Iron stain 4. How to quickly and easily remove iron stains on trousers. How to remove yellow marks from an iron

01/31/2018 1 5 397 views

Ironing is a necessary and regular process for every housewife. But sometimes missteps happen - wrong installation temperature regime or accidentally left a hot appliance on the thing. Consider how to remove iron marks from clothes at home? You don't have to put it in the trash can. There are smarter methods.

If there is a stain yellow tint then all is not lost. You can just ask for the help of specialists in dry cleaning. The workers will assess the likelihood of the item being saved. In the event that the track is large and there are small holes, it is no longer possible to remove it. Then efforts should be directed towards camouflage.

Why can there be iron marks on my clothes?

Now popular manufacturers claim that their devices have a special coating that will protect things from being scorched. But in practice, clothes deteriorate even from the most expensive iron.

Main reasons:

  1. Wrong mode. Natural dense fabric (cotton, linen) is ironed at a high temperature, silk and wool - at a low temperature.
  2. Inattention of the hostess. It is forbidden to leave the device switched on, as this can lead not only to damage to things, but also to a fire.
  3. Broken device.

The markings look different depending on the material and color of the damaged garment:

  • jersey light shades- the spots are bright and yellow;
  • black things - shiny, hard-to-remove weasels;
  • viscose - the fabric burns, therefore the formations are dark.

How can you get rid of it at home?

If a person burns clothes with an iron, try to remove the stains with plain water. This method is especially helpful in case of damage to knitted product... Lay clothes on a flat surface, gently wipe with a dampened cloth. In the event that it turns yellow, we can talk about the success of the process. If the liquid with powder does not solve the problem, you need to start trying other methods.

On black cloth

In this case, you should use ingredients such as:

  1. Vinegar. Dip cotton wool into the product, wipe. After weathering, treat with an iron.
  2. Bura. A teaspoon should be diluted with 250 ml of water. Apply to tan marks, wait until dry, wash. The method is suitable not only for removing formations on dark clothes but also for color options.
  3. Ethanol. Treat the stain on black synthetics liberally, wait 60 minutes. After drying, rinse.
  4. Pilling machine or knife. The method is used for woolen items. Pressing with your hand should be weak, in which case it will turn out very carefully and imperceptibly. Otherwise, a hole may form.

On synthetics

A store-bought stain remover will help to fix the problem. You can buy it in business department and act according to the instructions.

If you wish, you should use the following methods:

  1. Lemon juice. Pour on the tan marks, add powdered sugar. Hold for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Salt. Apply the product after wetting the stain. Leave under sunbeams, wash.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Treat the damaged area, dry, rinse. You can also mix it with ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio. Keep in direct sunlight and wash.
  4. Onion. The method is only suitable for colored items. Grind the vegetable until mushy, apply to the stain, rinse to remove acrid smell off the shirt. Do not forget that this product has the ability to change color. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply it to an inconspicuous area for testing.
  5. Milk. Dip the thing into the drink, wash using the standard method.

On trousers

If there are burn marks on the pants from the iron, you should use one of the following methods:

  1. Steep soap solution... It is advisable to make it from an economic grade. Dip the gauze bandage into the product, squeeze it out, run the iron over the thing through it without intense pressure, then dry it.
  2. Wine alcohol. The method is suitable for removing marks from viscose silk trousers. Apply to stain, wait 60 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
  3. Bleaching powder. The method is applicable for removing white cotton fabrics. Dissolve a teaspoon of the product in a liter of water, wash it so that no streaks remain.
  4. Air conditioning. If the fabric is delicate, this will be much better than using powder. The alkali will not spoil the surface and the burn will be carefully removed.
  5. Stationery eraser. The method is suitable if the damage is very insignificant. It should be hard and tight, the soft version will not work for this purpose. It is best to purchase a new eraser or use it absolutely pure form... Do not press the eraser firmly against the fabric. Gently work on the stain by stretching the material slightly. Then sprinkle with water and carefully run the iron through the gauze bandage.
  6. Mechanical restoration. The method is very risky, as it involves the use of a razor blade, knife or razor. With these items, you should try to gently scrape off the stain. It should be remembered that an extra movement can completely ruin your favorite thing.

