Where does the tradition of giving gifts for the new year come from? Electronic journal. Who came up with the idea of ​​giving gifts for the New Year: the Christian version

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Gift giving traditions

Added: 2009-12-11

Gift giving traditions

New Year 2010 is on the nose. New Year is an opportunity to make a new beginning in life. For most of us, New Years is an excuse to start something new or take a chance to take on unfinished projects and goals. This means turning a page in the book of our life and starting over, with a clean slate. And of course new year holidays is the time you want to spend with your family and friends.

Present new Year gifts and wish each other a Happy New Year has become a popular tradition.

Present. This word makes any person smile, and immediately remember the joy that is given not only by the very fact of presenting a gift, but also by the “sweet” expectation of it.

Where did the tradition of giving gifts come from?

Even in ancient Rome, there was a new year and there was a custom to make gifts. At first, gifts were given only to vassals, officials of that time, but this tradition was so liked by citizens that they began to give gifts to each other on a variety of occasions. The New Year's gifts exchanged by the Romans were branches fruit trees, fruits, coins. The ancient Egyptians presented stone figurines and bronze figurines for the New Year. These New Year's gifts were found by archaeologists in the Egyptian pyramids. New Year was in the Middle Ages. The tradition of making gifts for the New Year has become even more deeply rooted in Europe. The custom of presenting New Year's gifts was supported by the royal persons: Henry the Third, Queen Elizabeth, our John Vasilyevich.

Saint Nicholas (Pleasant) is the prototype of the Russian Father Frost and the European Santa Claus. Saint Nicholas secretly (at night) threw bags of money into the windows of poor people and hid, trying to be unrecognized. In this way, he helped people get rid of debts, from want, and poor brides "worthy" to get married.

Many people began to specially wait for him at night, while lighting candles. This tradition has survived to this day, when people in New Year's Eve are waiting for the appearance of St. Nicholas, but, already in the image of Santa Claus, in the hope of help in fulfilling cherished desires! By the way, Nikolai the Pleasant himself outwardly resembled Santa Claus - small in stature and with a beard.

A sparkling beauty tree, exquisite food, fireworks - all these are the usual attributes of the holiday, which is named New Year. However, the New Year would not have been so fabulous and wonderful if there had not been a wonderful tradition of presenting each other with New Year's gifts!

Today, traditional New Year's gifts can be divided into four categories. The first category includes decorative ornaments and souvenirs: musical toys, photo frames, flasks, candles and candlesticks, paperweights, figurines and figured compositions with New Year's attributes and much more. The second category includes New Year's gifts that can be useful in Everyday life: key chains, wallets, mugs, watches, caskets, etc.

In addition, these days it is customary to give gifts related to the hobbies of loved ones. The choice of such gifts is based on inspiration or sympathy. Non-material gifts for the New Year - various surprises, good jokes, etc. - belong to the fourth category. A separate group can be divided into children's New Year gifts - toys, sweets, etc. without which not a single New Year can do.

Anyway, a New Year's gift is an expression of love, care and attention as well as great excitement for the coming New Year! Let's continue this wonderful tradition!

Old recipe how to present an original memorable gift says: for gifts to truly delight your friends and loved ones, you need your sincere desire, a little attention to people and a drop of imagination. If you put your heart and soul into a gift, you will definitely like it. A gift made from pure heart and with love, brings good luck! A beautiful gift wrap will help to make even the most simple thing mysterious. Beautiful packaging will not only add charm to the gift, but also leave warm memories in the heart loved one!

Is it nice to give gifts?

Of course, yes, but who did not feel annoyed when, after several days spent in search, you understand that exactly THAT gift has not yet been found, and there is absolutely no time left and you will have to, like last year, choose one of the hundreds that you do not need, no little things that can be presented as a gift ...

So that you are so unpleasant situation bypassed, we have developed options for useful and pleasant gifts for your loved ones, relatives and friends. Read in the article: “ Nice gifts by the New Year! ".

We wish you a festive mood!

Since childhood, all of us are accustomed to receiving and giving gifts for the New Year. However, rarely does anyone think about where this tradition came from. How long and why people give each other gifts for the New Year. Let's plunge a little into history.

