Ingrown nail complications. How to treat ingrown nail on the thumb at home. Ingrown nail on the thumb

When the nail slows down into the skin, its corners begin to crash into the skin of the finger, causing swelling, pain and redness. The medical term onihokriptosis is not familiar with everyone, but ingrown nail - it is already familiar and understandable to many. Most often, the nails are growing on large fingers, but in general it can happen on any other finger, both on the legs and on your hands. As a rule, the ingrown nail is easily treatable. However, the recovery process can be very painful. If you have an ingraded nail, you can use home tools to reduce pain. If the pain is very strong or you notice the deterioration of symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.


Diagnose Ingrown Nailing

    Look at your finger, determine if there is a swelling on the finger. The most common feature and a symptom of an ingrown nail is swelling in the corner of the nail. Compare a finger with a thumb with your finger on a healthy leg. Most likely, you will notice the difference.

    Pay attention to the painful sensations. The skin around the nail is very painful. Take care of the area closely with a finger to determine the cause of soreness.

    • Nail rustling often leads to the appearance of pus.
  1. Inspect the nail. If you have an ingrown nail, then, most likely, you will notice the rotation of the edge of the nail to the surrounding skin or it will be difficult for you to find upper region nail.

    In the treatment, consider the presence of chronic diseases. As a rule, this disease is successfully treated at home. But if you have diabetes, you should not treat ingrown nail yourself. You must consult with your doctor.

    Consult your doctor. If you are not sure if you have an ingrown nail on your finger, consult your doctor. The doctor will not only diagnose, but also prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Do not allow the problem to be aggravated. If you think you have an ingrown nail, you need to immediately begin treatment. Otherwise, you risk aggravate the problem. The addition of infection is very often observed.

    Repeat the procedure daily. Thanks to this you can cure ingrown nail. As healing, pain from the ingrown nail will become less and the swelling will fall.

    • Change gauze bandage daily. Thanks to this, you warn the appearance of infection.

Contact professional help

  1. Contact medical attention if three days of treatment at home turned out to be unsuccessful. If your home treatments do not bring results within three days, please contact your doctor.

    • If you notice the red stripes that depart from your patient, you must immediately consult a doctor. This is a sign of a strong infection.
  2. Tell the doctor about your symptoms. Your doctor learns from you when you noticed an ingrown nail when inflammation began, my finger turned red, and a swelling appeared. In addition, the doctor will ask you if there are other symptoms, for example, heat. Mention all the symptoms.

    Get a recipe for antibiotics. If infection has occurred, your doctor can assign you an antibiotic for local or internal application. Thanks to this, you will reduce the spread of infection.

  3. Let the doctor try to raise your nail. Your doctor will strive to apply the least invasive proceduresTo lift nail from the skin. If he can do it, then, most likely, he will lay a piece of gauze or bandage under the nail.

    • Your doctor will give you clear instructions How to change the bandage every day. Follow these instructions and you will see a positive result.

When the nail starts to grow into soft fabrics Finger (nail roller), a disease is developing, which in medicine is name - onychokriptosis. Ingrown nail It appears more often on the thumbs of the foot, delivers discomfort and pain, can cause purulent inflammation, infection and leaning tissues. The later the treatment has begun, the radical will be therapeutic measures, up to the amputation of the finger. We will look at why there is an ingrown nail, which symptoms it is accompanied and how to get rid of this disease.

Causes of the ingrown nail

Self frequent reasons Ingrown nail banal and predictable, but avoid them in everyday life It does not always work. Such reasons include:

  • incorrect care of the nail plate;
  • wearing uncomfortable close shoes;
  • flatfoot;
  • congenital or acquired foot deformation;
  • fungal lesions nail plate (onichomykosis);
  • injuries;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • overweight;
  • metabolic disorders in tissues, insufficient blood supply and swelling of the legs.

