Review of the best sprays for hair volume at the roots. Spray for hair volume at the roots: which one is better to choose - reviews of girls about different brands.

The beauty of a woman consists of many nuances, each of which develops in the daily and phased work over himself and his own image. But what is female beauty without a beautiful and voluminous hairstyle? Empty sound! This explains the fact that ladies, in order to increase the volume of hair, resort to momentary untested means that can harm curls and make them dull and lifeless. Therefore, we will listen to professionals, and we will take care of our hair correctly.

Means for hair volume at the roots

Many women have thick and heavy hair. But splendor cannot be achieved. This is one of the easiest problems to solve with little effort. Modern means hair care products are very effective in solving this kind of problem. To add volume to the hair at the roots, it is best to use a styling spray. The advantages of this tool can be listed as follows:

  • It can be evenly applied to all curls;
  • Spray dries quickly;
  • Works more actively wet hair;
  • Gives curls basal volume;
  • The styling lasts for quite a long time;
  • Possesses protective function to withstand adverse weather conditions.

For various types and groups of hair, different brands of sprays are used.

But there are those that are suitable for women with any hair.

Volumizing products for fine hair

In the case of thin hair, the action of one spray for basal volume is not enough. A set of procedures is required, including the following means care for curls:

  • Shampoos for thin hair;
  • Balms;
  • Powder to give volume to thin curls;
  • Caring masks.

On the labels of all products that you use, the inscription "volume" must be present. This applies to both professional and products that you buy yourself in stores and use daily.

It is worth warning that the products that are in a large assortment on the shelves of modern cosmetics stores contain silicone at their core. This component gives momentary volume, but makes the curls get dirty very quickly and take on the appearance of unwashed and untidy. As a result, women are forced to wash their hair daily, which negatively affects the structure and quality of hair, and besides, it is extremely inconvenient.

In professional products for restoring hair volume, instead of silicone, manufacturers use protein and keratin. It is they who help to add volume to thin hair, without causing significant harm to them, and will add extra shine. Women who use to add volume to fine hair do not need to wash their hair often, and styling is maintained for a long time.

If you use a complex of hair care products, try to choose them from the same line of manufacturers.

it important condition correct and safe application cosmetic preparations. Choose among them those that indicate "for volume."

Lamination will help to increase the thickness of the hair. This procedure is done by specialists using special tools. The meaning of the procedure lies in the fact that each hair is wrapped in a protective capsule, which prevents the evaporation of moisture, protects against negative impact thermal and chemicals for hair care. At the same time, the film has the property of passing air. After laminating the hair, it is advisable to wash your hair with a shampoo that gently affects the hair. These can be preparations based on ceramides and herbs. especially rich nutrients for laminated hair funds on a decoction of blue sweet clover seeds.

To increase the volume of thin hair, products are great, among the components of which there are oligoelements. Radical volume of such hair can be given with the help of special mousse. After that, spray your hair with a fixative spray designed for use with the same type of hair.

  • Preparations for strong fixation of hair. They glue weak hair, which not only does not increase the volume of the hairstyle, but also significantly worsens their appearance;
  • The use of special wax for hair. It envelops the rod with an impenetrable dense capsule, which only makes the curls heavier;
  • Do not style hair with gel. He tangles his hair, giving it an untidy look;
  • The use of potent chemicals for curling hair is excluded;
  • Too short haircuts are contraindicated.

The best products for hair volume - dry shampoo

One of the most affordable and easy ways to increase hair volume is dry shampoo. special purpose. This tool will be an innovation for many women. However, it is it that can save them from the problems associated with increasing the volume of the hairstyle. The action of dry shampoo is aimed at eliminating impurities and increasing the volume of curls.

Specialized shampoo is convenient to use in the following situations:

  • Traveling;
  • To remove traces of others cosmetics- gels, varnishes, mousses;
  • In case of bold type hair, a means to extend the time of freshness and purity of curls;
  • If a person has to (during illness) stay in bed for a long time, shampoo is indispensable;
  • For men who spend a lot of time at work and do not have time to wash their hair from time to time.

