Finger games description of flying on a rocket. The game "Dance of the Lunatics". Organized educational activities


Physical development

logarithmic exercises without musical accompaniment"Caring Sun"

The sun sends from the skyChildren rhythmically cross their arms over their heads. gently swing your arms up.)
Ray, beam, beam.
And they boldly disperse
Clouds, clouds, clouds.
Gently warms in summer
Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks. (
They rub their cheeks rhythmically.)
And in the spring he puts it on his nose
Dots-dots-dots. (
Rhythmically tap your finger on your nose.)
Children's freckles gild.
They really like it! (
They tap their hands rhythmically on their shoulders.)

Finger gymnastics"Astronaut"

In the starry sky the stars shine

(show stars, fingers intertwined)

Astronaut flies in a rocket

(we depict the flight of a rocket: connect hands at the top)

The day flies, the night flies(bend fingers)

And looks down at the ground(depict a porthole)

Fizminutka "Flight"

And now we are with you, children,(march)

We fly on a rocket.(stretch with arms raised above head)

Get up on your toes(get up on your toes, close your hands over your head)

Now hands down. (put your hands down)

One, two, three, stretch stretch)

Here's a rocket going up.(circling in place)

Psychogymnastics "Sun and cloud"


The sun has gone behind a cloud,(shrink, hugging his shoulders)

It got chilly and dark exhalation)

The sun came out from behind the clouds(spread shoulders)

We will now warm up the hands. (hold your breath, exhale, relax)

A study on the expressiveness of gestures "I don't know!"

Dunno about something is asked, and he just shrugs his shoulders and makes a helpless gesture: “I don’t know,” “I have no idea,” “I didn’t see anything.” Expressive movements: the eyebrows are raised, the corners of the mouth are lowered, the shoulders rise for a moment, the arms are slightly apart, the palms are open.

Finger gymnastics "Space Squad"

One two three four five -

Fingers on both hands are bent one at a time.

A team flew into space.

Put your palms together, raise your hands up.

Commander looking through binoculars

The fingers of both hands are connected to the thumbs, forming "binoculars".

What does he see ahead?

Sun, planets, satellites, comets,

Curl fingers of both hands

Big yellow moon.

Psychomuscular training "Sun and cloud"

(for tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body).

The sun went behind a cloud, it became fresh to shrink into a ball to keep warm. The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot to relax, because it was exhausting in the sun. Repeat 2-3 times.


Physical development

"Astronomical Rhyme"

An astrologer lived on the moon.

He kept records of the planets:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars,

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eighth - Neptune.

Mobile game "Cosmonauts" (older age)

Hoops-rockets are laid out on the floor (1 less hoops than children in pairs). No more than 2 people can stand in the hoop. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle and say the words:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

For planet walks.

What we want -

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game -

There is no room for latecomers!

After the last words, everyone scatters and tries to quickly occupy the hoop-rocket in twos. In a pair, turn your back to each other, tightly pressing your backs and backs of your heads, take beautiful pose with correct posture.

mobile game"Star Traps"

The children are on the playground. The trap, appointed by the teacher or chosen by the players, becomes in the middle of the site, in his hands volumetric sprocket. On a signal: "One, two, three - catch!" - all the children scatter around the playground, dodge the trap, which tries to catch up with one of the players and touch it with an asterisk (tarnish). The one whom the trap has touched with an asterisk steps aside. When 3-4 children are stained, a new trap is selected.

mobile game"Keep your feet off the ground!"

The game is played in the same way, but with the condition: you cannot catch those children who managed to stand on some elevated object in time - a chair, a board and other objects.

mobile game"Cosmonauts"

The game is played with musical accompaniment.

Purpose: the development of imitation of the movements and speech of an adult - the repetition of the sound "U".

We launch a rocket "U-U-U!": arms above the head in the shape of a cone

Started the motors "R - r - r": movement in a circle one after another

They buzzed: “Whoo!”: Hands spread out to the sides.

They flew to the gas station: sat down - hands forward, refueled - lowered their hands.

The game is repeated several times at the request of the children.

Mobile game "Space rescuers or Collect space debris" (middle age)

Children are divided into 2 teams with an equal number of people behind the line on one side of the playground. Children in the hands empty buckets different color, and on the floor there are small balls (cubes) of the same color as the buckets.

At the signal of the teacher, the children collect the balls (cubes) in their bucket in accordance with its color.


Move only with giant steps;

Move only by jumping on 2 legs.

game exercise * "Weightlessness" (balance)

Children freely sit in the hall, make a “swallow” and stand as long as possible. Children who stand on the second leg sit down. The child who stands on one leg the longest wins.

SPACE theme

Finger gymnastics "Lunokhod"

Look, moonwalker
The moon is easy to walk.
He walks very importantly
A brave hero sits in it.

Children put the pads of the fingers of both hands on the table, transfer part of the weight to their hands, and then, as it were, step in turn with their right and left hands. Repeat the quatrain several times.

We walk around the globe
We raise our fingers together.
Jumped over the woods
climbed up the mountain,
Caught in the ocean
Bought together.
Walked to Antarctica
Cold, frozen.
We all sat on the rocket -
They flew into space.


If the month is the letter "C",
So, the old month;
If the stick in dovez
You attach to it
And you'll get the letter "R"
So it's growing
So, soon, believe it or not,
He will become fat.

All the planets in order
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.

Arkady Khait

There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling birds of passage,

Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise ...

Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!
Take care of your planet

Space is so cool!
O. Akhmetova

Space is so cool!
Stars and planets
In black weightlessness
Swimming slowly!

Space is so cool!
sharp rockets
At great speed
Rushing here and there!

So wonderful in space!
So magical in space!
In real space
Visited once!

In real space!
In the one that saw through
In the one that saw through
Paper telescope!

- Everything, - I said firmly at home, -
I will only be an astronomer!
Universe around the Earth!
Author: Rimma Aldonina
* * *
How tempting
Become an astronomer
Closely familiar with the Universe!
That wouldn't be bad at all:
Watch the orbit of Saturn
Admire the constellation Lyra
Detect black holes
And be sure to compose a treatise -
"Study the depths of the Universe!"


There is a yellow circle in the sky
And the rays are like threads.
Like a magnet.
Even though I'm not old
But the scientist
I know it's not a circle, but a ball,
Strongly hot. (Sun)

At night with the sun I change
And I'm on fire in the sky.
I pour soft rays,
Like silver.
I can be full at night
And I can - with a sickle. (Moon)

Look out the window at night
High in the sky we light up
like the sun, very far away. (Stars)

Take a look through the telescope
He walks in orbit.
There he is the head of all,
More than all other planets.
In our solar system
Nobody is bigger. (Jupiter)

All planets with poles
Everyone has an equator.
But planets with belts
You won't find another.
In these rings he is alone,
A very important gentleman. (Saturn)

In the sky I often glow,
Your next door neighbour.
I am Mercury's sister
And I'm always hot (Venus)

This is the red planet
Next door to us.
It is winter and even summer
Freezes over ice.
It's strange, whatever you say,
The ice is not on top, but inside. (Mars)

Here is the younger brother of the planets,
Small in size.
He is closest to the sun
That's why it's hot. (Mercury)
I fly in space with a tail,
I sweep the dust of the universe.
Like a broom, my long tail
Will clean up the stars. (Comet)

These stars are like sparks
They fall and fade quickly.
Light up in the middle of the night
Starry rain in the sky
Like these lights
Painted by the artist. (Meteorites)

I'm flying around the earth
I reflect down the signal,
So that viewers can
Receive a TV channel. (Satellite)

Cosmonauts, sat down firmly?
I'm going into space soon!
Around the Earth on a carousel
I'll circle in orbit. (Rocket, spaceship)

He is in a spacesuit, with insurance
Went into orbit.
The ship was deftly corrected
The cable is broken. (cosmonaut, astronaut)

There is no frying pan in space
And no saucepan either.
Here and porridge, and herring,
And borscht, and vinaigrette -
Packaged like cream!
I will be an astronaut.
I'll eat from something
No dishes at all. (From tubes)

It's always cold in space
Summer does not exist.
The astronaut, checking the cable,
Putting on something.
That clothes will store
Both heat and oxygen. (space suit)

There is a window in the ship -
"Challenger", "World".
But not what is on Earth -
In the house and in the apartment.
In the shape of a circle, that window
It is very durable. (porthole)


To work program

V senior group 5 – 6 years

Finger gymnastics




Wind leaves counted:

Smooth, wave-like movements of the palms

Here is oak

Here is the maple

Here is a rowan carved,

Here from a birch - golden,

Here is the last leaf from the aspen

Bend one finger

The wind threw on the path

Calmly place your palms on the table


"In the forest"

Tom Thumb,

Where have you been?

