Sedentary games 2 3 years. Outdoor games are one of the main tools for the development of children. Game for children "Golden Gate"

One of the most useful elements in the development of the child are outdoor games for children. The benefits of these games cannot be overestimated, since during the movement, breathing is activated, blood circulation and, in general, the child's well-being improves. Outdoor games for children indoors, it is better to carry out under the supervision of adults in order to control the entire process and, in which case, to prevent injury. If you are planning children's event at home, then it's time to take note of the outdoor games for a group of children, which we provide in this article. We look and save to our "warehouse of ideas"!

Outdoor games develop discipline in the child, reaction speed, erudition, honesty, fairness and mutual assistance, children learn to work in a team and follow the rules. At 2-3 years old, babies are already well developed motor functions, they can run, jump, crawl, and all outdoor games for children of this age are based on these skills. The good thing is that the same game can be played 5-6 times in a row if the children are in the mood for fun and movement, and its duration is 10-15 minutes.

Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old

"Sunny Bunny"

Shine a flashlight on the wall and tell the child while looking at yellow spot: "Look, sunny bunny"! Try to invite the kid to catch the "bunny" with his hands, and if he is on the floor, then let him catch it with his legs.

Runners gallop
Sun bunnies
We call them - don't go
Were here - and they are not here.
Jump, jump in the corners
Were there - and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone
We didn't find them anywhere.
(A. Brodsky)

"Bear in the forest"

This game must involve two adults. One of them, in the role of "bear", sits in a corner on a chair and is supposedly asleep. The second, with a child or with a group of children, depicts a walk in the woods, where they pick mushroom-berries, with the echo of "Ay-ay!" Then the adult and the kids join hands and go to the "bear" and say:

The bear in the forest
I'll pick up a lot of bumps,
And the bear is blind -
Doesn't run after me.
The branch will break off -
The bear will chase me!

When uttered the last phrase "bear" slightly pretends to growl and catches the kids, running from one to another.

"Bear and kids"

This game is also played by two adults - one in the role of "bear", the second, together with the children, squatting, quietly hiding at the other end of the room. "Bear" walks, depicts the search for children and says:

The bear walked through the forest,
For a long, long time he searched
The bear was looking for children
He sat down on the grass and dozed off.
Then the "bear" sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and dozes.
Adult and children say:
The children began to dance
Teddy bear, teddy bear, get up,
They began to knock with their feet.
Catch up with our kids.

At the word "catch up", the kids run away to the opposite end of the room and squat down.

"One, two, three - catch!"

The guys stand in the room near the wall and say: "One, two, three - catch!"

"Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha"

The kids are at the wall, the adult, the presenter, stands in the middle of the room.

The presenter says:

"Geese, geese".
Children: "Ha, ha, ha."
Host: "Do you want to eat?"
Children: "Yes, yes, yes."
Host: "Well, fly - if you want, just take care of your wings

The guys run across to another wall, where the house is conventionally located, and an adult catches them - the more children they catch, the better.

"The Wolf and the Sheep"

The children form a circle, in the center of which is the "wolf" (one of the children).

Other players play the role of "sheep", slowly walk towards the "wolf", while executing the commands to sit down, clap, jump, and so on. As soon as one "sheep" manages to touch the "wolf", he gets up and catches the other "sheep". The "sheep" caught by the "wolf" itself takes its place, and the action continues.

"The mice got up in a round dance"

Children play with mice, standing in a round dance, and in its center there is a "cat" that is asleep (one of the participants in the game).

Mice dance
The cat is dozing on the couch.
"Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat.
How Vaska's cat wakes up
Will break our round dance! "

After uttering the last words, the "cat" gets up and catches the "mice", which can hide, sitting on chairs ("minks").


An adult, in the role of a "cat", supposedly sleeps on a chair. "Mice" -children slowly move towards the "cat", saying:

The mice came out one day
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Suddenly there was a terrible ringing:
"Bomb, bomb, bomb!"
The mice run away!

"Kitty" gets up and tries to catch up with the "mice" who need time to hide, sitting on chairs.

"Day Night"

The presenter says "Day" - children walk, move, says "Night" - everyone freezes in the position in which they were. The presenter determines who did not have time to freeze, and appoints him to his place.