The very tradition of giving gifts is very ancient. In the old days, when paganism was widespread in Russia, people with the help of various souvenirs and amulets protected themselves from harmful imaginary spiritual beings - mermaids, goblin, and, on the contrary, attracted good ones - brownies.

When Christianity came to Russia, many traditions remained. So, many people know that modern christian holidays have pagan roots but with different names. The same goes for gifts. Initially European traditions meant exchanging gifts for Christmas. They symbolized the gifts that the wise men brought to the newly born Jesus. Indeed, according to their beliefs, he was a Jewish king, and you cannot go to the king empty-handed.

At the same time, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome and Egypt also gave gifts to each other. However, this was done mainly by noble people, but over time the tradition "went to the people", so gifts for the New Year began to give each other everything. The Romans gave gifts during the day winter solstice, which they revered as a holiday.

So, in medieval Europe in many countries have emerged own traditions giving gifts. This was often done anonymously. For example, in Denmark gifts were wrapped in several layers of packaging and signed with the names of whom they were intended for. This tradition has largely survived to this day, spreading to other countries.

In 1841, for the first time, the tradition of using for celebration christmas tree... Its founders were Queen Victoria of England and her husband Albert. They ordered the tree to be beautifully decorated and to hang gifts for the children on it. If the gifts are large, they were placed under the tree. The star, with which the top of the tree was adorned and still adorns, symbolizes Star of bethlehem that lit up at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Gradually, this tradition has passed into tsarist Russia... However, there were traditions here. The king could refuse gifts, leaving for himself only the one that he liked. However, to the person who presented it, he paid for the gift several times more expensive than its value. In addition, the emperor and his family themselves often made gifts to their subjects, right down to the servants.

In aristocratic Russian families, gifts were presented in the morning, upon the arrival of the family from the church. Children traditionally received toys and sweets. Adults were given more expensive gifts- jewelry, souvenirs, furs. The products were very much appreciated self made, especially those made with their own hands.

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Giving and receiving presents is a favorite New Year's entertainment, but when this wonderful tradition began, and who was the first to think of giving gifts for the New Year, New Year, it is a feeling of magic, festive mood, joy, family warmth and, of course, gifts. Who was the first to think of giving gifts for the New Year holidays and where did the custom of putting souvenirs under the Christmas tree come from? Styler writes.

New Year's gifts: a tradition with a long history

There is no single version of the emergence of the beloved tradition of presenting gifts on the New Year. However, historical evidence suggests that this custom was widespread in many ancient civilizations. Gifts were exchanged in Egypt on the winter solstice. Also in this winter period worshiped the god Tammuz in Babylon, performing the rite of laying gifts under tall trees.

Gifts were also given in ancient Rome. The Romans had a holiday of Saturnalia, which has many similarities with the modern New Year. It was celebrated to mark the end of the harvest in December during the winter solstice. The festivities lasted almost two weeks, no one worked or studied, executions and all important state affairs were canceled.

In honor of universal equality, which was in the Golden Age of Saturn, slaves were allowed to sit at the same table with the rich. According to legend, the gentlemen even exchanged clothes with the poor and served them. In ancient Rome, already in those years, the tradition of exchanging gifts was widespread. The rich gave each other jewelry and presented gifts to the poor. Poor Romans made gifts with their own hands, gave fruits, branches of their favorite flowers and trees. The most generous gifts were presented to scientists, who were very revered in Rome.

During the time of Julius Caesar with the introduction of a new calendar, the main gift winter holiday became a coin with the image of two-faced Janus. By the way, the first New Year's month was also named in honor of this deity.

Who came up with the idea of ​​giving gifts for the New Year: the Christian version

With the advent of Christianity, the tradition of exchanging presents was associated with the Christmas holidays. Indeed, according to the biblical legend, on the night of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Magi brought their gifts to his house. The Son of God was presented with gold, incense and myrrh.

Many experts believe that the custom of giving gifts on the modern New Year has the same roots as the Christmas tradition. Where do they hide New Year's gifts?

On the eve of the New Year, kids from all over the world write letters to Santa Claus and Santa Claus, asking them to fulfill their cherished desires. Children look forward to the holidays and believe that Santa Claus will make their dreams come true and will leave a long-awaited gift for them on New Year's or Christmas Eve.

