Energy information protection. Energy protection from ill-wishers. Energy protection "Mirror wall". Places with bad energy. Influence on the biofield

The modern world is not as safe as it seems. Of course, the threats directly to the physical destruction of a person are not so great. But that's not what this is about!

What are energy-informational lesions?

Let's just say that the consequences of energy-informational lesions are ALL diseases that medicine tries to "treat" with pills and surgical operations. Yes, any disease is only a consequence of a certain energy-informational defeat in the past of a person, which was not eliminated in time at the energy-informational level, and managed to move to the level of human physiology, i.e. to the level of the dense body, with which physicians work.

A professional feels defeat very quickly, and even if he did not have time to defend himself on the energy-information plane, he can always quickly eliminate the defeat without bringing it to the disease.

This video course distance learning will teach you how to defend yourself, acting ahead of your opponent, and how to RECOVER FAST if you are unprepared, weak or violate any laws of Nature.

Protection "Golden Pyramid"

Imagine that you are in the center of a golden pyramid, which, with its radiance, reflects the negative influences that come to you. The pyramid should be of such a size that you feel comfortable.

Protection "Information-biofield"

First, you need to build a protective shell in the form of a "ball", then imagine how the ball is filled with silver-violet energy. Ribbons run along the outer surface of the ball in the form of parallels of the meridians, on which it is written "You don't need me (you don't need me)".

It so happened that not all people feed on the global energy flows, but there are those who draw their strength directly from the biofield of another person. In the people, such people are called energy vampires, or sappers. In the book of the researcher Shafiqa Karagulla, the action of energy vampires is described as follows: a vampire forms some energy tentacles in the solar plexus region, which cling to a healthy human biofield and literally suck out energy, after which the victim feels exhausted, nervous, even angry. And this sometimes leads to serious illnesses. Can you imagine what would happen if a vampire is your relative?

Each person in his material incarnation is intended for something. True, highly spiritual people have an undeniable advantage over low-spiritual ones. This is manifested by the fact that highly spiritual people have the ability to extinguish the negative energy of low-spiritual people, which is an indisputable plus for the latter. To extinguish the negative energy of others without losing your own, you need to put up protection.

The energy barrier also helps in cases of hypnosis, or mental influence on a person. People with an atheistic mindset are very easily hypnotized or zombified. Moreover, the very fact of zombies is rejected by these people, as a result of which they have many problems, both in the spiritual and in the material sense.

And, finally, damage, evil eye, love spell, etc. That's really what you don't need to explain. Surely, everyone knows the use cases of this kind of activity! I assure you, with a properly placed barrier, you will not experience such an impact.

Talking about the biological barrier is very serious. He demands special approach and attitude towards life. It is known that the barrier requires a huge expenditure of energy and strength. The main task is to learn to keep it constantly and at minimum cost forces with maximum efficiency.

The main type of mood to maintain the energy barrier

  • Think only about the positive, expelling negative emotions and thoughts. In short, enjoy everything and smile more often. By the way, I will say that even with the slightest manifestation of anger, a person’s aura retains negative state within two days. And with the strongest rage, you can harm your health, which happens to people with heart attacks and other diseases.
  • Feel in harmony with nature and the world around you.
  • Try to approach everything from the point of view: “This is only the material world, it is not the main one! The main thing is the soul and spiritual development.
  • Try to get rid of resentment, envy. These shortcomings eat us up from the inside. Say to yourself: "I'm glad that this person achieved his goal!", Or "I don't hold a grudge against him, because everyone makes mistakes." No wonder there is a Russian folk proverb: "They carry water on the offended."
  • Don't reject anything. Everything in the world has its place in varying degrees of significance.
  • Bring people only good (+++positive energy+++).
  • Be only an optimist, even in critical situations. An optimistic attitude means that a person cannot be a carrier of negative psychic energy. An acquaintance once told me, "An optimist is a poorly informed pessimist." I fundamentally disagree with this statement, as optimism has been used by me many times, which always gave excellent results. For those who find it difficult to readjust right away, I suggest diving gradually, periodically engaging in self-hypnosis and introspection. In the worst case, try to maintain a neutral state, namely not evil and not good, something in between - ideal if wise.

So, I set out my own subjective recommendations for self-tuning. At least my path was and is being built that way. In general, everyone has their own methods. Try to identify them, try to overcome yourself. When you do this, you will breathe a sigh of relief as you free yourself from complexes and ignorance. Although I very much doubt that this material will be read by a person who does not understand the meaning of the words kindness, compassion, mercy. And these concepts are the main ones in this activity. a huge role in creating and maintaining an energy barrier, imagination and self-hypnosis play. I hope you understand that there is nothing to prove here, and I am not going to. If a person believes, everything will be. If not, then, as they say, it is not destiny... The unbeliever has his own path, his own destiny. In the end, everyone knows that a thought has a material state, the main thing is to learn how to embody it correctly.

Ways of mental protection

For an uninitiated person, the most understandable and rational is emotional protection. If you feel that you have been psychically attacked, then the most effective counteraction will look something like this:

  • Listen to cheerful energetic music, have fun, dance, laugh. Accept cold and hot shower. Eat red or black pepper, preferably with coffee. Go to the movies with friends, to discos. In short, lead the contrast, vivid image life. By these actions, you significantly change the coordination of the negative impact on you! You seem to “extinguish” it, as a result of which it weakens and soon disappears completely. Imagine what it's like to bring damage to you when you are sitting at the cinema with friends and laughing with might and main! I tell you, this barrier is unlikely to overcome, even an experienced malicious sorcerer.
  • If you feel that the attack is made in the area of ​​​​the body, then the pressure of the crossed arms on the solar plexus, accompanied by contractions of the abdominal muscles, helps.
  • If you feel that the area of ​​attack fell on your head, then try to load your stomach and do intellectual work such as reading a book. Moreover, food should be consumed with a minimum period of 2 hours.
  • Very efficient psychological protection is the so-called egregor protection. Simply put, if you think that you have a patron, in the form guardian angel, the natural element, God, in the end, then you kind of throw off your problems on your patron, so that this should no longer concern you. Egregor himself will deal with this problem, but you just have to wait and the most important thing is to believe and feel that the patron will really help you.

