior vena cava is pinched, and you will feel discomfort.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, as a rule, the mother herself intuitively comes to the conclusion that even on her side it is just uncomfortable to sleep. Many people begin to put a blanket roller under their tummy - and this is completely normal. For some, it is convenient to lay a roller between your legs - listen to yourself and sleep in comfortable posture... All the same, in a dream, a person changes position involuntarily, so it is very naive to think about the "correctness" of the posture for sleep. Remember also that the mattress should not be hard, otherwise it will give you torment. Perfect option- anatomical mattresses that take the shape of the body, but are quite expensive. For a while, give up hard orthopedic beds, even if they helped you to rest before. Sleep on a softer one.


Many mothers are afraid of bumps and falls, which happen quite often, because the tummy appears at a later date. There are myths among the people that during a fall, an abortion or placental abruption can occur, and we are informed about this by popular television series in which the heroines lose a child from one accidental fainting. In fact, this is not at all the case. Placental abruption occurs with gestosis, termination of pregnancy can occur from mechanical injury only if the mother had a threat of severe termination, in which hospitalization is usually carried out. In general, even in severe car accidents, pregnancy is often managed to be maintained.

However, mom's worries are understandable. Therefore, if you are anxious, talk to your doctor, describe your symptoms, if he considers it necessary, do an extraordinary ultrasound.

Clothes for belly

There are no less myths about how important it is to dress correctly. Many mothers, undressing and seeing the trace of an elastic band from panties on their belly, are already afraid if they have harmed the baby. Yes, indeed, in the position it is better to dress in loose clothing. Swelling may occur during the day, and you just feel healthier and more comfortable without unnecessary rubber bands. However, it is hardly possible to harm the baby with a belt in the place where the waist used to be.

Some mothers are also interested in whether the bandage, which is often recommended to be worn after 23-24 weeks, is not harmful to the baby. Of course no. It is designed to redistribute the load on the spine and avoid discomfort and pain, as well as support the anterior abdominal wall to relieve pressure on the lower segment of the uterus. The bandage is especially relevant for women with weakened abs and for those who give birth not for the first time and have a stretched abdominal wall. However, at well-being sports moms do just fine without a bandage.

No less worrisome is the "communication of an older child" aged 1-4 years with a tummy. The baby can jump on the mother, the mother has to carry the baby in her arms. And this is also not dangerous. Focus on your well-being: if it is not difficult for you and the lower back does not hurt, do not deprive the older child of such pleasure. As you can see, most tummy problems are contrived. The kid is safe in his cozy house.

Anna Babina,
Consultant: Tatiana Uletova, obstetrician-gynecologist

Diseases of the expectant mother can have a direct impact on the health and development of the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women pay increased attention the state of your body.

Most dangerous period- this is the first trimester. At this time, the fetus is exposed most at risk... Therefore, many parents prefer to keep pregnancy a secret in the first 3 months. After the first trimester, the child is no longer so vulnerable, but some diseases still threaten his development and even life.

Prevention and vaccination

Most often, pregnant women are worried about infections that they have never encountered before. Vaccination is one of the ways to prevent various diseases and can help prevent the onset of certain diseases.

Regular observation by a doctor, timely tests and adherence to his recommendations are a guarantee of reducing the risk of spontaneous abortion and fetal infection during pregnancy.

18 most dangerous diseases for a pregnant woman

1. Infections of the urinary tract

The most common urinary tract infections during pregnancy are cystitis and thrush. They pose the greatest danger at the first and last trimester pregnancy. On last weeks these diseases can lead to premature birth.

2. Gestational diabetes

This is the name of an increase in blood glucose levels in a pregnant woman. It is caused by insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas. Gestational diabetes does not threaten the child. However, it can lead to the development of other types of diabetes in the expectant mother if appropriate measures are not taken.