True, in different countries He chooses different places for gifts. In Ireland New Year's gifts children find in socks, in Mexico - in boots, in France they hide gifts in the chimney, and in Spain they leave them on the windowsill.

In Slavic countries, it is customary to put New Year's gifts under a decorated Christmas tree. This tree from time immemorial sivomolized life and the unfading power of nature. WITH spruce branches went to visit, they were used to decorate rooms and halls where feasts were held. Later, small trees were installed in the houses and decorated.

The modern tradition of hanging gifts and sweet treats on the Christmas tree was born in England in 1841, when Queen Victoria and her husband installed a green Christmas beauty in the palace, decorated with sweets and souvenirs for children. Since many gifts could not be held on the branches of the tree, they were wrapped in bright wrappers and put it under the spruce.

In Denmark, gift unpacking - real ritual... They are wrapped in several layers of packaging, and each of the wrappers says different name... Therefore, it is impossible to know in advance who the present is intended for.

A New Year's gift can be both expensive and symbolic. The main thing is attention, warmth and sincerity of the one who presents it.

It so happened that the New Year is one of the most important events a year. Both children and adults are waiting for him. Even knowing that everything new year miracles are fictional, we continue to believe in them. And, of course, we want to make pleasant surprises for our family and friends ourselves. But where did the tradition of giving on New Year come from? To answer this question, you need to go back hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago.

The tradition of giving gifts will not become obsolete!

You may ask how long ago the tradition of giving gifts for the New Year was born? So, references to this custom have existed since the times Ancient rome... They usually gifted their relatives and friends:
  • branches of fruit trees;
  • fruit;
  • coins.
And at first it concerned exclusively officials... But over time, the tradition was borrowed by ordinary citizens. But the Romans were not alone in celebrating the new year. The ancient Egyptians also loved and respected this holiday, while traditionally giving each other statuettes made of stone or bronze.
The custom of making surprises can also be traced in medieval Europe. Even in Russia, Tsar Ivan the Terrible gladly supported the tradition. In our days, we do not imagine more desirable and good holiday than New Years. And especially the kids are waiting for him. For them new Year's Eve filled with miracles and fabulous mood. Each child is waiting for Santa Claus to leave a gift under the Christmas tree. Dolls, constructor, cars, educational constructors, rollers - this is far from full list wishes of little fidgets. But there is one gift that every child wants to receive and that is sweets!

Choosing a gift for a baby, you will definitely not go wrong in one thing. under the tree will cheer up any fussy! Sweets can be packed in a variety of ways. It could be multicolored foil, cardboard or pouch. Also popular are tin or wooden packaging, which are different forms(spherical, rectangular, in the form of a basket, snowflake or herringbone). An interesting choice will become Stuffed Toys filled with sweets. The kid will receive double pleasure, when he realizes that his favorite sweets are hidden inside a snowman, bear or bunny.

As many centuries ago, do not deprive yourself of the joy that comes with the New Year. Give each other not only gifts, but also your warmth, love, care. Snegiri Trading House wishes you to enjoy the magic that pervades the holiday. And let everything be chocolate for you!

Giving loved ones gifts for the New Year seems to us an absolutely natural activity. Moreover, we get great pleasure when we see joy on dear faces, and we ourselves have a weakness for pleasant surprises... It is interesting to know, thanks to whom this wonderful and kind tradition arose and took root?

The history of the holiday and the tradition of giving New Year gifts id = "5f5e17d5">

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The history of celebrating the New Year goes back to ancient times, when people worshiped pagan gods and brought them generous, and sometimes frightening gifts. Moreover, the date of the celebration fell on a different season of the year.

For example, in India and Mesopotamia, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on March 21, the day vernal equinox, and, of course, for a reason. This was the time when field work began and people were eager to earn favor. higher powers to grow a rich harvest.

Inhabitants Ancient Greece believed that New Year comes on the day summer solstice- June 22, and celebrated it, arranging a real masquerade. Dressed in the costumes of satyrs, the Greeks had fun, participating in the general procession, and sang the praises of the god Dionysus, the patron saint of winemakers.

And the Egyptians tied the coming of the New Year to the appearance of the star Sirius in the firmament. The clergy performed special ceremonies in September, expressing reverence for the deity in order to invoke his mercy and receive protection.

