Non-traditional animal drawing techniques in kindergarten. Drawing by a cherry garden in kindergarten. Unconventional methods and drawing methods. I wish you creative success

Description of the material: I offer you an abstract direct educational activities for kids senior group (5-6 years) on the topic "Winter Tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques). This material will be useful to teachers of the eldest group, educators of GPA, teachers additional education. This is an abstract of classes aimed at acquaintance of children with non-traditional drawing techniques, the development of creative abilities and the formation of interest in fine activities.



Abstract Node in the senior group on the topic "Winter Tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques).

Material Description: I offer you an abstract of direct educational activities for the children of the senior group (5-6 years) on the topic "Winter Tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques). This material will be useful to educators of the senior group, educators of the GPA, educators of additional education. This is an abstract classes aimed at acquaintance of children with non-traditional drawing techniques, the development of creative abilities and the formation of interest in visual activities.

Topic: "Winter Tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques)

Software content:

Teach children yourself in a certain sequence,

create a winter landscape using non-traditional drawing techniques ("blowing", "Klyaxography", "Tampony")

Consolidate the knowledge of children about changes in the life of plants in different time of the year;

Develop speech, attention, thinking, respiratory system, small motor children's hands;

Promote the development of creative abilities, fantasies and imagination of preschoolers;

Educate interest, love and careful attitude to nature, accuracy, independence.

Material for the lesson:toned paper blue color, tanks with diluted gouache white and brown color, pipette, toothbrush, small piece of foam rubber or sponge, rag or wet hand napkin, cocktail tube.

Demonstrative material:Reproductions, illustrations, photos depicting winter landscapes.

Preliminary work:

consider illustrations with winter landscape, watching for a walk, learning poems and songs about winter.

Travel course:

1 org. moment.

Hello, dear wizards! Yes, yes, this is exactly what I appeal to you today, because today you will try to make real magic.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

What objects use wizards? ( Magic wand, happier-invisible, boots, booms, tablecloth self-backed, magic mirror).

We are with artist wizards, so we have our own magic items. They lie on the tables. Please name them. (Tubes, sponges, paints, pipettes, etc.). These items will help us make magic - draw the usual picture in an unusual way.

3.Simo definition to activities.

But what exactly we will draw these magic objectsYou will learn, guessing the riddle:

Many hands, and one's leg.

Check if you guess right! (Children show a picture on which the same tree is depicted at different times of the year).

What is shown on it? (Trees)

What trees do you know?

How many trees on the slide? Let's consider! (four)

Compare them. What is the difference? (1- with flowers, 2 - with green leaves, 3 - with yellow leaves, 4- without leaves).

What do you think they are so different? (Trees look different at different times of the year.)

Who out of my wizards guess which of these trees will we draw today? (Winter tree)

Why do you think so? (Because now winter time of the year)

4. Work on the subject of classes. Practical part number 1.

What does a tree look like in winter? (No leaves, only trunk and branches) Are the same trunk and thickening branches? (No, the trunk is thick, the branches are thin).

Look at the tools and tell me, with the help of which one can we paint the barrel and branches? (Children's assumption).

We are with you real wizards, so let's try to portray our winter tree without a brush and pencil. We will use the tube and air.

To do this, on the blue paper, we apply a pipette with a drop of liquid guaashi and draw a tree trunk, blowing a drop through the tube ("blow" the trunk).

"Magic drop from a pipette" "We blow the trunk of a tree"

If necessary, we drip still gouache on the basis of the branches and continue to inflate the ball "drawing" the tree of the desired height.

"The tree appeared!"

5. Fizkultminutka.

Snowflakes fall from the sky

As on a fabulous picture.

(Raise hands above your head.)

We will catch them

(Make grabbing movements, as if they catch snowflakes.)

And show mom's mom.

(Pull hands with palms up, as if stretching something.)

And there are drifts around

The snow was covered by road. (Dil place hands on the parties.)

Do not bother in the field so that

Raise the legs above.

(Walking on the spot with a high knee lifting.)

We go, go, go (walking in place.)

And we come to your house. (Children sit down in their place.)

6. Work on the topic of classes. Practical part number 2.

You are just real wizards! Could draw trees with air without a brush and pencil!

And what do trees in winter? (In winter, trees seek, fall asleep until spring.)

When you go to bed in your bed, what are you doing? (Cover with a blanket)

Let's leave our trees with a warm and lightweight blanket so that they calmly slept all winter sweet sleep. But what can we cover them? (Snow)

For this, the snow should go in our picture. What tool will help us to portray snow?

Our snow should first cover the branches. Take a piece of sponge, dry it into the paint and "cover" the branches to be warm them. Seeking magic words:

"Let the snowball fall on the magic leaflet!"

And the snow in our picture everything goes and goes, shelting the ground with a white fluffy blanket. And under the tree it is becoming more and more. Picture in the same way (sponge) or toothbrush snow under the tree.

"Snow under the tree"

What wonderful winter trees got you!

7. Reflection.

What do you think our trees feel now? (They are warm, cozy. They became even more beautiful.)

Listen, it seems to me that they whisper something to you for the effort and help. Which of you heard? (Thank you, good wizards!)

And what can you wish them? ( Good night, trees!)

8. Summing up.

Our lesson approached the end. What are you learned today, what kind of magic? (Draw in an unusual way).

And what helped you get such wonderful drawings, except magic? (Effort, accuracy, attention and, of course, love for nature). If you have such qualities, I think that you can do without magic.

