How to cleanse a newborn's face. Rules on how to wash a child from the evil eye with holy water and wash yourself. Remove the evil eye

The long-awaited moment has come - you have become parents. With the birth of a child, young parents have a lot of questions related to caring for baby... This article is devoted to the basic rules of baby care.

The main condition proper care for the infant is cleanliness. This means that not only the child must be clean, but everything that surrounds him must be kept in a perfectly clean condition: diapers, clothes, bedding, toys. In addition, the room in which the child lives must be cleaned daily, on the windows in summer time there should be mosquito nets to prevent flies and other insects from entering the room, as well as the entry of various microbes contained in the dust into his body, thereby preventing the development various diseases... Various microorganisms can enter the child's body through the mouth, a pacifier, with food, through hastily washed dishes, etc. In addition, it is especially important not to allow older children to approach the child, not to allow kissing the child on the face, especially lips, bend low over him, breathe on him, because when breathing, people emit with air a large number of microbes, if they enter the child's body, various diseases can occur.

Try to keep not only your hands and clothes, but also your family members clean. Do not allow your child to enter the room in dirty, dusty clothes. Before approaching or picking up the baby, everyone, including the mother, should thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water. In addition, to avoid injury to the child, be sure to keep your fingernails long, they should be cut short.

When breastfeeding a baby, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the nipples. It is recommended to put sterile rags on them daily. And also before each feeding it is necessary to mandatory wash the nipples with warm boiled water. This procedure prevents diseases of the breast, and also prevents harmful microorganisms from entering the baby's mouth when feeding.

Room cleaning tips infant.
As a rule, the room for the child and the mother is prepared in advance. They remove unnecessary items, prepare a corner for the child directly - a crib, a changing table, a shelf or closet for linen, a shelf for care items, toys. Usually a crib and that's it required attributes put in the lightest part of the room. Every day it is necessary to do wet cleaning in this room, all cabinets and furniture should also be wiped with a damp cloth. Do not cover the windows with thick curtains; as much sunlight as possible should get into the room. In addition, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room. This must be done daily, in winter period- every 3-4 hours for 10-15 minutes.

Items for the care of an infant.
Every mother should have the following items in her infant care arsenal: sterile bandage, cotton wool, potassium permanganate solution, baby powder, baby oil to lubricate the folds of the skin (instead of it, you can use ordinary vegetable oil, boiled and cooled, which is poured into a sterilized bottle ), baby soap, baby hair brush, scissors, glass, teaspoon, water thermometer, thermometer for measuring body temperature, rubber heating pad, rubber bulb. All these attributes of child care must be at hand, that is, stored in a specially designated place. In addition, they should always be covered with a sterile diaper. Cotton wool is best purchased in the form of rolled up lumps. If one is not found, you can roll it into lumps yourself. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly, roll up the balls and put them in a sterilized and dried container with a lid.

Washing an infant.
The child's eyesight must be protected from birth. Handle flash units and other devices with great care. Do not expose your child's eyes to changes in illumination. At night, it is best to use soft, diffused light table lamp or a floor lamp. Before morning feeding, you should wash your baby. To do this, you need to take cotton ball soak it in boiled water room temperature and gently rub the baby's face. Then you also need to carefully dry the baby's face with a clean napkin or handkerchief. By the way, you can wash your child's face with your hand, after washing it with soap. If the child's eyes fester, they must be rinsed with a solution. boric acid(1/2 tsp in a glass of warm boiled water) or potassium permanganate (1-2 drops of a strong solution of potassium permanganate dilute in boiled water until a pale pink color appears). It is necessary to rinse the eyes separately with cotton lumps in the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the nose. Each eye must be wiped with a clean piece of cotton wool, while wiping first healthy eye, and then the patient. After rinsing, the eyes are also dried with separate dry cotton swabs.

It is very important that the child learns to breathe through his nose correctly from the very beginning. Since the nasal passages infants are very small, so blockages (mucus, crusting) can make breathing difficult and noisy. The child begins to sniff, suckles poorly, becomes restless, and, as a result, does not sleep well. In order to clear the baby's nose, you must first drip one drop into each nostril of warm boiled vegetable oil. The oil helps to soften the crusts and easily remove them. The crusts should be removed with a cotton wool flagellum, previously soaked in boiled vegetable oil... With a cold or runny nose, the nasal mucosa swells significantly, which also makes breathing difficult. V this case it is necessary to regularly clean the nasal passages with thin cotton swabs, instill drops prescribed by a pediatrician.

Waxing out of a child's ears is common natural process which removes all microorganisms and dust particles from the ear. To prevent the formation of a sulfur plug, it is necessary to be careful not to injure the eardrum, to remove excess sulfur from the outside of the ear canal with a clean cotton swab. The release of sulfur can be intense when bathing, when dust particles or insects get into the ear. However, sometimes it can be the cause of otitis media. In no case should you independently remove the sulfur plug from the ear of an infant or treat with any drops. At home, you can put your child on warm heating pad for 10-15 minutes with one ear, then with the other. This procedure is in a good way cleansing the ears, as well excellent prevention otitis media. It is also necessary to wash your child's ears with great care, as you can pour water into the ear canal.