Try to overcome yourself. When you do this, you will breathe a sigh of relief as you free yourself from complexes and ignorance. Although I very much doubt that this material will be read by a person who does not understand the meaning of the words kindness, compassion, mercy. And these concepts are the main ones in this activity. A huge role in creating and maintaining an energy barrier is played by imagination and self-hypnosis. I hope you understand that there is nothing to prove here, and I am not going to. If a person believes, everything will be. If not, then, as they say, it is not destiny... The unbeliever has his own path, his own destiny. In the end, everyone knows that a thought has a material state, the main thing is to learn how to embody it correctly.

The simplest methods of energy protection are different kinds shields. The concept of a shield: a shield is an energy structure formed by compacting a section of the biofield in order not to penetrate destructive energy impulses. I hope this is clear. In fact, this definition includes both the concept and the principle of the shield. It is created within the biofield with the help of an appropriate thought form. The shield can be reflective or diffuse. Scatter shields are most commonly used because of their simplicity. When creating them, there is no need to trace the direction of the attack after it is reflected. On the other hand, reflective shields are the most effective. can send a charge back at the enemy, hitting him with the same energy that he spent on you, and then add more from himself. Below I will give some examples of reflective and scattering shields, and I will consider absorbing ones later, because. they belong to master techniques.

by the most simple trick is the crossing of arms or legs in a conversation with a person from whom trouble can be expected. At the same time, you close the contour of your biofield, trying to prevent its leakage or breakdowns. Stronger is the protection with the ring:

  • The thumb and index fingers of one hand are connected to the thumb and index fingers of the other hand, forming a ring, the other three fingers overlap each other. This technique is often used by representatives of China and Japan.
  • An effective technique commonly used by yogis is "ring insertion". First, the thumb and index fingers of one hand form a ring and it is inserted into the palm of the other hand, then the thumb and index fingers of the second hand form a ring and are inserted into the palm of the first hand. This cycle is repeated three times. Usually, after the third time, the performer feels an increased density around him, it seems that his head is being squeezed by something. The insertion of the ring really not only closes the contour of the human biofield, but also thickens it several times.

Visualization: A silvery-white web wraps around you, forming a half-egg dome above you. The threads become thicker and thicker until they turn into a solid wall.

Pros: Pretty simple shield. Its advantages over a wall are that it cannot be opened unnoticed and that it surrounds you from all sides. The main advantage is that you can easily move around with it.

Firewall Movement

The master waves his hand, as if drawing a line on the ground between himself and the enemy.

Visualization: The earth bursts along the drawn line and a flame breaks out of the crack, which fences off the master from the enemy with a wall. Periodically, when the wall begins to weaken, the master moves his hands upwards, as if lifting something, and this causes new wave fire.

Advantages: Provides relatively reliable protection against any type of energy attacks and allows you to condense it into desired point without unnecessary movements and effort.

Disadvantages: You cannot move with this shield and it consumes a lot of strength. The complexity of visualization can also be considered a disadvantage.

gray wall

Visualization: Before the eyes - a gray wall. Silent, rough and cold. Feeling completely protected and fenced off from the outside world. Only the gray surface of the cement is visible and nothing else.

Advantages: This method is suitable for use in a crowd, when someone is trying to get under the "Dome" or cross the "Wall": It is performed with eyes closed and does not require spatial visualizations.

Disadvantages: Eyes are closed, so you can not follow what is happening around.

crystal dome

Visualization: From the middle of the body, somewhere inside behind the solar plexus, a blue ball is formed, which inflates with a sharp exhalation, “squeezing out” all the negativity and forming a protective shell around the body, consisting of a transparent “crystal material”. Movement: With an explosive expansion of the ball of the arm sharply to the sides.

Advantages: Performs not only a protective, but also a cleansing function. Installs quickly.

Cons: Doesn't last long.


To perform this technique, it is necessary to develop the ability to feel any objects at a considerable distance. First you need to master the "gaze touch", i.e. mentally touch objects and catch the feeling from them (you can touch the object with your hand, then I will try to reproduce this feeling in my mind without touching the object). Having mastered the "touch with the eye" and without looking at the object, "touch" it again. At the same time, you should not close your eyes. After mastering this exercise, we build an "egg". You need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of the intercostal space in front, behind and from the sides at arm's length there are four warm golden peas, i.e. it turns out a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along the midline of the body. When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which is easy to turn into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside. The walls of the egg are very dense, the biofield layers are wrapped around each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary). It is desirable to use colors golden, blue, orange. It is very important to clearly spatially feel all your actions. It is necessary to warn that training for "probing" objects should not be more than 1-2 minutes up to 5-7 per day.

Biofield rotation

Along with "protective shells" the so-called "rotation of the biofield" enjoys great success. The technique of this form of protection is similar to that described above, however, there is no dense shell, and the entire space between the body and the conditional edge of the shell is filled with some kind of viscous medium, something like porridge. All this medium rotates counterclockwise around the axis of the body. When the rotation is performed correctly, the feeling of the body disappears and the feeling of a homogeneous mass, rotating in the form of a cocoon, remains.

Cross protection

Surround yourself on all sides with crosses, placing them close to the body. Slowly, with effort, starting from the head, move the crosses away from you at a distance of up to 1 meter. Compare your condition before and after moving the crosses aside, feel how they are strengthened and form a single whole.

Combined protection

First, perform protection with a "cross", moving the crosses to a distance of 1-1.2 meters. After that, make protection using the "shell" or "rotation of the biofield".

Information-biofield protection

Repeatedly (on the advice of the author) checked by the most different people and almost always successful. First, a protective shell is built, but not in the shape of an egg, but in the shape of a ball. Then the ball is densely filled with silver-purple bioenergy. Along the outer surface of the ball, ribbons pass in the form of parallels and meridians, on which it is written "You don't need me (you don't need me)".

mirror wall

Imagine yourself on all sides and from above surrounded by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. From the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world. And no matter from which side the attacker tries to attack you, he will always receive a reflected and mirror-enhanced retaliation. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once. When using the "mirror wall" never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are being defensive. Your calmness and friendliness will make him deliver more and more powerful blows, which will return to him with more and more force. This technique has been used by me many times. It is the simplest to perform and does not require special physical and energy costs, because you do not feel the barrier as part of yourself, or your biofield. It seems to exist separately, and this is its advantage. However, the main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to imagine this barrier when you are moving. In the case of movement, it is better to apply the examples described below.