9. Registration of the exhibition.

crepe your drawings on a board with a magnet and admire the winter trees again.

Tatyana Petrovna Belousova
Unconventional methods drawing. Master class for educators

Municipal state preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 4 of Biryusinsk

Non-traditional drawing methods.

(master-class for educators)


Belousova Tatyana Petrovna,

Educator of the senior group

Relevance master class:

In class drawing Tasks are solved comprehensive development children you need for successful learning at school.

In the process of work in children, mental operations are formed (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc., work skills in the team, the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of peers.


Formation in children preschool age artistic - creative abilities through creative tasks Using interesting and unusual fine technique, unknown material.

The objectives of the visual activities using non-traditional materials Both technicians:

Develop a sense of composition and color;

Develop creative imagination, fantasy, thinking of preschoolers through development classes unconventional drawing equipment;

Develop colorPrig and visually - motor coordination;

Relieve feeling beautiful

Figure in art and children's creativity

Word "picture" came to replace the Staroslavan words "banner","the Omen"Meaning "Creating an image", I. "drawing", "Inscription"pointing to the image technique. From the 18th century word "picture" It became a term denoting the image as creating an image with lines, features, important to indicate signs subject: Forms, size, buildings, movements that are transmitted in all kinds of arts.

Easy techniques drawing Lines and versatility of the principles of formation of the form made a drawing of graphics and other art types. The drawing has distinctive features:

1) is performed by hand, increases the speed of the image and allows you to quickly respond to events of life;

2) is done on the eye;

3) Visraden, reports exterior signs subject;

4) expresses the internal content of the depicted object, causes certain thoughts and feelings from the viewer.

In system preschool education big place Assign drawinghaving important For the comprehensive development of the child. In the process drawing The child is improved by observation, aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions, artistic taste, creative skills, skill available tools Self create beautiful.

A picture of a child displays his view on the world. In the figure, he can express his impressions of what they saw, transmit images of imagination, embodying them with line and color. Creating a drawing, the child controls its actions by the presentation of the depicted object and evaluates them.

To create a drawing in a child must be

Distinct ideas about the service station he wants draw, and certain skills.

Process observations drawing in children showWhat children experience great difficulties in creating a picture if they do not have graphic skills. And when they can not portray what they want, they generally refuse paint.

Technique of any kind visual arts It does not exist in itself, it is subordinate to the image task. The selection of one or another material for creating a picture is determined by its expressive capabilities. Mastering various materials, ways to work with them, understanding their expressiveness allows children to more effectively use them when reflected in the drawings of their impressions of the surrounding life. In art, the aesthetic image of humanity is transmitted in the form of images. They are not conceivable without emotions, but the experience of the image always implies his understanding. In relation to preschool children, it would be more correct to talk about the artistic and expressive image that transfers in the figure in the unity of experience, the understanding of the surrounding world, art, its inner world and displaying your impressions.

Art technicians are one of the bright and diverse means of expressiveness. With their help, you can simulate an image, giving it individual traits, especially if we are talking about non-classic techniques, which are based on the experiment with materials. Preschoolers in this experiment are included easily. Why? The bottom line is that they have not yet formed visual stereotypes that interfere with creative development.

We all know all traditional means drawing:

Pencil. There are several species pencils:

Simple Bridging Pencil, Color Pencils, Art Pencil "Retouch", wax pencils, watercolor pencils, automatic collet pencils, sangin, pastel, wax chalk, flomaster.

Tassels. Paints.

This is the first paint with which the kids are introduced. Gouache - material with an impurity bleel for drawing, colorful layer is dense, opaque, very thick paint.


Colorful material designed for watercolor painting. The main property is the transparency of the colorful layer, the color depends on the amount of water added to the paint. Main reception drawing paints - smears.

Oil paints

Previously, these paints are not didked in preschool institutionsBut they always attracted children with their brightness, the unusual way of work, the smell and originality of painting paintings. Due to the specific smell, the paints can be operated at no more than 10-15 minutes.

There are also exist non-traditional drawing techniques.

For example, if you add a flour or starchy hub in gouache, then drawings made by such a gouache will seem volumetric. For drawing Sticks from ice cream or hard brushes are used, paint is applied with large strokes. If you add salt, semolina or sawdust in the gouache, then the resulting drawing will be grainy.


The image is made of multiple small pointsperformed by the tile end of the brush or finger hands.

Stamps or prints.

Use purchased stamps or prints or make them in front of a child from potatoes, carrots, etc. You can use buttons, cubes, leaves as stamps.

Drawing by sprigs of plants.

This technique can be used for fishing animal drawing.

Using foam rubber.

For coloring objects Instead of a brush, you can use foam rubber. This gives a distinguished velvety surface.


The sheet of paper is folded in half and one way is applied bright spots. Then the sheet is folded and smoothed, it turns out a symmetrical image, which then can dorisite.

Scratching on raw paint.

On the image with stacks, strokes or stripes are applied.

Liabutivation of tone.

A brush or a wet napkin remove a part of the paint, seeking its flames.


On a smooth surface (stack, plastic board, film) Made drawing of oil or gouache paint. The material on which the paint is applied should not pass water. From above superimposed sheet of paper, which is attached to the surface. It turns out an impression in mirror mapping and only one, hence the name "Monotypia". The number of paints in monotype can be any.


This technique is usually considered a variety of monotype, but there is also significant differences. Special roller (to smooth wallpaper) or tampon apply light layer Paints on glass or smooth surface of cardboard, top of a sheet of paper and start paint. Draw a pencil or a pointed wand, trying not to crush hard. Then the sheet is cleaned. On the other side that was pressed to the glass, it turns out an impression - a mirror repetition of the pattern.

