Legends and facts about precious stones - gems. The Legend of Gems




V distant lands, in forgotten lands rests the creation of its time - a precious crown. Half of it is cast in gold and half in silver. The gold part is decorated with amber, the silver part sparkles with black diamonds. Whoever wears this crown will gain power. At the same time, it will lose one thing: it will cease to distinguish colors. He will see everything in black and white.

But even in spite of this, many wanted to have the crown. Many wished, but not many had such luck. And to those to whom it fell, by the end of their lives they cursed the crown and its gift.

The last owner of the crown was an ordinary guy, Nail. He was a good guy, hard-working, cheerful. He never lost heart.

Why should I be sad, - he said. - The trouble has come and will go away. And the beauty of the world that surrounds me will remain. There is no need to grieve in vain, curse your life - it is better to smile at the sun, bow to the sky.

But it so happened that one day Nail, walking through the forest, came across a strange hill. The hill seemed to be like a hill, overgrown with grass, but there was only a door by the hill, as if it was not a hill at all, but whose dwelling. Nail opened the door a little. And outside the doors it is dark, cold, damp. Not every brave man has the courage to step into the dark unknown. But curiosity got the better of the young man.

For a long time, Nail made his way through the darkness. I wandered for a long time before I saw the light ahead. Nail turned out to be in a spacious hall. The walls and ceiling of the hall are decorated with precious stones. And in the center of the hall the throne rises. On the throne is the crown of unprecedented beauty. Nail saw such a miracle - gasped.

Come and take the crown, - he suddenly heard quiet voices.

Who is there?! - Nail cried out in horror.

This is us, the gems. Take the crown. She will give you power. You will be great. You will sacrifice one thing only for the sake of greatness - color.

Putting on the crown, you will cease to distinguish colors: everything will appear to you in black and white.

Black and white? - the young man thought. “It’s not so bad considering that I’m taking over.

Nail put a crown on his head, and the world became black and white for him.

Only, - the stones warned him, - in no case take off your crown until the Truth comes for you, otherwise you will die in terrible agony.

Nail returned home. People saw a crown on his head and immediately recognized the new king in the young man. Oh, how happy Nail was. He reveled in his power. And how much easier it became for him to live, looking at the black and white world, and it was much easier to judge everything. Yet the crown was powerful indeed! By order, the people erected a palace for their king. - The throne on which I will sit, the walls of my palace must be adorned with precious stones! - Nail did not stop. - I want everything around me to shine! And the people obeyed, carried out the orders of their arrogant king. Yes, but whether they were honestly performing, Nail did not know about that. So he lived his life, looking at the black and white world. And when the time came to die, as the stones had warned, Truth came to Nail - a girl in black robes. - Well, how? she asked. - Satisfied with the crown? “Satisfied, lady,” said Nail. “This is truly a great creation. - Is it as big as you think? - Truth grinned. - Did you never want to take off your crown and look at the world with your old eyes, that colors could be distinguished? -- No. The crown gave me a different life. The life of a great man, a king. - Is it so great? - Truth looked longingly at the king. -- Of course! - Nail exclaimed. - I'm great! - And what is it, your greatness? - In wealth, in the throne on which I sit, in the precious stones that surround me, in the people who bow before me. - Gems ... - Truth smiled thoughtfully in response. - Are they precious? Are you sure? -- Of course! - Nail jumped up from his throne. - They sparkle! - Well, - Truth stretched out her hands to the crown. - It's time to part with your magic gift. Take off your crown. Nail did not want to part with his crown, only you won’t go against the Truth. He took off the crown and was horrified, for all this time he was sitting in the palace, the walls of which were decorated with ordinary glass, as, indeed, the throne. -- Can not be! - Nail exclaimed. - All this time people have been deceiving me! “They treated you the same way you did,” Truth replied. - They made everything as simple as possible. What difference did it make to you whether your throne and palace walls or ordinary glass were adorned with precious stones. You yourself have taken the path of deception, you have lived in it. Well, former king, now come out of the gloomy, empty palace and finally take a look at the world with your real eyes. Let the beauty of this world remain a memory in your soul. For a moment I will return this gift to you, with which you were gifted from birth. Nail left the palace, and for so many years he again saw the world in all its colors. And Nail was happy, looking at the beauty that surrounded him. And he understood that neither power nor jewels can overshadow the beauty of the world. - It's a miracle! - Nail exclaimed. Truth only smiled sadly in response to this, saying: - From now on, you will be a precious stone. For centuries to decorate the walls of the underworld for you, guarding the great crown reclining on the throne. And when the next one comes for the crown, you will tell him about her power and greatness. So Nail became a black stone that adorns the walls of the cave. He looks from the wall at the crown lying on the throne, and wants to cry, but the stones, alas, do not know how to cry.

At all times, multi-colored minerals seem to be aliens from another dimension, a wonderful gift from benevolent Gods. Legends, which colorfully describe the birth of this or that beautiful stone, live in the folklore memory of all peoples on all continents. On the pages of our book you will find fascinating stories about the most famous gems in the history of mankind: the famous "Koh-i-Nor" and "Shah-Akbar", "Star of South Africa" ​​and "Sapphire of the Stewarts", the diamond "Orlov" and "Portrait" diamond ... Read amazing and exciting, and sometimes scary and bloody stories. Let's talk separately about the sacred stones: the legendary Alatyr-stone, the bloody Horse-stone will tell us their stories. The stone has always been perceived by people as something infinitely wise, going through the centuries, as something strong, indifferent to the effects of fire, water and blows and as something infinitely mysterious, for the stone still and silently works miracles. People today hope for his protection, amulets and talismans. Stones by the sign of the zodiac and amulets - this is also described in our publication.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Legends about stones. Keep me, my talisman (A. Yu. Mudrova, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company Liters.

Legends about stones

Diamond bestows virtue on people,

Brings happiness and keeps you from wounds.

Ruby is known for healing mysticism,

Promises victory and love of all ladies.

Pomegranate gives birth to passionate desires

Power, purposefulness, height.

Turquoise gives charm

Love, trust and purity.

Amber - there is no more mysterious amulet,

He heals wounds, gives the kingdom of dreams.

Aquamarine will bring a lot of light.

Alexandrite will cleanse the soul, blood.

A great and generous tradition.

All stones are a gift from a divine dream.


Aventurine is a type of quartz containing small particles of mica or hematite, less often native copper. The very appearance of aventurine evokes thoughts of supernatural fire: in the depths of the translucent stone, which is usually red or yellow in color and very rarely green or blue, tiny multicolored sparks sparkle, whose mysterious shimmer seems too beautiful to be a natural effect.

The name of this stone is derived directly from the Italian expression "per awentura" - "by chance". They say that aventurine got this name because in the 16th century in Venice "adventurous" glass was accidentally obtained, that is, glass resembling aventurine stone. An Italian glassblower inadvertently poured some copper filings into the molten glass mass. The oversight turned into a discovery - unexpectedly it turned out very beautiful, unusual glass with sparkling shine. This kind of glass, outwardly very similar to the stone already known at that time, was called aventurine, and gradually the name passed to a pebble.

It should be noted that aventurine glass cannot be called an invention of Italians. They knew how to make it back in Ancient Egypt, but the secret of its creation was lost. From ancient India, where it was considered the talisman of magicians and snake charmers, Indian traders brought aventurine to Europe in the Middle Ages, where it became a material for jewelry and crafts.

Aventurine jewelry is not particularly recommended for adults, mainly for children under 16. In the old days, it was believed that the properties of the stone suggest that it can only be worn by people who do not occupy high positions, are not burdened with family or other responsibilities (hence the age limit). It’s like an adult when long-term contact aventurine can make you hysterical, overly trusting, which is in no way suitable for someone who is burdened with responsibility and duties.

Deposits of aventurine were also found in the Urals, after which the stone became popular among stone cutters. The Hermitage contains a unique vase made of light aventurine, 146 cm high and 246 cm wide, and an aventurine table top; The same vase 125 cm high is in Pavlovsk, and another large aventurine vase on a stand made of gray porphyry was presented by Emperor Nicholas I to the British aristocrat Sir Murchison, who bequeathed it to the Geological Museum of London, where it is exhibited to this day.

In Russia, aventurine is mined on the Taganai Range in the Southern Urals.

From India (Madras state) comes a variety of aventurine, which is called Indian jade. Aventurine is mined in Canada (red), in Zimbabwe (green).

Also, aventurine deposits are located in Brazil, Austria (from here, from the vicinity of Salzburg, blue aventurine comes from), Japan, China, Madagascar and the USA.

Agate, perhaps, can be called one of the leaders among precious stones in terms of the number of myths and legends associated with it.

There are two options for interpreting the name of this stone. According to the famous scientist of antiquity Pliny the Elder, the word "agate" comes from the name of the river Achates in Sicily. Another option: the name "agate" comes from the Greek word "achates", which means "kind, good, happy."

Agate is a mineral, a type of chalcedony (which, in turn, is a type of quartz) with a layered or banded color distribution.

Banding can be concentric, sometimes concentric and horizontal arrangement of layers is combined, as, for example, in Uruguayan agates. The "eye" agates are very beautiful - in them concentric layers are located around the central point. Often, jewelers speak of agate, implying a variety of chalcedony without obvious layering. For example, chalcedony is called moss agate, the greenish inclusions inside of which resemble moss or algae in shape.

Agate comes in various colors: bluish, dark gray, milky white. Often gray or blue layers alternate with white, sometimes translucent ones. There may also be yellowish, greenish, black stripes.

By the nature of its color, it is an iridescent (iridescent) mineral. The hardness of agate is 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale. Density - 2.6-2.65 g / cm 3. The luster is dull, oily or matte at the fracture, while the polished surface of the agate has a glassy luster.

It is a valuable ornamental and semi-precious stone. It is used both in jewelry and as a material for artistic carving. Another area of ​​use is precision instrumentation. Serves as a material for mortars and pestles for chemical analytical work.

There are agates, the pattern of which resembles an eye, and one of the legends is connected with this. According to her, agate is the eye of a heavenly white eagle. There was a fierce battle in the sky between him and the black sorcerer, after which the white eagle fell to Earth and turned into stone. For many centuries, his eyes continue to look at people, separating their good deeds from evil. Therefore, agate is also called the Eye of the Creator. In ancient times, it was customary to place an agate shaped like an eye in the eye sockets of statues. This was done in order for the stone to drive away the dark forces.

In ancient Rome, agate was considered the stone of the goddess of fertility Pomona. To protect the plants and give a rich harvest, agate balls were buried in the soil when planting. Another belief of the past is associated with the fact that this mineral was used as an antidote for spider and scorpion bites.

Agate also appears in the famous legend of the Holy Grail. It says that Satan, cast down into hell, dropped agate from his crown (although some sources say that it was an emerald), which turned into a chalice - the Holy Grail. It was in it that Joseph of Arithee collected the blood of Jesus Christ drop by drop.

Different peoples have beliefs and traditions connecting this mineral with newborns. For example, in India for a long time it was believed that this stone helps to calm the baby and teach him to walk earlier. And in Georgia, a newborn was baptized with a white agate bead on the wrist. She was designed to protect him from everything negative that the outside world carries.

People who still believe in the miraculous property of the stone believe that agate can help a person with a variety of diseases. For sore throat, persistent cough, bronchitis, asthma or chronic cough, sore throat and teeth, it is recommended to wear agate beads. If you have a toothache, try on agate earrings. And bracelets with this stone are advised to wear for problems with joints. Wearing this mineral on the left hand helps to reduce irritability and relieve headaches.

The healing properties of agate also depend on the color of the stone. In case of diseases of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to wear a blue stone, it is also suitable for those suffering from osteochondrosis. If there are problems with the digestive system, then yellowish agate is needed.

Agate has long been considered a stone of health, prosperity and longevity. If you have suffered some kind of emotional shock, are in a depressed state, then this stone can help you. It will relieve you of internal stress, help you regain self-confidence and peace, bring you into a state of mental balance, and overcome your internal anger.

It is believed that jewelry with agate makes a person more eloquent, pleasant to talk to, helping him to make the desired impression on the audience.

Another property of this mineral is the ability to resist energy vampires, protecting its owner. After talking with people who, as it seems to you, tried to "feed" your energy, agate must be cleaned. Back home, remove the jewelry with this stone and put it in cold water.

In ancient times, agate served as a talisman protecting against lightning and earthquakes. And he was also credited with the ability to sharpen a person's hearing and even awaken in him the ability to clairvoyance.

Depending on the color, agates have different magical properties. For example, light (white and yellowish) agates are the kindest: they will make you more patient, softer, calm, instill a sense of confidence. Black agate is considered a male talisman, acts as a talisman against dark forces. Black agate with white streaks is a kind of "watchman": it will warn you about upcoming troubles in time, and it will help you to overcome them.

Adularia is a type of moonstone. Its distinctive feature is gentle shining bluish tints and reflections. The color of adularia is usually white, light gray or bluish. This stone is translucent, less often - transparent, has a glassy luster. With its color and radiance, it resembles the disk of the moon, hence its name - "moonstone". And the name "adularia" comes from the word "Adula". Adula - mountains in Switzerland, where crystals of this stone were first found. There is adularia, which has the effect of a "cat's eye", but this is rare and, as a rule, it is highly prized.

This stone is considered suitable for people born during the full moon.

There are many legends about the moonstone. It is said, for example, that a white spot appears on its surface, growing as the moon's radiance increases until the full moon. The sages noted that on the new moon the stone becomes colder and seems to be filled with moonlight, starting to shine noticeably brighter, and at the same time the magical power of the mineral increases. With a decrease in the lunar disk, the brightness fades until the next new moon. How a piece of rock can reflect the course of the lunar month so strongly is still unknown.

In India, adularia has become a sacred stone that brings happiness.

In ancient times, it was believed that originally the moonstone was present in every stone, but not all of them could turn into a jewel. For this to happen, the stone had to lie in a certain place for a very long time and absorb Moonlight thousand full moons. After that, he himself began to glow like the moon, and this light made him even and smooth, like a pebble. And a person who was lucky enough to find such a stone acquired the ability to predict. Chaldean magicians put adularia under their tongues to see the future.

It is believed that adularia helps to find the right solution in a difficult situation. To do this, after the moon rises, you need to take a stone in your hands, substitute it under the rays of the night luminary and focus on your question. Most likely, the stone will "tell you" what to do - the right decision will come to mind by itself.

Because of its unusual iridescent white color with a bluish or yellowish tint, it was called "moon foam" - they believed that these stones were frozen tears of the moon goddess; it has iridescence and seems to have its own source of radiance within itself, it is always different, changeable, slightly shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

In ancient Greek mythology, the moonstone appears as a gift from the northern edge of the Hyperboreans. Boreas personified the north wind, and it was in the distant northern country - "beyond Boreas" - that this fabulous people lived. The Hyperboreans were all extremely cheerful and talented in terms of music, dancing and songs. From their country to the rest of the world, according to legend, they brought moon stones, which carried a charge of Hyperborean cheerfulness, as well as magical power: they made it possible to touch mystical revelations and visions.

Other ancient legend tells that the moonstone was created by Satan. He saw Eve admiring the beautiful flowers of Eden and wanted her attention to turn to his creation. This is how a beautiful stone with an inexplicable magical shine appeared. Of course, the jewel could not fail to delight Eve. According to legend, this marked the beginning of the awakening of greed in human hearts.

Adularia is not worn all the time - it can be worn during the period from new moon to full moon, on a flawed moon it becomes a real vampire of energy, weakening its owner. He manifests his qualities most powerfully on Mondays. It is best to wear the stone on the neck or chest, or in a ring on the ring finger, set in silver. A brooch with a moonstone, worn at the level of the heart, will attract true love to you and awaken a reciprocal in your soul deep feeling; this stone is an excellent "therapy" against loneliness. He immediately reacts to the cooling of the senses: dims, changes saturation.

Under the influence of the moon, the ebb and flow of the earth occurs on the earth. This property of the patronizing celestial body is transferred to the moonstone. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps to resist stress, extinguishes outbursts of anger and other negative emotions.

The most famous moonstone deposit (adularia) is located on the island of Sri Lanka, it was from there that the most valuable high-quality specimens came for a long time. To date, Sri Lanka's fields have been almost completely depleted. In the middle of the 20th century, its deposits were discovered in the United States, in the state of Virginia. In addition, adularia is mined in India, Burma, Tanzania, Australia, Switzerland, Madagascar. In Russia, only isolated cases finds of adularia. They were made in the Urals and Siberia.

Azurite is a copper ore. In its natural form, azurite is extremely aesthetic - it has a heterogeneous color, woven from veins, spots and threads of white, blue, blue colors, into which emerald-green malachite inclusions and layers sometimes creep; this azurite is called "azurmalahite".

Azurite was often confused with dark blue lapis lazuli, which was highly prized in the East. The words azurite and lapis lazuli are derived from the same Arabic root "azul" - blue, and the Persian "lazard" - azure, where the initial "l" is just an article. The ancient names of azurite: copper blue, mountain blue, copper azure. The modern name "azurite" was consolidated in 1824 by the French mineralogist F. Bedan.