Considering diseases may aggravate the situation, for example, diabetes mellitus, illiterate use of methods folk Medicine For the treatment of this disease and reluctance to seek help from a specialist.

Healthy nurse can grow into an increased nail roller on the finger on one, two sides, or in the front edge, or in healthy, the nail plate is rotated in the healthy finger tissue, deformed by different reasons. This disease amazes most often thumbs Feet: one or immediately both. But there are cases when onychokriptosis applies to all fingers of legs or fingers. The reasons of the nail rustling on the fingers are:

  • injuries;
  • incorrect cutting nail plate;
  • excess calcium in the blood;
  • insufficient blood supply to the nail bed;
  • fungal lesions of nails.


Ingrown nail can flow into several stages, each of which is inherent in their symptoms:

Stages: Description of symptoms: Photo
1 In the first stage of the fabric around the nail swell and change the color, there is a light or intensive redness, and then the sonyusiness. The constant pressure of the nail plate on the fabric causes dull painwhich first felt only when pressed on a painful area, when walking and dressing shoes, and then becomes constant.
2 For the second stage, the beginning of the infectious process is characterized. In the inflammation sites begins the purulent process. Pain can become pulsating, and the temperature in this area rises, the finger can be hot.
3 In the third stage, an ingrown nail can be distinguished by appearance. In the grounds of contact and the introduction of the nail plate into the skin, volumetric tubercles are formed - the sedimentation areas of the connective tissue, which were called "wild meat". These grows do not perform any function. At this stage, the process goes into chronic formwhich cured is much harder. Periodic recurrences are accompanied by the formation of open ulcers and purulent inflammation.

The symptoms with an ingrown nail are so obvious and understandable that the diagnosis and determination of the disease stage does not represent much difficult.

Possible complications

At an early stage, to treat an ingrown nail is possible, subject to the recommendations of the surgeon's doctor, competent cutting the nail, hygiene compliance. The transition of the first stage of illness in the second and third is already a complication. Treat it is much more difficult, especially if the patient has accompanying illnesses Or strongly reduced immunity. With diabetes mellitus possible complications Patients are confronted already at the first stage of the nail rustling.

When developing inflammation due to the rustling of the nail in the skin, wearing ordinary shoes becomes impossible. Any movement, walking cause severe pain. For patients with circulatory disorders and metabolism, such processes are the greatest danger, since the risk of gangrene is increasing. An unpleasant result of the disease can be the lesion of bone tissue. Purulent inflammation Fallen Falanga is one of the dangerous consequences of the disease.

If the skin is inserted into the skin, and the treatment did not follow, parania, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, abscess or gangrene can develop. With such lesions of the tissues, operational intervention is necessary. The radical measure itself is amputation. Depending on the degree of propagation of infection, the patient can lose one or more fingers, the whole foot or even limbs.

What to do if an ingrown nail appeared?

1. on early stages There are conservative treatment. If possible, you need to limit the movement and change shoes on a freer and convenient. It is impossible to cut the nail too short. Cut the plate is necessary in a straight line without rounds (not cutting the corners).

2. If the ingrown nail is deformed, special brackets and plates are used to raise the edge of the nail plate (method of orpexia). This prevents her in skin Covers. Such a treatment technique is painless and efficient. Its action has some similarities with bite correction using braces.

3. To process inflamed and jointed sites, antiseptic agents can be applied, potassium permanganate solution, iodine, alcohol tincture Calendula, Levomikol, Ichtio Ointment and Ointment Vishnevsky, after consulting with the doctor.

4. When the cause of an ingrown nail is fungal defeat Nail, then it is necessary to treat Mikosa, elimination of the root cause of the disease - this is the main task. In some cases, additional research is carried out: general analysis blood, X-ray of the foot, etc. This allows you to identify the degree of propagation of infection, the depth of tissue damage and determine the further tactics of treatment.

5. Sometimes to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, it is enough to spill a nail plate or make a groove in the center of the nail. This will reduce the rigidity and facilitates the arms and wearing shoes.