The process of using dry shampoo is very simple:

  • Shake the closed container several times;
  • Remove the cap and spray its contents on the hair;
  • You need to spray from a short distance, first on the roots;
  • Massage your head well in circular motions;
  • Then spray on the remaining hair and;
  • Carefully comb the curls, simultaneously giving them the desired volume with your fingers.

They work especially well for oily hair types. The tool helps to restore them matte shade, cleanses impurities not only from the hair, but also from the epidermis.

How to increase hair volume without the help of stylists

Every woman knows the means by which you can increase the volume of your hair yourself. Among them are mousses, foams, varnishes, gels, etc. Mousse is applied to the base of the hair, and the curls are tousled, distributed through the hair. Some women, before applying the mousse, comb the hair from the back of the head to the forehead and, after using the product, straighten it along the hair growth. Then the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

However, the choice of hair care products remains a problem. In order not to harm the hair and get desired effect, make sure that the composition of the product must include groups E, B, Retinol. They contribute not only to the nutrition of curls, but also to a steady additional volume. However, do not forget about the means traditional medicine. Moreover, it is very easy to use them.

on the Internet and women's magazines There are many recipes that will help you take care of your hair without causing any harm to it. The most common remedy for adding volume to curls is black bread. It is soaked in water room temperature, triturated into gruel and applied to the scalp and roots of the hair shafts. This procedure is for daily use. It nourishes weakened hair, makes them bright and silky.

In addition, masks and compresses with essential oils and natural products did not come up yesterday. These hair care products have been used by women for centuries. At the same time, they had chic braids, beautiful long and thick curls.

Proven haircuts for volume different types hair

  1. Haircuts for thin hair.

Fine hair is a must good haircut. It is better if a hairdresser advises you, but for this type of hair, haircuts are preferred middle length. It is better to make the contours of the hairstyle torn, this will give. You need to update the haircut at least once every one and a half months. Best for this type of hair suitable haircut"Bean". It perfectly increases the volume of the hairstyle, and is currently popular with fashionistas.

  1. Haircuts for medium length and very long hair.

Long curls thin type themselves appear to be flattened. Therefore, if you do not want to part with the length of your hair, but want to acquire visual volume, cut it so that the length ends between the lower face and the tips of the earlobes.

  1. Short hair.

If you have short haircut, pick up a new one of this type so that the curls lie in a cascade (steps). Layering will give an impressive volume, which can be further increased with the help of hair styling products.

Another proven way to increase hair volume is to contact specialists. They will offer you professional lines of hair care products that will help not only increase their volume, but also give shine and well-groomed appearance.

One of the innovations for giving volume to the hairstyle is the extension of curls. The hairdresser will select the strands that match the length and color of your hair, and strengthen them at some distance from the root. This is done so as not to damage the bulb. Hair extended in this way can last up to six months. If you turn to a professional, they will make you quality hair that you can curl, style, color and bleach just like your own.

New and interesting way visually increase the volume of hair - do American highlighting. This is highlighting, as a result of which strands of several shades of the same color are obtained. This coloring looks especially good on brown hair. Without the help of a professional, you will not be able to do such highlighting. This is a complex process that not every hairdresser will undertake.

Ways to add volume to hair through proper styling

  1. When drying hair with a hair dryer, do not turn on the device for the maximum possible temperature regime. Hold the hair dryer at least 10-20 centimeters away from the surface of the hair. If you do not comply with these conditions, you run the risk of drying, and without that, thin hair and depriving them of their shine;
  2. Drying with a diffuser (tubes with small holes) will help to carefully care for curls. You will not burn your hair, and give them extra volume;
  3. To create curls, use hair dryer combs when drying.

