Official New Year greetings to partners in prose and verse. Official wishes in prose for the New Year. Happy New Year to friends fabulous

V Everyday life we are surrounded by many people whom we cannot but congratulate - teachers of our children, lawyers, senior colleagues at work and many others. Someone we can send funny postcard online, someone sms-message in verse, and in some cases it is simply inappropriate. There are a lot of options, but you need to choose and "sort" them very carefully and carefully!

Rescue card

V Soviet times it was customary to send out New Year's cards. We bought and shipped them in batches. And not only for those who are far from us, but also for those who are always with us - at home, at work. It was believed good form thus show respect, love and reverence. Card - great option official greetings for the New Year 2016.

A superior work colleague who does not appreciate humor and familiarity can be presented with a retro version of such a souvenir with a beautiful congratulation inscription. Modern market similar products offers huge selection embossed cards, voluminous drawings that can not only please, but also decorate the interior and serve as a pleasant reminder of you for the addressee.

No need to go to extremes and send new year card by mail long before the holiday. You can present this souvenir personally by saying a few words without taking a lot of time by reciting New Year's speeches.

Orally, "in person"

There are categories of people who definitely need to be congratulated, but we do not want to do this, we are embarrassed, we try to get rid of unsubscribes, calls and online mailings. But sometimes it is very "necessary"! How to be? Reading poetry to an adult is not to the face, and more often than not to the point. In such cases, you will need congratulations in prose, carefully rehearsed and as correct as possible.

First of all, think about what is best to wish the person to whom it will be addressed. For the elderly addressee, health, peace and well-being are important. Young and active person- success, prestigious work, luck in love and stability in the family. Having defined important points in the understanding of your counterpart, think about what he will be pleased to hear, and what not so much.

Doesn't need to be mentioned in congratulatory speech those moments of a person's life that he is concerned about and they bring him a lot of unpleasant worries and minutes. Focusing on these aspects can be mistaken for a mockery. For example, to wish family well-being to a public person who is on the verge of divorce from his spouse is, to say the least, incorrect.

When preparing such a Happy New Year greeting, it is important to understand that it will be said personally, eye to eye with the interlocutor. The fact is that written and oral messages sound completely different. Great value has intonation, eye expression. Each person lives in his own world and perceives the environment from his point of view. That is why every word must be carefully "verified" and analyzed.

In any case, whether you are sending a postcard, or preparing an oral greeting for the New Year 2016, be correct, sincere and courteous.

Official congratulations in verse

Already the footsteps of the new year can be heard
And the holiday is gaining momentum
Every soul is worried
Worries and worries go away.

And everyone thinks about the main thing:
Family, work, fulfillment of desires,
Health, the hour that someone gave us,
Released for all our efforts.

So may your desires come true,
So that every day is happier and more beautiful,
Problems to just bypass
Your destinies would pass in New Year!


Happy New Year! With new happiness!
May this year give
A storm of feelings and a sea of ​​passion
Yes, love is a whirlpool.

Many joyful moments
Crushing victories
Travel, entertainment,
Crunching of bills and clinking of coins.

Like foam melts in champagne
Let the burden of worries disappear.
Let it be successful by all means
There will be the whole coming year!


May the New Year be happier than others,
Success and luck draw you forward!
Happy smiles of good people,
Reliable, friendly, glorious friends!
Countless treasures, exciting words,
Enjoy your stay, fabulous dreams!
Wealth for the family and luck in everything
Fun, smiles and joy in the house!

Official congratulations in prose

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New one bring you well-being, a dream come true and hope for a successful future as a gift. Let success be your faithful companion in everything. I wish you peace, patience, harmony, kindness, and good luck, family happiness! Happy New Year!
I wish you a Happy New Year. New Year is a holiday of magic, beloved and expected by everyone. He always carries with him hope for the best, hope for good changes... Undoubtedly, the outgoing year brought many joyful changes, but there were also disappointments. Therefore, do not forget about what did not happen last year - it has already passed, and the New Year good reason and the ability to start over. And let only new, fresh, joyful accompany the Happy New Year. I sincerely wish all of us, traditionally, health, success, worthy partners, money transactions and high efficiency.
May the New Year 2016 bring you many pleasant discoveries and new interesting surprises, let only pleasant, kind, beautiful and successful people be present in your environment, and your good qualities and deeds fill your life pleasant emotions... Happy New Year!
Dear friends! The New Year is coming - a time of new hopes, successes and victories. What the coming year will be depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish you all faith in yourself and your strength, great achievements, discoveries and hopes. We will definitely bring them to life!
Let the coming year only multiply the score happy moments, there will be people dear to you, and warmth family hearth attracts welcome guests. Encourage the tired, smile at those who are lonely - and life will repay you a hundredfold for your care.
Please accept my heartfelt wishes for health, well-being, happiness and prosperity! Great mood and Happy New Years!
Happy New Year!
So the last leaf of the calendar has been torn off, and with it everything that happened this year goes into the past! Let's take the best from the past year, and forget about debts and troubles! It's time to start new business, set new tasks, strive for new heights! Let our beloved Santa Claus come not only to children, because adults also really want magic, and adults have no less cherished desires that only a good magician can fulfill. I wish everyone's dreams to come true in the New Year!