In order to avoid damage to the oral mucosa, as well as the ingress of microbes, it is not recommended to wipe the child's mouth, as this can damage the delicate mucous membrane of the mouth and introduce microbes. In addition, daily it is necessary to wash not only hands and face, but also wash the child. warm water(skin folds of the groin area, genitals and buttocks). It is necessary to wash the child with clean hands in the direction from front to back to avoid getting particles of feces into the genitals. It is very convenient to do this under running water. Then you need to dry the baby's skin with a soft towel. Further, all the folds on the baby's body (between the buttocks, behind the ears, armpits, on the neck, in the groin) must either be treated with special oil or talcum powder. The child should be washed after each bowel movement.

As for the baby's umbilical wound, it must be treated once a day, preferably after an evening swim. This will require a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, with which you need to wash off the bloody crusts, and then lubricate the wound with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. Usually, umbilical wound heals on the twentieth day of the child's life. If during this time light or bloody discharge who have bad smell or greenish, yellowish color, and the skin around it is red and swollen - these are signs of infection. In this case, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

In babies, nails grow very quickly, so they need to be trimmed once a week so that the child does not scratch himself. For the child, you need to purchase special small scissors with blunt ends for cutting nails. Wash them before use. hot water with soap and dry with a clean towel. Do not cut your child's nails too short, you can hurt him. In case of accidental injury, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the wound and hold it for a while until the blood stops flowing.

There are cases when yellow or translucent scales are formed on the scalp of an infant as a result of excessive secretion of the skin glands. In case of their small number, as well as similarity to dandruff, they can be brushed off with a soft brush. But crusts can form, which can be very disturbing to the child due to the onset of itching. Such crusts must be removed, for which every day, 2-3 hours before bathing, the baby's head must be thickly lubricated sunflower oil... And after bathing, it is necessary to comb off such crusts with a fine comb. This comb should only be used for the needs of the child. Before use, the scallop must be washed with hot water and soap, wiped with a dry clean towel and combed over it a small amount of cotton wool. After the procedure, the cotton wool is removed, and the combed crusts are removed with it.

In addition, so-called diaper rash can occur on the baby's skin. The reason for their occurrence, as a rule, is an excess of moisture on sensitive skin, which appears when using diapers and diapers, lack of fresh air and constant friction. It is possible to prevent the appearance of diaper rash in a child if you follow several rules: change diapers frequently, wash baby clothes with high quality, thoroughly and regularly wash and dry the baby. In addition, it is very important to let the baby's skin breathe by letting the baby lie down or sleep with the butt open for 10 minutes every day. If diaper rash does appear, you need to use baby powder or protective ointment, which includes zinc oxide.

Bathing an infant.
A newborn can be bathed for the first time after 24 hours after the umbilical wound has healed. As a rule, the first bathing takes place with the permission of the local doctor. The first 6 months of an infant must be bathed daily, and after 6 months - every other day. It is best to bathe your baby before the last feed. This must be done in a special bath and no more than 5-7 minutes. Be sure to rinse the baby bath with soap and boiling water before bathing. It is best to prepare in advance everything you need for bathing, and clean linen should also be prepared. In a cold period of time, before putting on the underwear, the child needs to warm it up (wrapped in a clean diaper, the underwear is put on the stove, etc.). Before bathing the baby, mom or dad must thoroughly wash their hands with soap, cut their nails, that is, it is necessary to create all conditions so as not to accidentally harm the baby.

Before pouring water into the bath, put a clean diaper folded in half on the bottom. The bathroom or the room where you bathe your baby should not be too hot (20-22 ºС). The water temperature should be 36.5 ºС - 37 ºС, and the level - no more than 10-15 cm, so that top part the baby's breasts and head were on the surface of the water. It is necessary to lower the child into the water slowly, starting with the legs, then the body. The head is located on the elbow of an adult, the fingers of the same hand support the child under the knees. With the right hand, lightly soap the scalp, neck, then the torso and limbs. When a rash appears on the skin of an infant, it is recommended to make a manganese bath, for which it is necessary to prepare a strong solution of potassium manganese in a separate container, and then add it to the bath with water until it turns pink.

The skin of babies should not be rubbed, this can damage the skin, it is necessary to rinse everything with care natural folds baby skin. It is necessary to rinse the child from a jug with warm boiled water, turning the back upwards, and the temperature of the water in the jug should be 1 ºС lower than in the bath. Then you need to wrap the baby in a towel and dry it. This procedure must be done carefully with attachment soft towel to the body. Then you need to carefully lubricate all the folds on the baby's body with baby cream or oil, put on clean linen and put in the crib. A baby who can sit (6 months) can be bathed while sitting, giving him the opportunity to play with rubber or plastic toys.