Standing one after another, the children put their hands on the shoulders of the player in front of the player, thereby depicting a "train" moving around the room, and saying:

Here is our train,
the wheels are knocking
and on this train
the guys are sitting.
"Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,"
- a steam locomotive is running
far, far away
he took the guys
far, far away.
But here's the stop:
“Who wants to get off?
Get up guys
let's go for a walk! "
(A. Anufrieva)

Here children run scatteringly and pretend to pick mushrooms and berries. Then, after the signal from the leader, they get up again, forming a "train".

"Mosquitoes and the frog"

An adult plays a "frog", children play a "mosquito". Each "gnat" has a handkerchief, they "fly" around the room, and the "frog" says:

The mosquito sat on a bush,
On a fir tree on a stump,
I dangled my legs under the leaf, I hid!

Children at these words sit on chairs, cover themselves with kerchiefs. The "frog" says, in search of "mosquitoes": "Kva-kva, where are my mosquitoes?" And then the game continues in the same mode.


"Bees" -children "fly" around the room, buzz. A "bear" comes (in the form of an adult or a toy) and says:

Teddy bear is walking
The honey will take away from the bees.
The bees answer:
This hive is our house.
Leave us, bear,

The "bees" flap their "wings", drive the "beast" away from the "hive" houses.


"Ravens" -children are squatting and seem to be sleeping, and the presenter says:

The crows are fast asleep
Everyone is sitting in their nests,
And wake up at dawn
They will croak in the yard. "

And then the children stand up with an exclamation of "Kar-kar!", "Fly" and wave their hands. The presenter says:

We flew, we flew
The crows flew: "Kar-kar".
Aunt came out on the path,
Pours crumbs at the crows.
The crows flew in
They ate everything to the crumb:
"Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock," -
Beaks were beating.

The "crows" sit down, tap the floor with their fingers and say: "Knock-knock-knock." The presenter takes the "dog":

Tuzik on walked in the yard,
The little crow frightened:
"Av-av, av-av!"

(A. Anufrieva)

The "dog" chases the birds, they run away from her.

"Bunnies and houses"

Hoops designed for all children are spread out on the floor. "Hares" -children jump around the room and to the cry of an adult: "Gray wolf", they hide in the "houses".


Children-"moths" "flutter" around the room to an adult's poem:

In the green in the meadow
Moths fly.
And from flower to flower
They flutter merrily.
Children run, waving their wings, "fluttering".
Tanya went out onto the meadow,
She has a net in her hands.
Watch out, moth,
Fly away quickly, buddy!
(A. Anufrieva)

An adult has a net in his hands, and he tries to catch the "moths", and they "fly away" from him.

You can offer these kind of outdoor games for children to all young guests, we are sure that they will like active movement instead of sitting at the computer. Moreover, with the arrival of warmth, the kids will want to play games not only indoors, but also outdoors, and, breathing fresh air, they will be able to sleep peacefully at night.

Outdoor games for toddlers from one to three years old should be simple and straightforward. Children of this age easily learn the skills of walking, running, jumping (including on one leg), lifting and lowering, throwing, stepping. Make learning invisible, without any coercion. Bring crayons and a rope, a ball and a stuffed animal, a hoop and skittles with you for a walk. But most importantly, do not forget to take your imagination with you.

Where to hold outdoor games?

V outdoor games you can play at home, in the gym, on the playground, in nature, and even on the go. It is good if you can actively move on a daily basis. fresh air, which is as important to babies as good dream, good nutrition and rest.


These games develop the imagination well, creative thinking, coordination and gross motor skills... To carry them out, you will need images of those animals that the baby already knows well. For example: a cat, a dog, a mouse, a rooster, a bear, a fox, an elephant, etc. You can find them in an animal book or cut from magazines and stick on separate sheets... First, invite your child to look at the pictures: "Who is this?" Tell us about the behavior and character of the animal. Then demonstrate how it moves, how it "speaks." Simplify your movements so that it is easy for your baby to follow you. But at the same time, keep the "drawing" of steps, by which you can guess what kind of animal you are portraying. After training together, invite the kid to choose any card with the image of the animal and ask him to show how it walks.

"Bees". You will have to transform into beneficial insects for a while - bees. Simulate their flight and buzzing by swinging their wings lightly and freely. The task of the bees is to collect the nectar on the flowers and return to the hive. Flowers can be real, but the hive can be depicted as a drawn circle or a rope (rope) laid out on the ground.

