Energy cleaning. Restoring human energy - effective methods. What is human energy

Have you ever had that when you come to visit someone's house you feel pleasant sensations, and elsewhere - negativity, fear, disgust? And this has nothing to do with the bad interior. It's all about energetics of the premises... It is bad when it is weak, but even worse if it is negative.

This leads not only to fatigue and irritability, but also to quarrels, money leakage, illness and even family breakdown. The editors will tell you how to reveal that negative energy has accumulated in your house, and how to get rid of it. "So simple!".

Clearing negative energy

Signs of negative energy accumulation in the house

  1. Cockroaches and other harmful insects appeared.
  2. Things disappear and are lost.
  3. Family members and pets are often sick.
  4. Plants do not grow and die.
  5. Light bulbs and electrical appliances often burn out for no apparent reason.
  6. Pipes are leaking, plumbing often breaks.
  7. Doors and windows are slamming by themselves.
  8. Appear unpleasant odors without source.
  9. Frequent family conflicts.
  10. The tenants have apathy for everything around them, constant fatigue.
  11. Bad dreams, sleep does not restore strength.
  12. An unfriendly envious person was visiting.
  13. Someone died in the house.
  14. Perhaps, before you settled, lived in the house dysfunctional family or a crime has happened.

If there are points that coincide with what is happening at your home, you need to think about how to heal your home. Do not be alarmed, all methods are quite simple and do not require intervention. otherworldly forces.

How to rid the house of negative energy

  1. Purification of your own energy
    You yourself can bring negativity into your home. To cleanse your energy, you need to take a shower, but not a regular shower, but with salt. Salt is a conductor of energy and is capable of storing it, and in combination with water, it washes away.

    Take a shower rub your body ordinary salt, massage and rinse well. In this case, you must be in good location spirit and think about how to get rid of all the bad. Believe me, you will immediately feel warm and light in your soul after such a procedure.

  2. Rid the house of unnecessary things
    All things have memory and are capable of storing energy. That is why you need to get rid of unnecessary items in time, especially if they are associated with unpleasant memories. Remember: everything that is not used more than a year, accumulates negative energy.

    Before you start getting rid of unnecessary things, open all windows and doors in the house - the draft will remove all negativity. Put on simple but neat home clothes... Don't wear jewelry and be in a neutral mood. Get rid of all the broken dishes, even if there is a small scratch on the plate. Also, don't keep it dirty. Old clothes either hand it over to the workshop or throw it away. Watch the battery in the watch, it shouldn't stop.

    Now get down to mirrors: Wipe them clockwise with a damp cloth, the number of circles depends on how old the mirror is. If you don’t remember the number, then do 13. If the house has vintage mirrors or those left over from the previous tenants, these things must be disposed of.

  3. Sprinkling and fumigation
    Prepare a bowl of melted or holy water, but not tap water. Sprinkle it gently over the room and then wash your hands. After that, set fire to the twigs of dry St. John's wort and carry them to all corners of the dwelling.

  4. Cleansing with a candle
    It will take church candle... Take a candle and put a small circle cut out of white paper on it. Light a candle and start moving from the front door - the main gate negative energy... Thoroughly process the door peephole and its entire surface with a candle, not forgetting about the handles and the bell. Then move on to finishing the inside of the door, doing the same.

    Then move around the perimeter of the house clockwise. Give Special attention windows, mirrors, corners, hangers, as well as a computer and TV, because a lot of energy dirt accumulates on them. When you finish cleansing the house with a candle, you will have one or more burnt candles on your saucer. Throw them in the trash immediately, do not leave them in your home.

  5. Cleaning your hands after cleaning
    After you have performed all the necessary rituals, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. Next, rub your hands with salt, rinse and wait until they dry. Then stretch your fingers. Then rub your palms clockwise and shake them. Thus, you will rid yourself of the negativity received during the cleaning process.

  6. Re-cleaning
    To see if you've gotten rid of all negative energy, three days after harvesting, light a candle and wait until half has burned out. Look at the shape of the melted wax: if it is ugly and dark, then the cure at home must be repeated. If it is bright and beautiful, then your house is clean. The procedure for cleaning the home should be carried out 1-2 times a year or after negative incidents (death of loved ones, bad guests).

This article describes how energy cleansing is carried out, also collected here effective advice and important points practice.

