Touching congratulations on your sister's wedding day. Individual approach will never let you down! Cool congratulations on the wedding

A sister's wedding day is certainly a happy and touching event. How fast time flies! As if just yesterday you and your sister were small children, sharing failures and joys. Years have passed, now she is getting married. You, like all relatives, will be present at this celebration. And, of course, along with other speeches, there will be congratulations on the sister’s wedding from her sister. Such a congratulation must be prepared in advance so that on the day of the celebration you can cope with emotions and express all your love to your sister. Also, you can send a voice, cool congratulations on your wedding day.

We grew up with you side by side
And we shared everything for two.
And today I will not hide my tears,
Reading a congratulatory verse.

These tears - there is no grief in them,
Only pride and joy in them.
For love, for a happy share,
The one that you share for two.

Congratulations, let the rock prankster
Side bypass with trouble.
Let life rush like a holiday
Only with a clear head.

On your wedding day, I wish that love
Has not become a habit after many years
And, as today, excited your blood.
Let your hearts beat loudly in unison,
You never forget your sister.
I want you to be happy with your husband!

Golden rings already put on
The certificate bears the legal seal,
My sister is married now
We will have fun at the wedding.

With a beautiful celebration, I congratulate you,
I wish you well, full of joy,
May you, sister, have a beautiful life,
Love to you mutual, happiness and family warmth

At the wedding noise, fun, beauty,
And "Bitter!" everyone screams as if on cue,
My older sister got married today
The veil is beautiful, and the dress, and the wedding.

Congratulations on your wedding sister
So that strong family you had - I wish
To love was one, but for two,
Your kids are funny, beautiful and mischievous.

Beloved sister,
Today you are the bride!
I wish you happiness
And many wonderful days.

You made your choice
The groom deserves you.
Adversity and sorrow
Let them not disturb you.

Keep your love
And don't lose your feelings
Have kids
And create a holiday.

Congratulations dear sister!
You were a bride, now you are a wife,
I wish you to soar like a bird
To enjoy family life to the fullest!

Be good, love exemplary wife,
So that the husband cherishes and helps in everything,
To be next to him all the time with you,
And your family union shone with happiness!

Dear sister, with the wedding,
We are all in a hurry to congratulate you.
Let the smile shine as well
And adversity will melt like smoke.

New status, a ring on the finger,
The beloved husband does not have a soul.
May happiness carry you on wings
And he hurries home from work.

On your wedding day, dear sister,
I want to wish you happiness
So that you are a century, like a bird,
I could twitter over my husband!

May you have everything: health,
Wealth, Vacation home,
To enjoy love
Without a break in the house volume!

Today, dear sister,
You are older and mature!
And a new page in life
Hurry to write faster!

You are in white wedding dress
Today is prettier and sweeter!
And I see in a happy look
That your husband is most important to you!

Love each other sincerely
Appreciate every day and moment!
You protect your spouse from all
So that he was only your fiance!

And let it protect you
Cherishes, cherishes and keeps!
May happiness illuminate your path
And God bless the union!

I wish my beloved sister
The only, unique,
Always the same to be beautiful,
As on your wedding day - happy.

For your husband to love you
Appreciated your virtues
I wish you happiness with all my heart
Good luck is on your side!

My dear sister, what happiness!
Today is the day of the union of two hearts.
Dreams come true, and like a princess in a white dress
Leads you (name of the groom) beloved down the aisle.
Of course, he was very lucky to have you,
There may not be others like you in the world.
You are so smart, you are so kind, you are so beautiful
And if you dance, you will enchant the whole world!
And although you often quarreled with him, it happened,
But your feeling could overcome everything,
And from adversity, it only became brighter
In the hearts of your lovers, burn with a flame.
We are far away now, our dear (name),
But with all my heart at the wedding feast,
And looks at you with love from the sky (name),
Blessing the beloved sister.

Touching congratulations on your wedding day to your sister

Today is your wedding, sister,
You are in love with your spouse and loved ...
You have always been my support
Dear friend, irreplaceable.
I wish you well, dear
family comfort, heat,
And may your happy hearts
They do not know grief and trouble in life.

Today you, my sister,
The irresistible bride!
How long have you been a child?
And so, your childhood is gone.

But this day is so beautiful
I want to wish you
May your life be filled with happiness
To not know bitter troubles at all.

Let your family become friendly
Don't fret over the little things.
You respect your husband.
Bridegroom, do not offend your wife.

Love each other dearly
Parting with her will not get you,
May her threads be strong.
And I would rather become an aunt!