Aquatute or Aquatipia.

On a dense sheet of paper draw mushroom, wood or fruit. When the gouache gets up, the whole drawing is covered with black ink. When the mascara will dry, the drawing is lowered into the bath with water. In the water, the gouache is washed off from paper, and mascara is only partially. On a black background there remains a white pattern with a slightly blurred circuits.

The method of isolating the pattern by turning into a pen or a sharp tool for paper or cardboard, filled with inlet, another name of the equipment - the equipment of the scratch.


On a white or tinted paper sheet with pipette, several drops of paint are applied and with the help of tubes or empty handles inflate the edges of the blots that acquire bizarre forms.

Print - cliche

On wooden and smooth blocks are glued at cardboard, and it is patterns that can be not only from paper, but also from the rope. Paint is applied to patterns, and they are stamped on paper or fabric.

Seal from flora

Collections collected on a walk, branches of plants are arid between the pages of books. Then these elements flashes gouache and put on a blank sheet of paper. From above covered with another sheet and tightly pressed.

Drawing in a pare

it smooth transition To collective drawing. A sheet of paper is divided into half, each draws on its part. Paint You can different or one plot. If this is a plot, then you need to learn to negotiate with each other.

Drawing thread

Take a piece of cardboard 25x25cm and folded in half, woolen thread to dip in thick paint. The thread is chaotic folded into a seed cardboard, which is then bend in half and pressed one hand, the second slowly pull the thread. It turns out a chaotic image, which then you can dorisite.

Magic pattern

A sharpened wax candle on paper is drawing. Then foam or cotton paint is applied to the entire image. The paint falls on the wax, so the drawing manifests itself unexpectedly before the eyes of the child. Instead of a candle, you can use the household soap.


Wanted sheet velvet paper and wool multicolored threadsFrom which you can make multicolored patterns.

Drawing on wet paper

Certain plots better draw not on dry paper, and on wet, if it is topics associated with rain or fog, and maybe someone is a dream. Fucetitude image "By wet" Give the desired effect.

Drawing on pebbles

Children like to play with flat rounded pebbles. And if you consider the brooch - Kameu, and then draw On pebushka something like that.

Drawing finger.

Who said, that paint can be a tassel or pencil? And if a finger stretches to the paint? Finger to put the points well by filling differed contour.

When conducting classes using non-traditional drawing techniques, I should not forget that the child is a subject of creativity.

And you want to finish the words of Pablo Picasso "Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain the artist, coming out of children's age "

Holding master class . Division into three groups:

1. Drawing thread

2. Magic Figure

3. Cleaxography

And in conclusion - drawing couples.

Used Books:

1. Komarova T.S. "Child learning technician drawing»

2. Kosmoskaya V. B., Vasilyeva E. I., Kazakova R. G., and others. "Theory I. methodik Fine activities »

3. Catering N. P. "Training painting»

4. Yezhova N. V. "Forms of work in a preschool educational institution"

5. Journal "Preschool education» № 4/2010 year

6. Master - class on the topic« Unconventional drawing methods as a means of formation colorography In preschool children "

Consultation for parents

"Drawing with unconventional ways"

Why and why do our children paint? Yes, because the visual activity is hardly the most interesting view activities of preschoolers. It allows the child to reflect their impressions of the world around the world, express their attitude towards them. At the same time, the visual activity is invaluable for a comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental Development Children. Having experienced this feeling once, the child will strive in his creative work Transfer what he found out, saw, survived. In order not to limit the possibilities of children in the expression of the surrounding world, not enough traditional set fine remedies and materials.

The term "non-traditional" (from lat. Traditio is familiar) implies the use of materials, tools, drawing methods that are not generally accepted. Children learn to draw paints, pencils, soap foam, candle.

But, teaching a child drawing, should not overdo it. Do not constantly force a child to draw. It is necessary to create a positive motivation to drawing, the desire to be a creator.

Try paint not only with brush, pencils, felt-powder, but also palm, fingers, cam, to get an image with the help of priest means (threads, tubes, trees leaves). Use of allnon-traditional drawing techniquesallows preschoolers experiment - mix paints with soap foam, watercolor with gouache.

Preschoolers for their nature are able to sympathize literary hero., play in difficult role playing Emotional various states, but to understand that there is beauty, and learn to express yourself in the visual activity - a gift that you can only dream about, but this can be learned.

We are adults, you need to develop a sense of beauty in the child. It is from us that the rich or poor - will be his spiritual life. It should be remembered: if the perception of the wonderful will not be supported by the participation of the child in the creation of beauty, then, according to the child, "infantile enthusiasm" is formed.

To instill love for visual arts, cause interest in drawing from younger preschool age, you need to use unconventional methods Images. Such an unconventional drawing gives children a lot of positive emotions, reveals the possibility of using well-known items as art Materials, surprises its unpredictability.

What non-traditional drawing methods can be used at home?

  • drawing with fingers,
  • palm
  • cotton chopsticks
  • soap bubbles
  • splashing, etc.
  • Isn't you interested to know what happens?

A variety of materials puts new tasks and makes something invent something all the time. And from the doodle and masses, in the end, the recognizable object is emerged.

Having learned to express your feelings on paper, the child begins to better understand the feelings of others, learns to overcome timidity, fear of drawing, before anything happens. He is sure that it will turn out, and it will turn out beautifully.

