Iron stain. Traceless removal of shiny iron stains. Removing iron marks depending on the fabric

Sometimes, after ironing the linen, “shiny” or “shiny” spots remain. Especially iron shine noticeable on black clothes and dark fabrics... In the arsenal of every woman, you can find several folk ways, how to remove the shine from the iron on clothes:

1. Eliminate shine on clothes, obtained as a result of prolonged wear or from the iron, will help salt and ammonia. The covered area is rubbed simply with dry salt or with such a solution: 15 g of table salt and 15 g ammonia dissolved in 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Then the place is washed in warm water and ironed through a damp cloth.

2. Glossy, shiny mark on black fabric can be removed with soapy water. It is necessary to dilute the solution and wet the gauze through which the clothes are ironed with light touches of the iron. Next, you need to dry the clothes. naturally without gauze.

3. You can try to remove a fresh stain from a black cloth with lemon juice: rub the stain with it.

4. To get rid of the shine, you can gently iron your clothes through an old newspaper.

5. Iron shine on clothes capable of put away onion. It is necessary to make a gruel from onions and spread it over a shiny spot. After a few minutes, the clothes are rinsed in cool water.

6. The most in a simple way shine removal is a strong infusion of black tea. Only tea should be used in loose leaves, not in teabags. Glossy areas are wiped with a cloth soaked in the solution, and then gently ironed with an iron at a moderate temperature.

7. If shiny stripes appeared on silk or wool products, then baking soda, which is in every home, will help to cope. One tablespoon of baking soda diluted in one glass of water will be enough. Using a sponge dipped in a solution, you need to treat the stain and then rinse the item in a large number water.

8. Mechanical method getting rid of iron stains - Shaver, pumice stone or regular nail file. It is necessary to "shave" the stain with light efforts. The method is very risky, therefore it requires maximum concentration.

When it is impossible to remove the shine from the iron on clothes ...

9. There are stains that, unfortunately, cannot be removed. And, in order not to throw out the thing, you can "reanimate" it with the help decorative embroidery or appliques. You can also change a thing into another, new thing.

10. In order to avoid such mistakes, remember that dark items must be ironed from the inside through cheesecloth. It is advisable that the iron be equipped with a steaming system. Many housewives are gradually switching to steamers instead of an iron. It is convenient and, moreover, prevents the appearance of shiny spots from the iron.

Neglect of the rules of ironing clothes (especially, products made of such delicate fabrics as silk or wool) leads to the fact that shiny marks or even yellow-brown marks appear on trousers or a dress.

Causes. There are only two main mistakes: either the hostess does not notice the dirt on the iron, and the fabric gets dirty on the bottom, or chooses the wrong temperature regime, as a result of too high ironing temperature, burn marks appear on the material.

To avoid this kind of trouble, stick to following recommendations:

  • study the label of the product, which necessarily indicates the optimal temperature regime for ironing;
  • iron things from the inside out (for the most part, this rule applies to dresses, jackets, jackets, trousers, as well as clothes made of delicate materials);
  • use damp gauze or a steamer (of course, if this does not contradict the rules of caring for a certain type fabrics);
  • smooth the fabric evenly, without leaving the iron in certain areas for a long time;
  • promptly clean the soleplate of adhered dirt and carbon deposits.
Dirty outsole leaves stubborn marks

If you still leave characteristic marks on your clothes (but not burned holes), use one of the methods below. Before using a product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

Methods for removing iron marks at home

What is it suitable for

Method description

White and colored clothes(generic methods)

At all fresh stains come off after washing in a strong solution of laundry soap (with a thick foam). Dry your clothes in the sun.

Rub the iron stain with half a raw potato, and then iron the clothes through clean paper (any parchment will work best).

Moisten the affected area warm water, sprinkle with table salt. After 2-3 hours, wash off the salt with cool water.

Treat the product with a steam generator or hang it over a basin with hot water for half an hour. If the trail is not too noticeable, the steam will cope with it. At the end of the procedure, iron the clothes through cheesecloth.

Colored clothing, including wool and knitwear

To remove the stain from the iron that has not yet been absorbed, soak the spoiled clothes in yogurt (just sour milk will do) for an hour.

Rub the barely noticeable dirt with half an onion. Use onion gruel for more significant tissue damage: leave on the spot for 3-4 hours.

