Custom hair color. Unusual hair color. Natural hair. What are we losing

The most fashion trend in the area of hairdressingbright colours hair. It can be curls dyed in the same tone, multi-colored strands, acidic ends or bangs. Unusual color hair is a great excuse to stand out and highlight your uniqueness. This category of shades includes all the nuances that nature cannot bestow on us: pink, blue, lilac, green, yellow, ash and gray. Who are these shades for and how to get them? Let's see.

Nuances of color staining

Creation of extreme shades on the hair is always performed with special professional dyes. It is best to go to the salon and trust the hands of a master. However, not everyone will take on such a difficult job, since an unpredictable result is possible here. To get an unusual hair color, you must first bleach. Moreover, the depth of lightening directly depends on the desired color. The more delicate and tender the desired shade, the whiter and "cleaner" the base should be. Among professional brands that produce products for creative coloring, three of the most popular can be noted, these are Anthocyanin, Directions and Manic Panic.

Anthocyanin dye

The product of the Korean company Sarangsae Cosmetics is known not only for its excellent quality, but also for its rich color palette... The unusual hair color obtained with this dye lasts about 4 weeks on the curls. The tool has a cumulative effect, even with re-staining, the intensity of the tone will remain for more long term... But the durability will still depend on the initial condition of the hair. The dye does not damage the curls, since it does not contain hydrogen peroxide and does not destroy melanin. Does not cause allergic reactions, irritation, suitable for sensitive skin... All shades are mixed with each other, which makes it possible to obtain spectacular nuances that are not in the palette. For example, mixing green and blue, we get an unusual hair color shade of aqua (turquoise).

Celebrities with unconventional hair color

Sometimes the stars do not just surprise us, but shock us. They not only change the shade of the curls from light to dark and vice versa, but often turn blue, red, yellow shades... Many of them prefer the "doll" color - pale pink or turquoise. Among them are Nicole Ricci, Pink, Demi Lovato, Hilary Duff, Nicki Minaj. Blue is another beautiful colour hair that has become popular this season. He is preferred by singer Katy Perry, as well as Kelly Ripa, Amber Rose. Gwen Stefani, Kelly Osbourne, Avril Lavigne, Lady Gaga love experiments with curls. From time to time, they appear on the pages of magazines and social events with green, purple and red hair. Fashion designers Meadham Kirchhkoff, Ashish launched models with creative, flashy curls on the catwalks. Therefore, each of us has a choice with the help of different means like Sienna Miller, dye the strands in pastel pink or create grey colour hair.

Who are the bright shades for?

For girls with a cold skin tone, it is better to choose purple, blue, blue tones. They can give a tired and sick appearance to a warm type of appearance. This shade gives the image a mystery and boldness.

Red shades are divided into warm and cold shades. Therefore, for owners of freckles, blush, copper, amber are good, warm colors... Girls with a winter and summer color type are better off sticking to pink, purple shades. Dark tones red go well with dark skin, lighter ones are good on young ladies with a porcelain, transparent tone.

Pink is a very popular and beautiful hair color, suitable for delicate persons with ideal smooth skin... This shade looks good on a face that is not prone to redness, without a natural blush.

Green is suitable for all types of appearance as it is a neutral tone. Able to highlight the eyes well, if chosen to match their color.

Disadvantages of color staining

All bright ones are obtained through the lightening procedure. Dark colored curls are most damaged. If used vegetable dye(henna, basma), then the chances of getting a good light shade without redness and yellowness are zero. It is also difficult to lighten curls dyed with household products. Since they contain components that promote the penetration of pigment into the deep layers of the hair. It is impossible to achieve high-quality, uniform removal of them from its core. All trendy colors require good, healthy state curls.

Non-standard shades require regular touch-ups. Whatever nuance you choose, overgrown roots will become visible in a week. In addition, when washed out, bright colors lose their shine and shine. They can give curls an unkempt look.

Unusual natural hair color

The rarest, and therefore non-standard, is natural copper color... In second place in terms of uniqueness is blond. According to scientists, the percentage of red-haired people is very small, and, according to some reports, in 100 years they will completely disappear. The shade of blond is no less rare, only 2% of the inhabitants of the Earth can boast of light hair.

If we talk about all other colors, then with the help of modern cosmetic products every girl has the opportunity to diversify the natural shade without drastic changes. For example, the natural gray hair color desired by many can be obtained with the help of modern tint products. There are many professional mousses, toning care products designed to create beautiful shimmers for light brown, dark and blonde hair.

