Harmless self-tanning. The most unusual brands The composition and principle of self-tanning

In her blog Don’t Touch My Face, engineer and petrophysicist Adel Miftakhova tells what is cosmetics made of how to take care of your skin.

Self-tanning in the skin appears due to a substance called dihydroxyacetone(DGA). It is a simple monosaccharide and is extracted either from beets and sugar cane or from glycerin.

Dihydroxyacetone reacts with amino acids in the skin, which is why several types of brown pigments are formed in it (amino acids are the building blocks of all living things, proteins and peptides are built from them). This reaction produces a very characteristic smell. It can be disguised, but a light fleur of burnt skin will be from any remedy. Ironically, this is the same reaction that occurs when baking bread. It is called the Maillard reaction and it is because of it that a brown crust forms on the bread.

The reaction begins to appear a few hours after application and lasts for several days. DHA penetrates only the topmost layer of the skin and only works on dead skin cells. And therefore, no matter how expensive self-tanning you choose, it will not last longer than a conditional week. The price of the jar does not affect the rate of renewal of your skin. But exfoliating before it (to remove excess dead skin cells) and moisturizing after color development will help prolong the effect of self-tanning.

The color that is obtained from self-tanning depends on the formula of the product and the purity of the dihydroxyacetone. And here the price can already matter. There are other types of sugars that also produce brown shade, but they are used extremely rarely and are usually paired with dihydroxyacetone. Because they are not as effective.

Self-tanners are relatively safe. Compared to conventional tanning, they are completely safe. There is a study that DHA increases production free radicals from UV radiation, but it used a concentration that is usually not found in creams. Plus, this effect is offset by using sunscreen to be used in any case. There is a study that the constant use of self-tanner irritates the skin, but this, as usual, depends on each individual.

The biggest danger of self-tanning is that people think it protects from the sun. No, it does not protect from the sun at all. Therefore, along with self-tanning on exposed parts of the body, it is imperative to use a cream with SPF.

Lying in the sun to get a tan is harmful. And with age, it is fraught with the appearance of pigmentation. And many ladies want to have slightly tanned skin. Therefore, self-tanning is an alternative to the natural sun. But is it really that safe? How could it threaten? What you need to know about the features of its application?

What is self-tanning? It's special cosmetics designed to create the effect of tanned skin. In this case, only the upper layer of the epidermis lends itself to the influence of coloring substances. Dehydroxyacetone is active substance self-tanner that does not penetrate deep into skin and blood. By reacting with the proteins of our skin, such a tool gives them a slight swarthy shade. The result of self-tanning is visible after a couple of hours. It lasts for several days until dead cells epidermis will not naturally flake off. To maintain the effect of tanning, the procedure for applying a cosmetic product should be done every few days. Do not forget that such cosmetics will not protect against ultraviolet rays. That's why you need to use sunscreen when you're out in the sun.

Today self-tanning exists in the form of sprays, creams, lotions, wipes. Each form has its own advantages, however significant difference there is no between them.

Self-tanning: harm and benefit

Self-tanning is a synthetic product that does not have any therapeutic and useful properties. It doesn't do any harm to the skin. However, there are reasons to think carefully before using it:

  1. The components of such funds do not protect against sun rays.
  2. They contain alcohol. It is very dry, so cosmetologists recommend moisturizing the skin after applying them.
  3. It is important to check the expiration date of the product used and to use famous brands manufacturers.
  4. Self-tanning often causes allergic reactions. Therefore, before using it, be sure to test on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
  5. Dehydroxyacetone dries the skin and also removes fluid from it.
  6. Products that have not dried on the skin stain clothes.
  7. Not every woman cosmetic tan lays down on a body evenly.
  8. Such products clog the pores of the skin. For this reason, it is difficult for her to breathe and receive the necessary elements.
  9. They have a slight smell, different from the native smell of the skin.
  10. Which is more harmful: tanning or solarium

    Today, the most popular methods of achieving fake tan are tanning and solarium. Many people think about which of them is less harmful. Many facts point to the harm of a solarium for the skin. The dangers of self-tanning are mentioned above, so let's dwell on the negative aspects of visiting a solarium and its harmful effects.

