Gifts for September 1st. What gifts are given to a child on Knowledge Day? Parental gifts. I made thematic selections

In families where baby goes to school before starting school year, full swing preparations are underway to the Day of Knowledge. Of course, first of all, parents buy a child: a school uniform, according to the regulations of each educational institution, briefcase, all kinds of stationery. And now, when everything necessary for study has been purchased, parents begin to think: what can I give a child for this holiday?

So that the gift, first of all, motivates him to study, especially if the student goes to the first grade, instills a love for school and new knowledge. Gift ideas are always there, it remains only to choose the appropriate option.

If the child is a first-grader, then I especially want to make this day a memorable event. First of all, ask your child what he wants on this day as a gift?

It can be assumed that modern children may ask for: a game console, cellular telephone, tablet , laptop.

Or maybe it will be: a bicycle, a ball, a skateboard, roller skates or a hoverboard, which is now very popular among children.

If a family budget allows you to fulfill a wish - feel free to go to the store and please your student. If there are difficulties with buying a gift, then you can decide together with the child what can replace his choice.

Gift for a child from a bookstore

It could be a book from the section: fiction, science and technology, fantasy, travel or adventure books. If you are in doubt about choosing a book, then feel free to contact a bookstore consultant.

You will be introduced to the latest book publications, they will tell you what literature is used greatest success at readers. On September 1, a girl can pick up a book on needlework.

There are many directions: knitting, embroidery, beading, sewing, macrame, making dolls, using different materials and ways. If children love to draw, then buy a book on the topic "Drawing and Painting".

There are special editions for beginners. If the child has already received the first drawing lessons, then you can pick up those manuals with which young artist will further develop his talent.

Board games and educational sets

There are many different types board games that are suitable for almost any age of the student:

For example, the game "Why Meter" develops logical thinking and memory. On one side of the cards are printed various questions and answers to them. The player chooses one of the options. On the reverse side cards indicate the correct answer, thus you can check yourself.

A similar board game is the Quotometer. The goal of the game is to insert the right word into a quote.

In "Slovodel" - competitions for compiling the most long word. "Drummer of Literary Speech" teaches children where to put stress in words correctly.

The electric quiz "We speak English" is connected with the study of this foreign language. On the same topic, the electric quiz “We study English language».

With the help of the quiz "My Motherland is Russia", the child will go on an exciting journey through the expanses of Russia.

In the space quiz "Finger to the sky" - a set of cards, on front side which printed a fact that is either invented or little known. And on the back - the answer: is it so or not.

A three-dimensional analogue of chess is the strategic game Talat the Power of Three.

Translated from Arabic word"talat" is the number three. In strategy, you can play chess with three people, with three towers different colors, on three playing fields.

The goal of the game is to capture the enemy towers. This is wonderful gift child on September 1, as the game is the winner of the Nuremberg Exhibition "Adolescent and Family" 2012.

In the chest of knowledge "In the world of animals" - 71 animals. Here, all the most interesting about the animal world.

Via visual aid"The World of Mathematics" you can get acquainted with diagrams, cardinal points, graphical representations of movement.

The board game "Nomination - Best Artist" will allow the child to realize their artistic skills.

The quiz game "All About Beauty" will expand your horizons on topics: fashion, wardrobe, cosmetics, dance, cinema and theater, music, soul and thoughts. And also there are recipes for health.

Suitable for high school students board games like "Carcassonne" - one of famous games worldwide. Players are invited to build medieval castles, monasteries and roads.

And one more exciting game- Ticket to Ride, translated into Russian sounds like "Ticket to the Train" - perhaps one of the best strategy games for an exciting pastime with close friends or family members.

The goal of the game participants is to build exciting routes from different cities. The winner will be the one who scored maximum amount points.

Also, as a present for a child, you can choose training kits for creativity. These can be kits for young physicists, chemists or biologists.

