How to talk a person out of drunkenness. Magic available to everyone: a conspiracy from drunkenness to vodka. Conspiracy on holy water from alcoholism

Alcohol addiction often leads to quarrels, conflicts and crimes that can end in crime. The problem of alcoholism creates a lot of trouble in families, the husband or wife suffers, and their children do not receive all the warmth and affection that parents should give.

A conspiracy from drunkenness helps develop an aversion to alcohol

If a man or woman drinks a lot, then in order to arouse an aversion to alcohol, it is recommended to try a conspiracy from drunkenness. The essence of the conspiracy lies in the fact that a person develops an aversion to drinking alcohol unexpectedly for himself, and the result is that he stops drinking harmful drinks altogether. Relatives are always worried about loved ones, their health and do not want to visit the cemetery and their graves, but spend a long and happy life with them.

How did drinking develop?

In Russia, people did not grow vineyards, but each person prepared alcoholic drinks on its own, such as fermented honey and beer. Initially, they used such drinks exclusively on holidays and feasts, which were arranged by the inhabitants before the start of important matters, during rituals and other games.

Alcohol in Russia was produced independently

Later, Christians began to celebrate pagan rites, and already closer to the 16th century, the first drunkenness appeared. Even a person on his last journey to the cemetery was escorted with alcohol. But it became social problem only at the moment when alcohol became part of the income in the country.

Even Ivan the Terrible allowed to drink alcoholic beverages in a special house, which was called "tavern". And as soon as alcohol and income in the state became one, drunkenness developed more and more every day. All the alcohol campaigns that were held failed to overcome drunkenness, but only led to an increase in people who fell into alcohol addiction and ended their lives ahead of time in the cemetery.

The main rules of the conspiracy

Conspiracies from drunkenness have great power, since we are talking about saving not one person, but the whole family. You can carry out such a conspiracy at home, so that a loved one stops drinking alcohol.

It is important to remember that alcoholics are the first to go to the cemetery. If you decide to turn to magic for help and try a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, then it is recommended to know the main rules:

Faith is the most important thing on which the success of the conspiracy depends

  1. Faith is the first thing to take care of before you turn to magic for help.
  2. The ritual should only be performed specific days weeks. If a man drinks, then in order for him to stop drinking, you need to perform a ritual on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. Sparing the lady alcohol addiction, select Friday, Saturday and Wednesday.
  3. You should read conspiracies from drunkenness on the full moon or on the waning moon, you do not need to go to the cemetery at midnight.
  4. Don't disturb the energy field. If you decide to read the plot and you want the person to really stop drinking, then you do not need to carry out several rituals at the same time. Give him time to work, and do not rush to try everything.
  5. When conducting a ritual in secret from a person who does not stop drinking, you cannot tell anyone, especially if it worked.
  6. When a person refused help, but you decided to secretly read a conspiracy from drinking alcohol, you need to make the most of your faith in order to have the desired result.
  7. You should read the conspiracy against drunkenness in a half whisper and alone, without helpers and witnesses.
  8. Buy an icon and ask the saints for help. You need to regularly read a prayer in front of the shrine.
  9. In the morning, you can take a couple of sips of holy water.
  10. Before the ceremony, experts recommend fasting ( minimum term post for three days).

A conspiracy from drunkenness to water is best done on a person so that he stops drinking, which is against encoding and other methods of treatment. Few people agree to treatment at home.

Conspiracy for water - strong method to get rid of alcohol cravings

To save a loved one against addiction, you can try a water conspiracy. He is strong, he can be carried out on himself. A person loses his attraction to alcohol, and such actions, unwillingness to drink, he will not be able to explain and understand.

This plot is required to be read three times in a glass of water. Choose a time so that the speaker is after a hangover and asks you for a glass of water to relieve thirst. You can prepare ahead and wait right moment. The text of the plot is as follows:

“Hop, prince, your little head is wild! Do not wave your hair down, but pour yourself down to the bottom. I don't know you, I haven't been to your house. Climb to the sovereign to the top of the damp tree, on beer and honey barrels! Let not fall on the person (name) dashing words and your evil deeds. Let him drink this cup and the hangover disappears from him. Hop, prince, sit in your own place, like a king sits on his kingdom, but don’t go to my house!