Disadvantages: Difficulties in rendering reflections.

Shield of Perseus

Shield from the "Mobile" series. That is, it allows you to repel a narrowly targeted attack, hitting the enemy with it, without covering the entire body.

Visualization: A round mirror shield appears on the left (right) hand, which reflects energy attacks by placing it in the ejection path.

Advantages: Mobility, fast installation, low installation costs.

Disadvantages: Low strength. A correct calculation of the angle of attack is required for effective reflection. Difficulties in visualizing the reflection.

Telepathic protection, or protection with the help of an etheric double

This method is the most energy intensive. It is based on sending short brain pulses to a person, with the messages "You don't need me" or "I'm protected, you can't get me." To do this, you must mentally accumulate all the energy of the body in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus, then transfer it to the brain, and with the help of the center of the brain, or the pineal gland (third eye), project an impulse onto the attacking person. The only danger is that you may not be able to keep your opponent's back pressure. For complete protection, combine 2 methods.


This type of protection implies the passage of negative energy vibrations through oneself. The method is the most difficult, as it requires careful preparation. In order to use it effectively, you need to control your consciousness and energy state. IN in general terms this can be characterized as a mental attitude: "All negative energy passes through me and does not linger." The state must be stable and unshakable. You must be confident in this method and not allow doubts.


This is the so-called "alienation" effect. Its highest manifestation is the stage when everyone ceases to notice a person so much that he, as it were, turns out to be invisible to others. There are two option, option"ordinary" - i.e. to become in the environment, by transforming one's own biofield outwardly, as familiar as, say, a table that is not particularly paid attention to, because it is already used to, and there is also a variant of "alienation" proper. The initial manifestation - in principle, this can be seen in any company where such a person enters - he seems to look like a "black sheep" among all these people. He - a stranger in their company, let's say - even seems like a foreign object. And in the future, if this effect is developed further, a person simply ceases to be noticed by people and can observe the “party”, calmly standing in the corner, without receiving any influence from it. As if he was looking at the world from a diver's helmet. So, under certain circumstances, no "noisy gatherings" can affect the prepared


And you can also make a so-called target for an energy vampire - a trap using the energy of an egregore, if a person uses his support. Outwardly, an energy double is formed, as it were, a shell of a person covering his main energy body(figuratively), as if with such a "brilliant" layer of varnish. At the same time, the main energy shell of a person, being under the cover of such a target - a trap, seems to grow dim. In this case, the main energy impact falls on this same target, built, as they say, "with the given response properties." When hitting such a target, the vampire seems to fall into an energy "bag" consisting of high-frequency energies of the egregor, while the energy vampire's reception channels are tuned at that moment to receive low-frequency energy.

The effect is the same as if a strong current were passed through a wire or a thin device. The result of falling into such a trap will be the so-called energy burn, as a result of which serious damage will be done to the subtle body of the vampire, as well as a serious imbalance in its overall energy structure. It's the same as scorching a plant - it will gradually recover, fresh greenery will sprout through the "body" mutilated by fire, but this will take time and it will "suffer" greatly. Same with the vampire. After such a "scorching" shock, it is difficult to recover quickly. And then, when the vampire approaches a new victim, he will subconsciously develop a fear of her, due to which the act of vampirism itself may simply not take place, unless in the case of a very strong will of the vampire, capable of overcoming the resistance of his own organism, which is afraid repetition of "energy shock". But, as a rule, energy vampires do not differ in such a strong will, and in the future, all their efforts are no longer aimed at "sucking" the energy from the victim, but at smoothing it out, i.e. as if in revenge for the suffering he himself experienced, which is the result of the appearance of a fierce hatred for people in general, in the process of the suffering experienced by the vampire of "healing" his own energy. But this is either for professionals, or for people who have such a target-trap is constantly maintained, due to the fusion of their essence with the essence of egregor.


A variant - "blow with a whip" - a fleeting, very fast, burning look into the vampire's eyes, coupled with the release of a compressed clot of energy through the eyes. After such a variant of protection, the energy vampire has a feeling of "sand in the eyes" and he is simply forced to stop contact by "sucking" energy in order to bring himself into normal condition. Perhaps even a temporary partial visual impairment. A kind of - as if a bright - bright light bulb flashed nearby or he would look, without defending himself, at the flash of a nuclear explosion. With a strong "whip" one can even achieve serious damage to the energy of the opponent's eyes, which can lead to diseases of the organs of vision.

Now, how to avoid the loss of energy due to the so-called aggressive selection of it in a violent physical way. Suppose that a person approaches you with a clear desire, pardon the expression, to give you a turnip. And just like that - for a drunken dope. You are naturally defensive. At this moment, all your low-frequency energy splashes out or becomes fully involved in the body due to the increase in adrenaline in the blood. You seem to be pissed off. And then - it all depends on the circumstances and the final fight. If you fill it up, then you will leave, as it were, overflowing with low-frequency energies. You have for a long time after a fight, you will remember it and your fingers will involuntarily clench in order to “hit” someone yourself. You took the low-frequency energy from the enemy and now it overwhelms you, until you waste it and the balance of the low- and high-frequency energies of your body is restored. And until that moment you will be under the influence of this seething flow of "rough" energy. If it happens that you are defeated, then all your low-frequency energy will go to the enemy. A terrible weakness and apathy, as it were, will fall on you, the inability to even raise your hand for protection, complete indifference to everything that happens, if only it would end faster. This is one of the variants of "violent physical" energy vampirism. As a rule, the attacking energy vampire feels very well the beginning of the release of the victim's energy and catches it, as they say, with the entire area of ​​the locator. Yes, it will not work out differently - it is directed - then it is at him, increasing his power in the attack. So the victim is covered - not only will they be beaten, they will also "drink" without a trace.