Also, the natural color can be beaten with multi-colored strands. These can be done using Loreal Hair Chalk crayons.

Care for colored curls

Girls with unusual hair color should not forget about regular care. Vivid image obliges to always look perfect. Stylists recommend eliminating the use of oils as in pure form and as additives in care products. Because they tend to destroy the unstable color pigment and clog the hair.

It is advisable to use shampoos without parabens and sulfates. These aggressive washing bases instantly dull any extreme shades.

Caring tint masks and balms are required. They are able to prolong the saturation and brilliance of creative shades, to prevent their washout. In addition, they accumulate over time and allow you to save juicy color in between stains.

Girls who decide to make their choice in favor of an unusual hair color should remember that the shade should be selected as professionally as possible. If you are not sure about the ideality of your taste, it is better to consult an expert stylist at the beginning of such an experiment.

Although, it all depends on the appearance - for someone, a bright white hair color will be extreme, for example, for African-American women, whose skin has a shade of chocolate.

We choose extreme color hair

Pink locks of hair can often be seen in the hairstyles of girls of the emo subculture. But if you are far from this, do not limit yourself to one or two strands, dye all your hair gorgeous pink color... He is fine suitable for girls with a cool skin color, not prone to redness. At the same time, stylists advise against using blush.

If you have a warm shade of skin - yellowish-coffee, look for other options, pink is not for you. However, there is a compromise here: you can use a warm pink shade, similar to the color of a tea rose petal. Due to its mutedness, tenderness, softness, it suits any skin, it is recommended for people with a romantic character.


This shade should be chosen by girls with cool skin shades, otherwise purple will add yellowness to your image.

For those for whom it really suits, the shade gives mysticism and mystery, as well as expressive beauty. Just pick under purple hair appropriate makeup and, preferably, a manicure.


Inherently not such an extreme shade, but, nevertheless, how unusual it will be for your image depends only on you. Perfect for optimists with bright appearance and warm skin tone.

Well, have you chosen? If not, do not be discouraged, this is extreme palette of colors, hair dyes which are presented in bright saturated tones, does not end there!


Still think what hair color to choose for a new bright life? Choose blue! This color has many shades, most of which are suitable for any appearance. If your dream is to become a girl with blue hair, pay attention to your skin tone. It should not be warm, otherwise you risk turning yellow.

Dark blue brings mystery to the image, if you want to intrigue someone - go ahead! Light blue, as well as blue, will allow you to adopt the shades of surreality, elusiveness, make you look like a spirit of air or water, or maybe a fairy.


If you want unusual dye hair, color young greenery is also worthy of attention! In fact, green has many shades and suits almost all girls, and even the owners of green eyes and even more so!

Besides, green color- a kind of leader among extreme shades in its unusualness.

Extreme hair color 2015: tips and tricks

Take seriously the choice of the future shade of your hair. Use tint products for short-term dyeing, as your extreme color may bore you in a day or two.

Make sure that hair dye was of high quality, pay attention to original color hair, because the result will depend on it. Ideally, such coloring is best done in a proven beauty salon, especially if you plan to change your image for a long time.

Before extreme coloring, you should also analyze the consequences of such a step, for example, think about how your boss will react to your new image? But if similar problem you are not threatened, we wish you bold experiments and stunning results, good luck!

Dyeing hair in unnatural colors is popular with people of all ages and genders. If you've dyed your hair at least once, you might want to try something different. There are popular colors and color combinations that look good on hair. Do not be afraid to look for your perfect color and experiment - fortunately, the hair will grow back sooner or later.


Cold and warm shades

    Consider if you fit the description of the cold type. Appearance is determined by skin tone, eye and hair color.

    • Cold-type people have dark brown or brown, gray-blue or dark blue eyes.
    • The cold type includes both light and dark shades skin. Very dark and olive skin- this is a cold type. Medium-bodied skin with or without rosy cheeks, and medium-bodied skin with golden undertones are also considered cold. The cold type also includes pale pinkish skin and pale skin without blush. If your skin turns bronze or brown when you tan, you may be cold.
    • The following natural hair colors belong to the cold type: bluish black, very dark brown, regular brown, golden brown, dark blond, dark color with noticeable gray hair (salt and pepper), completely white.
  1. Consider if you fit the description of the warm type. The type is determined by skin tone, eye and hair color. It is important to consider your natural hair color, skin tone and eye color.