Another water plot can only be carried out on the 19th of each month. Take water and say the words to it:

“As the Lord God Jesus Christ did not know vodka, did not drink and did not endure; like a mother Holy Mother of God and all the saints did not know the drink, did not drink and did not endure, so you, the servant of God (name), will refuse to drink forever and ever, amen.

Having spoken water, it must be added to coffee

Add charmed water to tea, coffee, soups, compotes and other dishes. Acts immediately or gradually. Sometimes it may be necessary to speak several containers of water in order to have a result.

Photo conspiracies

You can effectively talk from drinking alcohol with the help of a photo. A photograph in itself stores the energy of a loved one and a little aura. It is important that the photo is fresh, so it should have strong energy. Also prepare three candles purchased in the church and holy water.

Start reading the plot, and so strong conspiracy worked, you can only pronounce words after sunset. Your actions: you must close alone in an empty room, put the candles in a row, and put a photo in front of them. Sprinkle the photograph with holy water and read:

“Lord Holy God, help me! I want to remove dependence from the servant of God (name), make a conspiracy from booze, wean him to drink, win him back from alcohol. So that nasty vodka does not go down his throat, So that he runs away from it like a demon, So that nothing but water-vodka goes to him! My word is strong and powerful, my word is the law for the servant of God (name). Amen!".

Repeat three times and hide the photo so no one can see it. After a month, repeat the ritual, if necessary, with the same photo.

Conspiracy for yourself

A conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences are not terrible if a person believes in himself and recognizes the fact that he is sick and needs treatment. At home, you can strong ritual against alcohol addiction for himself.

Most effective conspiracy- to myself

If you understand the whole essence of the problem and do not strive to get into the cemetery in your youth, then act immediately. It is difficult to force yourself to stop drinking, because you need strong character and will. But, it’s easier to talk to yourself and not ask for help from an outsider.

First of all, fast for a few days. After that, you must definitely go to the bathhouse and completely change all the linen to clean and fresh. Dial not drinking but pure water from a spring. Above the water in the container, read a strong addiction plot:

"In the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen. Hop and braga! To the tombstone, for all ages from me, a servant of God, leave! All cravings for wine and hops are gone! The wind is violent, take my dashing passion! Drinking in the forest, get away from me, to black birds, and fierce beasts to be torn to pieces. Let dashing people suffer from my misfortune, but I do not know grief. From my stomach for all time, step back dashingly dashing! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

After drinking the charmed water to the bottom. Spend it to stop drinking on the waning moon. Quitting drinking, drinking alcohol is easy if there is support from magic and the faith of the person himself. None of you wants to get to the cemetery ahead of time, and excessive drinking will lead to it.

Consequences of the spell

All the rites and conspiracies that you use to get rid of bad habit associated with white magic, and not with black. Do not trust anyone, what negative consequences can be here.

It is necessary to get rid of drunkenness with the help of white magic

The only thing that can be expected is the psychological and physiological limitations of the person you are relieving of the disease. This normal phenomenon, which will accompany a person if a person refuses the habitual use of alcohol. Often such people need qualified medical help.

But remember, if you support it, then even getting rid of a bad habit at home will be successful and without consequences. A number of rituals can be performed at home, or in a cemetery.

To perform the ceremony, you need to go to the cemetery, stand near the fence and wait for the funeral ceremony to take place. You need to have with you alcoholic drink, which the addicted person likes to use. Arriving home, put the bottle in a prominent place, it is important that the lover sees it. If the alcoholic himself took the bottle and drank the contents, then the actions will give positive result, and a conspiracy from alcoholism will help.

Words backed by faith can work wonders. They can forever destroy the life of another person, but they can also help when the situation has become hopeless. Very often, a woman who is tired of her husband's alcoholism finds solace in this: sometimes in the words of prayer, sometimes in magical conspiracies. The fight against alcohol addiction with rituals and conspiracies has always been popular, and in modern world this popularity began to rise in waves again.

Everything has to be done right

Three main conditions successful conspiracy against alcohol addiction:

  1. Right timing. The plot should be read on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for maximum effect- with a full moon or a month beginning to wane.
  2. Firm self-confidence. A person who reads prayers or makes conspiracies must be 100% sure that this tool will help the first time. Only faith in a positive result will help save a husband from alcoholism.
  3. Secret mode. The fact that the wife of a drinking person decided to read a conspiracy against the harmful addiction of her husband, no one should know, neither before the ritual, nor after its successful completion.