With the onset of a solemn holiday, which the whole world celebrates, people give best regards relatives, friends, as well as colleagues and work partners. Official congratulations Happy New Year partners in prose will help you focus all your attention on what you really want to wish in such good hour... After all, New Year is like this an important event, which concerns individually each person.

Happy New Year's greetings in prose are already giving good mood... A person immediately tunes in to the holiday, he wants to rejoice and delight others. After all, such a day takes up a lot of place in the heart of each of us.

Happy New Years should only carry good wishes, which can raise the pre-holiday mood. After all, often everyone has a dream or goal that he has not yet achieved. Therefore, your congratulations on the New Year can be sent to just such a "note".

A colleague at work or business is always a close partner who must be congratulated on such a wonderful and magical day. Official New Year greetings to partners can be noted at holiday cards and send it to everyone, because it is not always possible to present personal wishes, it turns out, due to lack of time.

It is much easier to congratulate loved ones, because almost always they all gather for festive table... If you are celebrating a celebration in a narrow family circle then you can use cellular telephone, which will always help you to get out of this situation with dignity, on the subject that a person forgot to congratulate someone in the confusion. And then, in any case, your New Year greetings will always reach the addressee.


Dear partners and colleagues! On this wonderful holiday day, I would like to wish you a lot of good and kind! Each of us strives to be better, to live better and wants to achieve a lot in our not easy career. So, on this solemn day for all, I would like to wish everything that each of us strives for come true. Indeed, sometimes it just lacks understanding and support. So I wish you to always have such support and understanding together, with which the implementation of the set goal will find its final and positive result! Be happy!

With the onset of all the desired and long-awaited holiday, I would like to wish good health! Good luck in job! Happiness in family life! And may the New Year of the Fiery Rooster be much better than the outgoing one! Happy New Year 2017! Happiness! Love! Of good!

Dear Colleagues! We all know that the New Year is coming! May even more success come with him to each of us than in the year that is leaving. May there be fewer mistakes and more achievements in all areas of life in the New Year! At the beginning of January, everyone will have a white one, clear sheet living with new, achievable dreams. To translate into reality that will help work colleagues and family. So be happy and loved! Happy New Year!

In our beloved country comes solemn holiday New Year. On this day, I would like to wish a lot. The most important thing is that everyone is healthy, that all grievances and adversities are a thing of the past and never come back, and the mistakes made teach us to be stronger and overcome any difficult obstacles. In the coming year, let each of us take with him only the good and the positive. Happiness and good luck in the New Year!

Is coming fabulous holiday... On such a day, everyone has a good mood. So I want to tell you Dear Colleagues warm and kind words from the bottom of my heart. If someone has conceived plans, then may they be able to come true in the coming year of the Fire Rooster, in whose power there will be whole year... May luck and goodness never leave each of us, all the best and Happy New Year!

Dear friends, on such an important day for us, I would like to wish you to throw away everything bad and unnecessary from everyone's life. In the west, there is even such a sign that having thrown away everything old in the past year, it will be replaced with a new and better one. So let it be that way with us. Happy New Year!

The holiday is coming! Let us wish each other health, happiness, kindness and success, and let us throw resentments, lies and grief out of our hearts forever. Let only understanding, smiles and a warm friendly atmosphere surround us! And may all this always keep pace with us. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! Surely each of us knows that the brightest and most wonderful holiday is approaching, for which the whole country is preparing. Each of us is waiting for something new and better in the New Year, so let this best and new be much more pleasant than expected! Happy New Year everyone!

Is coming warm holiday, with whom I would like to wish everyone the fulfillment of all desires and ideas. Let all the bad be scattered and remain in the past, and with the new will come the new and intimate. Let everyone just rejoice and delight their relatives, loved ones and friends. After all, kindness is the greatest joy in our life! Let everyone give each other at least a piece of warmth in the New Year! Happiness and joy to you, dear colleagues!