Empty couch

Let's continue talking about the norms of relationships? On ouch...

Ways to protect against negative energy influences. Millions of people are interested in the problems of magic, mysticism, extrasensory perception, and the very fact of the ubiquity of such a hobby - as a rule, leads to a low level of spirituality, which in turn leads to appropriate actions. Being engaged in esotericism, people, without thinking about the consequences, usually prefer shorter and extremely simple, primitive ways to solve their problems. This also applies to people's attitudes towards such phenomena as energy vampirism, witchcraft and false teachings. The vast majority of people do not understand true value of these concepts, mixing them together and referring to different directions occult realm. We all remember how in mid-February 2006, all the newspapers of the post-Soviet space were full of sensational reports about the mysterious death of the great white magician and hypnotist Yuri Longo. The official cause of death was an aneurysm (rupture) of the aorta. He didn't drink, didn't smoke, went in for sports, was absolutely a healthy person- said relatives and friends. According to the head of the Moscow School of Hypnosis, Gennady Goncharov (friends with Yuri for 20 years), Longo did not die a natural death, the true cause of death was a powerful energy blow. The fact is that shortly before the tragedy, Longo spoke on TNT with sharp criticism of Grigory Grabovoi, his promises to revive those killed in Beslan. Methods of protection In the system of esoteric knowledge, an energy strike is a deliberate aggressive action in relation to another person and belongs to the section of negative energy influences. But everything is in order. In order to understand what a negative energy impact is, you need to understand the principles energy metabolism in nature. Before influencing the "object", the psychic enters a state of altered consciousness. At the same time, through the image of the object, it comes into contact with its wave structure. In order to make contact, the psychic tries to clearly imagine the image of another person, but not only imagine. This process involves more than just presentation. At energy connection there is a union of consciousness of two people. Moreover, the relationship is one-way. If the psychic, being in touch with you, has all the information about you, then you do not know anything about it until the active influence. But even then you can not guess about it, but write off incomprehensible sensations as a change in well-being, mood, weather, etc. An energy connection is a connection at a distance. With a psychic is not the person himself, but his energy image, with which various operations can be performed. Whether these operations are positive or negative depends only on the intention of the psychic. And so, we will analyze the mechanism of negative energy impact on a person. When an "aggressor" sends a negative energy charge (program) to a person, this process takes place on the outermost of the internal levels - the "energetic". A negative charge is introduced into the energy shell and causes a sharp violation of its energy balance, desynchronization of its spatial-wave structure. A person experiences this event as a drop in the general psychophysiological tone, a feeling of general weakness, loss of strength, or, if her sensitivity is sufficiently developed, as pain various areas of the body. Protection from energy impact Signs of an energy-information attack: - unreasonable feeling of misfortune or trouble, sudden thoughts of suicide, severe longing and a state of discomfort; - the appearance of disturbing dreams, which are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the chest; - depression, feeling of fear; - inexplicable irritability and unreasonable anger; - pain in the area of ​​energy centers, vital organs, migraine; - in exceptional cases as a consequence (increase blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes). How does this happen? Often the attack takes place as a short-term deterioration in health, as incomprehensible physical and mental sensations. Sometimes such an impact can last for several months, years. Man gets used to it sometimes poor health, oversensitivity, weakened nervous system. Of course, all this may not be associated with a negative energy impact at all. One must have a great deal of experience in order to distinguish induced states from one's own physiological problems. Characteristic for extrasensory influence are: mental attack, imitation various diseases, an attack in a dream, the imposition of a rhythm of breathing, failure of the heart rhythm, reflex muscle contraction, induced voices and images, astral sex. Attack time is not limited. The nature of the attack is not regulated by anything. Some begin to suspect that they have mental disorders. How to distinguish an astral attack from a mental illness? Based on the words of patients, it is almost impossible to do this. Great importance has an analysis of his condition by the person himself. For there is a place bad feeling which cannot be removed. In the end, the patient begins to worry: he is worried about his condition and tries to find out what it is connected with. He begins to think about his condition and look for its causes. And then it dawns on him: “Yes, an energy attack has been committed on me!” (Although it is possible that he is simply sick with SARS). Imagination immediately turns on and the patient comes to the conclusion that he does not even know who “attacked” him and for what. The state of uncertainty about the source and consequences of the attack causes immediate fear. All. We can assume that the attack was successful - the target was hit. Fear is a low-vibration structure that not only completely "opens" a person to negative energy impacts, but also destroys a person's energy field. At the same time, you should know that the negative charge (program) does not carry the disease itself, although it introduces information about it into the patient's energy structure. The negative program, by itself, only creates a corresponding pathogenic focus in the subtle bodies of a person. This process can be compared to a computer virus that first infects one computer, and after a while the entire network of hundreds is affected. Accordingly, this pathogenic focus disrupts the balance in the energy structure, which subsequently leads to problems on the physical plane. For a person, energy impact is not something unusual. These forms of interaction are known not only among humans, but also among animals. Therefore, some level of protection is present in any person at an unconscious level. However, the first reaction of an attacked person is illness. The body is not ready for this, as for an unknown infection. If you do not know that an energy attack has been made on you, it is difficult to navigate in your own feelings, you perceive all feelings as your own, all painful conditions as a result of your own ill health, sometimes an energy attack is perceived as a feeling that you are going crazy. Even if this state does not last long, then a feeling of fear persists for a very long time. This is in direct contrast to the option when a person knows that he is being attacked. It is present when there is a feeling that you are about to nullify the induced effect, that is, the body is training, as it were. There is no need to talk about the complete detachment of the "suckers" of the victim from the sorcerer during an astral attack (we will dwell on this in more detail below). On the part of the sorcerer, minimal efforts must be made to obtain induced states. It is another matter for the victim, who has to deal with the phenomenon of resonance, which can be removed only by powerful muscle relaxation, or “align” his biofield. But a person, as a physical and wave substance, is constantly exposed to atmospheric and cosmic factors, to the effects of radiation, polluted environment not to mention the stresses that follow us everywhere. These influences can be considered as an attack, to which the body has not developed a protective reaction. Those who can control their body, influencing it through their biofield, most effectively resist these influences. Energy attack in this regard gives an excellent training effect, allows you to actively relieve stress and achieve a high mental and physical shape. However, it is also a very serious burden on the body and therefore requires significant energy consumption. Just as the human body may show reduced resistance to microorganisms, so the brain becomes more susceptible to emotional disorders when it is not strong enough against an energy assault. It is important for a person to form a certain reaction to an attack. It shouldn't be negative. Shouldn't scare you. Negative emotions in themselves carry a serious load: they can change the endocrine balance, disrupt blood circulation, increase blood pressure, spoil digestion, change body temperature