    Yes, tanning in a solarium is uniform, more even than with the help of cosmetics. It also lasts longer. But ultra-violet rays lamps destroy collagen and elastin in the skin. As a result of this destruction, the skin becomes less elastic. When using self-tanning, our skin does not receive ultraviolet radiation.

    Drying the epidermis in a solarium can lead to burns. Self-tanner can also dry out the skin, but the moisture level can be controlled. In a solarium, such control is not possible.

    Solarium contributes to the occurrence of cancer, and cosmetics intended for tanning only ages the skin.

    At the same time, visiting a solarium in order to achieve an even tan has several advantages: even tan, getting rid of acne, stimulating the production of vitamin D, which strengthens bones and muscle tissue.

    Reading the comparative reviews of women on the use of both methods of artificial tanning, one can find complaints about the unevenness of self-tanning and the unnatural appearance of the skin as a result of its use. Some ladies grumble about the allergenicity of such creams. But such remarks concern inexpensive products. Women are advised to use large dosages of moisturizers for several days before applying self-tanning. As for solariums, the ladies emphasize the need to sunbathe there with a course of procedures, and not wait for a chocolate shade from the first manipulation. Also, women are advised to refrain from the usual visit to the sauna after the solarium - the steam room eliminates the effect of tanning in the solarium.

In hot summer days to be the owner of an aristocratic pallor "a la the Addams family" is simply even somehow indecent. However, not everyone manages to get to the sea, someone has no time to go to the solarium, and for some, tanning is generally prohibited by law. medical indications. A rational way out of this situation is to use self-tanning, a cosmetic product that gives the skin a temporary tan effect.

Such funds appeared on the domestic market a long time ago, but they still do not have wide popularity among our ladies. A solarium is something understandable: the same ultraviolet rays as the sun. Self-tanning is something overseas, unknown. Is it dangerous to health?

We will not pull to the conclusions at the end of the article, let's say right away - when used correctly, self-tanning is harmless to health. Moreover, when comparing self-tanning with a solarium, the latter clearly loses, as it has a devastating effect on our skin. Self-tanning, on the other hand, only stains the surface layer of the skin, without penetrating into the blood. Therefore, even pregnant women can use auto-bronzers (the second name for self-tanning). But lactating mothers are not recommended to use self-tanning - the child can simply eat it from the surface of your skin.

And yet, any cosmetics, even the so-called natural ( berry masks etc.) and the most harmless, you need to use it wisely.

Firstly, do not use cheap tanning of dubious origin. Use brand name auto bronzers. In addition, be sure to look at the expiration date on the package: an expired self-tanner can lose its uniform consistency, leave stains on the skin, and simply cause allergies.

Secondly better for face use a separate remedy designed exclusively for this area. Self-tanner for the face has a more delicate composition than self-tanner for the body.

Thirdly, auto bronzants contain alcohol, which dries out the skin. Therefore, if you regularly use self-tanner, you should use a moisturizing face and body cream at least regularly. Also, drink more water to prevent dehydration.

Fourth, it is not recommended to constantly use self-tanning. Still, this is a synthetic agent, and the skin needs to be given a rest.

Well fifth, self-tanning, like any other cosmetic product, can cause allergies. Therefore, before using it, apply a small amount on the wrist and leave for twelve hours. If redness or a rash appears, do not use the product from this jar. Which, by the way, does not prevent you from trying some other brand of self-tanning. It is worth remembering that an allergy test must be carried out before opening. new packaging every time, even if before that you did not have an allergy to the product of this manufacturer.

A few tips on how to properly apply self-tanner:
1. Be sure to take a shower before the procedure. You can use an exfoliating body scrub.
2. Be sure to carry out the epilation procedure. Otherwise, self-tanner will gather around the hair pores, and the surface of the skin will become a dark speck.
3. Apply the product as evenly as possible on all parts of the body.
4. After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly, otherwise the palms will become dark and the nails will look dirty.
5. Try not to put on clothes or sit down for 20 minutes.
6. Use self-tanner no more than 3-4 times a week. But not less often if you want to maintain an even, thick skin tone.

It is not recommended to use tanning tablets. They contain a pigment that can accumulate in the tissues of the body, thereby "staining" them. The pigment is deposited in all tissues, not just in the skin. For example, it is deposited in the retina of the eye, which can irreversibly affect vision. These drugs are banned in many countries.