Black clothes

Pat the marks through cheesecloth dipped in 9% vinegar. Use gauze bandage so as not to breathe in the vapors of the vinegar.

Dampen a clean sponge or cotton pad in a strong infusion of black tea. Treat the shiny areas, and then dry the clothes with an iron through gauze or flannel.

White clothes

3% hydrogen peroxide will deal with cotton fabrics: treat
a trace from the iron with a cotton pad dipped in the product. Test the peroxide on an inconspicuous area beforehand.

Try to clean up stubborn areas potato starch(flour) mixed with refined gasoline to a paste consistency, apply the composition to the stain and wait until it dries completely. Brush off any remaining starch.

30 ml of borax, diluted in a liter of warm water, will remove yellow tan marks: apply the composition to the dirt for a few minutes before washing. Do not use this method on silk products!


Soaking in cold milk for 3-4 hours will allow
remove a fresh trace from the iron.

The combined tan and stain remover consists of water and 9% vinegar (1: 1 ratio) and table salt. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area, sprinkle with salt on top. Dry in the sun, and then rinse the clothes in cold water.

Viscose clothes will be saved by wine or rubbing alcohol... Moisten a cotton pad, use a hammering motion to treat the tan. Leave it on for 30-60 minutes.

Cotton, linen

Treat the trace of the iron with bleach diluted in warm water (1 teaspoon per liter). You can wash the item in five minutes.

Pour on yellow spot table salt, pour lemon juice on top. Send the item to dry in the sun, and then remove the remaining salt with cool water.

Apply a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (in equal proportions) to the trail, rinse off with water after 5-10 minutes. This method is also good for synthetic clothing.

Silk, chiffon

Mix in equal shares 3% hydrogen peroxide and warm water. Treat the stain with the resulting composition, leave to dry completely.

Apply a paste of baking soda and warm water. After the detergent is absorbed into the fabric, send the item to the wash. By the way, soda will not harm synthetic materials.

Methods for removing markings on woolen fabrics mechanical is popular: carefully cut off burnt fibers with a shaving machine or "polish" with a nail file.

After removing the trace of the iron, do not forget to wash the item and dry it for fresh air to dissipate the smell of especially "fragrant" products, such as vinegar or gasoline.

Often, such stains on clothes appear from carelessness. But, unfortunately, it happens that the iron itself can be the cause of the pollution. Majority modern models ironing devices are equipped with a non-stick coating. But nevertheless, if a malfunction occurs, the unit may leave unwanted burn marks.

The iron itself may be the cause of the dirt.

It is also necessary to understand that each fabric needs its own ironing temperature. Often natural dense fabrics such as linen and cotton can be ironed at a high temperature. As for silk and wool, they need low temperatures.

Methods for removing marks from the iron

In order to get rid of this kind of stains, it is necessary to assess the extent of the damage.

If the stain is yellowish or light yellow, then it makes sense to try to remove it. If the pollution has a bright brown color and is slightly translucent, then most likely nothing will be done.

We'll have to look for another application of this thing or correct the situation in another way. For example, you can apply a thermal sticker or make an applique.

If the item is expensive and you are afraid of ruining it even more, or you simply do not have time to remove stains, you can turn to professionals for help. Take your clothes to a dry cleaner. Often, when receiving clothes, specialists assess the degree of contamination and immediately comment on whether they can cope with it. The cost will depend on the type of clothing and the complexity of the work.

Often, when receiving clothes, specialists assess the degree of contamination and immediately comment on whether they can cope with it.

If you have already tried to remove stains yourself in any way, it is imperative to inform the dry cleaning workers about this. But it is important to understand that the earlier you bring the thing, the more likely its restoration.

Stain removers

A high-quality stain remover can remove traces of light burn marks. Now in hardware stores you can find a huge variety similar funds... Follow package directions to remove stains.

Traditional methods

Besides dry cleaning and stain removers, there are several folk methods removal of such contaminants. They will not require any special investments, since everything that is needed is often available at your home.

In order to cope with the tan marks on clothes after ironing, you can use fresh juice lemon and regular sugar. First you need to grind the sugar into a powder. Then apply lemon juice on the stain and sprinkle with plenty of powder on top. Leave it on for a couple of hours and then simply wash it in cold water.

Wet the damaged area well cold water... Next, sprinkle with coarse salt. Best left to dry in direct sunlight. After that, rinse the products again with high quality in running water.