An important rule of conspiracy is seriousness. You can’t read prayers or ask higher powers for help just in case (“what if it works out”). Reading conspiracies and prayers is recommended only after careful “preparation”, starting at least with excommunication from the house of drinking buddies. Only a serious approach to business and a clear understanding of what will happen can guarantee a result.

From the simplest

There are a huge number of ways to find the most effective and powerful conspiracy. Another thing is that not everyone is recommended to trust. Most simple conspiracies- for water and food, since at home it is easiest to work with this “material”.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. Helped effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva. ACTIVE METHOD

An easy way is to conspire on water:

Take the rapid test and receive a free brochure "Drunken Alcoholism and How to Cope with It".

Did you have any relatives in your family who went into long-term "binge drinking"?

Do you "hangover" the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Do you get "easier" if you "hangover" (drink) sutra after a stormy feast?

What is your usual blood pressure?

Do you have an "acute" desire to "drink" after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you have self-confidence, looseness after drinking alcohol?

  1. It is necessary to take water from a spring or well (in extreme cases - from the tap, but first stand in the dark for a week) water.
  2. Above the water, you should read the corresponding plot.
  3. On charmed water, you can cook for drinking husband tea or coffee, you can give to drink just like that. Important: you should drink all the charged water.

The food conspiracy is even simpler: you can take any food that will then be served to a person and read over it the right words conspiracy, and then make sure that the food is eaten all without a trace.

A simple fish plot is effective:

  1. Take two glasses - empty and with an alcohol-containing drink, fresh fish, a knife.
  2. You need to open the fish with a knife, extract bile and dip your finger twenty times alternately in it, then in the drink, reading the words of the conspiracy.
  3. The charmed drink should be added drop by drop to the husband’s drinks, after which the craving for alcohol will begin to pass.

to more complex

The conspiracy of the healer Vanga is considered more serious and complex.

  1. On the 19th of any month, you need to take clean spring water and pour it into a glass container.
  2. Above the water, you need to read the healer's conspiracy, then say "Amen" three times and spit three times over your left shoulder.
  3. Water, spoken in this way, should be added to drinks or food, it can even be sprinkled on a person.

In addition to the conspiracy, Vanga's recommendation is a special herbal decoction made from wormwood and thyme (80 gr each). Herbs should be chopped, mixed, take 20 gr. mix, pour clean water(500 ml.) and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Infused for an hour, this decoction is filtered and given to a person to drink 100 ml three times a day. A month later, a set of measures “conspiracy plus decoction” will help rid the alcoholic of craving for alcohol.

Miscellaneous differences

You can get rid of alcoholism by conspiracies for a variety of things. The ritual is carried out over everything: from a towel, with which a person must dry himself for a week after the ritual, to a photograph on which they “recite” a slander by the light of a candle. You can speak any thing - a tie, a button, a keychain:

  1. Take a thing, wipe it with holy water - to clean the object from the negative accumulated during the use of alcoholic beverages.
  2. Place the object to be ritualized in a saucer of water.
  3. Light a candle, drain the first drops of wax on the sides of the saucer, drip the rest on the thing and read the plot.

After the ritual, the charmed thing should be cleaned of wax and returned to the owner. The conspiracy will take effect immediately after the alcoholic touches her.

The ritual over a photograph has always been considered the most powerful (a woman reading a plot works with an aura imprint or a trace of energy), although not the most difficult. It should be done after sunset.

  1. It is necessary to take a photo and three church white candles.
  2. In an empty room, you need to put candles in a row, set fire to it, put a photograph in front, then sprinkle it with holy water.
  3. After reading the corresponding plot three times, you can remove the picture to where no one will find it.

Improvements will come within the first week, and to consolidate the result, it is recommended to repeat the “session” in a month.

What to Expect

Experts say that all conspiracies and rituals aimed at curing alcoholism belong to the so-called white magic, which, by definition, cannot harm either the woman using the technique or the man who is being helped. Serious consequences after such manipulations should not be feared. On the part of the health of an alcoholic, one should expect the usual reactions of a physiological and psychological plan, which are also characteristic of the rehabilitation period after traditional anti-alcohol therapy.

After successful conspiracies especially high is the likelihood that a former drunk will experience discomfort associated with the weaning of the body from artificial stimulation components of alcohol, which can lead to the need for medical care or traditional medicines.