Tanning accelerators - products that enhance the action of ultraviolet radiation - are also not safe means for Tan. Such agents include, for example, tyrosine - an amino acid, a precursor of melanin (a pigment that colors the skin), causing an increase in its synthesis. The safety of these drugs has not been proven.

We can summarize - tanning is not harmful to health, if you follow all the rules for its use. Namely:
- take into account the expiration date and storage conditions;
- Before use, carry out an allergy test.

Self-tanning is easy and safe.

The opportunity to soak up the sun and find a charming bronze tan not everyone has it, but you always want to look beautiful. What to do if there is sorely not enough time for rest? Sprays or creams for automatic tanning, which are currently produced by many well-known cosmetics manufacturers, can help in such a situation. About whether self-tanning is harmful to the skin or not - read further in our article.

What is self-tanning?

This is a cosmetic product that creates a temporary tan effect without sunbathing and going to the solarium. Its action is based on staining the upper stratum corneum of skin cells.

There is self-tanning for the body and for the face. Facial is more gentle.

Such cosmetics are most often produced in the form of sprays and creams. The first is applied by spraying. And others - gently rubbed into the skin in a circular motion. The effect of their use usually lasts for a week.

The benefits of self-tanning

Among the advantages of this type of tanning, the following should be highlighted:

  • rapidity. Desired result noticeable almost immediately;
  • relative safety. The body is not exposed to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. In addition, the composition of cosmetic products for automatic tanning includes components that care for the skin.

Today, many fashionistas refuse to use foundation creams in favor of self-tanning. Its camouflage ability is much higher than that of ordinary foundation. And therefore, with its help, you can perfectly mask both circles under the eyes and age spots.

What is harmful self-tanning?

Harm from self-tanning can be obtained for the following reasons:

  • cosmetics for quick tan may provoke an allergic reaction. That is why, before you start using it, it is imperative to conduct a special test. Apply a little on the crook of the elbow and wait a day. If redness and rashes occur, it is highly not recommended to use it;
  • it is important to remember that autobronzates do not protect the skin from negative impact ultraviolet. Therefore, use special protective creams with SPF factor;
  • do not use an expired product, choose cosmetics from well-known manufacturers;
  • Self-tanner contains alcohol, which is known to dry out the skin. It is for this reason that when using autobronzates, do not forget about special moisturizers and lotions. Girls are often interested in cosmetologists whether it is harmful to apply self-tanning on sensitive and thin skin. AT this case experts advise using a product where the content of dihydroxyacetone (dye) does not exceed 5%.

You have to apply it very carefully. thin layer because otherwise the tan will be uneven. Don't forget to wear gloves to avoid staining your hands.

Remember the dangers of tanning pills. The pigment contained in them (canthaxatin) accumulates over time in the tissues of the body, including the retina, and can cause visual impairment.

AT modern world tanned skin- a sign of beauty, health and grooming. Many people like dark shade because it is beautiful and natural. But if you want to get a uniform tan for several days, and trips to the solarium are impossible, then for such cases there is a cosmetic analogue - self-tanning.

What is

To understand how this tool works, you need to understand its composition. There are several types of bronzers, which differ in the method of action and the duration of the effect. However, they are similar in one thing: they act according to the type of skin coloring.

Each cream contains a coloring pigment that colors the skin several tones darker than it. natural color. The operating principle is quick receipt tanning, without the use of sunlight.

The funds are distinguished by the absence of such side effects, how premature aging skin, the appearance of wrinkles and burns - all this applies only to sunbathing. In addition, people who are used to getting a tan naturally, there is a risk of getting oncology - skin cancer. Therefore, the use of artificial pigment can protect against serious illnesses and does not destroy the protective barrier of the epidermis.

The principle of operation of artificial concealers is quite simple and is often used by girls whose skin is very white, does not tan, but burns in the sun (blonds and redheads). The remedy acts, as a rule, a few hours after application - a bronze tint on the skin lasts for several days.

There are brands that show instant effect, but more on that below.

Pros and cons

Like any cosmetic product, tanning spray can be used all year round, and they contain special substances that give the body a natural bronze tint. Like any tool, such concealers have their pros and cons to use.