"Crawling snake". Fasten the rope (skipping rope) above the floor at horizontal position so that the child can crawl under it with a margin. Lower the rope lower and lower until the child begins to lift the rope to crawl.

"Turtle Race"... This exercise is performed either at home on a rug or on the grass. Imagine that you are turtles, leisurely and good-natured. You need to crawl to the finish line: whoever crawls slower will win.

"Obstacle course". This fun game trains muscles, agility, coordination of movements and independence of your baby well. At home, you can arrange for the kid a "Young Fighter Course": invite him to go through the road with obstacles. Use chairs at home different heights, rolled blankets, pillows, boards, boxes. Let be baby will pass obstacle course on its own, but support it in difficult places. He will step over something, climb on to something, and then go down, he will wrap himself in something. Everything in your home will be upside down, but the experience will be the most unforgettable. By the way, this game can be played with no less success in nature. Use logs, bushes, branches, with which you can build a "path". Do not forget to insure your child in difficult and dangerous moments to avoid injury.

"Train". Children of the most of different ages from year to junior school age, love the tunnel game. You can build it from chairs, from a carpet or blanket, rolled into a roll. The kid will like to "go on all fours" through the tunnel. And if the train says “tu-tu-tu” and increases speed, then it will be difficult for the driver to stop. If the child is afraid to go through the tunnel, mark its boundaries using ropes lined on both sides.

"Fly, pigeons!" For this game you need to make paper doves (or airplanes). Arrange a competition: whose "pigeon" will fly farther.

"Sun bunnies"... For this game you will need small mirror and sunny weather. Let the cheerful sunny bunnies go for a walk and ask the baby to chase them.

"Sparrows". Imagine that you are a sparrow, jumpy and restless. You can jump and wave your arms at the same time. Have the child jump on two legs in place or back and forth. If it is difficult for the baby, hold him first under the armpits, then by the hand.

"We jump over the puddles." You can find real puddles and jump over them (more extreme option). Or you can draw them with chalk on the asphalt and jump over.

Ball rolling

Catching a ball at the age of 2-3 years is still aerobatics for a child. Difficult throwing and catching skills can be trained by rolling the ball on the ground. Sit on the floor opposite each other, stretch your legs to the sides and roll the ball to each other so that it does not go out of the field. This exercise develops visual concentration and movement accuracy well. You can complicate the task and roll two balls at the same time.

GUIDED GAMES... Use nursery rhymes and jokes as accompaniment active games... It develops children's imagination, imaginative thinking, stage skills. Ask your baby to perform those movements that correspond to the text. If it is difficult for him to figure out, show an example of how you can "wiggle your ears", "freeze", "warm your paws", etc.

"Bunny was walking"

The bunny was walking

The bunny was walking. (walking)

Found a cabbage, (we spread our arms to the sides, surprise on our face)

Sat Eat Got up (sit down, pretend to eat, get up)

"Little gray bunny sits"

Gray bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like that

He wiggles his ears.

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws.

Like this, like that

We need to warm the paws.

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump.

Like this, like that

The bunny must jump.

The wolf scared the bunny!

Bunny immediately ran away!

"Where are my pens?"

My hands were gone.

Where are you, my dears?

(child hides his hands behind his back)

One, two, three, four, five -

Show yourself to me again.

(shows hands)

My ears are gone.

Where are you, my dear ones?

(covers ears with palms)

One, two, three, four, five -

Show yourself to me again.

(shows ears)

My eyes are gone.

Where are you, my little eyes?

(closes his eyes with his palms)

One, two, three, four, five -

Show yourself to me again.

(removes his palms from his eyes)

Experiment with in different parts bodies: face, tummy, knees, legs, fingers. It is interesting and funny how the child will hide them. Everyone has their own original ways.

They are bored just walking!

Physiologists say that long walks tire young children. This is due not only to their physiological characteristics(they are weaker than us), but also with a psyche. We, adults, enjoy walking, admiring nature, or simply immersed in some of our thoughts. Space and time little child need to be filled with games and entertainment. This does not tire him, but rather encourages him to new actions and motives.

USE WHAT IS AT HAND. There are many at home and on the street different subjects that can be used in outdoor games: furniture, boxes, slides, swings, logs, stairs, ropes, ropes, boards, benches. The child should be able to climb, jump, climb, overcome various obstacles all the time. It is necessary to satisfy his natural motor need. Also practice outdoor games with objects that can be carried, inserted, thrown, hidden, etc. First, it develops the child's practical skills, Secondly, trains dexterity and attentiveness, thirdly, develops fine motor skills... Do not go out for a walk without a well-thought-out "cultural and mass program" and improvised means. This will help you effectively organize your child's leisure time.