3. Syphilis

One of the most easily transmitted diseases to the fetus. It can lead to miscarriage and birth. dead child... Most often, therapy is performed using penicillin.

4. Anemia

A common problem among pregnant women. Fortunately, it is easy to eliminate it with diet. rich in iron... It is also possible to prescribe vitamins.

5. Measles

The consequences of getting pregnant measles can be premature birth, spontaneous abortion or development chronic diseases lungs. To avoid this, it is necessary to get vaccinated against measles.

6. Genital herpes and chickenpox

These diseases are dangerous for both the child and the newly born fetus. The appearance of cataracts is possible, underdevelopment tissues and organs, microcephaly and bone defects. These consequences are most likely if a woman gets sick in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

If infection occurs a month before childbirth, caesarean is prescribed to minimize the risk of infection of the baby.

7. Rubella

Unfortunately, there is no therapy for this condition. Regular observation by a doctor is necessary in order to determine in time possible malformations, including blindness, microcephaly, cardiovascular diseases and deafness.

8. Inflammation of the gums

Even common gum disease can harm the fetus or lead to premature birth.

9. Vaginitis

The symptoms of this disease are discharge and strong smell, but it does not apply to sexually transmitted diseases. We are talking about a disorder in the flora of the vagina, which can be triggered by ordinary stress or another factor that weakened the protective functions of the body.

10. Cytomegalovirus

This infection infects the bloodstream, so there is a high likelihood of transmitting the virus to your child. Antiviral therapy is available, but it is best to prevent infection of the expectant mother by avoiding eating poorly cooked meat and unwashed fruits and vegetables.

11. Toxoplasmosis

To avoid this disease, meat should be heat treated, and vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed. In addition, if there are pets, especially cats, in the home, contact with their faeces should be minimized. Ask other people in the household to change your pet's sandbox.

12. HIV

In some cases, the mother can choose a traditional delivery without fear of infection of the baby. After giving birth, the baby is bathed to reduce the risk of bloodborne infection, and drug therapy to prevent transmission of the virus. Breastfeeding is excluded as the virus can be transmitted through breast milk.

13. Hepatitis B

About half of infected mothers transmit the hepatitis B virus to their babies. But regular observation by a doctor and adherence to all his recommendations will help to avoid this. Even before birth, immunoglobulin therapy is carried out, and after the baby is born, he is vaccinated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus.

14. Hepatitis C

The main problem that this virus is in short time leads to cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis. With hepatitis C breast-feeding also not recommended.

15. Sexually transmitted diseases

The most common diseases in pregnant women are sexually transmitted diseases. There are antibiotics and antiviral agents who are appointed in this case.

16. Pneumonia

One of the most dangerous diseases for both mother and child. The condition itself is difficult to treat, and pregnancy exacerbates the condition. A pregnant woman, due to the general weakening of the body, is more inclined to develop this complication in the event of a common cold or flu.

17. Chikungunya

In our latitudes, this disease has never become widespread, unlike in warmer countries. However, don't forget about it if you plan to travel. Chikungunya is carried by mosquitoes, one bite of which can infect a pregnant woman. Although spontaneous miscarriages are quite rare in pregnant women with chikungunya, both the expectant mother and the baby should regularly visit the doctor after birth to minimize the risk of infection of the baby.

Until then, it is not known how the virus works, but the risk of developing microcephaly is very high. It is transmitted in the same way as chikungunya, through mosquito bites, and in last years reached epidemic proportions in some southern countries. So, if you are planning a visit to exotic lands, it is better to clarify the epidemiological situation in this country.

Watch the video and learn more about infections during pregnancy.

Of course, a trip to the sea during pregnancy can be very useful, but before deciding on it, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. After all, pregnancy on vacation, like everything else, makes its own adjustments.

A pregnant woman at sea should not only rest, but also take care not to overheat on the sun, not to eat something “wrong”, not to develop allergies, an infinite amount of not, and at the same time not to experience stress. But let's talk about everything in order.