Fold large four times

finger of the left hand.

Wandered through the forest for a long time!

Fold large four times

finger of the right hand.

I met a bear, a wolf,

Bunny, hedgehog in needles.

I met a squirrel, a titmouse.

I met an elk and a fox.

The thumb of the right hand alternately touches the rest.

Gave gifts to everyone

Everyone thanked me

Four fingers in sequence

bend to the big - bow



Autumn leaves swirl quietly

Circling on tiptoe, arms out to the sides.

Leaves lie quietly under our feet.

They squat.

And rustling underfoot, rustling,

Hand movements left and right.

It looks like they want to spin again.

Rising, spinning.


We consider floors in houses:

One floor, two floors -

Our two-story house.

We walk along the boulevard

We count lindens with maples:

One, two, three, four, five...

Let's hurry, let's speed up,

Let's go to the transition.

Approached the traffic light

A red light blinked at us: "Wait!"

Now the yellow light is out

Green - let us through.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem

Finger gymnastics in November


At Lariska - (In turn, unbend the fingers from the cam, starting with the big one,

on one or both hands.)

Two radishes.


Two potatoes.

At the Earring-Tomboy -

Two green cucumbers.

And Vovka -

Two carrots.

Yes, even at Petka

Two tailed radishes.


I'll start my car "motor"

Bee-beep-beep, pour gasoline. 3 claps, stomp

Firmly hold the steering wheel "keep the steering wheel"

I press the pedal with my foot. stomp right foot


The palms are closed in front of the chest, the fingers of the left hand are tightly pressed to the fingers of the right hand.

Mom mom! The little fingers tap each other four times.

What, what, what? Tapping each other three times index fingers.

The guests are coming! Little fingers tap.

So what? Index fingers tap.

Hello, hello! The middle and ring fingers cross twice with the same fingers of the other hand, going around them either to the right or to the left.

Peck, peck, peck! (Guests kiss) The middle and ring fingers tap on the same fingers of the other hand.


And the pilot is better.

I would go to the pilots, Imitate the wings of an airplane, arms outstretched.

Let me be taught.

I pour gasoline into the tank, Tilt an imaginary vessel.

I'm getting a propeller. Circular movement with the right hand.

“To heaven, motor, carry, Imitate the wings of an airplane, arms outstretched.

For the birds to sing."

Children spin an imaginary steering wheel.

Tilt an imaginary vessel.

Circular movement with the right hand.

Imitate the wings of an airplane, spreading their arms.

Connect the fingers of the right hand with the thumb.

Connect the fingers of the left hand with the thumb.

Consistently connect the fingers of both hands with the thumb.

Clench and unclench your fists.

Stretch your arms forward with your palms up

Finger gymnastics in December


One two three four,

We made a snowball with you,

Round, strong

Very smooth

And not at all sweet.

Bend fingers one at a time

"Sculpt" with two hands

We draw a circle with our hands

With one hand we stroke the other

We threaten with a finger


At the fox in the deaf forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not terrible in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce.

Under the bushes prickly hedgehog

Heaps up the leaves.

From branches, roots, bark

Beavers make huts.

Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,

Until spring, he sucks his paw there.

Everyone has their own home

Everyone is warm and comfortable in it.

Children bend fingers on both hands

Strikes with palms and fists alternately

I want to build a house

To have a window in it,

So that the house has a door,

Next to the pine tree to grow,

So that there is a fence around

The dog guarded the gate.

The sun was

The rain was falling

And the tulip bloomed in the garden.

Hands over head "house"

Hands in front of the eyes "window"

The palms are turned towards themselves, closed

Hands pull up

Hands in front of a ring

One hand "dog"

Cross your fingers and spread out

Shaking movements

Fingers - petals look up


We had fun at the tree

And danced and frolicked

After kind grandfather Freezing

He gave us gifts.

Gave huge packages

They also have delicious items:

Sweets in blue papers

pear, apple

Golden tangerine.

Rhythmic hand clapping.

Rhythmic punches.

Children “walk” with the middle and index fingers of both hands on the table.

"Drawing" with hands big circle.

Make rhythmic claps.

Fingers are bent on both hands.



One two three four five,

We went for a walk in the yard.

They sculpted a snow woman,

The birds were fed with crumbs,

Then we rode down the hill,

And also rolled in the snow.

Everyone came home in the snow.

We ate soup and went to bed.

Bend fingers one at a time.

"Walk" on the table with the index and

middle fingers.

"Sculpt" a lump with two palms.

"Crush bread" by everyone


Lead the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand.

They put their palms on the table with one side or the other.

Shake off palms.

Movements with an imaginary spoon;

hands under cheek


Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend,

Roll your snowball in the snow.

It will turn into a thick lump,

And it will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright!

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

But the sun will bake a little -

Alas! - and no snowman.

Children walk in a circle one after another,

pretending to roll a snowball in front of them.

Stop, draw

two hands com.

Show a smile on your face with your hands.

Show eyes, cover

head with the palm of your hand, show your nose, stand up straight, hold an imaginary broom.

Sit down slowly.

They shrug their shoulders, throw up their hands


To not be afraid of diseases

You have to play sports.

Plays tennis - tennis player

He is an athlete, not an artist.

Football player plays football

Plays hockey - hockey player,

In volleyball - volleyball player,

In basketball - basketball player

Raise your hands to your shoulders, up, to your shoulders, to the sides.

Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.

"Our house"

Lots of greenery all around

Here are the trees, here are the bushes,

Here are fragrant flowers.

All around the fence

Behind the fence is a clean yard.

We open the gate

We quickly run to the house,

We knock on the door: “Knock-knock-knock!”

Someone is coming towards us.

We came to visit a friend

And they brought gifts.

Draw a house with the hands.

Wavy hand movements

Hands "show" trees, bushes

Fingers "show" the bud.

Fingers "show" the fence.

Stroke the table with your palms.

We “open” the gates with brushes.

Run your fingers across the table.

Bang your fist on the table.

Place palm on right ear


Stretch your arms forward as if

presenting something.


Mama bears wakes up early.

They don't get up from the couch.

Hey, Bolshak, get up soon!

Friends are waiting at the door!

Well, and you, lazy Pointer!

Your paint is dry!

You must with the Middle

Whitewash the barn and the house.

Nameless, my poor thing!

I know you were very sick.

I pity you

Lie down for two more days.

You, little finger - baby,

Your growth is an inch!

But leprosy and fights

Draw bears with the fingers of both hands

Surprised shrug

shake thumbs hands

Point your hands at the door

Shake index fingers

Draw a bucket with your hands

Shake the middle fingers, smooth movements with the hands, like a brush, from bottom to top

Stroke the ring finger with the fingers of the other hand

Press the ring finger to the palm and stroke it

Shake your little fingers, show how tall they are.

Grew up first in the wild in the field,

In the summer it bloomed and spiked,

He suddenly turned into grain.

And then they threshed

From grain to flour and dough,

Took a seat in the store.

He grew up under blue skies

And he came to the table to us - bread.