Board games and educational kits for September 1 can be purchased at specialized departments of retail outlets or in online stores. Parents can choose and buy a gift themselves. There is another option: to purchase the sets you are interested in, for the whole class, through the parent committee.

Memorable gifts for children on September 1

Purchases such as a globe or a microscope will delight your child for a long time. After all, to study Earth or viewed under a microscope various items very exciting.

For high school students original gift this is a telescope. There are fairly inexpensive models for beginner stargazers. For the same age category the puzzle "Neocube" will be interesting.

The meaning of the puzzle is to create various geometric shapes using neodymium magnet balls. He is the strongest in the world.

Electronic posters

The world of electronics does not stand still. And on September 1, you can pick up a good gift in the form of an electronic poster with a talking pen.

Posters can work in different modes: study, exam, game, song, story.

It is worth bringing the pen to the area of ​​interest and the child will receive the information that is uploaded to the pen. Posters have different themes. Among them are the following topics: State symbols Russian Federation, English, Multiplication table, domestic and wild animals, undersea world other.

Useful gifts for Knowledge Day

A real gift from parents or other relatives on September 1 is a table lamp. Now in stores there are many models that may differ not only in design, but also in the color of light emission.

For example, you can choose a lamp in the shape of your favorite cartoon character, animal or robot. For an older child, buy an office classic version of the lamp. Emitting color lighting device should be as close to natural as possible.

In this case, a lamp with LTB light emission is best suited. This means that the lamp emits a warm white light. This is indicated on the lamp base. Such a gift will cheer up the child and the vision will be in perfect order.

Give the Day of Knowledge - an alarm clock. Large assortment: classic options, electronic alarm clocks. There are those where instead of numbers there are mathematical formulas.

The list of gifts can also include wrist watch so that the child is guided by time and controls himself during classes at school.

Pleasant little things, such as: magnetic bookmarks, funny notebooks, a cute lunch box can be a great addition to the main gift.

Sweets for a student

Sweet gifts for children on September 1 are a great surprise from parents. Sets of milk chocolate bars with letters and numbers are on sale. There are sets in the form of edible colored pencils and paints.

Also, in this row there are many varieties of chocolate puzzles, with the image of cartoon characters, animals and flowers. The child can not only enjoy sweets, but also be smart when picking up a puzzle.

Family events on September 1

After the line, you can offer your child a walk in the park or a trip to the cinema. You can also visit the exhibition, museum. Go bowling or go to the water park.

Such a gift, a child, will bring a lot of positive emotions. And in a museum or at an exhibition, he will receive new knowledge in a particular area.

Secure this holiday by visiting a pastry shop or cafe where you like to visit with the whole family. The most adventurous and inquisitive family members may taste something that they have never tasted.

Let the Day of Knowledge continue in the field of gastronomy.

Viewed: 84

Two groups of students First-graders and graduate students are given a special role on Knowledge Day.
This is connected not only with the tradition of the first bell of the new academic year, but also with a special feeling of beginning and ending, which can be the most important period in the life of every person.
To them as a gift - the warmest wishes!

For teachers and educators September 1 is the most exciting day of the year and always a unique day.
Children come, learn, make noise, indulge, grow up and go to adulthood while teachers stay at school and remember their students all their lives.
How much physical and spiritual strength they spent on each of the students, on preparing and conducting classes, checking assignments, solving simple and complex problems school life...
We love, honor, remember our school teachers and give them flowers and congratulations!

A special group of participants in the Day of Knowledge, as if not involved in this holiday, are parents and relatives of students.
Their task seems to be simple - to prepare the child for classes, provide him with uniforms and school supplies, buy flowers and send your son or daughter off to school. Maybe even take pictures and stand modestly on the sidelines in the school yard. Everything is correct, but not at all!
Moms, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers and many more relatives love you very much, children, wish you well and expect something unusual and maybe great from you. You are their future. Always remember this, try not to upset, and if possible, also congratulate you on this holiday, at least with a hand-made gift!

