New year what to give a guy. What to give your husband for the New Year - a selection of desired gifts and surprises. If your lover is a traveler

Until the New Year left less than a month so it's time to choose holiday gifts

HB Style presents 20 original ideas New Year's gift for a beloved man, dad, father-in-law, brother, friend or boss: from useful technology to vivid impressions.

1. Impressions. The gift does not have to be in beautiful box trimmed with festive colored braid. New Year's present for a man, a certificate for flying on an airplane, jeep safari, horseback riding, extreme descent on a Zip-line and much more can become.

2. A ticket to a concert of your favorite band or a game of your favorite football team. It all depends on the preferences of the man himself.

3. Fitness tracker. A useful modern gadget that allows you to track your activity and become healthier.

4. Portable wireless speaker. An indispensable thing for the traveler-music lover.

5. Action camera. The device will appeal to fans of capturing their extreme adventures.

6. Glasses virtual reality. Both a small and an adult man will be happy with such glasses. Putting on glasses and downloading one of the many applications on your smartphone, you can plunge into the world of virtual reality, ride a roller coaster, visit different countries, control the flying carpet and much more.

7. 3D pen. Nowadays, you can draw not only on paper, but also in space. 3D pen can become an unusual gift, which you can use to design 3D cars, houses, and other shapes. Also, this handle allows you to repair children's toys and other plastic products.

8. Gyroboard. Gyroboard, segway or electric scooter - nice gift active man.

9. Board game. Assortment of board games shopping malls and online shopping is now huge. It can be puzzles, intellectual, sports and other games.

10. Mini-brewery. The ability to brew high-quality, fresh and “live” beer with your own hands will please many men.

11. Card case. Useful gift for business man. It is convenient to put documents, passes, cards and business cards in a card case.

12. Certificate for courses or master class. If you know that a man is interested in a certain professional specificity or would like to learn new language give him that opportunity.

13. Book. A win-win option for a New Year's gift. The main thing is to know the literary preferences of a man.

14. Perfume. A classic but timeless gift. Eau de Toilette- this is the detail that gives a man a feeling of freshness, cheerfulness and self-confidence.

15. Clock. Good ones wrist watch is not only an orientation in time, but also a representative accessory that perfectly complements the business style.

16. Nice shirt. A good shirt never gathers dust in a man's wardrobe. The main thing is not to miscalculate with the size.

17. Tie and cufflinks. A stylish, modern and enterprising man will be happy with such a gift.


18. Stand for bottles. Such an object can become not only a place for storing alcohol, but also wonderful decoration interior.

19. Stones for whiskey. A man who knows a lot about the culture of alcohol consumption will like this gift. Such stones allow you to cool whiskey or other drink without diluting it at all.

20. Pop art portrait. You can also surprise a man by presenting him with his original pop art portrait.

The long-awaited holiday is approaching - New Year 2017. It brings some kind of magic familiar from childhood. Want to quickly find out what gift lies under the tree? A natural question arises: what to give a guy for the New Year 2017? For some, this question may seem difficult, but for others there will be no problems with the choice.

A gift for a guy for the New Year is a kind of declaration of love, and the choice depends on what stage of the relationship the couple is at. If the lovers are together not so long ago, then they have a romantic period, and everything that was presented will be remembered for a long time.

romantic gifts

In a romantic period, you should choose a gift that will remind you of your beloved, while creating the effect of presence:

  • a blanket with a printed photo of the couple will warm you in long, cold winter evenings, and the sweet smile of the second half will always carry warmth to the very heart;
  • couple t-shirts great gift. One has only to choose which picture to depict on the presentation. T-shirts will complement each other, and it will become clear to everyone around that the couple cannot live without each other;
  • A photo in a frame is no surprise. He is being replaced the new kind Photo - Wall Clock with a printed picture of your couple. They will hang in his room, and each time, bored, the guy will look at the dial, from where loving eyes look.

computer gadget

The computer is an integral part of our life. Can be gifted to boyfriend useful gadget, and, using it, he will always remember that his beloved takes care of him. Gift options:

  • original flash drives are now at the peak of popularity. It is worth paying attention to such a gift and choose a flash drive in the form of a bullet or a bird from Angry Birds;
  • a wireless mouse is a great gift. There are shops where you can order a computer mouse with engraving;
  • give your laptop a lamp that works via a USB connector. Highly useful gift, especially if the guy is still studying at the university and lives in a hostel. Thanks to this gift, he will not interfere with his roommate;
  • wireless headset - a win-win. You can choose a model that is suitable for his phone or smartphone;
  • external battery versatile as a gift, your lover will definitely like it.