Friends! A magical, wonderful day is coming. We have all been waiting for this holiday for a whole year, and very soon it will come. May the New Year step into the hearts of each of us with good luck, kindness and a smile. And will only bring good and happy Days for our life. Let everyone's dreams come true, and all grievances will never be remembered again! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone! On a day like this, I want to share festive mood, warm and kind words and wishes. So, of course, I wish everyone to have good health, prosperity in the house and let only good and joyful things always come true! Happy 2017 year everyone!

Happy New Year, I would like to wish each of us good mood, good health, a peaceful sky above your head. Let the old outgoing year take all the negativity and bad events with it and never return it again, and the New Year will endow everyone's life with only prosperity and joy. Let all the desires conceived come true. Happy new year friends!

New 2017 is approaching, which brings with it a lot of new and unknown. So on this beautiful day I want to wish that this unknown was only kind and beautiful. So that there are no grief and tears, but only joy and kindness. All who strive for cherished dreams, let the path be not difficult. All who have already achieved success, let them consolidate it in the coming year, and next year they will begin to comprehend higher and better goals. Happy New Year everyone and be happy!

Even more interesting new year greetings in poetry for colleagues, take your pick.

The best official congratulations on the New Year 2017 - the year of the Fire Rooster for colleagues, subordinates, partners and bosses.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Please accept the most sincere and sincere congratulations Happy New Year 2017!

May it bring joy, new impressions, hope and optimism.

Let it be different: bright and cheerful, romantic and dreamy, successful and purposeful.

Let the arrival of this year be met with the dearest and closest people.

May the New 2017 be great opportunity continue their successful endeavors and a great chance for those who decided to start all over again.

Let the sad and woeful moments go into the past, and the best and pleasant memories all their lives they warm the soul with gentle warmth.

Let the old grievances be forgotten, opening the way for new friendship and love.

Let your desires come true, your favorite work brings satisfaction, new knowledge and achievements.

Let the stars shine brighter, and the sun illuminate the path full of bright hopes, joyful events, peace and travel.

May each person find this year their own happiness, family harmony and home comfort.

Long live the New Year 2017, and may it bring us only goodness and light!

Happy New Year 2017!

This very magical holiday in the year, I would like to wish first of all the fulfillment of desires.

After all, on what other holiday we so sincerely believe in miracles and magic.

May the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, happy meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, business successful, and minor troubles.

Let your house be full of friends, love, smiles and warmth!

Let all your plans come true, health will not let you down, and loved ones will always be there!

Happy New Year!

When making plans for the coming year, we always hope for the best, dream and make wishes.

I would like to wish that everything that you wished and made for the New Year came true!

So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, that luck will accompany you in business, so that love surrounds and fills you and your home.

So that bad weather passes by, and the sun always shines overhead, warming and giving a good mood.

May this year be full of fulfilled hopes, fulfilled dreams, achieved goals and pleasant discoveries!

Happy New Year 2017 to you all!

Ladies and Gentlemen! On the eve of the New Year 2017, I would like to wish all the best. Let the coming year be full of new discoveries, useful and pleasant acquaintances, bring you self-confidence, strength of mind and health in the body and, of course, the achievement of your goals!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the keys to the success of our cooperation! Congratulations on the New Year 2017! May the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success!

Dear friends, dear Colleagues, 2016 turned out to be a difficult year, but together, being a strong team, we were able to cope with problems and impressive crises. On the eve of the holiday, I would like to wish you to observe the popular New Year's tradition: throw away all unnecessary from your life. Get rid of negative emotions, from small troubles, from quarrels with loved ones, and the world will turn to you a completely different side.

Continue to confidently go towards your goals, implement original ideas, do your job with skill and love, because then going to the service every day will be much more pleasant! And don't forget that Fiery rooster patronizes the strong and courageous, those people who know how to selflessly work for the result!

I sincerely want to congratulate all my colleagues with wonderful holiday Happy New Year 2017. May the year of the Rooster bring you joy, health, great happiness and family well-being. Let your material well-being only improve, and our team flourishes, grows stronger and develops creatively.

New Year is a little magic that both children and adults are waiting for. Everyone wants to believe that a miracle will happen on this festive night, and the coming 12 months will bring only the best.

If Santa Claus takes care of gifts and surprises, then each of us should pick up beautiful New Year greetings to guests or owners of the house, loved ones or colleagues. In order for all wishes to come true, it is necessary to add sincerity, kindness and faith to the spoken words.

I wish the mischievous Monkey to bring to your house festive atmosphere, funny laugh and good luck. May the reasons for joy, health and wonderful mood not be excised in the coming year!


Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the coming 2016! Enter the New Year as in new life which is full of many pleasant surprises and luxury gifts... I wish you a fun celebration with the closest people and never part with them. Let be cherished dreams will come true, and prosperity and love will come to your home!

