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Do you dream that cucumbers will grow well and give an excellent harvest? But do not want to once again poison the plants with "chemistry"? Then this article is for you.

Experienced summer residents try as little as possible to resort to the use of various "chemicals" in their area. This is especially true of such a culture as cucumber, because it is often eaten fresh. There are many familiar and safe species feeding for good growth cucumbers. Learn to apply them correctly and enjoy a good harvest.

Fertilizer from bread

How to make a top dressing from bread?

To make a high-quality cucumber fertilizer from bread, fill a regular bucket 2/3 full with sliced ​​crusts of regular brown bread, fill with water and put under a press in warm place for about 7-10 days.

To use the resulting bread starter correctly, dilute it three times and add 1 Matchbox universal fertilizer for 12 liters of liquid.

With this tool, you can water cucumbers from the beginning of flowering until the beginning of wilting once every 7 days.

Bread leaven is acidic and therefore particularly suitable for alkaline soils. To neutralize the acid, you can add chalk or dolomite flour to the starter culture before diluting with water.

Such bread will be useful not only on the table, but also in the garden.


Ash- an excellent organic fertilizer, the exact chemical composition of which is difficult to determine in advance. The fact is that it depends on the type and age of the burned plant. However, the ash invariably contains calcium, which is so necessary for the growth of cucumbers.

How and when to use?

Ash is introduced only 5-6 times during the growth period of cucumbers. The first time this is done at the very beginning of the formation of the plant, when 2-3 leaves appear on the stem, the next time - at the beginning of flowering, and only then, as the fruits grow, with intervals of 14 days between dressings.

Ash can be used in two forms:

  • dry ash;
  • ash infusion.

Sprinkle dry ash over the soil before watering the plants. To prepare the ash infusion, pour 10 tbsp. l. ash 5 liters of water and leave for 8-10 days, stirring the infusion regularly.

Practitioner's advice on feeding

  • Carry out any feeding of cucumbers only in warm weather after watering the plants, so as not to harm the root system of the plants.
  • Ash and nitrogen-containing compounds cannot be added at the same time - a lot of ammonia will be released, and the plants may die.
  • For top dressing, it is strictly forbidden to use ash obtained after burning polymers, rubber, paper, garbage, etc.

It is very important that the ash is woody, free from debris or plastic


Yeast dressing for cucumbers is used quite often, because it has a mass advantages :

  • increases the endurance of seedlings with a lack of light;
  • improves root formation;
  • is a source of natural bacteria that increase plant immunity;
  • is an excellent plant growth stimulant.

How to prepare a yeast feed?

Making a yeast fertilizer is easy and simple:

  • take 10 g of dry yeast and dissolve it in 10 l warm water;
  • add about 2 tbsp to the solution. l. Sahara;
  • let it brew for 2-2.5 hours and dilute with 50 liters of water.

How and when to use yeast feed?

Cucumbers respond well to yeast feeding; after their application, they quickly build up the vegetative mass and fruit ovaries.

During the entire growing period, apply this fertilizer no more than 2 times:

  1. about 12-14 days after transplanting seedlings into the ground;
  2. after phosphorus feeding.

Yeast promotes the rapid and vigorous growth of cucumbers

Chicken droppings

How and when to use chicken droppings?

This fertilizer can be used both diluted and dry.

Experienced summer residents advise using chicken manure-based fertilizer 3 times per season:

  • the first time - in May-June (at the beginning of the growing season);
  • the second time - during flowering;
  • the third time - during active fruiting.

Applying dry chicken manure is easy and simple. It is best to do this at the beginning or end of the season. You can use whole or split droppings.

Add it to the soil for digging at the rate of 500 g per 1 sq. M.

Often summer residents use chicken manure infusion on their plots. It's easy to prepare it:

  • fill the container 1/3 full with chicken droppings and top up with water;
  • let the mixture sit for 2-4 days, stirring constantly;
  • dilute the finished fertilizer with water (1: 3 or 1: 4) and apply to the beds at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 sq. m.

To make chicken droppings decompose faster, you can add Tamir or Baikal-M preparations to it (at the rate of 1 tbsp. L of the drug per bucket of water).

Chicken manure is one of the most affordable and popular fertilizers

Zelenka + iodine

In search of safe and effective solutions, summer residents find unusual uses familiar means and things. So, experienced gardeners successfully use iodine and brilliant green to combat various diseases cucumbers.

To get rid of root rot, first dilute 10 drops of brilliant green in a bucket of water and water the plants with this solution. Then dilute 10 ml of iodine in 10 liters of water and also spray the shoots and leaves of cucumbers with this composition.

Another option for using these funds also allows you to protect plants from root rot: dilute 1 part of iodine or brilliant green in 2 parts of water and lubricate the cucumber stem 10 cm from the ground with the resulting solution. Just two such treatments are enough to get rid of the fungus that causes the disease.

The secret of brilliant green and its antiseptic properties is in the copper, which is part of the preparation. Copper not only protects plants but is also wonderful fertilizer for cucumbers. Such fertilization will be especially useful on marshy soils.

From powdery mildew on cucumbers, a simple recipe can save: mix 9 liters of water and 1 liter of low-fat milk, dissolve 10-12 drops of iodine in them and treat the plants with the resulting solution.

Such fertilizer and a means of preventing various diseases can be found in every first-aid kit.

Home fertilizer for cucumbers

An effective and simple home fertilizer for cucumbers includes infusion of onion peel... Such feeding is especially relevant if the leaves of the plants begin to turn yellow.

To prepare the infusion, pour a glass of onion husks with 8 liters of water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cover with a lid. Let the mixture infuse for 3-4 hours. Then strain the infusion and pour over the cucumbers at the root. If you irrigate plants with such a composition, then you will receive an excellent foliar feeding, which, moreover, will protect cucumbers from various diseases.

Onion peels are useful not only on the eve of Easter, but also during the cucumber season.

Anti-yellowing agents

From premature yellowing of cucumber leaves, a solution of ordinary soda... Just dilute 1 tbsp. l. soda in 10 liters of water and pour the solution over your plantings.

If 1 tsp. dissolve soda in 1 liter of water and spray the cucumbers with this composition, then you will get an excellent prophylactic agent against powdery mildew.

You can also stop yellowing of cucumber leaves using kefir... To do this, dilute 2 liters of kefir in a bucket of water and spray your plants with the resulting composition.

For good growth and development of cucumbers, it is not at all necessary to use complex compositions and chemicals. Often, things that are familiar in everyday life store a lot of useful properties.

Growing cucumbers: 11 secrets of a good harvest

What to do to always be with the harvest of cucumbers? What should you pay attention to and what to do to increase the yield of the cucumber bush? The better developed the root system of a cucumber, the more likely it is to get a good harvest. You can help the plant form additional adventitious roots by pressing the stem to the ground and sprinkling it with moist soil.