Choosing a gift from this category, you can be sure that you will like it. The theme of electronics for guys is a win-win option.

Accessories for every day

Maybe the beloved is missing some accessory, but his hands do not reach to buy it. Such a thing will good idea for a Christmas present:

  • a money clip will come in handy for a person who does not have a purse, and money is always stuffed into his pockets. It is worth choosing a high-quality leather clip, and the guy will definitely like the gift;
  • if a guy smokes, give him a lighter well-known company with engraving. She will always be with him;
  • leather belt will be a great gift.


Can't decide what to give a guy for the New Year 2017? Do you get the impression that everything does not fit? Do not despair. Give a gift-impression. The emotions that remain after such a presentation will be remembered for long years. Possible options:

  • the guy dreams of learning a foreign language, but every time he puts it on the back burner. Gift a certificate for short course foreign language. He will definitely like such a gift;
  • a short climbing course will appeal to even office worker. To distract from all problems and think only about conquering the summit - what could be better;
  • if the guy doesn't have a hobby, create one yourself. Give a certificate for learning dance for two. It is possible that he will like it and become a new hobby;
  • does the guy like to cook? Give a cooking class national cuisine. You can learn how to cook Thai, Chinese, Mexican or other cuisine without leaving your home. hometown. A master class of molecular cuisine can amaze every gourmet.

Original gift

Do you think that everything is boring and banal, but you really want to be original by giving an unusual gift? Here are some of these ideas:

  • a helicopter or a car on the remote control will definitely be an original gift, and most importantly, your lover will like it. After all, no matter how mature men are, it is always interesting for them to plunge into childhood and forget about pressing problems;
  • statuette "Oscar" personalized engraving and the nomination "For a Beloved Person" will definitely be an interesting and amazing gift;
  • your couple spends a lot of time in big circle friends? In this case, as a gift to the guy, present the game for big company. For example, "Twister", cards for playing "Mafia" or a set for the game "Crocodile". original gift for a long time will entertain you.

Gift wrap

When choosing a gift, do not forget about the packaging and how to present the present. Even an ordinary gift can be given in such a way that it will remain in memory for many years:

  • in recent times it is common to present gifts with the help of a quest. To get a present, you need to go through a series of obstacles. But after passing them, a pleasant surprise awaits the beloved;
  • It is not necessary to present the gift in person, you can order delivery by courier. Having received a bulk gift box, the beloved will be very surprised, and when he opens it, he will see how helium Balloons with congratulations "Happy New Year 2017!". And put an ordinary gift at the bottom of the box.

And now all the preparations have been completed, the gift has been selected, packed, it remains only to wait for this holiday that gives joy and magic - New Year 2017.

Helpful Hints

Gifts for the New Year are waiting not only for children, but also for adults, especially if we consider men as adult children.

There are many interesting, useful and original gifts that you can give to your husband, dad, colleague, boyfriend, brother or grandfather.

To help you choose, we have selected the most interesting ideas for gifts, thanks to which you will surely decide what you would like to give a man.

Gift for a man for the New Year

1. Concert tickets.

If he is into music, you can buy 2 tickets to a concert of your favorite artist or band, or just to a concert where tunes he might like will be played.

* Such a gift is more suitable for those who know the person well and his preferences in music.

What to give your beloved man for the New Year

2. Tickets for football/hockey/basketball

If you are not fond of any sports, such a gift will be doubly pleasant for him. You can consult with your friends would know exactly where, when and how to buy tickets, and from which seats you can see everything better.

* Usually tickets are bought at the stadium/arena a few days in advance th or even weeks. You can also buy them online.

What to give a guy for the New Year

3. A set of sweets.

Almost all men have a sweet tooth, so he will really like a beautifully designed set with sweets. Put in his favorite treats and package nicely.

Christmas gift idea for husband

4. Smart watch.

If you have enough money, you can buy him smart watch. These watches are capable of:

Receive calls and receive notifications

Monitor sleep

Show weather

Show your location e

Play music.

It is advisable to choose watches from familiar brands (Apple, Samsung, Garmin, Xiaomi). However, you should know,what kind of smartphone he has - if iPhone, then choose a watch from Apple, and all the rest are suitable for smartphones on Android.