Mastering various materials, ways to work with them, an understanding of their expressiveness allows children to more effectively use them when reflected in the drawings of their impressions from the surrounding life.

Summarizing your experience with children in this direction, I can confidently say that the most interesting forms Fine activities for children are non-traditional drawing techniques. Such non-standard approaches to the organization of visual activity surprise and admire children, thereby causing the desire to engage in such an interesting business.

They love to draw and ... soap bubbles. You can draw in the way of blowing.

But you can draw both a toothbrush, and cotton, and finger, palm, swab, mint paper, driving up paint (drop) on a sheet of paper,

print different objects, create compositions with candle, lipstick,

feet ...

Dare, fantasize! And the joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children.

Cheerful splashes

enrich children with knowledge of ways to work with them, their pictorial opportunities, make pictures of children more interesting, will increase the aesthetic side of the picture.

Try at first yourself, and then show the child what to do. Pick up a full paint brush,

keep it above the paper, and the other hand you hit the brush. So

you can get an interesting background for the future drawing. And it is possible to put templates on paper, cuttings cut from cardboard on paper.

For example, silhouettes of stars, crescent, colors, animals ... Faceted "White Spots"

you can leave empty or paint.

Prints of leaves ...

On the walk, collect the leaves of the most a variety of shapes. At home, inject B. paper cups Paints so that they were sufficient density. Cove the surface of the paint sheet and press it with a painted side to paper. From above, put another sheet of paper and arrange with hand or rolling. Remove the top paper and see what happened. Maybe you will have to first stretch a little, and then the child will be able to make a whole composition of the leaf prints.

Highly interesting effects It turns out if you create an image using your own fingerprints or palms. Of course, the paint needs to be easily flushing, for example, gouache. With watercolor patterns from prints, it turns out not as contrasting and expressive. You can start with simple images - a flower, a brush of grapes ... and the necessary parts can then be drawn with a pencil.


Together with the child, in turn, draw the straight lines and curves on the paper sheet, crossing each other. Then you can paint the plots bounded by these lines, pencils or markers of different colors, fill them with strokes, specks, cells.

Potato stamps

Cut in half the raw potatoes and on the spot of cutting cut the simple relief - flower, heart, fish, asterisk ... Soak the paint stamp pad and show the child how to make prints. If there is no special pad, you can take a piece of sponge or apply paint directly to the cutting surface. If you prepare several different stamps, the baby will be able to create it even scene pictures Or make beautiful wrapping paper For a gift. This occupation is a good pretext to introduce a child with various geometric shapes: circle, square, etc.

Drawing sponge

You will need a few sponges - for each color separate. First, try yourself: dip the sponge into the paint, squeeze a slightly to remove the surplus. Now you can work on a sheet light touches. Osil new technique ourselves - teach the baby.


By this, of course, they themselves were engaged in childhood. It remains only to show your baby, as is done. The sheet of paper is folded in half, on one side of the sheet we draw paints or simply applied stains, blots, then cover the drawing of the second half, slightly carry out the hand on top. You can use several colors, you can add a bit of sequin.

Reveal - what happened: butterfly, a marvelous flower. Beautiful occupation for the development of imagination.

Painting reliefs

We take a sheet of paper, put the coin under it, paint the soft pencil or wax chalk on top. The relief is manifested on paper. You can find any other solid surfaces With an interesting texture: the leaves with thick streaks, the bark of trees, embroidered cross Tablecloth, metal icon ... - just look around. It will not only hobble the child, but will help develop its thin hand skills.

Prince Porolone

Age: from four years. Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color. Materials: Bowl or plastic box, in which a stamped pillow made of thin foam-powered, impregnated with gouache, dense paper Any color and size, pieces of foam rubber. A method of obtaining an image: The child presses the foam rubber to the stamped pillow with paint and puts off the paper. Other bowl and foam rubber are taken to change the color.

Crushing with mint paper

Age: from four years. Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color. Materials: saucer or plastic box, into which a stamped pillow of a thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method for obtaining an image: The child presses a crumpled paper to a stamped pillow with paint and puts out paper. To get another color, change the saucer and crumpled paper.

Prints of leaves

Age: from five years old. Means of expressiveness: texture, color. Materials: paper, leaves different trees (preferably fallen), gouache, brushes. The image of the image: The child covers wood sheet with paints different colors, Then applies it to the paper painted side to get a print. Every time the new sheet is taken. Packers in leaves can be drawn with a brush.

Wax pencils + watercolor

Age: from four years. Means of expressiveness: color, line, stain, texture. Materials: Wax pencils, dense white paper, watercolor, brushes. The image of the image: a child draws wax pencils On white paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. Figure with wax pencils remains impaired.

Monotype subject

Age: from five years old. Means of expressiveness: stain, color, symmetry. Materials: Dense paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor. The image of the image: The child folds the sheet of paper twice and on one half of it draws half the item depicted (items are selected symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint dried, the sheet is again folded in half to get an imprint. Then the image can be decorated, also folding the sheet after drawing several decorations.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in different age groups kindergarten Junior group (2-4 years) Drawing hard semi-dry brush finger drawing palm drawing cotton stick Potato printing with plug Medium group (4-5 years) Print Flavon Prints in lasty, leaves wax crayons + watercolor candle + watercolor drawing mint paper monotype subject senior and preparatory group (5-7 years) monotypia landscape drawing toothbrush combing paint on splashing air felt-tumbras klyaxography with tube photocopy - drawing candle black and white, color drawing threads.