and cause a state of emotional stress that leads to illness. How is it transmitted? There are many ways to transfer negative energy. We will analyze the most common in our latitudes. Usually the picture is presented as follows. The sorcerer establishes some kind of connection with the victim (in the manner indicated above), while before transmitting a negative program, he establishes the so-called “rapport” or, in the people, “sucker”. IN late XIX For centuries, rapport has been described as something like a "psychic cable" - a hose through which a sorcerer can pump into the victim (or suck him out) whatever he wants, and in unlimited quantities. In this case, all hope is for an experienced psychic who can break this pernicious connection. With the help of a sucker, a sorcerer can transmit and receive not only energy, but also whole intelligent, low-vibration, energy-informational substances (entities), which, as a rule, have programs of destruction. These field structures live in the liquid environment of the human body and lead an amazing lifestyle. They feed on human energy and slowly but surely carry out the program set by the sorcerer. For example, "larva", - in addition to the will of a person, makes him drink alcohol immeasurably, which sooner or later leads to known result. Of course, if this person is not aware of his behavior that is immoral for society and detrimental to health and comes to an experienced cosmoenergy specialist for an appointment ... But as a rule, a miracle does not happen. Consciousness people like that obscured by an entity that, as a "universal soldier", fulfills its task to the end. In these cases, it is useless to convince the victim. In addition to aggression in your address, do not wait for anything. Imposed heart rhythm Usually, this species attacks do not bring obvious harm to human health and are used by sorcerers in order to "open" the object of attack. The fact is that the sorcerer, as a rule, does not warn about the upcoming attack and the change in the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle frightens the victim, and the ineffectiveness of the use of medications simply shocks her. Further, when the victim is completely open, the aggressor calmly completes the implementation of his plan. Since the imposed heart rhythm, unlike ordinary arrhythmia, has no physical cause, but only an energy one, then it should be removed not with medicines, but on a subtle plane. For people who don't have psychic abilities, unfortunately, one thing remains - to wait patiently discomfort without disturbing the usual rhythm of life. This is a kind of training for the heart muscle. And it is transferred quite calmly. The problem is to distinguish an induced condition from a normal illness. Therefore, if you are not sure that an attack has occurred, it is better to consult a doctor. Induced sleep From the point of view of cosmoenergetics, sleep is something other than the exit of the astral body of a person into an astral cliché. In his book Tales of Power, K. Castaneda described the most interesting practice of ancient shamans. When a person realizes that he is sleeping and dreaming, he should try (in the dream) to bring his hands to his face, to see them. Thus, a person acquires a body in a dream (the so-called “dream body”) and becomes fully conscious: now he is no longer just “seeing a dream”, but is precisely in another world - the “world of dreams”. If you act on a sleeping person, an effect occurs that can be called induced sleep. In reality, there are practices that allow you to quite consciously "wedged" into the dream of another person, while influencing the events that happen to the sleeping person. Practice shows that in a dream a person is quite able to deal with imposed images, and also, appropriate defense mechanisms can be activated. And all this is not fiction. This is perfectly confirmed by the practice carried out by Radigash tm lucid dreaming, which, although somewhat different from shamanic practices, is more understandable and adapted to the conditions of life of a modern person. For the uninitiated, I will say that any person has protection in case of an attack in a dream. However, it turns on, not immediately. Therefore, at first it seems that protection, as such, does not exist at all. A person in a sleeping state takes an imposed dream for granted. Removed at least some critical attitude to what is currently happening to you. In a dream, you can experience incredible adventures and at the same time have absolutely no doubt about the reality of what is happening; experience a wide variety of feelings: from a feeling of freedom, flight, to a feeling of fear. But whichever horrible dream you didn’t dream, no matter what horror you experienced in a dream, as soon as consciousness awakens and you connect your will, the body’s defensive reaction turns on. You begin to immediately forget the dream and all the sensations associated with it. You just need to remember that this is protection, and actively shoot external influence. If this is not done, you can remember the dream for a long time, sometimes for life, and often remember it later with a bad feeling. You must remember that a sorcerer working with the image of a sleeping person cannot sufficiently control the strength of the impact, since there is no consciousness control in a sleeping person, and the transmitted energy (images, etc.) may be somewhat stronger, or weaker than this is necessary, the session is terminated accordingly. It is almost impossible to resume it, since sleep has different phases, and after interruption it becomes deeper. A person, as it were, “falls through” and it is almost impossible to find him (subtle bodies). If you attack a person continuously, for several nights in a row, the structure of sleep breaks down. At first, the slow phase of sleep also lengthens. This happens because the sorcerer works with the image of a sleeping person and thus prevents him from waking up. Sleep time changes, respectively, it becomes difficult, or it becomes impossible to connect the sorcerer to the victim. In spite of everything, there is nothing to be afraid of, since there are many “buts” for the aggressor, the most important thing to remember is that in a dream you always remain yourself and no force can deprive you of your “I”. What is an energy strike? Let's see what can still be called an energy strike? Studies have shown that living beings, interacting with each other, exchange energy impulses with each other. At the moment, the nature of energy exchange is being studied in animals. It was found that when one animal attacks another, this action is accompanied by the release of electromagnetic impulses. These energy strikes deal damage. nervous system and the energy complex of the enemy. In human relationships, the same energy-informational interactions take place, which are always accompanied by low-vibration emotions: anger, envy, anger towards someone. And these actions always lead to huge emissions of the corresponding energy-informational impulses. Such impulses, getting into the energy structure of another person, disrupt its work and cause direct harm to the mental and physical health person. This type of negative energy impact is perhaps one of the most dangerous. Theory of protection from negative energy influences. Having considered the possibilities and mechanisms of the main types of negative energy impacts, we see that any sane person should devote at least a little of his time to the problem, please note, of his energy security. Whether he believes it or not. By the way, let's talk about "unbelief". In various esoteric directions, it is believed that disbelief in certain beliefs will allow you to protect yourself from all negative energy influences at once. Harmful thought-forms are especially destroyed if a person, besides his disbelief, treats everything with mockery. That is, if a person does not believe in witchcraft, energy vampirism and other otherworldly forces, then no matter how hard the sorcerers and vampires try to attack him, they will not be able to do anything. Agree in modern world there are very few people who do not believe in omens or in otherworldly forces at all, this leads to the fact that the sown witchcraft, the evil eye, damage "sprout" and take root on fertile soil. If a person wants to master "absolute" protection, he must either be convinced that otherworldly forces do not exist (to achieve absolute disbelief), or be taught methods of self-defense from those influences in which he believes. It is much easier to teach a person to defend himself than to change his worldview. So, there are a number of traditional beliefs that are easy to mock - in extreme cases, it is enough to spit three times over your left shoulder or turn the blazer on your head with a visor back. With the modern system of esoteric beliefs, however, things are more complicated and there is no way out with a blazer. In connection with the release of this system of beliefs