If none of the suggested methods works or the stain is bright brown, you can make an applique or apply a thermal sticker.

How to use the iron to avoid scorch marks?

There are a number of rules to keep in mind:

  1. Check the appliance for suitability before ironing - it must not be used if it is broken.
  2. The procedure should always start from the wrong side. If necessary processing facial area it is worth using a gauze bandage to protect the surface of the skirt.
  3. You need to choose the right mode for synthetics. It is indicated on the label. Polyamide, polyurethane and elastane can be ironed at 75 degrees, polyester - no more than 150; kapron - 90-100, lavsan - 120. Chlorine and acrylic should not be subjected to standard ironing, only steam.
  4. After lowering the temperature for ironing delicate fabrics, wait until it cools down. Then gently touch the inside of the device - if it does not stick, you can start the process.
  5. Do not be distracted by extraneous factors. Ironing is better in silence to focus more. Conversations and TV shows often end up with the need to remove burn marks from clothing.
  6. The procedure should be carried out with uniform movements, without intense pressure and prolonged processing of one area of ​​the thing.
  7. There is no need to neglect the steaming mode. The risk of ruining your blouse is greatly reduced. It is important that the properties of the fabric allow these actions to be performed.
  8. When processing a large number things need to be sorted. This will make it easier to iron clothes that require a low temperature first, and then a higher one.
  9. Even if you need to move on short term- do not leave the device on the product. It is better to pull it out of the socket at the same moment, so as not to forget later.

Video: how to remove iron marks from clothes at home?

Methods for removing stains after ironing. Methods for removing markings.

Iron marks on clothes are most often caused by carelessness. In addition, weasels appear when the ironing regime is not followed and the iron is malfunctioning. If you do spoil the thing, do not be discouraged, try to return it to its original appearance.

Cotton and jeans - dense fabrics, which are quite difficult to leave marks on. This is due to the fact that such canvases already look at sufficiently high temperatures. But still, if this happens, you can remove the markings using one of the methods:

  • Ammonium + peroxide. This is a simple recipe for which 190 ml of water must be mixed with 12 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide. This solution must be moistened cotton pad and wipe the stain. After that, the clothes are washed.
  • Bura. It is necessary to mix a small amount of borax powder with water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. After that, the paste is applied to the tan marks and left for 2 hours. Next, the clothes are washed as usual.
  • Vinegar. It is necessary to dissolve 50 ml of vinegar in 5000 ml of water and moisten a clean cloth or cotton wool with the liquid. Rub the cloth over the burned area and wash as usual.

Such stains are much more difficult to remove from synthetics. The fact is that nylon fabric melts under the influence high temperature... Accordingly, there is tissue damage at the place of the tan.

Ways to restore synthetic fabric:

  • Boric acid. Combine equal amounts of water and boric acid... You should get a fairly concentrated solution. This solution should be poured over the stains and left for a third of an hour. After that, the laundry is washed.
  • Onion. This is the simplest and safe way clean clothes from tan marks. To do this, the peeled onion is crushed to the state of gruel in a blender and smeared with it on the damaged area. Leave on for 25 minutes and wash as usual.
  • Lemon juice. Squeeze some juice into a glass and pour in so much de plain water... Pour the solution onto the laundry and wait for a third of an hour. Wash as usual.

Woolen fabric requires gentle care... That is why you should not use boric acid to remove stains and ammonia... It is better to use natural products for removal.

Options for removing markings:

  • Lemon juice
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar

Apply lemon juice and vinegar as described in the previous paragraphs. For baking soda treatment, 10 g of the powder is dissolved in a glass of water and the clothes are moistened with the liquid. After half an hour, they wash it.

Silk - delicate fabric, which is very thin, which is why you should be extremely careful to remove stains from it. This is best done with onion gruel or milk. For cleaning with milk, clothes are simply soaked in it for a third of an hour. After that, the wash is carried out.

Weasels are often formed on black clothes. It is easier to avoid their occurrence than to deal with them. The most the best way the fight is ironing through cheesecloth soaked in vinegar solution. It is necessary to dissolve 50 ml of vinegar in 250 ml of water and moisten gauze in liquid. After that, fold the cheesecloth several times and iron the clothes through it. Under the influence of acid vapors, the tan marks will disappear.