Recommendations to parents Materials (pencils, paints, brushes, markers, wax pencils, etc.) It is necessary to have a baby in the field of view so that he has a desire to create; Make it with the world around

things, living and inanimate nature, objects of fine art, suggest to draw everything about what the child loves to speak, and talk with him about everything he likes to draw; Meet him with the surrounding world of things, lively and inanimate nature, art objects, suggest to draw everything, what the child loves to speak, and talk with him about everything he likes to draw; Do not criticize the child and do not rush, on the contrary, from time to time stimulate the child's classes with drawing; Do not criticize

child and do not rush, on the contrary, time from time to time to stimulate the child's classes with drawing; Praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual! Praise your child, help him, trust him, because your child is individual!

Dare, fantasize! And the joy will come to you - the joy of creativity, surprise and unity with your children

Consultation for parents

"Drawing with unconventional ways."

Amounted to: Gondan E.V.

This material will introduce parents with various ways and techniques of work with gouache and watercolor paints, coal, santile, pastel and other materials, also with their combination.

Experience working with children in kindergarten showed: draw unusual ways and use the materials that surround us in everyday lifecause in children huge positive emotions. Drawing is fond of children, and especially unconventional, children with a huge desire draw, create and compose something new. To instill with children love for visual art, make interest in drawing need to start with the game. As by the way, unconventional drawing methods are suitable for this, which, concomit traditional ways Drawing, Creating Miracles and turn ordinary classes in the game, in a fairy tale. Drawing by these methods, children are not afraid to be mistaken, since everything can be easily corrected, and from the error you can easily come up with something new, and the child acquires self-confidence, overcomes "fear of a blank sheet of paper" and begins to feel like a small artist. He appears interest, and at the same time and the desire to draw. You can draw anything and anywhere and as you like! A variety of materials puts new tasks and makes all the time that neither be inventing. And from these naive and unemployed children's drawings, the recognizable object is evaluated - me. No insane joy of satisfaction because I did it - all this is mine! ".

Drawing line

Material: Pencil, Feltaster, Paper

Progress :

And try to draw an object without taking a pencil or a marker from paper. That's where imagination works!

And you can close your eyes and draw the music chaotic different verses, after you see what happened, what to look and paint it.

Magic thread

Material: Threads number 10, rope, gouache of different colors.


1st way

One, two, three threads to soak with paints. Dispatch the threads on a sheet of paper and close with another sheet so that the ends of the threads are visible. Pull one thread, then another, third, and hold the top sheet with your hand. It turned out fiction, cosmos, maybe our mood? Try you get so much joy!

2nd way

Label to fold in half. Lower the thread into the paint, and then chaotically decompose it on one of the sides of the sheet, another cover from above and press the hand. Reveal, remove the thread, consider the resulting image. As needed to draw to the final result.

3rd way

Lower the rope in the paint, and then decompose the ring or any other way on a sheet of paper. Cover from above with another sheet and press the palm. Reveal, remove the rope and look at the resulting image, try.

4th way

Wrap the rope around the cylinder. Make a crossed pattern, apply the rope at first, then down the entire length of the cylinder. Abnue paint to the rope. Then press the cylinder to the bottom edge of the paper. Tightly pressing, you want it from myself. A rope pattern will appear on the sheet.


Material: paint, brush, paper


Fold a sheet of paper in half. One way, closer to the center, apply several bright colored spots with a tassel. Now quickly fold the sheet along the same collapse and thoroughly join it with his palm. Open and look: What happened? Fabulous flowers? Bug? No, it's a beautiful butterfly!


Material: Old toothbrushes, gouache, paper, herbarium, silhouettes.


At the tip of the brush, a little paint is recruited. Tilt the brush over a sheet of paper, and draw a cardboard or comb. The splashes will scatter in a clean leaf. So you can portray the starry sky, salute. And you can still cut any silhouette and place on a sheet of paper and spray paint. Then to remove the silhouette and you will have a trace, it can be supplemented, according to the missing lines with a brush.

Drawing soap foam

Material: Plexiglas, watercolor paints, foam sponge, soap, shampoo, cocktail tube, paper, pencil, brush.


1st way

Naming poropolone sponge And squeeze the foam to the plate from it. On the paper sheet with a pencil draw contour. On a pencil drawing (you can use coloring) impose a pure plexiglass. Soap foam We will color on the glass drawing, which lies under the glass. Tassel we take foam and put it in watercolor paint the desired color. Still, while the foam was not painted into the color you need. Draw painted foam on the glass, let it dry. Blank sheet The paper is slightly wetted with water and the wet side we put on the glass, press, then tear away from the glass. All is ready!

2nd way

In a jar with liquid paint, add shampoo, well stirred. I lower the tube into the jar and blow until the riding bubbles will be rummaged. Then we lower the sheet of paper, then pressing slightly and raise up. To work, you can use paper of different sizes, colors, you can apply one soap drawing to another, to prepare, cut, do appliques.

Drawing with candle or wax crayons

Material:Candle, paper, tassel, paint.


1. Transfer - under a thin landscape sheet. Put the drawn contour pattern. Drink on top of the contour of the candle, then apply paint.

2. Friction - put under thin paper, which is clearly pronounced relief pattern, top sheet of paper Stit candle and apply paint.

Fingers - palette. Print from hand

Material:paint, plates, paper


Squeeze your hand in the fist and press it into the paint. Take it from the side to the side so that the paint flashes well by hand. Attach side part Fist to a sheet of paper and raise it. Make a few prints. The paint can also be brought with a brush. You can draw with the whole palm, with a thumb, a mismin tip, bent finger, the joint of the bent finger of the side of the mother's and palm, bent fingers into a fist, pillows of fingers.