Dressing an infant.
For the first few months of a child's life, they mainly use diapers, undershirts and blouses, as well as diapers. In general, in the first month of a child's life, I would recommend using gauze diapers at home, and for a walk to wear diapers, which are selected depending on the age and weight of the baby. Gauze diapers absorb urine and feces well enough, while allowing the baby's skin to "breathe", prevent diaper rash. Regular use of diapers in the first month of a baby's life can just lead to diaper rash.

Since it is necessary to change diapers very often in the first month, it is necessary to have at least 10 of them, the same amount is needed gauze diapers as well as 3-4 warm diapers. You should not buy too many undershirts and blouses, because the baby will grow out of them very quickly, 3-4 from thin fabric and 3-4 from a bike or jersey will be enough.

It is now widely believed that a newborn baby does not need to be swaddled. I disagree with that. I believe that it is imperative to swaddle for the first month, since the unconscious movements of the arms and legs will interfere with the baby's sleep, can scare him, and also so that the baby does not scratch himself. Of course, to avoid this, there are now on sale special undershirts with sleeves that prevent scratching. You should not wrap the child too much, as this contributes to the fact that the child becomes sensitive to any cooling, the resistance of his body to colds... When putting a newborn to sleep, it is imperative to put on a thin hat on his head.

When your baby is 2 months old, you can purchase several pairs of sliders that are good diaper substitutes. They allow the child to move their legs freely and not get cold. If the room is cold, warm knitted shoes are put on your feet. At the age of 8-9 months, when the child gets on his feet and walks on the crib, on the floor, he needs to buy pants that only reach the length of the foot.

An infant's bed.
As mentioned above, the child must have a separate bed, in which a special orthopedic mattress must be purchased. You cannot put a newborn to sleep with you in the same bed or with other, older children. As a rule, newborns are put to bed without pillows, but the diaper can be folded in half and placed under the baby's head. An oilcloth with ribbons sewn to it is placed on top of the mattress. The oilcloth is pulled tightly so that no folds are formed, and the ribbons are tied under the mattress. A sheet is placed on top of the oilcloth. Crib and bedding the infant should be shaken out daily and ventilated once a week for several hours.

Washing baby linen.
Diapers, like all baby's underwear, must be kept perfectly clean. In no case should you dry the diapers without first washing them. Dirty diapers spread the smell of urine, appear on them yellow spots and they also irritate the baby's skin. Baby's linen, diapers must be washed with special means for washing baby clothes. After washing and thoroughly rinsing the linen, it must be doused with boiling water, then dried and ironed with a hot iron.

Sleep of an infant.
The dream is playing huge role in the life of an infant. He is as necessary to him as air. The child must definitely sleep during the day. The infant needs to sleep a lot during the first month (20 hours), from feeding to feeding. In the future, the child's regime changes, he begins to stay awake more. At 2-3 months, the child sleeps before each feeding for 1.5-2 hours, from 3 to 10 months - 3 times a day and from 10 months to 1.5 years - 2 times a day. From the age of two months, it is necessary to teach the child to fall asleep always in certain time... If the child is eating properly, he is regularly fresh air, is kept clean, he will always fall asleep quickly and sleep peacefully. A baby falls asleep better in the fresh air, so during the day it is best to put him to bed outside. You should not put your child to bed in silence and complete darkness, but with too bright light and too much noise, the child will also not sleep well, and his nervous system will not rest. It is necessary to teach the child to sleep at the same time, and for this it is also necessary to observe the diet, constantly ventilate the room, create a favorable calm atmosphere that is conducive to sleep. Bathing also has beneficial effect per child, after him the baby sleeps for more than 5 hours without waking up.

Baby walk.
A child, regardless of age, should regularly be outdoors, whether it is warm or cold seasons. Fresh air and sunlight help to strengthen child's body prevent the appearance of a disease such as rickets. Being outdoors daily improves appetite and strengthens nervous system baby, improve sleep. In winter, in the absence of wind, it is possible to walk with a baby at a temperature of -10-15 degrees.

As a rule, the first exit to the street (15-20 minutes) is carried out with the permission of the pediatrician and at two weeks of age. Then the time spent on the street is extended to 1.5 - 3 hours. In winter, you need to walk twice a day for two hours, in summer, if possible, the child should be constantly in the fresh air.

Damage and the evil eye are two negative energy programs aimed at reducing a person's vitality. They wedge themselves into the energy field and begin to act akin to viruses. A person who has experienced the effect of a bad look or damage often feels tired, unable to concentrate, his energy falls and cannot be replenished.

However, the evil eye, as opposed to damage, is not a deliberate and conscious impact of harm. It can be exposed to people in relation to whom strong negative emotions were directed: anger, envy, desire for the wrong. For example, a person who enviously praises your cheerful appearance may cause unexpected feeling unwell... However, a bad look does not have a long destructive effect on health and life situations, however, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

To protect themselves and their loved ones from an evil eye, our ancestors have long used a unique liquid, an energy protector. Holy water from the evil eye - has the ability to protect both a child and an adult from envious people, and also relieve you of the consequences of an unkind wish.

The consecrated liquid is able to restore the energy of a person and give him protection from unfriendly people. Non-believers call rituals with her the placebo effect and believe that a person inspires himself positive effect from using it. However, is it really so?