Many women find that volumizing hairstyles suit them much more than smooth hairstyles. Modern fashion dictates the rules good manners: there should be a lot of hair, curls must be well-groomed.

How to reach best results with the eternal lack of time? How to breathe life into weakened strands that lie on the head without signs of life? This publication will shed light on these and other questions, which contains the best products for hair volume, even for girls with a very thin hair structure.


So, the rating opens the first hair product for volume - a corrugated curling iron. It looks like straightening irons, but the surface of the device is wavy. “Irons” with removable panels are sold, changing nozzles can both create smooth hairstyles and give hair insane volume.

When using in the morning (before work), or in the evening after washing your hair, you need to stab upper part hair, you don't need to touch it. You need to clamp the hair with forceps in those parts of the head where you would like to add volume. The strands become ribbed like waffles, this structure allows them to rise at the roots.

How long does the volume last?

How long will the volume last after this miracle curling iron? As much as you need, that is, until you wash your hair. Styling agent for hair volume can hardly boast of such properties. You can go to bed, and in the morning look so good that you don’t even have to comb your hair, your hair usually lies, strand to strand.


  • the longest lasting effect of volume from all means known today;
  • no additional chemical industry;
  • works even on the longest hair;
  • it is easy to achieve the effect on your own;
  • hair stays clean longer;
  • hairstyle looks natural;
  • hair remains soft;
  • fast;
  • cheap.


  • you can burn the strands;
  • it is desirable (but not necessary) to use thermal protection;
  • that's where the shortcomings end.

How to use a corrugated curling iron

To avoid damage to precious curls, you just need not to overexpose the hot device on your hair. It is enough to close the tongs at the roots of the hair for just a few seconds, so that the necessary waviness appears.

You can use the curling iron only on completely dry hair, otherwise the hot surface will draw all the moisture out of the curls, and the hair will no longer look healthy and well-groomed.

The tool is more than affordable, it is worth buying a styling device once and you no longer need to spend money on any auxiliary tools. Other root volume products will never be able to hold your hair that high.

Home mask for volume

Hair needs to be not only tamed with all sorts of stylers and curling irons, but also to maintain their health and beauty, this, of course, is best helped by homemade hair masks. Do you want to get thick, lush, voluminous hair? Then it is necessary to make sure that new hair begins to grow, and in the old, the structure becomes denser and thicker.

A mask for curls with mustard, made by hand from products from our kitchen, wonderfully adds basal volume, drying the scalp, and allows you to wash your hair less often. Burning components will help new hairs "come out."

mask recipe

The following ingredients are mixed in a bowl:

  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • two tablespoons of water (table);
  • two tablespoons of castor oil (burdock);
  • a large spoon with a mountain of dry mustard.

A mask is made before washing the head, aged from seven minutes to a quarter of an hour (it should not burn very much). After everything is thoroughly washed off with shampoo, do not forget to apply a purchased balm or mask to the length of the hair.

Mask benefits:

  • available components;
  • accelerated growth rate;
  • stable result in 1 month;
  • awakening dormant follicles;
  • just 10-15 minutes of exposure before washing;


  • three months later, repeat the course;
  • possible thermal burn (if overexposed);
  • can not be applied to the entire length, suitable only for the roots;
  • may not be suitable for too sensitive skin heads.

The frequency of the procedure is before each wash, and in a month you will not recognize the beauty in the mirror. Hair will become voluminous, will shine brightly, even dry ends will come to life.

Not everyone likes to carry out mechanical manipulations with hair, bother with the preparation of masks. Professional products for hair volume are now enjoying tremendous success. What the vaunted chemical beauty industry has not invented today, we will now analyze in more detail.

Powder Got 2b from Schwarzkopf

Progress has already reached the point that they came up with hair powder! And with the help of this tool for basal hair volume, you can easily create the desired hairstyle.

The effect of the product is felt instantly, as soon as you start to “powder” your head, the hair seems to move and bounce up. Move a little in the mop with your hands with whipping movements and the hairstyle is finally ready.