Gift for a guy for the New Year

5. Fitness tracker (bracelet).

This bracelet is not very expensive and will suit anyone, regardless of what kind of smartphone they have.

* Choose sports bracelets famous brands such as: Xiaomi, Samsung, Fitbit, TomTom, Garmin, Microsoft.

What can you give a guy for the New Year

6. Travel Camera GoPro.

If you like to actively spend time together and travel, then you simply need such a camera. Not only does it shoot great, but it's waterproof, durable, and strong.,and it can be attached almost anywhere.

Original gift for the New Year

7. Drone.

Every man in his heart dreams of a drone. This device can be controlled with a remote control remote control, smartphone or tablet (depending on model) and shoot video.

However, there are several aspects:

* There are a lot of different drones, different sizes, forms, with different functions, amateur, semi-professional and professional, and, of course, with different prices.

* Not all drones have cameras, so it's up to you whether you want to buy with or without a camera.

New year gift for husband

8. A set of tools.

If you know that he often fixes or builds something, or if he hinted that he could use a tool kit (or said that he saw someone have a cool set), then feel free to buy.

* Being e t many different sets of tools - large and compact. A more compact one is suitable for a car, and a regular one for a home.

* Before buying, pay attention to the tools that the set contains - are there many tools that will be useful to him.

Gift for a loved one for the New Year

9. Shaving kit.

You can choose from a modern set with a modern razor or trimmer, or a classic one. T-razor and pile. AT in addition to such kits, lotions, shaving foam and / or moisturizing cream after shaving can go.

What to give your husband for Christmas

10. Electric shaver.

A good electric shaver goes to beautiful packaging, and it is also waterproof and can be charged from the mains (has rechargeable batteries, not ordinary ones).

11. Toilet water.

If he uses men's perfume (toilet water), then choose ones that are similar to the scent that he has. But if you want to make a change, go for something that suits your taste, something masculine but not too edgy.

New year gift for dad

12. Purse and/or stylish credit card holder.

It is very important for every man to have a high-quality and convenient wallet, which will comfortably accommodate both large and small banknotes, business cards and even small photographs. A wallet, like a wristwatch, is an essential accessory for a real man.

Credit cards can be stored both in a wallet and in a separate holder.

13. French press for brewing coffee and tea.

Almost every man drinks coffee and/or tea. A real coffee lover can be given both a regular good French press and a stylized one, such as this one, made in the style of the R2-D2 robot from Star Wars.

Original gift for a guy for the New Year

14 . Headphones.

There are several types of headphones, so choose the one that suits him best. at etc. If he is a music lover, then you can give him large headphones that cover his ears, and if he plays sports, then it is advisable to give him small headphones.

* It is also worth considering that in winter, large headphones are inconvenient to wear (over a hat).

What to give a friend for Christmas

15. Swiss knife.

Almost any man will like this gift. swiss knives are not only compact and have Beautiful design, but they can be used anywhere - on a hike, in the country, or just tweak something at home or in the car. Such a knife also, as a rule, comes with a nice Leather Case that can be attached to a belt.

What to give a guy for the New Year cheap

16. T-shirt, body shirt and other accessories with an original design.

On New Year's Eve, you can give gifts that no one else has. For example, you can give a man a T-shirt, body shirt, cap, hat or scarf with an individual design. There are many studios where almost any wow clothes can be applied with a drawing, graphic or photograph of your choice.

Gift Ideas for the New Year

17. Waterproof speaker for shower, beach and travel.

You can safely hang such a column in the shower or take it with you on a trip. It connects to your phone and can play any music or podcast.

18. E-book

If he likes to read, then an e-book - perfect gift. It is very light, you can take it anywhere and record thousands of books. Some e-books can even play audio files so you can listen to a novel or detective story on the go.

19. Wristwatch

From huge selection hours you can always find those that he likes. If he loves sports and active image life - give him a sports watch; if he loves the classics - give him an analog watch (with hands) and preferably,so that they are either highlighted, or that all indicators (numbers, hands) are covered with phosphorus so that you can read the time in the dark.

The best gifts for the New Year

20. Bracelet or chain (or set)

If he likes to wear a chain, you can give him a silver or gold one. You can also choose a bracelet and ask the craftsman to engrave any word or phrase on this bracelet (if possible).