There are many subtleties and points in energy healing that you should know.

What mistakes should be avoided when performing energy cleansing?

It is incorrectly believed that two channels run along the spine - from the crown to the coccyx, and they feed the entire body with energy. The inaccuracy is that the channels are arranged differently. They are not solid, and during their movement they break off at the level of the shoulder blades and enter the soul.

From the heart, the paired channels diverge. One pair goes down to the coccygeal chakra¹, and the other goes up to the parietal chakra. This misunderstanding leads to subsequent errors in diagnosis and treatment.

It is very important for the healer in the treatment of diseases to see not the diagnosis, but the very deep energetic root cause of the disease. Per physical impairment and the diagnosis of doctors always hides the true essence of the disease.

Only by opening it, you can begin to eliminate the disease itself.

How to start energetic cleansing?

For effective treatment you should know many points, such as the structure of the subtle body of a person, properties, as well as methods of influencing them. Start off energy treatment a person follows from the clearing of the parietal chakra.

She, as a receiver, connects a person with the Higher Forces (God, the Universe - you can call it differently), through her he receives high energies... Also, this chakra serves as the main outlet for negative energy, which causes its pollution.

After the parietal chakra is polluted, a person is no longer able to cope with his negativity on his own, as a result, he begins to hurt.

It is the pollution of the parietal chakra and the interrupted connection with the Higher Forces that make a person energetically defenseless.

Sometimes, over the course of a lifetime, so much negativity accumulates that it is impossible to clear it out quickly. Even the most powerful healer cannot heal such a patient instantly.

Therefore, having cleared the patient's parietal chakra, the healer opens two doors at once, one for the entrance of high cleansing energy, and the second for the exit of a weakened negative.

Such cleansing will remove bad energy from a person for 24 hours, gradually leading him to health.

The healer himself is not able to work so much, but by creating conditions for purification, he significantly accelerates a person's recovery. When the crown chakra is cleared, the healer should make sure that it does not become polluted again with dense negative energies. It should be cleaned from time to time if necessary.

How to cleanse your parietal chakra?

It is necessary to clear the parietal chakra with hand movements until a stream of negative energy flows out of it. It feels like a stream of negativity coming out of your head. Negative energy must be set in motion, weakening it and removing it with hand movements.

During this period of purification, it is desirable for the patient to increase the frequency of his energies with the help of prayer. If a person from within himself weakens the negative, then he gets out of the energy much more easily.

The sequence of actions of the healer is also important. If, for example, a person has a curse, but at the same time the parietal chakra is polluted, then purification should be started from it. Until the channel with the Higher Forces is cleared, a person cannot receive high purifying energy through prayer.

Everyone can do energetic cleansing!

By developing the sensitivity of the palms to energies, everyone can independently master the practice of healing with their hands.

The novice healer can work at his own discretion, listening to his intuition.

Usually, during energetic cleansing, rotational movements of the palms folded in a boat are used. Rotational movements come from the place of pollution. Thus, clinging to the charge of the negative with the field of his hands, the healer removes it from the energy.

Correct diagnosis is the basis of the basics!

In energetic healing itself, correct diagnosis is very important.

For example, if you feel tension and slight pain when pressing on the groin area, then this is sure sign contamination of the groin chakra. There can be many causes of disease, but main principle in the fact that diseases appear where there is negative energy.

What kind of energy this is, the healer himself must figure out, this will help him choose the right "antidote".

Therefore, it is important for a healer to learn to feel what kind of energies are corruption, bad thoughts person or curse. After all, only precise definition problems will help to fix it.

Sometimes, the difficulty for a healer in such work is that the patient has a lot of problems. It happens that the negative, like a puff cake, is a collection of various negative energies.

V similar cases patients with high expectations are often unhappy with the length of treatment. Some patients do not understand the scale of the work, and after being healed, they continue to give birth to negative energies again.

In this case, the treatment of such people will be unproductive. The main meaning the work of the healer is to strengthen the connection with the Higher Forces, which will lead people to purification. If this is impossible, and the person is not ready to change their habits, then after a while the disease will return.

Basic principle of healing

This principle is that a person receives high energies from Higher Forces from above, through the parietal chakra. Therefore, the accumulated negative goes from bottom to top. An exception is when a person himself generates high energies. In this case, the energy of high frequency moves from the soul of a person.