The powerful Roman emperor Julius Caesar carried out a reform in chronology. By his decree, the year became equal to the usual number of days, and weeks-weeks appeared. The tradition took root in the most civilized states and has survived to this day.

In addition to the rich gifts brought to pagan deities, people exchanged gifts with each other, and, as a rule, the choice of the present depended on the status of a person in society, his belonging to a particular caste.

New year in Russia id = "29889845">

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Pagan Russia professed the religion of sun worship and celebrated the New Year on March 21. With the advent of Christianity, the date was first moved to the first day of spring, and then to the very beginning of autumn, so that it began to coincide with the harvest time. They had fun on a grand scale, rejoicing in the full bins and anticipating a well-fed winter. Feasts, fairs and festivities associated with the rich fruits of labor made the New Year one of favorite holidays, symbolizing a well-deserved rest after months of hard work.

Much later, when the reformer Emperor Peter the Great came to the Russian throne, the celebration of the New Year was again postponed, and this time - to January 1. In his decree, the ruler not only determined new date, but also prescribed special conditions necessary for correct organization winter celebration. Now the nobility should decorate the Christmas tree with shiny toys, stock up on firecrackers and take part in masquerade balls. The chronology from the Nativity of Christ has also become relevant.

Attention: the first Christmas gifts are described in the Bible and are known as the gifts of the Magi - gold, frankincense and myrrh, brought in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. In the West, Christmas comes before New Year and is considered the main winter holiday.

In our country, New Year began to be celebrated as a holiday in 1935, with elegant Christmas trees, sweets and other gifts for the children of the Bolsheviks. Soviet people so inspired winter's tale that the New Year has become one of the most beloved holidays in the country.

The inhabitants of which country came up with the idea of ​​giving gifts for the New Year? id = "d0af730b">

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It is believed that the founder of the tradition of giving gifts for the New Year was Julius Caesar and, accordingly, the Romans. And the very first gifts were branches of a noble laurel and coins with the image of the two-faced god Janus. Initially, in Rome, the New Year came in October, then in March, and finally in January. We can consider Italy to be the very state in which the holiday traditions so beloved by us were born. By the way, today in Italy the lion's share of gifts falls on Christmas, and for New Year's gifts are rather symbolic.

The tradition of leaving gifts under the tree id = "ad4d2132">

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The population of ancient Babylon gladly celebrated the winter solstice as the name day of the patron god of vegetation Tammuz. People believed that the god Izdubar also brought his gifts to Tammuz, hiding them under a beautiful evergreen tree. You can start to draw a parallel with modern customs precisely from those time immemorial. It is quite obvious that all the holidays that exist in the world today originate in the service of pagan religious cults, as well as the traditions of their holding.

It is interesting: our ancestors believed that they live not only in visible world but also in the world of spirits. And today, many adhere to this opinion, perhaps not without reason. In ancient times, it was believed that powerful spirits, both evil and good, find their home in the crowns and under the branches of trees. To appease them, people left gifts in the spreading branches. Do you find similarities?

As already mentioned, the custom of laying out New Year's gifts under the Christmas tree came to us from the West and came to the liking of the Russian people. Children especially rejoice at the opportunity to look for wonderful gifts under the fragrant spruce paws. Magical childhood memories associated with the festive bustle of the home and the cheerful atmosphere on the streets of cities remain with us for life.

The tradition of leaving gifts in a boot id = "84079457">

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In European countries, there has long been a custom to put a boot or shoe polished to a shine under the Christmas tree or to put it outside the threshold or save it in order to find in it on the first day of the New Year welcome gifts... Also, European residents hang a bright sock with sweets and souvenirs on the fireplace or near the crib.

The tradition originates in the story of how Saint Nicholas, taking pity on the poor sisters, threw a handful of coins or several gold bars into the chimney of their home. The money ended up right in the stockings hanging on the fireplace. In memory of this miracle, Europeans began to fill stockings and shoes with New Year's gifts with pleasure.

Today, special, elegant boots and socks are in festive use, and they are stuffed with sweets, as a rule, caring and loving parents kids, but who knows, maybe not only them? We tend to believe that there is still a place for a miracle in our life!

By the way, Saint Nicholas played a significant role in the formation of the traditions of the winter holiday, and we will tell you about this separately!