If there are few insects, then problems may arise with pollination of cucumbers. To increase the number of ovaries, we can carry out artificial pollination. V next video a master class on performing a similar procedure is presented:

Pollination can be done with a soft brush, transferring pollen from male flowers to female flowers. It is known that the growth of any plant is based on the process of photosynthesis. And it needs carbon dioxide. The usual air contains about 0.03% of carbon dioxide, and if we artificially increase this percentage to 0.5, then we will accelerate photosynthesis and, therefore, increase the yield!

Plants in the greenhouse may lack carbon dioxide

  • you can use "dry ice" by spreading its pieces around the greenhouse;
  • you can light a gas burner;
  • the easiest way is to put 1-2 containers in a greenhouse with a mullein, which emits carbon dioxide during fermentation;
  • or mulch the soil with manure with a layer of up to 3-5 cm.
It turns out that not only people love milk. If you regularly - every 2 weeks - feed the cucumbers with diluted milk, this will accelerate their growth. Milk is diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.
Cucumbers and milk Cucumbers love water. But everything is good in moderation. During the hot period, cucumbers need very frequent watering - as a rule, daily (or every other day) with warm water. When the air temperature drops, on cloudy days, watering is either limited or temporarily stopped. Watering cucumbers is best in the evening. Oktyabrina Ganichkina gives advice on watering cucumbers in the following video:

Stepsons are extra shoots that take away strength from the lash, as a result of which it does not bear fruit. The following video details and shows how to pinch cucumbers correctly:

Mulch promotes the reproduction of soil microorganisms, earthworms, retains moisture, makes the soil more air-tight. As a result, the roots breathe well, which favorably affects the development of the entire plant. Many materials are suitable for mulching cucumbers: manure and dead sawdust, cut straw and chaff, peat, non-woven materials and synthetic films. Summer residents have a rich choice, but some of the nuances must be taken into account:

  • it is not recommended to mulch cucumbers with freshly cut grass, since there is a high risk of being affected by various rot;
  • care must be taken that the mulch layer does not come into contact with the stems, especially on early stages growth - this can damage them and even lead to illness;
If the soil is compacted and crusty, the plant is short of soil air. It begins to lag behind in growth; the ovaries crumble. This should not be allowed.

Loosen the soil correctly After each rain and watering, the soil must be loosened to a depth of no more than 3-4 cm, so as not to damage the root system. Peat soil, even with sufficient compaction, is not loosened, but pierced with a pitchfork for aeration. About the diet for good harvest written in detail in the article Feeding for cucumbers. Let me just remind you that at the time of fruiting, the cucumbers themselves will show whether they need additional microelements or not. But ash and organic matter - green fertilizer or infusion of rotten hay - will always come in handy. Cucumbers feel best next to beans and peas, kohlrabi, cabbage and cauliflower, celery and lettuce, and, of course, with corn, if it grows on the north side. Do not be surprised, but the proximity of such weeds as quinoa and tansy does not harm the cucumbers at all, they grow well together (of course, the weeds still need not be allowed to bloom and grow strongly). But the cucumber does not like the neighborhood with tomatoes. Do not wait for the fruit to reach its maximum weight. The perceived benefit from harvesting larger fruits can result in lower yields. Quite the opposite: the more often we collect greens, the higher the yield will be.

Cucumbers have long won worldwide recognition - they are a favorite snack, and the most popular pickles, and one of the best cosmetics! It is not for nothing that in Belarus, in Shklov, already in our century, a monument was erected to the Cucumber! And how cucumbers are grown in this city, you can learn from the article Cucumber as a national idea.

Monument to the Cucumber in Shklov, photo from Therefore, hiding the secrets of growing such a recognized vegetable is simply ... indecent)) If you have your findings - share, then our cucumbers will become even tastier and more beautiful! In this video, Olga Voronova tells how to increase the yield and prolong the fruiting of cucumbers:

You may also find other publications about cucumbers helpful:

How to water cucumbers for a good harvest?

Any experienced gardener knows that to get an excellent harvest, it is not enough to sow seeds and occasionally water the plant. To do this, you need to create ideal conditions for growth and fruiting. In addition to watering, loosening and weeding, top dressing can also be attributed to them.

The need for top dressing is due to the poverty of garden soils. After all, we plant various vegetable crops on our plots every year, and the soil cover is gradually depleted. Cucumbers are demanding on nutrition - they need both mineral and organic fertilizers. So, let's find out how you can feed cucumbers in a garden or greenhouse and how to do it correctly.

First, let's figure out when it is best to fertilize. This is usually done in the spring, filling the topsoil with manure. Thus, the garden bed in the period active growth plants will be heated from the inside. In addition, there are two main types of dressings - these are root and foliar. The former are suitable for warm weather, they are usually carried out after abundant watering in the evening or after rain.

If the summer is damp and cold, then the root system of the plant may not be able to cope with root dressing - in this case, it is better to spray on the leaves.

In order for fruiting to be plentiful, you need to adhere to the timing of fertilization. So, the first feeding is usually done 2 weeks after planting, the second - at the very beginning of flowering, the third - when the cucumbers begin to bear fruit, and the fourth - a little later, since its purpose is to extend this period.

How to fertilize cucumbers for a good harvest?

In addition to traditional agriculture fertilizers (manure, wood ash, chicken droppings), there are also special preparations for a good harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes. These are superphosphate, urea, ammonium and potassium nitrate and others.

And now let's figure out what exactly should be watered cucumbers to get a good harvest in each of the four dressings per season: From organic matter, it is better to use fresh chicken manure diluted with water 1:15, slurry (1: 8) or infusion of green grass (1: 5). Mineral fertilizers for the first feeding are ammophos, which is embedded in the ground by loosening, a mixture of ammonium nitrate with superphosphate and potassium salt, or urea.

When flowers appear on the plant, add infusion of green grass, dry or diluted ash. For foliar dressing, we use superphosphate and boric acid with sugar dissolved in hot water.

Mature plants no longer need such an abundance. nutrients, it is only necessary to maintain their content at the proper level. To do this, we continue to apply green and mineral fertilizers - potassium nitrate, urea, and ash diluted in water.

Towards the end of fruiting, to prolong it, feed the cucumbers with a two-day infusion of rotten hay or diluted baking soda. Foliar dressing at this time should consist of 15 g of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Also keep in mind that the harvest of cucumbers will be good only when the rules of crop rotation are observed on the site. This means that plants such as cabbage, beans, potatoes, celery or tomatoes must be the precursors to cucumbers. And of course, you should not plant cucumbers in one place for several years in a row - this will reduce their yield and harm the vegetables that will grow here in subsequent years. If you have relatively little space allocated for your garden, then green manure can be a way out - planting so-called green fertilizers that will heal the soil, loosen it and saturate it with nutrients.

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When is the best time to spray tomatoes - in the morning or in the evening?

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How to feed cucumbers

By and large, for a good harvest, cucumbers, in addition to water, only need a sufficient amount of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium. By choosing the right timing and amount of fertilizers to be applied, you can achieve very good yields. Maximum yields are obtained with a skillful combination of organic and mineral fertilizing.