  • instant effect;
  • ease of execution;
  • dry shampoo function ;
  • mobility (you can always carry it with you in a small purse).


  • feeling of sticking;
  • electrification is possible;
  • won't lift long hair.

The powder precisely models the hairstyle, stubbornly raising the roots, but this is subject to the product only on shoulder-length hair, maybe a little lower. Visually, the effect of gluing will not be visible, only to the touch. Having removed the hat or raised it from the pillow, the hairstyle will flatten at the point of contact, but it is enough to move the strands at the roots and everything falls into place! Miracles!

Serum Schwarzkopf Professional OSiS Body Me

Professionals did a great job for our hair and created another "must-have". The serum was invented as a hair product for volume and Hollywood shine at the same time, you definitely won’t achieve such an effect from powder and foam.

It catches the eye unusual design tubes, it is round. In addition to good volume, the product also increases the density of the hair. In application, everything is simple, you just need to smear wet curls with serum and style your hair with a hairdryer.


  • shine;
  • hair smoothness;
  • long enough;
  • volume, volume, volume;
  • the hairstyle is pleasant to touch;
  • serum protects from hot hair dryer.


  • expensive;
  • effect until the evening;
  • the smell of the styling product.

Serum is not only a hair product for volume, it also prolongs the freshness of the hair, which is always welcomed by girls.

Whatever volumizing hair product you choose, there are a few clever tricks that will help in the fight for a dizzying volume of hair. Here are the tricks:

  • do not smear hair roots with balms;
  • make homemade masks to stimulate new hair growth;
  • “no” to hats, “yes” to hoods;
  • give preference to transparent shampoos, not creamy ones;
  • fight oily hair salt peeling, peppermint oil, etc.);
  • eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, this will help the hair stay in great shape, do not fall out, grow back.

We can say that these are no longer tricks, but rather good habits rooted in which you can finally be completely satisfied with your hair. In the information age, a woman can no longer put up with her thin strands, there is a solution! What hair volumizer do you prefer?

Kernox Volumizing Finish Spray by Egomania Professional Collection

Light spray for hair and scalp care: silk proteins thicken the hair, and water Dead Sea(saturated with minerals) normalizes the sebaceous glands. The tool allows hair to last longer fresh look. The fragrance of the spray is quite bright, but after drying it becomes less noticeable.

Volu Hair Mist by Davines

The spray contains an extract of a turnip from the commune of Caprauna, grown as part of the Slow Food Presidia program (a movement against the fast food system) on a private farm in Italy. The fact is that turnip is enriched with iron, calcium, vitamins A, B and C, which thicken the hair and restore its structure. Perfect option for thin weakened hair.

Lemon Sage Thickening Spray by Paul Mitchell

The spray does not weigh down the hair and does not fix the hairstyle, so it can be used along the entire length. Particularly well suited for oily hair. Contains extracts of lemon, sage and oil tea tree. The UV filter will protect your hair from dryness and fading.

Volumizer by Lisap Fashion

This product contains a whole cocktail of beneficial ingredients: a complex of hydrolyzed silk proteins that thicken hair, oils, vitamin E for moisturizing and a UV filter. Immediately after application, the spray makes the hair a little sticky, but after drying, this feeling disappears. It will not work to seal the hair along the entire length with this tool, but the roots are completely.

Thickening Spray by Nioxin

The spray gives the hair volume and density thanks to a complex of polymeric microparticles that envelop the hair. It feels like after styling the hair it seems to become 1.5 times larger. The effect will be especially evident on fine hair.

Volupt Spray by Sebastian Professional

A two-phase volumizing spray gel with a thermal protection effect is suitable for those who use daily hot styling. Light and watery product does not stick hair together and perfectly models them. The spray captures light waves and is suitable for everyday use.