Better to trust the experts

Every woman can independently conduct any conspiracy against alcohol. However, it is better to entrust such an important and energy-consuming event to specialists. More energy potential, stronger willpower, self-confidence - all this helps professionals to noticeably influence the situation for the better.

Turning to professional healers, it is worth remembering some rules:

  • you need to take with you photos of the drinking person and some of his things;
  • on the way to the session, as well as on the way home, you can’t talk to anyone;
  • to enhance the effect of a specialist, it is better to visit more than once;
  • after completing the treatment of an alcoholic, everything that would remind of addiction should be removed from the house;
  • it is extremely important to believe that the conspiracy will be effective, that it will help the drunkard, because for the most part all the "magic" of the rituals is associated with sincere desire women to rescue their spouse from the trap of alcoholism.

It does not matter what remedy will be used - whispering over water, Vanga's recipe or a conspiracy over a photograph. Words can help in the fight against alcohol cravings, but only if backed up by faith and a certain “baggage” of knowledge. If people believe in a positive outcome of their actions, any ritual will be effective. And, of course, do not forget that alcoholism is also a medical problem, so a person after healing may need support with traditional medicines or funds generously provided by traditional medicine.

Quitting drinking is not easy, because alcoholism is a disease that destroys a person from the physiological and psychological side. Alcohol can make a once caring, loving husband a real tyrant or an indifferent, weak-willed person whose life passes in constant search and drinking alcoholic beverages. The consequences of alcohol addiction are sad - complete personal degradation of the patient and deep psychological trauma relatives.

As a rule, alcoholics do not want to treat their addiction because they do not consider themselves ill. Then relatives begin to look for ways to salvation without their knowledge. Sometimes last chance to prevent trouble is to read conspiracies from alcoholism. Sometimes an ordinary word, backed up by sincere faith, can create a real miracle.

When to get an alcoholic out of a binge traditional methods impossible, people often resort to the services of healers. They read conspiracies, conduct rituals, while the presence of the patient himself is not necessary, since the work is carried out at a distance.

The practitioner performing the rituals must possess a certain power, such that the patient's aura can be read from a distance. Usually, for this, the magician needs a personal item of a drunkard (for example, a cross, a shirt or a button that is cut off and then sewn back into place). But it is best to use the biomaterial of an alcoholic (nails, hair) or a photograph for work.

Having decided on such a step, the main thing is not to fall into the hands of charlatans. Often such pseudo-healers require a fixed and sufficient a large sum, while true healers talk from drunkenness for free or accept voluntary donations from clients.

However, it is not necessary to resort to the services of third parties. To speak, and thereby discourage her husband from alcohol, the wife can do it herself. But, turning to the Higher Power for help, you should do everything right, adhering to a certain scheme:

  • The words of the spell should be read clearly on the allotted day. If it is necessary to discourage a husband from drinking, then do it on Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays (the so-called men's days). Alcoholism in women speaks in women's days(Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Performing rituals on Sundays is strictly prohibited;
  • For the conspiracy to take effect and fully affect the alcoholic who reads magic words a person needs to sincerely believe that the Higher Power will hear his prayers. 100% confidence in the cure is the key to the victory of alcoholism;
  • All actions regarding the ritual must be kept secret. No one should know about the intentions either before or after the impact;

  • Before pronouncing magic phrases at home, you should find out exactly in which phase on this moment the moon is located. The magical withdrawal of a person from an alcoholic binge should be performed on a waning moon.

Of course, it is possible to wean a person from drunkenness without his knowledge, but nevertheless, those spells that the alcohol addict himself reads have the greatest power, and, accordingly, effectiveness. own will and with firm confidence that the ritual will definitely help.

The strongest spell for drunkenness

The most powerful ritual is the one that the patient himself conducts, but before proceeding with the action, it is necessary:

  • at least three days do not eat food of animal origin;
  • take communion in a church;
  • it is obligatory to read a prayer (for example, to the martyr Boniface or in front of the holy face of the icon “Inexhaustible Chalice”);
  • mentally, but sincerely ask for the blessing of the Lord.

When conducting a ritual at home, you should take care of confidentiality; you cannot interrupt the action (no matter for what reason).