Water is an energy conductor. It is not for nothing that in Russian fairy tales there are stories about living and dead water, each of which serves its own purpose. The liquid collected in places of Power (sacred spring, church) has the ability to protect a person, improve his health and restore energy balance.

Scientific and laboratory research held in many countries have repeatedly noted unusual properties consecrated water and its difference from ordinary water. As it has been scientifically recorded, such a liquid has a beneficial effect on a person, has the ability to strengthen his health and vitality, restores bioenergetic balance. However, the reason for this inexplicable phenomenon has not yet been found by scientists.

Where can I get holy water?

Liquid for the ritual of getting rid of the bad look can usually be obtained in the church. To do this, you need to bring a small empty container there, pray and collect water. Knowledgeable people they say that it is not necessary to take a large amount of the consecrated liquid from the church. The most convenient container is 0.5 liters.

Water will have special qualities if it is taken in the church on January 19, at the Baptism of the Lord. It is also popularly believed that on the night of January 18-19, all tap liquid in the house has unique miraculous properties.

An extraordinary "protector" can also be recruited from sacred sources that appear at the graves of Orthodox martyrs. She will also possess everyone healing properties and rightfully considered unique.

What is the essence of the ritual of removing the evil eye with holy water?

There are many rituals with a consecrated "guide" that help get rid of the consequences of someone's envy and anger and protect a person from the words and views of ill-wishers. First of all, these ordinances are designed to help a person in the following situations:

  • protect your health and the health of your loved ones;
  • protect your property (house, dacha, car);
  • protect pets or livestock.

Rituals aimed at protecting against an unkind look are carried out under the following important conditions:

  • absolute sobriety and clarity of thought;
  • lack of any negative emotions;
  • great faith in the power and help of holy water.

The rituals of removing the effects of the evil eye are different, they can take place with the help of a conspiracy, prayer, correct washing. Since the energy of an adult and a child is different, the rituals of removing the evil eye with holy water, aimed at their protection, are also different.

Evil eye removal ritual for an adult: how to wash your face properly?

Consecrated liquid and matches are required for carrying out. To remove the evil eye with matches, pour water into a cup or glass, light a match, and use it to cross the container with holy water three times. During the ritual, the prayer "Our Father" should be read.

After that, you need to wash your face, neck and hands up to the elbow. Thus, matches from the evil eye will help remove any negative impact per person.

Evil eye removal ritual for a child?

Babies because of their weak energy protection often suffer from the views and words of an unkind person. This is especially true for newborns, who need to be especially protected from bad people.

The ritual with the consecrated liquid, which will help remove the evil eye from the child, is carried out as follows:

  • it is necessary to prepare a glass of holy water in advance.
  • water should be at room temperature.
  • wash the child's forehead with a little water;
  • cross the baby and read "Our Father".

It is best to do this ritual for protection once a week, so that a bad look does not accidentally "pierce" the child's energy field.

Conspiracy from the evil eye

“I wash myself with holy water, key, remove the eye of a bad man, the spirit of his dashing word. May it be so!".

After a few days, you will feel much better, and Vital energy will recover again.

Prayer for consecrated water

Another way to get rid of trouble with holy water is to read strong prayer, which will protect from a bad look both in the present and in the future.

The words of the prayer are also read during morning and evening washing:

“Mother of God, save and keep me from the eyes of the unkind! Let the holy water wash away from me all envy, anger and hostility, both female and male! As your good power washes your face, so I am cleansed of bad words and unkind looks. Amen".

Holy water from the evil eye for money and housing

The evil eye for money is considered one of the most common. For example, everything is going well in your life: you have a job that brings good money, a family, an apartment. And then one day a certain person finds out about your salary and expresses envious words about how lucky you are. After that, suddenly there are problems with money - sometimes unforeseen expenses, then you can completely lose a good source of income. How to avoid such consequences?

Money negativity can be removed with the help of a consecrated liquid and a little conspiracy. To do this, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • collect holy water in a basin (you can mix it with ordinary water);
  • go to the bathroom;
  • to pronounce the words of the conspiracy: "The power of love washes away all bad weather, it sends me luck and money again";
  • pour the liquid from the basin onto the top of the head.

In a few days, your business will start to bounce back, and your money problems will disappear like magic.

Holy water from the evil eye for housing will help in the following situations:

  • household members are often sick in the family;
  • permanent breakdowns occur (broken crane, broken window, junk Appliances etc.)
  • constantly having nightmares in the house;
  • pets die.

To carry out the ceremony of protecting housing from negativity, it is necessary to take a small amount of extraordinary water and anoint it on the doorknob. front door from the outside early in the morning and from the inside late in the evening.

You need to carry out such a ritual within a week. After a while, you will notice that the person who caused the troubles in your house has stopped visiting you.

What is daily newborn care, how to wash a baby and take care of an umbilical wound, how to change diapers, take care of nails, feed a baby and walk with him - we will tell you about these basic procedures for caring for a newborn in our article.