In ancient times, products from azurite belonged to the objects of worship: for example, Egyptian priests used amulets from it, and the druids of Ireland worked magic with azurite sticks.

Azurite is a stone for expanding the boundaries of consciousness, it helps to reevaluate your life, to reveal unmanifest abilities and talents. It is best to wear azurite on the wrist in a bracelet or around the neck in a necklace, bead, pendant or pendant.

Since ancient times, azurite has been most actively used as a paint. Not every mineral can become a paint - for this, its crumb must also have bright color, while blue turquoise or scarlet rubies, when rubbed, become a whitish substance, unsuitable for an artist. Azurite was quite soft and extremely rich in luscious blue - from cobalt to sky blue - a palette of shades. The famous Egyptian murals, depicting scenes from the life of the gods and pharaohs, were based on azurite and malachite pigments, as well as the timeless paintings that were once applied to the walls and ceilings of wealthy Roman villas. From Rome, the custom of making paint from azurite passed into Byzantine culture, and from there - into Old Russian icon painting and wall painting, where "cabbage roll", as the azurite dye was called in Russia, was used more widely than other blue mineral pigments.

In European painting from the 15th century to the middle of the 17th century, blue paint for fresco painting was made on the basis of azurite, which was used more widely than paint based on lapis lazuli. This is due to the fact that it gives an excellent blue color, but at the same time does not require a lot of time for pigment enrichment.

Andrei Rublev immortalized this stone in the world famous "Trinity". In this work, stuffed cabbage undoubtedly dominates over other colors, uniting them with a single idea. Russian icon painters generally gave a clear preference to the blue scale - a symbol of spirituality and wisdom - and in every icon up to the 17th century, light "heavenly" tones prevail.

Azurites are mainly mined in Australia (Queensland), Chile, Mexico, USA (Arizona and New Mexico), Germany, France, Kazakhstan and Africa (Zaire, Namibia, Zambia). In terms of the quality of collectible azurite, the first place belongs to the famous Teumeb deposit in Namibia, where individual crystals reach 25 cm in size with impeccable quality. Azurites are widely known from deposits in Morocco - Mibladen and Tuissit. Interesting samples of azurite are mined in the copper deposits of the South Urals.


Aquamarine is a gemstone, a transparent variety of beryl, the color is due to the presence of iron impurities - bluish green, dark green, light and dark blue. Its shine is glassy.

Aquamarine is a sea frozen in stone. The color of this stone gave rise to its name: "aqua" - water, "maare" - sea. As Pliny wrote, “with its color it resembles the pure green of sea waters” ... According to legend, this stone was mined from a box with the treasures of ghostly mermaids. And in ancient times, this stone was considered to bring good luck to sailors. There is a legend in the East that says that aquamarines are the frozen spray of the ocean. The wave, hitting the coastal stones, throws millions of sparkling drops onto the shore like fireworks, which fall on the ground in bulk.

In ancient Greece, aquamarine was considered the talisman of the ocean god Poseidon.

What to give an earthly beauty?

Ten two of the finest pearls?

Or the stone that is with me

Which is the talisman of the sea? -

Neptune sighed, looking at the wondrous stone, -

Isn't my stone too transparent? ...

But, it seems, in a silver dress,

The earthly beauty will like him.

Making his gift to an earthly girl, Neptune hoped that the stone would tie the beauty's heart with love threads, make her love for him permanent. Probably, the god of the seas was not mistaken in the action of his talisman. And now this stone is the guardian of love.

There is also a medieval legend, which reflects the value of this stone as a symbol of loyalty in love and friendship. According to her, one of the most famous couples in love of those times - the philosopher Abelard and his student Eloise, parting forever, exchanged rings with aquamarine.

Carved images of emperors, gods and mythical monsters on bluish-green aquamarine gems have survived to this day.

From a single piece of aquamarine, framed in gold at both ends, the scepter of the Polish king Stanislav was made, kept in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin, and in 1867 a bust of Napoleon III was sold in Paris from a single aquamarine weighing 6 kg. One of the most famous aquamarines, weighing about 920 carats (182 g), adorns the crown of the British Empire. Since the early Middle Ages, aquamarines have been very popular in Europe since the early Middle Ages, being customary inserts into royal regalia - they were found in the magnificent “Gisella's Garment” by the daughter of King Charles III of the Franks, and in the tiara of Pope Julius II.

It is considered a valuable gemstone. Its cost fluctuates depending on the shade and purity of the color. Samples of deep blue color are valued most of all. Some properties of aquamarine simply defy logical explanation - this stone changes color when the weather changes or depending on the mood of the owner, like sea waters. If a hurricane is raging outside the window or in your soul, aquamarine will become more greenish. If it is raining and slush in the yard, or there are intrigues against you, or there is sadness in your heart, the stone will grow cloudy. This stone is able to wash away longing and sadness, soothe the dull pain of separation or loss. Jewelry with aquamarine can be worn in the brightest sunny moments of life, and acute moments of experience, so that it dissolves the heaviness and helps you set off on a new voyage. The properties of the stone are more pronounced if it is framed in silver, but this gem is also unique in that it is combined with almost any metal. Aquamarine is most useful for people born under the signs of Pisces and Cancer. This stone will bring some misfortune to Sagittarius and it is completely contraindicated for Gemini.

The most magnificent deposits of aquamarines are located in Brazil, at one of the South American deposits a crystal of aquamarine weighing 110.5 kg was mined. The largest known cut stone weighs 2,594 carats.

The largest and most beautiful specimens are in the collections of the British Museum - a bluish-green transparent crystal in the form of an irregular prism weighing approximately 110.2 kg; as well as faceted stones of bluish green (879 carats), green (60 carats), dark blue - all from Brazil; in the Hyde Park Museum - a superbly cut 1847 carat blue aquamarine crystal; at the American Museum national history- faceted stones of various colors, including deep blue Brazilian aquamarine (144.5 carats) and pale blue Sri Lankan aquamarine (355 carats); at the Smithsonian Institution bluish-green (1000 carats) and dark blue (911 carats) Brazilian aquamarine, as well as a blue-blue specimen from Siberia (263.5 carats); This collection also contains extremely rare pieces of cut stones of unusual colors, for example, green-yellow (2054 carats), yellowish-blue (1363 carats) and brown (about 20 carats) with an asterism effect - all from Brazil. Large collections of aquamarines are also found in Russia, Iran and Turkey.


Alexandrite is a type of beryl, a very rare type of yellowish green chrysoberyl. The stone differs in that it changes its red-burgundy color under artificial lighting to emerald green in daylight.

Ural and Indian stones are bluish-green, Ceylon stones are thick olive. There are also green shades of grass, emerald color and others. The "red" part of alexandrite can be of different shades of red, purple and often resembles amethyst.

This rare stone was discovered in the 18th century by the Finnish mineralogist Nils Nrdenskskjold in an emerald mine near Yekaterinburg. At first it was mistaken for an emerald, but it turned out that it is harder than this gem. Another surprising property was discovered: when brought to a candle, this new mineral burned with a blood-red fire. The fact that at that time this stone was mined only in Russia and that two mysteriously replacing its colors - green and red - were then considered the colors of supreme power and luxury, played a role during the search for a name for the new mineral. The stone was presented to the then-future Emperor Alexander II at the age of majority in 1842. This is how the mineral got the name "alexandrite". Alexandrite very quickly gained recognition from the then elite. Only court ladies and wives of foreign diplomats could afford such a beautiful and expensive stone.

However, this mineral was known, although not diagnosed, much earlier, only it was mistaken for another: in the 12th century in Zaporozhye, a Polovtsian khan was buried, on whose ring finger modern archaeologists have found a wonderful golden ring with alexandrite; he is also mentioned in an ancient Indian treatise written 4000 years ago.

Named after the Russian tsar, alexandrite should be worn by lawyers and diplomats, as this mineral develops intuition and improves memory. 1 carat of real alexandrite costs from $ 5000 to 37000. The mass of natural alexandrite rarely exceeds 1 carat. The price of alexandrite depends on its color, purity and weight. The only mine in the Urals was developed and closed at the end of the 20th century. Now it is almost impossible to buy natural Ural alexandrite. And although today you can find natural alexandrites from Brazil and Africa on the market, these olive-colored gemstones are suitable only for comparison with the unfading beauty of Russian stone.

This rare gem in Russia was considered and called the stone of sadness and loneliness - the widow's stone. If a woman decided to wear it in a ring after the death of a person close to her, it was recommended to wear it in tandem with a second ring (it is possible with any stone), so that there would be no misfortune.

Apparently, the reason for the creation of beliefs was the assassination of Alexander II. After the assassination of the king in 1881, alexandrite came into special fashion; many monarchists began to acquire this gem in memory of the sovereign. Moreover, such alexandrite rings were made together with two diamonds, which meant the stone of Alexander II and two brilliant deeds of his reign - the liberation of the peasants and the establishment of the best legal procedure in the world.

The largest druse of alexandrite crystals weighing about 5 kg (25 x 15 cm) is in the Moscow Mineralogical Museum. Fersman, and the largest faceted alexandrite weighing 66 carats is stored in the USA, at the famous Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

Diamond (cut diamond) is the most popular gemstone. The word "diamond" comes from the Greek word "adamas", which means "irresistible", "invincible".

Without a cut, the diamond does not look very attractive. The surface of crystals extracted from the earth is in most cases rough and covered with a translucent fissured gray crust. Only after polishing and cutting the diamond into a diamond did a person see that “this is the light of the sun, thickened in the ground and cooled by time, it plays with all the colors of the rainbow, but itself remains transparent, like a drop,” according to the writer Kuprin. The same stone appears to be painted in different colors depending on the position of the light source and the observer. All this creates a unique play of a diamond, which is expressed in an enchanting combination of the brilliance of the edges with bright flashes of light and continuous play of all colors of the rainbow inside the stone with its slow rotation.

A diamond is a cut diamond. Usually it is colorless or has faint yellow, brown, gray, green, sometimes pink tints, rarely black. There are about 1000 varieties of gem-quality diamonds.

Diamond is a symbol of hardness, courage, innocence. This stone gives the owner firmness and courage, protects the limbs of his body.

A diamond must be acquired freely, without coercion and violence, then it will have great power. The stone will lose its strength due to the sinfulness, intemperance of the person who wears it. Diamonds, which are inherited from the mother - daughter, from the father - to the son, have great power. If you bought them, they will not start working for you right away. They need to be tamed. The diamond is the stone of kings, high priests and celebrities. He serves high-ranking personalities with faith and truth, this proud stone is indifferent to ordinary people. But if you received it as an inheritance or as a gift, it will help you too, only this will not happen soon enough - in 7-10 years. All this time, the diamond will tune in to the new owner and, having understood its essence, will begin to actively work for him.

As a talisman, the diamond can be worn on the ring finger of the left hand, as well as in the form of earrings or a pendant so that the stone touches the skin. He will help in matters of the heart and in work, but with one condition - the person's intentions must be honest and moral. It will bring only misfortune to thieves, murderers, swindlers and swindlers.

A diamond with inner spots is considered the most unlucky and fatal stone.

Diamond is the most valuable, but also the most dangerous stone for humans. However, this does not mean that he is hurting a person, it is just that if he is treated rudely and impolitely, he can be offended and harm the owner.

Diamond is the first stone of the zodiac as it has tremendous energetic power. He reflects the entire zodiac in himself and is the "leader" of all other minerals.

Annual world diamond production is estimated at 100 million carats (20 tons), of which 40 million are in Africa and 30 million in Russia and Australia.

The mass of mined diamonds is usually 0.1–1.0 carats, large gemstones (over 100 carats) are rare. The price of rough gem-quality diamonds is about $ 100 per carat, the cost of diamonds varies greatly depending on the purity of the "water", the shades of the "bloom" color, the presence of inclusions and defects, the size of the stones, the quality of the cut, etc. The usual price of a carat of diamonds is from 400 to 1000 dollars.

♦ The main indicator, of course, is weight. The more, the more expensive.

♦ A good diamond should be colorless. If a stone of perfect color is placed in water, it becomes invisible. This is where the concept of a "clear water" diamond arose.

Most high class by color - the first. Medium-sized Russian diamonds usually reach the first or second class.

♦ The purity of the stone is determined by the absence of internal defects - cracks, inclusions. According to the accepted classification, the first class is also the most expensive. In stones with a low purity, defects can be seen through an ordinary magnifying glass. And according to this indicator, average diamonds correspond to grade 3-4.

♦ Cut is a decorative element, but often determines the choice of the buyer. The classic "round" shape is beyond competition here. The number of faces must be indicated. It is an overwhelming task for the buyer to independently distinguish a fake diamond from a real one. If the stone is of ordinary size, the reputation of the store serves as a guarantee of its authenticity. You can order an independent gemological examination.

If the price tag indicates - 1Kr57-0.24 1 / 5A - this means:

- one round stone,

- 57 faces,

- weighing 0.24 carats,

- the color corresponds to the 1st class,

- cleanliness - class 5A.

Such a ring costs about 20 thousand rubles.

Industrial diamonds are used in diamond drill bits, saws, cutters, wire drawing dies, polishing powders and pastes, and in the optical and electronics industries as semiconductors.

The Arabs have a legend. In the distant, distant times, when the Blue Nile was so wide that even crocodiles could not swim across it, Gold argued with Diamond, which of them is the most noble, the most powerful on Earth.

- I AM! - said Gold. - I am cast on the crowns of sultans, shahs and kings, queens wear chased gold wrists on their sleek hands, gold rings adorn their thin, lotus-like stamen fingers. Because of me, so much blood has been shed on Earth that it could fill all the wells of the world and Lake Chad. You, Diamond, are only an insignificant appendage to my golden glory.

- You are wrong, Gold, - Almaz objected, - because of me bloody wars were also waged, I also adorn the thrones, sceptres and rings of pharaohs, rajahs and shahinhs.

“Well, if so, then let's ask the Sun which of us is more powerful and more valuable,” offered Gold, and they turned their question to the eternal luminary.

“I don’t hear you,” the Sun replied. - Come closer and tell us what you are arguing about on your faded star.

Then Gold and Diamond went along the Milky Way and approached the Sun. But then the Gold turned red, turned pale and, having melted, spilled onto the Earth in a golden rain. And the Diamond returned as brilliant and solid as it was before.

Since then, Gold never again argued with Diamond, once and for all yielding to him the primacy.

The Persian philosopher Biruni wrote down the following legend: diamond seekers covered the nest with an eagle chick with glass, and the eagle, noticing it and not being able to penetrate the nest, flies away, brings the diamond and throws it on the glass to break it. When there were a lot of diamonds, the seekers appropriated them and removed the glass so that the eagle thought that he had managed to break the glass. After a while, the seekers again covered the nest with glass, and the eagle again began to wear diamonds. Perhaps that is why among the names of the "king of stones" there is one more - "Eagle stone".

This legend echoes the tale of the journey of Sinbad the Sailor, which describes an ingenious way of mining diamonds. In one distant country, the bottom of the gorge is dotted with diamonds, but hordes of poisonous snakes block access there. To extract precious stones, people threw pieces of meat from the surrounding mountains of the gorge. The eagles carried them with adhered diamonds to their nests, and clever stone seekers took the diamonds from there.


Almandine is a cherry-red with a purple hue, a variety of the pomegranate mineral. Another name is carbuncle. In jewelry, only transparent stones are used that are suitable for cutting.

They came from Asia Minor, from a place called Alabanda, and were already popular in Ancient Greece and Rome, where women did not neglect massive gold necklaces with inserts of these cherry stones, which were beautifully combined with bright yellow gold and green beryls.

Many headdresses covered with red stones were also found in the burial mounds of the Scythians.

Almandine has always been the most beloved in Russia - here they appreciated its thick, “tasty” color, reminiscent of cherries ripening in gardens, of ripe raspberries poured in the sun. In the 18th century, deposits of stone were found on the territory of the Russian Empire - along with other precious stones of the II order, which in demand followed immediately after rubies, sapphires, emeralds and diamonds, almandines began to be actively used in high-society jewelry - gemstone "bouquets" pinned to dresses, brooches, earrings, rings, necklaces, pendants and medallions, diadems, as well as in the manufacture of then popular snuff boxes, on the lids of which were laid out "mosaics" or "pictures" of various minerals.

During the Art Nouveau era, Faberge returned to the roots of Russian jewelry art, actively used stones with a "raspberry" and "cherry" sheen - tourmalines, rubies, almandines. He decorated pectoral crosses, panagias, icons, folding images. At the same time, secular adornments in the form of flowers, leaves, stars and other "naturalistic" motives were also made from almandines. Bracelets, brooches, pendants and earrings were made in a special way, when the frame is almost invisible to the eye, and faceted gems make up solid sparkling "ribbons" - this setting was typical at the end of the 19th century.