Is it possible for pregnant women to swim in the sea

Of course, before any trips, climate change, swimming, it is better to consult a doctor who knows exactly your pregnancy. But usually it is not only possible to swim in the sea, but also necessary. We already wrote about, and here also positive influence exactly sea ​​water.

And no need to worry, be interested in how to swim for pregnant women - the sea will do everything for you. Just relax and have fun. Sea water will relieve headaches, cramps and insomnia. So the sea is a great idea.

Can pregnant women swim in the sea

Pros of a trip to the sea

Vitamin D from the sun, iodine from sea water, potassium from sea air are not the only ones useful material that you will find on vacation. Fresh air, long walks, swimming, increased immunity, relaxation, change of scenery, rest from the bustle of the city - are these reasons enough to make your choice in favor of a trip to the sea?


In what cases is it still better to refuse a trip to the sea during pregnancy:

  • First and third trimester. In the first trimester, it is better to refuse any changes, for example, climate. After all, the fetus must finally "settle" in your stomach, and the body itself must adapt to the changes. And in the third trimester, it is dangerous to go if you do not want to give birth in a train, car or unfamiliar hospital. Believe me, the kid can ask to go out much earlier.
  • Persistent allergies.
  • Low hemoglobin levels.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Increased tone of the uterus and incomprehensible spotting.
  • Kidney problems.

Watch a video about whether you can go to the sea during pregnancy:

Naturally, in sexual life spouses who are going to become parents have their own characteristics. Most spouses ask questions about the possibility of having sex during pregnancy, about possible contraindications etc. Today we will look at some exciting questions concerning sexual relations during pregnancy.

Is sex possible during pregnancy?
Yes, it is possible. With the onset of pregnancy, the woman's body undergoes significant changes in the physiological, psychological and emotional sphere... All these changes are a natural process, therefore a woman should live during pregnancy full life, given some new features of her condition. Refusing sex during pregnancy is a violation of natural process. Scientific research have shown that prolonged abstinence from sex leads to the fact that future mom accumulate negative emotions, which may adversely affect marital relations as the risk of estrangement between spouses is very high.

In addition, there are very frequent cases when sexual attraction wakes up with renewed vigor in a woman during pregnancy. This state becomes predominant, the woman begins to get nervous, to fight with herself, is constantly in an agitated state, which can do much more harm to the fetus than the state after sexual contact. Therefore, for normal course pregnancy, without any complications, you can have sex from the very beginning until the birth. But if there are any concerns, difficulties it is best to seek the advice of a doctor. Women who have sex during pregnancy can achieve brighter orgasms and more enjoyment, which is associated with physiological characteristics body during pregnancy. Naturally, having sex should be done with great care using gentle positions (for example, on the side). Sexual contact can be continued even for last dates pregnancy, but already using alternative forms of sex, such as petting and oral sex... The most important rule that a spouse should be guided by is that sexual intercourse should be carried out only if the pregnant woman wants it. If she has no desire, then the spouse should not force or persuade her.

What are the medical contraindications for sex during pregnancy?
Restrictions on sexual relations can be, with medical point vision, in the following cases:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • miscarriage, or miscarriages that took place at the time of the threat of interruption;
  • premature birth (history);
  • dripping amniotic fluid when the risk of infection is very high;
  • presentation or low attachment placenta;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • bleeding or vaginal discharge;
  • if one of the spouses has signs of a genital tract infection.
It should be noted that abstaining from sexual contacts it should also be on the days when menstruation should have occurred in the absence of pregnancy, since it is on these days that the risk of miscarriage increases significantly, since the woman's body is accustomed to regular emptying of the uterus.