Surprisingly, good remedy from the scorch marks on the clothes is the bow. To do this, you need to cut it into two halves and rub the juice into the place where the spots appeared. After that, you need to leave for five minutes for the juice to work. Then rinse the product in running water. This method is especially effective for removing stains from woolen fabrics.

Keep in mind that the bow can change the color of the material. To prevent this from happening, first try it on the least noticeable area. If everything remains unchanged, then feel free to use this method.

To eliminate tan marks on light-colored linen and cotton clothes, you can use spoiled milk and water. To do this, you need to mix the components in the same proportion to each other. Soak laundry and leave to work overnight. In the morning you will be pleasantly surprised that there are no more tan marks.

Hydrogen peroxide can very often save clothes from various spots... Including from marks from. Take a standard 3% solution and apply with a cotton pad to the stain. Next, you need to take your clothes outside and leave them in direct sunlight. After stains have disappeared, rinse in cold water and wash as usual.

You can enhance the effect of peroxide by adding one teaspoon of ammonia to the top of the stain. This should be done only if the fabric is plain and has no patterns. also in in this case you can pre-soak clothes in a solution of borax and only then do the above steps with peroxide and ammonia.

Iron stains on linen and cotton fabrics can be removed with borax solution. Take one teaspoon of borax and dissolve in a glass plain water... Soak the tan in the mixture and then wash in normal mode.

This method is good for delicate silk items. Indeed, on them very often you can encounter a similar problem... It is necessary to prepare a gruel from a few drops of water and soda, and then treat the impurities with it. Leave to dry completely and wash as usual.

This method will help to deal with tan marks on black fabrics. Unfortunately, glossy spots often appear on dark items. In order to get rid of them, you need to grate laundry soap on a coarse grater. Add a little water to the resulting and moisten a piece of gauze there. Squeeze well and iron the garment through cheesecloth. Do not press hard on the iron. Next, leave the thing to dry naturally.

If a viscose silk thing has deteriorated, then wine alcohol will help you. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in it and apply liberally to the stain. Leave to act for an hour. Then rinse the clothing thoroughly.

In order to prevent the appearance of such spots on things in the future, it is necessary to follow several of the following recommendations. Perhaps the most important thing is adherence to the ironing temperature for this type of material.

If you iron a lot of laundry at once, it is best to sort the clothes right away. This way, you can first iron things that need a low temperature, and then gradually increase it and iron the rest.

The most important thing is to comply with the ironing temperature for this type of material.

The clothes are best ironed from the wrong side. In this case, even if stains from the hot iron appear, they will not be on front side and the problem of getting rid of them will be less global.

If you need to go somewhere during the ironing process, even for a short time, never leave the iron on your clothes. It is better to immediately disconnect it from the network, so as not to accidentally forget about it later.

After you have reduced the temperature for ironing delicate fabrics, it is important to wait a while for the iron to cool down. Only then gently touch the iron to seamy side products. If the iron does not stick and glides smoothly over the material, then you can safely iron it. Otherwise, you need to wait a little longer.

Among other things, it is very important to follow the directions on the clothing tag. It usually contains full information on how to wash, bleach and iron.

Timeliness also helps to ensure that your belongings retain their original appearance... There are several ways to do this, depending on the surface material of the soleplate.

With careless ironing, iron stains and burn marks may appear on things. Especially often synthetics "sin" with this. Stains can appear differently on fabric, depending on the type and color of the fabric, as well as the temperature and duration of ironing. So, tan marks appear on white in color from yellow to brown. The hotter the iron and the longer it stays on the fabric, the darker the stains will be. Viscose tends to burn and stick to hot soles. Black gets shiny iron stains.

However, regardless of the reasons for the appearance of marks or their type, it is possible to remove the stain from the iron on clothes without throwing away the thing and without calling for help from specialists from the dry-cleaner.

Reasons for the appearance of tan marks

The easiest way is to avoid stains. Therefore, you first need to decide what causes them to appear:

  • faulty iron;
  • non-compliance with the ironing regime;
  • disregard of safety rules;
  • carelessness, for example, an iron forgotten on the clothes.

Modern models of irons are made with more advanced types of soles. A special coating is applied to them, which should protect things from burning. However, no iron can guarantee 100% safety of things if the owners do not pay attention to the labels on the clothes.