There was a legend about the origin of these stones: it was as if an echidna, a half-woman, half-snake, lived by the sea, and instead of eyes she had a huge blood-red carbuncle in her forehead glowing like a star. Bathing, she leaves a stone on the shore, and the daredevil who can sneak up and carry the gem will receive power over the demoness, who would reveal to him the secrets of the treasures stored underground. But no matter how many heroes tried to steal the carbuncle, all were defeated, because the echidna invariably overtook the kidnapper, no matter how quickly he ran. This legend, in poetic form, explains why the Almandines were considered very rare and expensive stone... Due to the high cost, it was almost impossible to buy them from oriental merchants, only boyars, princes and representatives of the higher clergy could afford really high-quality stones. Gems were worn in rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and other jewelry.

Decorated with almandines and the "Kazan Hat", which is now kept in the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.

Almandine will turn the life of his master into a continuous holiday: he will drive away melancholy, will not let you get bored, will bring loyal friends, attract happiness, and will protect you from betrayal and failures. The gem is not suitable for overly serious people, because almandine is a stone of entertainment, which in no case does not accept boring and despondency. It will become an excellent amulet for active people who love risk, as well as for representatives of creative professions, for whom not only high matters, but also material benefits are important.


Amazonite is a mineral, a type of potassium feldspar with a bluish-green color. In general, its color varies from white-green and pure green to bluish-green. It also contains inclusions of white and yellowish albite. It is they who make the color heterogeneous, create bizarre patterns of light veins on the surface of the stone. It is neither green nor blue, and it is not the traditional "sea green", but something in between, exuberant, fresh, purifying both the look and the soul. At the same time, against a greenish-blue background, white veins grow from the depths of the stone, forming a whimsical pattern.

The assertion that the Amazonite is named after its location in the sediments of the Amazon River has no basis. Amazonite products are found already in ancient Egyptian burials. Before the discovery of the Amazon River, more than one thousand years remained to live. In fact, the stone is named after the Amazons. In the excavations of ancient burial mounds from the Urals to the Don, where, according to legend, female warriors lived, they often find Amazonite jewelry that has darkened with time. The very name "Amazon" means "Bareless". Legends say that some Scythian women rubbed one breast with a green stone powder, which retarded its growth. Amazonite jewelry is found during excavations of Scythian burial mounds in those places where, according to the descriptions of ancient historians, the Amazons lived. By the way, the legends about the one-breasted Amazons could well have a real basis. Indeed, according to modern medical data, amazonite powder is a way to inhibit cell growth. The soldiers who took part in the battles with the Amazons said that these women are fierce and bloodthirsty, and you cannot put them to flight, and you can only win by interrupting to the last. The Greeks, led by Hercules himself, who went to the country of the Amazons to get the belt of the Amazonian queen Hippolyta, could be convinced of their excellent command of weapons. Many Greek heroes died then at the hands of the Amazons. They paid dearly for the belt of the god of war Ares, who gave it to the queen of the Amazons. Ancient Greek myths claim that Hippolyta's belt was made from green stones. Perhaps they were precisely the Amazonites.

It is known that amazonite was highly revered in ancient Egypt. Rings and beads made of this mineral, set in silver, were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Back in the 18th century, large deposits of amazonite were discovered in the Urals. Large crystals of this mineral are found in the Ilmen mountains near Miass. It immediately became a popular craft material. It goes especially well with silver. There are amazonite deposits in Transbaikalia. And one of the most significant is located on the Kola Peninsula (Keivy), it is from here that very high quality amazonite comes from.

Like all green stones, it creates a welcoming atmosphere and relieves nervous excitement. It is believed that this stone helps to effectively manage the household, protects the relationship between spouses. Amazonite helps nervous, insecure people find peace, self-confidence and optimism, teaches them to enjoy life.

Amethyst is a transparent, violet variety of quartz. The color of amethyst is very varied in shades and varies from pale purple, pink-bluish-purple, bluish-violet to purple, dark purple, to lavender blue, sometimes to almost black. In jewelry, raw materials with a pinkish-purple and crimson-red hue are most valued. The peculiarity of the mineral is that with prolonged exposure to sunlight, it becomes paler.

One of the interpretations of the origin of the name "amethyst" connects it with the Greek "a-methystos", which means "not subject to intoxication."

The god of wine, surrounded by the beauties of the Bacchantes, was magnificent. The beauty of the features and the tenderness of the skin of the face, devoid of vegetation, Bacchus did not differ from his girlfriends. Clothes and behavior also could not be distinguished. All this often made the great goddess Hera, the wife of the supreme god Zeus, indignant. Bacchus is gentle, kind and cheerful. But he can be formidable, becoming unpredictable in his actions caused by excessive use of wine. Somehow, under the influence of wine fumes, furious, he ordered the lions to tear to pieces the people they met. It so happened that at that time a beautiful nymph named Amethyst came out for a walk. The enraged lion rushed to her, but his claws hit a hard stone, slid over the polished smooth body of the petrified maiden. It turns out that Amethyst turned to the Olympian gods with a request for salvation, and they turned her into a transparent white stone. Waking up in the morning, rubbing his head freed from alcohol, Bacchus could not remember what he had done the previous evening. He went to a meeting with Selene, his teacher and friend at parties, and saw on the way transparent as glass, a statue of a beauty. Then he remembered ... Grieving for what he had done, he went up to the stone maiden, trying to bring her back to life with his breath. It didn't help. Then he began to water the statue with life-giving streams of wine. It was not possible to revive the nymph Amethyst. Only the body of the beauty under the influence of wine acquired a pinkish-purple color and, in the light of the sun, sparkled with sparks of a living and at the same time stone, life unknown to God of wine.

In ancient Greece, cupbearers poured wine into cups with amethyst ladles so that the participants in the feast would not get drunk. This stone was chosen by the priests. In Catholic countries, amethyst is called "episcopal" or "pastoral" stone, while in Russia it is called "bishop's". The choice of the stone was made for a reason. One of the magical properties of amethyst is its ability to activate spiritual forces. There is a belief that amethyst retains the strength of the spirit of its owner even after his death.

Inherited amethyst jewelry is highly valued because it conveys the spiritual values ​​of the clan to descendants and requires appropriate behavior. Amethyst softens human anger.

In the Middle Ages, amethyst jewelry was presented to loved ones as a sign of protection and unity of loving hearts.

Ancient people called amethyst the widow's stone because it symbolized eternity. And if one of the spouses was worried about the other, he began to wear an amethyst in the ring, as a symbol of unchanging love for the departed.

In the south of Brazil, on the border with Uruguay, there are the largest deposits of amethysts in the world. There are also deposits of amethyst in Mexico, Russia, Madagascar.

Ametrine is a unique semi-precious stone. Ametrine is an unusual polychrome mineral. It combines the traits of amethyst and citrine. It resembles both amethyst and citrine in shades. Ametrine crystals are colored in purple, lilac or yellowish-peach tones. The most valuable stones are considered to be from 7 carats, since the color contrast can be more clearly seen in them.

For the first time, the deposit of this mineral became known back in the 17th century. The Spanish conquistador Don Felipe de Goitia, in search of wealth, found himself in the territory of modern Bolivia, where at that time the Indian tribe Ayoreo ruled. There he met a beautiful woman who was the daughter of a tribal leader. They fell in love with each other. When the conquistador decided to return to the Old World, the princess decided to go with him. But the father, having learned about this, decided to destroy Don Filipe and his entire detachment. But Anahi, that was the name of the girl, found out about the upcoming plan and warned her lover. Before leaving the tribe, she gave her husband her amulet, the ametrine stone. And she asked for his permission to enter the grotto where these wonderful stones were found. Entering there, she mysteriously disappeared. Don Filipe was in great sadness, but he had to leave in order to avoid death. Looking at the stone, he realized what Anahi wanted to tell him with this gift. Ametrine personified her heart, which was filled with love in half for him and her people.

A little later, Bolivian ametrines came as gifts to the court of the Spanish queen.

Ametrine is a kind of Yin-Yang symbol, denoting duality, dualism of the world. But he is not talking about the struggle of opposites, but on the contrary - about complementing one with another, about harmonizing polarities and coexisting together and side by side.

There is a legend that the shamans of the ancient Indians with the help of this mineral could stop wars between tribes and blood feuds, ensuring that angry gods replaced anger with mercy. In the Middle Ages, ametrine was used by court flatterers to get mercy on a superior person. Alchemists and magicians, summoning spirits, necessarily had a crystal of ametrine with them in order to appease the otherworldly being and persuade him to reveal sacred secrets or enlist his supernatural help.

It is believed that with the help of this mineral it is possible to achieve the development of such extraordinary abilities like clairvoyance or clairaudience. If a product with ametrine is placed near the bed at night, it will induce a prophetic dream. However, before that, the stone must be configured to communicate with astral world... This is done as follows: on a full moon, you need to put a stone on a piece of purple silk material under the light of the moon.

Ametrine affects the activity of the whole organism by stimulating it. It nourishes the vitality of a person, strengthens the immune system, heals apathy, melancholy, depression, fears and phobias. The stone, worn in a ring, earrings or beads, enhances the effect of any medicine and helps to cleanse the blood.

Ametrine is mined in Bolivia, in the Anahi mine, this is actually the only place in the world, so the stone is quite expensive.

Ammolite is a relatively rare organic gemstone found in the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains in the United States and Canada. The name ammolite comes from the Greek word lithos - stone and the name of the mineral of ancient shells of mollusks - ammonites. Ammolites are not a mineral; they are fossilized fragments of the nacreous layer of ammonite shells that appeared in the seas of our planet about 300 million years ago. Like pearls, they are composed of calcium carbonate. Ammolite is considered the most valuable stone of organic origin, which also includes amber, pearls, mother-of-pearl, jet, coral.

The color of the stone is red-green, red-yellow, blue-green, bluish-green, rarely purple and pink. Ammolites of the highest quality contain a full spectrum of colors. This color is not due to pigments, but only to the refraction of light in the layers of fossilized mother-of-pearl. It is opaque, translucent in thin edges.

Ammolite is associated with the forces of water elements and is a conductor between water and people. The shamans of the ancient Indians caused rain with it. Some legends claimed that ammolite is able to find underground rivers or lead the owner to a water source.

The quality and, accordingly, the cost of ammolytes depends on the richness of their color. The price for jewelry using ammolyte can fluctuate between $ 40-600.

The mineral should be worn in the form of a brooch, hairpin or pendant. Ammolite inserted into a ring or earrings does not have a healing effect on the human body.

Ammonite shells are found in many places on Earth, but the ammolite mineral is mined only in one place - in the province of Alberta in Canada.


Andalusite is one of the most extraordinary gemstones. The main color of andalusite is from brownish-red to yellowish-green with pink orange-brown, golden, yellow tints. Sometimes colorless stones can be found in nature. It has the optical effect of pleochroism, that is, it changes color depending on the angle of incidence of light. Opaque andalusite is chiastolite. Translated from Greek, "chiastos" means crossed, and "lithos" means a stone. According to other sources, the name of the stone comes from the Greek "hyasmos", which means "crosshair". After processing on this opaque variety of Andalusite, you can see a pattern very reminiscent of a cross, for which this stone fell in love with the monks. In the Order of Malta, knights ordered rings with chiastolite, which is why this type of Andalusite was nicknamed the "Maltese cross".

For the first time the mineral andalusite was found in Spain, in the area of ​​Andalusia, from which the name of the stone came.

Andalusite is one of the most powerful magic stones. The ancient priests constantly used it in their rituals. The oracles wore these stones around their necks, as they believed that it was they who helped them communicate with the world of the dead and higher powers... This mineral did not go unnoticed in Christianity either. Monks made rosary and amulets from andalusite.

In the Middle Ages, the Knights of the Knights Templar used this mineral in their rituals. Since on the surface of the Andalusite one could see an image in the form of a cross, the knights of the Order of Malta considered it a drop of the blood of Jesus Christ. Not only knights believed in the magical properties of Andalusite, but also warriors, travelers, alchemists, and fortunetellers. For example, Nostradamus always wore an andalusite pendant around his neck and fingered his rosary with it.

Andalusite is able to help a person learn the sacred secrets, help to reach a new level of thinking, as well as learn to recognize and understand the signals of the Universe. Andalusite will not tolerate frivolity. The mineral will never help those who, with its help, try to achieve selfish goals, commit acts to the detriment of people, or with malicious intent try to carry out their plans.

Andalusite protects the soldiers during the battle. Andalusite is believed to help in the treatment of nervous and mental disorders.

Andalusite is a rather rare stone, it is difficult to buy it in stores, but it gradually "breaks through" to the market and finds its buyer. Mostly men prefer to wear Andalusite jewelry. Over the past 10 years, the price of faceted andalusite has increased 70 times.

Andalusite deposits are widespread in Brazil, USA, Sri Lanka, Spain and Switzerland. Mineralogically interesting reddish-brown andalusite crystals are well known from the mica schists of the Aleksandrovskoye mine area near the village of Mankovo ​​in Transbaikalia; yellow-gray ones are found along the banks of the Argun River. Good flesh-colored crystals - from the Akzau-Getcheget-Karabashi mountain in the Elbrus region. Numerous deposits are known in Kazakhstan.

Apatite is a mineral that contains impurities of manganese, iron, strontium, aluminum, rare earths. A bright variety of color, type, shape of the precious stone is great: apatites are bright blue, like the sky on a clear day, yellow, like a ray of the morning sun, or blue-green, like the surface of the sea. It got its name due to its many types, which can be easily confused with other stones. From the Greek "apatite" can be translated as "deceiving" or "deceiver." Apatite gets its name because it was often used to imitate more expensive stones such as the precious beryl, tourmaline, topaz, and sphene. Small crystals of transparent apatite are of jewelry value. Impurities of macro- and microelements, heavy metals, non-metallic compounds radically change the appearance of the stone. Transparent crystals of light violet or pink color are incredibly beautiful. However, formations of green and blue shades... The faceted crystals of apatite are very reminiscent of beryls, tourmalines and even dense green diopside.

Apatite is actually one of the constituents of the human body, produced and consumed by the human body. Its microcrystals are found in the teeth and bones of vertebrates and humans, and it is also found in all forms of life - bacteria, invertebrates and plants. It is believed that he has very powerful healing abilities. Many gem lovers are fascinated by the legends and healing properties of gemstones, especially those related to the human body.

Apatite is very attached to its owner. If he gets sick, then the stone gets sick with him, he may be offended if he is presented to another person, he may even die with its owner. All these states of apatite are reflected in the appearance of this stone, its luster.

Thanks to its devotion, this mineral does everything possible to protect the owner from everyday troubles and hardships, warning a person about possible danger... Apatite can do this in different ways. Most often, he contacts a person through prophetic dreams to warn of impending negative events. Of course, this can only happen if at the time of sleep he is on the body in the form of any adornment. However, many owners of apatite say that when danger is imminent, the mineral begins to show activity, causing itching and redness of the skin. A person may even have an irresistible desire to take off the jewelry. If the owner of this stone understands his language, he can get rid of many troubles with the help of apatite.

Apatite is considered a stone of learning and inspiration. This is a stone of the fire element, it is useful for overcoming fears and turning thoughts into physical actions.

The largest industrial deposit is located in Russia on the Kola Peninsula in the rocks of an alkaline complex (Khibiny massif). Also industrial mining, but on a smaller scale, is carried out in Finland (blue stone); in Norway (aqua moroxite). Green stones come from the shores of the Indian Ocean and from Canada. Opaque crystals can be enormous. Crystals of apatite weighing more than 200 kg were found in Canada with a prism length of about 2 m. Yellow and brown stones mined on the American continent. Purple and colorless apatites are native to Europe. Deposits of pink apatite have been discovered relatively recently - in the Pamirs and in Transbaikalia.


Aragonite belongs to calcium carbonates. The color is purple, as well as colors from white to light green.

Gloss - matte, pearlescent. It is called iron flowers or sparkling stone for the bizarreness of the forms it takes. It can look like the finest white needles, then it appears in the form of even crystals growing like a flower from one point in all directions.

The name of the stone comes from the ancient Spanish city of Molina de Aragon, where it was first discovered. The term "aragonite" was coined by the German geologist A. G. Werner in 1796. About 230 million years ago, where Spain is located today, there was a significant decrease in sea level. It was accompanied by a large-scale deposition of salts and gypsum, which later formed vast deposits of aragonite. Today, this stone is mined in four autonomous regions of Spain: Aragon, Navarra, Valencia and Castile la Mancha. These places are so rich in aragonite that, despite a two-hundred-year history of mining, the deposits of the mineral have not yet been depleted.

According to legend, the tears of a girl whose parents did not allow her to marry her lover turned into aragonite.

Aragonite was used in the construction and decoration of the Jerusalem Temple.