21. Sports bag

If he plays sports and his sports bag already worn or the locks do not work well, then a new sports bag is a great gift. Choose a bag that will have a lot of pockets. in and compartments so that you can separately fold sports items, underwear, hygiene products, shoes and a towel. It is also important that the handles and/or straps of the bag are comfortable.

22. Gadget backpack

Today, almost every person carries a phone, a bunch of keys, a wallet and other little things. At the same time, some take with them a tablet, laptop, external battery and / or e-book. To fit all this conveniently in one place, there are special backpacks.

They are moderately compact and contain pockets for almost any mobile device. In addition, some backpacks made us so cunningly that the ill-wisher could not fit into your backpack.

What to give dad for Christmas

23. Original paraphernalia of your favorite team

If he is a fan of football, hockey or another sport, you can give him a T-shirt, sweatshirt, baseball cap and / or scarf with the emblem of your favorite team (you can add a couple more accessories on the same theme to this - a cup with an emblem, socks with an emblem, a towel with emblem, etc.).

24. A set of barbecue lovers

If he loves to cook meat in nature (in the country) or at home, then he will like a special set for cooking barbecue. You can match him with a personalized robe, that is, a robe with his name, (or a robe with the emblem of your favorite team).

What gifts can be for the New Year

25. Original flash drive

USB stick in the original packaging, similar to an audio cassette. Being e t many different original packaging and types of USB drives. There are also drives that have two outputs - for a computer (to write any information to or from it) and for smartphones. Thus, the same flash drive can be used both for the phone and for the computer.

* However, with a dual flash drive, it is worth clarifying which output the smartphone for which you are buying it has - microUSB or Type C. The consultants will tell you.

26. Mustache and beard care kit

If he wears constantly b Orodu, he will like this set. He will be able to groom his mustache and beard to look both brutal and elegant.

27. Keychain to help you find your keys

Such a keychain can be attached both to keys and to a wallet, and with the help of special application for smartphone you will be able to find the lost item.

28. Inexternal battery

You can take such a device with you so that at any time, anywhere you can recharge your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Being e There are many different batteries of different capacities. The most popular are batteries up to 10,000 mAh. Feel free to choose any manufacturer, and this modern gadget will be able to charge both iPhone and Android devices.

29. Portable gas stove and USB charging in one

This original gift combines two very useful tools - a charger and a portable (camping) gas stove. This means that you can not only heat canned food, but also charge your smartphone or tablet.You can look for other gadgets that combine several useful elements.

30. DVR

Highly useful thing in any car. Every car owner will be happy to have a DVR in their car.


DIY gift

For the New Year, you can make many gifts with your own hands. For example, you can make a set of sweets and your favorite drinks, and decorate both the packaging and the bottles.

New Year's gift for a man

Soon the brightest will come unforgettable night in the year - New Year's. New Year is the chiming clock, champagne splashes, a table bursting with food, garland lights and, of course, gifts. It's time to think about Christmas gifts for dear men. If you hear from your man that you don’t need to give anything, don’t believe it! The stronger sex rejoices in gifts fewer women and children, just men are less emotional. Forget about traditional shaving accessories and shampoos, choose creative gift a man for the New Year in the Red Cube online store.

Buy good gift a man on New Year's Eve is sometimes very difficult. Almost every representative strong half humanity has hobbies, but, as a rule, they are not cheap. In the Red Cube you can buy inexpensive, but memorable gift man for the New Year.

What should be a gift for a beloved man for the New Year? Practical, interesting and romantic. As an original gift for a man for the New Year, you can purchase decorative pillow, mug or t-shirt with individual text. Even the usual underpants and socks can be an unusual gift for a man for the New Year, if they have creative design. Our designers and artists offer many ideas for such useful gifts.

In the Red Cube there is a present for everyone. Sauna lovers will appreciate a beer mug with your text or bathrobe. If a man is often on business trips, give him a thermal mug or board game so you don't get bored on the road. Business suitable for a person original safe in the form of a book, gift set"Purse", notebook, notebook or diary. Gift for a man boss New Year can be not only strict, but also original. In the Red Cube collection you will find a gift set of cognac glasses with personalized engraving, whiskey glasses, wine sets, wall clocks, goblets. In our online store you can pick up a good gift for male colleagues for the New Year. Buy a personalized mug for them, and in the new year, relationships at work will become even better, and the atmosphere in the team will be more friendly.