The pluses include:

  • fast action - thanks to self-tanning, you can prepare for the summer in just a few days. Pigments, upon contact with the skin, begin to instantly darken on the skin. Bronzers can be used by both girls and men;
  • safety of use- thanks to coloring pigments, the skin does not produce melanin, does not try to protect itself from negative impact sunlight, and gradually becomes colored. It is known that during sunbathing, the epithelium suffers from burns, dehydrates and begins to peel off. This can be avoided by using an instant bronzer;
  • extra food skin- in cosmetics, in addition to coloring pigments, components useful for the skin are added. As a rule, this plant extracts oils, additional trace elements and minerals that nourish the deep layers of the dermis;
  • moisturizing effect- is achieved by adding liquid granules, carnitine molecules and other vitamins to the compositions that retain moisture inside the cells. The benefits of such a tool are much greater than from sunbathing;
  • body radiance- in some products there are shimmering particles that are able to reflect light, giving greater expressiveness to body shapes;
  • saving time and Money - sunbathing should continue systematically, every day, from an hour to several hours, and the same shade can be achieved with one application of bronzer. Also, not only time is reduced, but money - use if not solar procedures, then a solarium, is much more expensive than a tube of coloring pigment;
  • availability- the price of self-tanning can be different, it all depends on the brand of the manufacturer and the composition of the cream. As a rule, bronzers can be purchased from 150 rubles and above.
  • independent use - you do not need to go to salons and visit expensive masters to look great - applying the product is quite simple and does not require much time.

The cons include:

  • short-term effect. Although the results are achieved quickly, the chocolate shade on the skin lasts for a few days at most, and then fades in patches. Therefore, you need to use the cream every day;
  • it is problematic to treat all parts of the body on your own. Since the tool has a specific texture, it must be applied to the whole body so that there are no streaks and abrupt transitions. Hence the problem of applying the product to the skin of the back. In this case, it is necessary to use the help of third parties;
  • uneven application. If the epidermis of the body is dry and flaky, in the absence of preparatory procedures, self-tanning stains the surface unevenly. Elbows, knees and palms may remain dark spots, since the dermis in these areas is much drier and absorbs more cream;
  • long selection suitable shade . Market cosmetic preparations crowded, there is a whole palette of shades of brown. Picking your own is sometimes problematic. You need to know exactly what effect you need to achieve and what kind of remedy is needed for this, otherwise the remedy does not work;
  • bad smell - Manufacturers use perfumed dyes that have a chemical scent. In this case, the skin is impregnated with this particular smell. Therefore, selection according to this criterion is extremely important;
  • leaves marks on clothes- bronzers are based on the usual coloring pigment, when it is not completely dry, yellowness appears on the clothes from contact. It is unlikely that such stains will be removed.


The use of self-tanners can affect the skin individually. There are a number of contraindications for use:

  • frequent allergic reactions. If you are prone to rashes, it is necessary to test for intolerance to the product: apply a small amount to the skin and wait a few hours. In the absence of any negative manifestations, self-tanning can be used;
  • skin lesions or rash - chemical compounds as part of a bronzer, they can harm damaged skin;
  • dermis diseases. For skin suffering from herpes, bronzer is literally harmful. The rash can be spread all over the body by applying the cream. At the time of treatment, it should be abandoned;
  • severe dryness epidermis. Some creams dry out the skin, therefore, with strong tightness, the product is also not recommended for application. Otherwise, you can get the effect of tanning spots;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding . For girls in the position of self-tanning, it is not recommended to use - some compounds in the composition may adversely affect general condition. For pregnant women, it is recommended to look for safe analogues.


Many brands that focus on the production of this cosmetics offer a choice of products various shades and types: in the form of a milky emulsion, creamy texture, lotion, oily liquid, spray, gel, balm or mousse. Read about the most common ones below.