into the open spaces of the popular press, absolute protection against it is extremely difficult, “not believing at all” is becoming increasingly difficult. It follows from this that if a person is protected by absolute disbelief, then he interacts only with energy flows physical world. Yes, he is protected, but devoid of imagination and the possibility of spiritual growth. Yes, and the very "unbelief" seems to be a dubious defense. Egregors and protection Word and Thought have a material meaning. All mental processes proceed at the level of energy-informational fields. Every thought that is born in human brain, goes into the energy-information field of the Earth and is there in the form of energy waves. Identical thoughts come into contact with each other and enter into resonance, as if merging into a single body - egregor. Each person, living according to the laws of Eregor, feeds him with his own bioenergy. At the same time, the connection exists both direct and reverse, that is, the egregor, in turn, can energize a person loyal to him. There are huge egregors worked out by many generations of people; the largest egregors are created by various religions and ideologies. A number of main egregors can be distinguished: 1) family, 2) spontaneous group, 3) professional, 4) cultural group, 5) organizational, 6) state, 7) national, 8) class, 9) ideological, 10) anthropological, 11) cosmological, 12) ontological. In each of these egregors, a person clearly feels himself not just a separate and closed individual, but an element that is organically part of a certain system more high order performing tasks that go beyond his immediate individual needs. It is not possible to see this energy structure with your own eyes, however, some facts of occult "group work" and spontaneous socio-psychological observations (for example, such phenomena as "national temperament" or "crowd power") really serve as direct confirmation of the work of egregor. So how is it possible to protect yourself from negative energy influences with the help of egregor? For example, a person is sick, he has tried all the medicines and methods, nothing helps. They say to him: “Listen, are you baptized?” - "No" So you be baptized. He is baptized and - lo and behold! - the disease goes somewhere. However, it disappears only if the person was at least to some extent sincere in his act, if he was sincerely imbued with the spirit of the Christian myth, sincerely connected to the Christian egregor. In other words, if you are an egregore person and if an attack is made on you, you simply “assign” this fact to your egregore and do not deal with it anymore. Whatever the symptoms after an attack, just watch for them. But you don't care about the aggressor. If you are an egregor person, you must perform your egregor function without being distracted by trifles - the egregor will make sure that you can perform it as perfectly as possible. When you make a personal effort to protect yourself, you are not doing your job. Moreover, this indicates that your involvement in egregor is weak. How else to explain the fact that you are not sure of your protection? Inclusion is weak, weak and defense. Sometimes it is said that best defense from any attacks - this is the complete forgiveness of the enemy. And this makes a lot of sense. A person capable of forgiveness must ensure that forgiveness becomes mutual. Astral attack and defense First of all, it makes sense to talk about astral attack only if you are in the astral, respectively, astral attack is not possible on the physical plane. Astral attacks experienced by the practitioner may resemble physical plane attacks in form. However, since the astral plane has its own specifics, the methods of protection here are very different from the physical methods of protection. Astral "forms" and "essences" cannot touch a person until he has forgotten where he is and has not become involved in the scenario imposed on him. Astral protection is based on a clear awareness of this characteristic feature astral plane. In the practice of astral operations, one must always remember that almost all the "inhabitants" of the astral do not have a "permanent residence permit", and although the time there is very relative (one minute on the physical plane can be equal to days of astral time), they visit it only for a moment . All beings and entities, as a rule, look according to the nature of their spirituality or place of existence. For example, a young sorceress from the city of Cherkasy looks like a three-meter, two-headed monster in the astral plane. Arriving in the astral plane, you cannot trust anyone, since any image that inspires deep trust in you can turn out to be your enemy. A practitioner of astral operations must perfectly master his energy defenses developed on the physical plane, since most of them perfectly perform their functions both in the astral and in the astral cliché. Psychological attack As a rule, a psychological attack is manifested by a state of panic, excitement, fear, anxiety and depression, unmotivated aggressiveness. This also includes obsessive conditions that cannot be eliminated. Obsessive fears (phobias): fear of getting sick with any disease, fear of open spaces, fear of enclosed spaces, etc. Obsessive desires or desires: desire to kill a beloved child, desire to throw themselves under a passing train, etc. Fixation of attention: attention or gaze is fixed on some object that you usually do not pay attention to. Carrying out senseless, unmotivated, aggressive and destructive acts. Feelings during a psychological attack are varied. And usually people experience a very slight, almost imperceptible manifestation of them. When attacked, feelings and emotions come out. A psychic attack differs from ordinary feelings in the strength and brightness of its manifestation. An insignificant fact of loss (for example, a cheap earring) is experienced as a “Universal catastrophe”, etc. One of the methods of psychological attack is involvement in a sect or false teaching, which is usually accompanied by the suppression of a person's will, using various NLP practices, energy coding or zombies. The main (typical) signs of false teaching - one of the main signs of false teaching is a decrease in the divine status in faith. To which God does this doctrine direct? For example, striving for some natural Force (Goddess Gaia), or reverence for the divinity of the earthly founder of this doctrine. - lack of a clear source of the origin of the Teaching. An example, it came in the form of a "revelation", a letter on a stone (cloud), etc. - the lack of a spiritual basis for the doctrine that promotes generally accepted, social concepts such as love, compassion, helping one's neighbor, etc. Restriction of the adept by the duties of increasing the level of pseudo-teaching (if you do not receive the 3rd lasso, initiation into the grand doctor, etc., we will not teach you further). - the material aspect. Statements of a pseudo-teacher such as the fact that this teaching is his only source of income, or “unpaid initiation does not work”, should in itself alert any sane person. - simplification and primitiveness of the manner of presenting the material, leaving no room for any depth. Low intellectual level of the presented material. - in some cases, on the contrary, excessive complexity and confusion of presentation, an excess of unnecessary information that is poorly remembered and easily eroded from the minds of novice adherents. Pseudo-intellectual presentation. In both cases, there is a lack of a sense of proportion and harmony. - a frank cosmopolitan orientation, an anti-patriotic attitude (and here we have it in America, Russia, Zimbabwe ... ..). Lack of connection with ancient traditions, history, national characteristics. - an overly modern catchy advertisement, praising the divinity of the earthly leader of this teaching at the moment. - subtle indulgence of human egoism, exploitation of the ideals of freedom, constant advancement of the thesis: "everything is allowed, there are no restrictions on the way." - the requirement of complete subordination of the will of the student to all the instructions of the earthly leader, a ban on intellectual understanding (do as I said), without explaining the nature of the material being presented. Do not forget that the ability to see quite earthly, selfish motives, accompanied by the above signs, will help you not only save the contents of your wallet, but also your health. Protection methods As you have already understood from the above material, there is no universal protection. Universal energy protection for you will be the one in the work of which you will be one hundred percent sure. If you are not confident in your defense, they will definitely “break through” it. The reliability of protection will be directly proportional to your confidence in it. In addition, when choosing protection, I advise you to choose one of them, the one that is most understandable and acceptable to you.