Delete dark footprints with white fabric is quite difficult. Natural substances must be used.

Ways to remove stains:

  • Vinegar. They wipe dirty places with it for 10 minutes
  • Bulb. It must be cut in half and rubbed over the stain with the cut.
  • Salt. Moisten white cloth warm water and sprinkle with salt. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash

Here it is worth using substances that do not differ strong smell... After all, the sofa cannot be washed. Accordingly, you should not use ammonia or vinegar. Most acceptable in in this case are options using baking soda, lemon juice and milk.

If the fabric white and cotton, then you can remove the tan mark using the following methods:

  • Chemical. In this case, you must use a solution of bleach. It is mixed with water and applied to fabric. You can also bleach stains with bleach.
  • Mechanical. The tan mark can be scraped off with a knife or a razor.

Initially, it is worth deciding on the type of fabric. All information is indicated on the label.

Helpful hints:

  • Do not try to remove burn marks from bright fabrics with vinegar or ammonia. Peroxide doesn't work either. For these purposes, onion gruel or milk can be considered an ideal cleaner.
  • It is better to remove light stripes from black fabric by ironing through gauze soaked in vinegar solution.
  • If the fabric is very delicate and thin, use modern stain removers such as Vanish il Antipyatin.

In this case, straightening the fabric is quite simple. It is necessary to turn off the iron and let it cool down a little. The surface temperature was found to be very high. After that, the fabric is moistened with a vinegar solution and applied on top of the damaged thing. Further, it is carried out smoothly with steaming. This method is the most effective and will allow not only to align the fabric, but also to remove light spots.

As you can see, it is easier to follow the ironing rules than to get rid of stains. If none of the methods work to restore the fabric, take the garment to a dry cleaner.

VIDEO: Iron stains

If shiny marks or burn marks from the iron remain on the fabric, you can remove them yourself with the help of available tools. The choice of cleaning agent should depend on the type and color of the material. Products dark shades cannot be cleaned with products suitable for restoring light colored items, and vice versa. If you do not follow this rule, then untidy stains may remain on the clothes. In order to prevent the appearance of shine on the fabric, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime recommended by the manufacturer for a particular product.

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    How to remove burn marks from light-colored items?

    Shiny marks on the fabric can remain if the temperature setting for ironing is incorrect. Gloss is usually more noticeable on black trousers and other dark colored clothing.

    On light and colored knitwear and natural fabrics, the iron most often leaves yellowish tan marks. For a start, you can try to get them out by simply washing the thing, after rubbing the traces with laundry soap. If this does not help get rid of the stains, you will have to use proven folk remedies.


    If the markings appear on the product from natural fabric(cotton or linen), you can remove them with chlorine bleach. The well-known Whiteness will do.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. 1. In 1 liter of water, dilute 1 teaspoon of bleach.
    2. 2. Soak a cloth or cotton pad in the prepared solution.
    3. 3. Wipe problem areas.
    4. 4. After 5 minutes, rinse the item thoroughly.

    Bleach is quite aggressive, so it cannot be used for cleaning thin, delicate fabrics.

    Lemon juice

    Gentle mark removal - lemon juice. You will need:

    1. 1. Extrude lemon juice on yellowish stains.
    2. 2. Leave it to act for 10-15 minutes.
    3. 3. Rinse the product.

    You can enhance the effect of the product by adding powdered sugar or salt.

    Cleaning steps:

    1. 1. Apply fresh lemon juice to stains.
    2. 2. Sprinkle the treated areas with powdered sugar or fine salt. Wait for the composition to dry.
    3. 3. Brush off any powder or salt with a soft brush.
    4. 4. To wash a thing.

    In this case, bulk substances will perform the function of a kind of "blotter", absorbing pollution.


    Another remedy that helps to remove yellow spots is borax.

    Mode of application:

    1. 1. Dissolve a teaspoon of borax in a glass of warm water.
    2. 2. Treat contaminated areas with the prepared solution.
    3. 3. After 5-10 minutes, rinse the product.

    After that, you can iron the cleaned area with an iron in the steaming mode.