    • The warm type includes golden brown, green, blue-green, emerald and brown eyes with golden or brown splashes.
    • In people of a warm type, the skin can be brown with pink, brown with golden undertones, pale with peach or golden undertones. Freckles and bright blush are also possible.
    • Dark brown hair with golden or reddish highlights, red, blonde hair with a pinkish tinge, gray hair with yellowness, as well as natural golden blond are characteristic of a warm type.
  2. Find out which colors do and do not work for different types. If you find that you have a cool look, not all shades will work for you. You may be able to pick up correct shade the color you choose with the help of a stylist, but it's important to remember that some colors will make this harder to do. At the same time, there are colors that will suit you perfectly.

    • If by nature you have cold shade hair, it will be difficult for you to achieve gold, yellow, red and bronze colors. These colors may not adhere well to the hair, and they will give the face an earthy tint.
    • Black, ash chestnut and cold blond suitable for a warm complexion. In addition, paint in these shades will take better.
  3. Find out which colors are and are not suitable for a warm type. Some colors will look great in combination with your skin and eye color, while others will not.

    • Blue, lilac and everything ash shades will make you look paler.
    • Will look best dark colors... Warm chestnut, brown, golden chestnut, Golden hair and hair with golden and reddish tints to suit your skin tone and eye color.
  4. If you have dark hair, brighten them in the salon first. Dark hair is also difficult to dye. To achieve the desired shade, very dark hair must be lightened first. Doing it yourself is tricky, especially if you've never done it before. If you naturally have dark hair, sign up for a hairdresser. The master will be able to properly lighten your hair so that later the paint of the color you need will lay well on it.

    Find out what will be the result if you have completely gray or graying hair. Any paint looks very bright on gray hair... For example, dark blue paint can give a bright blue cast. Therefore, you may need to choose a paint more dark colors so that the result does not surprise you.

Other factors

    Be aware that you may need to bleach your hair to get the unnatural color to work well. If you have very light hair, you can do without this, but in other cases, without prior bleaching, red or pink will not take on well on your hair.

    • Most of the dyes of unnatural colors are washed off because they cannot penetrate the hair. Therefore, you will need to strip your hair of its natural shade first.
    • It is best to bleach your hair at a hairdresser. This is especially important if you want to paint them in an unnatural color. Bleaching can damage your hair, so it's best to entrust this procedure to a professional.
    • However, you can also do this at home if you only need to lighten individual strands. Buy special set for clarification and follow package directions.
  1. Consider if your new color at work. Not all colors are suitable for work and school. Hair color will stay with you for a while, so it is important to consider all possible situations.

    • Colors that occur in natural shades hair (red, light shades) will be appropriate in most situations. If you want to dye your hair natural, don't worry about relevance.
    • However, a bright, unnatural color (for example, pink) may not suit everyone. If you have creative work, an unusual color will not hurt, however, in a stricter work environment, it is best to avoid unnatural colors.
  2. Consider the cost. If you're looking to dye your hair at the salon, know that dyeing doesn't come cheap. The cost of professional staining can exceed 10,000 rubles. Consider if you have money for this service.

    • If you can't afford professional coloring right now, start saving money for it. You can also choose a color that will fit your hair more easily. It is easier to dye your hair yourself in natural flowers.

Choice of color according to season and location

  1. Dye your hair for the summer. Summer is the sunniest time of the year, so many people choose bright colors (for example, orange and blond) for the summer. it warm colors, however, not only they can be bright. Some shades of blue can also look good in the sun. Sky blue is the color that we see all summer. Here are a few more colors that look good on hair in summer:

    Choose a color for fall. In autumn, all plants prepare for hibernation, and at this time there are many beautiful flowers... Autumn colors are warm and muted. Pay attention to the colors on a cool fall day. Next colors will look good in the fall:

    • Brown
    • Blue green
    • Light orange
    • Brick
    • Beige
  2. Choose a color for winter. In winter, nothing grows - nature is asleep. The sky is gray and hair can reflect these gray shades... The colors of winter are muted, but they have their own charm. If there is a grayish tint in a color, this does not mean that it cannot warm. Pastel and cool shades look good at this time of year. The following colors are suitable for winter:

    Dye your hair for spring. Spring is the season of birth when nature comes to life. At this time, new foliage appears. The colors of spring are similar to those of summer, but the shades are not as vibrant as in summer. This is the season of delicate shades - they look good on the hair because they are not striking. Here is a list of spring-friendly flowers:

    • Coral
    • Turquoise
    • Peach
    • Cobalt blue
    • Bright red
  3. Choose the color of the city you live in. The city can be a source of inspiration when choosing a color. In any city, you can find the right colors. There are gray cities, there are green ones. Take a look around and choose a color that often catches your eye.