So they say these words:

“Shield from heaven, shield from earth, shield from wine. Amen. Whoever reads 12 names will not know the cups forever and ever. 1st - Viashchenitsa. 2nd - Byasetsa. 3rd - Transfiguration. 4th - Assassin. 5th - Khmelena. 6th - Drinker. 7th - Knower. 8th - Non-biting. 9th - Feast. 10th - Lack of will. 11th - Hangover. 12th - Fear. I conjure you the damned devil, Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary. He will drive out all 12, fire will take all 12. And the servant of God, (pronounce their name), will not drink the potion of hell now and forever and forever and ever. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen (say thrice).

The following conspiracy, like the previous one, is intended to be read by yourself. drunken alcoholic who firmly decided to overcome his addiction and stop drinking. To do this, he should take about half a glass of holy water and one church candle. You need to start reading a magic spell in the evening before going to bed.

The ritual is carried out as follows - a glass of holy water is placed on the table, in right hand is taken church candle and is set on fire. Next, you need to baptize the holy water with the hand in which the candle is located, while simultaneously pronouncing the following phrases:

“Holy water, a mighty candle. Just as water can never be reconciled with fire, so I will never get along with alcohol. Water will get inside me, the fire from inside will extinguish me, and the disease will go away. As the candle goes out, so my sin in the smoke will be dispelled. Amen".

Then the charmed person must drink all the water (to the last drop), extinguish the candle, cross himself and go to bed. The next morning the person will be completely healthy.

Knowledge of the Bulgarian seer

Vanga is the most famous seer from Bulgaria in the post-Soviet (and not only) space. Mine amazing gift she received as a child, but she had to pay for it with her own eyesight - the woman was blind.

She had the gift of foresight, knew how to heal people. People of different social strata turned to Vanga for a prophecy - ordinary workers, officials, pop stars and even presidents.

During his lifetime, Vanga had students, thanks to whom she the strongest prayers and magic spells are used to help people to this day.

You can wean your husband from drunkenness without his knowledge by saying the following seer spell:

“Voditsa is like a clean tear, water is like saints without sin, giving life to everything on earth. Give new life servant of God, (pronounce the name of the patient), let him not take anything stronger than water in his mouth, do not poison his life with anything. Cleanse him from sins and protect him from drunken potions. Amen".

The spoken words must be pronounced over a decanter of clean water (the container should not be filled to the brim). Then every day for a week magic water should be infused into drinks or food of an alcoholic. After seven days, the addiction will recede.

It is strictly forbidden to add charmed water to vodka or other alcoholic drinks, otherwise the ritual will give the opposite result.

Following strong spell you need to pronounce while the husband is sleeping. So the magic words will have great strength. To talk to a husband, you need his photograph (from the latest), as well as holy water.

The photograph is placed behind a transparent container filled with water (it must be viewed through the bottle) and, looking at the photo, say the following phrases:

“Just as water cleanses the spirit and body, so water also relieves alcoholism. Just as the Holy Martyrs did not try intoxicating, so the servant of God, (the name of the addict is pronounced), will forget the taste of the terrible drink, and the water will become sweeter than wine for him. The trouble will disappear, the Lord will help. Amen".

Next, you need to sprinkle the photo with enchanted holy water, cross yourself three times and hide the picture so that it cannot be found by an outsider. It is impossible to take a photograph in hand until the patient is cured of alcoholism. In the morning, when the drunken husband wakes up, he should be allowed to drink all the remaining holy water.

Powerful white conspiracy

In order for the husband to stop drinking forever, the wife must sincerely ask for help from the Higher Forces, saying magic spell. To do this, she needs to place her husband’s photograph in front of her and say the following phrases twelve times in a row:

“I, (pronounce their name), turn to you, my Guardian Angel, my Comforter Angel, Savior and Deliverer from troubles. You are my help, you are my protection, you are my consolation (repeat three times). I want to save my family, I want to love my husband, I want to be married! Make it so that my husband does not drink, falls out of love with vodka, vice won! Let vodka for him become bitterer than poison, hotter than fire! No more drinking for a day! Make it so that he runs away from vodka! He didn’t destroy himself, he didn’t hurt his soul, he didn’t kill our love! Let him cool down! Hurrying home and striving! Guardian Angel, protect my love, save my husband from vodka (repeat twice).

The photograph is removed from prying eyes, and the next day they take it out and read the spell again. The ritual is performed without interruption for twelve days in a row, only in the phase of the waning moon.

Light magic conspiracies

There are many different magical rites that help to bring a person out of long binge, and subsequently completely overcome the destructive cravings. However, rituals often require attributes that are very difficult for a simple layman to find.