6. Treatment of onychokriptosis with a laser, radio waves or ultrasound is modern gentle methods for solving this problem. They allow you to cope with pathology for 1 session. The laser removes the surplus of soft tissues and the nail plate, and the slice location caves, which prevents further inflammation or suppuration and accelerates healing. After exposure to the radio waves on the growth point of the nail plate and an enlarged nail roller, it is necessary to process this section by antiseptic solution and the overlay of the bandage, which can be removed in approximately 3-4 days. The probability of recurrence is minimal.

7. Delete part (or the whole) nail plate, as well as climb climbing around it surgically. The patient make an anesthetic injection. Under the local anesthesia after the surface treatment with an antiseptic, extra fabrics are removed, and the bandage is superimposed. After operational intervention The recovery period lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. But after healing, the nail can go to the skin again. What method of all used to treat the ingrown nail is most suitable for the patient, only a doctor can define.

Video about ingrown nail:

People with genetic predisposition and frequent recurrences of an ingrown nail should be observed prevention measures and start treatment in time to prevent development, progression and possible consequences this disease. Follow hygienic requirements, right pedicure and manicure, choice convenient footwear - These are simple and mandatory norms that can protect you from the rotation of the nail into the skin.

The problem of nailing nailing on the leg is very often treated in medical institutions. This disease is considered pathological processwhich is characterized by rustling of the nail plate into a soft fabric of the side roller. Most often happens on big finger. There may be such a problem on two legs at the same time.

The whole process is accompanied strong pain, inflammation and redness. Walking brings discomfort, especially if the shoes are closed.

Causes of the problem

The main reasons for which the nail plate begins to grow on the leg:

  • Incorrectly performed. When the angles are very rounded when cutting, then created excellent conditions For rustling. Also cut off the root contributes to the occurrence of problems.
  • Footwear, which squeezes her fingers. This factor often becomes the cause of such a problem. The nail is strongly pressed into the side rollers of soft tissues and the result is rustling.
  • After the injury in the finger.
  • Pathology Stop contribute to the development of such a disease. It may even be flatfoot.
  • If a person has pathology endocrine systemThe development of the nail plate is also possible.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by a violation of blood microcirculation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Heredity.
  • As the consequences of fungal diseases of the feet.
  • Anomaly nail bed.
  • Long load. For example, it may be a lesson for the sport, in which the load goes to the feet (basketball, football, volleyball, etc.).

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of the disease are considered:

  • Strong pain in the nail roller on the other side where it starts to speed the nail. It is constant and enhanced when walking, especially if shoes with a closed toe.
  • At the site of rotation appear ulcers, which arise as a result of injury.
  • The soft fabric of the finger becomes swollen, red, pulsating pain appear. This means that infection has joined. Purulent allocations may also appear.
  • If the disease has long been disturbed, then the result is deformation and thickening of the nail plate. She can also be shortened. Olegation and fitting of the soft tissue of the finger appear.

Stages of the disease

There are three stages of this disease. They depend on the depth of rotation of the nail plate and from general defeat finger:

  • 1 stage. It is characterized by hyperemia and pulsating pain in the finger in the zone where the process itself occurs.
  • 2 stage. At this stage, the nail plate, crashed into a soft fabric, forms a wound. In this case, the infection of the fungal, kokkkkka or other flora is infected, as a result of which the suppuration is formed.
  • 3 stage. After the drainage of the wound, the wound begins to be covered with a granular tissue. Inflammation begins to serve and recovery. If the turmolation occurs further, the disease becomes chronic. In this case, there is no talk about any complete recovery, because the relapse occurs very quickly.

If the patient suffers from diabetes mellitus, trophic ulcers, then he has all the stages of the nail rustling flow quickly. In such cases, for help you need to apply immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

Inflammation and suppuration

If the situation started and the finger inflamed, and also began to stand out for the PNI, then for treatment you can use ointments. In such cases, the ointment of Vishnevsky helps very well. She can pull the pus when inflammation, which, in turn, helps to get rid of infection.