Aragonite has a calming effect on the body: it calms the nervous system, relieves insomnia and unreasonable fears, relieves fatigue, irritation and anger. Aragonite can be called a truly family stone. It is believed that this mineral, used as a talisman for the home, attracts coziness, benevolent atmosphere, prosperity and comfort to it. If relations between the spouses suddenly became tense, then one of the spouses can be presented with aragonite jewelry as a gift in the name of reconciliation. If your spouse is too lazy to do chores around the house, give him a ring with aragonite. This mineral will not only help to cope with laziness, it will make you work around the house, awaken the desire to do things quickly, and most importantly with pleasure. The mineral is especially effective in terms of optimizing complex relationships between different generations of the family. A mother-in-law or mother-in-law can be presented with a necklace or a casket, and cufflinks or an inlaid cigarette case for the father-in-law.

The mineral will save the owner from spree, drunkenness and addiction to gambling. It will help adolescents to endure transitional age more easily, adult men will ease the midlife crisis, and women wearing aragonite jewelry will more calmly survive menopause. If a person wears aragonite until old age or has it in the house as a talisman, then until his death he retains a completely pure mind and strong memory.

This mineral is also mined in Romania, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Greece, Namibia, Bulgaria, Mexico, Morocco, Japan. In Russia, collectible aragonite is found in the Urals and Taimyr.

Balin is a mineral that contains a large number of substances. In nature, balin is mainly found in gray, yellow, black and red colors. Balin has red veins, which are so bright that when the stone is polished, a pattern similar to blood stains is formed on its surface. This is due to the fact that cinnabar veins are often found in the stone. This stone has a matte silk sheen.

It was also named Changua (Tsang-Hwa) after the province in China, where it was mined since the Ming Dynasty.

The widespread name for balin comes from autonomous region Balin in Mongolia, where this mineral is mined.

Balin is a stone endowed with a rare property. This mineral is able to change its color when exposed to sunlight. Because of such an amazing property, balin in ancient times was considered a moonstone, and the owners of products decorated with such a stone hid from daylight and exhibited or dressed them only at night.

V Ancient China this mineral was highly prized, almost like jade or jasper. In the old days, oriental masters made seals from balin, figurines of Buddha and Buddhist monks, and often compositions from balin served as illustrations of myths or historical plots known in the East. This stone was forbidden to have commoners. Only the emperor of the Celestial Empire himself could give products made of this stone, and those who turned out to be the happy owner of such a gift received a kind of guarantee that they would never fall out of favor. Even when dynasties changed and the new ruler began to expel old officials, a person should have shown gifts with balin, and he avoided humiliating resignation.

According to legend, the balin seal was once presented to the emperor of Japan, after which the Japanese began to consider this stone sacred. They believe that the balin attracts financial luck to its owner, helps in business, when solving complex issues, and protects it from thieves.

Balin contains mercury sulfides. They are toxic, so the stone is not used for treatment. But at the same time, the stone is a very strong amulet and amulet. The balin talisman provides financial success to its owner, health, protection, well-being, contributes to the acquisition of wisdom, self-confidence and fame.

Balin is no longer mined in China. In 1985, the Chinese authorities officially ceased the production of this mineral in the Chang-Gul province, as the deposit had run out. Its deposits are located in Mongolia.


Belemnites are long-extinct invertebrate cephalopods. Outwardly, they looked like squid, but, unlike them, they had an inner shell. Their length, as a rule, did not exceed 40 cm, and the shell had a cigarette-like shape. Belemnites range in color from light gray and yellow to dark brown and cherry.

Belemnon in ancient Greek is a dart. According to the first "stone scientists", often found elongated pebbles with a pointed end were nothing more than dart tips. In Russian usage, belemnite has two names: "devil's finger" and "thunder arrow".

Due to its rapid shape and inextricable connection with water, belemnite was most often associated with thunderstorms in people. For example, in European folklore, these cylindrical "bullets" were usually considered to be thrown from heaven during a thunderstorm in the form of lightning, hitting the ground and turned into stone. In Lithuanian mythology, the belemnites were called "Pekuno akmu" or the stones of Perun, the god of thunder, who is often compared to the Norse Thor. In Germany, people believed that keeping these thunderstones at home allows them to protect the owners from lightning, and in Holland these same stones, but already called "donderstenen", or Donar stones (the Dutch god of thunder) were kept on the roof for the same reason.

In Komi mythology, belemnites or "kul chun" - "devil's fingers" also played an important role. According to legend, they appeared during the last stage of the struggle between En and Omol for supremacy in the world they created. Having lured Omol and all his helper spirits into the clay pots he made by deception, Yen began to bury them in the ground. During the burial, one pot accidentally broke and spirits scattered from it. Some of them ran along the banks of rivers, and their fingers, which were not adapted to such surfaces, broke off, turning into stones.

Belemnites from each nationality were endowed with a number of magical properties. In Lithuania, the wound from a snakebite must be rubbed with this stone, while simultaneously pronouncing a spell.

In some parts of western Scotland, belemnites were called "bat stones." They were used as a remedy for poisoning. He was placed in drinking water to cure an ailment. In England, the powder of belemnite, known there as the "fingers of the devil" or "fingers of St. Peter ", treated rheumatism and eye diseases, blowing it into the patient's eyes.

They were sprinkled with wounds so that they heal faster. However, a similar effect can be expected by sprinkling the wound with regular chalk. In folk medicine of Udmurts, belemnites are still used for cut wounds, abscesses, scratches, abscesses, boils, burns as a remedy for suppuration or inflammation. According to their beliefs, from time to time, the fingers of the water Wumurt fall off and new ones grow. There is evidence that "devil's fingers" were also used in combination with other drugs: cobwebs, fresh grated turnips, mold obtained from a rotting tree.

The stone has long been used as amulets, amulets. Fossilized belemnites can be found almost anywhere in the world. In Moscow and the Moscow region, they are found quite often, but their size, as a rule, does not exceed 15 cm. Belemnites, who have found eternal rest in different conditions, ultimately become mutually different in mineral composition. In Australia, belemnites are found, which are of excellent quality opals.

Turquoise is a mineral of the phosphate class. Turquoise is found in three stages of development: young - white, mature - blue, overgrown - green. The color of the mature stone is sky-blue or bluish-green, grayish and brownish-green shades can be found. The peculiarity of turquoise is that its beautiful color can fade if worn without protecting it from the effects of household chemicals and cosmetics. The traditional (but not the only acceptable) setting for the mineral is silver.

The name of this mineral comes from the Persian word "firuza" - "stone of happiness." Its French name "turquoise" goes back to the phrase "pierre turquoise" - "Turkish stone", as turquoise came to Europe through Turkey.

The use of turquoise as jewelry became widespread as early as the 6th millennium BC. NS. Products with turquoise were found during excavations in Central America, Egypt and Central Asia. "Tears of the Goddess of Heaven" - this is what the Aztecs called turquoise. They used this "heavenly" stone to decorate images of gods, ritual masks. Turquoise accompanied the leaders at burial. The Egyptians considered a scarab beetle, carved from turquoise, to be the strongest amulet; the Aztecs made ritual masks from this stone for the leaders. In ancient Iran, turquoise was used to inlay hookahs and water vessels and was prized above gold. Products adorned with turquoise of the highest quality take pride of place in the treasury of the Persian Shah Qajar. In the East, he could not do without jewelry with this mineral. wedding dress bride, he symbolized her integrity and promised a happy family life.

In ancient Greece, turquoise was considered the stone of the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. The day when turquoise fully manifests its qualities of a talisman is Friday, the day of the week, the patroness of which is the goddess of love Aphrodite.

Medieval belief advised women to sew a piece of turquoise into the clothes of their beloved - then a reciprocal feeling is guaranteed.

The Moscow Armory contains the throne of Tsar Boris Godunov with inserts of large oval stones.

Mongolian lamas in ancient times believed that turquoise could reflect various health conditions. In other words, if the stone turns pale, it means that its owner is sick, but the color of the stone is able to recover if its owner recovers. There is a legend according to which Tsar Ivan the Terrible foresaw his imminent death precisely thanks to turquoise - it literally dimmed before our eyes. The king said to the English traveler Horsey: “Look at the turquoise and take it in your hands. It is still bright in your hands, but how dim it is when you put it in my hand! I am infected with a disease, and therefore turquoise loses its color. She foreshadows my death. "

The most famous turquoise is the stone on which the legend about the founder of the Muslim state and Islam itself - Mohammed - was once engraved.

Napoleon Bonaparte in 1810 amazed Marie Louise, his future wife and empress, by presenting her with a magnificent wedding gift - a beautiful tiara decorated with diamonds and turquoise. At first, the tiara was decorated only with diamonds and emeralds, but then, by order of the Emperor Napoleon, emeralds (and there were 79 of them) were replaced by jewelers with turquoise.

Today, most turquoise is mined from copper deposits as a by-product. In Iran, its deposits were known as early as the 3rd millennium BC, and to this day, turquoise is mined in this country. You can find turquoise from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Australia, Argentina, Chile.


Variscite is a fairly rare mineral of the phosphate class. It is similar to turquoise and can be used to imitate turquoise.

The discovery of variscite took place in 1837. The stone is named after the place of discovery: Variscia is an old Latin name for the Vogtland region, located in the Ore Mountains, on the border of East Germany (Saxony) and the Czech Republic (Bohemia). The term "variscite" was introduced by the discoverer - German mineralogist T. Breithaupt.

The color of the stone is from colorless and bluish-green to bright green, sometimes with a yellowish tint. Pink variscite is very rare. In terms of luster, the stone ranges from glass to wax. The degree of transparency of variscite is translucent to transparent.

Usually, stories about gemstones are full of dramatic plots, theft, ruin, blood and betrayal. It is impossible to recall anything like this in connection with variscitis.

Its main property is that it brings goodness into a person's life. He is able to make his master more merciful, sensitive to the suffering and hardships of other people and make him help everyone who needs help. But this will not be an unreasonable desire to do good deeds. The fact is that the mineral helps a person to fix everything that his owner has done in the past. Variscite is like a kind angel who descended from heaven to people in order to make them kinder and happier, when it is so necessary for them.

It is generally accepted that variscite is quite rare, since its deposits are few. Initially, variscites were mined only in Europe (most often in Germany), but at the end of the nineteenth century they were also found in Utah (USA). Currently, deposits in America have completely exhausted themselves; deposits in Australia, Germany and Brazil remain active sources. In Russia, variscite is found in the Middle Urals, as well as in the Ichuveem River basin (Chukotka).


Verdelite is a type of tourmaline. The name "verdelite" is translated very simply - a green stone ("verde" in Italian means "green", and "lithos" in Greek means "stone"). Its shades range from pale herbal to dark green. The uneven distribution of impurities often creates a bizarre play of colors in its crystals. Verdelites of bright emerald color are appreciated above others. Verdelite has a pronounced dichroism, that is, it changes color depending on the angle of view. This property is taken into account when choosing the right cut of the stone, so that it plays and shimmers in all shades.

A huge verdelite is inserted into the crown of the Norse kings. It was made by a Swedish master in 1818 for the coronation of Charles XIV Johan, the first of the Bernadotte dynasty. Since then, all those who ascend to the Norwegian throne have been crowned with this crown, used in consecration ceremonies, and after the death of the monarch, they are placed on the coffin during the funeral service. It is known that the future king of Sweden and Norway received this green stone as a gift from the Brazilian ambassador in recognition of his merits and assurance of friendship.

Verdelite is a magic stone that has an incredible effect on its owner. He is able not only to improve health, but also to make a person more beautiful, nobler, bolder, more decisive and at the same time more sublime. This stone teaches a person to understand the language of living nature. This understanding will arise in him at the level of intuition, that is, he will feel what kind of energy comes from an animal, bird, fish or tree. He can easily understand whether the beast is aggressive or friendly, and, if necessary, change, for example, anger to mercy. So verdelite can be called a translator of the dialogue between man and nature. He terribly dislikes those people who harm nature: poachers, lumberjacks. The stone will not harm those for whom hunting is the only means of food. However, for those who are engaged in the extermination of innocent creatures of nature for the sake of pleasure, the stone will try to cause as much damage as possible. He will take away their luck and health. Lumberjacks run the risk of incurring the special wrath of the stone.

High quality verdelite - very beautiful jewelry stone rich color and easy to process. Even in the old days, it was considered a worthy alternative to the emerald. Although the average cost of verdelite is relatively low ($ 30-50 per carat), jewelry with this stone is not often seen in jewelry stores.

High quality stones are valued much more expensive and are mainly used for the manufacture of piece author's products, which cost accordingly.

If dark green verdelite is heated to 500–600 ° C, it acquires a rich emerald color. Such refined stones are often used in jewelry.

Verdelite is widespread in nature. Its most significant deposits are located in Brazil (Minas Novas). A 33 x 7 cm verdelite crystal was found here, weighing about 12,000 carats (2.4 kg). Brazil, where the so-called "Brazilian emeralds" are mined, remains the market leader for this mineral. Verdelite deposits were found in Transbaikalia in the Urals, in Namibia, California.


This is rock crystal, saturated with needle-like or fine-fiber red-brown, straw-golden or red-red inclusions of rutile or other minerals, which give the impression of hair strands frozen in quartz. Each such crystal is unique, which gives this stone a special appeal.

In the Urals, such stones were called "hairy". The hairy inclusions of rutile in transparent quartz in the form of needles or tangled fibers are known as "hair of Venus."

People have always been convinced that this stone is associated with the goddess of love Venus. According to legend, the goddess once bathed in a mountain spring and lost a lock of her golden hair... Climbing Olympus, she discovered the loss and returned. Only a few moments flew into the abode of the gods, while months passed on Earth, winter came, and the water in the source froze. The hair looked so beautiful in the frozen water that Venus decided to preserve it by turning the ice into a transparent stone. Since then, people have found transparent crystal that keeps the finest golden-straw curls.

In the countries of the East, they were considered sacred hairs from the Prophet's beard, and stones with black inclusions were called "Ali's beard."

The first mentions of such stones date back to the 11th century, when the Persian scientist and physician Avicenna described a rock crystal crystal with inclusions resembling a branch and a hyacinth flower. The transparent mineral with golden lamellar needles of rutile or lepidocrocite is known as straw quartz; with needles of green tourmaline or actinolite - "Tethys hair"; with inclusions of blue riebeckite (crocidolite) fibers - blue moonstone.

Found in quartz, black sherl creates straight, thin crystals that resemble sticks or hairs. Such crystals were also called "arrows of Cupid". Much attention is paid to the shape of the inclusions. If they are wavy and curved, then they are "hair", and if they are straight, they are "arrows." Hairworms with golden rutile needles are valued above all other similar quartz crystals, especially when such inclusions are present in significant quantities.

In Russia, the earliest finds of quartz hairs are known at Volkostrov (Lake Onega). They were in high demand among jewelers of the time of Catherine the Great and were known as "onegit".

Hairy quartz slows down aging, improves immunity. Rutile needles enhance the magical properties attributed to rock crystal. This stone awakens imagination and inspiration in creative people, attracts success and prosperity.

Fine crystals of rock crystal with rutile needles have long been mined in the Subpolar Urals. Quartz with inclusions of cosalite is found in the Trans-Baikal Territory, as well as in Primorye. Similar finds are known in China. Stones with actinolite and epidote are mined in Central Kazakhstan, as well as in the north of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. In Greece, green quartz is being developed, the color of which is due to the fibrous inclusions of hedenbergite. Significant deposits of hairworms and landscape quartz are located in Namibia, India, northern Mexico, and the United States. Quartz with the most varied types of inclusions is found in Brazil; this country generally ranks first in the world in terms of reserves of rock crystal.

It is a black stone with a pronounced luster, which belongs to fossil coals. The softness and uniformity of the jet make it easy to handle and obtain beautiful products with a polished surface.

The jet is amazingly beautiful - the smooth, velvety black, shiny stone is mesmerizing. No wonder Shota Rustaveli mentioned him in his poem "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" along with such precious stones as ruby ​​and diamond, garnet and emerald.

Pliny says that the stone got its name from the reggae Gagas, in ancient Lycia (Asia Minor), where it was first found.

The stone has been known since ancient times; in ancient times, small items were made from it, and large flat pieces were polished and used as mirrors. It was from this stone that the magic mirror of the medieval magician John Dee was made. Legend has it that in this mirror, pictures of the past and the future could be observed.

The Greeks and Romans on the jet most often carved Persephone - the goddess of the underworld, later - weeping willow and yew, as symbols of sadness, bindweed, symbolizing eternal sleep.

V ancient world this stone was associated with the god of the underworld, Hades. The sacrifices offered to him were sprinkled with jet powder. The peoples of the Caucasus made jewelry from this stone, which should be worn during funerals. Jet burial decorations and urns were made by the ancient Britons.

Often, a black stone served not only as a symbol of mourning, but also as a protection against dark forces... For example, in Ireland it was used to drive away sorcerers from the village. For this, the jet was burned, and it was believed that if a person calmly perceives his smoke, then he has nothing to do with black magic.

The coal-black jet, on the contrary, protects from evil spirits, protects from the darkest forces and dispels nightmares.

The most curious legend is associated with the impact of jet on sex drive person. According to the legend, the jet inspires people with dislike for persons of the same sex, that is, the owner of the jet can in no way be inclined to same-sex love, he is, by definition, heterosexual.