    Fermented milk products will help remove tan marks even from delicate fabrics. This will require:

    1. 1. Pour kefir or yogurt into the container.
    2. 2. Soak the damaged item.
    3. 3. Leave on for a few hours.
    4. 4. After the allotted time, take out the product and rub the problem areas.
    5. 5. Then rinse the clothes and wash them as usual.

    How to get rid of shine on dark clothes?

    Dark clothes made from nylon, polyester and other artificial fabrics often leave an unpleasant gloss after improper ironing. This is due to the fact that, due to too high a temperature, the upper layers of synthetics burn a little.

    You can remove the shine from the fabric with the help of improvised means if you start cleaning immediately. But it's worth remembering to use the above means with whitening properties for cleaning black things is impossible. Otherwise, streaks will remain on the product.


    If the shiny marks take up a small area and are not too noticeable, you can try to remove them by steaming. For this, the iron must be equipped with a steam function.


    1. 1. Cover the shiny spot with gauze, sheet thick paper or a piece of cotton cloth.
    2. 2. Heat the iron and put it in steaming mode.
    3. 3. Iron the covered area, periodically releasing steam from the iron.

    Repeat the procedure until the shine disappears completely.

    If this method does not bring results, you will have to resort to help additional funds.

    Soap solution

    A soap solution will help get rid of the gloss.


    1. 1. Dissolve the shavings laundry soap in warm water.
    2. 2. Moisten the cheesecloth in the resulting composition.
    3. 3. Place it on the shiny area and turn on the iron.
    4. 4. With a preheated iron, iron the fabric through cheesecloth.
    5. 5. When the gloss has disappeared, allow the product to dry in a well-ventilated area without using a battery or electric dryer.

    Do not press hard on the iron during ironing. You can steam the fabric through cheesecloth without touching it.

    It is important to take into account that synthetics and suiting fabrics cannot be ironed at high temperatures. When choosing a temperature regime, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations.


    Use vinegar to remove shine from black trousers. For this you need:

    1. 1. Mix 9% vinegar with water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water.
    2. 2. Wet cheesecloth in the solution and squeeze lightly.
    3. 3. Iron problem areas through cheesecloth or steam them.

    If the gloss takes up most of the garment, you can soak it in vinegar solution for 30 minutes. You do not need to rinse the product after that. It is simply hung out in a well-ventilated area and steamed using a vertical steaming iron or a special steam generator.


    Use black tea to restore shiny areas. Would need:

    1. 1. Brew tea tightly and wait until it cools down to room temperature.
    2. 2. Soak a cotton pad in the tea leaves.
    3. 3. Squeeze it out and wipe the shiny areas.

    You can also pour the tea leaves into a container and then place your pants in it. After a few hours, the gloss should disappear.

    You can use tea to cleanse blue, black and other dark colored clothes. On bright things tea will leave streaks.


    Woolen fabric will help to quickly get rid of unpleasant shine.


    1. 1. Take a piece of wool and place it on a shiny area.
    2. 2. Set the maximum temperature and cauterize the trousers with an iron.
    3. 3. Iron the fabric through the wool for a few minutes to warm it up.

    This method can also be used to prevent the appearance of gloss. To do this, you need to immediately iron the trousers through the woolen fabric.


    For jeans and other thick fabrics, you can use fine-grain sandpaper. She will need to rub it lightly problem areas on the fabric. The main thing is not to overdo it and not leave a hole on the product.

    Instead of sanding paper, you can use a pumice stone or a nail file. In some cases, it is advised to walk over the fabric with a razor without pressing hard on it.

    Methods for cleaning delicate fabrics

    It is more difficult to remove burn marks and shine from the iron on clothes made of delicate fabrics: silk, wool, viscose, etc.

    You will have to use more gentle means suitable for a particular material.


    If the shine appears on a silk blouse, you can use baking soda. There are several ways to use it.

Neglect of the rules of ironing clothes (especially, products made of such delicate fabrics as silk or wool) leads to the fact that shiny marks or even yellow-brown marks appear on trousers or a dress.

Causes. There are only two main mistakes: either the hostess does not notice the dirt on the iron, and the fabric gets dirty on the bottom, or chooses the wrong temperature regime, as a result of too high ironing temperature, burn marks appear on the material.