When the energy is cleared, the negative begins to weaken and begins to move, striving to get out. All this is often accompanied by pain in the head and body. How thick butter moves slowly through pipes, so negative energy reluctantly and slowly moves through energy channels.

In places of "stagnation" a person has pain, and the negative begins to penetrate the tissues. In order to be healed, a person needs to increase his inner energies.

Cleansing Physical Crisis

Immediately after the cleansing of negative energy in the places of its accumulation, a physical crisis of cleansing begins. It is due to the fact that in the places of the greatest concentration of negative spasms occur, the blood supply to the cells is disrupted.

As soon as the spasms go away, the blood flow is normalized, and it immediately begins its cleansing work.

Sometimes there are so many lesions in the body that it causes intoxication in a person. Everything comes from the fact that the waste from the affected areas at once enters the bloodstream.

You can independently diagnose intoxication in yourself by inflamed and painful lymph nodes. The more severe the illness was, the stronger the intoxication will be. It is recommended to drink plenty of water during this period. Bathing and sweating also help reduce the effects of intoxication.

Usually, immediately after intoxication, the patient experiences a sharp relief and recovery.

Chakra cleansing with hands

Often a person has several chakras polluted at once, and a lot of negative energy has been accumulated in the subtle bodies. V certain period a person's life is blocked by the movement of energy.

The task of the healer is to weaken and set in motion the negative, up to its complete removal from the structure of the subtle body.

The disease manifests itself only when the negative is in the energy of the physical body.

Exists different approaches to cleanse the chakras, but it is most correct to cleanse all the chakras through the parietal. The sequence of such cleansing from above gives good result as the crown chakra is the main gateway for high energy entry.

If, for example, you start clearing the groin chakra when the parietal chakra has not yet been cleared, then there will be no outlet for negative energy.

The peculiarity of the negative is that it has an integral structure. When the healer begins to remove negative energies with hand movements through the crown of the head, then he pulls them out of the entire energy in one big charge.

As the healer gains experience and practice, it will be applied to each patient individual approach... For example, it is better not to touch spoilage at all with your hands, as it can seriously contaminate your fingers and suppress the sensitivity of your hands to energies.

Healing is knowledge, mastery of energies and improvisation in each case, but general principles still remain unchanged.

In order not to absorb negative energies, the healer should generate high energies in himself, in particular, the energy of love.

Turning to prayer helps to quickly cleanse and improve the quality of healing work.

Photo treatment

Despite the fact that the treatment of a person with personal participation is preferable, at times, according to different reasons it's impossible. Then the healer can provide energetic impact on the patient according to his photograph.

It is more difficult to work than in a personal meeting, when you can feel all the dirty places with your hands.

In the case of photo treatment, one should also purify the person's energy through his parietal chakra. However, when treating by photo, constant communication with the patient is necessary, it is very important for the healer to know about changes in his condition during the course of treatment. With practice, mastering healing from photography will become easier.

As the healer develops and practices healing, his abilities will gradually increase.

Dmitry Belousov

Humanity has long known that there is not only the material world, the components of which can be touched and seen, but also another, energy level existence of all living beings. Streams permeate our entire being and the world as a whole, the exchange of energies between people, animals, space and earth continues every second. If you do not learn how to manage these processes, there is a possibility that you will lose more energy than you gain. About that, I already wrote. Today I want to talk about cleansing and getting rid of it.

Interacting with other people, experiencing anger, resentment, sadness, irritation, we fill ourselves with negative energy, which reflects badly on all components of life. You've probably noticed that communicating with by different people and visit different places gives the opposite effect - in some cases you experience a surge of strength, peace, joy. In others, after talking with someone, you may feel tired, angry, and other negative ones. You can "pick up" the negative anywhere, so it is so important to protect yourself from unwanted influences and get rid of negative energy in time.

We will move from simple to complex. The most in an elementary way cleansing from negative energy are water treatments... As you know, it is able to absorb energy and perfectly cleanses from the negativity absorbed during the day (or night). Take a shower twice a day, after sleep it is also important to clean yourself, since it is not known where your subconscious mind has been in a dream and what it could have accumulated. Remember that most of the negative energy accumulates in the palms, feet and hair. If it is not possible to take a shower (it is best to wash off the negative under running water, and not lying in the bath), be sure to wash your palms and feet.