The main magical purpose of agate is to serve as a talisman against all kinds of dark forces, both external and internal. He protects us from those fears that lie within ourselves: from nightmares, from anxieties, from negativity generated by resentment and empty regrets.

Jet deposits are located in Georgia, Ukraine, England, Germany, Spain, Poland, China and Vietnam. The largest Russian jet deposit is in the Cheremkhovsky coal basin (Irkutsk region).


Heliodor is a type of yellow beryl. It has golden, golden yellow, greenish yellow and orangey yellow colors. The luster of the stone is glassy.

The quality and value of heliodors is determined by their transparency. Samples of exceptional purity are most highly valued. Most often, such stones have a yellowish-green, lemon-yellow and golden-yellow color with a honey tint. Sometimes there are very large transparent heliodores, which are great for jewelry work. One of these unique crystals of the color of young foliage is kept in the Mineralogical Museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg. The crystal was found in the Urals, its length reaches 25 cm. The largest heliodor found to date is kept at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. It is baguette-cut, golden in color and weighs 2,054 carats.

The ancient Greeks believed that the sun was a shining chariot drawn by four fiery horses. On it, the radiant god Helios rides across the sky every day. At night, he returns home in a golden bowl by sea, where his sisters are waiting for him - the goddess of the night, Selena, and the goddess of the dawn, Eos. In honor of Helios, at the beginning of the 20th century, varieties of transparent golden beryl began to be called heliodors. Literally translated, heliodor means "the gift of the sun."

It is believed that the warm shades of heliodor can help a person find peace of mind and become wiser. This stone instills joy in the heart of its owner, brings peace and tranquility. For women, heliodor not only helps to glow with joy from the inside, but also makes her facial features noticeably more attractive, which increases the number of fans.

In some sources, heliodor is referred to as a "kind companion of wanderers", since travelers wore it as a talisman protecting their lives from any misfortune.

This wonderful stone is very often used as talismans, as it helps its owner to become smarter and wiser, helps a person find their place in life, find a reason for joy and happiness, and at the same time maintain their peace of mind. Heliodor is not a stone of stormy passion, but it will help you find a calm and quiet family happiness. They say that if you wear earrings with heliodor, then the girls will have many fans, and a married woman will strengthen her husband's love and loyalty.

The leading suppliers of industrial and jewelry heliodor are India and Brazil. Although deposits with smaller crystals are also known in Madagascar, Namibia and Russia. Moreover, rare and very beautiful crystals are mined here, known as the bright golden beryls of Transbaikalia. The price for such stones starts at $ 20 per carat.


Heliotrope is an opaque variety of chalcedony. It is a dark green chalcedony with bright red hematite inclusions.

The name of the stone is possibly related to the flower bearing the same name.

This stone was known and loved even in Ancient Egypt. In many papyri he is called "the great talisman", which helped the wearer "open all doors", facilitated the fulfillment of any request and brought the favor of the rulers and pharaohs; wealthy Egyptians wore signet rings and heliotrope amulets. In one of the papyri it is glorified in the following words: “There is no greater thing in the world, if someone has it with him, he will receive everything he asks; it softens the anger of rulers and rulers and makes you believe everything that the owner of the stone says. Everyone who wears this stone, if he utters the name carved on it, will find all the doors open, and the stones of the walls will crack and fall apart. " In Rome, heliotrope gems were in great fashion, and many of the beautiful cameos and intagli that are now kept in museums, including the Hermitage, are carved on a green-red stone. In India, which to this day is the main supplier of heliotrope, it was highly valued, considered a symbol of courage and hidden truths; rings with this mineral were worn by magicians in order to be able to influence the weather and gain great wisdom. Yogis have used the stone as an energetic protection that can protect the wearer from negative influences.

In the Middle Ages, the blood of Jesus Christ spilled at the foot of the cross was identified with characteristic spots on the surface of hematite. Therefore, magical properties were attributed to heliotrope, and the stone itself was called "bloody." In Christian culture, the heliotrope was called the stone of St. Stephen, or, more simply, the Stephen's stone. It was a Christian amulet, church utensils and crucifixes were made from it.

The heliotrope is immortalized in the "Divine Comedy" of the great Dante Alighieri - the poet ascribes to him completely magical properties, such as the ability to make your master invisible and protect him from the effects of poison.

Since ancient times, heliotrope has been used to treat any blood problem - for example, it is believed that it can stop bleeding, speed up wound healing, enrich blood with hemoglobin and heal anemia: for the most strong influence it is worn in bracelets on both hands. In general, heliotrope increases the energy and vitality of the body - it is indicated for weakness, anemia, exhaustion, stress, recovery from operations and injuries, depression.

It is not easy to find a "common language" with heliotrope - it is quite "capricious", and not every person will be perceived as an owner. Heliotrope is the stone of real winners. At the same time, the heliotrope prevents a person from becoming arrogant and arrogant, proud of what he has achieved - on the contrary, he awakens altruism, reminding us of the old truth, once proved to those who suffered on the cross for the sins of mankind: sometimes self-sacrifice and dedication become our greatest victory.

Deposits of heliotropes are known in Central Asia (Bukhara), Australia, China and Brazil. Heliotrope has long been mined in Egypt and Calcutta. In Russia, heliotropes were found in the Urals.

Hematite is a mineral, iron oxide. The color of this stone is black with shades, ranging from dark steel (for crystals) to cherry red. The name of the mineral "hematite" comes from the Greek "heme" - "blood". The first name given to the stone today was probably the Greek philosopher Theophrastus, who lived in the 4th century BC. NS. It was he who noted that outwardly the mineral resembles petrified blood. In Russia it was called "bloodstone", this name has survived to this day.

Hematite is associated with the planet Mars, it is believed that the great power of Mars lies in this stone. Therefore, this mineral is most suitable for those born under the constellation Scorpio. Representatives of this zodiac sign are capable of influencing other people with their strong aura, sharing their energy with them, directing them to various accomplishments. And hematite, which carries the power of Mars, helps them in this as well as possible. In addition, Scorpio is the most magical of all the signs of the zodiac, and hematite has long been called the stone of magicians.

In ancient Egypt, hematite was endowed with a sacred meaning. It was the stone of the supreme goddess Isis. Her priestesses always wore items made of it during the performance of various religious rituals: it was believed that the hematite amulet would protect Isis when she descended to earth to her servants. Also in Egypt, hematite was used as a magic stone during the time of the Mysteries. The Egyptians believed that hematite amulets allowed its owner to be protected by otherworldly forces.

In ancient Rome, amulets for warriors were made from this stone. And there was also a belief that if you rub the body with hematite powder, you will become invulnerable on the battlefield.

Among the Indians of North America, hematite was also associated with the war: the powder obtained from it served as the basis for red paint. It was with her help that they created patterns on the face and body, going out on the warpath.

Since ancient times, hematite has been considered the talisman of warlocks. People believed that his power was capable of subduing the spirits of the planets. In Babylon, magic circles and secret signs were carved on these stones. Hematite rings were worn during sacrifices. This stone was widely used in medieval magic to protect against energy attacks of dark forces. The magician did not summon spirits without having a ring with hematite on his finger. Today, this stone is considered the best amulet against energy vampires. Pliny the Elder wrote that hematite bestows the favor of rulers and a happy outcome of court cases.

In Russia, where this mineral was called bloodstone, there was a special belief associated with it. A piece of bloodstain was hung over the cradle in which the baby slept. It was believed that thanks to this, the child, when he grows up and begins to learn to walk, will fall less and hurt himself to the point of blood.

As an ornamental material, hematite has been used since ancient times in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

The fashion for hematite is largely determined by its similarity to black pearls, from which it differs in higher density and hardness.

Considering that hematites are very common in nature, its cost is low.

Jewelry and ornamental hematite is mined on the territory of Turkestan, Brazil, Italy, Switzerland and the USA. In Russia, hematite deposits exist in Krivoy Rog in Ukraine, on the territory of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, in the Urals. Products made of so-called blue hematite - a stone with a bluish tint and embossed pattern... His field is located in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan.

Hyacinth is a transparent zircon of red, red-brown, pink color. The luster of the stone is diamond. Real hyacinth is a gem. Stones with brown, orange, golden or yellow tint... An extraordinary rarity - natural blue hyacinth.

The history of hyacinth is associated with ancient Greek myths. There is a beautiful legend about a beautiful young man from Sparta named Hyacinth. He was fabulously handsome: the beauty of the young man was dazzlingly more dazzling than the sun and the gods. As the son of a king, Hyacinth was favored by the god of art Apollo and the god of the south wind, Zephyr. In a discus throwing competition, Apollo accidentally hit his pet Hyacinth with a disc, and he died. To leave the memory of a friend for centuries, Apollo turned the blood flowing from his body into beautiful flowers, which then became an amazing stone named in memory of the young man.

The hyacinth stone is also mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian: it is included in the twelve biblical gems that adorned the base of the walls of Heavenly Jerusalem.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the stone protects from wounds, infectious diseases, lightning. The hyacinth was worn by travelers, believing that the presence of a stone always and everywhere would provide them with a warm welcome. The Hindus argued that with the help of this stone it is possible to appease the dragon causing solar eclipses. Those suffering from hallucinations, melancholy, suffocation and heavy dreams wore a stone to get rid of ailments. In Indian culture, the stone was advised to be worn by courtesans in order to avoid unwanted conception. The mystics claim that the origin of the hyacinth is associated with the lost ancient continent of Lemur, therefore they considered the gem to be the source of the highest magical power.

Hyacinth was used in high life from the Renaissance to the 18th century. Hyacinths were in great fashion, worn in gold, along with diamonds, emeralds, chrysolites and topaz. In one of Lope de Vega's comedies, the hero says: “Spend my wealth on hyacinths, pearls, corals and gold”; this clearly shows how great his status was. In Russia, hyacinths were held in high esteem among wealthy people and among the simple peasantry - threads "bechety", as they called low-quality hyacinths, were worn by every girl.

Natural hyacinths are rare today.

The stone enhances the psychic energy of a person. But the stone is dual, and therefore it activates both the wonderful qualities of a person, which attract people to him, and negative ones, which can cause people to quarrel and push them away from each other. Hyacinth can bring happiness only to a person who has realized and corrected his shortcomings.

If the stone is worn by a young girl in love, then she is putting her happiness at risk.

Hyacinth is considered a stone of new hopes, transformations, it will help get out of depression and melancholy, improve memory and intelligence. It is not for nothing that the stone protects the entire merchant class and artists. It promotes successful trade, increases wealth, endows a person with insight and foresight, and teaches to distinguish between falsehood and truth.

Strong amulet and talisman. The healing properties of hyacinth will manifest themselves only when it is taken seriously, and not just as a beautiful toy, and treated as a healer, protector and helper. Recommended to be worn in any metal, in pendants, earrings, cufflinks. Ring - on the index, middle or ring finger right hand.

Transparent orange, pink and red hyacinths are known in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Australia and Madagascar.


Rock crystal is a mineral, a colorless transparent type of quartz. The name of the mineral was given by the Greek scientist and physician Theophrastus. Ancient thinkers agreed that rock crystal is the purest water frozen by divine fire. Therefore, the mineral was named as a derivative of "crystallos" - ice. Until the 18th century, the largest scientists were convinced that rock crystal was ice that had been petrified for many millennia in glaciers on inaccessible mountain peaks, and they believed that it brings good luck and gives clarity.

In nature, rock crystal is often found in the form of intergrowths of crystals, druses (groups of crystals that grow at one end on the walls of cracks in rocks), crystal brushes. There are cases when rock crystal druses were found, the weight of which reached one ton.

The first mentions of this stone are found in the ancient Greeks. According to the legend about the origin of this mineral, many thousands of years ago in Patras there was a temple of the goddess of fertility Demeter, in which a crystal mirror hung. People from all over the country flocked there to pray to the goddess and ask the mirror for advice.

Emperor Nero had two goblets carved from rock crystal stone. According to legend, the gods of Olympus prefer to drink ambrosia from crystal vessels. In ancient Rome, it was popular among wealthy patricians to use small pieces of the mineral to cool their wine. For this purpose, the stone was dipped for some time in a container with a drink. They also had their hands chilled in the heat. Such wonderful properties of rock crystal are explained by the fact that the stone conducts heat well, "taking" it away from the body and "absorbing" it into itself.

In the Middle Ages, crystal was used to make dishes and vessels for perfumes, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, as well as jewelry. The silver scepter of the Scottish King James IV Stuart is adorned with a rock crystal ball - and this is the oldest royal regalia in Britain.

An old Scottish medieval legend says that once a traveler accidentally wandered into a feast of elves and managed to pull off a beautiful crystal goblet - it is allegedly still kept in one of the Scottish castles. There are literary references to crystal not to count: it is the crystal shoes that the heroine of the fairy tale of the French storyteller Charles Perrault Cinderella wears, Malvina in the tale of Alexei Tolstoy has a crystal heart. The very word "crystal" has long become synonymous with purity and grace: "crystal teardrop", "crystal sound", "crystal clear".

On the territory of South America, skulls were found, carved from a solid stone of rock crystal. They are considered one of the most unusual mysteries, because to this day, their origin and meaning have not been able to establish. Today, the relics can be seen in museums in America and Europe. For example, in the British Museum, a female skull made of crystal weighing 5 kg is on public display.

This mineral is able to heal almost the entire body. Concentrating on this crystal for a minute every day is believed to improve vision and relieve tension from tired eyes. V medicinal purposes crystal crystal is usually used. About two hundred years ago, the main magical attribute of every self-respecting fortune-teller was a crystal ball for predictions. A crystal with two sharp points and a spherical or pyramid shape works best.

According to magicians, the amulet made of rock crystal will help its owner to find spiritual harmony, concentrate, clarify consciousness and improve brain function. The stone will teach you how to regulate and use internal forces correctly. If you keep such a stone in the house, it will save the owner and his family from bad influences from outside.

Crystal is mined, oddly enough, for the most part just in the snow-capped highlands of the Alps, Carpathians, Himalayas, Tibet, Andes, Ural, Crimean and Caucasian mountains, where eternal winter reigns - so that the ancient thinkers knowingly called this stone ice water.

Garnet is not a separate stone, but a whole group of silicate minerals.

The most common for most people is probably red garnet, but in fact, this mineral can be of almost any color: yellow, pink, green, brown, black. The only exception is blue and blue, there are no such garnets. There is also a colorless variety - leucogranate.

The color of pomegranates often depends on the lighting. It manifests itself most clearly and fully during the day with sunlight... And evening light or artificial lighting can add new shades to the color of the pomegranate, and this does not always improve its appearance.

One of the garnets - demantoid - has a diamond luster. An expensive and rare deep green demantoid appears yellowish green under the rays of the lamps.

The pomegranate got its name for the similarity of red crystals with the grains of the pomegranate fruit. Another name for this stone is carbuncle, from the Latin "carbon" - "coal", as the garnet resembles shimmering red coals.

Red garnet - pyrope - was considered a sacred stone among the ancient Mongols. Their legends call him frozen drops of dragon blood. And the Mongols also believed that pyrope could give strength and courage to its owner, as well as attract wealth to him.

In biblical legends, the pyrope garnet also appears. According to one of them, it was pyrope that was a living fire that illuminated Noah's path in the darkness of the Flood.

The origin of the pomegranate is very beautifully described in a Georgian legend. It is about a king who decided to find a groom for his daughter, asking those who want to try their luck with a difficult task. In one distant desert, there was a beautiful garden guarded by devas (evil spirits). In that garden there was a magical pomegranate tree that bore only three fruits once a year. It was these fruits that the ruler instructed to get the applicants for the hand of the princess. Only one young man, having gone through many trials and battles, was able to complete this task. But when he returned home, he saw that his country was dying of hunger, and the king himself was on his deathbed. The young man immediately opened the first pomegranate - and health returned to the king, opened the second - and again fertility came to his native land, hunger receded. And when he opened the third fruit, a huge amount of precious stones poured out of it, in appearance resembling pomegranate seeds. They scattered all over the earth and since then everyone who finds them, pieces of this jewel give love.

Even in Ancient Egypt, pomegranates were inserted into the eye sockets of statues of gods, and in the ancient world, the carbuncle, as the pomegranate was called in the old days, was the talisman of pregnant women and was designed to provide a safe solution from the burden - they were worn in necklaces and carved cameos on them. In Persia, the pomegranate was a symbol of power - the silhouettes of the padishahs were carved on it. According to the biblical legend, during the flood, a huge red pomegranate served as a lamp for Noah - in ancient sources one can find evidence of the mysterious "inner glow" of pomegranates. Red pomegranate is a sacred stone of Mongolia, where fire is revered as the most important element - before the Mongols believed that if you find a piece of pomegranate on your own, then with its help you will discover all the treasures of the earth. The Mongols also considered pyrope to be solidified pieces of volcanic fire and believed that it could glow in the dark. Pomegranate is one of the favorite stones in Russia. It was actively used in the early Middle Ages - purple-red stones were inserted into rings, earrings, headdresses, inlaid in military armor, and court clothes were sheathed; pomegranates can be seen on the famous "Cap of Monomakh". The pomegranate was loved both in the East, where soldiers still sometimes take jewelry with pomegranates into battle, and in the West, where the crimson-purple pomegranate became a symbol of the romantic era of the late 19th century and was the most popular insert for jewelry. The great Goethe, at the end of his life, fell in love with an 18-year-old girl, presented her with the famous garnet jewelry set containing 460 large stones.