To avoid such troubles, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • study the label of the product, which necessarily indicates the optimal temperature regime for ironing;
  • iron things from the inside out (for the most part, this rule applies to dresses, jackets, jackets, trousers, as well as clothes made of delicate materials);
  • use damp gauze or a steamer (of course, if this does not contradict the rules of caring for a certain type fabrics);
  • smooth the fabric evenly, without leaving the iron in certain areas for a long time;
  • promptly clean the soleplate of adhered dirt and carbon deposits.
Dirty outsole leaves stubborn marks

If you still leave characteristic marks on your clothes (but not burned holes), use one of the methods below. Before using a product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​tissue.

Methods for removing iron marks at home

What is it suitable for

Method description

White and colored clothes(generic methods)

Most fresh stains come off after washing in a strong solution of laundry soap (with a thick foam). Dry your clothes in the sun.

Rub the iron stain with half a raw potato, then iron the clothes through clean paper (any parchment will work best).

Moisten the affected area with warm water, cover it with thick salt. After 2-3 hours, wash off the salt with cool water.

Treat the product with a steam generator or hang it over a basin with hot water for half an hour. If the trail is not too noticeable, the steam will cope with it. At the end of the procedure, iron the clothes through cheesecloth.

Colored clothing, including wool and knitwear

To remove the stain from the iron that has not yet been absorbed, soak the spoiled clothes in yogurt (just sour milk will do) for an hour.

Rub the barely noticeable dirt with half an onion. Use onion gruel for more significant tissue damage: leave on the spot for 3-4 hours.

Black clothes

Pat the marks through cheesecloth dipped in 9% vinegar. Use gauze bandage so as not to breathe in the vapors of the vinegar.

Soak a clean sponge or cotton ball in a strong infusion of black tea. Treat the shiny areas, and then dry the clothes with an iron through gauze or flannel.

White clothes

3% hydrogen peroxide will deal with cotton fabrics: treat
a trace from the iron with a cotton pad dipped in the product. Test the peroxide on an inconspicuous area beforehand.

Try to clean up stubborn areas potato starch(flour) mixed with refined gasoline to a paste consistency, apply the composition to the stain and wait until it dries completely. Brush off any remaining starch.

30 ml of borax, diluted in a liter of warm water, will remove yellow tan marks: apply the composition to the dirt for a few minutes before washing. Do not use this method on silk products!


Soaking in cold milk for 3-4 hours will allow
put away fresh trail from the iron.

Combined tan and stain remover consists of water and 9% table vinegar(in a 1: 1 ratio), as well as table salt. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area, sprinkle with salt on top. Dry under the sun, and then rinse clothes in cold water.

Viscose clothes will be saved by wine or rubbing alcohol... Moisten a cotton pad, use a hammering motion to treat the tan. Leave it on for 30-60 minutes.

Cotton, linen

Treat the trace of the iron with bleach diluted in warm water (1 teaspoon per liter). You can wash the item in five minutes.

Sprinkle over yellow stain table salt, pour lemon juice on top. Send the item to dry in the sun, and then remove the remaining salt with cool water.

Apply a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (in equal proportions) to the trail, rinse off with water after 5-10 minutes. This method is also good for synthetic clothing.

Silk, chiffon

Mix in equal shares 3% hydrogen peroxide and warm water. Treat the stain with the resulting composition, leave to dry completely.

Apply a paste of baking soda and warm water to the trail. After the detergent is absorbed into the fabric, send the item to the wash. By the way, soda will not harm synthetic materials.

One of the most popular methods for removing marks on woolen fabrics is mechanical: carefully cut off burnt fibers with a shaving machine or "sand down" with a nail file.

After removing the trace of the iron, do not forget to wash the item and dry it for fresh air to dissipate the smell of especially "fragrant" products, such as vinegar or gasoline.

Every housewife has faced such a problem in life as the appearance of shine and tan marks on clothes. There is no need to say goodbye to your favorite things because of stains after an unsuccessful ironing! Iron marks can be removed, for this there is enough effective ways... We will tell you in this article about why they appear, how to save your favorite thing and not repeat mistakes in the future.

Reasons for the appearance of iron marks on clothes

Shine, tan marks, and iron stains occur in the following cases.