Let your husband know it -
Sister protects sister.
And if there's something wrong,
I am your protector and fist.

But I know your union is strong
And it will withstand any load.
Let the angels watch over you
And they help sometimes.

Let your hearth be bright
And the house is cozy and pleasant.
Let the family flag fly
Always ironed, neat.

Beloved sister and friend,
I'm glad to see your smile
Let there be no more tears in the pillow
After all, you found your love.
I want to wish you a lot of happiness
Good luck willpower and victories.
And let all the bad weather bypass your house,
There will be no sorrows or troubles in it.

How beautiful you are in a veil
And in a wedding dress, dear sister,
Like a flower you are beautiful and tender,
Today was created a happy family,
We walk, we drink for you on the day of the wedding celebration.
For you, my sister, I am very happy,
You are already lawful wife,
I wish you much happiness and kindness,
May God bless your fate.

My dear and beloved sister!
On your wedding day, I wish that love
Has not become a habit after many years,
And, as today, excited your blood!
Let your hearts beat loudly in unison!
May all dreams come true!
And never forget your little sister!
I want you to be happy For your husband!

Funny congratulations on the wedding of the sister from the sister

You got married now my sister
Now hold on, so that there is no sudden divorce,
But your husband immediately let everyone know
A good man and you can trust!
So today I won't be upset at all
I'm a sister for you, I'm not worried at all,
You got into good, reliable hands,
Now you will be the host and you will not be bored!

The claws will fasten on the neck, here's a boy,
And now, in fact, for you, he is a hubby.
Signed in the registry office together, became a couple forever,
Now you need to get married, may heaven hold you together.
And the kids will appear right on this night,
The boys will jump out for a walk, followed by their daughter.
Let parents help raise children in love,
In the meantime, just a wedding, pour more fun.

That's it, sister, she spent her girlish time!
And you yourself are to blame - no one drove you with a gun,
Mom told you - get married, daughter, do not rush,
Only nights with your beloved will be very good -
I want to always be there, morning, evening and afternoon,
That is why we bravely marry like that.
I wish you happiness, tenderness, Great love,
And if you don’t know how to cook, I’ll teach you, call me!

I am very happy for you today, my sister!
And for a long time everyone needs to admit - it's time for you to get married!
I wish you happiness and love for many days,
The main thing is that our room will only be mine now!
I can put all my posters where I want,
And no one will tell if I turn on the music loudly!
No, you come to visit us, let's sit and talk,
If the baby is born, I will babysit him!

Mom and dad pleased you, sister,
After all, today they got a glorious son-in-law!
And it's time for you to forget your habit
Leave a mountain of dishes behind you!
Now you have a family: cleaning, washing ...
And so that the husband is full - and the kitchen is on you!
So you are now the hostess-commander!
In general, a new twist to your destiny!

My sister got married today
She was already waiting for her beloved husband,
There was no one to bake pies for,
There was no one to polish their boots in the winter!
And now she is quite content and happy,
By the bonds of a happy marriage, forever fastened,
How little a woman needs to be happy
If only her husband would breathe to her completely indifferent!

The solemn moment in my sister's life has come,
Her worthy young man, loved with all his heart,
And from that she flies in the sky with happiness,
He does not hear anyone, but only dreams of him!
But she is forgiven, because she waited so,
Wedding day, didn’t eat in the evenings, didn’t sleep at night,
And now her moments of happiness came into their own,
I wish you a happy family life!

The wedding process is already in full swing,
We give gifts the best couple,
Where is my beloved sister in the brides,
Came into her life happy time!
I wish her to carefully protect the family hearth,
So that the boat of love and happiness suddenly does not leak,
But my beloved sister, this will not allow,
He certainly will not miss his bird of happiness!

Congratulations on the wedding to the sister touching, in your own words

Dear little sister! I wish you to become a wise and prudent wife! If you want your beloved spouse to pay all his attention to you, then try to create such an atmosphere of kindness and warmth that he will not meet anywhere except with you! Then your husband will be the most perfect in the world! Happy wedding day, my love!

Today we have witnessed how two hearts have entered into an alliance to beat inseparably, as one whole, for the rest of their lives. So let the fate that helped them meet continue to be their good companion, weaving only the best into their life thread!