Cucumbers are grown in organic-rich soil. To do this, in the spring, manure or humus is applied to the garden in an amount of 10-15 kg per 1 sq. meter. It is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers to the soil three weeks before planting cucumbers in the garden. To do this, 1 sq. meter take on average 15 g of sodium, 20 g of phosphorus and 15 g of potassium and all this is simply scattered over the soil surface.

Feeding cucumbers

In phase 1 of this leaf, the first feeding of cucumbers is carried out. You can prepare such a solution: dissolve 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of superphosphate for 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for an average of 15 plants. After two weeks, you can feed again with the same solution, made in double concentration. Make sure that fertilizer does not fall on the green part of the plant, as this will cause burns. If the solution does get on the leaves, rinse it off immediately with water.

If during planting an insufficient amount of humus or manure was used, then the second feeding can be carried out with a solution of a mullein with the addition of ash, or a solution of chicken manure with ash. Mullein is diluted with water six times, bird droppings 15 times. A glass of ash is taken into a bucket of solution.

Cucumbers are fed every 10-15 days and stop feeding 20-30 days before harvest.

Highly good action boric feeding. It is applied in the form of foliar dressing in the flowering phase at a dose of 2 g per sq. meter.

In order for fertilizers to be evenly distributed in the soil during feeding, the soil is pre-watered.

Feeding cucumbers with folk remedies

Organic fertilizers are applied throughout the entire period of growing cucumbers, observing the regime, taking into account the amount. Excess nutrients can cause vigorous foliage growth, accompanied by poor ovary formation and more. Using the tools at hand at home, you can prepare nutrient solutions for feeding the greens.

Fertilizing cucumbers with ash

Slow plant growth, slow development of leaf blades, a small amount of color on the bushes - these are all signs of a deficiency of nutrients in the soil.

It is advisable to add ash throughout the season. An ash solution is used for irrigation. 1 glass of sifted ash is diluted in a bucket of water, insisted during the day. Cucumbers are watered with this solution at the root, until the end of fruiting, every 7-10 days. Cucumbers are watered under the bush, the consumption rate is one liter per plant.

For the prevention of diseases, the root trunk and the ground around it are powdered with ash.

Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast

Such feeding increases disease resistance, promotes the growth of the root system and the entire plant as a whole, the number of fruits increases, and the quality improves. In the composition of yeast, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and other elements are significantly released.

Dissolve one pack of raw yeast in a bucket of water, stir thoroughly, leave to ferment for a day. Water the plants at the root at the rate of one liter of solution per bush. Yeast tincture is used additionally in combination with mineral fertilizers no more than once every 15 days.

With this tool, you can also water tomatoes on initial stage development.

Fertilizing with yeast infusion acts on plants like bread leaven.

Fertilizing cucumbers with soda

You can prolong the fruiting of cucumbers by watering the plantings with soda, but not only with it, but in combination with some other components. The following solution is being prepared, for 10 liters of water you will need:

1 glass of ash + 1 liter of rotten hay infusion, aged for 48 hours + 30 g baking soda+ 15 grams of urea.

Fertilizing cucumbers with chicken droppings

You can use both rotted chicken excrement and fresh. Before using such a feeding from chicken droppings, the beds with cucumbers are thoroughly watered with water so as not to burn the roots of the plants. Fresh droppings are diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:20 and the cucumbers are gently watered with a solution under the root (0.5 liters per plant). After applying the fertilizer, the remnants of the solution that has fallen on the bushes must be washed off from the watering can clean water.

All dressings are carried out in the morning, or evening hours.

Signs of a lack of nutrition on cucumbers

A deficiency in the soil of any nutrients affects the growth and development of cucumber plants. For example, when there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, plant growth is delayed, the leaves turn light green, and the fruits become pointed and also brighten. The roots begin to brown and die off.

If the plant lacks phosphorus, the leaves become small and dark green. Plant and fruit growth slows down.

At insufficient quantity in potassium soil, a bronze tint appears on old leaves, and then a brown border appears at the edges. The plant practically ceases to resist disease.

There is not enough magnesium usually on sandy and sandy loam soils, light green spots appear on the lower leaves of the plant, then they turn yellow, become brittle and fall off prematurely.

The presence of manganese in the soil increases the respiration rate of plants and the assimilation of carbon dioxide. The lack of this element delays fruiting and reduces the yield.

Can you please tell me what dressing for cucumbers do you use? Do you like feeding your cucumbers with yeast? What top dressing do you use for cucumbers in the greenhouse, and which ones in open ground?

Watering cucumbers with milk

The composition of ordinary baker's yeast is rich in minerals, organic iron, and a variety of trace elements.

Summer residents noted the fact that plants that were watered with yeast dissolved in water are much stronger than those that were not subjected to such feeding.

However, here, as elsewhere, it has its own peculiarities - it is not necessary to introduce such a solution into unheated soil, since the yeast needs heat to ensure normal operation, which is why it simply will not "work" in cold soil.

Typically spring is the ideal time to use them. This “growth stimulator will be an excellent helper for seedlings not only during picking, but also when replanting them to a permanent place.

However, it must be remembered that as a result of its "work" yeast tends to absorb a fair amount of potassium from the soil.

In order not to completely empty the ground in the beds from this, it is recommended to bring ash along with yeast dressings.

The traditional recipe for yeast feeding is prepared as follows: a kilogram of "live" yeast is diluted in five liters of water, after which the resulting solution is further diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before use.

If instead of the usual dry yeast is used, then the dressing is prepared at the rate of 10 grams per 10 liters of warm water with the addition of two tablespoons of sugar, after which

the mixture is allowed to brew for a couple of hours, and then also diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Usually such a solution is used for watering flower beds, vegetable crops, fruit trees and berry bushes.

In addition, on the basis of yeast, you can prepare "mash", which can improve the growth and development of potatoes and tomatoes. Dissolve 100 grams of yeast and half a glass of granulated sugar in a container with three liters of water, then cover with gauze and leave to infuse for a week.

After the specified time has elapsed, the product is ready - dilute it at the rate of a glass of 10 liters of water and consume a liter for each plant.

You should not get carried away with yeast feeding. For best effect it is enough to carry out 2-3 such operations per season.

Interesting, but it turns out that similar effect which is provided by yeast feeding, can be achieved by watering the plants with live beer.

Of course, many cannot afford such a luxury, so they have to resort to the help of irreplaceable “companions” of the baker.

Only one condition - the yeast must be fresh.

Yeast is able to save garden strawberries from gray rot. To do this, dissolve 100 grams of the product in 10 liters of water and water the bushes with the prescribed agent directly under the root.

If you water the seedlings with yeast dissolved in water, they will stretch less, and in the future they will be easier to pick up.

To achieve a good harvest of cucumbers, you need to pay attention to some points. Very important on this stage strengthen their root system. The better it is developed, the more chances are to collect a lot of cucumbers. Applying only watering and the fight against diseases of cucumbers is not enough in order to be 100% satisfied with the harvest. It is also important to know and apply some secrets of a fruitful cucumber garden. Read our Hassle-free Garden section and apply the secrets of successful gardeners!