When did you start to believe that Santa Claus or Santa Claus brings gifts? id = "309c3aee">

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In the third century on the shore Mediterranean Sea a wonderful man named Nikolai was born. He became famous for his righteous life and the desire to do good in relation to the people around him. Nikolay grew up in rich family and chose the path of a minister of the Christian faith, eventually becoming a bishop. Having received a huge inheritance from his parents, he did not skimp on helping the poor, extending special care to children. After his death, the bishop was canonized, and today we know him as Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of travelers and children. This saint, beloved by Orthodox Christians, is famous for answering the sincere prayers of believers, fulfilling their most innermost desires... Isn't that a miracle?

In accordance with the Christian concept of virtue, St. Nikolai always strove to do good deeds, while remaining unrecognized, and remained true to himself even after death. On a festive night, the Miracle Worker descends from heaven, accompanied by angels, and leaves gifts not only for obedient, but even for mischievous kids. It was he who became the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus.

Actually, Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas are consonant and almost identical names, so we can conclude that people began to believe in a kind wizard who brings gifts on New Year's Eve just after the death of Bishop Nicholas.

By the way, you can watch with the kids a wonderful film about the orphan boy Nicholas from Lapland, who became St. Nicholas (Santa Claus).

The tradition of writing a letter to Santa or Santa Claus id = "da737d7a">

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Wonderful custom to write and send To fabulous grandfather messages with requests for gifts originated in the West, and only then came to our country. Europeans and residents of the United States of America have been bombarding Santa with letters for over a century.

The fact is that in the second half of the nineteenth century, it was officially accepted that Santa Claus settled in a dwelling at the North Pole. Since then, children brought up in the Catholic faith began to write kind grandfather messages in which they shared their joys and experiences, and also asked to send gifts for the New Year and make their dreams come true. We signed the envelopes like this: North Pole, To Santa Claus.

Despite the fact that the kids acted in secret from their parents, the adults, of course, learned about the wonderful correspondence and immediately, with their characteristic entrepreneurial spirit, made a very profitable business out of it.

Today, the European society cultivating consumption notes changes in the epistolary art of the younger generation. Less and less often, children turn to Santa Claus as a kind wizard and fabulous friend with whom you want to chat on different topics... The letters are getting shorter and often only contain lists of gifts.

In times Soviet Union Russian children already knew very well who Grandfather Frost was, and they loved this kind wizard who draws patterns on glass and who comes to visit on New Year's Eve, with a bag of toys and sweets, accompanied by a cute Snow Maiden. To receive a gift from the coveted bag, it was enough just to read a poem or sing a song, which the kids did with great pleasure. It is clear that the parents bought the gifts, and the role of the grandfather was usually played by someone's fathers, but the magic did not disappear because of this!

In 1995, the first estate of Father Frost in our country was officially opened on the territory of the Lapland Nature Reserve (Kola Peninsula), and Russian children also got the opportunity to send letters to a fairy tale. Over time, the wizard changed his place of residence, moving from the Chunozero estate to Veliky Ustyug, and new year messages flew to a new address.

Today, in order to send a letter with wishes, it is not even necessary to indicate the address and stick a postage stamp, it is enough just to sign an envelope to "Grandfather Frost", but we will now tell you how to draw it up correctly!

The wonderful grandfather does not like to answer letters that look like an order form, and even takes offense when they turn to him only to receive gifts. Have to take clear sheet paper and start the message, of course, with new year greetings... Maybe you can write a little poem? Do this with your child, and then draw a festive drawing. If your son or daughter already knows how to print letters on their own, let them write a few sentences about what they have achieved in last year... Help the little ones with a hint:

  • learned to read, write, count;
  • learned poems and songs;
  • help mom and dad;
  • found new friends and so on.

This activity is very useful for the child, because in the process he learns to analyze his actions, gains self-confidence and learns to set new goals, which grandfather can also write about in a letter, along with promises to be good next year.

Now we can talk about gifts too! And if the child wants to ask his grandfather for gifts for loving mothers and dads, congratulate yourself, because you have something to be proud of!

The official address of the winter wizard's residence especially for those who love accuracy in everything: Russia, Vologda Region, the City of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Father Frost. Index 162340. And if you go to this address, you can meet with grandfather and hand the letter to him personally.