Can they sexual relations harm the fetus?
Sex during pregnancy cannot harm the child in any way, since it is under the reliable protection of the thick muscular wall of the uterus, the amniotic bladder and the so-called mucous plug, which tightly closes the cervix. Sometimes, after orgasm, you can notice the movement of the child, but this is not an indication that he is experiencing pain or any discomfort. Fetal movement can be caused by a simple contraction of the uterus. In addition, as recent studies have shown, all the words of love and various expressions of parental feelings during sex are perceived by the child (since he begins to hear from the fifth month of fetal development) as a kind of signal in the mind that he will be born desired and loved. Moreover, the hormones of pleasure produced in the body of the expectant mother at the time of orgasm also have a positive effect on the child, as well as on his mother, giving pleasure.

How does a woman's sex drive change during pregnancy?
It should be noted that a clear answer to this question no. Everything is purely individual. For many women in a position, sexual desire rises sharply and the couple does not have problems of an intimate nature. However, in some women, sexual desire may decrease or disappear altogether, which is usually associated with some kind of problems during pregnancy. V in this case you need to ask your wife if sex is possible between you in this moment... In addition, it is imperative for both spouses to undergo an examination for the presence of unwanted microbes in the genital tract, which will help reduce the risk of complications of an infectious nature in women during pregnancy, since during such a period protective function the flora of a woman's vagina is sharply reduced. Therefore, it is recommended that you use condoms along with special lubricants during sex throughout your pregnancy. It must be remembered that pregnancy proceeds normally, without any complications and problems (toxicosis), and the couple has sex, then the main thing in the relationship should be caring for each other and self-sacrifice.

Now about the unpleasant moments.
During the second trimester, new data may emerge that contribute to the partial or complete abandonment of sexual relations. This can include the threat of termination of pregnancy or wrong position placenta. Therefore, it is best to consult a gynecologist about the possibility of further sexual relations.

By the end of the second trimester, active movements the fetus and its movement inside the uterus. Naturally, many spouses start to worry about the possibility mechanical damage fetus and its infection.

In the third trimester, a large belly makes a woman feel unattractive, swelling, increased blood pressure and many other things also affect the decrease in the sexual life of spouses. Big belly the future mom gives some inconvenience during intercourse. Poses during sex should be gentle, should exclude the woman's load, any pressure on the abdomen, direct blow of the penis into the uterus. V this period pregnancy is best preferred alternative types sex (petting, oral sex, cunnilingus and many others).

Another problem in the third trimester is hypersensitivity cervix to mechanical stress... Loose mucous membrane during penetration of the penis easily shrinks, and the blood supply to the uterus can provoke "smearing" after having sex. In this case, you need to go for a consultation with a gynecologist. If the reason for smearing lies in a slight damage to the surface of the uterine cervix, then there is nothing to worry about.

Finally, all the worries and worries before the birth of a child also contribute to the decline in sexual relations. And this is natural.

2-3 weeks before the expected date of birth, you must completely abandon sex, as this can cause contractions due to the hormone oxytocin released by the woman during sexual arousal, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus, which can serve as an impetus for premature birth.

During pregnancy, it is very important to keep harmonious relationship in family. Be sure to be sympathetic to the desires of your significant other and be attentive to yourself. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because sexual relations during pregnancy are not mandatory, there are many more ways to show mutual love!

During pregnancy, all the feelings of the expectant mother are exacerbated, she looks with different eyes at seemingly completely ordinary and simple things. Pregnancy not only sharpens perception, but also generates unfounded fears, one of the most common is the fear of harming the baby in the tummy.

Expectant mothers are afraid of harming their unborn child. Such experiences can lead a pregnant woman to a state of exhaustion, loss of sleep and constant anxiety. How to get rid of this specific fear and feel easy and comfortable during pregnancy, our expert will tell you - medical psychologist.

Marina, 23 years old, student

I cannot sleep, in a dream I am afraid that something might happen to my child through my fault. I am afraid of damaging his body or even crushing him during sleep. I constantly wake up and listen to whether he is moving or not.