Secret 1. How to grow the root system of cucumbers

We help the plant to form additional adventitious roots. To do this, press the stems with a fork to the soil and sprinkle with damp earth. We use this technique if we suddenly find that the root system or basal stem is affected by rot. The disease can be seen on the tops of the plant in sunny weather, when they clearly began to "wither".

What are we doing?

  1. We lower the whip to the ground.
  2. Sprinkle the lower part of the stem with fertile, slightly moistened soil.

Very soon roots will appear in this place, which will strengthen and grow every day. The plant is saved!

Secret 2. We feed the cucumbers with milk

Every two weeks, you can feed the cucumbers with milk to accelerate growth. We dilute it with water - for 1 part of milk we take 2 parts of water.

Secret 3. How to properly water cucumbers

Everyone knows that cucumbers love water. But here, too, a measure is needed. In the heat, you need to water the plants more often: daily or every other day in the evening (after sunset) with warm water.

Secret 4. How to pinch cucumbers

Extra shoots (stepchildren) take away strength from the whips. As a result, fruiting decreases significantly. Therefore, stepchildren need to be viewed and deleted in a timely manner.

Secret 5. Mulch and loosen the soil

In order for microorganisms to multiply in the soil, earthworms in order for it to retain moisture, be more air-consuming, it is imperative to mulch it.

What are we doing?

We mulch with peat, rotten sawdust, chaff. We do not use freshly cut grass. It promotes the reproduction of slugs and infects the plant with rot.

How to deal with slugs if their hordes are already attacking your garden? There is an answer.

Do not forget to loosen the soil if we see that it is compacted and crusty. At this time, the plant is experiencing a deficiency of soil air. Therefore, it lags behind in growth, and the ovaries begin to crumble. This must not be allowed.

What are we doing?

After each watering or rain, we loosen the soil to a depth of 3-4 centimeters and no more. Then the roots are not damaged.

Secret 6. What are they missing? We select trace elements

When the cucumbers bear fruit, according to their outward appearance it will be seen what they need. Therefore, feed the plants with ash and organic matter. Prepare infusions of rotten hay and ferment weeds that will always come in handy.

What are we doing?

Put green grass (nettles, dandelions, wheatgrass) into the bucket and fill it with warm water. After three days, the feeding infusion is ready. We dilute it with water and water it. We do the same with rotten hay.

Secret 7. Fruits should not be overexposed on lashes

Do not wait for the cucumbers to gain their maximum weight. There will be no benefit in collecting large fruits. On the contrary, the yield will decrease markedly.

What do we do

It is necessary to collect greens more often, thereby stimulating the harvest of cucumbers.

Taking proper care of cucumber bushes, we will enjoy them not only in summer, but also in winter, getting crispy and fragrant jars out of the jars. We wish you cucumber harvests!

WITH Best wishes Aganina Tanya

11 secrets of a good harvest of cucumbers

It's time, it's time to collect and harvest cucumbers! This vegetable and in fresh good, and salted or pickled - a welcome treat on the table. Let's talk today about those important nuances and the subtleties that help the gardener to get a notable harvest every year, regardless of the vagaries of the weather.

What should you pay attention to and what to do to increase the yield of the cucumber bush?

Secret 1: Strengthen the root system The better the root system of a cucumber is, the more likely it is to get a good harvest. You can help the plant form additional adventitious roots by pressing the stem to the ground and sprinkling it with moist soil.

This technique must be used if you find that the root system is sick (for example, affected by rot) - this can be seen in sunny weather, when the upper parts of the plants begin to clearly “wither”. Then you can remove half of the ovaries, lower the lash to the ground, and lower part sprinkle well with fertile moist soil. After a while, roots will appear here - and the plant will be saved! Harvest, of course, too)

Secret 2: we help pollinate If there are few insects, then problems with pollination of cucumbers can arise. To increase the number of ovaries, we can carry out artificial pollination. In the next video, we are presented with a master class on performing a similar procedure.

Secret 3: increase the percentage of carbon dioxide It is known that the growth of any plant is based on the process of photosynthesis. And it needs carbon dioxide. The usual air contains about 0.03% of carbon dioxide, and if we artificially increase this percentage to 0.5, then we will accelerate photosynthesis and, therefore, increase the yield!

For reference: a plant synthesizes on average 94% of its dry matter from carbon dioxide and water, and it absorbs only 6% from soil mineral fertilizers. This is how our vegetable and fruit crops grow our food "almost from nothing"!

A problem with a lack of carbon dioxide can arise in greenhouses, because the plants in daytime actively use it. How to increase the concentration of this useful substance?

you can use "dry ice" by spreading its pieces around the greenhouse

you can light a gas burner

the easiest way is to put 1-2 containers in a greenhouse with a mullein that emits carbon dioxide during fermentation

or mulch the soil with manure with a layer of up to 3-5 cm

Secret 4: Feeding Milk It turns out that not only people love milk. If you regularly - every 2 weeks - feed the cucumbers with diluted milk, this will accelerate their growth. Milk is diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.

Secret 5: Watering Properly Cucumbers love water. But everything is good in moderation. During the hot period, cucumbers need very frequent watering - as a rule, daily (or every other day) with warm water. When the air temperature drops, on cloudy days, watering is either limited or temporarily stopped. Watering cucumbers is best in the evening.

Tips for watering cucumbers in the next video are given by Oktyabrina Ganichkina

Secret 6: we stepchildren correctly Stepchildren are extra shoots that take away the strength from the lash, as a result of which it does not bear fruit. The following video explains and shows in detail how to pinch cucumbers correctly.

Secret 7: we mulch correctly Mulch promotes the multiplication of soil microorganisms, earthworms, retains moisture, makes the soil more airy. As a result, the roots breathe well, which favorably affects the development of the entire plant.

Many materials are suitable for mulching cucumbers: manure and dead sawdust, cut straw and chaff, peat, non-woven materials and synthetic films. Summer residents have a rich choice, but some of the nuances must be taken into account:

care must be taken that the mulch layer does not come into contact with the stems, especially in the early stages of growth - this can damage them and even lead to disease

when using black perforated film or material such as lutrasil, do not forget: in hot sunny days they can provoke a strong overheating of the root system - you will have to either remove the film on such days, or close it on top with a light material.

Secret 8: Loosen the soil properly If the soil becomes compacted and a crust forms on it, the plant does not have enough soil air. It begins to lag behind in growth; the ovaries crumble. This should not be allowed.

After each rain and watering, the soil must be loosened to a depth of no more than 3-4 cm so as not to damage the root system. Peat soil, even with sufficient compaction, is not loosened, but pierced with a pitchfork for aeration.

Secret 9: we choose the right microelements About the diet for a good harvest is described in detail in the article "Fertilizing for cucumbers". Let me just remind you that at the time of fruiting, the cucumbers themselves will show whether they need additional microelements or not. But ash and organic matter - green fertilizer or infusion of rotten hay - will always come in handy.