Many men have a sweet tooth, but usually try not to advertise it. Therefore, if for the New Year you give a man a set of individually wrapped sweets, you will definitely please the recipient.

Most male representatives are not indifferent to various gadgets. Choose an unusual flash drive or iPhone case as a gift, and you can't go wrong with a gift. Feature of our New Year's gifts for men is that each product can be personalized. And everyone loves individual presentations, because they talk about special attention from the donor.

New Year is the most Holy holiday when everyone gives gifts. And not only relatives! In our country, it is customary to make presents to friends, neighbors, colleagues, teachers and even bosses. Therefore, you have to innovate, invent something, run around the shops so that a New Year's gift for a man is not only necessary, but also original, memorable. But you have us!

Bright bow tie with a colorful print from the Baboon brand - with him festive mood will always make you happy close man


A gift for a man for the New Year 2017 if he smokes

Your close friend best friend, brother or husband is trying to quit smoking or at least reduce harmful effect cigarettes on the body? Excellent! Maybe it's time to give him electronic cigarette? Today, vipers are in trend, they are often seen on the street. In addition, manufacturers claim that the electronic device is able to completely replace a regular cigarette, significantly reducing the health damage from smoking. Consider this option!

If your father, grandfather, brother, friend or husband smokes a pipe, cigarillos or cigars and is not going to give up his habit, then you will have to come to terms with this and reconsider your ideas. It is better to give him a box of expensive tobacco, a set of Cuban cigars or a premium pipe. Or maybe your loved one smokes a hookah?

I agree, these gifts are not cheap. But then you can stop at more modest-priced smoking accessories. A guillotine or a cigar humidor, a lighter, an ashtray, a cigarette case, hookah tobacco or something else is quite suitable. Most importantly, don't forget to wrap your precious gift nicely, unless it already has a festive box. In any case, a joyful smile and gratitude for understanding your loved one are guaranteed.

Warm clothes and accessories

What could be more relevant in winter than warm things? They can be bought in a boutique - many shops offer special Christmas collections clothing and accessories - either created loving hands mothers, grandmothers, wives, friends. Handmade is in vogue now!

Men's scarf hand knitted as a gift to a man for the New Year 2017 - give close person a piece of your warmth and attention!

It could be a scarf original pattern, welcome for fishing, hunting, just a walk warm, cool balaclava for ski holidays or cities. Here it is advisable to think about what he likes to do in free time your man or what he lacks from the components of the autumn-winter wardrobe. Perfect option will come to mind.

An original and useful gift for a man for the New Year

Here's where to give complete freedom imagination. Does your brother assemble equipment in retro style? Excellent! Give him MP3 player or music center designed in vintage style . Appearance of such things is borrowed from the 20-80s of the XX century, and their internal "stuffing" is ultra-modern. But it is the design of the equipment that is valued!

Music center stylized as a retro - an original gift for a man for the New Year

What about swiss army multifunctional knife? Perhaps this is not a very original gift, but what a useful one? In addition to the familiar models with a corkscrew, a screwdriver, a bottle opener with a metal cap, there are also more exotic options on sale. For example, with a grill master's kitchen set, which is compactly assembled into a kind of Swiss folding knife. Such a present is suitable for those men who do not deny themselves the pleasure of pampering relatives and friends with dishes of their own cooking.

Travel bag still remains one of required attributes men's wardrobe. He is able to accommodate various useful little things, starting with shower gel, shampoo, shaving foam, comb, and ending with a passport, plane ticket and so on. Unfortunately, not all men understand that a very practical and convenient invention. Therefore, some of them avoid acquiring it in every possible way. Or maybe they just spare money? But here you can come to the rescue!

Leather travel bags in various colors by IGOR YORK

Recently, more and more popular is gaining urban backpack. This is a great idea for a gift for a man for the New Year! This backpack is both compact and roomy, with a discreet enough design to easily fit into casual style and keeps your hands free at all times. Very useful and stylish!

You can also choose from a variety of Hi-tech gadgets. For example, a USB refrigerator, a Wi-Fi flash drive or an unusual computer mouse.

It can also become a worthy contender for the perfect gift for a man for the New Year. Dare!


Now there is no need to wonder what gift to choose for a man for the New Year 2017? Just stop at one of the options we offer and buy it. It is only necessary to take into account the personal preferences of the man close to you, the rest of the gift will do for you. Be happy and Happy!