Marina is having her first pregnancy and she cannot yet accept the naturalness of pregnancy, trust nature and herself. Often women think that they can control the processes that take place in their body during pregnancy. And when they understand that they are not subject to it, they begin to worry.

Such fears are unfounded. It is so arranged by nature that the mother's body for the child is the most safe place... Everything that the baby needs, warmth, nutrition, protection - all this is provided by the mother's body. The muscular layers of the uterus reliably protect the baby from exposure outside world. Fetal bladder provides the baby with his personal space and does not allow him to disturb him.

Of course, pregnant women shouldn't sleep on their stomachs, and they won't be able to. The most optimal sleeping position for the expectant mother is on her side, and for better comfort you can use special semicircular pillows, carefully laying the tummy. This position will allow you to fully relax first of all. expectant mother which is very necessary condition correct development baby.

Daria, 31 years old

I am very worried that when I did not know about my pregnancy, I drank champagne at my friend's birthday party. How will this affect my child? I feel guilty towards him.

Of course, drinking alcohol during pregnancy has a detrimental effect on the development of the baby. This is a well-known and proven fact. But that refers to systematic abuse, not just one glass of champagne. And the harm from termination of pregnancy for this reason is much more significant.

However, if you already know about your pregnancy, give up alcoholic beverages and smoking - this will save your baby from developmental defects. Passive smoking is no less harmful than active smoking. Therefore, places where people smoke should be avoided.

What should be done to make the pregnancy easy and comfortable:

How to overcome increased anxiety during pregnancy, and what causes it in future parents, will tell our expert - psychoanalyst.

Such thoughts often go to pregnant women and their husbands. This is understandable - the pregnancy situation is shrouded in mystery. Everyone knows how the conception and development of the fetus occurs on physiological level, but why it does not happen for everyone or not immediately remains a mystery. Even when pregnancy becomes a fait accompli, anxiety and prejudice do not leave parents.

Still would! Intrauterine development fetus, the birth of a child, the transition to the status of parents and the awareness of their place and role in the chain of generations - all this is too important not to worry about it!

  • In addition, the fact that the conception and development of the fetus occurs inside the mother's body reduces the possibility of constant monitoring and control by the parents and “turns on” their fantasies about the child's fragility and their own omnipotence. .
  • Parents feel like giants, in whose power the life and death of the child. Such fantasies can "paralyze" spontaneity, disrupt the natural course of life and interfere with the enjoyment and conscious experience of such a special period as pregnancy.

Such thoughts and fantasies are very often manifestations of anxiety. As a rule, an increase in the level of anxiety is characteristic of the first and third trimester of pregnancy.

In the first case, the woman's body is faced with unprecedented stress (in the case of the first pregnancy) - something appears inside that is defined as “not her own” (the genetic material of the child's father). Sometimes this contributes to the development of unconscious fantasies of capture, colonization and enslavement, which in turn awakens their own defensive aggression.

It should be noted that all this is unconscious fantasies, and means that they are not available to awareness, but actively influence behavior and self-awareness, provoke certain defense mechanisms... For example, protection from the fantasy of one's own aggression in response to a foreign invasion can be obsessive thoughts about possible harm to the child in the womb.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a natural increase in anxiety is associated with preparation for childbirth, the birth of a child and the transition to an active role of the mother.

If the anxiety is unbearable, we recommend that you contact a specialist, since the mother's excessive anxiety can affect her physical condition and, as a consequence, affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus. In most cases, after childbirth, the nature of the relationship between the mother and the child remains, and continues to influence the formation of his / her personality.

  • Do not go to extremes: a fragile child is an omnipotent me.

Much depends on the child too! A certain vitality is already inherent in the fetus, because part of it is the sperm, which, one out of hundreds of millions, managed to penetrate the egg!

  • Live a physician-recommended lifestyle that is tailored specifically to your situation and your medical parameters.
  • In case of intense anxiety, contact a psychotherapist.