What to do first

You can try to reanimate the item immediately after detecting the markings. The sooner action is taken, the better. First of all, you need to prevent the particles of burnt tissue from digging deep into the structure of the fibers. Therefore, first they turn off the iron, take the spoiled clothes and go with them to the bath. Here they turn on the water and rinse the material under running cool water. Warm water can dig in even deeper stains.

Then they pour on the stain liquid agent for washing, you can use a stain remover. A powder mixed with a little water to make a gruel is also suitable. After processing, the thing is rinsed again. It may be possible to completely wipe it off.

On strong stain rinsing may not work. Then you will have to resort to more effective means.

How to remove iron marks from synthetics

Any stain is easier to remove if it is fresh. Iron marks are no exception. Several simple tips help with this:

  • a small and slight spot can be removed by ironing through a damp cloth: the item is laid out on the board, a damp cloth is placed on top and ironed. If on a piece of matter appeared yellow footprints then the method works;
  • the tan begins to be processed from the inside out;
  • before using any means, it is necessary to check how the fabric will behave. For this, the selected agent is applied to the fabric in an inconspicuous place. If after a while no spots or other damage appear on it, then you can safely apply this method in order to get rid of the burn itself.

How to remove iron stains depends on the type of fabric being damaged. Therefore, in the first turn, you need to find out from what material the product is sewn. Usually the composition of the fabric is written on the labels. By the way, the temperature of ironing depends on the material:

  • polyamide, polyurethane, elastane - up to 75 ° C;
  • nylon - no more than 100 ° C;
  • lavsan - up to 120 ° C;
  • polyester - up to 150 ° C.

Correctly selected temperature is a 90% guarantee that ugly iron marks will not appear on the fabric. The remaining 10% is due to the carelessness of the owners. Some fabrics cannot be ironed, such as acrylic or chlorine. They are only allowed to steam.

How to remove an iron stain from light colored clothes

There are many ways to remove iron stains with light fabric... Mostly chemically active and aggressive substances are used.

  1. Lemon juice and powdered sugar. Lemon juice is poured onto the tan, and sprinkled on top icing sugar... Let the clothes dry and then wash them in cold water.
  2. Another option is to soak a piece of cloth with hydrogen peroxide and wipe the stain from the iron. Then let the peroxide dry and rinse the product in running water.
  3. With baking soda. The stain from the iron is first washed with water, and then soda is poured in a thick layer. Leave it until it gets wet all over and saturates the fabric. Then the stain is brushed and rinsed. The procedure is repeated until the stain is completely removed.
  4. You can use salt in a similar way: first moisten the tan, then sprinkle with salt, and after a while wash the burnt product.
  5. Pour milk on the stain, dry, and then wash the item under running water or in a typewriter.
  6. Cut the onion in half. With a cut of one half, rub the burnt area of ​​the cloth, and then rinse. The smell of onions may remain. To get rid of it, you can machine wash the item by adding fabric softener (if the fabric can handle this wash).

How to remove an iron stain from colored clothes

When choosing a method of cleaning a colored item, it is necessary to evaluate whether it is closer to light or dark items. If the product is made of light-colored fabric, then you can use methods suitable for cleaning light-colored items: soda, salt, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, onions.

If the product is made of fabric dark tones or has saturated colors, it is better to use detergents for clothes from dark fabric: vinegar, brown or alcohol.

A universal cleaning method that can be used regardless of the color of the product is physical. In this case, rub the burn with a pumice stone or a nail file, you can shave the burned spot with an ordinary machine. A stationery eraser can also be used. The looser "gum" will show the best result. In this case, it is important not to overdo it and not rub the thing to holes.

How to remove stain from dark or black synthetics

On dark clothes, tan marks look like glazed spots. This greatly spoils the appearance of the clothes. Shirts and trousers are particularly affected by this type of tan markings. To correct an impression, you can use any of the listed methods.

  1. Ethyl alcohol is poured onto the shiny iron stain. After an hour, the products are rinsed in running water. This method restores viscose items very well.
  2. Shiny streaks can be rubbed with vinegar. For this, a cotton pad is moistened with acid, carried out over the burns. When the thing dries out, it is re-ironed, but already following the recommendations for temperature regime.
  3. Bura also fights well against shiny weasels. 1 tsp the funds are stirred in 200 ml of water. The finished solution is used to wipe the markings. Then the material is dried. After this treatment, the product is washed as usual. The same product is perfect for colored synthetic fabrics.