Body Full Volume Amplifier Thickening Lift Spray by Redken

This product can be applied not only to the roots, but also along the entire length to visually thicken the hair. The spray works better on thin hair, but on thick hair it will have to be fixed with something heavier. The product can be used as a dry shampoo.

V.I.P Volume in Powder by Kérastase

Two in one product: dry shampoo and volumizing spray. When sprayed, it delicately mattifies, and does not give the effect of talcum powder. The volume adds such that the hair rises by half a centimeter - it is not for nothing that the manufacturer talks about the effect of a pile. Doesn't dry out hair or leave marks on clothes.

Every woman dreams of beautiful and lush hair.

Unfortunately, in modern times, burdened by the environmental situation and conditions constant stress You can't rely on mother nature alone.

The best assistant in the fight against thin hair is a spray for volume.

Among sprays for volume, there are several types depending on their properties:

  • dry spray shampoos;
  • styling sprays;
  • sprays for hair volume at the roots;
  • homemade sprays.

With the help of drugs of the first category, the volume is achieved by cleansing the scalp and hair and removing greasiness.

Such sprays are suitable mainly for women with curls prone to oiliness. But it is better to study the label first. So, for example, "Syoss" produces two lines: for oily hair - "Syoss Anti-Grease", for dry - "Syoss Volume Lift". Shampoo sprays are good because they not only solve the problem of lack of volume, but also help to give freshness to curls.

But, like any tool, it has disadvantages:

  • in brunettes, the remnants of the spray may be noticeable on the strands;
  • an ashy shade is possible;
  • too much frequent use can lead to seborrhea;
  • high price.

Volume Sprays That Work styling products, are characterized by the fact that they compact the hair, filling it from the inside and lifting it at the roots.

Such preparations often contain protein, plant extracts and minerals, and also have thermal protective properties. They are applied to both dry and wet hair. To apply, you need to lower your head down, spray the spray first on the roots, then along the entire length and tousle the hair with your hands.

Sprays for basal volume differ from the above only in that they are applied only to the roots. These preparations are suitable for very thin hair. lovers natural ingredients you can recommend making a spray for hair volume at home.

The most popular recipe, which requires almost no financial outlay, is to stir a teaspoon of apple or wine vinegar with the same dose in a glass of water. lemon juice. The resulting mixture must be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto clean strands.

Giving volume

For getting good result It is important not only to buy the right spray, but also to use it correctly.

Dry cleansing spray is best reserved for emergencies or "going out" situations.

If the hair is oily, then it is permissible to do this. hot water, in all other cases, the water should be warm. It is better to finish rinsing with a cool shower to narrow the pores. If you abuse dry sprays and mousses, you should use a clarifying shampoo once a week. After you have washed your hair, you do not need to immediately grab the hair dryer and spray bottle.

Hair should “rest” in a towel for 15 minutes. Then the spray should be sprayed on the head, while lowering it down, and dry the curls with a hairdryer with a diffuser. The air should not be hot - this will lead to the release sebaceous glands fat and volume loss.

Please note that a lot also depends on the chosen hairstyle, which can both help in achieving volume and complicate the task.

For thin and lifeless hair spray should be chosen with great care.

Any extra remedy can lead to weighting of the hair and the opposite effect.

If you are the owner of just such curls, pay attention to sprays for basal volume.

They can be in the form of an aerosol or mousse. You can use them by styling your hair with a round brush or using curlers.

Among mousse sprays, the German Londa Volume Spray Mousse is popular. This is a strong fixation spray of basal volume, professional tool with UV filter and provitamin B5. It is very convenient to use because of the unique applicator, which will help to apply the product very accurately.

Known on Russian market and a spray from "Matrix". This popularity is largely due to the fact that the manufacturer endowed the tool medicinal properties. This brand has been chosen by many American movie stars and models.

Any of the tools described will help create volume if you have the skills to style your hair with a hairdryer and a round brush.

What is the best volumizing hair spray?