When it comes time to return home with a newborn from the hospital, every mother begins to worry about how she will be without the help and competent advice of the medical staff.

Without exception, all mothers are worried whether they can provide their child with the necessary healthy growth care: properly bathe the baby, cut off his nails, treat the umbilical wound.

Therefore, mothers will not have time to cross the threshold home, how they have many questions about caring for a child: is it worth washing the baby after each urination, what is the best way to treat the navel: brilliant green or tincture of calendula?

Today we will try to find answers to the main questions about baby hygiene and talk about the basic procedures of daily baby care.

Newborn morning toilet

Like every person, the baby should wash in the morning, of course, his mother should help him with this.

After the newborn wakes up, strip him naked, let him lie naked for a while, this is good for the baby's skin. Then carefully examine the baby, check for redness on the skin, prickly heat. If so, prepare baby cream to lubricate problem areas after washing the baby.

The baby is washed with cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water.

  1. Washing the newborn is carried out from top to bottom. The baby is washed with cotton pads dipped in warm boiled water.
  2. Wipe the baby's eyes, from outer edge to the inner. It is recommended to take a new one for the hygiene of each eye. cotton pad.
  3. Gently wipe the baby's face with a damp cotton pad, the ears - outside, the skin behind the ears, the neck.
  4. Listen to the baby's breathing, it should be free. If breathing is difficult, clear your baby's nose. To do this, you can use a special saline solution for children under one year old and an aspirator (a device that helps to suck out mucus).

How to clear a child's nose from snot - Dr. Komarovsky video

In addition, you can clean the spout from crusts with the help of two small cotton filaments dipped in baby oil... The flagella must be carefully inserted into each nostril one at a time. baby nose and scroll a few times. If your baby's nose is breathing well, then it doesn't need to be cleaned.

Then you need to wipe all the folds of the baby's skin with a damp cotton pad, replace the dirty diaper with a clean one by washing the baby or using baby wet wipes to cleanse the skin.

Umbilical wound care

During the neonatal period, a special place on the child's body is the umbilical wound, it requires careful care.

As a rule, the umbilical wound is treated once a day, you can do this after bathing, when all the crusts are soaked from the water and the mucus is washed out.

How to handle the navel of a newborn - advice from Dr. Komarovsky (video)

There are several ways to treat the umbilical wound, each of them is quite effective:

  • navel care with boiled water- to do this, once a day, moisten a cotton pad with boiled water and thoroughly wipe the umbilical wound so that it becomes clean, then dry the navel for a few minutes;
  • navel treatment with hydrogen peroxide and antiseptic(chlorhexidine, baneocin, levomekol, iodine, chlorophyllipt alcohol based,) - to treat the navel, take two cotton swabs, dip one in peroxide, the other in an antiseptic, first treat the navel with peroxide, and then with an antiseptic.

How the umbilical wound heals

Important! If you notice that the skin around the umbilical wound is inflamed, be sure to see your doctor.

Tatiana Znamenskaya, doctor medical sciences, Professor, President of the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine: " To be complete care, we need to take care of the umbilical wound. So that there are no crusts, there is a solution of hydrogen peroxide 3%, with which we wash all the crusts from the navel. After that, with brilliant greens, we simply cauterize the rest of the umbilical wound. It's simple and effective.

If you see that the umbilical wound does not heal within a month, it is better to show the child to the doctor. Usually, up to 14 days of life, the umbilical residue falls off, and the wound heals. "

Washing a newborn

You need to wash your baby under running water after each bowel movement.

It is convenient to wash a newborn like this:

  1. Place your baby with its belly on your left palm facing you or with your back on your forearm, with its head facing you.
  2. Substitute lower part the child's torso under running water.
  3. Lather the baby's buttocks and genitals with baby soap (it is better to choose liquid soap for children, it is more convenient for them to use).
  4. Then rinse the soap thoroughly with water, pat the baby's skin with a towel or diaper.

If the baby has just urinated into the diaper, then you do not need to wash it, but when changing the diaper, use wet wipes. Choose special baby wipes without fragrances and alcohol.

Changing diapers

Most often, mothers use childcare.There are several simple rules which are important to observe in this case:

  • When using them, remember that the child should not be in one disposable diaper more than 4 hours.
  • It is necessary to put on a diaper on a newborn so that the umbilical remains are not covered. It is necessary for the most fast healing umbilical wound.
  • It is advisable that the baby just lay on the diaper without a diaper for several hours a day so that the skin can breathe.
  • It is also important to ensure that diaper rash does not form on the skin under the diaper.
    To prevent diaper rash, it is necessary to dress the baby according to the weather, that is, do not overheat him, and you can also use it under a diaper.

If diaper rash has already formed, you need to consult a doctor, he will recommend a remedy for their healing, most likely it will be a cream containing dexpanthenol - effective healing medicine.

Of course, it is better to prevent, as they can be very painful and disturb the baby.

Bathing a newborn

All mothers are interested in the question: when is it possible after discharge from the hospital?