That is why the rituals against the drunkenness of the husband, which are carried out without the participation of a specialist, should be easy to perform, but at the same time effective.

To heal a person suffering from alcoholism, the following ceremony is performed:

  1. Buy a small the padlock(required on Monday)
  2. Then they open the lock and put it in a cup of vodka (the alcohol should completely cover the lock);
  3. After 1-2 minutes, the lock is removed and closed with a key;
  4. Then they take the closed lock together with the key in the palm of their hands and say: “Until this lock dies, the servant of God (pronounce the name of the patient), he will not start drinking. Amen".

After that, you need to bury the lock together with the key in the ground (as deep as possible), while pronouncing the above words exactly nine times. Further, the vodka in which the castle was located is given to a sick person to drink.

The next ritual is held in Great Lent. The wife must wear white clothes, bare feet, head covered with a scarf. Then the table is covered with a new tablecloth, vodka and salt are put. Alcohol must be poured into two small containers and say:

“I will rise, the servant of God, (name given name), on a holy and bright day. I'll go out by crossing myself out of the house at the door. I'll go to the side of the unknown, I'll get to the dark forest, to the wild beasts. There is a mighty, hundred-year-old oak in this forest. A black raven is circling this oak. His wings are damask, and his eyes are fiery. As he flies, so he carries away the servant of God on his wings, (they say the name of the patient), the disease is unrestrained drunkenness. He frees him from a terrible addiction, from this very minute to the grave. Amen (three times)."

It is necessary to repeat the spell three times, then pour salt into the container and pour alcohol through the window. A person who performs a ritual three days before it and three days after it must fast.

Only done right magical action will help a sick person overcome cravings for alcohol. This does not mean that an alcoholic will stop drinking right away, become healthy, vigorous, full of energy. As a rule, after the ritual, alcohol-addicted men feel "broken", tired, interest in alcohol disappears, but at the same time they do not know what to do with themselves and this plunges them into depression. In such a situation, close people should come to the rescue to help the alcoholic get through a difficult period for him.

All of the above conspiracies against the husband's drunkenness are intended for people of the Orthodox faith. In the Muslim religion, all healing rites are performed with the help of the Koran and are based on an unshakable faith in the prophet of Allah.

A drunkard in the family is a big problem. Fortunately, they did not know such grief. But over time, this alien sin began to penetrate into the Slavic race. They were protected from him by faith.

And if it didn’t help, then the old women came up with all sorts of magical rites, to which true love and compassion were attracted, which are characteristic of our family.

Nowadays, not everyone knows that there is no such misfortune that cannot be dealt with righteously. loving heart. From this, they react aggressively to the passion for alcohol, scandals, and tedious suggestions.

Is it necessary to help?

Alcohol dependence is an indicator terrible loneliness spirit, into which he is plunged by black forces alien to us. Not everyone has the courage to fight such "creatures" from another world.

But is weak man we love less? If there is a desire to free him from a terrible captivity, then there will be strength.

And to help, the old women left a description of the rites and rituals from drunkenness, even not yet knowing how necessary it would be in our time. Here are some of their "recipes".

Strong conspiracy against drunkenness

The ritual is performed by the person who sincerely loves the alcoholic. This feeling should be divine, that is, not dependent on anything (not from kinship, not from material dependence etc).

If surrounded by a drunkard appears such bright man then he got lucky. His soul will gradually get out of captivity.

The plot is read in the morning, in strict solitude. "Mag" is obliged to comply strict post as long as the "treatment" is over.

In no case should you eat meat, it is generally better not to remember alcohol (even as a medicine, it is prohibited).

Look in clear sky, think about how much you want your own human being to be healed. Imagine his spirit cowering in terror, huddled in a dark corner.

Now read:

“Heaven, hear me! My soul burns with pain! The body and spirit (the name of the person) suffer, they do not find peace. Sun, you warm us with rays of freedom from above. Hear my pain, over the spirit (name of a person) I suffer, I don’t know how to help! The month is red, open with the horns of goodness the cage where the spirit is closed (the name of the person). There are no constipations, no bottom. Only a shroud of horror. Take the stars for a month with you. Bright light will pierce the abyss, give hope to the spirit (person's name). Don’t let (name) drink a cup of wine, let him drink full of water! Amen!

