What is the difference between a nanny and a governess. How much do agency services cost? What is more important: knowledge or education

She told me what is the difference between a nanny and a governess, what is included in their duties and what the remuneration of a nanny and a governess depends on.

AT modern metropolis it is becoming more and more difficult for parents to find time to study and educate their own children. After all, I want to give the child all the best, not to give up good circles, developing activities, walks, not to limit the baby in toys and entertainment. And for this you need to work. Work hard. But you should not let the child go “free swimming”, hoping that he will master everything on his own. school items learn a foreign language or learn to read. Where better - to hire a nanny or a governess.

Nanny- Assistant to parents in the care and development of the child. There is a nanny for children from birth to 2 years old and a nanny for preschool children.

But the baby is growing, and from the age of 4 or 5, simple supervision, care and normal development is not enough - the child needs to be taught and fully developed. Therefore, the question arises about the selection of a good governess.

Governess- This is a profession of a narrow profile, this is a home teacher. The main difference between a nanny and a governess is that the governess focuses her work on developing the child’s mental activity, his talents, identifying preferences and inclinations in order to help him develop in the direction in which he reaches greatest success. She also teaches a foreign language.

Duties of a nanny and duties of a governess

The duties of a nanny depend on the age of the child. There are two categories: a nanny for babies (up to 1 year old children) and a nanny for children from 1 to 4-5 years old.

babysitter and baby provide complete care for the baby, including safety concerns, hygiene procedures, baby massage, preparing children's food and feeding, walking on fresh air, age development. In addition, the nanny monitors the vaccination schedule, attends medical institutions with a baby.

A nanny for children from 1 to 3 years old, in addition to the listed responsibilities, must know the psycho-emotional stages of the development of children, own modern methods of teaching and developing children. A nanny for children from 3 to 6 years old should additionally be able to teach children to read, the basics of mathematics, develop Creative skills prepare for school, taking into account the peculiarities of modern school curriculum.

The duties of a governess are the development of the child. In each particular family, the duties of a governess may vary. But the main points are generally accepted for all families:

  • hygiene and health - instilling hygiene skills, conducting simple exercise or gymnastics;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • catering, food control;
  • walks in the open air;
  • organization of interesting developmental pastime;
  • escorting to school and ensuring safety on the street and at home, learning the rules of conduct on the roadway;
  • checking and helping with homework, monitoring progress, communicating with the child's teacher about his success (or failure) at school;
  • teaching a foreign language;
  • development of the child's creative inclinations in drawing, music, foreign languages;
  • ethical and aesthetic development, visits to circles, theaters, circus at the choice of parents;
  • education of taste, education of the skills of a correct, responsible attitude to study, work, property, respectful attitude to people, so that the child knows etiquette, knows how to behave with dignity, be polite, have good manners, know how to behave at the table.

In the duties of a governess, as a rule, Excluded household chores!

What is the difference between paying for nanny services and governess

Payment for babysitting services depends on many factors: education, work experience. The price of babysitting services also depends on the work schedule, the number of hours worked per day. The salary of a governess is often always higher than that of a nanny. The main requirements when choosing a governess: higher education, excellent knowledge of a foreign language, culture of behavior, availability additional education or good skills in music, drawing, competent speech, presentable appearance. The salary of a governess, as a rule, is at least 20-30% more than that of a nanny.

Stories about governesses from the experience of our agency

Parents should check the quality of education of nannies and governesses. If the qualifications of a nanny are more or less clear, then the level of professionalism of a governess will affect the child's school performance. Parents should ask the governess those questions that they often find it difficult to answer to their child. For example, to explain what photosynthesis or the coordination of tenses is in English. Ask the candidate to translate into English a pre-prepared complex sentence from the school curriculum.

In our agency, managers always check the level of English language. Sometimes it happens that the free spoken language is not grammatically correct, the candidate speaks fluently, but with errors. Once, during the selection of candidates for the vacancy "English Governess" for a 6-year-old girl who studies at the British Council, out of 10 candidates with a specialized education as an English teacher, only 5 people spoke without errors.