Marina Skiba, neonatologist of the clinic "Dobrobut":"You can bathe the child immediately after discharge, but if you have been vaccinated with BCG, but within a day or two after the vaccination, it is better not to bathe the child, so as not to wet the injection site."

Until the umbilical wound heals, babies are bathed in a small baby bath in boiled some water. Bathing time at this stage is 3-5 minutes.

Neonatologist Marina Skiba: “The water for bathing a child should be 37 degrees. You can bathe your baby in string broth or chamomile. It's good for baby's skin. "

After the umbilical wound heals, you can already bathe the child in a regular bath in tap water, gradually increasing the bathing time from 5 minutes to 30-40.

Every day, while bathing the child, it is necessary to wash his genitals and buttocks, 1-2 times a week, you need to wash the entire baby with soap, and also wash the child's head with a special baby shampoo.

Important! Bathe your child always with open door in the bathroom, thanks to this, the child will not be so cold after you take him out of the water, since the temperature difference will not be too large

Each time, you need to lower the baby into the water slowly, starting with the legs. It is necessary to support the entire body of the child in the water. If water gets into your baby's ears or eyes while bathing, it’s not scary, it’s quite natural!

From the very first days of life, you can begin to lightly harden your child. To do this, before you start bathing the baby, prepare and place a vessel with water in the bathroom, the temperature of which will be 0.5-1 degrees lower than the temperature of the water in the bath. At the end of the bath, pour this container over the child.

After bathing the baby, you need to get wet with a diaper or towel, but do not wipe it off, as this procedure can damage the delicate baby skin.

You also need to prepare two small cotton flagella and gently screw them into the baby's ears so that the cotton wool absorbs the water that gets into the ears during bathing. After the baby's skin is dry, it is advisable to treat the folds with baby oil.

Newborn nail care

It is necessary to take care of the baby's nails 1-2 times a week, since the nails of children grow very quickly. To cut nails you need to purchase special scissors with rounded ends. On the legs, the nails need to be cut evenly, and on the hands - rounding the edges.

Walking with a child

In the summer, you can walk with your baby the next day after being discharged from the hospital. It is advisable to protect the child from direct sun rays... It is better to go out for a walk in the summer either in the morning (before 10 am), or in the evening (after 18), at this time it is not so hot.

The first walk should be very short - 10-15 minutes. Then walk 10 minutes longer every day.

When preparing for a walk with a baby, mothers usually doubt whether they have dressed the baby correctly. In order not to make a mistake with clothes, you always need to follow a simple rule - there should be as many clothes on the baby as on you, plus one more layer. So the baby will be comfortable.

Of course, it is worth checking the child's condition while walking. In the summer, it is important not to overheat the baby, if the child turns red, it means that it is worth removing something from him, he is hot.

V winter season the danger of freezing is great. If the baby is cold, he will have cold hands, feet and nose, in which case an additional blanket will not hurt.

WITH early age our children hear: "We must, must wash in the mornings and evenings, and to unclean chimney sweeps - shame and disgrace!" And even though few of today's children understand what a chimney sweep is, all kids learn from their young nails as an axiom: you need to wash yourself regularly.

But it is not enough to teach a child to rinse his face with water after sleep or wash his hands before eating. It is important to teach your child to wash properly. Today we will talk about how this is best done.

Water procedures accompany your baby from the first days of life. First, you bathe the baby in a bathtub, then the grown-up child begins to splash in the water himself. And here it is very important not to miss the moment and turn the usual the game into a meaningful washing process.

To begin with, you need to understand that simply washing your eyes with warm water in the morning is not yet washing your face. The fact is that in the mornings, children's skin does not breathe, because during the night the pores are clogged with a secret. sebaceous glands... And morning washing is designed not only to drive away the remnants of sleep, but also to free the pores, allowing the skin to breathe and perform its functions normally.

You should start training as early as possible. If your child, standing on the bench, can already reach the stream of water from the tap, then it's time to teach him how to wash on his own. In the learning process, do not be afraid of children's independence, just help the child when he does not know what to do next. First, show your baby the most simple actions: how to get your hands wet and rub your palms together, how to take a handful of water and wash your face with it, how to pick it up toothbrush etc. Pretty soon (after a month or two), the child will develop very strong washing skills, which will allow you to complicate the task and teach him how to use soap accessories and brush your teeth.

It is recommended to use baby soap for washing. Moreover, it will be better if you choose a cream soap for your child. Unlike usual toilet soap, the cream soap contains moisturizing ingredients that make skin care softer. This soap gently cleanses and does not dry the skin.

A successful product in this regard is the baby cream soap "Ushasty Nyan" with olive oil and chamomile extract or with aloe vera and plantain. His active ingredients help nourish the skin and reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions... A quarter of the cream-soap "Eared Nanny" consists of a moisturizing cream, which makes skin care even softer. The extracts included in its composition have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

For the smallest children, it will be more convenient to use the Eared Nanny liquid cream soap with olive oil and aloe vera, because the dispenser is easier for a child's handle to press than it is to hold a bar of soap. The Eared Nanny liquid cream soap can also be used as a shower gel.