Also available and strong remedy for cleansing from negativity. You can read prayers for cleansing. Well, and, of course, it helps to get rid of negativity, I talked about this not so long ago.

Clearing negativity on your own

Now we move on to more complex and deeper techniques for getting rid of negative energy.

1. Just as green plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, any part of wildlife able to absorb negative energy and transform it into a positive one. Based on this knowledge following technique Cleaning: Extend both hands and spread your fingers as wide as possible. Point your hands at an object of nature - water (natural body of water, bath or sink filled with water, etc.), plant (tree, flower in a pot, bush), fire or earth. You can keep your eyes open or close, the main thing is to imagine how negative energy leaves your body through your fingers and dissolves in a natural object.

To enhance the purification effect, I advise you to say out loud one of the phrases: "Lord, enter my heart and remove everything negative from it", "I give everything negative to the earth (water, fire), I leave the positive for myself." You can do this cleaning as often as you like. It takes me 10-15 minutes, but if you want to go on longer, go on.

2. When negative energy accumulates in the body, it also causes disease. At whatever stage of accumulation you are, the next one helps to get rid of negativity. Sit in a Turkish or semi-lotus position with your hands on your hips, palms up; execute. Close your eyes and imagine yourself inside a tetrahedron, inspect it from all sides, making sure that it is volumetric. Now imagine that the top of the figure opens and cleansing energy begins to flow into the hole formed (I deliberately do not set the color of this flow, since it can be anything). Observe how gradually the entire tetrahedron is filled with new energy, your body is filled with this energy, and black, negative energy goes into the "drain" hole at the bottom of the tetrahedron. The cleansing process can take a long time, so take your time and, before ending the meditation, make sure that everything inside the figure is cleared - both the space and yourself.

3. Sometimes the most elementary actions help to get rid of negative energy. Stand in the middle of the room and perform three “kicking” movements with one and then the other leg, while imagining how all impurities leave your body. Then raise both arms above your head and, with a wild yell, "throw" them down as hard as possible. Repeat three times or more (if desired).

After you have cleared of negative energy, unless it was in water, you need to clear the space. Light a candle and place it where the negative was "dropped", let it burn for 10-30 minutes. It is also recommended to open vents or windows and ventilate the room well.


Water procedures... This is the easiest and one of the most effective ways to cleanse your biofield and remove negativity. Shower, swimming in the pool, swimming or even simple splashing in the river, sea, pond - your choice. Which is closer and more accessible. The most effective is considered to be immersion in running water (or ablution in running water). That is, a river or shower will quickly remove negative information from you. If you cannot take a shower or swim in the pond, you can wash your hands and rinse your face with clean water.
Highly efficient way removing the negative - wet massage feet. Wet your feet (you can only up to the ankle) and hands, then slap your feet with your palm. 50 times one at a time and 50 times the other. Set the strength of the cotton yourself. Greatest effect it happens if melt water is used for wetting.

Fire. Light candles and sit with them. Or light a fireplace, bonfire, stove (keep the door ajar). It is important that there is a fire (decorative electric fireplaces and electric lamps a la candle are not suitable). An interesting fact: almost all earthly elements can be conquered by evil. So, earth and water are able to absorb negative information and give it out, the air can also be permeated by it. Fire is considered the only element on Earth that is not defeated (not defiled) by evil. He is pure in himself, and actively purifies what is in his halo: objects, phenomena, people.

Salt. She is a frequent attribute in many rituals that have been performed by our ancestors since time immemorial. Asking salt for help is important and because known to be flexible energy structure and is able to vividly absorb the information directed at her. Place your feet on a layer of salt, it will take over everything. Just be sure to flush the salt down the toilet afterwards or pour it away from home. If you believe in conspiracies and rituals, before starting the procedure, heat salt in a pan and read: “What has come, everything is gone. Pure salt, pure salt, take all the bad things, an evil word said, evil eye glazed. Amen". You can hold your hands and elbows in salt, and put a few grains on the top of your head.

Nature. Forest, field, meadow, coast (sea or lake / river - not important) contribute to the purification of our biofield, i.e. remove the negative. Striking results are noted when directly with trees (come up and hug, press down first with the spine, then with the chest). It's good if you know "your" tree (by the druids), but if not, that's okay. Pine, poplar, aspen perfectly remove adhered negative energy. You can even cut dice from these trees and bring them home. In moments feeling unwell apply them to disturbing places.