The children shake their hands slightly

lifted up.

They tap their fists against each other.

Perform an exercise

"Fingers say hello"

They clench and unclench their fists.

Stretch your arms forward, palms up.

They raise their hands up.

I stretch my arms out in front, palms up.


These fingers are all fighters

Remote fellows

Two large and strong small

And a soldier in battle experienced.

Two guards - brave

Two smart young men

Two unnamed heroes

But in work very nice

Two little fingers - shorties

Very nice boys.

spread your fingers, then clench them into a fist;

raise 2 thumbs, press the others;

raise 2 index fingers;

raise 2 middle fingers;

raise 2 ring fingers;

raise 2 little fingers


One two three four,

We washed the dishes

Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon

And a big ladle

We washed the dishes

We just broke a cup

The bucket also fell apart.

The nose of the teapot broke off

We broke the spoon a little.

So we helped mom!

Clap your hands

Stroking each other's hands

Bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb

Clap your hands

Finger gymnastics in March


“We help mom together -

We wipe dust everywhere.Text movements

We are washing clothes now

Rinse, squeeze.

Sweeping all around -

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

Doors wide open,

We hug mom tightly."


Go, spring, go, red,

(“walk” with the fingers of both hands on the table)

Bring a rye spikelet


fragrant apples,

golden pears,

Great harvest in our region.

(bend one finger from the little finger)

3. Icicles

naughty iciclesCollect fingers together (pinch)

Sat on the ledge.Put your hands on your knees.

naughty iciclesRotate with hands.

We looked down.Lower your head down.

See what to do?To shrug.

They began throwing drops.Hand movements appropriate.

Two icicles looked down

And they rang in the sun:

Drip-drip, ding-ding,To the beat, tilt your head to the right - to the left.

Drip-drip, ding-ding.


Under the mushroom - a hut-house, (Palms with a hut)

A cheerful gnome lives there. (Tap the fist of one hand on the palm of the other hand)

We'll knock softly

Let's ring the bell. ("Ring the bell")

The gnome will open the door for us,

Will call in a hut-house.

There is a wooden floor in the house, (The palms are pressed against each other with an edge)

And on it is an oak table. (show the table)

Nearby is a chair with a high back (We show the chair)

On the table is a plate with a fork. (The palm of the left hand is pointing up (plate), right hand (fork):

And pancakes are a mountain -

Treat for the kids. (palm pointing down, four fingers extended)

and slightly separated to the sides, and the large one is pressed to the palm).



We made cookies. The rooks came to us.

The first rook baked a pie, and the second helped him.

The third rook set the table, and the fourth washed the floor,

The fifth did not yawn for a long time and pecked at their pie.

One, two, three, four, five, come out and count the rooks.

"Sculpt a pie." "Flap Your Wings"

Bend fingers in turn on one hand.

Bend fingers on the other hand


Do you want to become an astronaut?
Strong and agile?
Gotta pick a couple
And face each other.
If clean palms -
So you can start.

One two three four five,

A team flew into space.

Commander looking through binoculars

What does he see ahead?
Sun, planets, satellites, comets,

Big yellow moon.

In space through the thickness of years

Icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is a comet.

Perform movements on the text.

Fingers on both hands are bent one at a time.

Put your palms together, raise your hands up.
The fingers of both hands are connected to the thumbs, forming "binoculars".

Bend the fingers of both hands.

Raise a clenched fist, tilt to the right and left.

The open fingers of the second hand are attached to the fist - the “tail”

Squeeze and unclench fingers.


Let the fingers go for a walk

And the second to catch up.

Third fingers run

And the fourth on foot.

Fifth finger jumped

And at the end of the road he fell.

Hands clenched into fists, thumbs "run" on the table.

Index fingers run across the table.

Middle fingers.

Unnamed fingers

Touch the table rhythmically with both little fingers.

Slam your fists on the table.


ladybug dad is coming,

Following dad mom is coming,

The kids are following their mom

The little ones follow them.

They wear red skirts

Skirts with black dots.

They look like the sun

Greet the new day together.

And if they get hot

Then they will all hide together in the shade

Walk on the table with all fingers of the right hand.

With all fingers of the left hand, walk on the table.

We walk with both hands at the same time.

Squeeze your palms, fingers tightly pressed.

Tap your index fingers on the table.

Draw the sun with your fingers.

Hide the fingers of both hands in fists.


These fingers are all fighters.

Remote fellows.

Two large and strong small

And a soldier in battle experienced.

Two guards - brave!

Two smart fellows!

Two unnamed heroes

But the work is very zealous!

Two little fingers - shorties -

Very nice boys!

Spread the fingers on both hands, then clench them into a fist.

Raise two thumbs, press the other firmly against the table.

Raise your index fingers, press the others firmly against the table.

Raise the middle fingers, press the others firmly against the table.

raise ring fingers, others firmly pressed to the table.

Raise your little fingers. Slam your palms on the table.


I'm sailing on a white boat

On the waves with pearly foam.

I am a brave captain

I'm not afraid of a hurricane.

White seagulls are circling

They are not afraid of the wind either.

Only the bird's cry frightens

A flock of golden fish.

And, having traveled to wonderland,

Looking at the oceans

hero traveler,

I will return home to my mother.

Point the ends of the fingers forward, press the hands with the palms to each other, slightly open. While pronouncing the rhyme, show how the boat sways on the waves, and then the waves themselves with smooth movements of the hands, then show the seagull according to the text of the verse, crossing your arms, joining your palms with the back side and wave your fingers, clenched together with straightened palms with fingers pressed to each other to depict fish . Show with smooth movements of the palms. how fish swim in water


How big is our family

Yes, fun.

Two stand by the shop

Two want to learn

Two Stepans with sour cream

They overeat.

Two Dashas at the porridge

They feed.

Two Ulkas in a cradle


Rhythmic handclaps and blows

cams alternately

Bend the thumbs on both hands Bend the index fingers on both hands

Bend middle fingers

Bend your ring fingers

Bend the little fingers


It's closed early in the morning

But closer to noon

Reveals petals, beauty

I see them.

By evening the flower closes again


And now he will sleep

Until the morning, like a chick.

The hands are tightly closed.

Palms move away from each other, pads

thumbs pressed to the ends

index hands resemble a bud.

The hands at the wrist are connected, and the fingers

diverge smoothly into different sides,

like an open flower.

The fingers are closed, forming a closed


Hands return to original


Put the hands under the cheek, simulating a dream.


Sheep have rings on their fur coats,

Those sheep are grazing by the river,

They are grazed by two shaggy dogs,

That wag their hairy tails.

And the shepherd on the hill by the tree,

He plays the flute intricately.

run fast dexterous fingers.

Dandelions bloom in the meadow

The bell sways in the wind

We hear a wonderful melody.

Make rings with your fingers.

Make dogs with the fingers of both hands

Waving brushes like tails

Draw the mountain with your hands, then with the fingers of both hands.

Play an imaginary flute with the fingers of both hands.

Draw a flower with both hands

Shake with hands.

Press the right hand to the right ear, listen.

MBDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 35 "Spring" p. Krasnoznamensky Shchelkovsky municipal district Moscow region

Problem: children do not know the holiday - Cosmonautics Day, about the first flight of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin into space. This project was born to solve this problem.

Justification of the problem:
1. Parents pay insufficient attention to Russian holidays, incl. Cosmonautics Day.
2. Children do not have knowledge about space, the first man to fly into space, about the existence of a holiday in Russia - Cosmonautics Day.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

Project type: short.

Project participants: children 2 junior group"Droplets", teachers, parents.

Target: To acquaint children with the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day, with space, with the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin

1. Give children knowledge about Russian holiday- Cosmonautics Day, about space, about the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. Arouse interest in looking at illustrations about space. Teach organized communication.

2. Activate auditory and visual analyzers, develop children's speech, imagination and thinking. Develop skills to interact with each other, encourage children to work together.