Do not forget about children's teeth. It is literally necessary to accustom the baby to the procedure of brushing teeth from the first tooth. When brushing children's teeth, special care should be taken: the child's gums are still very soft, and the teeth are fragile, so choose toothbrushes for children only with soft bristles.

It is important to find the best toothpaste for your baby. After all, it should be both healthy and safe when swallowed and, which is very important, tasty. Even the most wonderful paste will not arouse the kid's interest in brushing his teeth if its taste is not pleasant and tempting enough to repeat the procedure.

Children Toothpaste"Eared nanny First tooth" is intended for gentle care for milk teeth of children from 0 to 4 years old. The paste gently cleanses the teeth without disturbing the structure of the enamel, as it contains a very soft abrasive. And thanks to the combination of phosphorus and calcium, it strengthens the enamel of the developing children's teeth. This toothpaste also contains aloe vera gel, which prevents inflammation and reduces pain when teething. The paste tastes good, which will help you develop the child's brushing habit faster.

At the end of each wash, be sure to remind your child to towel dry. Show how to do it right and do not forget to constantly encourage the baby when he does everything right himself. Or not very correct, but with diligence and diligence. It is very important for a child to be praised by an adult and the realization that he himself is already big enough to cope with such important matters on his own.

Be sure to tell your child that you need to wash not only in the morning and in the evening, but also after a walk, and your hands should be washed every time they get dirty, and especially before eating. When it is impossible to wash with soap and water, teach your child to use wet wipes. For example, hypoallergenic wet cleansing wipes are very convenient.

During the days of stay in maternity hospital you will need to learn how to wash your child.

Your baby's skin is still very delicate, so you need to wash it after each bowel movement.

Washing a child under running water requires a certain skill. First of all, you need to remove rings and watches from your hands so as not to injure your baby.

Prepare a clean, dry diaper or towel to dry your baby.

Check the temperature and flow of the tap water.

First of all, wipe the baby's genitals, after that - the inguinal folds and the anus.

When cleaning the boy's genitals, you can gently push the skin away foreskin but do not try to displace it if it does not give in - at this age it is completely normal.

Then take the crumb in left hand so that the head is on your elbow, and the back is along the forearm. The girl is washed from front to back. But when washing away, it is more convenient to hold the boy face down, with his chest on the forearm.

Draw water in the palm of your hand right hand and rinse all wrinkles thoroughly (just don't rub). It is enough to use soap (even baby soap) once a week!

After washing, the baby's skin must be dried.

With redness in the genital area, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution baking soda, as well as broths and infusions medicinal herbs such as chamomile and calendula.

After any washing, let the child lie down without clothes for 5-15 minutes. Then you can dress and swaddle him.


If daily care for the child you will be taught in the hospital, then you will have to master the bathing of the baby on your own. However, there is nothing difficult in this - follow a certain sequence of actions, and very quickly you will feel confident in your own abilities!

So, your morning will begin with the baby's toilet. As a rule, mothers do this in the interval between the first and second morning feeds, when the baby is full and still awake.

It is most convenient to clean the face and folds on the baby's body when he is lying on the changing table, but you can also use your own bed, having covered it with an oilcloth and a clean diaper. In this case, you should make sure in advance that everything you need is nearby and you do not have to turn away from the baby, reaching for this or that object.

Before you start your child's morning toilet, prepare:

  • boiled water at room temperature or lukewarm in a clean bowl,
  • sterile cotton wool, which you will store in a tightly closed jar,
  • baby cleansing oil or petroleum jelly, which is sold at the pharmacy,
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution,
  • potassium permanganate solution, the so-called "potassium permanganate",
  • wet wipes designed for baby care,
  • dry wipes designed for baby care,
  • baby cream (if necessary - protective cream or diaper cream) or baby milk.

Lay your baby on the changing table and undress him.

At normal temperature in the room, combine hygiene procedures with taking an air bath. However, if the room is cold, do not undress the entire child.

Always ready-made solution of potassium permanganate immediately before use and carefully monitor the complete dissolution of the crystals: once on the baby's skin, they can cause severe burn... It is optimal to prepare a pre-concentrated solution of this substance and store it in a dark glass vial. If necessary, you can add it drop by drop to boiled water.

If the baby's eyes are red and inflamed, pus is released from them, then rinse them with infusion before consulting a doctor strong tea without aromatic and flavoring additives, chamomile decoction or furacilin solution, which you can prepare by dissolving 1 tablet of this drug in 250 g of boiled water.

Remember that furacilin dissolves only in boiling water.

In any case, you should use a separate cotton swab or disk for each eye: this prevents the infection from spreading from one eye to the other.

Flush your baby's eyes while moving from outer corner eyes to nose. If you get it too wet, take a dry piece of cotton wool and blot off the excess moisture.

Your baby's nose is very small and the nasal passages are still very narrow - dust particles trapped in them, as well as milk particles trapped there during spitting up, can prevent him from breathing normally. He still cannot clean his nose, as he does not know how to blow his nose, and a disturbance in nasal breathing can cause concern, so pay due attention to the cleanliness of his nasal passages by thoroughly cleaning them in the morning and monitoring their condition throughout the day.