When choosing a nanny or governess, the age of the candidate should be taken into account. If the child is very active, then the nanny will most likely not be happy active walk outdoors with a child. This is exactly what happened once in our agency. Bribed the parents that the nanny had a lot of experience working in families and good knowledge English and French, musical education. After a month of work as a governess, the girl answered the question, "What do you dream about," she answered: "Run on the street."

Often a governess is hired for the purpose of aesthetic education of a child. Then the requirements for appearance, behavior, the level of aesthetic education of the candidate will be much higher. When talking to the agency manager, parents who are betting on aesthetic education, it is worth voicing your wishes. After all, than more information agency employees, the more likely they are to find the desired candidate. After all, the level of university education of a candidate does not always mean knowledge, for example, of the intricacies of table etiquette. Once we had to replace the governess, because during gala dinner she admitted that she did not know the difference between regular fork and a fish fork.

The profession of a governess has been widely developed and has gained relevance in our days. Many wealthy and busy families now hire a governess for their children in order to comprehensive development baby or learning certain disciplines. The governess is a wonderful teacher and psychologist. She plays the role of educator and teacher at the same time, usually deals with children from 3 years old. Sometimes a governess can act as a nanny. The governess can live in the owner's house, or come every day and spend the agreed number of hours with the child.

Functional and job duties of a governess

A governess can perform various duties: prepare a child for school, teach various disciplines, good manners, help with homework, organize leisure activities, monitor compliance with the diet, conduct exercises for physical development child, accompany the child to kindergarten, school, clubs, sports sections.

Qualification requirements for a governess

When choosing a candidate for the position of a governess, employers give preference to women. Quite stringent requirements are imposed on the governess: a higher humanitarian or Teacher Education, experience working with children, knowledge of different disciplines, computer, rules of conduct healthy lifestyle life, good manners, knowledge of child psychology, methods of child development. A governess must love children and quickly find mutual language, to be comprehensively developed, intelligent, kind, responsive, sociable, stress-resistant person.

A governess should constantly engage in self-development, read specialized literature. A professional governess should have the following motto: "First of all, love, then educate."

Governess career and salary

The salary of a governess, as a rule, is hourly and depends on work experience, range of duties and the number of hours worked.

What are the duties of a modern Governess?

Before discussing responsibilities modern governess, I would like to turn to the classics. Who has not admired the countless works of Charlotte Bronte, who sang high relations wealthy men with young governesses, who at first hopelessly, and then more and more confidently, forced out the established canons from the hearts of conquered men " high society"? Even the most contrite reader, oddly enough, gave his sympathy to these fragile, but very penetrating feelings.

It seemed that the times described in the novels had passed forever, but in last years Increasingly, authoritative publications in large cities publish ads with a standard content: “a governess is required.” I happened to be one of the authors of such an announcement.

Being a philologist by education, sending my son to the first grade, I was surprised to find that I was completely unprepared for the upcoming changes in the life of a student. I literally experienced an inferiority complex when I suddenly realized that I couldn’t write correctly. lower case, beautifully sculpt plasticine crafts and prepare sample cards with “voiced and voiceless consonants”. To help the child adapt to the mode of the student and master the subjects elementary school, I set out to find a reliable assistant.

I must admit that not only friends and relatives, but also familiar professionals helped me in the search for a good governess, since it was not so easy to find a really good governess. I did not want to accept random people for such a position, because. It was about the development and health of my child. Based on my experience, I was surprised to note that the duties of a modern governess are slightly different from those that I had previously imagined.

Why do they become governesses?

The reasons are different, but the main ones can be counted “on the fingers”:

  • difficulties with employment of young specialists;
  • unwillingness of able-bodied pensioners to “sit around”;
  • state of temporary unemployment;
  • desire to find a part-time job in addition to the main job;
  • desire and ability to express creativity.