On the threshold of the New Year,
The clock strikes twelve!
Let this bright a year will pass,
As in the holidays fireworks!

I wish you do not know the bitter troubles
To live happily always
Step forward confidently
And in the rain and in the cold!
May the long-awaited Santa Claus
Will not be deprived of attention
And he will make everything come true
Whatever you wish!

How funny bright holiday,
What a Happy New Year!
He's in this snowy winter evening
It will save you from troubles, sorrows!
Let only joy await
A smile shines in my eyes
May all that was expected come true
What have you dreamed about in your dreams!

Congratulations on the New Year! I wish it to bring comfort to your home, to give you good health and success in all future endeavors! May everything come true, even the wildest dreams!

Congratulations on the coming year of the Monkey! Let her be a talisman in the New Year, and help to overcome all difficulties! We wish you cute presents and pleasant surprises were presented to you not only in new year's eve, but also haunted you all 12 months!

Happy New Year! Let there be time for family and friends during 2016! I wish that health and wallet do not let you down on the way to conquering new heights. Strength, energy, joy and fun!

Be healthy and happy in the New Year! Let love always live in your heart, a smile bloom on your lips, and finances do not dry out in your pocket!

Restless Monkey will definitely bring you energy and strength to implement all plans. May the house always be full of guests children's laughter and prosperity. At work, let it be possible to find mutual language with colleagues and superiors, and in personal life does not leave real happiness!

Happy New Year! May every day 2016 be filled with love, joy and fun. We wish that this hospitable house will never be deprived of prosperity and comfort, and the heart of its owners - tenderness and feelings. Be happy, successful and healthy!

To winter holiday got warmer, it should be flavored with a good portion beautiful congratulations Happy New Year! Find the best wishes in poetic form and prose for their loved ones and relatives. Nobody will remain indifferent to sincere congratulations.

Official New Year's greetings, always had an even greater status than usual congratulations Happy New Year. Therefore, in this collection we decided to collect just such congratulations that will help you not only congratulate the addressee on the upcoming holiday, but also give this day even more meaning and status than usual. Use our selection, and congratulate your family, friends and colleagues with beautiful, original congratulations on the New Year in prose!


Today we are happy to part with the outgoing year. Let all the negative moments that we have experienced remain in the past. New achievements and unforgettable impressions are ahead! Let's make a New Year's Eve together innermost desires... Happy Holidays!


New Year is the beginning of joyful events, new exciting stories. This is the most fabulous holiday in the world, which gives faith in a real miracle! I wish you in the new year the fulfillment of cherished desires, magical mood, strength, energy and real human happiness! Happy New Year!


New Year is wonderful unforgettable holiday sincere triumph! Let everything that was conceived come true under the chimes, and the desired come true. I wish the magic of New Year's Eve to touch each of us and make everyone happier! New hopes, new aspirations and new life for you in the new year!


May all the achievements of the outgoing year multiply in the coming new year, and let disappointments and sorrows forever remain in the past. Let your home be filled with well-being, freshness frosty days will clear your thoughts, and the Christmas angels will hear all your wishes and will certainly fulfill them!


May the New Year give everyone, without exception, a comprehensive feeling of the long-awaited holiday! I wish you good spirits, positive ideas, excellent health and immense happiness! Let faith in the best be a faithful companion on the way to your accomplishments! Wish you new discoveries and achievements in the new year!


New Year is knocking on your door! Sparkling colorful balloons, showered with confetti, decorated Christmas decorations and serpentine ... Open the door for him as a dear guest, so that he will bring you a lot of joy and miracles! Meet him with a smile to make all your dreams come true! I wish you happiness in the New Year!


Champagne sparkles, and the world is filled with expectation of miracles and magic. On this beautiful New Year's Eve, guess the most cherished desire, and it will definitely come true! May your life in the new year be the same as this champagne - exciting, sparkling and overflowing! Happiness to you in the new year!


Adults and children know, every person on our planet knows that New Year's Eve is the most magical, magical night. This is the time for the fulfillment of cherished desires. My wish is simple - for you to be the happiest in the whole world! Happy new year, dear ones!


On New Year's Eve, under the magic chiming clock, you make a wish. There is a legend, it will surely come true if you make a guess from pure heart, with faith in your soul! And then fate will do everything to make wishes come true, and dreams come true! Happy New Year!


On New Year's Eve, with the chimes, everything around suddenly dies down. In a minute to explode with cheerful laughter, sparkling Champagne and colorful fireworks - the traditional attributes of the New Year. Let life be agitated and overflowing! Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! It's not for nothing that miracles happen, you just have to imagine a fairy tale for a moment - and hello! New Year comes to the house, but not one, but with many happy holidays! May they pass happily and joyfully, like all life!