3. To cultivate respect for people working in the space industry, discipline, curiosity. To instill love and a sense of pride in their country. Encourage children to listen to adults.
4. Activate vocabulary: planet, space, constellation, rocket, space suit, moon, universe, astronaut.

Expected results:

1. The interest of children in the topic of space, the manifestation of their cognitive activity.
2. Children independently take the initiative: look at illustrations, participate in conversations, ask questions; construct from building material, designers, rockets in their view, show creativity and detail in their work.

3. They draw, sculpt, play with pleasure.
4. Participation in the joint activities of parents, the celebration of Cosmonautics Day.

Project activity product:

Registration of the group and reception;

collective work "Space travel";

sliding folders for parents “Space in our life”, “Famous astronauts”, “History of space exploration”;

exhibition of children's works made jointly with their parents "This amazing space".

Project implementation:
1. Interaction with parents:
- consultation "Let's introduce the child to space";
- folders - shifters "Space in our life", "Famous astronauts", "History of space exploration";
- conversation “What forms of work can be used when introducing children to space, the Cosmonautics Day holiday, the first cosmonaut”;
- crafts and drawings made together with children "This amazing space";

Participation in the All-Russian creative competition"Journey into space".

2. Working with children:
1. Consideration of material on the topic "Space";
2. Conversation “What is the sky like?”;
3. Application with drawing elements "Space travel";
4. Reading poems, guessing riddles on the theme "Space";
5. Laying out from counting sticks (by imposing) rockets, stars, dogs, sun (or laying out from geometric shapes);
6. Outdoor games: "Sun and rain", " sun bunnies»;
7. Finger gymnastics "Clouds", "The sun is shining";
8. Role-playing game "Flight into space";
9. Breathing exercises"Breeze";
10. Physical education "Rocket";
11. Watching the cartoons "Squirrel and Strelka", "Luntik", "Dunno on the Moon".
12. Listening to the songs “Let's decorate all the planets” (Barbariki), “Clouds white-winged horses”.

Summary of work:
1. Exhibition of works "This amazing space"
2. Teamwork with children "Space Journey"

Organized educational activities

on artistic and aesthetic development "Space travel"

Program content:

Arouse interest in creating a collective composition "Space Journey".

To teach children to make an image of a rocket from ready-made geometric shapes

(square, triangle, circles different sizes). To consolidate the skill of gluing ready-made forms.

Practice painting with a sponge and palms.

Develop a sense of form and composition.

Cultivate curiosity and self-confidence.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about space (postcards, photographs, didactic aids). Outdoor games "Sun and rain".

Laying out a rocket from different objects

(pencils, counting sticks, shoelaces).

Finger gymnastics "Cosmonaut".

In the dark sky the stars shine

(Fingers squeeze and unclench)

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

(palms clasped above head)

The day flies and the night flies

And looks down at the ground.

He sees the fields from above,

(Join fingers)

Mountains, rivers and seas.

(Hands spread out to the sides)

He sees the whole globe of the earth,

The globe of the earth is our home.

Materials, tools, equipment.

A sheet of blue (gray, purple) paper, paper forms - squares, triangles, circles, glue, sponge, gouache, cloth napkins, water in a bowl for rinsing hands. material to look at.

Progress OOD

The teacher reads the poem "Rocket" to the children:

Pilot in a space rocket

looked at the earth from above.

No one else, no one in the world

Such did not see beauty.

The teacher draws up on a magnetic board an image of a rocket from geometric shapes(body - squares, nose-triangle, etc.). Draws the attention of children to the details prepared for work.

Children make applications.

Dynamic pause "Rocket"

And now we are with you, children,

(Rise on toes, lift)

We fly on a rocket.

(Up and stretch as high as possible)

Get up on your toes

And then hands down.

(Slowly lower hands down.)

One two Three! Stretch.

(pull up).

Here comes the rocket!

(Run on the spot with a light run).

Then, if desired, they draw comets, the sun - with palms, planets and other flying objects in space - with a sponge.

After completing the work.

Design of the exhibition "Space Journey".

Reading a poem:

G. Sapgir

Spreading its fiery tail,

The comet rushes between the stars.

Listen, constellations

Last news,

wonderful news,

Heavenly news!

Rushing at wild speeds

I was visiting the Sun.

I saw the earth in the distance

And new satellites of the Earth.

I flew away from the earth

Ships flew after me!


"What is the sky like?"

Tasks.To revive in the memory of children a holistic image of the sky, phenomena in the sky, to activate emotional sphere children and thereby arouse in them a desire to participate in the conversation. Activation of all mental processes by asking questions to the children. Enrichment of vocabulary.

Conversation flow:
Children, every day we go outside and look at ... (children's answers). Raising our heads up, we will know whether it is cloudy or clear today, cloudy or rainy. What is the sky? (children's answers).

Now listen to the poem:
Black, scarlet, blue, red
The sky is different.
Morning as evening is illuminated in red,
Black at night when the candles go out
Lamps, flashlights and lanterns,
You see the stars with the moon. Look.
Morning. And the sun sends rays
Our sky is turning blue again.

The sky is a vast expanse above the earth. Sometimes expressed - the blue dome of the sky. The sky is all the space that we see above our heads. Tell me guys, what is the sky like? (children's answers).

During the day it is light, blue or blue. On clear days, the sun shines in the sky. At night, the sky darkens, turns black, adorned with stars and a moon. Day and night clouds float across the sky, but sometimes the sky is clear, clear, cloudless. Clouds are accumulations of tiny water droplets or tiny pieces of ice (during the cold season, water vapor condensed in the atmosphere). Water vapor is always in the air. (In the course of the conversation, the educator gives an explanation, approves the children's answers, summarizes them, be sure to show visual material - what kind of sky is there: clear, gloomy, black, starry, sunny, cloudy, what happens in the sky: rainbow, rain, thunderstorm, lightning, clouds etc. The conversation should be emotional, lively, increase the activity of children.During the conversation, the teacher sometimes provides new information in order to clarify or deepen the knowledge of children about the objects and phenomena in question (Why is the sky black, gloomy? What What do clouds look like?) The methods of vocabulary work used are the explanation by the educator of the meaning of individual words, the repetition of the word in chorus with the educator).

You can end the conversation by reading a poem or guessing a riddle:

There is nothing above the sky
There are clouds moving around.
The sky is breathing
Stars in the sky from afar.

Like beads shimmering
Decorating the sky
And disappear in the morning
Dissolving like a dream.

Birds fly freely in the sky,
Wings are only given to them,
But sometimes people dream:
They fly over the earth.

To the right is the sky, to the left is the sky,
Well, you're flying, flying:
Toli true, but toli fiction,
You can't tell right away!

Like forget-me-not flowers -
Delicate blue.
Sometimes, like cornflowers,
And sometimes, like the sea!

But there are days when
Angry and dark
That's when it changes color -
Frowns, blackens.

At night - in bright stars glasses,
In the afternoon - with a radiant sun!
With clouds, the colors of snow...
What is this? This is ... (Heaven.)

Reading poems

and riddles

on the theme "Space"


There is one garden planet
In this cold space
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling birds of passage,
Only on it one bloom
Lilies of the valley in green grass
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise ...
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!
Yakov Akim

solar system
Meets the first solar storms
Elusive, little Mercury.
The second, behind him, flies Venus
With a heavy, dense atmosphere.
And the third, the carousel is spinning,
Our earthly cradle.
Fourth - Mars, a rusty planet,
Red - orange most.
And then they rush, a swarm of bees,
Asteroids in their orbit.
Fifth - Jupiter, very big
Visible in the starry sky.
The sixth is Saturn chic rings,
Charming, under the rays of the sun.
Seventh - Uranus, lay down like a couch potato,
After all, his distant path is difficult.
Eighth - Neptune, the fourth gas giant
In a beautiful blue shirt dandy.
Pluto, Charon, ninth in the system,
In the darkness they pass the time in a duet

Shine on us, sun, shine on...