To help prepare for school and find gifts for schoolchildren, teachers and everyone celebrating Knowledge Day, we have prepared large selection thematic collections. Here are the offers of dozens of online stores. Do not hurry! Carefully study the descriptions and photographs required for the school. Don't forget flowers and gifts!

We wish you all good luck and success in the new academic year!

Any holiday necessarily implies gifts and the Day of Knowledge is no exception to this number. Most of the kids different ages anxiously awaiting the onset of September 1, for parents this holiday is also exciting and troublesome, they certainly want to please their children with something interesting and exciting. When thinking about what to give a child on September 1, you should definitely take into account his age and interests, because what will be pleasant and useful for a first grader will hardly please a fifth grade student.

When choosing gifts for Knowledge Day, it is necessary not only to give preference exclusively useful things, which can be useful in studies, but also to give gifts just to make the child happy, because he will not be engaged in lessons around the clock. Let the gift not be useful for the school, but cause constant delight. As presents for September 1, it is worth considering things that may be related to the child's hobbies, with those circles or sections that he attends. This may be a thing that the student has long wanted to receive, but the parents either “didn’t reach their hands”, or were even considered unnecessary. The most important thing about gifts for September 1 is that they should stimulate the child to study, encourage his success, cause positive emotions. After all, what charge of vivacity and emotions a kid or a high school student will receive will largely depend on his desire and desire to study. the main task- make Knowledge Day a real bright and an unforgettable holiday and make the student happy.

kids they dream of going to school as soon as possible, so they often associate September 1 with a new stage, when they either become adults and independent, because now they are students. This day should become joyful and festive, and gifts will help make it so. Presents may be different, but it is best if it is symbolic gift, especially if the baby went to first grade for the first time. Such a gift will allow the child to remember this day as one of the most important and happy.

First graders you can give a new desk and nice chair for classes, an original briefcase, interesting stationery, exciting educational games on disks, encyclopedias. Such gifts should be suitable for the child by age, be colorful and bright. A gift for a first grader does not have to be material, the child will certainly be delighted if on this day mom and dad take him to the park, to children's Cafe- mark the beginning of his adult school life. Festive atmosphere in the house will help to create a cake, flowers, balls.

For schoolchildren there comes a time when they must devote a lot of time to study, in addition to attending additional classes and circles. Often children stay at school until late, and if classes end early, they have to stay at home alone and wait for their parents. In order not to worry about the child every time, on September 1, you can present a phone as a gift. This will not only give the student a lot of pleasure, but also allow parents to be calm for their child, because this way he will always be in touch. You should not give expensive phone models, an inexpensive phone with a minimum of functions is best for a school, this is especially true for elementary school students.

To the choice of a gift for September 1 for children of average school age, it is worth approaching more thoroughly. The fact is that during this period the formation of a child takes place, when buying a gift, one should take into account his hobbies and interests. When choosing a gift, you can focus on hobbies and interests. If a child shows interest in geography, then it is worth presenting him with a globe or a map of the world. Young naturalists will like encyclopedias and microscopes. And for children who show themselves in creativity, it is worth presenting sets corresponding to his occupations - drawing, carpentry, and so on.

Children of middle school age and senior students can no longer do without a computer, because on the Internet you can find most of the information that relates to study - teaching materials, manuals, abstracts. Such a gift will not only please the child, but will also motivate him to study successfully, with such an assistant as a computer, he will be able to solve any problems. However, when making such a gift, you must immediately discuss that the first thing is study, and games in your free time.

Books have always been considered the best gift, they have not lost their relevance today. Such a gift can be made to children of different age groups Most importantly, choose an age-appropriate topic. For younger students you can present colorful encyclopedias on September 1, in which there will be a lot bright pictures. Middle and senior schoolchildren should be presented with more serious publications. Books will be useful not only at school, but will also help broaden the horizons of children, make them more erudite in many matters.