It is necessary to take a bandage or a vaccine, apply ointment on it and attach to the sore thumb. Be sure to fix! These bulls are best to do before night sleep so that the leg is in calm state. I remove the dressing in the morning, you need to try to cut a problem nail and attach new Watu. With ointment.

If the sensations are very painful, purulent allocations increase, then it is necessary to contact the doctor for further treatment.

Methods of treatment

Surgical method

There are cases when deliverance from problem nail It will be the most correct option. There is a partial or full removal. If the rotation is small, and the situation is accompanied by a rather pronounced thickening of the nail roller, then some part of the soft tissue or part of the nail plate, which has been thrown, is removed.

After such a procedure, inflammation is minimized or disappears at all. A few months after such surgical intervention, the nail plate is completely growing, and its form acquires the right form.

In cases where purulent releases appear from under the nail, or the plate is strongly deformed, it is necessary to completely delete it. Very often, as a result of such an operation, damage is damaged to the nail zone. This becomes the reason that the nail plate, which will grow, will incorrect form.

Statistics show that in most cases the surgical method of treatment does not lead to complete recovery. The disease is returned.

Laser method

This treatment is considered less painful and gives the best effect. Essence laser method: Remove the ingrown part of the nail along with its spacious area. In the process of removal, inflammation is neutralized, which was formed using a laser. After completing this procedure, the relapse is unlikely, because the remote edge of the nail does not grow anymore.

This method of treatment is worth using when the disease is accompanied by a fungal infection, because the laser is able to kill all disputes. After the procedure performed by the doctor, various antifungal agents are appointed (ointment, tablets).

Conservative method

This method implies the establishment of various devices on the nail plate, which contribute to alignment. Use a plastic or metal plate, bracket, spring. They are small sizes, so do not affect the lifestyle. You can wear the usual shoes, play sports. There are also no contraindications for nail staining with varnish.

This method of treatment implies not only alignment. And the simultaneous removal of pain, inflammatory process on the finger. After all, the pressure on the soft fabric is removed, and it can be calmly recovered.

Radio wave method

This method is one of the modern and is considered to be the most effective in the treatment of such a disease. He decides main problemNone of the previous ways cannot solve - this is the lack of recurrence of the disease.

Such a procedure is carried out using local anesthesia. The process lasts about 5 minutes and does not require inpatient stay. An important advantage It is also believed that this method can be used at all stages of the disease.

The essence of the method: A growing part of the nail and a radio wave is treated with a spank zone and a nail matrix. If necessary, the growths on the tissues are also deleted. At the end of the procedure itself on sick place impose an antiseptic bandage.

After treatment, the patient must ensure dry dressings. Complete recovery occurs after just a week, but it happens faster. All this period, the dressing can be changed independently or in medical institution. Change is produced 2-4 times.

Folk ways of treatment

The problem of nail rustling often causes a patient with fear of medical institutions and pushes the use of folk methods. But it is important to know that they give the result only on initial stages Diseases. Folk remedies in such cases are used at least two weeks until the nail will occupy on that length at which it can be cut off.

There are such folk treatments:

  1. Application of SA butter. If on the sore thumb daily to apply a vaccine moistened with butter, then after 2-3 days the pain will begin to come. After all, such a compress contributes to the softening of the skin around the nail. Well in front of such a dressing to make foot baths that help to unpack the skin. Procedures carry out 2 weeks.
  2. Baths with addition castor Oil. It is considered one of the old ways to treat this disease. It takes 3 liters of water and 100 ml of castor oil and a glass of sea salt is added to it. Water is a bit heat until the salt is dissolved. Apply such baths for several weeks. Using castor oil, deformed nails take the right view.
  3. Use aloe. It is necessary to take a sheet of aloe, the magnitude of which will coincide with the size of the patient's finger, divide in half and throw boiling water. Then applied for the night by fixing the bandage. You can make mashed potatoes with aloe, racing it on the grater, and also apply to the nail. With the help of such procedures, the skin softened, and also combating infections.
  4. Using onion and honey. The onion is rubbed on the grater and add 1 tbsp. l. Honey. The mixture is covered in the bandage and applied to the patient. Before this is better to make a sparking bath. Compresses apply overnight. This method of treatment is good when pus is already beginning to form on the wound.
  5. Lemon and vegetable oil. In terms of grate, grate the zest and add a few drops of oil. The mixture is shifted into the bandage and fix on the sore of the finger. Before that you need to do soda bath. In the morning, remove the dressing and under the nail to put your cotton swab. When the nail steps, the finger must be treated with iodine so that the suppuration is not formed.
  6. Apply pumpkin. Pumpkin omit in boiling water, after which it is crushed on the grater. Making compresses for about 4 hours. This method can be used when the suppuration has not yet been formed.
  7. Compresses using baranal sala. Before using Sala, attach a piece to it economic Soap. It will help soften the nail even more. The dressing must be inspired by wrapped it with cotton. You can also wear woolen sock. Suppose the compress for about 5 hours. The procedure is best done after the bath and for two weeks.


It is impossible to influence heredity that causes the disease. But holds the following recommendations, You can prevent the nail rustling on the leg:

  1. Proper nail circumcision. When circumcised the angle should remain as direct as possible. It is impossible to make a deeply cut.
  2. Foot constantly keep clean.
  3. Properly pick up shoes. It should be comfortable, not to squeeze your fingers, do not grey the leg. Also the cause of the nail rustling can be high heel.
  4. In the event of fungal lesions, stop conduct timely treatment.

If you stick to the elementary rules that will help prevent the rotation of the nail plate into a soft finger tissue, then you can not worry about the appearance of such a problem.

With the problem of an ingrown nail, you can cope even at home if you get rid of possible causes Its occurrence and regularly apply folk treatments.

Rustling of the nail is a disease in which its side edge is driving into the skin. Ingrown nail requires treatment in a cosmetology office or at home.

Causes of nail rustling

Causes of rustling can be different:

  • Giving the nail of the wrong shape. Usually arises with a non-professional execution of a pedicure.
  • Uncomfortable shoes. It can be cramped, too wide or deliver discomfort.
  • Sharp weight change. Such situations often occur during pregnancy or the use of various diets.
    Predisposition from birth.
  • Various diseases of the legs. For example, with flatfoot, the occurrence of the fungus nails begin to grow incorrectly, and crashed into the skin.

As you can see, there are many reasons for the occurrence of the disease, but the symptoms are always the same.

Symptoms of the disease

Ingrown nail has characteristic symptoms. First of all on the skin manifest eveniness, soreness and redness.

If you try to put pressure on the affected place, then you will feel pain.

Most often, the disease occurs on the thumb, so when wearing a closed, especially model, shoes, pain and discomfort will be felt.

If an infection is joined to the problem, then the skin can not only root, but also fastened.

If the disease arose a background of other diseases, in particular circulatory disorders in the limbs, sugar diabetesThe infection can penetrate other fabrics, bone and even hit the foot.

Therefore, the phenomenon should not be ignored.

Stages of the disease

In total, 3 stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • 1 stage.
    On the skin there is a small redness, swelling appears and with pressure on the finger there is pain.
  • 2 stage.
    There is infection and inflammation. Part of the nail plate, which has thrown, becomes like foreign body, from under it begins to stand out.
  • 3 stage.
    In the area of \u200b\u200brustling, granulation tissue begins to form. Inflammation passes into the chronic stage and is allowed to be fixed on the skin.