It's easy to live with you!
And even a song on the way
Sings by itself.
From us beyond the clouds
Don't go, don't!
And the forest, and the field, and the river
Warmth and sun are welcome.
- Shine on us, sun, shine,
Don't go behind the clouds!
In the bright sun near the hedgehogs
Spines grow faster.
- In vain the rumor is launched,
That the sun worries us.
Frog occasionally - kva-kva,
He loves to warm up too!
- Shine on us, sun, shine,
Waking up early in the morning.
As long as you're here, we won't fly away
To the south, to foreign countries.

Yakov Akim

Journey on the Moon
-By the moonlit sea
Special secret -
It doesn't look like the sea.
Waters in this sea
Not a bit,
And there are no fish either.
Into his waves
Can't dive
You can't splash in it.
You can't drown.
Swim in that sea
Convenient only for those
Who swim
Still can't do it at all!

Gianni Rodari

I asked my dad one day:
"And who is Yuri Gagarin?
He must be very important.
I don't know much about him..."
And then my father answered me:
"I'm glad you asked me about it,
He is a brave and courageous pilot,
Glorified the country to the whole world.
Gagarin was the first in the world
Who once flew into space.
To the boys on our planet
He gave me the dream of becoming astronauts."
Now I'm proud to know
Who was Yuri Gagarin.
Ask me, I will answer you proudly:
He is an astronaut who first went to the stars
I want to become an astronaut
Gagarin is my example.
He was the first to fly into space
Then in the USSR.
The whole world listened with excitement -
Isn't it a miracle for everyone?
First flew into space
Soviet man!
Many years have passed since then.
We're used to it
what happened there
Not alone anymore.
Cosmonautics Day is here.
I want it too-
I just need to grow up
And I'm going to space!
Tatyana Shapiro

Great day! The heavens fell
For a man, the curtain is up.
Everyone looks into the distance, covering his eyes with his hand -
The way into space is open to humanity today.
"Vostok" took off, left Baikonur,
"Let's go! .." in the hearts of people froze,
When he waved his hand with a smile,
When the ship was carried away to the stars.
The April flight lit up the sky,
Dash of the Earth into space.
Gagarin was the first to accomplish the feat
Approaching what we only dreamed of.
Great day! He won't be forgotten
Just the first step into the depths of the universe.
And the feat of the Fathers will not belittle
And will not reduce the temporary flame.

Beautiful starry sky
Beautiful world of planets.
But I'll tell you seriously:
There is no more beautiful land!
Let the Milky Way creep
Diamond dust
But he believes, he waits, he hopes
beloved earth,
May a distant galaxy
And beckons, and calls,
But on the holiday of cosmonautics
Spring blooms all around
And the heart is so sure
Knocks back to you:
Proven, verified
There is no more beautiful land!

Spreading its fiery tail,

The comet rushes between the stars.
- Listen, constellations,
Last news,
wonderful news,
Heavenly news!
Rushing at wild speeds
I was visiting the Sun.
I saw the earth in the distance
And new satellites of the Earth.
I flew away from the earth
Ships flew after me!
What a luxurious wonder!
Almost occupying half the world
Mysterious, very beautiful
A comet hovers over the Earth.
And I want to think:
- Where
Did a miracle come to us?
And I want to cry when
It will fly away without a trace.
And they tell us:
- It's ice!
And her tail is dust and water!
It doesn't matter, a miracle is coming to us,
A miracle is always great!
What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And also add
What is always

Nuclear reactor -
Every star! Rimma Aldonina

Interest in the Cosmos awakens at an early age.

You can start introducing children to space with the help of riddles.

All children love them, because children's riddles make the perception of the world brighter. It's not only intellectual exercises aimed at developing thinking in children, this is one of the types of oral folk art, where the most striking signs of objects or phenomena are shown in a comic, simplified form, introduce children to the animal and plant world.

There is a special pipe
In it the universe is visible,
See the stars Kaleidoscope
Astronomers in ... (telescope)

There is a special spacecraft,
It sends signals to Earth to everyone.
Like a lonely mysterious traveler
An artificial one flies in orbit ... (satellite)

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows: both young and old,
She's a big ball.

Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth)

A yellow plate hangs in the sky.
The yellow plate gives warmth to everyone.

At the door, at the window
It won't knock
And it will rise
And wake everyone up.

At the grandmother's hut
Hanging loaf of bread.
The dogs bark, they can't get it.

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,
Rushing among the bright stars in the void
She is not a star, not a planet,
Mystery of the Universe - ... (comet)

Lights the way at night
The stars won't sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep
In the sky it shines for us ... (Moon)

Adults and children know

That the sun does not shine at night.

Chubby and pale

There is always one among the stars.

You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you.

Laying out of counting sticks and geometric shapes

Outdoor games

"Sun and Rain"

Purpose: To develop the ability of children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal.
Game progress: Children sit on chairs.

When the teacher says:

The sun - everyone is walking, playing, the rain - they quickly run away to their places.

Rain, rain, more fun
Drip, do not regret the drops,
Just don't get us wet
Don't knock on the window!
Purpose: To develop the perception of contrasting moods in music, to learn to distinguish the figurative nature of music, to guess the weather.
Game progress: The teacher turns on the music and, in accordance with it, shows pictures (sun and rain) on the flannelograph, accompanying the show with a story: “The sun came out into the clearing, the children went out for a walk.

(The musical image “sun” sounds.) Suddenly a cloud appeared, it started to rain, the children ran to hide. (The musical image “rain” sounds.) You can use a large umbrella.

"Sun Bunnies"
Purpose: To teach to perform a variety of movements, develop visual sensations, form ideas about light and darkness.
Material: mirror.
Game progress: Having chosen the moment when the sun looks through the window, catch a ray with a mirror and draw the attention of the kids to how the sunbeam jumps on the wall, ceiling, chairs ...

Offer to touch the light spot - to catch a sunbeam.
sun bunnies
Jumping on the wall
sun bunnies,
They ride in silence.
Bright ray of sunshine
Zaichikov let go.
Girls and boys
Luchik woke up.

Physical education "Rocket"

One or two, there is a rocket.
(child raises hands)
Three-four, takeoff soon.
(spreads arms to sides)
To fly to the sun
(circle with hands)
Astronauts need a year.
(takes hands on cheeks, shakes head)
But dear, we are not afraid
(arms to the sides, body tilts left and right)
Each of us is an athlete
(bends arms at elbows)
Flying over the earth
(spreads arms to sides)
Let's say hi to her.
(raises hands up and waves)

Mobile game "Rocket"

And now we are with you, children,

We fly on a rocket.

Get up on your toes

And then hands down..

One two three four -

Here comes the rocket!

Finger gymnastics


In the dark sky the stars shine

(Fingers squeeze and unclench)

The astronaut flies in a rocket.

(palms clasped above head)

The day flies and the night flies

And looks down at the ground.

He sees the fields from above,

(Join fingers)

Mountains, rivers and seas.

(Hands spread out to the sides)

He sees the whole globe of the earth,

The globe of the earth is our home.

(Palms above the head "roof").

"The sun is shining"
Purpose: To develop correlative hand movements, fine motor skills fingers, learn to unfasten and fasten clothespins.
Materials: Circle yellow color(two-sided), from thick cardboard diameter 15 cm, clothespins.
Game progress. Start the game with a story: “Look out the window: you see how brightly the sun is shining. Let's make the same sun.

We will turn this circle (shows) into the sun. We will make him rays. Show the children how to attach the bobby pins to the edges of the circle. Pay attention to the kids that you need to press the ends of the clothespin with two fingers at the same time.

Then invite the children to “take off” the rays.

("Now the sun does not shine brightly").

