How to use men's perfumery correctly. She truly loves money. She never pays for anything

Male guide: how to use perfumery correctly

Let's not hide the fact that most men are pleased to hear compliments from others, especially if it is praise from a woman. And very often this is a compliment about - an accessory that is an integral part of your personal style.

We have already written that men should pay more attention to perfumery. Do not forget that when choosing a partner, women are very often guided by the smell. This is because the ladies have a better sense of smell than strong half humanity. A woman's sense of smell is specially tuned to capture the male content, including in good perfumery, which can provide its wearer with a significant advantage over others. This and the increase male attractiveness and increasing stress resistance, self-confidence and more.

The human nose is able to distinguish about a trillion different shades and every smell provokes a strong emotional connection... For example, one of my strongest memories of my father is the way he came home from work, he took me in his arms, enveloping me with the scent of cologne. Now, when I catch that distant familiar scent somewhere, I immediately remember those moments from my childhood. By the way, in adulthood, many men continue to use the same, or as the father.

A good perfume gives an image a sense of wholeness. We know that good clothes raises self-esteem. A well-chosen scent creates a similar effect. Choosing a decent perfume, a man can be sure that not only looks, but also smells at least a million dollars.

By the way, two-thirds of men use cologne or only occasionally. Why it happens? I think the main reason is the absence enough information, because it is controlled by women and the stronger sex simply does not receive information about it in full.

How to choose the right eau de toilette or cologne?

Remember that when choosing a purchase final decision, guided by your taste, you accept! But if several close people or a specialist who really understands fragrances, for example, an employee perfume shop recommend something to you - be sure to try it!

So you've bought a cologne or eau de toilette. Once you start using perfumes, you will understand that buying eau de toilette is a process, not an end goal. A lot of men end up collecting dozens of scents in theirs.

What capacity to buy eau de toilette?

Here, as they say, size is not important, the main thing is to like the smell. In addition, colognes are inexpensive and tend to run out. Over time, the molecules of the perfume composition begin to disintegrate from exposure to heat and light. Therefore, radiators and direct light should be avoided. A regular wardrobe is perfect for storage.

How to use toilet water?

Apply small amount perfume on wet skin for example after a shower. Start experimenting gradually. When you get used to the process, you can start applying eau de toilette to other places besides the already familiar ones. Chest, neck, lower jaw, wrist, forearm, inner elbow, shoulder, chest, neck, lower jaw, wrist, forearm, inner elbow.

Do not spray perfume on all of these points at the same time. Pick a few that you like the most.

Do not apply to feet.

Repeated application of the spray to the same spot throughout the day is not recommended.

Do not spray perfume in the air, and then do not stand in the middle. In this case, you will not achieve anything and most of the eau de toilette will simply settle on the floor.

Try not to put perfume on your clothes. In this case perfume composition will not combine with natural oils secreted by the body, the smell will lie unnaturally and can spoil the material from which the clothes are made.

Do not pour into the palm of your hand. If you have a classic bottle, place one finger on the neck, practically covering it, and gently turn the container over.

Don't overdo it - people nearby should smell the scent, but not be knocked off their feet.

In conclusion, I would like to say again that with the help of fragrances you express yourself - do not forget about it!

My name is Susanna and I'm 40. To say that I had a lot of men is to say nothing. And almost all of them are useful to me in everyday life. Do you know why? Because a man should still make a woman's life easier, not more difficult, as men are most often trying to do now. I will tell you how you can make sure that your boyfriend / husband or just a friend, work colleague or neighbor bring you maximum benefit. Let's start with friends and colleagues.

A male friend can be used for all purposes except sex.

Because as soon as you sleep, he will stop looking at you as an inaccessible girlfriend, who differs from his wife in that she never nags him, but always listens and accepts for who he is. This wonderful conviction of a man that for you he is like a "hero at a distance" helps to twirl them as you like.

Let him think that he is very significant and solves your problems. Some household little things, advice (as often as possible ask him banal things), the answer to which is simple.
His woman or wife tells him that he does not know how to solve financial problems, does not understand female soul, and you tell him the opposite, what's the difference, you can't solve financial problems with him, but he will think he's done.

He will wait for a meeting with you as an outlet. And you can always borrow money from him, ask him to fix some nonsense, help with work, etc. Just be careful with his woman, it is advisable to treat her with restraint and friendly. If you make friends at all, you will lose him as a personal friend, if you don’t make friends, it will be more problematic to ask for help from him, he doesn’t live with you, but with a woman and it is up to her to decide whether to let him go to you or not.