Look inside yourself. If you feel the influence of negativity on yourself, try to put your thoughts and feelings in order. Are you a lot in recent times angry, annoyed, resentful and thought bad of them? Have you in the heat of the moment sent curses or malicious promises on someone? Remember. After all, a bad word - it, like a boomerang, returns to the one who sent it. If you are a believer, go to the temple. If not, just reflect on your life and actions. Try to be kind to others. This is always helpful. At the same time, the biofield invariably becomes cleaner, because you are working on yourself, striving to become better.

If you feel uncomfortable and anxious in your home, it's time to do energy cleaning. Try to adjust your inner vision and look at the walls of your home. Everything dark and negative must be removed.
Where does negative energy come from? Quarrels, envious guests, just unfriendly people have put energy mud into your house - it reproduces anxiety, instills confusion in the soul, interferes with sleep. Human energy information traces are the first source of negative information in a room.

2) Targeted malicious impact on the house. This can be expressed in the outflow of energy from a person to the room (damage to the room) or in the outflow of energy from the room (energy breakdown).

3) It happens that information remains in the house or apartment from the previous tenants (in the office - from the previous owners). These footprints are a kind of unconscious programs for new tenants, forcing them to copy the habits of the previous ones. This information is dangerous because it persists for decades. There are "fatal" apartments, houses in which any misfortunes constantly occur.

4) Information that current residents create on their own. Any negative thought forms form a certain energy-informational field. This information can remain and grow in the apartment or go to neighbors. Lasts for a very long time. For example, 80% of divorces are sexual. The reason for this may be in the processes of human thinking, which is influenced by negative energy structures in an apartment or house.

5) Information coming from neighbors.

6) Information from a seriously ill person. Reduces immunity, promotes cancer. It persists for a long time. May affect multi-storey building from one apartment to the entire entrance.

7) Information remaining from a suicide, as well as information from a natural death of a person. Acts negatively, lasts a long time. There is no need to post photographs of deceased people in the apartment. It can make it very difficult to sell the property. I especially want to highlight restless souls who are energy vampires... But these vampires are not the only ones. There are plenty of entities associated with the dark world. Such entities create a connection between your home and the dark world that takes away from you vitality... The most "nutritious" for these forces are your negative emotions, for this, an atmosphere of nervousness is created in your home. Channels of communication with the dark world are perceived as funnels, extending to infinity with their base. They are also called an energetic black hole. These black holes are created by entities, therefore it is impossible to simply close such a funnel without expelling the entity.

8) Information from photos of idols. If the idol ended his life tragically, then this information can lead to the fact that a person will unconsciously begin to repeat his life path.

9) Information from stolen and old things. They also accumulate negative information that is stored long time... Therefore, old things should be thrown away periodically.

There are many methods, ways to cleanse the house of negativity. But I think that the whole point is not in their quantity, but in the quality of performance. I think in the methods given below by me, everyone will find what they like and can do.

To find out what energy is in your apartment, make a few different observations. For example, in a house with good energy it dries slowly spilled water, flowers in vases do not fade for a long time, metal objects are cool to the touch, and wooden objects are a little warm.

In “black” houses, a fallen coin does not ring, milk turns sour faster, hot food cools quickly, salt instantly dissolves in water, oil melts before our eyes, a candle smokes, its light rushes and goes out.

Good to check energy places in the apartment with a pendulum. Make it yourself from any weight: silver, copper or crystal. The main thing is that it is only yours.

Check places by asking, “Is this a good place? Swinging back and forth means yes, side to side means no. Move away from the dirty place gradually and define the boundaries of it.

Be sure to get rid of unnecessary things, especially with poor energy left over from deceased relatives associated with your failures. If you haven't used the item for a year or more, you definitely don't need it. Free yourself from the junk accumulated over long years, disassemble the rubble and part with the past. It is advisable to do a general cleaning before energetic cleaning.
Here I present the cleaning methods proven by many years of practice. For all cleaning methods, the vents must be open.