Despite frequent statements that you can get rid of this disease using surgical interventionsThe treatment of an ingrown nail is possible without surgery, moreover, it is possible at home.

Recipes from traditional medicine

If you are growing nail, refer to alternative medicine. Folk wisdom Saved a lot of recipes that allow you to get rid of the illness. However treatment folk remedies does not give instant results, and ingrown nail requires special accuracy with any manipulations with it. Conditional medical procedure can be divided into 2 stages:

  • Stage 1.
    We first work to soften the edge of the nail. This we remove pain, swelling, inflammation and discomfort, which is experiencing a person.
  • Stage 2.
    We remove the nail from under the skin and adjust it with the help of scissors. Soon he will begin to grow as it should be.
    Next, we present to you specific advice, allowing to effectively treat ingrown nail.

Bath for foot

If you have the first stage of the disease, you can use labozzles for legs from warm water.

Add a little to it food Soda And the pinch of mangartee. After the bath, the nail must do carefully.

If you do a procedure 3 times a day to 15-20 minutes, you will soon be able to cure this disease.

Treatment of an ingrown nail leaves Aloe

An ingrown nail can be removed using aloe: bring out the edge of the nail plate and over time to wean it to crash into the skin. However, the procedure can take up to 6 months, so it is necessary to gain patience and perseverance.
You can use 2 meal treatment options:

  • 1 option.
    To grind a sheet of aloe and dilute it with warm water.
  • Option 2

    Cut the sheet along and then warm over the fire.

Next, lay the sheets on a piece of fabric and tap finger. From above it is desirable to cover with a cellophane film so that it gets and forced the pores to expand. It is advisable to do it before bedtime, as it is necessary to keep the compress all night.

Ointment from an ingrown nail

The ointment of Vishnevsky or the people of Ithyolka - excellent For treatment. It can be used not only in the initial stages, but even when purulent discharge.

To cure an ingrown nail on your hand or leg, you need to smear it with ointment, and then bandage and leave for the night. For better effect, it is recommended to slaughter with polyethylene and put on a glove or sock.

In the morning, open the bandage carefully and try to trim the nail. Then spread ichthyolen again and tap.

Bath salt

Once a day, for 20 minutes, soak your feet in a hot bath with salt. Water should be hot enough, but not boiling to not get a burn.

Thanks hot water The skin on the legs will become softer, and inflammatory processes And the swelling perfectly removes salt.

If you add some soda to the solution, you will get an excellent antiseptic effect and kill all microbes.
It is best to use sea salt - It has a huge amount useful substancesthat will feed the skin with the useful substances.

Water with soap foam

Highly good popular method from the ingrown nail is soaking legs in warm water. You can use a special bath foam or add powder to water that forms a good foam.
For the bath to hover the foot, you will be enough 2-3 spoons of powder. It is necessary to hold the legs for 15-20 minutes, after which the feet must be keenly dried. Then cut the edge of the nail and remove it with your wool, so as not to enter the infection.

The procedure must be performed every day until the problem disappears.

In order to finger Better heatured, try as you can walking more barefoot. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you need to wear shoes, which will have a wide sock and fingers will feel free.
Also socks should be soft and not to shoot the feet.

Ice on an ingrown nail

This procedure is applied after warm baths. When the leg is sparkling, attach ice to the affected place. It is necessary to keep it about 4 minutes so that the finger is completely numb from the cold. Then do trust the nail and apply ice again.

Do not forget to apply a disinfecting agent after the procedure, at least the hydrogen peroxide.

It is advisable to spend a session with ice every day.

Tea mushroom

This plant is capable of softening the nail. Tea mushroom separated by layers and wind the necessary finger, as well as the zone around it. Next mushroom must be covered with film and put on the leg warm sock, or even better - two.

The mushroom acts for 2-3 days, and then it can be removed and try to cut the nail.

Soda mortar

Soda is an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, so it is often used if necessary to remove the ingrown nail.

To remove edema, redness and suppuration, make the next bath.