So, what a man-friend can do: everything. You can take a loan for him, make repairs, fix the car, go on vacation together so that he pays for you (provided that he does not have a girlfriend or a mumble girl).

A male colleague can be used for all purposes other than sex.

Here as with a friend. Choose the most downtrodden, ugly and unhappy colleague.

You start joking with him, to the envy of the rest of the normal males. And voila.

Let him take you to the shops after work (usually these characters have no more interesting things to do, so you only benefit him). Let him finish your work for you, the main thing is that he himself will be called to do it. Unrequited love beautiful in that it is eternal - he will never know that in fact you are not as confident in yourself as he thinks, not as funny, not as passionate, not as he invented for himself and now yours. Keep your distance, but don't overdo it.

The male neighbor can be used for all purposes, even for sex (especially if he is married).

Fix something, feed a cat, call an electrician, pull furniture, fix a toilet, change a tap, keep an eye on an apartment while you're on vacation with a male friend.

If he is married and you want adventure, you can arrange a classroom erotic game"neighbors". His wife leaves, he comes to you, or “he is delayed at work,” but in reality at your place.
You can moan very cool, imagining how his wife hears this and wondering if she will guess. But this is for those who like to tickle the nerves, for the calm ones, let them just carry furniture.

A man is a passerby

It's a bit difficult to use for sex, but you can if you want. Ask for a cigarette, escort home, carry a heavy bag, give a lift to the entrance by car ...

Give your umbrella (it happened to me in Paris 20 years ago, it was insanely romantic, I still remember).

Just smile and make a naive and confused face, even at 40 I still succeed. By the way, a confused face and a smile helps with all the previous characters.

Male salesman

use for discounts. Here you have to act depending on his personality type. If he is a grandfather, then you have to play daughter, if he is young touching guy, then to mom, and so on. The main thing is discounts, attention, quality goods. And then as it goes, it is possible for sex.

Male relative

This is your financial sponsor, a lifesaver for all times, when your husband is tired of you, you can cry to your male relative. You can complain to him about everything at once: about your husband, about life, about work. And ask, ask for help, money, attention. It is advisable that he loves you more than his girlfriend. Put more pressure on your relationship.

Like "Brother, let's go visit grandfather and grandmother together." There are all sorts of memories from childhood and all that, his heart melts like a chocolate bar and you can receive gifts. When will you get it own husband, your relative will come to the rescue.

Weave intrigues for health against relatives and anyone, he will be on your side. Call him in the middle of the night, do not hesitate, he is your relative. It is advisable to choose the most insecure, again, relative, so secretive, silent. He will always obey you. Especially if you are younger. Praise him, ask about work and health, but do not get carried away, he should not think that he is telling you everything, tell it yourself, and let him listen.

Well, that's all, the main thing is, do not forget that men must, can and will help a woman, because they are strong, because they are men. Immediately drive out of your life those who need your help all the time.

A man should solve problems, not run to you with them. Trust my experience, infantile men stay that way forever.

It is worthwhile to be on your guard if instead of "everything is fine, but there is one difficulty ...", he says "I cannot solve this problem, I failed." When you start asking him and saying that everything will be fine, and instead of “thank you for listening, you helped me a lot”, he says “nothing will work, you don’t understand”. If you come to him with your problem, and instead of “tell me how to help you” or “let's think about it better” (if you are fixated on some trifle, which also happens), he says “what happened AGAIN? "," Well, what's the matter, why are you whining all the time? "," Stop whining, stop crying, I said! " If you hear such phrases, remember (!) You are not to blame for this, and neither is your man, but (!) This is not your man, you cannot feel like a woman with him.

If it often makes you feel guilty instead of wanting to do something, fix it, change it. Same thing, it's not yours. Do not wait for self-esteem to drop, for wrinkles to appear, do not be afraid to be alone, be afraid when you are overwhelmed.

You are the most beautiful creature on the planet, you are worthy of love, every person in this world is worthy of love. Especially you. Stop conforming to someone else's request, the normal ability to do something for the sake of another person is very different from coercion. If you are not happy to iron his shirts, then he is not doing what you would be pleased to do.

A relationship is not a 24/7 holiday, but it is not a daily feeling of guilt, dissatisfaction and fear that he has stopped loving / changing / getting angry.

If you are afraid to upset your man - this is very correct, but if you are afraid to make your man angry, this is not yours.