From the drunkenness of her husband

A wife is probably the closest person to a spouse, even if outwardly it looks different. The Lord unites people without mistakes, provides them with the joy of raising children.

When a husband is addicted to alcohol (or is no longer interested in anything else), it is the woman’s duty to come to his defense with her soul.

We can say that in this situation, the wife should become a warrior defending her family. Armor is not needed.

On Tuesday (or another men's day), buy a bottle of vodka (not wine).

Uncork it and put a live field mouse in it. Only a vole will do, the one that runs free. She, of course, will choke and drown (poor).

And you, watching this murder, know, say:

“The Lord gives life, so that the joy of creating, with good work, a clear mind, warm embraces and wise understanding! You are a slave (name) of the Lord, remember the covenant, but bury the bottle in the graves! You science voles fate! Her freedom has moved here, into a non-living drink, you, my husband, destroying, taking life! Drink to the bottom, but wake up! Voles fate do not repeat! Amen!"

"Drink" is infused for at least a week. A drinker should be offered it on Women's Day, when it is infused. Just remove the mouse first, but bury it. Let him be intoxicated for the last time.

Please note that some men from such a drug appear unpleasant symptoms eg diarrhea. It's not scary. Quickly take over the mind.

Conspiracy for water

A series of rites is carried out at that time, Every day in the evening (half a glass) the following words:

Letters from our readers

Topic: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. Not for children once again toys, new things you can’t buy, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Won, others have money, bought new car, the dacha was built, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Per Last year we made a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

“The moon looks from the sky and marvels. If she were on the ground, she would not touch the poison. The moon looked into the water, and dipped the will there. The moon has set, the command remains. As water enters the body (name), so the craving for the potion will pass! Amen!"

In the morning, give the drinker this water before washing and breakfast. And he starts to balk, so make tea or potions, which one, drip, that is, deceive the stubborn.

By photo

People whose dependence on alcohol has grown into a kind of mania do not particularly make contact. They try in every possible way to interfere with those who wish them well. They think they can do it themselves if they want to.

Then write these words on the back:

“The moon floats away into the fog, and alcohol from the life of (person's name) decreases. As the moon rises, illumination comes to him. What to drink - not to live, what to drink - not to love, what to drink - to die. The moon illuminates him, the desire to drink kills. Amen!"

Conspiracy from drunkenness in the cemetery

Everyone who loves a drunkard and wishes him well participates in it. And yet, who believes that the rite will help.

  1. It is necessary to glue (or knock down from planks) a small coffin. Paint it black.
  2. Take a glass (glass and so on) from which the person drank today (yesterday).
  3. Go to the churchyard, dig it into the old grave and lament, say:

“Goryushko, but not goryushko. Trouble, no problem. The craving for a terrible potion, a dangerous haze, has left the life of a slave (name)! Now he will live sobriety, joy, and fame!

Add what you think is necessary, keeping the words as the basis. In general, you need to arrange a real funeral.

Leave the churchyard sadly, without looking back.

What could be the consequences

Most of all, people are interested in how effective conspiracies from drunkenness are. It all depends on faith and love. Nothing else matters.

Any excuses, such as he is sick, willpower is not enough, and others, from the evil one. Don't believe. If you can convince yourself that it will help, then it will happen. And if he continues to drink, then love is not enough.

Don't be upset. Do the ritual again, with the understanding that it is not the body that is important, but the spirit.

Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Village Magic Specialist. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Many do not believe in the power of witchcraft and rituals until they themselves are forced to use them. Often seek help from higher powers relatives strongly drinking people, especially when the person himself does not want to fight alcoholism. Can conspiracies save you from drunkenness and return your beloved husband and dad to the family - read in this article. And for those who are familiar with this problem firsthand, it will be useful to know the most popular conspiracies from alcoholism.

What is a magical conspiracy and when is it addressed?

People who are far from magic and witchcraft consider the conspiracy to be some kind of mysterious witchcraft rite, in fact, this is nothing more than a verbal formula that has certain form and purpose of pronunciation. Our distant ancestors used conspiracies, as the legend says, magical properties this spell gains only when cast strong man who has great faith in what he asks for. That is why the conspiracies that the person himself utters are stronger than those voiced by professional magicians.

The most ancient conspiracies are already millions of years old, in those days the most acute issue was obtaining food, which is why people prayed for rain, good harvest, successful hunting or fishing. In times of epidemics, magic words were used to get rid of diseases. Today, most often they speak of health, love, and drunkenness.