Secret 10: choosing the right neighbors Cucumbers feel best next to beans and peas, kohlrabi, cabbage and cauliflower, celery and lettuce, and, of course, with corn, if it grows from the north side. Do not be surprised, but the proximity of such weeds as quinoa and tansy does not harm the cucumbers at all, they grow well together (of course, the weeds still need not be allowed to bloom and grow strongly). But the cucumber does not like the neighborhood with tomatoes.

Secret 11: do not overexpose the fruit on the whip

Do not wait for the fruit to reach its maximum weight. The perceived benefit from harvesting larger fruits can result in lower yields. Quite the opposite: the more often we collect greens, the higher the yield will be.

Cucumbers have won worldwide recognition long ago - they are a favorite snack, and the most popular pickles, and one of the best cosmetics! It is not for nothing that in Belarus, in Shklov, already in our century, a monument was erected to the Cucumber!

Therefore, hiding the secrets of growing such a recognized vegetable is simply ... indecent))

During the exciting pre-wedding preparations, you should not give up on the excellent tradition of holding a bachelorette party. After all, this is a great reason to meet with your beloved friends, have a fun and easy time and get a lot of positive emotions, saying goodbye to girlhood. The wedding site has selected funny and funny contests for a bachelorette party for you.

Fants (tasks for the bride for a bachelorette party)

  • Participants: bride.
  • Props: cards with tasks, box.

Good old fantasies will be great fun while walking around the city. Need to write interesting tasks and place them in the box. This can be done in advance, or you can hand out the sheets to girlfriends while walking. Let each of them come up with an original task for the bride, for example:

  • selfie with three unmarried guys;
  • kiss a stranger on the cheek;
  • persuade a passerby to ride the bride on her back;
  • treat passers-by with sweets, etc.

Hungry girlfriend

  • Participants: two pairs of girls.
  • Props: 2 handkerchiefs, food (eg eclairs or ice cream).

One friend has to feed the other while blindfolded. Which pair will get it cleaner and more accurate, that one won. This idea is best used for organizing a bachelorette party at home, so that friends are not afraid to get dirty or ruin their makeup.

Buy it!

  • Participants: a bride or two girlfriends.
  • Props: a basket with goods for men (lighter, socks, beer, batteries, etc.).

A funny and amusing bachelorette party competition to be held in crowded places. Offer the bride to sell unfamiliar men the contents of the basket. You can arrange a competition between two friends. Whoever earns more will win.


  • Participants: 2 people.
  • Props: 4 glasses, 2 cocktail tubes.

Participants need to pour liquid from one glass to another using a straw. If the task seems too easy to you, make it difficult by blindfolding the participants.

Save your eggs

  • Participants: two people.
  • Props: eggs, 2 plastic bags, scotch tape.

A great option for a bachelorette party at home. Place 1-2 eggs in bags and secure them to the participants. The goal of the game is to crush your opponent's eggs while keeping your own. To complicate the task, forbid the use of hands.

Princess on the Pea

  • Participants: 2-3 participants.
  • Props: chairs, towels, various solid small items.

Small items should be laid out on chairs and covered with a towel. Participants must guess what is on the chair by sitting on it.

Man of dreams

For this cool competition bachelorette party participants will need to split into two teams. They have to make a man out of balloons.

The bride can evaluate the work, but if she wants to take part in the game, then one of her friends can be chosen for the role of the jury.

Fashion designers

  • Participants: everyone.
  • Props: scotch tape and materials at hand.

This bachelorette party game is for creative bridesmaids. Invite the participants to create an exclusive wedding dress... The choice of materials depends entirely on your imagination. This can be foil, toilet paper, cellophane, etc. Girls can work together or split into two teams. In the finale, do not forget about the fashion show and the photo session for the bride.


  • Participants: everyone.
  • Props: markers, paper.

Participants in this fun bachelorette party game need to write a word with their feet. Fun during the assignment is guaranteed.


  • Participants: 2-3 people.
  • Props: scarf, bright lipstick, cardboard man or mannequin.

Several kissing spots should be marked on the mannequin. For example, this could be the lips, chest, and the area around the navel. Participants take turns painting their lips with bright lipstick and blindfolded trying to kiss the highlighted area. It is forbidden to search for the outline of the figure with your hands. The girl with the most accurate kisses wins. If you are looking for vulgar bachelorette party contests, then this game will come in handy for you. To enhance the degree of piquancy, a man can be real. But the team of the portal site advises to take into account the attitude of the bride and her girlfriends to such things.

Lady driving

  • Participants: 2-4 people.
  • Props: toy cars with ropes.

Invite the girls to arrange comic car races. Participants must pull the cars for speed by the rope, overcoming the proposed "track". To complicate the task, you can build small obstacles.

What to do? (idea of ​​a party game for a bachelorette party)

  • Participants: all.
  • Props: paper, pens, two boxes.

This bachelorette party game has two options:

  1. One box contains cards with the question “What to do if ...?”, And the second contains cards with answers. Participants take turns taking out cards and reading out the question and report. Of course they won't match. Get creative with filling out the cards. How more original text, the funnier.
  2. Invite the participants to write questions for the bride and the bride to answer them by choosing cards at random. An example of a question: "What to do if the mother-in-law came to visit, but there is nothing to treat her to?" or "What if my husband has scattered socks all over the house and does not want to collect them?" Girlfriends can help the bride with their hilarious advice.

Thick Cheeked Slap

  • Participants: all.
  • Props: caramel candies.

Everyone is participating in this bachelorette party, including the bride. The girls in a circle are trying to pronounce the phrase "thick-cheeked lip slap" with a caramel in their mouth. For each new circle, one candy is added. The winner is the participant who can pronounce a given phrase with maximum number candy in your mouth.

Goodbye last name!

  • Participants: bride.
  • Props: sheet of paper, marker, helium balloons.

Saying goodbye to a last name is a very touching idea for a bachelorette party. The most common option is when the bride releases balloons into the sky, to which a sheet with a maiden name is attached. But you can get creative and come up with your own interesting way. For example, you can make from a piece of paper on which it will be written maiden name bride, paper plane and launch it from the window of the apartment.

On the wedding portal you can find many cool and original ideas for a unique bachelorette party. Let your holiday be the brightest and most unforgettable.

Bright and fun bachelorette party is a dream for any bride. Tired of wedding preparations? Do you want to have fun with your girlfriends in such a way that you will remember it for years to come? In this article, we have collected best ideas to organize unforgettable party: Interesting games, exciting contests, forfeits and fortune-telling. Now make up an excellent entertainment program not a problem…

Inconvenient answers

Funny and simple game , to create which requires only a little imagination.