We intertwined our fingers
And pulled out the handles.
Well, now we are from the Earth
We push the clouds.
(Exercises are performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their hands with their palms forward, and then lift them up and stretch as high as possible).

Story - role-playing game

"A space flight"

Purpose: To give knowledge to children about the work of astronauts, about space flights; to cultivate curiosity, the desire to be like astronauts; dictionary activation. Formation of the ability to perform several game actions with the help of an adult, united by a plot outline.

Game material: building material, toys, attributes for the game, illustrations.
Game progress: To develop interest in playing with children, we consider illustrations of "Cosmonauts", in encyclopedias, books, talk with them about space professions, about the qualities that an astronaut should possess. We discuss with the children the characteristics of people - astronauts. The ship's commander - calm and confident, reports to Earth about the results of observations in space; the dispatcher receives information from space and transmits it to the ship. "Space flight" may include following points: training of astronauts, medical examination, landing in a rocket, launching a ship, work in space, messages from the ship, flight control from the Earth, landing, meeting on Earth, medical checkup, rest of astronauts after the flight, submission of a report on the passage and completion of a space flight.

Then invite the children to build a rocket from building material.
When constructing a rocket, he distinguishes its parts for the nose, hatches, compartments,
portholes, control panel, etc. First, the teacher takes on the role of an astronaut, then invite the children (ship commander, astronaut). Encourage the desire of children to independently select toys and attributes for playing around, use objects - substitutes.

Breathing exercises "Wind"

Training the skill of correct nasal breathing;

deep expiration.

The teacher shows correct execution exercises:

inhaled through the nose, folded their lips in a tube and blow for a long time, like a breeze. Make sure your mouth is closed when you inhale. Repeat 4-5 times

Consultation "Introducing the child

with space."

Space is a huge space without end and edge that surrounds our planet. Stars move in this space, planets circle around them, comets and meteors fly.

Earth is the planet on which we live. From space, it looks like a beautiful blue ball (consider with children a globe or illustrations depicting planets). Most of the Earth is covered by the blue water of vast oceans. White spots are clouds, snow and ice. The land is a huge expanse of green-brown color, expanses covered with stone and soil.
Earth is the only inhabited planet known to us. People, plants and animals can live on Earth because it is neither too hot nor too cold. Earth has water to drink and air to breathe. They are necessary for all living organisms.
Planet Earth, along with other planets, comets, asteroids, meteorite matter, is part of the solar system, which in turn is part of a huge star system - the Galaxy. The solar system is formed by nine large planets with satellites and the only star - the Sun, around which all the bodies of the system circulate.
"Why does the moon turn into a month?"
The appearance of the moon changes every day. At first it looks like a narrow sickle, then it grows fat and after a few days becomes round. In a few more days full moon gradually becomes smaller and smaller and again becomes like a sickle. The crescent moon is often called the month. If the crescent of the moon is turned to the left, like the letter "C", then they say that the moon "gets old", and soon disappears altogether. This phase of the moon is called the "new moon". Then, gradually, the Moon from a narrow crescent turned to the right turns back into a full one. Before becoming full, it "grows". To explain that the Moon is so different and gradually changes from a barely noticeable "sickle" to a round bright beauty, you can refer to the model with a globe. To do this, you need a globe, some kind of light source, for example, a candle and a small ball - "Moon". Show the children how the moon revolves around the earth and what happens to the lighting, how it affects the appearance of the moon. Turning around the Earth, the Moon turns to it either as a fully illuminated surface, or as a partially illuminated, or as a dark one. That is why the appearance of the Moon is constantly changing during the month (looking at illustrations depicting the moon, the month).
Satellite close to the planet
Shines with reflected light.
Now like a month, then round,
Gives us little warmth.
It pulls water
In the oceans from the sky,
And so the water
Moves back and forth
There are ebbs and flows.
And she's beautiful too
If everything is lit
Full moon in the sky.

"Planets and Stars".
Our Earth is a huge ball. Everything that surrounds our Earth, including the planet itself, is called the Universe, or space. Space is very large, and no matter how much we fly in a rocket, we will never be able to get to its edge. In addition to our Earth, there are other planets: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto.

In addition to planets, there are stars.

Stars are huge luminous balls of fire. The sun is also a star, it is a hot ball of gas, a source of light, heat and life in the solar system. It is located close to the Earth, so we see its light and feel heat. There are stars many times larger and hotter than the Sun, but they shine so far from the Earth that they seem to us just small dots in the night sky. For the child to understand this phenomenon, you can compare the light of a flashlight during the day and in the evening in the dark. In the daytime, in bright light, the beam of the flashlight is almost invisible, but it shines brightly in the evening. The light of the stars is similar to the light of a lantern: during the day it is overshadowed by the Sun (observation of the sun and stars on the street while walking with a child). Therefore, the stars can only be seen at night. Sing the song "Sunshine" with the baby:

This is how the sun rises
Higher, higher, higher!
(Children slowly raise their lowered hands, stand on their toes.)
By night the sun will go down -
Down, down, down.
(Children slowly lower their hands.)
Good good
The sun laughs.
And under the sun everyone
It's fun to sing.
(Children dance freely.)

You can play the game "Sunny Bunnies" using a mirror.

And also in mobile game with elements of finger gymnastics "Sun and rain":
Sun in the sky
Shines cheerfully.
cheerfully shining,
The baby is warm.
(Children raise their hands and wave their open palms from side to side.)
Little by little rain
Wet the paths.
Drip-drip, drip-drip.
(Children tap their fingers on their palms.)
Wet the paths.
(Shake hands lightly.)
Rain, don't scare us
(They threaten with a finger.)
You, rain, catch up with us!
(They run away.)

So, speaking about the development of the cognitive activity of children, namely on the topic "Space", L.S. Vygotsky noted that in the absence of knowledge, questions do not arise. Consequently, the questions asked by children reflect the level of their awareness in a particular area of ​​knowledge and make it possible to identify the zone of proximal development.

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Finger space games
Finger gymnastics "Lunokhod"
Look, moonwalker
The moon is easy to walk.
He walks very importantly
A brave hero sits in it.
Children put the pads of the fingers of both hands on the table, transfer part of the weight to their hands, and then, as it were, step in turn with their right and left hands. Repeat the quatrain several times.

Space Fizkultminutka
Musical accompaniment:
Earthlings "Grass near the house", music by the group Space (Space)
A little bit of movement
Let the child depict how they walk on the moon, i.e. feet shoulder-width apart and slowly jumping sideways.
In the clear sky the sun shines,
The astronaut flies in a rocket.
(Stretch - hands up.)
And below the forest, fields -
(Bend over.)
The earth is spreading.
(Hands apart.)
Warm-up "Preparation for flight"
The spacesuit check begins. Is the helmet comfortable on the head? (Turns, tilts of the head to the right, left, forward, backward, circular rotation of the head.) An astronaut can move in space with the help of a device placed in a satchel on his back. We check how tightly the satchel is held behind the back. (Circular movements, raising and lowering the shoulders.) Are the numerous zippers and buckles fastened well? (Turns and tilts of the body to the right, left, forward, backward, circular motions torso, leaning towards the soles of the feet.) Do the gloves fit snugly on the hands? (Rotational movements with the hands extended forward at chest level, variable and simultaneous swings of the arms, raising the arms up in front of you with alternate bending and by unbending the hands, lowering down through the sides, also alternately bending and unbending the hands.) How does the radio work, does it not junk? (Half squats, jumping on two legs in place.) Are the boots tight? (Walking in a circle on toes, heels, outer and inner feet, from the toe, lateral canter to the right, to the left, step in single file.) Is the “heating system” of the spacesuit in order? Is it easy to breathe in it? (Inhale - hands up, exhale - hands down.)
Meteor shower game
The teacher turns on the music. Children randomly walk on the "Moon", "studying" it. The music stops, the children run to their places - to the ships - and wait for the meteor shower to end. The teacher turns on the music again, and the game resumes.

series of classes
« Acquaintance of children of the preparatory group
with space.
If the profession is an astronaut, if the house
- then in orbit, if apple trees - then let them on
Mars will bloom! Such has made our
country on April 12, 1961.
Mankind is exploring space. Earthlings saw distant planets"eyes" of space robots. Deeper into the mysterious depths of the universe penetrate modern telescopes and radio telescopes. Astrophysicists solve questions about the formation and evolution of the Universe, raise questions about the destiny of mankind. When answering this question, turning to the evolution of the Universe means thinking cosmically. It's time to realize that our habitat is not only the Earth, not only the solar system, but the entire Universe. Humanity is increasingly becoming a space civilization. The worldview of people needs to change.
And above all, a new worldview must be formed in children. Children learn about the world and form an idea about it by playing.