Material:squeezes, paint paper, plates, sponge pad.


This technique allows you to repeatedly depict the same item, making up different compositions from its prints, decorating invitation tickets, postcards, napkins, scarves, etc.

The sizes are easy to make themselves: it is necessary to take an eraser, draw a planned drawing at the end and cut everything unnecessary. "Squeak" is ready! Can be used various paints, plugs, sandboxes, etc. Now we press the seafrine to the pad with the paint, and then to the sheet of paper. It turned out even and clear imprint. Make up any composition!

Cleaxography. Drawing straw.

Material:pipe for cocktails, paint brushes, water.


1st way

We put a large klyaks on a sheet of paper (liquid paint) and carefully drink on a drop ... she ran up, leaving behind the trail. Turn the sheet and take again. And you can make another one, but another color. Let them meet. What happens, think yourself.

2nd way

Perform paint and tassel any drawing. Put the drops for you on the necessary for you and splat them with a tube. Drawing ready!

Drawing in raw

Material:wet napkin, water container, paint, brushes, watercolor chalk.


1st way

Wet paper and put it on wet clutch (so that the paper does not dry). Take watercolor chalk and draw whatever.

2nd way

If there are no watercolor pencils, you can draw paints and tassel.


Material:paper, paints, brushes, plates.


1st way

A clean sheet of paper to mock your hands and smooth out. Draw a conceived pattern. This technique is interesting in that on the places of paper folds, paint when painting is more intense, dark is called the mosaic effect.

2nd way

Smint a piece of paper, adjust into the crude paint, then adjust the drawing. This method can be used for the background, or to complete the work - Flowers, Croon of wood, Sugro, etc.


Material:Candle, black gouache, shampoo, pointed wand.


Apply a color watercolor background or take a color cardboard or a simple white paper. The entire background is completely surprised by wax, paraffin. Nallem in the rosette of black, or color gouache, add a little shampoo and mix thoroughly. Then cover this mixture paraffin sheet. "Canvas" is ready.

Now take a pointed wand and start scratching the drawing. Than not engraving!

Trio - Mascara, Water, Gouache

Material:dense paper, gouache, mascara, water container.


Draw a gouache with water and large brush strokes. Draw what they have thought. The main thing that the drawing is large. When the gouache entrenses, cover the entire sheet of black ink. And when it dries, lower the sheet for "manifestation" in the bath with water. Gouache will wash off the paper, and the mascara will remain. On a black background, interesting will manifest white contour drawing with different edges .

Drawing in the way - "Vault"

Material:Wearing a rubber band with a rubber band at the end, an old cut brush for 1 mm, a bristle brush, a tube from a felt-meter with inserted foam rubber, white paper, books - coloring, a plate, gouache.


In the plates blooming gouache. Then, with the help of manufactured "twists", paint is applied to the image, first along the contour, then the inner image. The finished drawing simulates the drawing technique "Pointelism". A bristled dry brush - a tych you can draw animal wool, clearing, tree crown. A variety of images depends on the selected material for the pump.

Drawing in the way - friction

Material:Dried leaves, silhouettes with a pronounced relief, wool, powder from distant collar pencils.


Under thin paper, put a dried leaf, branch, colors, silhouette, to rub with a cotton or rag tampon with a powder made of pencil pylon. Obtained by thin paper The image is pasted on a dense paper - it turns out a postcard. In this way, you can create a plot composition, a decorative pattern.

By this way, you can lick the edge of the silhouette, which are applied to the sheet of paper.

Drawing by adjustment

Material:Tassels different size, gouache, watercolor, mascara, paper


Having dipped to the paint to the paint, attach her tail to the sheet of paper and raise the droplet. If you apply such droplets in a circle - it turned out a flower. Printing can be drawn leaves in trees, animals and other drawings, it is worth only to dream.

Drawing in a spot

Material:Tassel №10, 3, paper, paint, markers, wax pencils, coal or other graphic materials


1st way

A wide brush is applied a stain arbitrarily or in accordance with the intended image. When it dries, the missing parts or paint or other visual materials are additionally applied. In this way, animals, flowers, etc. can be drawn.

2nd way

Waile pencil draw eyes, spout, mouth. Then wide brush on top of the image of paint Draw those yellow spot - It turned out a cheerful bun. So you can portray trees, branches and trunk to draw wax pencils, and the crown of paint. Fantasize.

Magic balls

Material:cover from box, balls, paint, paper, brushes, water.


In the box to place a sheet of paper, there are several multi-colored or monophonic paint droplets on it. Put in a box

2-3 balls and shake the box so that the balls, riding, mixing paints, creating a pattern.

Drawing by natural materials

Material:Dried leaves, branches, poppies, moss, bumps, spikelets, etc. Paper, low hollow shapes with paint - gouache, temperatures, brush.


The natural material is dipped into the shape of paint and applied to paper, slightly pressed - the imprint remains. Depending on the image, it is selected and natural material For imprint.

Ate dried leaf from a tree, shrubs cover paint and print on paper, trees, flowers, sun and other images may turn out. Boxes from poppy can paint asterisks, dandelion, snowflakes, etc. Lichen, Mohum turns beautiful cleaners with grass, fluffy animals, crown trees, etc.

Drawing plasticine

Material: Dense paper or cardboard, plasticine, pencil.