To cleanse the baby's nose, twist the cotton wool flag and moisten it with baby cosmetic, boiled sunflower or vaseline oil... The oil will help soften the crusts that may form on the nasal mucosa. Insert the flagellum into the baby's nostril and twist it several times, after which you can repeat the same steps with the dry cotton flagellum.

If you use cotton swabs, use only those that are specifically designed for this purpose - they are usually equipped with a stopper that prevents them from penetrating too deep into the baby's nasal cavity.

Wipe your baby's ears by dampening the napkin in water and squeezing it well. Make sure that no water gets into your ear canals. Pay attention to the skin behind auricles- Often, diaper rash forms in this place. Lubricate this area with oil. The ear canals should be cleaned in the same way as the nasal passages.

A child's oral cavity usually does not need someone special care, but it would be useful to examine her every day during the morning hygiene procedures... Clean and moist mucous membrane of the cheeks and gums, colored evenly pink color, is an indicator of the baby's health. A white coating on the tongue and cheeks most often appears after breastfeeding. However, check with your pediatrician to rule out thrush. it fungal disease manifests itself in the appearance on mucous membranes oral cavity baby specific white bloom in the form of films that are easily injured. In this case, after consulting a pediatrician, you will process the baby's mouth with a solution of tea soda every 2 to 3 hours. You may be advised to use a solution of borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate), which you can buy over the counter.

The skin on your baby's face and body is very thin and delicate. His sweat glands are not yet very well developed, so now he needs especially careful and careful care. You should remember that all natural folds on the baby's body are areas where diaper rash can form.

Diaper rash is an irritation that occurs as a result of prolonged moisturizing of the skin with secretion products - then, sebum, - or as a result of constant friction of one skin surface about another.

Inspect carefully armpits and inguinal folds baby, as well as the crotch area, fold between the buttocks, folds in the neck, popliteal and elbow folds and the spaces between the fingers. You can lubricate minor irritation with oil, in case of severe inflammation, be sure to consult your doctor.

Treating wrinkles and keeping them clean, regularly changing diapers and cleansing the skin of urine and feces is a good prevention of diaper rash.

Miliaria, a small rash that occurs in many children as a result of overheating, requires talcum powder treatment. At the same time, talcum powder should be applied only to clean, dry skin, without using cream or oil.

Prevention of the occurrence of prickly heat is air and sunbathing and the use of clothing in which the child will not overheat and sweat.


At the end of the day, before the last evening feeding, it is time for bathing. However, you can choose your own time for bathing - it should be convenient for you and your baby.

Wash the baby bath thoroughly and pour boiling water over it before using it for the first time. In the future, this will not be necessary - you just need to thoroughly wash it after bathing the baby and rinse it before the next one.

Fill the bath with warm water, use a special thermometer to measure its temperature - it should be 36.5 - 37.5 °. In the early days, when the baby's umbilical wound has not yet healed, you can bathe him in a solution of pale pink potassium permanganate.

Often, pediatricians recommend using decoctions and infusions of various plants, which help to cope with skin irritations or calm the baby. However, use such products with caution, as they can cause allergies, and only after consulting your doctor!

You can bathe your child in the bathroom, in the room or in the kitchen, the most important thing is that this room is warm and does not come through.

Pour enough water into the tub to cover the breast of your baby. Prepare everything you need for bathing in advance.

You will need:

  • sponge or soft mitt terry cloth, with which you will wash the child;
  • a bucket or pitcher that you fill with rinsing water. By lowering the temperature of this water in comparison with the water in the bath, you will achieve a hardening effect;
  • soap, special baby shampoo, foams and bath gels; use them no more than once a week.

In the room, prepare a place where you will dry and swaddle the baby, put his clothes, diapers or diapers next to it.

If on the baby's head, under the hair, so-called "milk crusts" are formed - a manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis - then an hour before bathing, lubricate the child's head with vegetable or baby cosmetic oil and put on a cap for him. Before washing, remove the cap, comb out the softened crusts with a fine comb and wash his hair with shampoo.

It is most convenient to bathe the baby together, especially while he is very small, but you can easily cope on your own. Lower it into the water with its back down so that its head rests on your elbow. With this hand, you will hold your child under the shoulders and shoulder blades. With the other hand, gently wash your baby's head and body using a wet or soapy mitten or sponge.

Pay particular attention to the groin folds and skin folds on the neck, popliteal and elbow folds, palms that can be clenched into fists, the genitals of babies, the anus and the skin under the chin.

Take the washed baby out of the bath, laying the breast on your forearm, and pour it over from a ladle or jug.

If you are bathing your baby alone, be very careful when pouring - hold the baby only over the baby bath and tilt him forward a little, as he may reflexively move back when you pour water on him.

Throw a towel over it and wrap it whole. Take the baby to the room, lay on the bed or changing table and dry carefully, not wiping off the water, but getting it wet. Lubricate your baby's skin folds with oil, dress him or wrap him in a diaper.