How to remove burn marks from all types of dark fabrics

There are a number of methods that can be used to clean any fabric, not only synthetic, but also natural, for example, linen, satin. They can also have shiny marks after ironing.

  1. A mixture of salt and ammonia. In 2 tbsp. 15 g of salt and ammonia are mixed in spoons of water. Ready-made product rub the burn on the material. Then the product is washed in warm water and ironed through moistened gauze.
  2. Vinegar 9%. It is mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio. With this solution, sprinkle gauze or a thin cloth and iron the tan through it. It is not recommended to press on the iron.
  3. 9-% vinegar is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio. A piece of thin matter is moistened in the mixture, and salt is poured over it. Then they are dried in direct sunlight. The dried product is washed as usual by hand or on a typewriter.
  4. Laundry soap rub on a coarse grater. It is dissolved in small amount water. V soap solution moisten the gauze, and then iron the clothes through it, without pressing the iron to the fabric. Then let things dry. If soap stains remain, then the product is washed.
  5. You can go through the newspaper. It will also help get rid of the shine.
  6. The tea leaves will help restore normal color and the kind of things. Only loose leaf tea is suitable for this. Tea leaves will not work as they do not have the same effect. Shiny weasels rub wet wipe dipped in the tea leaves. Then the clothes are ironed with a not very hot iron.

Removing marks from black natural fabric

The easiest way to deal with light stains on natural fabric... For example, from flax, wool, cotton, you can remove weasels with a damp cloth. A piece of clean cloth is moistened with water, clothes are laid out on a flat surface and the salted area is wiped. You need to act very carefully, since you can stretch the fabric or damage the weaving of the threads. A small stain can be removed in this simple way.

Video: how to remove the shine from the iron

A short video will help you better understand how to clean the stains left by the iron, and will also allow you to fix what you read in the article.

There is nothing like the feeling of a crisp, warm, freshly ironed shirt. On the other hand, there is nothing worse than a sudden feeling when you realize that you left the iron on your clothes while letting in a guest! If, by good luck, you know how to fix iron stains, then you shouldn't worry! Unfortunately, it is not always possible to fix the marks, but for mild cases (especially on fabrics such as cotton and linen), there are a surprising number of ways to fix them.


Pre-preparation and washing

    Act quickly. Like many common types stains on clothes, iron stains are easier to remove immediately after they appear. This article presents several different ways removal of marks left on clothes. Regardless of whether you use the method in this section or another, you should immediately remove the burned cloth from the harmful heat source and start cleaning as soon as you notice the burn.

    • Don't delay taking the stain removal measures until you've finished ironing time what you use to start correcting the consequences can significantly affect the success of the result, which, in turn, can lead to the complete elimination of the burn, instead of the annoying irritation delivered by dark spots on your clothes.
  1. Rinse the affected area with warm water. Begin preliminary preparation things or fabrics should be rinsed with a quick rinse. Rinsing is necessary for two purposes. First, rinsing helps prepare the fabric to absorb the detergent that will be applied in the next step. Second, it flushes out an undefined area of ​​scorched material, allowing you to assess the severity of the damage.

    Apply the detergent to the stain. Rub gently with your fingers washing powder into the iron stain. Leaving the garment this way for a while will allow the detergent to penetrate the stain and intensify its effect before you wash the entire garment. On this stage you should not use bleach or other specialized cleaners - you will still have the opportunity to use them.

    In some cases, soaking in water and bleach is useful. If the fabric of the item is made of materials to which the bleach is safe to apply, you can carry out more deep preparation removing stains. Leave the garment in the bleach solution for 15 minutes. Use one to two caps of bleach for every 5 liters of water. To ensure even absorption active agent, stir the solution from time to time.

    Washing. After finishing pretreating the fabric, place the garment in the washing machine and run suitable mode... In other words, use a washing cycle that matches the directions on the label. You can also add other items in need of washing, if the set mode and used detergents suit them.

    • As mentioned above, during the main wash, you can use fabric-safe bleach or other cleaning agents.
  2. Hang to dry under the straight lines Sun rays. Get the thing out of washing machine and check the condition of the burned area - the stain will most likely become less noticeable. For achievement perfect result you may need to repeat the wash several times. It is best to use direct sunlight to dry fabrics if the weather is favorable. The sun's rays are good at lightening all types of dark and unsightly fabric stains, including iron stains.