Sister! Today is one of the most happy days in your life, you're getting married to someone you can't imagine yourself without! Today is full of fun and kindness, but there is also a little bit of sorrow, because we are giving you in marriage and you will become part of another family and change your last name, but know that all these changes will not affect my love and joy for you, because you have found worthy man who will share this world with you for two and will love you more life like you do it! I wish your newly-made family mutual understanding, great love, which will become stronger every day, happiness, harmony and happy replenishment! Take care of each other! Blessings to your family! Bitter, our dear newlyweds!

My sweet sister! I want to congratulate you on this magical day, because today you became the wife of such a magnificent, intelligent and loving man who proved his love by taking you as his wife! I really want to thank your husband for making you so happy, because you are all glowing and shining with happiness! you found your fairy prince that has become the meaning of your life! May your marriage become the happiest, and you will love each other more and more every day! I want to wish you to always remain as beautiful and good girl! Kindness and warmth to your family! Health and love to you and your future children! Do not delay with their birth! Advice to you, yes love!

Dear little sister! Your happiest day in your life has come, and you deserve to be happy like no one else, because you have been waiting for your man for so long and now you are together, bound by ties marriage and the most important thing in the world - strong love. I wish you my dear. so that your love, despite all the sorrows and obstacles, becomes stronger every day! Never betray each other, because loyalty is the most important thing in a relationship. I wish your family to become bigger and bigger every year, because I know how you want beautiful babies, for whom you will become the most the best parents in the world! Be happy my loves! Bitterly!

Today, happiness does not leave your eyes, and a smile leaves your face - after all, all attention is devoted only to you! My most beautiful and gentle sister, I sincerely want to wish you to always remain as happy as on this day! I congratulate you on creating new cell society with a beloved man with whom you have experienced a lot. But, no matter what, they stayed together and kept their love! I wish you as much patience, happiness and warmth as possible! Let family life bring only joy, and all bad things pass by! Are you crazy a beautiful couple, take care of your feelings and do not pay attention to quarrels, because without them there is no relationship! I love you very much and wish you to always feel the love of your husband and give it to him doubly! Bitterly!

The most wonderful thing in the world is to always be near your loved one! With that beloved and unique, with which you want to meet sunsets and sunrises, wake up in his arms and fall asleep with a smile on your lips! Only love can connect two lives, two different fates in one. On this day, my beloved sister and her husband begin to write their family book. And I want to wish them that all its pages are filled with only joyful events!

My dear little sister! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your wedding day! I'm glad that in this crazy world You are lucky to have found your soul mate! Keep your love carefully and multiply family happiness together with your husband! Long and joyful to you family life!

My dear sister and (groom's name)! Today you have become legal spouses! I am glad to congratulate you on this wonderful event and wish you love and happiness! Love is able to induce the most delicate strings in the human soul, it makes us sing and laugh! Let your constant companions mutual understanding and trust, respect and support for each other. The happiness of your family depends on you alone! Treasure your love like the most valuable treasure! I raise my glass to you strong family and happy future!

Please accept my sisterly congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you and your soul mate a lot of happiness, excellent family life and prosperity. Let joy be your companion long years and love grows stronger day by day. I wish you good luck and interesting events in life!

Dear newlyweds and guests! On this day, my beloved sister and her husband begin to write their family book of life. I want to wish them that all the pages of this book are filled with only joyful events! So that your love, despite all the sorrows and obstacles, becomes stronger every day! Never betray each other, because loyalty is the most important thing in a relationship.

Dear little sister! Today you got married, you became the wife and mistress of your own family hearth. We congratulate you and your spouse with all our hearts, wish you long life, mutual respect and understanding, the most sincere love.

The most dear, irreplaceable and close - sister, bloodline and soulmate! This most important little man is preparing to enter a new era of his life, on the threshold - marriage, the happiest of days.

And, of course, on the wedding day you need to cook your own or cousin Not only valuable gift and a luxurious bouquet, but also chic, touching congratulations which will touch the finest strings of the soul, bring the bride to a state of happiness and joy, inspire her and show how much you love and appreciate her! Choose the best and most beautiful wedding congratulations for your sister and say them with all your heart!

Remember that words alone are not enough. After all, congratulations on your sister's wedding day should not be just a set of words and phrases, even the most beautiful and touching. None, even the most original or comic congratulations the wedding will not produce the desired effect if they do not have a soul.

So, having chosen a congratulation to your beloved sister on her long-awaited wedding, be sure to add something from yourself, make your contribution, add soul, fantasies and emotions. And let your speech be the most sincere and emotional, so that it touches the bride to tears of happiness and joy! And in what form it will be - decide and choose:

  • Poetry congratulations on the wedding.
  • Speech to dear sister in prose.
  • Unusual wish.
  • Great celebratory toast.
  • Speech in your own words.
  • Festive words from a brother or sister.