  1. Violation of the rules for wet heat treatment of products.
  2. Inconsistency of the temperature regime with the recommendations for ironing a certain kind fabrics.
  3. Improper care of the iron, the sole of which can stain clothes in the future.
  4. Bad rinsing of things. In contact with the iron, residues detergent begin to "burn", contributing to the appearance of ugly spots.

Gloss is most often seen on fabrics dark colors, and the tan marks on the light ones.

Gloss is a shiny iron mark that is most noticeable on dark fabrics both natural and mixed formulations.

Tan marks are yellowish marks on white and colored fabrics.

Marks on the white shirt may appear due to bad rinsing clothes

Is it possible to get rid of stains after ironing

Methods for removing iron marks vary. The choice of means and methods of struggle depends on the type of fabric, its composition, thickness. How fresh spot, the easier it is to get rid of it. If your clothes are badly burnt, after the iron there is dark spot, it is already impossible to save the thing.

If you managed to burn the fibers of the fabric, it is no longer possible to restore the original appearance of the product.

Removing gloss and iron stains from different types of fabric

The easiest and most straightforward way to remove an iron stain on clothes is to wash them again. Bring the thing back to its original form and eliminate shiny spots small size steaming will help. To do this, you need an iron. It could be gauze cotton fabric or paper.

With the help of damp gauze, you can easily remove the lacquer from your favorite trousers or jacket

Gauze or fabric must be folded in several layers. Then put the clothes on a towel, and the damp iron on the place with the resulting gloss. Steam, barely touching the sole of the iron, until the shine disappears. This method is the easiest to remove from cotton fabric.

To remove gloss instead of gauze or cotton fabric you can use a sheet of paper

If the product cannot be washed off and the stains are not removed by ordinary steaming, you can use modern stain removal products. Today their assortment is quite large. They are sold in any store household chemicals, the main thing is to act according to the instructions on the package.

The damaged item can be taken to dry cleaning. There with the help professional tools iron stains will be removed and your favorite item will be beautiful again appearance.

In addition to specialized stain removers and services dry cleaning there are no less effective home remedies. Using the tools at hand that can be found in every home, you can quickly and effectively eliminate shine and yellow spots on different types clothes.

How to remove shiny spots and tan marks on a dark or black suit

For trousers or skirts made of costume fabric frequent wash not desirable. If, after ironing, a shine has formed on them, acetic acid will help to eliminate it.

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar 9% from 1 liter. water.
  2. Moisten the iron in the resulting solution.
  3. Squeeze and put it in place with the resulting weasel.

To eliminate yellow spots, use the following recipe.

  1. Take equal parts vinegar 9% and water.
  2. Soak a spot with a tan in the resulting solution.
  3. Sprinkle ordinary salt and leave to dry completely.
  4. Wash the item.

Black tea is a good anti-shine remedy. To do this, you need a strong, sugar-free loose leaf tea.

  1. Soak a cotton swab in the tea leaves.
  2. Squeeze and rub the damaged area until the shine disappears.

It is necessary to eliminate the shine with black tea only on dark-colored fabrics, as the tea leaves leave brown spots.

Excellent modern means against iron marks are wet wipes... It is enough with them to rub the greasy place or burn marks, and then iron the clothes. If the dirt has not disappeared, repeat the procedure. This method helps to get rid of stains not only on the suiting fabric, but also on clothes made from cotton or blended materials.

Remove shine from trousers using vinegar - video

Using baking soda against las on silk

Silk fabrics are very delicate, there is an effective and harmless way using soda to remove the gloss from the iron from this type of fabric.

  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water.
  2. Moisten the iron in the resulting solution, squeeze out and put it in place with the resulting shine.
  3. Steam until the gloss disappears.

The next method is longer, but no less effective.

  1. Make a slurry of baking soda and small amount water.
  2. To apply thin layer on the stain, wait until it dries completely.
  3. Remove baking soda with a dry sponge or soft brush.

Baking soda is effective home remedy against shine on silk fabrics

Boric acid against iron burn on a white shirt

Boric acid helps to lighten the tissues, therefore next method should be used on clothes made of light or white tones.

  1. Dilute acid in warm water in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Using a cotton swab, apply the resulting solution to the stain.
  3. Leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After the expiration of the time, wash the product.

How to remove a burnt print on a skirt

When fighting yellow spots on light clothes lemon juice and powdered sugar will help you.