    • Do not leave the item in the sun for more than one day. With prolonged exposure, the sun's rays can not only fade colors, but also gradually weaken the fabric, making it more susceptible to damage.
  3. Estimate how irreversible the damage is. Unfortunately, traces of burn marks, especially serious ones, can remain even after repeated processing. If this is the case, you should try covering the stain by cutting out the damaged area and applying a patch, or stop using it altogether and throw it away. Alternatively, you can find other uses for this product and use it for other purposes.

    Application of hydrogen peroxide

    1. Apply a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide to the stain. This unconventional reception can work surprisingly well, making it the most popular among internet stain removal experts. First, find a piece old fabric and moisten it with hydrogen peroxide. Place the item to be treated on a work surface, avoiding the formation of creases, and apply a cloth dampened with peroxide to the damaged area.

      • Hydrogen peroxide has a mild whitening effect due to which it is good decision when trying to remove the marks left by the iron. Peroxide can be purchased at very affordable price at pharmacies or grocery stores.
      • If you have ammonia on hand, you can use it. Sprinkle the affected area with a few drops of ammonia. Although ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can be used together (unlike ammonia and bleach), their mixture is highly undesirable to ingest and allow direct contact with the face. As a precautionary measure, wash your hands thoroughly after using peroxide and ammonia.
    2. Cover the treated area with a dry cloth. Then, dab a dry cloth on top of the peroxide soaked cloth. You should end up with a three-layer stack of fabrics. The bottom layer adjacent to the surface of the table is a fired item, the second layer is a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide, and the third, topmost, layer is a dry cloth.

      Iron on medium heat. Preheat the iron to a relatively hot state (but not very hot). Start stroking gently upper layer matter. The heat will gradually spread through the layers of folded tissue and reach the damaged product. Heat activates hydrogen peroxide, allowing it to penetrate the fibers of the fabric and remove the stain. Please be patient when using this method - the process may take some time.

      Add active fluid as it dries. During ironing, check the condition of the stain from time to time. On light to medium stains, you should notice an even improvement after the first stroke. If you notice that the middle layer is drying out, remove it and dampen it with peroxide. Likewise, if you initially chose ammonia, and during ironing noticed that the middle layer is dry, sprinkle it with a few drops of ammonia. Checking and periodically wetting the layer with the selected active ingredient, you will achieve the most effective result.

      Use of improvised means

      1. Use freshly squeezed lemon juice. If the above methods did not bring desired result, do not despair - some online resources offer many alternative ways remove markings. While they do not guarantee results like the above approaches, they will not harm your clothing. First squeeze out enough juice to the damaged area, the juice should be absorbed evenly over the entire area of ​​the stain. Place the product in a container of hot water and let sit for 15-30 minutes. Then you can simply squeeze and dry in the fresh air.

      2. Gargle with vinegar. Another trick to remove iron marks is to soak a sponge in vinegar and scrub the burned area. After saturating the stain with vinegar, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then rinse in cold water. Dry normally.

        • Use exclusively white table vinegar - never do not use red wine or Apple vinegar as with other types of vinegar, as they can leave stubborn new stains.
      3. Soaking in icy water. Some Internet resources recommend soaking the product in ice water before using any other methods to treat freshly placed stains. Support low temperature water while the damaged product is soaked in it, add ice or place the entire container in freezer... For achievement better result leave the product in cold water for at least an hour.

        • If you've used this method and soaked the item in cold water and placed the container in the freezer, don't forget to get it out in time - although freezing usually doesn't damage the fabric, it can still slow down the stain removal process.
      4. For severe marks, you can use sanding paper. Serious iron damage and stains can be tough on any cleaning agent. Either way, you can try to make the stains less visible or eliminate the stains entirely by applying a gentle abrasive (like sanding paper or sandpaper) and sanding the burnt fabric. Unfortunately, this does not give a 100% guarantee, and rubbing too hard can get holes in the fabric. Nevertheless, compared to the possibility of throwing away the thing altogether, this option can be a good alternative, and the risk of getting holes becomes justified.

        • It is not necessary to use exactly sandpaper- Any mild abrasive (eg sanding paper) can work.
      • Always check what fabric your clothes are made of and change the iron settings accordingly. It will be easier to sort things into piles with the same characteristics and not constantly change the iron settings.
      • V this method the sun acts as a bleach.