The best remedy, undoubtedly, there will be one that will help you solve your particular problem with hair volume.

Surprisingly, not only those whom nature has awarded with thin and thin suffer from the lack of volume. weak hair, but also those who have a rather impressive hairstyle. The reason may be excessive dryness of the hair.

In this case, the spray should contain nutrients and moisturizers.

"C:ehko volume" is ideal. This conditioner spray contains caring ingredients that deeply moisturize the hair.

Extracts of turnip grown under a special program, contains the spray "VOLU". Its advantage is the saturation with minerals and vitamins, which is indispensable for dry hair.

The Belarusian "Protein Spray Volume Vitex" also receives good reviews. The special formula, enriched with silk proteins, provides excellent result. In addition, this sample is sold at a very nice price.

For owners of oily hair, the range of sprays on the market is much wider. Almost all manufacturers of cosmetics have such drugs. Schwarzkopf BC Volume Boost Lotion, Loreal Professionnel's SoS Spray, and Yves Rocher's Mallow Volume Boost Lotion are vying for the lead among the publicly available brands. All three sprays have proven to be excellent facilities, struggling with the weight of the hair and giving them lightness.

Among the professional salon samples, one can single out the Italian “Now next generation pump too" from Selective with a fixation level of the third degree.

In addition to the ability to strong fixation, the spray is rich in various minerals.

If you have to style your hair with a hairdryer or use an iron, then it is better to give preference to sprays with thermal protection.

For example, the heat-protective lotion of the Londa HeatProtectionLotionVolumation series. The essence of the action of the drug is to envelop each hair with a spray and create a protective film. Due to this film, the hair becomes thicker, and the hairstyle looks voluminous.

For very oily hair, "Sexy Hair Big" and "SachaJuan" hair volume powder spray are suitable. Both sprays absorb the products of the sebaceous glands.

If you want to make your hairstyle lush, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. We'll tell you: drying without a hair dryer, styling products and other methods.

Tips for bulk styling fine hair you will find. As well as haircuts and masks to give volume.

Hairpin for hair volume - new method giving pomp to your curls. In this topic, we will analyze how to use them correctly and where you can buy them.

Every girl dreams of a lush and voluminous hairstyle. In order for your strands to have volume at the very roots, you need them to be as thick and thick as possible. This can be achieved using special agent, presented on the cosmetic market as a hair spray for volume. This product can be used as aid in the process of styling or shaping hair. Such sprays are able to keep the shape necessary for the hair for twenty-four hours, without losing a drop of volume. In the production of means to create root volume large, internationally recognized cosmetics companies such as Estel, Matrix, Taft, Loreal, Vella Flex and many others are participating.

What are the benefits of root volume spray?

You should definitely have this tool in your arsenal. Similar for volume will allow any fashionista to create the hairstyle she needs. Such funds have a large number of advantages, because of which girls around the globe constantly resort to their use. These include products for creating volume, which are easily applied and distributed over the entire surface of the hair. The composition absorbs and dries very quickly.

To use it, it is not necessary to dry or wash your hair, since the components included in the composition easily interact with both dry and wet strands.

The tool creates a high-quality and stable volume. Laying is stored for a long time and in the form in which you want to see it.

The substances included in the composition protect the hair from the negative effects of the environment.

For the result to be of high quality and lasting, take as seriously as possible the choice of your hair volume product. Pay attention to the inscriptions on the bottles, which will indicate what type of hair this or that product is intended for, and under what circumstances it should be used.

Overview of Volume Creation Tools

The cosmetics market today is overflowing with a variety of products aimed at creating additional volume. In this article, we will look at the most popular among modern girls product brands.

"Matrix": "Amplify Vander Boost Ruth Lifter"

The products of this company is a fluid spray to give volume to the hair. He transparent color, fluid consistency. The smell is close to apple, with a slight chemical tint. The tool is quite economical, it is available in the form of a bottle with a sprayer with a volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters. The splendor of the hairstyle is created due to the components of the spray, which are a glycerin-polymer mixture. A definite plus is that the tool does not stick the curls together, giving them a stable fixation for a long time.