The last case is exactly what you need. If a person loves his work and is fully responsible for the results of his work, such a governess can be trusted with a child. True, the payment for the work of such an assistant will be somewhat higher. Despite this, the vast majority of employers invite just such governesses to work, because no one will be satisfied with hastily completed lessons and somehow cooked breakfast for a student.

By the way, not all parents know the functional duties of a governess. If some people think that cooking, cleaning the house, doing laundry and grocery shopping are all the duties of a governess, then they are mistaken.

What are the duties of a governess?

The main object of attention of the hired assistant is the child. How more parents care about the well-being of children, the less they will load the governess with additional chores around the house. The duties of a modern governess are as follows:

  • Feed the child, collect and take him to school;
  • Meet after class, escort home, help change clothes and serve him lunch (dinner);
  • Monitor the condition of clothing, including school uniforms;
  • Help fulfill homework and follow the schedule of academic disciplines;
  • Communicate school news to parents, including dates parent meeting, organizational fees, financing of individual projects and the implementation of other activities that require the participation of parents.

A modern governess must provide care and attention to her ward. Probably because the demand for the services of good governesses is quite high, several companies are coordinated in Moscow that specialize in the training (education) of governesses on a paid basis. One of these institutions is the firm "Romashka". Upon completion of the course, students are awarded a diploma. Among the disciplines included in the course program, special attention deserve:

  • basics of cooking;
  • age-related psychology;
  • astropsychology;
  • creative development of memory and other sciences.

It is noteworthy that applicants entering to study must have a basic higher education. Otherwise, enrollment will be denied.

One of the areas of training of governesses is defectology. A successfully completed course allows trained professionals to work with deaf-mute or blind children. Special attention is given to the training of governesses for children suffering from cerebral palsy. On how well it will be organized preparatory work with such children, their adaptation in society and the ability to communicate with peers and teachers will depend.

A necessary condition for training is the production practice. Replacing an absent governess at the workplace, trainees learn practical skills, after which employers leave feedback on their work. Taking into account the length of the working day, the services of a governess trained in the Romashka training center are estimated at 200-300 dollars. USA per month.

Under the terms of another company, Inpredkadry, which has been operating since Soviet times, applicants for the position of governess can be graduates of pedagogical and medical colleges who have not reached the age of 27. In addition to the main disciplines, here in without fail teach foreign languages. After 4 months of preparation, the services of such a governess will cost 500 - 6 dollars. USA per month.

The next agency - "Mary Poppins" - accepts applicants of various specialties for training, regardless of the industry focus.

The main thing is that candidates express a desire to learn the basics of psychology, foreign languages, various methods ability development, etc. The services of graduates of this institution are estimated at 500 - 800 US dollars (with accommodation) and 120 - 150 US dollars without accommodation, for 6 and 8 - hour working days, respectively.

If your baby is self-confident, successfully learns school subjects, is active and good-natured, this indicates that your governess deserves praise.

Moms and dads who post ads on the Internet “need a nanny or governess” most often do not understand how the duties of representatives of these two professions differ. Some parents also confuse both with an au pair or housekeeper, demanding to walk the dog or go shopping. And yet, what is the difference between a nanny and a governess? Who among them is more necessary for babies and preschoolers?

Many mothers and fathers do not see the difference between these two activities. It would seem that both the nanny and the governess should take care of the child, educate him and teach him new skills. However, between them there is fundamental difference- the nanny most often looks after small children up to three years old, and the governess prepares preschool children for study or works with schoolchildren according to a special program. Let's take a closer look at the difference between these professions.

Nanny - mother's helper

A nanny is a real helper for moms and dads in babysitting. Usually women 30-50 years old are accepted for this position. Employers give preference to teachers and doctors who have significant experience working with kids. If a woman previously worked as an educator in kindergarten, then her chances increase significantly.