When choosing a gift for the Day of Knowledge for high school students, it is worth taking into account not only his interests, but also his favorite activities, a way to spend his free time. If a child is passionate about sports, then on September 1, you can give branded sneakers, a good soccer ball. Older schoolgirls can pick up something from perfumes or cosmetics, wardrobe items.

a good gift for older students there will be an original alarm clock, the children have already grown up and now they must get used to independence and learn how to get up on time in the morning. Today you can choose interesting models alarm clocks - flying, soccer ball, alarm clock - dumbbells, rocket, with a target, with a projector of stars and sounds of nature, a running alarm clock and an alarm clock tram. While such alarm clocks will ring and hide, the child will not only not oversleep, but will also do exercises while catching him. Waking up to school in the morning will be much more fun.

Children should be the center of attention at any age, for them it is very important. Therefore, parents should create a holiday on September 1, albeit not grandiose, but it should be. Even if the child has everything he needs, it is worth giving him your attention, care, love. You can arrange fireworks or invite his friends over for tea and cake. Let the Day of Knowledge be remembered by the child as one of the brightest and most joyful holidays.

The approaching first of September causes a lot of pleasant troubles for both children and parents. After all, you have to stock up on notebooks, satchels, pens, pencils, think about how to make the Knowledge Day holiday memorable, especially if the child goes to first grade. And in all this turmoil, I don’t want to forget about the main character of the day, who devotes all his strength to educating worthy personalities - a teacher. On the eve of the beginning of the school year, the question of what to give the teacher is of particular relevance.

How to choose the right teacher gift

Parents, and teachers themselves, may have different attitudes to gifts: some believe that this is superfluous, because the teacher is just doing his job. But still, the desire to do something pleasant as a sign of respect for an important person in the life of a child, especially in holiday, is quite logical. In this case, the problem inevitably arises of what to give the teacher on the first of September. First of all, when choosing a present, you should take into account a number of important nuances.

  1. Gender and age of the teacher. Naturally, gifts for men and women of different age categories will be different.
  2. To whom are you going to give? class teacher, the first teacher or subject teacher. In the first case, as a rule, you know the person better, so you can choose from several options. For the first teacher, picking up a present is much more difficult: not only are you practically unfamiliar, it’s also difficult to predict the reaction. Therefore, choose something neutral (flowers, books). A subject teacher can choose a gift based on the subject that he teaches (books, manuals or electronic supplements for a subject course).
  3. Character features. If the teacher is too strict and treats gifts as things that break the distance in communicating with children and their parents, then think about it, maybe you should completely abandon the idea so as not to put the person in an awkward situation.
  4. Hobbies. It's great if you know what a teacher's hobby is, how he likes to spend his leisure time. Then the gift can be chosen based on the teacher's hobby.
    Paying attention to these factors, you can safely begin to select a present.

creative ideas

According to statistics, most flowers are sold on the eve of the first of September - more than 97% percent. This figure is even higher than on International Women's Day

  1. Flowers are, of course, considered a universal gift for the first of September. Especially this option is successful for a gift from a first grader. Firstly, parents and children do not yet know the teacher well enough to please with a present, and secondly, a first-grader child looks more appropriate with a bouquet of flowers than with a vase or a picture. Suitable for a young woman pastel shades flowers with unblown buds (orchids, lilies, roses). lady over middle age you can give bright large flowers(peonies, roses). If the teacher is a man, then the bouquet should be restrained in design and strictly vertical in shape with flowers male(daffodils, gladioli, tulips).
  2. Indoor plants are great as a gift for a female teacher. It is advisable to choose blooming and not particularly capricious, so as not to present unnecessary troubles with the flower.
  3. Decor items (paintings, figurines, topiaries, vases, etc.). This is a neutral gift option that suits both parties: both the giver (because it is not so difficult to pick up), and the recipient of the gift (if the teacher is uncomfortable accepting a gift, you can always leave it in the classroom).
  4. Useful gadgets. It can be an electronic pointer or a magnetic board, a set of talking posters or a tablet - it all depends on the budget allocated for the gift. Such gifts are usually loved by male teachers.
  5. Books. Most best gift would be most helpful for the teacher. Usually teachers read a lot, so a book by a favorite author or a gift edition will be a good present. You can also give a subscription to a methodical journal.
  6. The service, the original teapot are perfect for a person who knows a lot about tea drinking.
  7. A set of elite tea or coffee is also quite neutral gift and is perfect for a male teacher.
  8. A diary is always appropriate for a teacher. At the same time, such a gift is considered no less versatile than flowers.
  9. Cake, sweets are standard teacher gifts, but this does not make them any less suitable for the first of September.