End of introductory snippet.

An old Persian legend tells that noble stones are the creations of Satan, who, noticing that Eve admires the variegated flowers growing in the gardens of paradise, gave them magnificent colors to the creatures of the earth in order to arouse greed and temptations in people's hearts.

Noble minerals are already in ancient times served as adornments, and their brilliance and color aroused surprise and admiration. Each era had its own favorite precious stones.

Egyptians willingly wore jewelry from emeralds, turquoise, amethysts, rock crystal ... The Romans prioritized diamonds and sapphires .

Semiramis, Cleopatra and other queens of ancient times adored pearls... Renaissance and baroque fashion favored colored precious stones: rubies, sapphires, topaz .

The toilets of the ladies and gentlemen of the Rococo era sparkled diamonds... And finally, the era of romanticism discovered the beauty of semi-precious stones: garnets, opals, aquamarines and chrysolites ... Jewelers of the SECESSII period made beautiful and original brooches, necklaces and bracelets, strewn with reddish carnelian, green "cat's eye" or an iridescent milky blue sheen moonstones (selenites) .

However, the choice of this or that jewelry depended not only on the taste of its owner. A variety of superstitions and beliefs were associated with noble stones. The stone was not only an adornment, but also a talisman bringing happiness, an amulet protecting from diseases and troubles, and sometimes a sign of a profession.

Astrologers have argued that each gemstone belongs to a specific zodiac sign. That is why people born in a given month should wear rings with a corresponding stone; wearing a stone that does not correspond to the sign of the zodiac under which its owner was born should have a bad influence on his fate.

Some stones were especially recommended for people of certain professions: they guarded sailors from the dangers of sea voyages. emerald, tourmaline was the stone of artists, amethyst- clergy.

Also, in various everyday situations, it was good to have a suitable talisman stone.

During the Renaissance, newlyweds exchanged rings with emeralds as these stones were supposed to provide a constant feeling. A moon stones overcame love obstacles. Players favored alexandrites, and for pregnant women - emeralds... It was also widely believed in medicinal properties precious stones. In the Middle Ages, a goldsmith had to be not only an artisan and a merchant, but also sometimes a doctor who, if necessary, knew how to choose a stone for his clients that would help with various bodily and spiritual ailments.

Back in the 18th century, the Polish gentry, who was very fond of rich clothes and jewelry, believed that:

  • amethyst- protects against drunkenness
  • carbuncle- reconciles friends
  • chrysolite- drives away nightmares
  • coral- keeps from lightning
  • Garnet- cheers hearts
  • topaz- pacifies anger
  • sapphire- protects a woman from slander

All this was carefully noted in his diary by a French traveler. The wearing of jewelry, moreover, was subject to the rules of good form. Pomegranates, pearls, turquoise considered suitable for young girls. To an unmarried woman, regardless of age, it is inappropriate to wear diamonds... Opaque stones - agate, onyx or chrysoberyl- were the only acceptable decoration for mourning clothes.

For those who would like to know which talisman stone should be worn according to the birthday and what properties were attributed to it by famous astrologers, further narration is intended.

ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)

Patron planets: Mars, Sun

Element: Fire

Colors: red, lilac, crimson, bright blue, orange

Gemstones:pyrite, rauchtopaz, diamond, amethyst, tourmaline, hematite, rock crystal, obsidian, coral, labradorite, ruby, sapphire, tiger's eye, spinel, amber, jasper, garnet, tanzanite, talcchlorite, zircon, ophiocalcite.

In the line of zodiac signs, Aries is in the first place, which is easily associated with the time frames outlined by the Aries period - after all, people born under this sign are born in early spring, when the snow has not yet melted, the sun appears only occasionally, but every cloudless day fills the soul with inexplicable happiness, because the air smells distinctly of spring, and the first light green grass gradually begins to peep through the snowdrifts. As the first sign, Aries always strives for leadership in life and is not afraid of conflicts - this is also facilitated by the planet Mars, patronizing Aries. Mars is called the "red planet" - but astrologers and thousands of years ago pointed out that red is the color of Aries, a color symbolizing vitality and a new beginning, strengthening the will to win, increasing activity and sexuality. This is exactly what Aries are - hardy, not afraid of changes, self-confident, adventurous people who will never get lost in the crowd.

Aries are best worn jewelry made of gold, tin, iron, brass or alloys in which one of these metals is included. Most of all, white gold, cupronickel and lead are not recommended. The best type of jewelry for Aries of any gender is earrings with inserts of matching gems. Good for Aries and headpins, hoops or tiaras with gems. Such jewelry energetically influences the development of intelligence and intuition, activates brain activity.

The most versatile stone for Aries is amethyst. This beautifully rich gem will soothe a hot Aries while at the same time boosting thinking and improving mental capacity... Amethyst protects against bad habits, than many Aries, due to their open and friendly, frivolous nature, often sin; they strengthen the "everyday" will ", subdue anger and promote spirituality. If you want to make your "lamb" or "lamb" stay at home more, then present him or her with an amethyst jewelry - this is a stone of fidelity that makes its owner more affectionate and liberal, at the same time increasing inner attractiveness. For business people, amethyst is a wonderful helper that increases eloquence, attracts powerful patrons and the love of the mighty of this world. For those Aries who have linked their lives with a creative profession, amethyst will help "catch" inspiration - just some time peer into the stone. Living in the same house with Aries, get a "brush" or druse of amethyst - it will bring peace and tranquility to the family, cleanse the home of negativity and, in addition, will protect the health of your Aries, because he does not take care of regular prevention and lead a so-called healthy lifestyle on his own used to.

Obsidian is a volcanic glass, a gem, born in the flame of a fire-breathing mountain, a stone that is the best suited to the "fiery" Aries. Obsidian removes negative emotions, awakens intuition and foresight, which Aries lacks so much like an arrow, helps to look inside oneself. It suppresses aggressiveness and will serve as a good amulet for a young and hot-tempered teenage Aries, especially since obsidian also becomes a powerful shield that protects its owner from all sorts of negative external influences. The obsidian product on the Aries desktop will help him to put together disparate ideas, concentrate and come to a single solution, as well as increase judgment and intelligence.

Another stone of Fire is pyrite, which was previously a "flint", the first "matches" of mankind: when struck with a flint, sparks were struck. This is a talisman for people desperate, risky, recklessly courageous - that is, for Aries in its classic manifestation. Pyrite will attract good luck to Aries in the most hopeless business, bring a sudden win or a gift. This is a stone of wealth and gold - its owner will never be poor. Pyrite relieves depression and awakens a person to struggle and new achievements. With such an assistant, Aries will achieve previously unexpected heights.

Labrador is a mysterious iridescent stone of Hyperboreans, which stimulates the desire for the impossible, gives faith in their own strength, with such talismans Aries will storm the fortress of their Dreams to the bitter end, in order to eventually break the resistance. He awakens creative impulses, hitherto unknown talents, opens new horizons for representatives of creative professions, brings fame and recognition. Labrador expands the boundaries of consciousness and helps a little conservative Aries to see the full picture of life, strengthens intuition, brings prophetic dreams. Labrador relieves nervous stress and stabilizes the consciousness of Aries. As well amethyst, labrador- an excellent "guard" for the house, controlling the appearance of bad thoughts and negative energy and ruthlessly destroying them. A "married couple" of green-brown and light Labradors with a golden-blue tint is the best amulet for the home of the Aries family, because these stones will help Aries to manage their household more diligently and treat their soulmate more tenderly and carefully.

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

Patron planets: Venus, Moon

Element: Earth

Colors: lemon yellow, lime green, emerald green, sky blue, light blue, pink

Gemstones:agate, coral, carnelian (carnelian), diamond, beryl, turquoise, emerald, cacholong, lapis lazuli, onyx, jade, rose quartz, tourmaline, sapphire, aquamarine, zircon, rock crystal, sodalite.

White and pink apple trees shower the earth with a weightless carpet of fragrant petals, light green leaves sway merrily in the first warm breeze, girls try on short skirts - this is the same “May-balovnik” that is so loved and awaited, that spring that awakens emotions and desires ... And it is at this wonderful time that Taurus is born - the most sensual of all the signs of the zodiac. The patron saint of Taurus is Venus - the mistress of love and passion, for Taurus, love is as natural as breathing. This is the most amorous sign - however, it is not at all windy, because the element of the Earth prompts Taurus to seek first of all family warmth and stability. Emotionality and rationalism - what is not an ideal combination?

Taurus is recommended to wear jewelry made of gold, tin, copper and their alloys, brass, bronze and cupronickel. Do not wear products that contain zinc or titanium. Most of all, Taurus is shown jewelry that adorns the neck and chest area - numerous chains, necklaces, beads, pendants, pendants. The number of stones in a bead or necklace must be even. Such jewelry with inserts from suitable stones bring inner harmony between spiritual and material needs, which is especially important for pragmatic Taurus, give the ability to enjoy life, form good taste.

Most main stone Taurus is, of course, rose quartz, a recognized amulet happy love, the main stone of Venus. Rose quartz makes a person attractive externally and internally, attracts the attention of others, develops sociability. The one wearing such a talisman will not be left alone - and the absence of a partner is exactly what is completely unacceptable for a real Taurus. For a sensitive Taurus, who has just gone through a love drama, rose quartz will give peace and self-confidence, a willingness to move on. In addition, this is an excellent talisman that protects the home from the penetration of negative energy - a rose quartz crystal will be an ideal gift for Taurus, to whom it will bring peace and tranquility, enhance marital feelings, and help conception.

However, if Taurus is really aimed at “filling the ranks” with a charming toddler, then he can turn to the help of the cacholong, a well-known assistant in everything related to conception and childbirth. This milky white stone will come in handy for a Taurus woman who is in a happy marriage - for quick conception it is recommended to drink water infused with cacholong, and pregnant women should wear it in the abdomen so that the expectation goes well and the childbirth is successful and quick. Cacholong also has a beneficial effect on the Taurus man - it enhances potency, increases fertility, and treats sexual diseases. The Cacholong is also good for those Taurus who have chosen the work of a lawyer or a politician - it will help them better understand their "flock", delve deeper into other people's problems, and make correct and objective decisions.

For romantic Taurus, coral is the best fit - it gives this earthly sign a subtlety of perception, some sublimity, enhances the imagination. Coral is an excellent amulet for creative Taurus, with it you will never suffer from the torment of creativity. In addition, it is effective family amulet keeping your boat of love from storms and adversity. Interestingly, white and pink coral is recommended for Taurus women, and red for men. Coral is able to enhance the gift of foresight, to give prophetic dreams, which will be a pleasant surprise for Taurus. Famous sissies, accustomed to comfort, Taurus will appreciate the unusual effect of a coral necklace - it saves from hypothermia, warming the throat, and in winter it can be worn as a "scarf". For a little Taurus, the best protector will be a piece of coral placed under the pillow - it will save the baby from bad dreams, strengthen health, and form a soft and calm character.

Not all Taurus seek to quietly settle at the hearth - there are among them those who are able to lead people, dream of leadership and a state career. Marx, Cromwell, Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Zhirinovsky - these are all Taurus. If you feel certain political ambitions in yourself, then your choice should fall on onyx (except for black onyx) - a unique stone that attracts good luck in business, strengthens the spirit and the will to win. Since ancient times, onyx has been considered the "stone of the leaders" - it brings power and power, sharpens the mind, helping to unravel the secret designs of opponents. Onyx teaches you how to defend your interests and keep the taken boundaries for a long time. At the same time, it does not excite, but on the contrary promotes emotional control, which is especially important for overly sensitive Taurus: an onyx figurine on the desktop will help to cast aside emotions and focus on current tasks.

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)

Element: Air

Colors: light yellow, purple, blue-gray, orange

Lucky days: Wednesday, Sunday

Gemstones: aquamarine, rauchtopaz, agate, alexandrite, amber, chrysolite, beryl, turquoise, pearls, emerald, flint, jade, sardonyx, sapphire, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoprase, citrine, ophiocalcite.

Fragrant, light, transparent - with these epithets we reward not only the smell of early summer that reigns in the fields filled with morning dew; the nature of the Gemini sign, whose birthday falls on the first summer month, can also be described with similar words. Air is the key word and the ruling element of Gemini, windy, changeable creators, insanely sociable, but a little superficial. Together with Mercury, which has long been "responsible" for the sphere of information and trade, the mixture is light and unobtrusive, like a sip of juice from the first strawberries.

Of metals, Gemini is most suitable gold, copper, aluminum, titanium and brass... Cupronickel, tin and nickel are strictly not recommended; platinum can only be worn during prayers and spiritual practices. Gemini jewelry is bracelets, wrist chains, cufflinks, watches. These decorations increase the ability to listen to the opponent, to grasp the key moment. In addition, they promote the development of business talent, sociability and friendliness.

Citrine is a typical Gemini stone: a transparent, lemon-yellow gem with a dual energy. In the old days, they believed that he would help both a thief and an honest merchant with equal eagerness - citrine always unconditionally takes the side of its owner, as long as his activities were connected with "making money" or oratory. For those Gemini who, by the nature of their work, have to conduct public speeches, citrine will help develop eloquence to unprecedented heights, will help to correctly and quickly process the information received. And it will bring financial luck to entrepreneurs - it's not for nothing that its golden color reminds of the glitter of gold. It brings out depression, creates a positive attitude towards life, provides emotional protection - this is very useful for Gemini, who are often prone to unexplained mood swings and neuroses. Citrine will also serve those Gemini whose work is associated with excitement or the creation of visual illusions.

Amber is a wonderful amulet for Gemini who want to improve their personal life... It increases attractiveness and sexuality, heals and strengthens the body, attracts mutual love. This stone increases the sociability and sociability of the owner, brings self-confidence. Amber necklace - great gift for a Gemini girl for a wedding, it will help her keep marital happiness. Recommended for amber and Gemini waiting for the addition to the family. The powerful protective effect of amber is also important - Gemini constantly meet new people, and like no one else they need protection from the evil eye and negative energy. Amber, both in the form of a sculpture and in the form of decoration, will create an energy shield around Gemini, amber works especially well with little Gemini. Amber treats problems associated with the thyroid gland - the Achilles heel of nervous and hyperactive Gemini.

Carnelian is the favorite stone of the poets of the Silver Age. He will be an excellent assistant for those Gemini whose work is related to literary activity: writing, processing and structuring information. Carnelian gives powerful creative impulses, preventing the muse “to go to lunch”, increases eloquence, develops memory. Like amber, carnelian saves from depression and melancholy, improves the mood of the wearer. In love, carnelian will protect Gemini from excessive frivolity, pacify passions, and bring calm and mutual love. For Gemini entrepreneurs, carnelian is an irreplaceable assistant, because it accelerates the administration of justice in your favor, contributes to the speedy resolution of all kinds of misunderstandings and litigation, eliminates red tape in business.

The last stone important for Gemini is striped orange-brown tiger's eye... This is a universal protector that will help Gemini to successfully resist the intrigues of enemies and gossip of imaginary friends - he himself identifies competitors and ill-wishers and "deals with" them, so that the villain no longer appears in your life. The tiger's eye instills sanity in Gemini and pacifies the pangs of jealousy that emotional Gemini often suffer from. In addition, he brings an optimistic "sunny" outlook on life, makes frivolous Gemini zealous owners, teaches the necessary economy. And when danger approaches, it seems to be heavy so that the Gemini, always busy with something, does not miss an important meeting.

CANCER (22.06 - 22.07)

Patron planet: Moon

Element: Water

Colors: emerald, light green, blue, white, aqua

Gemstones:adularia, aquamarine, amazonite, beryl, agate, cacholong, selenite, emerald, malachite, jasper, pearls, coral, opal, jade, rock crystal, sapphire, chrysoprase, chalcedony, cat's eye, tanzanite, ophiocalcite.

Cancer is an extremely interesting creature: it walks "the other way around", backs away instead of crawling forward, and still manages to somehow move in the chosen direction. The zodiac sign Cancer got its name for a reason: like its prototype, born under this constellation, a person lives according to traditions, loves to return to the past and "lags behind" reality somewhat, but at the same time, slow and stubborn, gradually achieves his goal. The patroness of Cancers, the Moon makes them emotional and receptive, giving them almost psychic abilities, and the water element causes the tendency to "go with the flow" - Cancers are not fighters, they quietly wait on the sidelines until the door is opened with the help of someone else.

Cancer is best suited for jewelry made from "Moon metal" silver a, as well as cupronickel, nickel, copper, platinum, bronze and tin. It is highly discouraged to wear yellow and red gold, brass and iron. It is better for Cancers to choose jewelry “closer to the heart” - that is, long multilayer beads, pendants and pendants reaching the solar plexus. Such products sharpen the sensitivity, helping Cancer to accurately select friends and partners, while at the same time playing the role of a protective amulet that "closes" the heart from negative intrusion.