Soda must be quite a bit - on a 3-liter water can only 1 spoon. In such a solution, it is necessary to hold the legs about a quarter of an hour, and then try to bring nail from under the skin. It is necessary to do it very carefully, because the skin in the affected area is very sensitive. You can do it toothpick, or even a piece of elastic paper or plastic. Tie them to your finger and leave overnight.

The procedure must be carried out for a month. Over time, you get rid of this ailment.


A good effect from the treatment of an ingrown nail give compresses from butter, which always finds at home.

Cover the entire nail to the creamy oil, the layer of which should be about 6 cm. On the finger put on the attack, and then the sock. Since it is necessary to keep the oil approximately 6-7 hours, it is best to do such a procedure before bedtime. Outlook well wash your finger and try to get off the nail. The first time may not work, but by conducting the procedure daily, with time you get rid of the problem.

Honey with bow

Treatment of an ingrown nail without surgery is possible according to the following recipe. To begin with, hold the finger in Soda, which will make it softer and kill infection. Then grind onions, mix it with honey and apply to the affected area. Top to rembate, cover with polyethylene and leave overnight.
It will be more elastic on the morning and you can try to bring it out.

Luggage quasans

With an ingrown nail, burning alum helps well. They need to sprinkle wild meat. Komasians do not cause burning and pain, all treatment occurs almost without any sensations. However, the result is visible in a few days.

If the skin was too inflamed, then it will appear a black crust that cannot be touched. Over time, the meat will dry and fall off.

How to prevent nail rustling

When the nail rotes in the nail roller, it first appears redness, and then swelling, pain, discomfort, and possibly suppuration. But 100% will not protect ourselves from the problem, but you can reduce the risk of its occurrence.

First of all, it is necessary to carry out prevention, correctly crop your nails, as well as follow a special diet.

Prevention of nail rustling

To avoid the disease, it is necessary to follow only a few recommendations:

  • Wear suitable shoes when visiting public saunas, baths, pools, etc. to protect yourself from infections.
  • Shoes should not put pressure on the feet. It should be spacious, comfortable and well breathe.
  • Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene: every day wash your legs, make a massage of fingers and feet.
  • Use the leg cream in which Vitamin A.
  • If you do a pedicure at home, try not to cut the edge of the nail very deeply. From this he will start to grow stronger.

Diet for an ingrown nail

Proper nutrition has a great influence on our body, including on the rotation of the nail plate. In order to avoid similar phenomena, It should be eaten foods rich mineral composition. In particular, the organism needs a lot of iron, silicon, magnesium, zinc, sulfur. Mostly they are contained in usual products: fruits, especially bananas, nuts, tomatoes, radishes, fish, liver, broccoli, spinach, chicory.

The correct diet will allow not only to prevent, but also will help to effectively deal with a growing nail.

How to cut nails right

Highly important role In the prevention of the disease plays the professionalism of the pedicure. If the nails cut incorrectly, problems may arise. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to perform a pedicure:

  • Pay attention to the form. It should not be rounded, like on the fingers, because it leads to the rotation of the nail. The form must be made straight, with a slightly rounded corners.
  • Be sure to disinfect the tools that you will use. If you bring infection, the inflammation will begin, leading to very unpleasant consequences.
  • Before starting the procedure, you need to break the legs. Nails, especially with age, become coarse and more difficult to process. To give them right shapeIt is necessary to hold them for 5 minutes in warm water.
  • Choose right length nail. It should protect the skin of the finger from direct friction about shoes.

After the procedure, apply nutritious cream on your feet.

If you listen to our advice, you will conduct regular prevention and comply with personal hygiene rules, then you will not only be able to remove the ingrown nail - these diseases will never disturb you and you can enjoy the beauty of your feet.

Video on the topic: Ingrown nail and his treatment with folk methods

Ingrown nail can bring a lot of discomfort, both visual and physical. How can you heal this problem at home folk methodsAlso, their effectiveness can be viewed in the prepared video.