Be happy with and without men!

Every day we brush our teeth, wash our face, take a shower and do other simple actions to take care of our appearance. But in most men, they do not take good care of themselves, which leads to a sickly and unkempt appearance. This is especially true of the main and most "demonstrative" part of the body - the face. All this is bad for a career and personal life.

We are buying expensive clothes, cars and gadgets, but we forget about the state of our face. We save pennies by buying cheap cosmetics or using donated funds, the quality of which is questionable.

Invest a little in your look, and you will feel all the advantages male beauty... How to look 100% or a million dollars? A few tips for quality men's care behind the face.

1. Wash your face more often

Men have more sebaceous glands on the face than on women, and the skin is thicker and rougher. Dermatologists recommend washing your face several times a day: in the morning, in the evening and before bed. This will help get rid of dirt, grease and sweat. Morning wash will help you to cheer up faster, especially if the water is cool. This stimulates skin generation. Washing your face after coming from the street removes dirt and germs from your face.

2. Use the right moisturizers

But do not be too brutal and use exclusively laundry soap... Men with oily skin should pay attention to products that contain salicylic acid... For dry and normal skin it is worth choosing a moisturizer containing glycolic acid... In most cases, detergents and moisturizers indicate what skin type they are for. Use men's lotions or quality facial soaps.

3. Shave correctly

Some men shave too sloppy, but you are not one of them. Sometimes worth buying good razor, which will help you more closely monitor your manly chin. Use aftershave lotions, they will take care of your skin. There are a lot of good electric shavers... They cause less irritation and massage the face well.

4. Take care of your hair

A haircut can greatly affect the life of not only the beautiful, but also the stronger sex. Well-groomed and healthy hair look presentable. Visit your hairdresser regularly. Also, get rid of sticky nose and ear hair. Broken eyebrows also do not add to your attractiveness.

5. Wear makeup

We are not talking about the full use of cosmetics, but rather partial use. Use a facial scrub once a week while you shower. This will remove dead cells skin. By doing this you will not let the face appear faded and nondescript. It will also get rid of problems with acne, blackheads and oily skin... Buy yourself a normal set of day and night cream. This will help avoid early wrinkles and unhealthy appearance... Use wax lipstick in winter to avoid chapped lips. Protect your face from excessive exposure to frost and sunlight.

Start taking care of your appearance right now. Why would a man care for his face? The use of such simple tricks will help you look younger than your peers when you are in your 30s. Facial care will save you from problems in the future, give you a head start in your career and when dealing with chicks.

When he got his, he "used you and left you"? And now you want just as cynically use men? Why do you need this? Think about it !!! It will still be fine.

But if right now this is unrealistic for you, if you really want to feel like a bitch with capital letter C, so be it, I'll play along with you.

You, too, can easily get yours and prevail. Turn it all into a game, play well, and someday you will stop anyway.

How my first love did it

She came to us from another class and immediately sat down at my desk. She seemed to have calculated everything in advance, because I was one of those whose "genius" brains the whole class was trying to use. But as soon as she became available to what is now commonly called "someone else's intellectual property" (I solved all the equations for her, I wrote essays for her, I warned her mistakes in dictations, did she?) She moved from me a month later, when another big-headed guy with a pretty face came to our class!

Her trump cards:

She was natural blonde and seemed so silly! She did not know what it was, while she was on her mind.
(The fact that she was not a fool, I realized much later than I should have) She was not just not ashamed to "blunt", she made a fool at every opportunity, and, it seems, received some special, perverse pleasure from this:
- Oh, how smart you are! I feel so silly next to you!
- I spent the whole night solving this problem, and you did it in a minute!
- You must be smart, but I can be just beautiful!
- It seems to you that I am stupid, so you are right: without you I immediately jump on deuces.

Somewhere I read an unforgettable quote: "A thinking woman is one that is not thought of." So if you want use men- your first trump card is not to think in their presence.

How my mistress did it

Before meeting my mistress, my body and soul were solely owned by my wife, a woman who is positive in all respects. She was my mother, mistress and helmsman in one person. My wife took care of me like little son and, apparently with the best of intentions, she constantly tried to impose her will.
At first I did not resist, then I felt that I had “grown up” after all, and She appeared. Against the background of my wife, it seemed that she treats me almost "give a damn". While my wife said: “You don’t need to lose weight, the main thing is that you feel good,” she stated that I was simply lazy and demanded to pull myself together and “become handsome”. While my wife carefully protected me from all vices, for example, checking my pockets for cigarettes, my lover who lit a cigar became more and more associated with all kinds of forbidden pleasures.