  1. Take paper sheet, a pen and two containers (jars, baskets).
  2. Divide the paper sheet into many small parts, and divide the resulting pile of small leaves into two equal piles.
  3. Each group will answer one of two categories: the first will be questions like "what to do if ...", the second - the answers to these questions. For example: “What to do if DiCaprio himself suddenly disappeared from the film about DiCaprio? Replace it with another hero "," What to do if you were given old box while you were expecting roses? Steal roses from a nearby store "," What if my husband wants fried sausages for dinner, and at home there is only a beetle and mother-in-law? Ask the mother-in-law to make them. "
  4. Each pile is folded into a separate container.
  5. After that, the participants choose pieces of paper from different boxes in the form of a question-answer. The result is interesting and funny combinations that will amuse all the guests of the party. For example: “What to do if the husband wants fried sausages for dinner, but at home there is only a beet and a mother-in-law? - Replace him with another hero. "

Biography of the bride

Close friends are usually invited to a bachelorette party, so you can be sure that they are well acquainted with many interesting events from the life of the bride. Based on this, you can come up with a competition like this:

  1. A sheet of paper is taken and each of the participants in turn writes one of the most interesting cases at the top of the page.
  2. The written part of the sheet is folded over and the new participant writes again at the top of the page.

Thus, a collection of stories will turn out and the participants can have a great laugh as they unfold the sheet and read out the biography of the bride.

Puppet questions

All the participants in the evening are made small paper dolls that dress on the finger.

How to make a paper doll on your finger in a few minutes, see this video:

Each girlfriend chooses a doll for herself, after which a theatrical performance begins: all the participants begin to attack the bride's doll, create unforeseen life situations and ask tricky questions. The main task for the bride: to withstand this onslaught, not to get lost and find a way out of all situations created for her. Do not be afraid to improvise - all the coolest jokes and gags are always impromptu.

A puppet show can be recorded on video - you get a very funny and positive video that you can watch later. It can also be used to create a wedding clip.


All participants of the evening receive 4 cards: on the yellow one you need to write the recipe for the most delicious soup, on the red one - the meat dish, on the green one - the salad, on the orange one - the dessert. After that, all the recipes are discussed in detail and collected in a common cookbook for the bride (the sheets can be punched with a hole punch and tied with a beautiful ribbon).

Guess the nickname

The bride comes up with nicknames for all the girls at the party, writes them on pieces of paper and attaches one nickname to the back of each girlfriend... Participants must guess what they were named by asking suggestive questions... The game can be extended over the whole evening.

Tili-dough competition

It is necessary to give each participant a sheet and a marker. Participants should write the phrase "Tili-tili dough!", Holding the marker with their toes. The girl who does it first gets the prize.

Funny contest "Smeshinka"

The participants stand in a circle and begin to laugh, the bride drops a handkerchief on the floor. When the handkerchief falls, everyone should suddenly stop laughing. The one who stops last, he lost and leaves the circle. The girl who remains the last wins and receives the prize.

It is best to place this contest in the middle of your script, when the fun is already in full swing.

Prank the groom: fun for girlfriends

You can make the evening even more fun by playing a prank on the groom. Every bridesmaid should call him from an unknown number and to confess her love, the latter calls the bride and says that she loves so much, how many times he was confessed in love.

Tricky questions to the bride

Well, which of the girlfriends does not want to ask the bride a couple tricky questions before wedding? Well, who is not interested in knowing the details personal life the groom and the bride and the peculiarities of their relationship? At a bachelorette party, I especially want to boldly ask about a man's secret hobby or his dream, how many children the couple wants and what they will call them, and also, for example, whether he shaves his armpits.

Questions can be fun or serious.

In order to make a real test, it is necessary to draw up a list of questions in advance and ask them to the groom even before the bachelorette party. Then you can compare the answers and find out how well the bride knows her future husband.

An extinct match

Participants sit in a circle and light a match. It is necessary to quickly transfer a burning match in turn until it goes out. The girl in whose hands it went out must answer one question from the bride... If the match goes out in the hands of the bride, then she answers the question of any girlfriend from the circle.


Modification of the bottle game: the bride and her girlfriends twist the bottle and the girl pointed to by the bottle answers some questions.

The most unusual forfeits

Fants are wonderful way unite the company from unfamiliar people , because the bachelorette party participants will definitely communicate in the process, discuss bright moments and have fun.

Standard version: print various cool tasks on the pieces of paper. They can be given out in a separate drawing, by drawing lots, or given a card to all the losers in each new competition.

The most interesting thing is that you can play forfeits not only at home, but also on the street, in a cafe and even in a club.

Here are some bright p reamers:

  • Take a picture with an unfamiliar company.
  • Sit down with a stranger and start a conversation with him, as if you have known each other for a long time.
  • Guard the guard or take a photo with him.
  • Convince a stranger that you are a famous TV presenter and leave him an autograph.
  • Sing a serenade.
  • Play a scene from the movie.
  • Make incomprehensible and incoherent movements on the dance floor.
  • Perform a robot dance.
  • Drink a drink without using your hands.
  • Perform whatever you want to say as a song.
  • Shout something out the window. For example: "There are sawdust in my head: Yes, yes, yes"

Fanta can be very different, the main thing is not to be afraid to bring fresh ideas.

In this video, you can spy on several original tasks that can be completed right on the street:

You can write a list of tests with a marker on a T-shirt that future bride dress for yourself. With the same marker, you can then mark and cross out those that have been completed.

Divination at a bachelorette party

Fortune-telling is a mystical ritual that will add a "zest" to the holiday, because this is an action creates an unforgettable atmosphere... However, even this ritual can be made easy and fun.

Fortune-telling is best done at the very end of the party, when all the girlfriends are already tired of active entertainment and want to relax more relaxed.

This is one of the most popular divination methods. Bride takes any book, asks the question out loud to which he wants to get an answer and chooses a page and a line in the book at random. The selected line will be the answer to the question!

Comic divination

You can persuade someone from your acquaintances to send answers via SMS. Of course, an acquaintance must be with good sense of humor... The bride should send her questions via SMS to his number, and he will play the role of an oracle and send original and funny answers.

Fortune telling on balls

You need to write predictions on pieces of paper, roll them up and shove them in air balloons, the balls are then inflated. They can be used to decorate a room or hang from the ceiling. At the end of the bachelorette party, each participant must choose a balloon for herself, burst it and get a prediction.

Groom's best friends modern tradition invites to a bachelor party, and the bride gathers girlfriends for a bachelorette party. In the old days, the bride did this in order to say goodbye to her freedom and therefore cried a lot, and her friends accompanied her with sad songs. Now the bachelorette party is fun. You can organize an evening in the form of a meeting in a cafe, outdoors, in a sauna or at home. And if you want something unusual and interesting, then different fun fun will be very helpful.

It is advisable for friends to take the initiative and organize everything themselves. It is recommended to hold a bachelorette party not on the eve of the wedding celebration, but several days before, because the bride will most likely not be before.

By tradition, girlfriends bring memorable gifts for the bride (the main gifts await her at the wedding, but for now it can be vases, dishes, books on home economics or collections of recipes, tablecloths, towels, embroidered napkins, etc.).

On the table there should be products "with meaning": pineapple - to prevent cellulite, fish - for beautiful hair and nails, chocolate - for the production of the hormone of joy.

1st girlfriend:

The girls and I found out

That a friend was "lost"!

You leave our circle

Your fiancé is waiting for you!

2nd girlfriend:

You haven't walked yet

Didn't even kiss

Suddenly the hostess at the stove

You are immediately ready!