There are a lot of options on how to originally and really sincerely congratulate your sister on your wedding. A person who sincerely and sincerely congratulates the bride on the groom will not only please them, but will himself remain in good mood for a long time. So do not spare your love and do not hide your emotions at the wedding, pour out all your feelings into a beautiful wedding text, and may the irresistible young wife be happy that she has such loving family and that you appreciate her so much!

Unforgettable words on the best day

Let your beautiful congratulations on the wedding younger sister or the eldest will sound so bright and sincere that all the guests at the table would have tears of joy and tenderness, and the hero of the occasion herself was in seventh heaven with happiness. Say everything that is in your heart, rejoice for her, beloved, wish great happiness and endless family harmony Because today is her big day!

1. Long and short, simple and intricate, touching and funny - poems always penetrate the very heart and simply cannot but evoke vivid emotions. How to congratulate your beloved sister on her wedding day? Of course, in verse! This is the most good way, with the help of which you will be able to demonstrate your endless brotherly or sisterly love, your care, show how happy you are on this day and are glad about this wonderful event. Choose the best poetic congratulations to your precious sister on her wedding day, make her happy!

2. It is also possible with the help of prose to congratulate the bride and groom in a very beautiful and original way on their important and unforgettable day. Mine congratulatory text you can not only choose from among those already ready, but also change something, add on your own, you have something to say, don't you? Now she is a wife, she is waiting for a new, happy life stage, and on this occasion it is impossible not to rejoice. Say it in beautiful words!

3. None wedding celebration never go without beautiful toasts and joyful exclamations of “Bitter!”, so do not forget to prepare a toast too! Only warm emotions should come from you, and your words should be filled with genuine joy and pride in native person whose life has changed drastically today, in better side! Raise your glass and make a loud, joyful speech!

4. In addition to solemn and enthusiastic speeches, it is very important to say beautiful wish. After all, you can wish for so much! Prosperity and harmony in friendly family, healthy children, vivid impressions... - you know better what the newlyweds want, so find the right words.

5. The best, without a doubt, congratulations to the youngest or older sister on the wedding day - this is what is said in your own words, without memorized lines. This is not just a set of phrases, but spiritual speech that seems to come from the depths of the soul. You can do it, everyone can do it, especially if you sincerely love the hero of the occasion and are happy about her holiday! Take a few texts you like as an example and compose your own, completely unique, beautiful text from which the bride will be delighted!

6. You can also sign a luxurious holiday card which will be remembered. On the postcard, you need to write the most original and touching congratulations on the wedding of your beloved sister from your brother or sister, in verse or prose, so that it is not only pleasant to read, but also re-read. Postcard with warm words will remain forever in the house of a young family and will remind you of the holiday!

Individual approach will never let you down!

From whom is the congratulations on the wedding of your beloved sister - from your brother, from your sister, or from all at once? It is too important factor! Consider it, and your words will have an even greater effect, will delight you triple and truly touch!

1. From the dearest, from the best friend in the world, congratulations on the wedding of a sister from a sister can be both in poetry and in prose, but the main thing in them is endless sisterly love, which, like a reliable umbrella, protects all life from adversity and trouble. Say a lot of warm words and back up your speech with strong and gentle hugs!

2. From loving brother the young bride will be infinitely pleased to hear in your address beautiful words, prose or poetry. After all, brother is best friend, eternal protector, a real man who always, no matter what, will help and support! And especially on this unforgettable and important day, the brother should be there, hugging the dear bride and telling her how happy he is for her, because she is now a wife. Say a lot of good words!

3. A cousin should also be congratulated on her wedding day solemnly and sincerely. After all, she is close person, a friend and blood, and she will also be very pleased to hear some beautiful, warm words from your lips!

4. And if the bride has several sisters and brothers, then a common, large and beautiful congratulations will be the best of the best! Compose a beautiful text and surprise the bride. Such general congratulations your younger or older sister for a wedding from a sister and brother will delight her endlessly and will forever be remembered.

How often in habitual life, in the midst of everyday life and bustle, do you remember your loved ones, how often do you pamper them with warm words and say how much you love them and need them? Fortunately, there are not only weekdays in life with their worries, but also holidays, when you can forget about everything for a while and give all your attention to those who have this special day. So congratulate your beloved sister from all your big, warmly loving heart, wish her only good and boundless happiness, and may your family grow and become even friendlier! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,,