  1. Wet the stain with lemon juice.
  2. Then sprinkle with icing sugar.
  3. Leave clothes to dry completely.
  4. Wash the product in cool water.

You can clean light-colored clothes from a burnt iron using lemon juice and icing sugar

Instead of powdered sugar, you can use fine salt... The effect of these ingredients is that they "absorb" the stain, and lemon juice acts as a natural bleach. This method is very effective and is used by many housewives.

How to clean yellow stains from jeans and pants made of commercial fabrics

The next method is fine for denim, clothes made of thick and thick fabrics. To do this, you need a pumice stone or fine grained sandpaper... Use them to rub your clothing without pressing hard on the fabric.

You can use the usual razor and "shave" the polluted place. Some inventive housewives even use a nail file.

How to remove stains on woolen fabrics

For products from woolen fabric you can use ammonia, onion or hydrogen peroxide. The following recipe will help eliminate lasso.

  1. Dilute 1 teaspoon of alcohol in 1 liter. water.
  2. Add a few drops liquid soap for elimination pungent odor ammonia.
  3. Moisten a sponge in the resulting solution and rub the place of the resulting gloss until it disappears.
  4. Iron the garment through gauze or paper.

If you have slightly burned your wool garment, use the onion method.

  1. Prepare half a medium onion.
  2. Rub the stain with it.
  3. Leave to dry completely.
  4. Wash the product.

For this method, the onion can be grated and the gruel is applied to the place of the tan. Since this product can leave marks on light colored garments, the method is best applied to colored wool fabrics.

For white items, it is better to use 3% hydrogen peroxide.

  1. Apply some peroxide to a clean sponge.
  2. Treat the stain with it in a circular motion from the center to the edges.
  3. Allow the product to dry. Better to do it in the sun.
  4. Rinse clothes in cold water.

The same method can be used for colored fabrics, but for this you need to take 1% hydrogen peroxide.

A universal way to eliminate burn marks from colored things - video

How to clean linen products

Eliminate burn marks on linen clothes will help you spoiled milk or yogurt. For this you need:

  • soak the product in a mixture of yogurt and water (ratio 1: 2);
  • leave for several hours until the spots disappear;
  • rinse clothes.

If linen fabric shines after heat treatment with an iron, you can use a soap solution.

  1. Use a laundry detergent, laundry soap, or liquid soap.
  2. Make a mild soapy water solution in 1 liter. water.
  3. Dampen the sponge and lightly lather the oiled area.
  4. After the product is dry, iron it with light steaming through an iron.

This method is also used for colored and solid fabrics, but preferably light shades, since soap can leave streaks.

How to fix stubborn stains

It is possible that after ironing the stain is very shiny or there is a significant trace of the iron. In this case, gasoline will help you.

  1. Soak a cotton swab or sponge in the gasoline.
  2. Rub the stain.
  3. Sprinkle with regular salt and leave to dry.
  4. Wash the product.

Gasoline will help to remove serious pollution from the iron

What to do if synthetic clothes are burnt

Ethyl alcohol can help you fight tan marks on synthetic fabrics.

  1. Dampen a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Wipe the yellowed area.
  3. Leave it on for an hour.
  4. Wash the product.

How to Avoid Trouble When Ironing Clothes

So that such unpleasant phenomena, like shine and tan marks on the products, did not arise from now on, every housewife should adhere to simple recommendations:

  • for ironing, you must definitely use an iron;
  • if possible, clothes should be ironed from the wrong side;
  • it is necessary to regulate the temperature in accordance with the type and composition of the fabric of the product;
  • rinse thoroughly after washing;
  • the soleplate of the iron must always remain clean and free of carbon deposits.

So that things do not shine from ironing, they must either be ironed through gauze (the old grandmother's way) or special attachments are sold on the iron, such as a cover for their sole soft plastic.

the guest

it helps very well if you rub this place with a half cut onion

the guest

girls, take a nail file ... and CAREFULLY cut upper layer places where they burned ..

the guest

So that the clothes after ironing do not change their appearance in the worst side, one must follow simple rules damp heat treatment and keep the iron clean. But if the trouble did happen, then do not rush to get upset! Use one of the above methods and your favorite thing will be like new again!