Ingrown nail is chronic illnessin which of various reasons There is an introduction of a growing nail plate into soft tissues of the side rollers of the finger. Exist various techniques conservative I. surgical treatment This disease, but at the initial stages, before the emergence of complications, it is possible to try to conduct treatment of an ingrown nail at home.

Most often the first "big" foot finger is affected. The disease occurs in several stages. It leads to discomfort and soreness when walking, and in the future - to inflammation of tissues, their redness, separation of light serous and blood flow, edema. The affected area can significantly increase in volume. With the subsequent accession of staphylococcal infection, suppuration and other (often serious) complications that require emergency occur medical care. Especially dangerous complications for people suffering from circulatory disorders in lower limbs and diabetes.

How to treat at home Ingrown nail on the leg

First of all, one of the ways both prevention and treatment of the disease is proper holding Pedicure, especially to pay attention to proper circumcision nail. Cut is necessary at the level of the top of soft finger tissues at a right angle to sidelights, slightly spinning or stepping the edges of the sawing so that no sharp corners remain. It is impossible to cut the nail plate too short.

If the soft cloths of the side roller hang over the sharp edge of the nail, but they are not inflamed, it is necessary to neatly, not traumating, to move them away and cut only the sharp corner of the nail plate. To facilitate care for increasing nail, you can use one of pharmacy, softening nail record:

  1. Nailinors - Nail Balsam. It is applied to the nail and the skin surrounding it according to the instructions daily 1-2 times a day.
  2. "Waiterma" is a water-emulsion ointment containing carbamide (urea). It has a keratolithic effect and slows down the formation of a horn layer, which reduces the pressure of an ingrown nail on the fabric. Ointment is used for 3-4 days before pedicure.
  3. "Nettymitsin" is applied for 3-4 days to nail only in the area of \u200b\u200bits rustling. Then after pre-sparking in soda solution It is cut off its softened area.
  4. Scholl is a liquid that should be applied 2 times a day for 1 week.

These funds not only facilitate the processing of the nail plate, but, softening it, contribute to the exit of the edges from under the tissues of the olock roller in the process of growth.

What looks like an ingrown nail

Treatment with inflammation

Processing your finger with threw nail and wear shoes are sometimes difficult due to pain. In these cases, a question arises than to anesthetically ingrown nail. The pain is mainly due to the emerging inflammatory phenomena, which are accompanied by an edema. Often, with a slight pressure on the roller, light, slightly bloody or purulent discharge can appear. Therefore, measures that reduce swelling and inflammation of tissues are needed to relieve pain and inflammation of tissues, which will also contribute to the prevention of complications.

At home, for this purpose, thermal procedures in the form of foot baths with antiseptic solutions should be carried out daily. As the latter, you can add to warm water Chlorhexidine solution, use weakly painted warm solutions of potassium mangartee-cancer, furaciline solutions, warm herbs (chamomile, calendula, peony, cleanliness, hunter, eucalyptus leaves) at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons of dry grass on 1 liter of water.

After foot bath You can try to cut only the sharp edge of the nail. At night, it is advisable to impose a bandage with an ointment or an emulsion containing antiseptics or antibiotics on the inflamed area containing antiseptics or antibiotics - a synthesis ointment. To reduce pain, antiseptic bandages can be used, but with a content of still lidocaine (local anesthetic). Inflamed, hanging over the nail, the edges of the rollers are gently shifted with a wand with a cotton wool or a dense tampon and bore a gauze flagery, pre-impregnated with ointment or emulsion composition.

With inflammation and swelling of tissues good effect (even in the presence of purulent discharges) Ointment of Vishnevsky or Levomikol. Outlet or emulsion dressings are superimposed for the night with a subsequent shift in the morning.

All of these procedures must be continued until the elimination of inflammatory phenomena.