It is impossible to please everyone, this is a simple truth, but how much hidden meaning she hides in herself. In life there are stripes white, black. Often everything falls out of hand, at work check after check, health failed. Your head constantly hurts, everyone needs something from you, troubles are pouring in like from a cornucopia. Sometimes it seems that life is ending, it will not get better. People tend to blame everyone for this: wife, naughty children, bad medicine.

But that's not the point at all! A man has been attacked, a breach has been made in his aura and his energy is being fed! You can not believe in it as much as you like and say that this is nonsense, but it will not get better, you need to recover, otherwise this strong impact will bring, best case, to the hospital, and at worst ...

negative energy, evil words and thoughts directly affect the mental field of a person. It would seem, well, let them envy, let them be angry. But envy, anger tend to accumulate and, as a result, make a hole in the energy shell of a person. The individual loses strength, begins to hurt. Energy protection needed.

Let's consider in detail how to put energy protection on your own. First steps:

Start living consciously, be responsible for your actions and thoughts. Stop giving out aggression to others, even inadvertently, offending them. Perceive the body as a temple, clean, bright, benevolent. Meditate to help relieve stress.

Believe that everything happens for a reason. There are higher forces, they monitor the balance in the world, the crime will return a hundredfold. Not today and not tomorrow, but it will be back!

A man is as strong as he believes in it, he will cope with everything!

There are hypersensitive people, they react more sharply to bad things than others, they are easily drawn into a conflict, they know this about themselves and try to avoid such situations. Women perceive negativity more sharply than men.

Protection methods

1) Create Energy Shield . Master the skill of visualization. Create an image in your thoughts and fill it with energy. You need to feel the presence of a protective shell, then it will become real. We mentally surround our body and aura with a thin energy screen. Weave it from luminous matter that reflects light. It is like a strong cocoon, invulnerable to the attack of enemies. Understand this armor, merge with it, so a person addresses his inner world, imbues this shield with its power.

2) Closing the contours of the biofield . This technique improves well-being, enhances psychological resistance, protects from negativity. The simplest thing is to cross your arms and legs, this technique is effective when communicating with an unpleasant interlocutor. Second: connect the big and forefinger one hand with the same on the other. Form a ring, the rest of the fingers on top of each other. Or, closed the same fingers of one hand, put into the palm of the other. Mentally place yourself in this space. This practice is recommended to be done in the morning and evening, and immediately before the meeting.

3) magic mirror . Surround yourself with an imaginary two-brick thick brick wall. Set up mirrors around the entire perimeter, facing outward. Using a similar technique, one does not need to discover that there is a mirror screen, to behave at ease and friendly. The calmer you are, the stronger the blows of the attacker will be reflected and hit him.

4) Use of the cross . Surround yourself in the imagination with crosses tightly pressed to the body. By the power of thought, begin to move them no more than a meter. Mentally combine them into a single fence, calm down. This method is suitable for Christians.

5) Pyramid . This practice also has healing effect. Create visualization of the bright pyramid golden color. Cover yourself and the nearest space with it. The dome of the structure rises half a meter above your head, bottom on the ground. Set the corners of the pyramid exactly to the cardinal points using a compass. This is an important point. The construction of such a structure collects positive energy in the center and helps to recover. The pyramid can also be used to treat other people.

6) Prayer , for a believer, a powerful barrier against magic. Contact the guardian angels or the Archangel Michael. The most important thing is to pray sincerely, with a request to guide the enemies on the true path, wishing them health and well-being.

7) Aura rotation , effective way protect your biofield from outside influence. Imagine the biofield in the form of a ball, made of dense material. At unpleasant situation start rotating this kind of ball from left to right, faster and faster. hurtful words will fly away from this shell, not having time to catch on.