Roll the ball

Tasks: teach simple games with a ball; develop attention and responsiveness.

Description of the game: the teacher seats the children in a circle (3-4 m in diameter) or a semicircle. The child sits on the floor, legs apart. The teacher sits in the center and rolls the ball to each child in turn, calling his name. The child catches the ball and then rolls it back to the caregiver.

Sun and rain

Tasks: develop in children the ability to run scattered, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game: The game can be played both indoors and outdoors. Houses are either chairs or circles on the ground.

The educator turns high chair backwards and invites everyone to do the same with their chairs. “Look, this is a small house,” he says, sitting down in front of the chair and looking out through the hole in the back, as if through a window. Calling the children by name, the adult invites each of them to "look out the window" and wave his hand.

So the chairs built in a semicircle become houses in which children live.

"Which good weather! - says the teacher, looking out the window. - Now I’ll go out and call the kids to play! ” He goes to the middle of the room and invites everyone to take a walk. The kids run out and gather around the teacher, and he says the following text:

The sun looks out the window,

Our eyes squint.

We clap our hands

And run into the street!

Children repeat the rhyme, and then under the words "Top-top-top" and "Clap-clap-clap" everyone stomps their feet and claps their hands, imitating the teacher.

"Now let's run!" - suggests the teacher and runs away. Children scatter into different sides... Suddenly the teacher says: “Look, it's raining! Hurry home! " Everyone is in a hurry to their houses.

“Listen to the rain drumming on the roofs,” says the teacher and, tapping with bent fingers on the seat of the chair, imitates the sound of rain. - It has become very boring. Let's ask the rain to stop dripping. " The teacher reads a folk nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, do not regret a drop.

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window in vain!

The noise of the rain at first intensifies, but gradually dies down, and soon it stops altogether. “Now I’ll go outside and see if the rain is over or not,” the teacher says, leaving his house. He pretends to look at the sky and call the kids: “The sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk! "

Children again gather around the teacher and after him repeat the poem about the sun and perform funny movements. You can run, jump, dance, but until the teacher says again: "Oh, the rain is starting!"

Cat and mouse

Tasks: train children in crawling, the ability to respond to a signal, perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Description of the game: the game is played with a subgroup of children (8-10) in a room (on a carpet) or on a lawn covered with soft grass. In the middle of the room (on the carpet) or on the lawn, a gymnastic ladder is placed on the edge or a cord is pulled. On one side of the fenced area is a house of mice. Choose a cat. She sits on a chair or tree stump. Mice sit in burrows, behind the stairs, the Educator says:

The cat is guarding the mice,

She pretended to be asleep.

The mice crawl out of the holes (crawl between the slats of the stairs or crawl under the cord) and run.

After a while, the teacher says:

Quiet mouse, do not make noise,

You won't wake the cat ...

The cat gets off the chair, gets on all fours, arches its back, says loudly: "meow" - and catches mice, they run into their burrows (do not crawl under the cord or ladder rails). The role of the cat is first performed by the educator, then the most active child, then other children are involved in this role. The game is repeated every time with a new cat.


Tasks: teach to listen to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text; develop imagination.

Description of the game: the teacher draws a line on the ground. “This will be our house,” says the teacher, “from here our legs will run along the path, and where they will run, I’ll show you now.” The teacher moves away from the children at a distance of 20-25 steps and draws a parallel line on the ground: "Children will stop here."

Returning to the guys, he helps them line up at the first (starting) line and pronounces the words under which they will perform actions, then offers to repeat them.

Legs, legs,

We ran along the path

We ran in the woods

We jumped over the bumps

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

We ran to the meadow

Lost a boot.

Under these words, children run towards the other line, jump on two legs, approaching an adult (four jumps in total). With the last word, they stop, squat down, turn in one direction or the other, as if looking for a boot. "Found a boot!" - says the teacher, and everyone runs back to the starting line. The game starts over.


Tasks: to consolidate in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it; learn to coordinate movements; develop attention.