    • You can combine several different colors that are found in the decoration of the city.
    • Feel free to experiment. There are many people living in cities, so express yourself with color.
  4. Stand out with small town hair color. There are many flowers in small towns. Quite often small towns are located in picturesque places - near mountains, forests, lakes and fields. Take inspiration from what you see every day. Try to list the colors that are common in your area.

    • If you dye your hair an unusual color in a small town, you will be noticed.
    • Think about what the reaction of others might be before deciding on abrupt change colors.
  5. Remember to consider your natural hair color and skin tone. When choosing a seasonal dye color, keep your natural hair color and skin tone in mind. You might want to dye your hair burgundy in the fall, but will this color suit you? Check if this color suits your appearance. If not, try a different shade.

Choosing a color based on your own preference

    Choose the color you like. You probably have favorite and least favorite colors. Dye your hair the color you like. If you like blue, dye your hair a special shade of blue that works for you. You can choose absolutely any color. The paint will wash off and the hair will grow back, so if you really want to try a color, don't be afraid.

  1. Choose a color that you wear often. Such option will do you if you like monochrome outfits. For example, if you love green clothes, choose a hair shade that is slightly different from the color of your clothes. In this case, the hair color will not match the color of the clothes, but it will suit the image.

    • Browse through the items in your wardrobe. Explore your favorite outfits and decide how color plays a role in your preferences.
  2. Choose a color that will shade your eyes. For blue-eyed people, yellow, orange and blue shades... Green-eyed - blue, burgundy, green. People with brown eyes it is worth looking at the red, pink and shades of green... Unnatural colored hair looks good with eyes of any color.

    • Ask your friends to help you choose a color that will set off your eyes.
    • For some people, the color of their eyes changes depending on the clothes they are wearing, while others do not.

Unusual hair color - the right way stand out from the crowd

How to choose the most unusual hair color for yourself?

Each shade of hair, especially non-standard, evokes certain psychological associations. Therefore, you need to choose only the colors that are comfortable for yourself. For example, a modest person is unlikely to look organic by dyeing curls in a purple or red tone. Or it's hard to imagine a pragmatic woman with a business acumen who comes to a business meeting with soft pink doll hair.

Also, the harmony of the image entirely depends on how the chosen crazy color is combined with the shade of the eyes and skin.

  1. Red tones emphasize the smallest imperfections of the skin, so stylists do not recommend repainting in them with frequent rashes or acne. Red is almost the only color that is in harmony with any shade of eyes and skin. It is enough to remember one rule: the darker the skin and the darker the eyes, the darker the shade of the hair should be.
  2. Pink hair looks organic when paired with light skin tones and blue or gray eyes.
  3. The orange tone goes exclusively to dark-skinned women with brown eyes.
  4. Purple and blue hair will decorate the representatives of the cold color type.
  5. The green shade is the most difficult to choose, so it makes sense to entrust this task to a stylist.

Extreme colors are not always safe. Therefore, during the purchase, there are several nuances to consider.

Gray hair: how to choose the right paint

  • More details

Hair dye of unusual colors: how not to harm your hair?

Do not purchase dyes of radical colors in underground passages or other dubious points, otherwise you risk simply burning own hair. Professional paints non-standard shades are sold only in stores for hairdressers and stylists. Pay attention to the products of the following brands, which have proven themselves from the best side:

  • Anthocyanin Acid Color;
  • Manic Panic;
  • Directions;
  • Crazy Color.

Get ready for the fact that quality paint is not cheap. But in return you will receive healthy hair interesting saturated shade.

Pop celebrities and catwalk models sometimes radically change their image, coloring their hair in extraordinary shades and extravagant tones. This is an example of the singer Pink and Lady Gaga, Victoria Beckham and even star man- actor and singer Jared Leto. The most unusual original color hair helps to complete a pretentious and shocking image, stand out from the crowd and attract even more attention from the opposite sex, and therefore ordinary girls from city streets are not alien to experiments on coloring hair with an unusual tone of dye.