3rd girlfriend:

We're a little jealous:

The whole road is in front of you,

With hubby to walk on it

And to become a wonderful wife!

How did the bachelorette party come about? A bit of history

Friends talk about the origin of the word "bride". It turns out that it means "who knows who", "unknown". It turns out that a man brings into the house a girl unknown to his parents, whom he has yet to recognize.

No less important word"Wedding" comes from "matchmaker". The bride was first wooed, then married.

The word "marriage" has an interesting history. Those who say that a good deed cannot be called a marriage are wrong. "Marriage" comes from the word "take", "marry", "marry".

But the word "spouse" has the most curious meaning. It originates from the word "conjugal" - a pair of horses harnessed together. It turns out that the husband and wife are in the same harness and pull the same strap together!

During a feast, girlfriends remember how the love story began.

Comic poem "Ten suitors"

There was a beauty on earth

I just can't take my eyes off

With just one gait

She could drive everyone crazy.

The young woman wanted so much

Meet eternal love

That they were spinning around her

Ten different suitors.

The first was neither this nor that:

Young, green and stupid

There was a second slightly with greetings,

The third is smart, but not in love,

Everyone whispered about the fourth,

That he is a generous oligarch

But in fact it turned out

The guy is head over heels in debt.

The fifth was from the nouveau riche,

I bent my fingers in the rings,

I called the girl to the Maldives,

He just took and deceived.

There was a sixth handsome groom,

But the illustrious gigolo,

There was the seventh - rotten old man,

That cold, then diarrhea!

Was the eighth thin as a stick,

The ninth was like a ball ...

How sorry for the girl!

Just sit down and cry!

But suddenly the tenth appeared,

My heart trembled in my chest:

Here he is, dear, beloved,

Better not to be found in the world!

Down the aisle go girl

I agreed at the same moment.

So that everything works out for them,

We will raise a toast to them!

The girlfriends sing a song to the bride, as in the old days, "saying goodbye" to their girlfriend, who will soon become married.

Bridesmaids song (to the tune of the song "Katyusha").

Apple and pear trees were blooming,

Blossomed Tanechka we have.

Katyusha came ashore,

A Tanyusha getting married!

Repeat the last two lines.

Forgot the girlish joys:

Strippers, shopping and cafes,

Have Tanyusha, poor, unhappy,

Only the husband is now in my head!

Repeat the last two lines.

Do not rush to turn into a mistress,

Sometimes go for a walk with your girlfriends

We are you Tanyusha, let's not forget

And you, too, do not forget us!

Repeat the last two lines.

Wedding signs

Everyone is familiar with the common wedding signs... Such as "rain on the wedding day - to a happy life", "something new, something old, something alien, something blue." Girlfriends invite the bride to familiarize herself with the signs that will tell her about future relationships with her and the groom's parents.

■ If parents name new children affectionate names- this is a good strong relationship.

■ Mother-in-law loves to sing - which means that it is easy to get along with her.

■ If parents talk in toasts about future heirs, then they will always be on the side of the young.

■ Salt, scattered during the meeting of the young with bread and salt, - to discord between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law.

■ If the daughter-in-law accidentally bumps into her mother-in-law, she will get along well.

■ If the son-in-law drinks with the mother-in-law, he will find a common language with her.

■ If one of the mothers cries at the wedding, then the young will live happily.

■ Parents have fun at the wedding of their children - for mutual understanding.

Bachelorette games and contests

Game "To the touch"

With this game, the girlfriends check if the bride is ready to run the house. The essence of this game-task is that the bride has to touch, blindfolded, to distinguish round vegetables and fruits that her friends will put in front of her (tomato, apple, peach, potato, orange, boiled egg, you can put a ball to laugh , melon, round candle).

Game "Magic balls"

Girlfriends give the bride a bunch of balloons and offer to write their pre-wedding fears on them with a felt-tip pen - which is most frightening in future family life. For example, jealousy, everyday life, harmful mother-in-law and so on, and on a few more write something pleasant, for example, the name of a loved one, her dream, etc. Then the bride must burst the “bad” balloons and leave the “good” ones. It will also serve as a kind of stress relief before the wedding.

Game "Training"

One of the attributes wedding dress- a garter, which the groom will have to remove from the bride's leg at the ceremony. And this game helps to "practice" which of the girls will be able to quickly remove the garter from their legs without using their hands.

Modern fortune-telling

At the bachelorette party, it's time to tell fortunes about the fate of the bride and her girlfriends. This is a fun activity, the results of which, of course, do not need to be taken lightly. But so that no one gets upset, all predictions must be good in their own way.

Divination by name

The science of the interpretation of names suggests that by the name of a young man one can judge what kind of husband and family man he will be. Girlfriends take turns calling the names of their young people (who do not have - they can just say the name that they like) and read the interpretation. On married girlfriends, you can check the veracity of the interpretation.


Alexander. This person is strong, intelligent and sensitive, but sometimes emotional and quick-tempered. He must be treated with respect and not contradict (at least openly) his opinion. A fan and even a slave female beauty, loves to pamper his woman with outfits.

Alexey. Correct, serious, careful and respectful. Sometimes it is difficult for him to take the initiative in something, but if he hears sincere praise in his address, then he can move mountains.

Anatoly. He pours jokes, seems frivolous, loves everything new and extraordinary. Sometimes he is unbalanced, but a calm and judicious "half" will help him learn to cope with violent emotions.

Andrey... He needs constant recognition of his own superiority, has a powerful intellect and enviable tenacity. Likes to boast, to boast to friends of his beautiful wife. Falls in love strongly and recklessly, ready for a lot for the happiness of his beloved.

Anton... Sometimes puts friendship more important than love because loving for him is quite painful and difficult psychologically. He is ideally suited for a wife, a "friend", who knows how to understand, support and prompt at the right moment.

Arkady... He easily makes acquaintances, he has a lot of friends, because he is an easy and interesting person to communicate. Sometimes chasing glory and not deprived creativity... Well, if his life partner is also engaged in any creative activity, then she will be able to understand him.

Boris. It is very important for him to have a wife, children, and the older he is, the stronger his attachment to them becomes. He knows how to do a lot with his own hands and is happy to learn new things, he brings everything “into the house”, helps with the housework.

Vadim. By nature, he has a sharp mind and a good memory. He can become successful in business and is able to achieve a lot, especially with the support of his beloved and for the sake of his children. Knows how to break female hearts without noticing it.

Valentine... A bit frivolous and unpredictable, headstrong and even selfish. But, having met a woman who will come to terms with his minor flaws, she becomes simply "tame" and is reputed good husband, a father and subsequently an absolutely amazing grandfather.

Valery... Addicted, brave, reckless and even desperate. Keep him away from gambling and beautiful woman. And sincerity and the ability to make it clear to him that he is the best will help to keep.

Basil. Balagur, cheerful, optimist. He is also a hardworking and responsible employee. If he meets a suitable spouse, then he will be her devoted husband, but until she finds her one, she can hit on a large number of women.