The duties of a nanny depend on the age of the child:

  1. Nanny for an infant (up to a year old) provides complete care after him, which includes massage, hygiene measures, cooking and feeding, classes in accordance with age norms, regular walks on the playground and, of course, safety concerns. The nanny also controls the schedule of children's vaccinations and visits the clinic with the baby.
  2. A nanny for older children (from a year to 4-5 years), in addition to the above responsibilities, must develop a child with the help of modern techniques education. In addition, a nanny for older preschoolers should teach children math, reading, in general, prepare for school.


Governess - home teacher

The kid is growing up, and already from the age of five, the usual supervision and development of parents is not enough - he needs to be fully trained and developed. And here a good governess comes to the rescue.

Moms take note!

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A governess is a much narrower profession than a nanny. Unlike her, the governess focuses on the development mental capacity child, his inclinations and talents, so that he achieves the greatest success in his preferred activity.

The duties of a governess depend on the needs of each particular family. However, the main points remain the same:

  • carrying out simple physical exercises, instilling basic hygiene skills;
  • catering (not cooking) and outdoor walks;
  • accompaniment to school, visits to circles, circus, sports sections(at the choice of parents);
  • assistance in solving and checking homework, contact with the teacher, monitoring progress;
  • teaching one or more foreign languages;
  • aesthetic development: music, drawing, modeling, dancing, etc.;
  • inoculation good manners, teaching the rules of behavior at the table, education of taste;
  • organization of the child's free time.

Important: housework, as a rule, is not included in the list of duties of a governess!

Service fee difference

The salary of a home nanny depends on several factors: education (higher or secondary special), seniority, work schedule, number of hours worked per day or week.

The requirements for choosing a home teacher are much stricter: compulsory higher education, excellent knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to teach it, the presence of additional education (music, drawing, dancing), very competent and correct speech and, importantly, pleasant appearance.

Agree that such requests significantly increase the level wages: for a qualified governess, as a rule, it is 30 (sometimes more)% higher than for an experienced nanny.

Household Responsibilities:

(more detailed information look in sections).

Babysitting duties up to 1 year old

Complete Care for the child includes the observance by the nanny of the day regimen and necessary procedures, feeding, cooking for the child, walking, bathing, keeping the nursery in the children's room and children's things in order, visiting and accompanying the child to childcare facilities. Skills and features of a nanny: medical or pedagogical education is desirable, experience working with babies, knowledge of early development methods.

Nanny duties, 1 to 6 years old

Full care includes observing the daily routine, feeding and preparing food for the child by the nanny, washing and ironing the child’s things, cleaning the child’s room by the nanny, walking, bathing, visiting and accompanying the child to childcare facilities, child development (using various methods). Skills and features of a nanny: preferably a pedagogical education, experience in working in children's preschool institutions or in families, possession of developmental techniques. Read more in the article - "
Duties of a governess

Child care and observance of the daily routine, walks, educational games, preparation for school or assistance in mastering the school curriculum, ethical and aesthetic development of the child, visiting theaters, museums, teaching music, foreign languages, painting. Skills and features of a governess: a higher education is required, experience in working with children in state institutions or families, a good cultural level. Read more on the page

Duties of a maid, housekeeper, au pair, housekeeper and:

Cleaning the premises (dry and wet), washing (automatic, manual), ironing, maintaining order in the house, wardrobe. Performing various household tasks (purchasing groceries, household chemicals, paying bills, dry cleaning, laundry, etc.), washing windows (by agreement), cooking (by agreement). Skills and features of a maid, housekeeper: experience in government institutions and / or in families is desirable, a diploma of completion of courses for housekeepers and maids of KC Fairy, positive recommendations.

Responsibilities of the cook:

Purchase of products by the cook, cooking and serving, keeping the kitchen in order, washing dishes. Skills and features of the cook: desirable special education, work experience, positive references.

Responsibilities married couple in a country house:

Man - combines the duties of a driver, a security guard, minor repairs and construction work, caring for the site, appliances, plumbing, possibly caring for animals. A woman is a maid, a nanny, a cook, it is possible to take care of the site. Skills and features of a married couple: experience of working in families or having your own home is desirable. More about