All Cancers strive to be closer to the water - to relax at sea, swim, go in for swimming, water aerobics, water polo, kayak, sail a yacht. In order for such a hobby not to end tragically, Cancer-athletes are recommended to wear a talisman made of emerald, set in silver, which protects against accidents associated with sea and river movements. In addition, emerald is a talisman of good luck, happiness and prosperity in all spheres of life, it protects against mistakes and helps to correct flaws committed in the distant past. Despondent and bad habits Rakov emerald fills with optimism, strengthens will and composure. This is a love amulet that harmonizes personal life and brings loyalty to partners, enhances attractiveness. Also, the emerald is an assistant for those Cancers who have devoted their lives to the study of the unknown or the spiritual and healing path: it opens a tornado path to higher revelations, gives precise advice, tells the secrets of the present, past and future.

Beryl is especially important for Cancers - it is the guardian of the family hearth, keeps the marital bonds strong, improves the relationship between parents and children, so important for Cancers. Beryl brings calmness and benevolence into the house - the atmosphere most desirable for Cancer, and drives away any negativity. In addition, beryl also protects the material well-being of Cancer - for example, if there is a difficult conversation with a boss or a business partner, astrologers recommend going to a meeting "armed" with a talisman made of beryl, it will open all the doors for you. The sincerity of the people around is another important "function" of beryl, because for an open Cancer, deception on the part of a loved one is very difficult. Energetically, beryl cleans its owner from spiritual dirt and ballast of experiences that Cancers like to “savor” longer than necessary. And for Cancers going on another long journey, beryl will be reliable protection from any accidents.

Selenite is an amulet of people striving to develop intuition; it does not allow dreamy Cancers to get lost among phantoms or fall into euphoria, harmonizes the mental and astral body of a person. It ennobles the inner world and heals emotional anxiety, alleviates suffering. Selenite helps to strengthen will and character, which is important for several lethargic and weak Cancers, and also helps to attract loyal and devoted friends who can support Cancer in difficult times. In addition, selenite is a well-known family talisman that brings comfort and peace to the house, harmonizing relations between representatives of different generations, which is important for those Cancers who live in big family... Selenite brings happiness to women in their personal lives, which will certainly end with a successful marriage - this is the stone of conjugal love.

Chrysoprase will help those Cancers who are pushed by the changing Moon to study the new and unknown. He cannot stand powerful and egocentric people, but he will support soft and curious owners in everything and protect them from bad influence. Chrysoprase, especially set in silver, is a talisman for those who are starting a new project. He will stir up a lazy Cancer, breathe strength and will to win into him, and interest him with unusual ideas. The renewal that chrysoprase brings is necessary for Cancer-retrograde, who gravitates towards endlessly chewing on past victories - chrysoprase will make Cancer shake up a little, pour self-confidence into him and direct him in the right direction

LEO (23.07 - 23.08)

Patron planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Colors: red, golden yellow, honey, raspberry, purple, green

Gemstones: aventurine, spinel, diamond, sapphire, beryl, heliodor, heliotrope, emerald, almandine, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, carnelian, golden topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, citrine, amber, jasper, chrysolite, tourmaline, hyacinth, talcum powder, rock crystal, Labrador.

We all know from childhood that the lion is the king of beasts. It's not even about the scale, but about the royal majesty and predatory grace of this huge cat, which, with the air of its owner, walks along the southern savannah. It is enough to observe the real lion to get a figurative idea of ​​Leo - the zodiacal sign, because the representatives of this constellation confidently consider and feel themselves to be kings everywhere, from the palace to the gas station. Proud, haughty brave men with noble hearts, among whom are the most famous and brilliant historical figures - this is a portrait of a sign that the Sun has endowed with the ability to shine and stand out in any crowd, and Fire has given courage and fervor.

The best metal for Leo is, of course, gold, as well as cupronickel, iron, tin and bronze... But copper is highly undesirable. Jewelry that will bring recognition to Leo, while protecting him from ill-wishers - these are all kinds of brooches, pins and badges with precious stones.

Of the stones, a diamond is very suitable for Leo - the king among gems. It strengthens self-confidence, brings happiness in relationships with the opposite sex, promotes the conception of a boy - and powerful Leo mothers most often prefer sons to daughters. The gem carries the charisma of influence and makes Leo invincible - it is perfect for a Leo politician or public figure. The diamond acts simultaneously on all energy centers, saturating the Leo with additional energy necessary for further achievements. For entrepreneurs, the diamond brings unceasing monetary luck and helps them get things done. The brilliance of a diamond reflects negativity and envy, which usually "flies" around a flaunting Lion, and creates an indestructible energy shield around its owner.

Pink, green and watermelon tourmalines- talismans for Leo, who devoted themselves to creative activity, it gives inspiration and brings public recognition and fame, which for Leo is perhaps the most important thing in work, and is especially recommended for artists. In addition, pink tourmaline will bring passionate love to Leo, enhance libido and potency, and eliminate tightness and self-doubt. And green tourmaline is an amulet of novice businessmen - Lviv under 35, it attracts good luck in financial activities, it is especially good to carry a piece of tourmaline in your wallet. Watermelon tourmaline is a universal helper that gives happiness in all areas of life and aligns the work of the chakras, it helps Leo to look at themselves with humor, without undue seriousness.

Golden honey heliodor will help Leo, suffering from the inattention of others, to become a "center of attraction" in any company - it makes its owner sociable, witty, bright. This is a talisman for Lions who have chosen the path of political or social activity, who often appears in public and wants to impress and please everyone, without exception. Heliodor will tear the earned Lions out of their daily routine, show that there are many ways to relax and enjoy in life, make existence carefree and sparkling. With heliodor, not a single "exit" will go unnoticed, and there will be no difficult interlocutors for you - heliodor teaches harsh Lions to find a common language with everyone.

Heliotrope is an ideal companion for Leo, who has already determined for himself the main goals and objectives. He will help the owner to fulfill his plan, not trusting false speeches and not succumbing to false flattery, which is very useful for smug Lions. The owner of the heliotrope must be a winner in his soul - then the stone will make him a winner in life, and the winner is the true "credo" of any Leo. Heliotrope enhances the desire for self-improvement, it is a talisman of hot, self-confident people who stubbornly climb to the top of the world.

VIRGO (08.24 - 09.23)

Patron planet: Mercury

Element: Earth

Colors: blue, brown, yellow, green, burgundy

Gemstones: agate, garnet, emerald, sapphire, carnelian, tiger's and cat's eyes, chalcedony, jasper, rock crystal, sardonyx, citrine, topaz, malachite, jade, onyx, chrysoprase, serpentine, clinochlore, labrador.

Early autumn, when the apples have already turned red and yellow, and the still warm days are replaced by night frost - the time is active and troublesome: who goes to school, who returned from vacation and went back to work, who is busy harvesting ... And in a clear sky, the constellation lights up Virgo, giving birth to hardworking and modest people, coldish, like the first light frosts. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, however, unlike the sociable and welcoming Gemini, Virgo is a child of the element of Earth, and this explosive mixture gives rise to conservatives and introverts who do not like the excessive attention of others.

Of metals, Virgo is suitable gold, aluminum, titanium and nickel; zinc and bronze are not recommended. The typical properties of Virgo are enhanced by jewelry worn around the belt: buckles, decorative buttons, brooches, chains, belts and belts. They contribute to the subtlety of perception, bring harmony to interpersonal relationships, increase efficiency and efficiency.

The most important stone for a Virgo born under the sign of Earth is jasper, which unselfishly shares life energy with Virgo. Works best green jasper, which increases the emotional background, teaches dry Virgins sympathy and empathy. This gem also develops intuition in Virgos, helps to expand consciousness, get rid of pettiness. And red jasper is shown to Virgo women - this stone increases sex appeal and revives personal life. In addition, red jasper improves relationships with superiors, which is very useful for a humble Virgo. Dishes, boxes, vases and other decorative containers made of brown jasper are a wonderful amulet for the home, which not only drives away negativity, but also removes fatigue from earned Virgos and increases the tone of the body; It is recommended to put a figurine made of jasper for Virgo in the office.

Malachite is a stone of sincere friendship that will help an uncommunicative and shy Virgo make new acquaintances, find real friends. Malachite makes its owner attractive and eloquent, increases energy, relieves mental loneliness. For Virgo, trying to behave correctly in any situation, malachite will become a "clue" that clears emotions, programs the subconscious mind for correct and beneficial actions for the owner, helping to draw the right conclusions from invisible events. Malachite is also a recognized amulet, it is especially good for little Virgins - it will protect them not only from dangers, but also from insecurity and isolation. Like all green stones, malachite attracts monetary well-being and good luck in the financial field.

A cat's eye is a wonderful charm for a Virgo who wants to improve her personal or family life. It attracts mutual love, attracts the favorable attention of others to its owner, gives courage to take the initiative, endows with charm and sexuality. In addition, this gem is a peacemaker that helps somewhat rugged Virgo to smooth out conflicts and disputes, to establish peace in the family. Good talisman for Virgos transitional age- it helps them adapt in adulthood, painlessly go through a difficult period of personality formation. The favor of the superiors is also in the jurisdiction of the cat's eye, as well as communication with friends. As a powerful talisman, the cat's eye protects personal happiness, not allowing chance or evil intentions to destroy it.

Chrysolite or peridot- a stone of deep green color, which changes the consciousness of a skeptical Virgo, opening up to her the world of spiritual discoveries and giving her the ability to foresight. Peridot strengthens mental strength, helps to find and realize their place in the world. It increases self-esteem and self-esteem, makes the executive Virgo take more from life and value herself and her work. In addition, the owner of the peridot evokes the sympathy of those around him, feels the care of his loved ones; the stone strengthens bonds of friendship and promotes family harmony. Virgo's character under the influence of peridot becomes softer and more sentimental, which only improves it. The suspicious Virgos will also be pleased with the "ability" of the peridot to keep the property of its owner from natural disasters and thefts.

LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10)

Patron planets: Venus, Chiron

Element: Air

Colors: emerald, magenta, yellow, azure blue, all pastel shades

Gemstones: agate, aquamarine, heliotrope, cat's and tiger's eye, rose quartz, rauchtopaz, cacholong, coral, malachite, jade, olivine, carnelian, tourmaline, chrysoprase, diamond, beryl, rock crystal, opal, chrysolite, charoite

Well, the warm days ended, and the earth was covered with a carpet of colorful leaves. However, there is still no place for winter - this is a time of balance, when nature has not yet chosen which way to move, but at the same time it is unusually good with a kind of cold autumn beauty. Right now, people are born, marked with the sign of Libra - peacemakers, always looking for universal harmony, diplomats and masters of intrigue.

From metals Almost everything is suitable for Libra- not recommended unless tin and cobalt. Libra jewelry is, first of all, brooches, which, with appropriate inserts, enhance their original qualities - diplomacy, efficiency and diligence, delicacy of perception.

The most important stones of Libra are green garnets demantoid and uvarovite, very similar to each other in a bright green tint, but quite different in properties, taking care of both the body and the spirit at the same time; wearing these two stones at the same time will provide Libra with that very sought-after harmony.

Demantoid is very suitable for Libra with their eternal inconsistency and a tendency to be late - it does not allow a person to be distracted from the task at hand, concentrates attention, teaches how to correctly calculate forces and means. He teaches the demantoid and competently dispose of the baggage of the knowledge gained, without being scattered over trifles - for Libra, who in their youth often rush from side to side in search of the ideal, this is especially important. Demantoid helps to cope with traditional laziness and some irresponsibility inherent in some Libra, and attracts financial success. For Libra women, demantoid brings happiness in love and ensures loyalty to the chosen one, helps to choose the "right" partner.

Uvarovite contributes primarily to the accumulation of material wealth, attracts money, and then protects the benefits received. This is the mascot of Libra businessmen, especially those involved in buying and exhibiting artifacts - it will help them to select the right products, will protect exhibitions and collections from adverse situations, vandalism, natural disasters. In love, uvarovit has a strong stimulating effect - it can both awaken a dormant passion in family life, and turn the heart of a loved one or beloved towards the indecisive Libra; a ring with uvarovite will help here.

Light green with yellow tint chrysoberyl brings Libra the peace and tranquility they crave, heals neuroses and relieves stress, which can be a source of any conflict for Libra. A ring with chrysoberyl is an excellent talisman for Libra who have chosen a commercial path or are engaged in social activities, it attracts good luck to them, protects them from the envy of others, develops intuition, helping to make the only right decision. Chrysoberyl protects from strong alcoholic intoxication, reduces dependence on alcohol, which is very important for Libra, who often sin with excessive craving for fun drinks. Charms with chrysoberyl save you from everyday troubles so that not a single discordant note crept into the harmonious symphony of the atmosphere created by Libra.

For creative, but not sure of their talent, Libra, rhodonite is irreplaceable - it will give them not only inner strength and decisiveness, but also will give new creative ideas, will develop latent abilities and attract fame and recognition. Most of all, rhodonite is suitable for young Libra, aiming at success and studying literature or music - for them, the best talisman may be, for example, a rhodonite bracelet worn on the left hand, which will energize the wearer. The rhodonite keychain will help the gifted but lazy Libra get rid of apathy and take action.

Zircon is a talisman of merchant luck, it is the best fit for Libra, who believes that worrying about money is beneath their dignity; zircon itself will do all the work and will attract the required amounts to Libra. It is recommended to carry zircon with you when concluding deals and contracts - it will save the owner from making a wrong decision. In addition, zircon will not let Libra get bogged down in worldly affairs - at the same time it develops an aesthetic principle and intuition.

SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)

Patron planets: Mars, Pluto

Element: Water

Colors: bright red, black, swamp, dark blue, blue-green

Gemstones:obsidian, zircon, rauchtopaz, black pearl, aquamarine, alexandrite, turquoise, hematite, garnet, opal, sapphire, serpentine (serpentine), topaz, tourmaline, ruby, pyrite, chalcedony, labradorite, tanzanite.

Scorpions are born in the darkest and darkest time of the year - the time of the ancient holiday of the dead, Halloween, when daylight becomes very little, but the snow does not please the eye with its bright whiteness, and instead of festive snowflakes, we observe a naked and dank landscape. Perhaps it was the influence of natural currents that made Scorpio the most occult and energetically strong sign of the zodiac - these are thinkers and seers deep inside themselves, comprehensively gifted, but at the same time carrying a powerful charge that can destroy everything around, if not send it to a peaceful channel ... However, there are few of those in Scorpios - any Scorpio is first of all a fighter, mercilessly stinging both himself and those around him, having a truly magical effect on the world around him.

Of metals for Scorpio are favorable platinum, cupronickel, brass, zinc and iron; White gold, tin and aluminum are strongly discouraged. Scorpio jewelry is, first of all, all kinds of rings, signet rings and seals. They are especially suited to rings on the index finger, which enhance their influence on others and strengthen their power, on the average, bringing material well-being, and on the little finger, increasing creativity and sexuality.

Serpentine, or serpentine- one of the most powerful and mysterious stones outwardly resembling snake scales; he perfectly suits the Scorpios, becoming for them not just a trinket, but a friend and helper who shares their mystical and ruthless approach to life. In the old days, it was believed that only magicians and sorcerers could wear a serpentine - therefore, it is the hidden magical abilities of Scorpio that will reveal the properties of this stone. The serpentine constantly tempts its owner, confronts him with a new and unknown, throws up the ground for thought - but Scorpios, who adore risk, hate a stable philistine life, this only plays into their hands, they will come out of every new adventure refreshed and strong. For Scorpios engaged in commercial and legal activities, the serpentine will help to calculate partners and competitors several moves ahead, will give composure and lead to career heights. The coil is also useful for Scorpios, who have chosen a profession related to physical labor as their paths - it will support them, help them gain excellent physical shape and endurance. The serpentine cleans the body of toxins at any level, draws out negativity, which is very important for Scorpios, whose energy is always somewhat "littered" with experiences and unfulfilled desires, as well as the envy of others.

Sapphire calms emotional Scorpios, gives them inner harmony, helps to learn the world around them. Sapphire encourages to learn the unknown, clarifies thoughts, pacifies. A sapphire ring is considered an amulet that can tell the wearer where the truth is and where the lie is. Sapphire dampens Scorpio's stormy temperament a little, directing it towards a happy family life, preventing sudden impulses from spoiling what is already there. For Scorpio women, a sapphire brooch or ring is recommended to further enhance the attractiveness.

Amazonite is an amulet of family happiness, it helps to withstand all adversity and gives strength at the most critical moment. It is best not to wear amazonite, but to put a statuette or a crystal from it at home - amazonite is a home amulet, with its help you can build a solid foundation for both housing well-being and personal luck. He brings explosive Scorpios peace of mind, teaches the correct interaction with a partner. In addition, amazonite revitalizes and rejuvenates the spirit, makes you “remember your youth” and become less serious and withdrawn.