So, the second trump card: to use men, you need to keep your maternal instinct and be able to evoke pleasant associations.

How does my daughter do it

My twenty-year-old daughter is far from a beauty, she does not shine with talents and does not pour witty quotes... And yet, wherever she appears, she always manages to be in the spotlight of all men.
I'll try to explain why she enjoys such wild success.

Once I observed the situation. At the table, where, besides her, there were nine other girls, there were only five children. It was very noticeable that each of the girls was trying her best to attract attention. One was hung from head to navel with shiny trinkets, the other bare, everything that was possible, the third tried to laugh as loudly as possible. At this time, my quiet daughter, who was imperceptibly standing in jeans and a white top, smiled tenderly young man against. She said something quietly, and, not hearing what was said, the guy bent down closer to her. And this is what I see: my daughter is already whispering something in his ear. He smiles back and continues to communicate with her. At this time, others men present they also begin to show her attention. Where does it come from? Maybe from me?

The question of choosing a perfume is very individual, because we do not choose according to some special criteria - the smell is something intangible, you can draw it, but you can bring associations with some emotions and sensations, but still everyone will see something in these symbols. then your own. Each smell certainly has a mood, a character, and a color.

So why is more and more more girls and women prefer male perfume for women? What do they want to say by this, and can it mean?

Psychologist's opinion

The first step, of course, is to answer such a question by a psychologist. The most surprising fact was that the answer was received immediately, and this, of course, speaks of its relevance in our time.

So, psychology identifies three main reasons for the desire of women to use men's perfume .

The first is the most "logical" is a woman's predisposition to male type behavior. When women's fragrances cannot emphasize her character or inner strength and the woman does not feel "floral" or "citrusy". She needs something "stronger" and then she feels comfortable and harmonious. Almost all girls gay use men's cologne for this very reason.

The second is the most popular among girls under 25... They use a perfume that reminds them of close person, for example, about a loved one or about a father. And when she feels the smell of her own, there is a subconscious feeling that the close person is nearby, and she is protected.

And the third reason, quite rare, according to the psychologist, is when a woman uses men's cologne in order to create a sense of the presence of a man in the house or, in principle, in his life. So that those around her could smell the smell of masculine perfume from her and think that just this morning, leaving for work, her husband choked on her next to her. And she herself begins to believe that this is exactly what happened.

As it turned out, in psychology non-verbal communication(that is, in the language and facial expressions of a person) there is a whole subsection - the olfactory system, that is, unpleasant odors environment both natural and artificial human odors. The presence of a whole science of smells suggests that the choice of scent can tell a lot about people around us. It is not for nothing that perfumes with pheromones are popular today - substances that can attract the attention of the opposite sex. Many books and works have been written on the topic of olfactory agents, and this area will never lose its relevance, because one of the most important tasks of a person is to produce correct impression to other people

Personal experience

But, of course, only women themselves can answer the question “why do women use men's perfume”. I asked the representatives of different ages, styles and looks. As it turned out, a lot of young girls choke exactly male perfume... When asked why? they usually answer: I like the smell and that's it! In fact, the desire to stand out from the crowd and not be more and more characteristic of girls "under 16 and a little older", so they are ready to resort to any, even the most bold decisions which is undoubtedly great. They quite calmly choke on masculine perfumes, not finding anything "like that" in this, and thereby emphasize their individuality.

Other women admitted to using the scents of their loved ones. This reminds them of them, they feel their presence and miss more and more during the breakup. And also, in the meantime, I can add that a very common case is when young girls strangle their toys with the cologne of their beloved, and then, in the evenings, sit on the couch, burying themselves in them, sadness and remembering moments of love and happiness.

And one woman even told me a story when a friend of hers used a men's cologne to attract attention in the company of men, because they understand their perfume much better than women's. Thus, she earned compliments for making the right choice.

Several girls confessed that they once smelt with male perfume, and then told their friends that they had just been on a date and smelled like that.

Well, among women more mature, very few people refused men's perfume in favor of the female, because already the “status” does not allow performing this kind of “ bold deeds", However, why Eau de Toilette may not like it? After all, since we love men, then we also love the fragrance they choose. And if we believe that men's cologne matches our inner peace and mood, why not perfume it? After all, the most important thing is, first of all, harmony with oneself ... because others are drawn to harmonious people.