Victor... A winner both in deeds and in love, he needs to conquer and lead. A woman who is softer and more pliable will suit him, or one who will be able to seem weak, but at the same time imperceptibly change his decisions in his favor.

Vitaly. Lively, sociable, picky, it's easy to get along with him. But the first step is to instill in him a sense of responsibility for the family, otherwise there is a danger that some childish behavior will remain in him for a long time.

Vladimir... He seems very sociable, open and a little frivolous, but at the same time he has a deep and vulnerable nature. He will make a very good career, but not particularly striving for family life, as he feels quite comfortable alone.

Vyacheslav. Responsible, reliable, but relations with the opposite sex do not develop immediately and easily. He is very worried about quarrels, they unsettle him for a long time.

Gennady... He looks cute, but his character is rather complex and not always predictable. This man requires a certain approach... But he is quite active and adventurous and becomes caring father, even to other people's children is very attentive.

George. Most often this is a workaholic, can reach great heights, but with the female sex it is shy and timid. Looking for a calm, reasonable, intelligent companion.

Gleb... Strives for perfection in everything: in himself and in the world around him, therefore he is often restless and dissatisfied with life. But he has good job, he is also an exemplary family man, moreover, a monogamous person, although he has no shortage of admirers.

Gregory... Active, adheres to conservative views, does not believe in what is called fate, predetermination. Falls in love rarely, but seriously. It will be a little hectic with him, but never boring.

Daniel. Reasonable, balanced. He works a lot and with pleasure, but only if he feels that he is in his place. He is appreciated and respected. Danila loves to equip his house, to acquire something for the interior.

Dmitriy. Not deprived of talent, responsible and principled. Not capable of betrayal in love, it can be called ideal husband... In a marriage with him, the main thing is to safely survive the period of "grinding" to each other.

Evgeniy. He pampers his children very much, and does not deprive his wife. Donates good gifts, invests in a joint future. He is neat, loves order and knows how to maintain it himself.

Ivan. He does not get everything in life easily, but Ivan does not take his perseverance, and he adequately overcomes any difficulties. Easily finds a common language with everyone. Homely and decent.

Igor... He firmly knows what he wants in life, and step by step persistently moves towards this goal. In love, passionate and gentle, he needs a woman who is not like others.

Ilya... Creatively gifted, extraordinary. He loves affection and tenderness, but is impetuous and capable of some unpredictable actions. Channel his energy into the right channel affectionate persistence will help.

Kirill. Very energetic, agile, self-confident. She works a lot, she feels like the head of the family, but she never be rude and will not offend her beloved.

Konstantin. This person is always ready to help, even to the detriment of his interests and time. He is diversified, he has many hobbies, but this does not apply to the female sex, here he is very constant.

A lion. Delicate, thoughtful, smart, his character has everything to be a leader. He likes women who are self-sufficient, but do not forget that they also have responsibilities as a housewife.

Leonid. Charming, cheerful, loves to joke. Like women, especially young women. Loving, his wife must constantly surprise him. But in everyday life it is unpretentious.

Maksim. Purposeful, stubborn in good sense this word. It is difficult to convince him of something. He knows how to work hard and enjoy relaxing and having fun. He is looking for a woman who is close in spirit.

Michael... Able to work, simple, reliable. Looks for tenderness and affection in a woman, relieves stress, enjoying a home environment, a loving family.

Nikita. A little impatient, categorical, but gullible, and wrongs inflicted forgiving with difficulty. If you do not provoke him with unnecessary reproaches, everything will be fine.

Nikolay... Surprisingly kind, calm and self-confident, he loves to engage in self-study and self-improvement. Conflict-free, behind it you can be "like a stone behind a wall." Ideally, if the wife also has a kind character.

Oleg... Usually unhurried, detailed, polite. He doesn't really know how to deal with children, but they arouse his sincere interest, and Oleg is ready to have even several.

Paul... Clockwork, active, “the soul of the company”. He reads and knows a lot, is passionate about many things. He plunges into work, into love too. In a woman, she values ​​decency and femininity most of all.

Peter. Standing firmly on his feet, independent, striving for a career early and thriving. You have to be extremely honest and frank with him, because he is rather suspicious. Inclined to dramatize the situation.

Novel. He is attractive, enjoys success with women, but has been looking for his ideal for a long time. Loves good company, delicious cuisine, pleasant stay... With the girl who will love the same, he will build a strong relationship.

Ruslan... Ruslan has a rather difficult character, and his main drawback is quick temper. But he moves away easily, often repents, admits that he is wrong. He strives to create good living conditions for his family, earns money for it.

Sergey. Sometimes he embarks on philosophical discourses that distract him from work and duties. But he is a wonderful husband: polite, affectionate, with skillful hands... Respects and honors mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Stanislav. It is not so easy to please him, because this person does not always know himself how and what should be. Fall in love with everything beautiful - women, things. It is easy for a girl with a spectacular appearance to powder his brains.

Stepan. This person is one of those who are considered a great original. Seeks to stand out, seeks non-standard solutions, dresses catchy. Love is given all without a trace, but is inclined to get carried away.

Fedor. This is a very sensitive nature, although his masters do not always give it away. Over the years, a craving for land and farming may appear in him. Children adore him, Fyodor is happy to tinker with them.

Yuri. Always and everywhere he strives to lead, counts only on his own strength, but at the same time he knows how to make others work for him. Believes that the main task men - to provide for their wife and children, but in return they can demand obedience from them.

Yaroslav. Romantic, loves unusual sensations, does not tolerate everyday life. An extraordinary personality, and you have to get used to it. Rather, monogamous, but we must try not to seem boring to him one day. Always young at heart.

Fortune telling on a cup

The bride must throw her cup so that it breaks. The girlfriends are looking at how many pieces have turned out: this means that the newlywed will have so many children. The shards cannot be stored, they must be thrown away. If the cup doesn't break, there will be one child.

Guessing on the rump

Fortune-telling has ancient roots, but earlier rings taken from each of the girls were used for it. Millet is poured into a deep bowl, there should be a lot of it. Various small items are hidden in millet: toys from "kinder surprises", trinkets, coins, etc. The container is covered with a handkerchief. Each of the girls, starting with the bride, takes one item out of the millet. What she comes across is the basis for judging her future life.

Interpretation of objects:

■ ticket - travel;

■ key - new flat;

■ heart - happy love;

■ bobblehead - the birth of a child;

■ car - buying a car;

■ a coin - wealth;

■ ring - engagement;

■ shoe - a man under the heel.

Fortune telling "Next"

At the wedding, there is a tradition according to which the bride throws the bouquet, and the girlfriend who catches it is considered the next contender for marriage. But nothing is clear about the other girlfriends. But this fortune-telling shows in what order all the friends will become married. You will need small candles, according to the number of girlfriends. Everyone lights them up at the same time and watches in what order they will burn out. In the same order for girlfriends to be married.

Finally, the friends make a toast.

Toast: Each couple has their own idea of family happiness... Someone has it love boat that floats on the waves of passion. Someone has a barrel of honey with a fly in the ointment for a change. We wish you to create your own recipe for a good marriage and enjoy the result all your life!