In the youth get-together you can meet the fair sex with orange, pink, blue and even green hair. If you also want to become the owner of colored hair, then be sure to read this article- it covers in detail all the nuances of such coloring, and also gives advice on the choice suitable color based on skin type and appearance.

How to dye your hair in unusual flashy tones

Hair coloring in an extremely bright shade is always done using special professional dyes. Hair dye sold in regular stores will not cope with this task, you will definitely have to visit a store for stylists and hairdressers or just go to a salon offering the procedure bright coloring in an unusual color.

In the cosmetics industry, there are separate brands that produce hair dyes for unusual artsy tones. There are not too many such brands, and therefore their products are sold out in great demand and are mainly purchased by stylists who work closely with the world of fashion and show business stars.

It is almost impossible to meet ordinary girls and women with unusual hair color on the streets of Russian cities, since bright tone hair is not always appropriate for office work.

And most of our fellow citizens, due to their mentality, do not like to attract excessive attention of outsiders. But if you want the opposite effect - go to a professional store for stylists and choose a dye. the right tone among brands - Anthocyanin Acid Color, Manic Panic and Directions.

Please note that the price for such paints is quite high - on average, one small tube costs about 1000 rubles, and for full staining hair may require not one, but two or three tubes.

But the names of colors from these manufacturers are simply mesmerizing: blackberry, purple, turquoise, fuchsia, fiery lava and this is far from full list crazy shades in which girls can dye bright hair dye in fashionable unusual colors with a dye from the above manufacturers.

But it is important to choose a color not only by name, but also based on the type of your own appearance.

Here are some tips from professional stylists to help you:

  • The red color is perfect for the skin of different tones: dark shades of red suit dark-skinned women with brown eyes, brighter ones will adorn fair-skinned and green-eyed girls. Exclude given color from the choice is for private irritations and inflammations of the epithelium of the face - it will emphasize all imperfections;
  • Pink requires a perfectly even and healthy skin light natural shade. If you paint your head in such a tone - completely exclude blush from the make-up, otherwise you will remind Marfushechka-darling from the fairy tale "Frost";
  • Orange shade will do owners of swarthy and dark skin since in combination with pale face it gives an unhealthy morbid appearance;
  • It is better to choose purple and blue colors for girls with a cold skin type;
  • And green will require a strict selection of a shade to the type of appearance.

In order not to be mistaken when choosing a crazy tone, use the computer color selection program and evaluate the result.

How is professional coloring of hair in crazy colors going?

To begin with, the master will wash your hair and dry your hair slightly. This is necessary in order to remove from the surface hairline all grease, dirt and dust. Most non-standard colors will require additional bleaching of the hair - this way a bright shade will fit better and give a radiant color as a result.

Such a procedure is highly discouraged for natural brunettes, since when stained in bright light colors - turquoise, blue and pink discoloration is performed until melatonin is completely etched out, and this has a bad effect on general condition hair.

And do not believe it if you are told that discoloration is due to a natural and eco-friendly composition - such mixtures for etching natural or artificial color simply do not exist. You can choose a gentle composition, but it will not be absolutely safe for the health of the hair.

The master will also treat your forehead, ears and temples with a special cream composition that will protect your skin from paint and subsequent staining. In some salons, stylists use a disposable bandage instead of a cream.

Next, the most difficult stage of the staining process begins: the master will need to paint over your hair so that the paint falls only on the hairs, but not on the scalp. This is important because crazy dyes have a very stable structure and are poorly washed off with skin... Before dyeing, the entire surface of the hairs is treated with an additional dye-fixing liquid.

The dye does not stay on the hair for a long time - on average, the exposure time of this type of paint does not exceed a quarter of an hour.

But here, too, there is some specificity: you will not just sit and wait for the dye to appear - the master will put on a special hat on you and will warm up the dyed hair mass during the entire exposure time. After warming up, the head is cooled, the dye is washed off and only then the final styling is done.

As you can see, the procedure is quite difficult, it will be difficult to repeat it at home, therefore, in order to avoid sad consequences, we recommend dyeing your hair in a crazy tone in professional salons.

But the most unusual shades also require unusual care.

How to care for hair colored in a bright extravagant tone

After dyeing your head in an extravagant color, you will need to change some rules for caring for your hair: in particular, categorically exclude masks, shampoos and balms based on natural and essential oils... The oils affect the structure of the bright dye and make it dull.