All crafts for Cosmonautics Day
For the holistic development of the child's personality, education and upbringing must be comprehensive. Children eagerly absorb the flow of knowledge directed at them. It is necessary that this knowledge be interesting to children, be of a scientific and reliable nature, be accessible and understandable to their age.
K. E. Tsiolkovsky was not only a scientist, but also a creative, far-seeing teacher. Konstantin Eduardovich thought about raising a "perfect" person - a reasonable person, thirsty for knowledge, capable of active transformative activity. He opposed the mechanical assimilation of knowledge, stressed that the child must pass them through his feelings and mind.
Children's curiosity and interest in space begins early enough.
In the era of the rapid development of astronomy and space exploration, people have lost their former admiration and reverence for the starry sky, they almost do not notice its unusual beauty. A person cannot be carried away by astronomy, who in his childhood did not feel delight from the splendor of the starry abyss.
The issues of the cosmic future of mankind will be decided by our younger generation, as they will continue the work begun by our great predecessors, among which are the glorious names of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Koroleva, Yu.A. Gagarin, V.V., Tereshkova, A.A. Leonov, who made a great contribution to the study and exploration of space. Therefore, work in this direction is also part of patriotic education: the formation of pride in one's country and the achievements of scientists and astronauts.
First of all, the child should have an interest in the knowledge of a phenomenon. Einstein spoke in adulthood, how in early childhood he was struck by the behavior of the magnetic needle of the compass, which turned as if by itself, and not due to direct influence. The ability to be surprised, the ability to see the unusual in the usual gives rise to a desire to understand what is hidden behind the visible manifestations of natural phenomena.
On present stage Skorlupova O.A. deals with the problems of familiarizing children with space. , Panikova E.A. , Inkina V.V.,
Banykin N.P., K. Portsevsky.
The task of each teacher is to choose the best combination methods and teaching aids. That's why it's so important to use in the classroom non-traditional forms learning, one of which is entertainment.