Magic against alcoholism

Defeating alcoholism is a very difficult task, sometimes impossible. It is especially difficult to deal with such a problem when the drinker himself does not want to change anything in his life. He can drink for several years, quit his job and lead an immoral lifestyle, despite all the attempts of his relatives to excommunicate him from the bottle. And when neither pills nor compulsory treatment saves, even the most non-superstitious person will think about other, non-material methods. loving mother or the wife will never leave native person drunk alone, she will use everything possible methods, including a conspiracy against drunkenness. This is a kind of prayer speech addressed to higher powers with a request to heal a loved one from addiction which ruins his life. In order for the prayer to work, it is necessary for a person to believe in it, a conspiracy from alcoholism will be useless if uttered for the sake of a joke.

Rules for conducting an anti-alcohol conspiracy

The conspiracy against drunkenness is very powerful, because it not only saves one person from an immoral lifestyle, but also brings life back to normal whole family. The success of the procedure depends entirely on the rules that should be taken into account by everyone who decides to ask for help from the Almighty:

  1. The first and most important rule is faith, do not turn to magic if you do not believe in its power.
  2. Only certain days of the week are suitable for the ritual. If a man drinks, then choose Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and if a lady needs to get rid of the addiction, then Saturday, as well as Friday or Wednesday, will do.
  3. It is best to read a conspiracy against drunkenness on a full moon or on those days when the month is waning.
  4. You should not use many conspiracies and rituals at once, since each of them affects the energy field of both the patient and yourself. The conspiracy does not work instantly, give drinking person time to correct, and only then, if necessary, try other magical rites.
  5. If you perform the ceremony in secret from the one who drinks, you should not tell anyone about it, especially if the prayer works.
  6. If you offered close person help in the form of a conspiracy, but he refused, wait a bit and say it secretly from him, but you will have to believe in his action with a vengeance.
  7. It is necessary to pronounce the text of the conspiracy in a whisper and alone.
  8. For a greater effect, it is recommended to purchase the Inexhaustible Chalice icon and ask the patient to pray in front of it.
  9. If the drinker himself wants to get rid of the harmful, then let him take a few sips of holy water in the morning before breakfast.
  10. For maximum benefit The ceremony should be fasted in advance, at least three days.

Popular anti-alcohol conspiracies

We bring to your attention some of the most popular conspiracies against drunkenness, they are considered equally effective.

Anti-alcohol ritual with water

As you know, water is good conductor energy, both positive and negative. A conspiracy of water is considered effective in drunkenness, which the patient then drinks in one gulp. Before the procedure, a person should fast for several days, and on the very day when the conspiracy is read, you need to visit the bath and put on clean, better new and snow-white clothes. The words of the conspiracy must be read very quietly in complete solitude:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Depart from me intoxicating spell, let all my desire for hops disappear. Take you away, drunkenness, with a violent wind dark forest where, apart from evil beasts and black birds, there is not a single living soul. Take away, wind, my passion, my pernicious desire, and settle it beyond the seas, beyond the oceans, so that not a single good person can find it. And if my drunkenness is tied to someone else, let it be the most fierce beast in human form, who has done nothing good in his whole life. Get out of me forever wine, insidious potion. May my word be true. Amen".

The result of the ceremony also depends on what kind of water you choose, it is better to give preference to spring water, it is alive and has natural energy. Tap water is not suitable for these purposes, as it is dead.

Soap conspiracy from Vanga

Despite the fact that Vanga has long been dead, most of the conspiracies she wrote are still used today. We will present to you her most powerful conspiracy, which is able to get out of a long binge, and also forever discourage the desire for alcoholic beverages. It is worth buying soap, reading prayer words over it and giving it to the sick person to wash their hands with him. The words are:

“You should never drink again, the servant of God is the name, you should not walk drunk around the world, you should not roam the earth in a drunken stupor. I conjure you, I conjure! As you wash your hands of dirt, so you will heal your soul from drunkenness. Let your addiction disappear without a trace and never find a way back. So that you hate vodka more than your worst enemy, and as you remember it, you spit from the opposite. Amen!".

You need to repeat these words nine times in a row, the charmed soap is put in the usual place so that the alcoholic will wash his hands only with him. Moreover, Vanga herself said that this conspiracy might not work the first time, if necessary, buy another bar of soap and speak it again.