Spray in the form of powder from the company "Taft"

Hair spray for volume in the form of powder is mainly used by girls with a greasy type of strands. After you have applied the product, there are no traces of application, and the strands are securely and efficiently fixed. One of the components is starch, which is able to absorb fat and at the same time give the curls shine and silkiness. In addition to fixing, the strands acquire freshness, and styling occurs without any problems.

Hair product from the company "Londa"

This company is also engaged in the production of cosmetics aimed at creating volume. Hair spray for volume is in a convenient bottle with a capacity of two hundred and fifty milliliters. In order to get a stable fixation, you just need to apply a little product on the head, the size of a small egg. It is indispensable when creating complex styling. You can use it on both dry and wet hair with prerequisite that the hair will be clean. Numerous reviews of ladies who have tried this tool indicate an increase in the visual volume of the hairstyle up to two times.

Spray for additional volume "Capus rue volume"

This tool is used when modeling haircuts and fixing root zone. It is used on dry and damp hair. This product can be considered unique, because in addition to fixing curls for a long time, it is capable of helping hair to protect itself from negative external influences due to the formation of a film on the strands. After spraying, there are no unpleasant consequences in the form of gluing or tightening of the strands.

Spray in the form of mousse from the company "Loreal"

Spray for the volume of thin hair from the very roots has recently appeared and is called "Volime Lift". He has already managed to fall in love with many lovers of lush and voluminous haircuts. The tool is in a convenient bottle with a volume of two hundred and fifty milliliters and has a convenient dispenser. This product has been specially made to ensure that no discomfort, and the haircut looked as natural as possible. Permanent fixation is achieved due to the presence of polymers and active trace elements in the composition, which, in addition to forming volume, help curls to protect themselves from damage and drying out. This is a great volume spray for fine hair. Reviews say that the tool is easy to apply, hair is easier to comb, and the styling process becomes much easier and more enjoyable.

Long fixation - spray "Vella Flex"

This tool is incredibly popular among fashionistas due to its long-lasting fixation effect. The company has a whole line of products needed to create voluminous haircuts, where there are varnish, foam, gel and spray to create volume. The spray has the strongest degree of fixation, which can last for two days. The spray does not smell and does not stick hair.

Hair spray for volume "Avon"

This product makes the hair thicker, denser and adds a kind of airy volume. The strands rise at the very roots, becoming denser. Thanks to the Volaimea system, the hairstyle looks natural and attractive. The composition contains ingredients such as an extract of the ceratonia tree, which grows in the Mediterranean. This component is deeply absorbed into the hair, adding volume to each hair to the very tips.

In addition to it, the composition contains castor oil, which makes the strands soft and manageable, as well as more shiny. The strands are strongly lifted into becoming airy and weightless. All you need is to apply the product to already washed and dried strands, and then style your hair along own will. This is a great volumizing hair spray. Reviews confirm this. Women note instant and lasting fixation, obedient and light hair, as well as pleasant aroma. The spray is easy to apply, the strands with it look natural.

How exactly should you use the tool to create additional volume?

Exists great amount funds used to create additional volume. Most of the products presented here are used not only on dry hair, but also on wet or slightly damp. However, as practice shows, these types of products are best used immediately after washing your hair and before drying them with a hair dryer. By observing these conditions, you can better distribute the composition over the hair and make the necessary styling. Before applying the product, lift the desired strand and spray the spray on the root part, that is, at a distance of half or one centimeter from the base. Wait a while for the composition to "grab". Done, enjoy the result.

As a conclusion

If you want to use a spray to create volume, be sure to pay attention to the rules of application and what type of hair it is suitable for. By following all these requirements, you can achieve excellent and durable styling.