On a thick sheet of paper or cardboard apply a contour pencil. Draw on it with warm plasticine. It turns out very expressive. Baby in full delight.

Drawing scotch

Material:Color Scotch, Scissors, Coloring and White Paper, Coloring Book, Waterproof Colored Markers.


Pre-selected linear pattern with a large image without small parts. Then small sections of the scotch is filled with an image. At the end of the work, all small parts spend the marker.

Drawing mascara

Material:mascara, paper, sponge, barcode


1st way

The work is performed on the horizontal surface. The sheet of paper is pre-wore. Then they are applied or drops of carcasses, or turning the carcass tube, conduct lines, slightly clicking on it. An interesting blurry image is obtained, which, after drying, is supplemented with a clear linear pattern with the drawing part with a guery handle, a felt-tip pen or other fine material.

If the whole sheet is covered with blue passenger, and then the white stroke applied the point - it will turn out to be a snowy evening sky.

2nd way

On a wet sponge, a sponge sponge is applied to a width of a colored carcass. Sponge turns into paint down - "face" to a wet sheet of paper, and is held continuous line - Rainbow, field, waves, bush, etc.

A variety of hand movements with a sponge leave various traces that easily turn into a butterfly, snail, flower, adding drawing with characteristic strokes.

Gel graphics

Material:Black paper, set of gel pens, simple pencil.


1st way

Monochrome technique. On a black background, apply a linear image of a white (silver) gel handle (Note: you need to show a sense of measure). In this way, the castles, landscapes, the painting of the miniature, expressively look. Preliminary sketches can be made in a pencil. The error can be safely retouching with a gouache, or black ink, pick up the desired shade.

2nd way

Polychrome technique. On a black background work color gel handles, toned image white or silver gel. White tone Give freshness, brightness, silver imitates the metallilography. After drying, you need to make a podmuelic (white, silver color) and apply the necessary colors. In exceptional cases, for example, painting easter eggs, Square, let's say color background.

The work is such a look perfectly look when it is framed in a passport.

Paper tinting

Material: White paper, Kleistter from starch, rag, baths, gouache, glue or oily paint, oil diluent (gasoline).


1st way

Oil paint 2-3 tones to dilute with oil diluent to a very liquid sour cream. Each color B. separate dishes, a separate tassel.

In a bowl or bath pour cold water, Splash the diluted paint of one color. On the resulting divorces (marble film), lay a sheet of paper (hold paper for an outstanding corner) and immediately remove.

Other sheets can be splashing at once 2-3 paints of different colors. Painted paper dry on the newspaper and put under the press. Paper painted in this way resembles marble divorces.

2nd way

Take the adhesive or gouache paints of 2-3 colors, weld the starchy holter, pour it into the bath or a plate, add paint to it and suck it slightly. The resulting paste or jelly, the colored mass is applied to the paper with a brush, then unnecessary removed with a rag, brush, comb or rigid brush. The desired drawing can also be obtained by applying a fir branch or spending in different direction All sorts of lines.

Color figures on glass

Material: Paints in tubes, transparent film or glass surface, sheet of paper, glue tape.


1st way

To get a drawing, we need thin strips to squeeze the paint from tubes on the film, leaving wide fieldsFrom each other.

You can use more different colors.

Gently impose a second layer of film on the image, press the edges. Cover fingers to disperse paint. Attach a picture to the window, smooth it out and see how light plays on the colors. Clear over the perimeter with adhesive tape.

2nd way

On the glass, the mirror is applied to paint in the same way as in the first way. Then the paper is applied on it and pressed on top of another glass, or any heavy item. This will allow paint at the same time to disperse on a sheet of paper. Then the cargo is cleaned, waiting for the drying paint on paper. After that, it is drawn with small details with a brush or other visual materials.

Magic paper

Material: Toilet paper, landscape paper, bath, paint, brushes.


Paint the paint on the baths, dilute with water.

Cook toilet paper In 6-4-2 squares, about 18 strips.

To make flowers, Fold the strips of 4-6 squares in half and once again in half. Roll them into the tubes. Water paper in paint. Then quickly hop it in a bowl with warm water And leave for a few seconds to dry. Collapse the paper with a ring on a stack of newspapers, prescribe it from top to it so that the glasses of paint and water.

To make leaves, Bend paper strips from 2 squares in half, and roll into the tube. Also paint and squeeze like flowers.

Put flowers and leaves on a dish, cover with cottage and dry in the oven for 10 minutes.

Finished flowers are placed and glued on paper. You can add a vase, branch or other details, at your request.

Information prepared: Educator from, L.V. Ovsyankina

Many children love to draw. They surprise adults with their masterpieces. You can draw not only in paints and pencils, but also in croups. Children enjoy, because it is interesting and fascinating occupation.

I would like to note the drawing by the semit. For children, such an equipment is an innovation that fascinates every child. With the help of it develops creative thinking, fantasy, imagination, and much more. In the article, consider unconventional drawing by the gun in different directions.

The benefits of drawing by the segment and the tasks of the teacher

Some parents do not understand the benefits of drawing semolina. It is easier to give a child tassels, paints, pencils or markers. However, it is impossible to forget that non-traditional drawing even more helps the baby to open and develop. He exhibits a fantasy, he opens creative thinking.

First of all, the drawing of the cumulative helps the child to train a small motorcy of his fingers, which has a beneficial effect on future development (the letter is lighted). Still at the kid manifests fantasy, rich imagination, speech. With the help of such classes, children become more perfected.