This type of tool is the most in a simple way application - during bathing. Color results and duration of action are related to frequency of use. The main differences of such a product are that it lays down evenly, without streaks, while leaving no marks on towels and clothes. What is remarkable: there is no need for thorough rinsing. The disadvantages include an almost imperceptible effect. Popular brands:

  • Sublim Bronze by Loreal Paris This is an instant effect product. The gel dries very quickly and is absorbed instantly. Due to the fact that the pigment appears immediately, you can see the missing areas of the skin. Doesn't stain clothes. Cost from 1100 rubles;
  • Sun Touch by Nivea- cream, when applied, it appears almost immediately. However, it can clog pores and takes longer to absorb than bronzer spray. It has a favorable price - about 250 rubles;


Due to the light texture, these bronzers do not leave marks on clothes. Top quality brands:

  • milk "Express" from Floresan- presented as universal remedy for face and body. The cost is low - from 130 rubles, has pleasant smell but takes a little longer to absorb. regular gel;
  • « even tan» by Garnier- the product does not dry the skin, as the composition is enriched nutrients and fruit extracts. Pros: no parabens and fragrances, low cost - 500 rubles. Cons: need long-term use for a visible effect (about two weeks). May leave marks on clothing;


Bronzers of this type have a lasting effect, however, it also shows its effect much longer, which means that you need to spend more time and money. After this product is applied to the skin, you can not dress for another 20 minutes to absorb all the components into the skin.

Cream stamps are presented, for example:

  • lisse Minute Auto Bronzant by Clarins- cream with microparticles of acacia wood, narrowing pores and smoothing wrinkles. This product is nutritious and has a heavy texture, so it needs to be applied a small amount smooth movements. The cost is not cheap - about 2100 rubles;


This cosmetics has an airy, light texture. The thickness of the layer, when using lotion, is easily controlled.

The most unusual brands:

  • Self tanning Gradual 6 SPF by Lancaster. This tool perfect for those who have not used self-tanning. The lotion is easy to apply, and the effect appears gradually, within one week. Cost - about 1400 rubles;
  • Summer Glitter by Dove. It's like a product that can be easily applied to the skin of the body in summer: the shimmering particles in its composition will give the skin an incredible shade, reflecting light, and gradually darkening it. Cost - 400 rubles;

Cosmetic type oils

The oil base of such products is a storehouse of vitamins that nourish and moisturize the skin. The disadvantages of self-tanning oil include the formation of a sticky film on the skin. However, this remedy is best suited for sensitive and dry skin.

The most interesting position in the market:

  • Huile Somptueuse Bronze by Dior. The oil not only gives an even shade of tan to the skin, but also nourishes it with all necessary elements. Does not leave a film on the surface, makes it smooth. The cost of funds - from 2800 rubles;

How do they do it in a beauty salon

Use the services of a salon master - lovely way achieve a smooth effect in one application. special procedure takes no more than half an hour, and the application of the coloring pigment occurs immediately on the whole body. There are no smudges and bumps in this case, since a special self-tanning device is used. Stages of implementation:

  • skin cleansing. Passes under the supervision of the master. In a special cabin, a scrub composition is applied to the entire body, which prepares the body for uniform tan;
  • applying lotion. The equipment in the cabin is designed in such a way that the sprayer applies the agent evenly over the entire surface. The solution is absorbed in seconds, and is usually hypoallergenic, as it usually has a plant base, such as bamboo extract;
  • shower. After the service itself, it is necessary to take a cleansing shower, as excess product can stain clothes.

The results of the salon service last about 14 days. The tan fades gradually as the skin layer renews itself. Since the coloring pigment is in top layer epithelium, when taking a shower, the water can be stained in Brown color, it's nothing special. The cost of the service varies from 800 to 2100 rubles.

How to choose by skin type

A suitable self-tanner can be easily selected, knowing the type of your own and skin, and taking into account personal preferences in the intensity of tanning. For example, the skin is:

  • light- in this case, products with a slight shade of tan are needed and preferably with SPF protection because the skin is not protected from the negative effects of sunlight. Usually, bright skin has pigments and does not darken from sunlight. Blondes or red-haired girls both have this type of skin, which is why it is best to use delicate textures with smooth transition;
  • sensitive- then you should choose a lotion with hypoallergenic composition. It is better if the basis of such products is solid or in the form of a cream, since the sensitive one has a tendency to peel;
  • prone to inflammation- in order for the product not to have a negative effect on this type of skin, you should look for self-tanners with antiseptic components and a light texture. It is better if it is a caring spray. For this type, products with the effect of a tanning moment are suitable;
  • dry- best to use natural composition, for example, oil base with self-tanning effect. So, the tool will not only give a bronze tint, but will improve the condition of the skin;
  • normal- in this case, you can use any tool that you like. Besides, normal skin perfectly sets off the speed of self-tanning, and easily absorbs long-acting creams.