Protection during illness . It is much more important in case of illness to save strength, meditate, pray, save strength. Mentally place yourself in a fiery circle that burns all the bad that penetrates from the outside. Do not enter into conflicts with relatives and doctors who provoke you to irritation and emotions. Believe in the body's defenses and patronage Higher powers that will help to cope with the disease. Humor, a change of topic of conversation, a smile will help to defuse the situation!

9) Protective power of the earth . This method of protection is successfully used in yoga. Earth, the main source of inexhaustible energy, learn to feel the connection of your body with the center of the earth. This gives an unshakable feeling of support, security. Direct the negative energy of the envious into the ground, neutralizing it.

Energy massage

This is not a typo, this type of exposure is designed to cleanse the body and recover from an attack by an energy vampire.

Imagine that you are standing under a powerful mountain waterfall, jets of water pass through, washing away and taking away all the nasty things sent to you by the enemy.

Visualize a wall of fire around you, do not be afraid, it is for good. The fire is getting closer, all the accumulated negativity and illnesses are burned in its flame.

The next image: a strong thunderstorm has begun, it is raining. Here is an imaginary lightning discharge at last. Lightning piercing destroys everything alien, superficial, not yours.

Emergency energy protection against ill-wishers!

1) Having felt a negative intrusion, it is necessary to take a shower at the first opportunity, while saying that everything bad and dirty is washed off with water.

2) Put a glass of water in front of you, take a box of matches. Light a match, circle it around your head, let it burn out and throw it into a glass. Do this nine times. Take three small sips from this glass, pour the rest down the toilet and flush.

3) Cleansing the hands with candle fire. Light a church candle at home, bring your hands to the flame, as if washing them, each finger carefully, for five minutes. This procedure starts the recovery mechanism well.

Home protection .

People face evil people in the store, at work, at a party. After that, I want to return home and not think about the danger. But after the neighbor's visit, my head ached, Small child can't sleep. How to protect your apartment from such "good" visitors.

hang a small round mirror at home opposite the entrance, wipe it with salt and water and say: Cleanse the house, protect it from evil, take trouble away from the house, delay wealth and joy, amen.

take 21 one grains of mustard, put it under the entrance rug and say: Evil has no way into this house!

the most ancient amulet, a horseshoe above the door. For a talisman, it is hung with horns pointing upwards.

the rite will help protect against witchcraft: fill half a glass with salt, insert a church candle into the center, light a candle and read “Our Father”, leave a vessel with an extinguished candle on the windowsill.

after outsiders leave, one must walk around the house with a cup of holy water, sprinkling all the corners, often this ritual reveals malicious intent, grains of sand appear in the cup if damage has been left.

they also go around the house with a church candle, in bad places the candle smokes.

When you reach the door of the house, do not rush to enter. During the whole day in public places, encountering different people, dark entities stuck to the clothes of a person. You don't have to take them home. Imagine that they are all gathered in a backpack behind your back, throw off the imaginary load. Now you can safely enter.

Tips for every day !

Being in public transport, put on headphones, listen to a recording of mantras or other calm music. So other people's pressure will not hurt you.

Think joyfully. Maintain a daily state of "here and now", do not be distracted.

To prevent possible troubles, before leaving the house, draw three crosses on the palms of the old key, leave the key at home.

Attach a pin from the inside of the clothes, point up, do not tell anyone about it.

When curses fall on a person, say “I am a mirror” three times.

Carry a clove of garlic wrapped in a handkerchief in your pocket.

Strong conspiracy.The Power of the Cross is with me and in me.

God's power is around me!

It is possible to protect yourself from the troubles of negative energy. The main thing is to remember him and believe in the best!

We have learned to protect ourselves from any threats, to resist any dangers. Including the non-physical plane. Energy protection a person from negative influences is built on the principle. To concentrate and direct energy, you need to master the visualization method. This method protection from energy vampires allows you to see the invisible, and then work, producing certain actions. The visualization is built on mental images into which energy is invested.

Methods of energy protection of a person from negativity - what you need to know first

When creating an image, it is necessary to feel the presence of protection and mentally experience the event, after which the thought form created and fixed in the field in right moment is activated. This is how the method of energy protection against ill-wishers of any order works, and, I note, mental-energy shields are very effective.

If you, creating an energy barrier against alien penetrations into your field, simply imagined an image without feeling it, without fixing it in the mental world, such an image. The level of the formed image is determined by your imagination, and nothing more. Accordingly, the energy shield itself will not appear on the subtle plane. There are independent methods of energy protection from the impact of enemies, many of which can be used by ordinary people - not magicians, not psychics, not people who have other superreal abilities.

I will list some techniques: "Energy Wall", "Mirror Wall", "Energy Cocoon", "Energy Pyramid", "Energy Spiral", "Energy Shield". Let's take a closer look at the construction of energy protection against the attack of ill-wishers called "Energy Shield".

Ways of human energy protection - a powerful Energy Shield

The protective reaction of the human body, which mobilizes the entire energy system, occurs instantly after the threat from ill-wishers has appeared. The world is not safe, and we know it, and therefore we attract our own resources for protection. "Energy Shield" can be created before, and activate it at the right time. The formation of shields in the human biofield is not an experience of today. Since time immemorial, we have been told that the stranger is dangerous, and we need to be ready for his attack. Therefore, magical, or otherwise strong energy protection from ill-wishers and haters of all stripes has been used for many millennia.

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What is an Energy Shield? This is a special densified structure in the biofield, which does not allow fatal energy impulses to pass through. The shield is generated by the corresponding thought form, and if you understand the principle of working with this protection, and master the art of visualization, then you can create it yourself. This method of energy protection of a person from negative impact enemies - Shield, can be reflective or scattering. They differ in the way they act. Scatter shields are used more often because they are easier to use. Reflective shields are more difficult, however, the most effective, because. capable of sending negativity back. As a result, the ill-wisher will get his back, and according to the magical law, what comes back comes many times stronger.

A strong way to install magical protection against energy vampires:

Imagine a knight's shield taller than you. It is heavy, beautiful, durable and reliable. Visualize the shield in great detail. His material, his appearance, its properties are a figment of your imagination, your creative act. The shield can be made of metal, wood, or even sand, which, like a tornado, will spin around you. Fix the energy protection from the aura from the negative in the mind.