The task of the teacher is to cause the baby interest in learning correctly and gently work with the material, continue to form creative abilities from the child, develop thinking and confidence in their own power, teach to finish their work to the end, overcome complex moments.

Preparation for the lesson

First prepare suitable dishes. As a rule, the semal is better to draw on a black background. Therefore, you can take a baking tray or a tray of dark.

The dishes can be not only black, but also dark blue. If the child is small, then take care of the tray to be with high sidelights. If you want to do a color drawing, then paper is suitable for any color, but you will need green, iodine, gouache, etc.

You can still come in handy cardboard, gouache, tassels, hair polish. However, start trying from the simplest thing, because the crumb must understand the aza of work, and only then you can complicate the task. The main thing is that he liked to engage and interest.

Before proceeding to drawing, explain to the baby that the semolus is not only eating. It is also used instead of sand for drawing, as it is completely safe.

It is necessary to tell the baby, as needed to behave correctly during the class. The child should know that the work should be done carefully and in vain do not scatter a break on the floor.

Drawing on a tray

Put a thin layer in the dishes and show how you can leave fingerprints and palms. This is the simplest thing you need to know and be able to a child. Then take a small figurine or item. With them, too, you can leave prints and already have pictures. Small massage ball Leaves very beautiful traces. The child will like this occupation, he will pass for a long time.

Remove the cake from the tray and pour it into a plate. Give the baby a small spoon. Let him squeeze the barbell on the dish. Explain that you need to try not to scatter the semi and completely convey it to the tray.

Now pour cereals more than it was for the first time. Find small toys, perhaps from Kinder Surprise. Skip them in a barn and let the children themselves are looking for them. Such an occupation will not leave kids indifferent.

Take with children on a fork and draw together tracks. Finger spend horizontal or vertical lines. You can portray the sun, a house, a cloud, flower, butterfly and much more. It all depends on the age and fancy of the crumbs.

Drawing by a purulent

Take cardboard A4 and the same size sheet of paper. It is necessary in order to get a real picture. Sheet stick to the cardboard. If you use a white semolina, then you need paper dark flowers. Suitable burgundy, dark blue, black, green, etc.

Draw a picture outline on a sheet. Then take a little mankey into my palm, clamp in a fist, a little move the little finger and the cereals will gradually get enough sleep, like from a funnel. Sprinkle in the contour by the cut beautiful drawing. However, he will not stay for a long time, it is worth only to pour and cereals will split. That this does not happen, there is another, more modern technique.

Use the glue

Drawing by a cum on paper is an exciting occupation. So that the manka remains on the sheet and did not crumble, it is necessary to carry out the contour as in the previous way, scatter the cereal on the contour. Manka on the glue will remain, and unnecessary can be shaken. Then it turns out a picture.

There is one more, more universal way. When you put the glue on it, the layout of this sheet of paper into the semolus. This is a kind of lightweight task. You do not need to scatter a barn on paper and strive to get to the contour itself. However, such a task is given to children in 3-4 years, and more older guys can complicate a lesson.

Color drawing

To do this, you need to paint the semolina in different colors. Take a griffel with color pencils, open it, pull it on paper, and then pour the gun there and interfere until it becomes another color. You can also fold chalks and mix them with a semit, it turns out tender shades. You can still fry the cake in a frying pan slightly until it changes the color.

You can print the drawing or portray something simple yourself. First pay attention to the small details of the picture. It is best to start with them. Launch the contours of glue, and then sprinkled with their painted cereals. Then go to larger items.

Many children really like the drawing by the semi. The master class is intended primarily to adults (parents and educators), who will be able to learn everything themselves, and then show their skills to the kids. For holidays, these skills will also be useful. For example, on New Year You can draw a Christmas tree, snowflake, Santa Claus or Snow Maiden.

Drawing Snowflakes Snowflakes is a simple and exciting occupation. Each child wants to please their educators, parents or grandmothers by a handicraft, made with the help of unconventional art technique. On paper, apply glue along the contour and sprinkle with a semi. When the picture is driving, remove the excessive croup. Snowflake can be painted as a white semolia and blue.

Drawing by the cake in kindergarten can be carried out without any problems. However, it is worth remembering that children are big fidgets, so try to pay attention to every child. In kindergarten it is unwanted to use such dangerous subjectslike hair lacquer. If the tutor is not able to control the child, it can happen irreparable.

Color drawing gouache

First select the plot of your drawing. Then depict it on paper, and the contours lubricate the thick layer of glue. It is necessary to do everything quickly enough, because glue can dry. We smear a white semolina and wait when the drawing will dry well.

When the leaf is dry, shake the extra semolia, which is not glued. Now the masterpiece is ready to paint. However, remember that the texture is uneven, so do not wait for special miracles. You will succeed if you do everything carefully, then the picture is ready to be even for the exhibition.

From the paints, the gouache is perfect, and not a watercolor. Color your color every detail.

When the drawing is ready, let it dry well. For the picture to serve as longer as possible, spray it with a varnish of hair.


Some children do not like to draw, but such a non-traditional technique carries babies. Can be depicted with a semolot of not only paintings, but also letters, numbers, geometric shapes.

Then you teach the child not only to draw a cum, but also secure the basic knowledge that will be needed at school.

Drawing by the cake in kindergarten teaches the guys to work in a group, share both the material and ideas. When kids work in the team, they become more organized. One child looks at the other and tries to do even better.

Engage with children unconventional drawing. Then the children will become even better to focus on working on paper, begin to fantasize more, become aggravated and attentive. Such skills will be useful to them in the future.