DIY gifts

Do-it-yourself things not only carry a charge positive energy, but also emphasize the significance of the one to whom they are presented as a gift. In addition, you can be sure that your present will be unique. Therefore, teachers always talk with warmth about the gifts made by the hands of children and parents.

Gallery of possible presents

What exactly doesn't fit?

Do not give the teacher perfume

Gift giving is an art in which huge role plays not only the one to whom it is intended, but also the reason for the present. In the case of a gift for a teacher, the reason is not so important - there are a number of things that absolutely cannot be given to people of this profession on any holiday:

  • money (in our minds, this gift is strongly associated with a bribe);
  • tights, underwear, clothes (these things are too intimate);
  • cosmetics, perfumes, as such products must be selected individually;
  • jewelry, like money, imposes certain obligations on the one to whom it is presented.

Video: do-it-yourself gift for a teacher

When there are only a few weeks left before the start of the school year, parents immediately have a question about what to give a first grader on September 1st. Preparing for it important event is in full swing with moms, dads, grandparents. School uniform, briefcase, stationery - all these are standard purchases, but after all, you want to please your baby, who goes to school for the first time, with something special. Therefore, many parents are looking for what to give a first grader on September 1, in a variety of stores.

In order not to puzzle over the presentation, you can consider a few interesting ideas, thanks to which it will be possible to choose your child an unforgettable gift. If you correctly celebrate the Day of Knowledge, the kid will certainly not be bored on gloomy school days, but on the contrary, he will become more cheerful and energetic.

Gift on order

Some people may not have enough imagination or time to think about what to give a first grader on September 1st. In this case, the problem can be solved much faster, simply by learning about the desired little thing from the future student himself. Despite his age, a child going to first grade knows perfectly well what he wants and is ready to tell his parents about it.

Modern children can ask for anything as a gift. It all depends on their hobbies and interests. A first-grader can order a toy, a construction set, a bicycle or a game tablet, which is quite normal for his age. Of course, the cost of the presentation chosen by the student may be too high, but this problem can be solved quite simply. Finding a compromise that satisfies both sides is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Parents know their own child well, which means that they can easily negotiate with him to buy some cheaper, but no less interesting thing.


Parents who think in advance about what they can give a first-grader on September 1 can quite afford to come up with something unusual that will surprise him. It is not at all necessary to give a student something serious and expensive if he did not order it himself. Since in such years children love to play and look at life with a positive attitude, the following gifts are ideal for them:

  1. Puzzle calculator. Not only useful, but also quite interesting acquisition for the school will allow young schoolboy spend time with benefit and have fun at the same time, because the puzzle helps to develop logical thinking and provides an opportunity to escape from school everyday life.
  2. Flash drive in the shape of your favorite cartoon character. Many children at an early age get acquainted with information carriers, so a flash drive for a first grader will a good gift, and especially if it has the form of a cartoon character.
  3. Notepad in Lego style. An unusual note book with a logo and, perhaps, images of a favorite designer will help the student to record all important information so as not to forget her on the way home.
  4. funny pencil case unusual shape. If a first-grader is an adherent of yard games, then as a gift he can be presented with a pencil case for stationery, made in the shape of a ball, a sneaker, and so on. Since modern manufacturers put on sale pencil cases various subjects, parents can quickly find something suitable for the interests of their child.
  5. Wrist watch. Ordinary wrist watches, decorated in bright and colorful colors, will not let a first grader get bored during the lesson, because he will always be aware of how much time is left before the break.
  6. Puzzle map. Such a present will be more liked by children who, with early age interested in countries and know where they are. A three-dimensional puzzle map will provide an opportunity to consider ordinary school issues from the point of view of global problems, and in your free time you can dream about traveling.
  7. Bright and colorful lunch box. An interesting food container will be useful not only for a first grader, but also for his parents. With a cute lunch box, the child will definitely not forget to have a snack between lessons, because he will always think about the box, which depicts his favorite cartoon characters or just bright and memorable pictures.
  8. Table lamp in the form of a comic book character. The original lamp will not only illuminate the table well for the first grader during homework, but also to please him with your appearance. Thanks to this acquisition, the learning process for the child will become more joyful and positive.

Gift with meaning

Grandparents often wonder what to give their first-grader grandson on September 1 to motivate him to study. Luckily, the toy industry doesn't allow us to think long and hard about this. On the shelves of shops flaunt great options creative and educational sets that will tell you what to give a first grader on September 1. The most important thing is to have time to purchase some interesting set in advance, because closer to the Day of Knowledge, these goods will be in great demand.

For young scientists

When the issue related to September becomes more relevant, the parents immediately run to the store for some kind of toy, completely forgetting about the existence of developing things. On sale you can easily find kits for young biologists, chemists, physicists and so on. Thanks to them, the child will be able to grow crystals at home, get to know the world around him better and develop his thinking.


Parents of little needlewomen rarely have questions about presents. This also applies to the question of what to give a first grader on September 1. A girl who goes to lessons for the first time will definitely like a needlework kit, a kit for coloring real pictures, tools for beading, embroidery, pottery and so on.

DIY gift

As a present for the Day of Knowledge, you can present a little thing made with my own hands. It can be both the main gift and an addition to it. The most common homemade presents are:

  • photo album;
  • soft toy;
  • colorful lesson schedule.

How to give a child emotions

If none of the previous options is suitable, then you do not need to be upset. The problem with September 1 is easily solved, because bright and new emotions are remembered much better plastic toys. A trip to the circus, oceanarium, dolphinarium or the original museum of experiments will be a wonderful gift for Knowledge Day.

If a student has long dreamed of riding a horse, testing himself as a rock climber or sitting in a real plane, then his dream is best fulfilled on September 1st. This joyful day is definitely worth capturing with a camera, so that later you can print a few frames and place the houses in the most prominent place.

Exist universal gifts, which do not depend on the hobbies of the future student and his age. These include:

  1. Pets. As an adult, a child can be presented with a small hamster or parrot, arguing that the student will now be responsible for his new friend. This will allow him to cultivate a sense of duty and care.
  2. Holiday at home. If there is no way to go somewhere with the child, then you can easily arrange a holiday at home. To do this, it will be enough to invite friends of a first grader, order clowns and animators, and decorate the table with fruits and sweets.
  3. A small board with a set of colored crayons. The little thing, which will perfectly replace the school board at home, is a great present for a shy child. AT game form parents can teach their child to boldly go to the blackboard and answer all the questions of teachers.

What not to give

Knowing what to give a son or daughter to a first-grader on September 1, one should not forget about presents that are better not to surprise a child. These include:

  • clothes;
  • dishes;
  • linens;
  • towels;
  • sweets.

Such gifts will simply not be needed and uninteresting to the student, so he will not use them in the future. Clothes is necessary purchase to school, so the child is unlikely to get proper pleasure if presented as a gift. Dishes, bed linen and towels will not be able to make a first grader draw attention to themselves, even if something interesting is depicted on them. Sweets can only be used as an addition to the main present, but not as a separate gift.