1) Prepare wax candles (article what candles are needed), a psalter or a prayer book to decide what you will read. You need candles according to the number of rooms, for a bathroom too. You need to start from the front door, go clockwise, light the first candle, the candle in right hand, book on the left. We cross the wall with a candle, facing it, and drive from top to bottom in spiral movements, we pass the corners well. We read the psalter from the first psalm, or prayer overshadowing the wall with a cross. We turn clockwise to the next wall, read the next psalm. And so the whole room, cross-psalm or prayer, cross-turn. Moving to the next room. The next candle is lit from the previous one, and that one is extinguished with your fingers. If somewhere a candle starts to go out, it means that there is a lot of negative energy: you need to stop and stand with the candle longer, especially intensively baptize this place with a flame and sprinkle it with holy water. After the rooms is the kitchen, then the hallway, and then the bathroom. Treat the bathroom well. This is a place that absorbs a lot of negative information, especially the bathroom mirror. The last candle is made to cross with the soot of the candle flame on the front door. It is better to glue the cross pattern with tape and do not wash it off. All used candles are twisted into a flagellum and walled up under the threshold of the front door in the hallway. The apartment is cleaned. If you remove the candle stubs, the protection will be compromised.

2) Music has a wonderful cleansing effect. With the help of mantras or bell ringing, you can fill a room with positive energy. energy force possesses bell ringing... By the way, the bell ringing can be turned on at least once a week.

3) Christian way. Fumigate the house with incense, sprinkle the house with holy water, over front door keep wormwood.

4) Put a frying pan with salt on the fire. If within 20 minutes the salt turns gray or takes brown tint, then there is no negative. If the salt suddenly turns black, then the salt should be fried until it is coal-like. I want to warn you that this method is dangerous, if there is damage to the house, voices, groans can be heard, and the frying pan can “explode” and damage the stove. This is due to the fact that the salt is saturated with a large internal energy, and its crystals serve as antennas that receive cosmic energy. When salt is destroyed (fried), its energy is released and begins to destroy the forces of evil.

5) To fumigate the house with magical plants, whose smell cannot stand aliens from the dark worlds.
Magic herb. We are talking about Peganum Harmalae, known from different nations, like a root, burial ground and white-sided. In Uzbekistan, this plant is called "Isirik" (Uzbek) or "Ispand" (Tajik). The last name is often added "khazor" (thousand) to emphasize: "khazor ispand" - "medicine for a thousand diseases." And it is true - this plant, indeed, saved people many times from plague, viruses and other infectious diseases.
You can also fumigate the house with juniper, heather, St. John's wort. You can say the following words: "Let everything bad go away with this smoke: illness, witchcraft, misfortune, bad luck, curses!"

6) Virtual cleansing using mental magic is a somewhat rarer method, since it is somewhat more difficult to perform and requires certain abilities for concentration and visualization.
Conventional mental images that are used in virtual cleaning (which is as effective as real), it is either a wall of fire that “roasts” everything it passes through, or a pure and bright all-pervading white (less often blue) light that fills the entire space to be cleaned. Somewhat less often, “agreements” with entities living in the cleared space are used, the meaning of which is a request to move from this space to one's “home” space, followed by clearing the space with a wall of fire or all-pervading light and “sealing” the cleared space into an impenetrable cocoon. After this sealing, the cleaned space is often filled with some kind of comfortable feeling. I strongly advise against showing aggression or fear when settling relations with various entities.
Cleaning your home is useful at least once a year, even if you seem to be doing well. If the cleaning has gone well, then it becomes very comfortable to be in the cleaned space: you feel freshness, as if the crystal purity of the air, you feel an emotional uplift; the cleaned items seem new, they are pleasant to handle, etc.

After cleaning the house, we cleanse our personal energy
It is important to remember that after the cleansing ritual, the energetic mud of the space in a large number settles on you (hair and skin are especially sensitive in this regard). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures for the physical body.
Very good, energetic mud, wash away jets cold water... If this technique of cold dousing does not suit you, you can replace it with an ordinary shower, but at the same time you must mentally remove all energy debris from your body. You can mentally say the following words: "As water off a duck's back, so is blackness from me."
An excellent effect is given special baths especially with sea ​​salt... They have not only a cleansing ability, but also allow you to restore energy potential.

To make the house always cozy, clean, calm and comfortable, learn to be like that yourself, because all our words, worries, negative emotions materialize on walls, furniture, things, paintings, and even flowers.
The quality of our life depends on the quality of the space in which we live.

Olga Belikova