1. Lesson on the topic: "Sun, sun, look in the window."
Lesson objectives:
To form an idea of ​​the sun as a hot spherical celestial body, which is a source of heat and light for all life on Earth.
Improve the ability to correlate objects in shape, adding the whole from the parts.
Develop logical thinking and imagination of children.
Lesson progress
Guys, when I was walking to you, on the way I met a handsome, moderately well-fed boy in the prime of his life with a motor behind his back. Who do you think it was? Can you imagine, Carlson was going to fly to the Sun. Yes, yes, I'm not kidding. By the way, here he is, in person (the teacher takes out a doll from under the table).
CARLSON: Hello guys, are you glad to see me? I woke up this morning from the sun peeping through the window, I sang: “Sun, Sun, look in the window.” And suddenly I thought: “Why not take a trip to the Sun? Really, that would be great?
(Children's answers.)
What are you going to fly to the Sun, Carlson?
How on what? I have a motor on my back, and I will fly on it.
Guys, will Carlson be able to make a space trip on his motor? Why? (The sun is very far away, it is very hot, it is cold in space, there is no air). Do you know, Carlson, on what people commit space travel? What about you guys?
(Invites the children to come to the table, on which cut pictures with the image of a spaceship have been prepared in advance for each of the children).
Look, I have the components of spaceships. I propose to assemble a whole ship from them and show it to Carlson (Children collect spaceships and show them to Carlson).
After that, the teacher invites the children to play the game "Cosmonauts".
The contours of the missiles are drawn along the edges of the site (3-seater). The total number of seats must be less than the number of children playing. In the middle of the platform, astronauts, holding hands, walk in a circle, saying: “Fast rockets are waiting for us to explore the planets. Whatever we want, we'll fly to such! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers.” WITH last word the children give up and run to take their places in the rocket. Those who did not have enough space in the rockets remain at the cosmodrome, and those who sit in the rocket with their eyes closed tell in turn where they fly and what they see. After that, everyone again stands in a circle, and the game is repeated.
Well, they persuaded me, then I will fly to the Sun in a spaceship.
What clothes are you going to fly in?
CARLSON: Of course, in these wonderful pants and shirt.
Educator: Guys, can he fly in these clothes? And which one is needed? Why?
The children explain to Carlson that astronauts need special clothing.
CARLSON: Well, we'll have to find a space suit and a hazmat suit.
Educator: Tell us, Carlson, when do you expect to return from
CARLSON: Tomorrow, I have a lot of things to do at home.
Educator: Guys, what do you think, will Carlson be able to fly so quickly into the sun (children answer).
Educator: (invites the children to go to the middle of the group and form a semicircle, where the flannelograph stands in advance). It turns out, guys, the Sun is so far away from us that it takes 3,000 years to reach it by bike, 1,000 years by car, 20 years by plane (i.e., you have time to become adults during the flight), by rocket in a few months (As the time of travel to the Sun is reported, the teacher puts an image of a bicycle, car, rocket on the flannelgraph. During the story, the children imitate cycling, car,
plane, rocket.) So what is the fastest way to get to the sun?
CARLSON: Well, then wait for me in a few months.
Educator: And the last question: tell me, Carlson, do you want to fly close to the sun?
CARLSON: Well, of course, and even run around it.
Educator: Children, do you think this is possible? Why?
Children explain that the sun is a huge, hot ball, and when approaching it, you can burn out.
Educator: Of course, Carlson, the sun is so hot that at a distance of several thousand kilometers from it you will burn out along with the rocket. The sun is hot, flames are constantly erupting from its surface (shows an image or photograph of the sun).
The sun - the luminary bubbles like a volcano,
Bubbling like a boiling cauldron, incessantly,
Prominences take off like a fountain,
Life and warmth gives to everyone tirelessly.
The sun is a star, an enormous ball
The light radiates like a fire.
(J. Paramonova)
Children are given leaflets with a drawn circle (the contour of the sun) and are offered to paint flames erupting from the surface of the sun.
Educator: The sun radiates light and heat like a light bulb (the teacher turns on the electric lamp).
CARLSON: So small and so hot. How do you know?
Educator: Carlson, did you sunbathe on the beach in the summer? What about you guys? (Shows a picture with tanned children). Why are kids so tanned? How does the sun shine in summer? So, if it manages to burn us at such a great distance, then it is really very hot. Besides
same guys, remember the experiment that we conducted with a magnifying glass. What happened to the paper when we pointed at it Sun rays? Remember how much iron objects get hot in the summer.
Educator: Guys, you also think that the sun is small. Is it so? Have you watched an airplane in the sky? What does it look like to us in flight? Of course, tiny, because it flies far from us. But in fact, the plane is very big, right? So is the sun. After all, we know how far it is from us. So the Sun is…huge.
CARLSON: I see that I will have to give up the trip. Only from where
do you know about the sun?
Educator: The ray told about this, the son of the sun, and people also watch him with the help of a special device - what kind, guys? (Shows a picture or model of the device). Of course, a telescope.
CARLSON: You taught me a lot today, and for this I want to give you all a sun (distributes circles of yellow paper to children).
Educator: No, Carlson, you are wrong. From a distance, the sun looks like a circle. In fact, the sun looks like a ball, it has the shape of ... (The teacher is waiting for the children's answers) of the ball. What is the difference between a circle and a sphere?
CARLSON: I didn't know. Then here's to you all in the sun (hands out small yellow balls).
MOBILE GAME: Children stand in a circle, holding balls in their hands. The teacher calls objects of various shapes, including spherical (box, watermelon,
apple, pear, tennis ball, etc.). Hearing the name of the object, which is shaped like the sun, the children squat down, raising their hands with balls.
CARLSON: Thank you guys for talking me out of traveling, I'd rather look at the Sun from the window. Goodbye. (Cheerfully singing a song about the Sun, Carlson hides under the table).
Educator: Guys, remember the fairy tale about how a terrible crocodile swallowed the sun in the sky? What happened after that? What will happen if the Sun stops shining, what conditions will occur on Earth (dark, cold). What will happen to all living organisms then? V-l takes out a pot with a flower, put in a dark closet for several days and asks the children to describe the changes that have occurred with the flower. What was missing from the plant? How does cold affect plants? (Plants do not grow in winter).-9-
2. Lesson "Journey to the stars"
Program tasks:
Introduce children to different cosmic bodies of the Universe. Show the variety of types of stars and constellations.
Development of the ability to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the lesson, to show an active cognitive interest.
Cultivate a sense of compassion for the fate of living beings.
1. Guys, I invite you to travel beyond our planet to a distant and vast world full of fascinating fairy tales and mysterious myths. To do this, sit on the chairs, hold hands, close your eyes and say the magic words.
If you really try, if you really want,
You can go up to the sky and fly to the sun.
What is the name of this boundless and immense world? Cosmos or Universe. The universe has no end or end. It is filled with countless stars, planets, and other cosmic bodies. Here reigns cold and darkness, and there is no air. In the infinite Universe, our Earth is a small planet, Look what it is. We have already talked about the Sun. The sun is an ordinary star, the closest to the Earth.
There is no air in outer space,
And circling there are 9 different planets.
And the sun is a star in the very center of the system and we are all connected by attraction.
Everything in the Universe: stars, planets, move strictly along their path and do not collide. The word space means order.
If you look closely at the night sky, you can see a wide bright band, consisting of many distant stars. This is the milky way.
Why do you think this path is called milky, what word does the word milky sound like?
There is such a legend: ancient people living for a very, very long time thought that gods live in heaven. One goddess named Hera had a son, Hercules. Hera was feeding him milk and accidentally spilled it. A jet of milk spilled across the sky and turned into the Milky Way. The word milky means milky, white from many different stars.
Stars, stars from a long time ago
you have chained the gaze of man forever.
And at night sometimes sitting near a hot fire,
He could gaze steadily into the blue dome until morning.
In the old days, people thought that the stars were shining lanterns suspended from the crystal vault of the sky.
What do you think a star is? Is she big or small?
Each star Slide 6 is very, very big ball consisting of gas. Imagine that our planet Earth is the size of a pea, then a star in comparison with it is that: .. (rubber ball).
If you carefully look at the sky, you will see that there are big stars - giants, and there are small ones - dwarfs, there are bright stars, and there are also: .. (dim). There are cold and hot stars. People gave names to the brightest stars, listen to what unusual ones they have, fabulous names: Aldebaran, Vega.
? What do you guys think, how many stars are there in the universe? And let's ask the Stargazer about this.
“You have 2 containers with cereals on your table, in one there are ten grains, and in the other there are many, there are as many stars in the Universe as there are grains in a large cup. (Imagine that each grain is an asterisk, and they are scattered across the sky)
The stars are very far from us. If you fly to the nearest of the stars on an ordinary space rocket, then a human life would not be enough for the journey. Here you need a special spaceship, a starship capable of flying at a very high speed. I suggest you take a ride on a starship. For this we put on space suit: we fasten the spacesuit, gloves, shoes on our feet, a helmet on our head. Start the engine, take off. Starship flight video
We put our hands all apart, we got a starship.
Wing back and forth, the speed is very high:
And now we go out, undress and take our places.
When you look at the stars, all sorts of fairy tales are born in your head by themselves. starry sky It's a whole book of fairy tales. There are many stars in the sky, and in order to understand them, people grouped them into groups and called them constellations. constellations people in
ancient times gave the names of animals, gods and heroes, as the pattern of stars often reminded them of the silhouettes of animals, birds and people.
And the man looked in silence for a long time into the vastness of the night.
Now with fear, now with delight, now with a vague dream
And then, together with a dream, a fairy tale ripened on the lips.
About mysterious constellations, about unknown worlds.
However, the constellations are not always similar to those objects and figures of birds and animals, whose names they are named.
? What, for example, does the constellation Ursa Major look like?
looks more like a ladle than a bear. Four stars formed a bucket, and three stars formed a long handle. These seven stars are the brightest in the constellation. There are many dim stars that are almost invisible.
In ancient times, people believed in gods living in the sky. The most important of them was the god Zeus. And the most beautiful was the goddess Hera. About this constellation, people came up with such a fairy tale. In the family of one king, a daughter named Callisto was born, when she grew up, she became more beautiful than the goddess Hera herself. And then the goddess was angry that a girl more beautiful than her was found, and turned the beauty into an ugly bear. The god Zeus felt sorry for the beautiful Callisto. He took her to heaven and turned her into a constellation. But he lifted the bear by the tail, and therefore she turned out to be tailed.
And the goddess Hera turned her beloved servant Callisto into a small bear, who is not separated from her mistress and faithfully serves her. In the constellation Ursa Minor, the brightest is the North Star. It is located at the very end of the bucket handle. This star is a compass, because like a compass needle it is always in the north. It is important for sailors and travelers not to get lost while sailing.
Dear children, the stars serve us. For some they show the way, for others they are decorations of the sky, for scientists the stars are a mystery to be unraveled. I hope that when you go to school, you will study well and maybe open new planet, a star or solve some cosmic mystery, everything is in your hands, guys.
Did you enjoy our trip to the boundless star world? Then take a star in turn, tell us what you liked about our trip, and attach it to a small piece of the sky. We got a constellation, what do we call it?
Music. Starfall made from confetti.
3. Lesson with health technologies "Let's be astronauts"
To consolidate the knowledge of children that they live on planet Earth; there are other planets in space.
Give an elementary concept of the planets.
Fix the solution of arithmetic examples for addition and subtraction.
To consolidate the ability to designate spatial relationships on a sheet (by conventional signs).
To teach children to correlate a schematic representation of an object with an artistic one.
To consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, trees, birds.
Develop fine motor skills.
With the help of relaxation, learn to get rid of emotional stress.
Develop logical thinking, attention, imagination.
Promote caring and humane relationships with animals.
game exercises, conversation, creation of an imaginary situation, problem situations.
Health-saving and pedagogical technologies: development fine motor skills hands, relaxation, gymnastics for the eyes, project.
Teaching aids: pictures depicting animals, plants, birds; examples, cards with the image of constellations. Caps with the image of the planets, music for relaxation, letters, numbers, rebus, pencils.
Preliminary work: viewing slides, reading informative stories from the encyclopedia: “I know the world”, conversations on the topic: “Earth is the planet on which we live”; conversation about the evening sky.
Vocabulary work: introduce the names of the planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Space, universe, porthole, constellation.
Let's play astronauts guys.
We will all fly into space.
We are going to fly
We are all building a starship.
Educator: We agree to play with you. We have built a starship. You just need to determine your place in the starship. To do this, you need to solve an example, and the answer will tell you your place.
TEACHER: Is the starship ready for flight?
Children: YES!
TEACHER: I don't think so. Each spaceship has its own name. If we guess the rebus, we will find out the name of our starship.
Rebus guessing:
VO100K (Vostok)
Educator: The starship is ready to fly, to take off, take a red pencil and put a dot in the square, but outside the circle and triangle.