Blue topaz- a stone of spiritual enlightenment, which gives the Scorpios an awareness of their destiny, helps to understand the true picture of the world. For Scorpio women, topaz will help to become completely irresistible, and for men it will bring worldly wisdom. In addition, he is able to save Scorpio from inappropriate sexual weakness that has arisen. Golden topaz- a business amulet that brings good luck in business and attracts good luck. Pink topaz brings back lost hope, relieving Scorpios from depression.

Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

Patron planets: Jupiter

Element: Fire

Colors: ruby, turquoise, purple, indigo

Gemstones: aquamarine, amethyst, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, emerald, alexandrite, lapis lazuli, tourmaline, sapphire, zircon, hematite, rauchtopaz, opal, black pearls, sardonyx, azurite, obsidian, blue topaz, pyrite.

The centaur is a wonderful creature, half-man-half-horse, born of the fantasy of ancient Greek myths. And it is he who symbolizes the sign of Sagittarius - stubborn, hot, aiming exactly at the target, but often allowing the "horse" to take over the "man", and therefore frivolous and a little superficial. Sagittarius are the most skillful hunters of the Zodiac cycle, they crave perfection in everything, but they have a cheerful and gentle character that does not allow them, like gloomy Scorpions or tough Capricorns, to dwell on the unattainable.

Sagittarius metals are gold, platinum, bronze, iron and brass; copper, silver, nickel and cupronickel are not recommended. For Sagittarius, Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces, foot jewelry is perfect - chains, bracelets, rings. With the correct selection of gems, such jewelry can correct fate, changing it for the better, and attract friends and like-minded people.

The universal stone for Sagittarius is turquoise, blue stone of victory and happiness... Turquoise makes Sagittarius lucky, helps him gain the authority he needs so much and break through to power. It is especially good for Sagittarius who have chosen the path disinterested assistance to humanity - missionaries, preachers, benefactors - it helps fight evil, inspires high deeds, enlightens the mind and prevents evil and sinful deeds from being done. Turquoise is an inexhaustible source of energy, a kind of accumulator of cosmic energy that charges the tireless Sagittarius with fresh forces. They say that a hand with a turquoise ring will never become poor - this is one of the most strong talismans money luck, attracting the abundance and favor of sponsors and patrons, to whose help Sagittarius are often inclined to resort. Turquoise will also help in love - it will save Sagittarius from rash steps and infidelity, will give happiness in personal and family life, peace and tranquility in the house. Turquoise will protect the traveling Sagittarius from dangers and make the road interesting and enjoyable.

Lapis lazuli is a stone that in ancient times was considered to have fallen from the sky, having absorbed all the colors of heaven. He is the best fit for Sagittarius politicians and public figures - he will reveal to them the hidden intentions of opponents, ensure the favor of the electorate. For Streltsy businessmen starting a new business, lapis lazuli will help open up new opportunities, reorganize finances, give enough energy to implement the most unusual plans and projects, and contribute to making quick and correct decisions. In love, lapis lazuli brings a "new round" in existing relationships, infuses fresh strength and strengthens the partners' faith in each other, which is necessary for Sagittarius, who are in an eternal unconscious search. In addition, the stone is capable of attracting loyal friends and increases attractiveness in the eyes of others.

Charoite is a fairly young gem, found only in the second half of the 20th century on the banks of a Siberian river. This delicate lilac stone has a powerful effect on the sphere of personal relationships. A little rough and straightforward Sagittarius, he endows with softness, tenderness and subtle perception of a partner, increases sexuality and attracts mutual love. Charoite calms Streltsov, relieves the stress accumulated during the working day, it is especially useful to peer at the lilac patterns for a few minutes - this contributes to endurance, restraint and pacification. Charoite figurine - wonderful gift for Sagittarius, she will bring him family happiness and peace of mind.

Alexandrite is an extraordinary stone that changes color depending on the light from bluish-green to violet-red. This stone is perfect for Sagittarius who suffer from frequent mood swings - it is able to change color not only due to lighting, but also following the mental state of the owner. Alexandrite calms, normalizes relationships, pacifies Sagittarius, making him more accommodating. Alexandrite can only be worn by people with a strong spirit, it helps them cope with any troubles and win all battles, brings success and glory. This is a talisman for those Sagittarius who became military men, lawyers or are engaged in show business.

CAPRICORN (12.22 - 01.20)

Patron planets: Saturn

Element: Earth

Colors: black, brown, burgundy, marsh, blue-purple

Gemstones:agate, amethyst, turquoise, jet, garnet, malachite, peridot (olivine), hematite, morion, onyx, chalcedony, rauchtopaz, chrysoprase, obsidian, jade, green tourmaline, spinel, lapis lazuli, jasper, eye quartz, serpentine, clinochlorite, talc , zircon.

The thickest darkness happens before dawn - this saying absolutely accurately reflects the nature of the Capricorn sign, which falls on the era of the shortest days and longest nights. After all, if we compare the Zodiacal circle by the number of those outstanding people whose name is literally known to everyone and everyone, then Capricorn will inevitably receive the palm - it was during this period that Joseph Stalin, and the greatest predictor Nostradamus, and Newton, whose “story with the apple” is known, were born. even to careless schoolchildren, and the most famous writer of the 20th century, Tolkien. And, of course, the most famous Capricorn in the world is Jesus Christ ... Capricorn is a sign of prophets and religious leaders, carrying light into a dark world, and cruel dictators for whom people are nothing more than dust; gloomy and persistent, they invariably strive for the top, whatever might stop them.

Metals of Capricorn are gold (except white), copper, nickel and cupronickel. Iron-rimmed jewelry can help you make a decisive breakthrough in a tough situation. But white gold, bronze and aluminum are contraindicated.

For Sagittarius, Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces, foot jewelry is perfect - chains, bracelets, rings. They will help the closed Capricorn to successfully establish personal connections and look for like-minded people, as well as correct fate, helping to achieve the intended goal.

Capricorn stones are ambiguous, gloomy, which sometimes cannot be worn by other signs of the zodiac because of the powerful forces hidden in these minerals. So, Capricorn is very suitable morion - almost black rhinestone... This stone sharpens intuition, it is associated with otherworldly forces - this good helper for Capricorns who have chosen the path of spiritual service. The stone promotes clarity of thought, helps to grasp and evaluate the current moment in time, rationally comprehend any information. In addition, morion attracts the sympathy of others to its owner, increases communication skills. Morion earrings awaken creativity in Capricorns, which they often lack, and at the same time stimulate the brain. A ring with a morion is a male talisman that makes them sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex. Promotes morion and the material well-being of the owner, which is very important for Capricorn.

Rauchtopaz is another characteristic "ibex" gem of a smoky brown color; Rauch means smoke. This is the most powerful of the "dark" stones, it causes responsibility not only for one's life, but also for the existence of the Earth as a whole, energetically gives "access" to the heritage of all Creators who have ever lived on the planet, to rethinking existing religions and scientific theories ... It is a stone of scientists, missionaries, politicians. At the same time, rauchtopaz does not allow to slide into fanaticism, which is often characteristic of Capricorns - it calms, reduces the degree of egoism, and heals the psyche. In addition, rauchtopaz relieves jealousy and pride, relieves drug and alcohol addiction and brings out depression. Rauchtopaz will not allow turning into an "unrecognized genius" either - it attracts wealth and prosperity.

Jade is one of the most popular gems, known since ancient times. This is an excellent talisman for purposeful Capricorns, it helps to move faster along the chosen path and find success and victory in the end. Most of all, jade is suitable for the military, scientists, diplomats, lawyers and politicians - it not only protects its owner, gives courage and brings good luck, but also helps to rationally comprehend the situation and find the most bloodless and profitable way out of the situation. Jade is perfect for Capricorns, who persistently and consistently move upward - it increases efficiency, physical and mental strength, helps to earn enough money for earthly life. In addition, nephritis heals the body as a whole and protects against chronic diseases, which is valuable for Capricorns, who always have no time to get to the doctor. For Capricorn women, a jade statuette will give family happiness and become a charm of the hearth.

Red garnet is a good gem for Capricorns seeking to influence other people, it gives its owner power over others. In addition, pomegranate is known for its ability to awaken strong passions in the owner and cause creativity - this is what cold Capricorns usually lack, therefore it is prescribed to be worn by Capricorns who are involved in directing, fashion, sculpture, music, theater and cinema, who must work with full dedication. and passion. Moreover, if the owner gets into trouble, then the pomegranate will help to calmly cope with troubles. For Capricorn women, the pomegranate brings worldly wisdom and tranquility, and when worn constantly, it creates an elated mood.

AQUARIUS (21.01 - 18.02)

Patron planets: Uranus, Saturn

Element: Air

Colors: purple, orange, yellow, electric blue, silver gray, sky blue, green

Gemstones:aquamarine, amber, amethyst, garnet, alexandrite, hematite, rauchtopaz, jet, peridot (olivine), obsidian, sapphire, malachite, chrysoprase, green tourmaline, spinel, zircon.

Freedom is a sweet word that many people mention without thinking what it really means. But Aquarius is not at all like that - the sign of the Zodiac, for whom being free - in every sense of the word - is no less important than breathing. Sociable, sociable and cheerful Aquarians hate restrictions and tight control and dream of equality and freedom not only for themselves, but for the whole world as a whole, all their lives they strive to free themselves from the burden of the material world and gravitate little towards power, wealth or honor.

The metals of Aquarius are gold, iron, bronze, copper, nickel and brass. It is not recommended to wear tin, aluminum, cupronickel and white gold. For Sagittarius, Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces, foot jewelry is perfect - chains, bracelets, rings. They attract interesting acquaintances to a friendly Aquarius, help to find like-minded people.

Fluorite is a stone with an extremely rich color range; it can be colorless, blue, pink, yellow, green, lilac and violet. Fluorite is perfect for the changeable, constantly fluctuating Aquarius - it clarifies the mind, gets rid of dangerous illusions, helps to absorb information faster. Fluorite helps to develop intuition up to foresight, promotes spiritual growth of a person and unexpected mystical revelations, which invariably attracts the versatile Aquarius. At the same time, fluorite is a barrier from all types of negativity, cleansing the soul and body from toxins. For creative Aquarius, fluorite will become a constant source creative energy and inspiration.

Hyacinth is a red-orange variety of zircon. This is an unusual stone - it is recommended for Aquarius to wear it during the period of "black stripes" in life, as hyacinth can turn pain into joy and vice versa. Hyacinth is a stone that contributes to the constant change of plans and states, therefore it is shown to Aquarius in the first place, because for Aquarius changes are natural, and they can frighten or irritate other signs. Traveling Aquarius hyacinth will save you from all dangers. It gives hope for the best and relieves melancholy and depression. In addition, hyacinth is a universal healer capable of purifying the entire body and harmonizing the emotional and mental state.

Hawkeye is a blue-gray variety of eye quartz. It is a powerful protector that protects its owner from negative impact, overt and covert enemies, slander, gossip and attacks. Hawkeye sharpens intuition, makes the owner vigilant and promotes discernment, which is often lacking in gullible Aquarius. This is an excellent talisman for Aquarius who are engaged in pedagogical or social activities, or who have chosen an extreme profession: it insures against rash decisions, helps not to get lost in an unfamiliar environment and to react quickly.

Mother of pearl is a good helper in personal and family life. He brings calmness and understanding into the house, teaches to “feel” the partner and choose the most correct line of behavior. It is believed that mother-of-pearl brings abundance and well-being to the home, relieving Aquarius from the need to constantly worry about "despicable metal", focusing on more interesting things. Mother-of-pearl as a typical "Aquarius" stone attracts favorable changes and new events, coloring the life of Aquarius with new colors, and protects from the evil eye and damage.

FISH (19.02 - 20.03)

Patron planets: Neptune, Jupiter

Element: Water

Colors: aquamarine, violet red, salmon, white, green

Gemstones: adularia (moonstone), amethyst, charoite, rock crystal, aquamarine, alexandrite, beryl, pearls, red coral, cacholong, jade, opal, sapphire, selenite, aventurine, labradorite, fluorite, cat's eye, ophiocalcite, turquoise.

The sun begins to appear more often, the wind brings the imperceptible breath of spring, and drops are crying from the roofs of houses - this is the beginning of the awakening of Nature and the time when those born under the sign of Pisces come to the world. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiacal chain; if Aries in the Zodiac symbolizes a new beginning, Virgo is hard work, Leo is power, and Scorpio is passion, then Pisces is the spirit of the Zodiac, the most mystical, intuitive and delicate sign, a mirror that reflects the worst and best features of all other signs.

The metal of Pisces is above all silver, as well as white gold, cupronickel, bronze, platinum and tin; it is not recommended to wear yellow and red gold, copper, iron and aluminum. For Sagittarius, Capricorns, Aquarius and Pisces, foot jewelry is perfect - chains, bracelets, rings. Such jewelry will help Pisces to find the ground under their feet, which often escapes as a result of fruitless dreams, and to find reliable faithful friends.

Aquamarine is one of the most mystical stones, which is associated with comprehending secrets and exposing deceptions, even on the astral plane. For Pisces, gifted with a rich imagination and keen intuition, aquamarine will be a faithful helper, dimming or filling with light, depending on the state of the owner's soul. Aquamarine will protect vulnerable Pisces from betrayal or infidelity on the part of a partner. This gem improves mood, brings peace and grace to the soul, harmonizes the unstable emotional background of Pisces. It is also believed that aquamarine enhances the attractiveness of the wearer in the eyes of the opposite sex.

Pearls are the most romantic stone, a symbol of sophistication and a true "fish" stone. He brings Pisces happiness, good luck and reciprocity in love, protects marriage, protects the spouse from infidelity. Pearls develop in their owner an understanding of personal benefit, teaches them to make the right choices and achieve maximum benefits in work and business, which is important for Pisces engaged in commercial activities. Best of all, pearls act in the form of bracelets or beads; this is a wonderful gift for the bride-Pisces for a wedding; By the way, it is believed that inherited pearls cannot be worn, as they bring misfortune; this stone must be purchased independently or received as a gift, because it “records” energy information about the previous owner. Rings with pearls are worn on the ring finger of the right hand, where they contribute to spiritual development and strengthening of family relationships. It should be borne in mind that white and pink pearls are suitable for young Pisces, black pearls for divorced or widowers.

Adularia, or moonstone- a white iridescent "fragment of the Moon", which is shown to Pisces, engaged in magical, occult, astrological practices. It brings prophetic dreams, helps its owner to analyze the past and accept correct decisions making correct predictions for the future. Moonstone protects Pisces from any negative influences from the outside, and from ill-wishers who seek to destroy the fragile inner world of the sensitive Pisces. It is recommended to be worn by women - men, it makes too soft and dreamy.

Noble opal is another powerful magic stone that stores the energy of enlightenment in its depths of iridescent colors. With the help of opal, Pisces get rid of gloomy thoughts and fears, gain new hope. Opal supports creative individuals, which include all Pisces, without exception, gradually develops their spirit, protects from the vicissitudes of fate and the intrigues of enemies. This is a talisman that bestows success in all endeavors and reciprocity in love, a guardian of the family hearth.

In the game Legend of Gems, the main character is Sasha, who needs to find a beautiful flower and overcome all obstacles in her path. In this game you can collect gems in the form of a construction site; a large number of levels of different difficulties await you. Good music will help you concentrate on playing.

You will recover with the protagonist of this jungle quest game beautiful flower, but the whole search does not bring good luck, and the flower is nowhere to be found. But suddenly she turns her attention to the rock, on which is drawn a hieroglyph indicating the entrance to the cave. Going down into the cave, on your way you come across several statues and a puzzle that needs to be solved and correctly assembled. Having made the right decision, you will receive the same cherished flower.

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The plot of the game takes place in Peru since 1928. Botanist and archaeologist Sasha is looking for a very rare flower. Suddenly, the search led the girl to a hieroglyph that indicates an archway entrance. Having passed the archway, the heroine found herself in an ancient temple. The brave traveler boldly entered this passage and found herself in an ancient temple. What secrets are hidden in the ancient building and what awaits the one who can unlock the main gates? All these answers you will receive in the process of passing.

The logic game "The Legend of Gems" is designed in the classic match-three rules. However, it has some unique features. You can swap and move chips only in the directions indicated on them. The number of moves is unlimited, so you can arrange the chips at your own discretion. The limit is imposed only on the time it takes to solve the puzzle. The goal of the game is to collect gold tiles after each level. In achieving this goal, bonuses and "powerups" will come to your aid. After collecting all the boards, you can find out all the secrets of this abandoned place. As you progress through you will receive a small piece of history, which will gradually clarify the picture of what is happening.

Gameplay video

The main advantages of the game include some points. Firstly, a game mechanic that is not found in other similar games. The graphic design pleases the player's eye and deserves the highest marks. The storytelling motivates you to pass level by level and get closer to the truth. Also, you will hear wonderful music written especially for the game. All this makes it possible to plunge into the atmosphere of research and get real pleasure from the time spent at the computer screen.