Description of the game: the ritual of invitation to the game is held: "Katya, let's go play!" The teacher takes the child by the hand, approaches with him to next baby: "Vanya, let's go play!" The child shakes hands with the previous one, and now the three of them go to invite the next one. This is how all the children take turns holding hands. First, it is better to approach those pupils who express a desire to join the game, and it is more expedient to invite shackled children last.

Children, together with the teacher, hold hands, form a circle, begin to "blow up the bubble": tilting their heads down, the kids blow into fists, one under the other, like a pipe. Each time they inflate, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble has expanded slightly. These actions are repeated 2-3 times. Then everyone joins hands and gradually expands the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay that way

Don't burst.

It turns out to be a large stretched circle.

The teacher says: "The bubble has burst!" Everyone claps their hands, they say: "Clap!" and run into a bunch (towards the center).

After that, the game starts over.

You can end the game like this. When the bubble bursts, say: "Little bubbles flew ..." Children scatter in different directions.


Tasks: teach to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text; develop attention.

Description of the game:“Now we are going to ride the carousel,” says the educator. - Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break. Holding hands, the children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels spun.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two ... (pause),

The game is over.

Under these words, the carousel first slowly moves in one direction, then the pace of speech and movements accelerates, On the words "ran" the carousel changes direction and spins faster. Then the pace of movements gradually slows down, and everyone stops at the words "The game is over."

Catch, catch!

Tasks: exercise in jumping.

Description of the game: A lightweight, easy-to-grasp object is attached to a stick about half a meter long on a strong cord - a soft foam ball, shred, etc. Before the start of the game, the teacher shows this stick. Lowering and raising it, he invites some children to catch the object on a string. An adult gathers around him the guys who are interested in catching the ball, invites them to stand in a circle. Itself becomes in the center.

"Catch-catch!" - says the teacher and brings the object suspended from a stick to one or another child. When the baby tries to catch the ball, the stick rises slightly and the child jumps up to grab it. Turning in different directions, an adult tries to involve all children in this fun.

By playing a little this way, you can slightly change the rules. So, the children take turns catching the ball, running one after another past the stick.

The dolls are dancing

Tasks: teach to perform game actions in turn; cultivate independence.

Description of the game: the teacher shows the table on which the dolls are located. “Look what dolls came to play with us today!” - says the teacher, trying to draw attention to new toys. -Such smart dolls, probably, really want to dance, but they themselves do not know how to dance. They are small and used to being taken in their arms and dancing with them. " Taking the doll, the adult shows how to dance with it. Then he calls the children (from one to three), invites everyone to choose a doll. Children together with dolls perform dance movements. At the end, the dolls are bowing in the hands of the children.

"Now," says the adult, "think about who to give your doll to." The little ones pass the dolls on to those who have not danced yet. The game continues until all the children dance with the dolls.

The game can be played under musical accompaniment, and to the singing of an adult.


Tasks: foster friendly, benevolent relationships; teach to imitate the movements characteristic of a particular toy; develop imagination.

Description of the game:“Do you like it when you are presented with toys? - the educator addresses the children. - Now we are going to make gifts to each other. " An adult invites children to build in big circle, calls on the one who will be the first to choose a gift for himself. The kid goes to the middle of the circle, and the teacher with the children leads a round dance under the following words:

We brought gifts to everyone

Whoever wants will take

Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,

A horse, a spinning top and an airplane.

With the end of the words, the children stop. The teacher, referring to the child standing in the circle, asks which of the listed gifts he would like to receive. If the kid chooses a horse, the children depict how the horse gallops, if a doll is chosen, everyone dances like dolls, if the top is spinning, and if an airplane is selected, they imitate the flight and landing of the plane.

If a child chooses a horse, then under the words:

“Our horse is galloping, chok-chok-chok!

The sound of swift feet is heard

Hop hop hop! Hop hop hop! "

children jump, raising their legs high like horses.

Addressing the child inside the circle, the teacher invites him to see “what beautiful horses he has” and choose the one he liked the most. Having chosen a gift for himself, the child takes a place in the round dance, and the one he chose goes to the middle of the circle. Children again join hands and repeat the words: "We brought gifts to everyone ..."

If a child chooses a doll, then the children depict dolls dancing in place under the words:

Doll, doll, dance

Wave a bright ribbon.

(Repeats 2-3 times.)

The spinning top spins in place, and then squat under the words:

This is how the top spins

Buzzed and on the side.

(Repeats 2 times.)

The plane is portrayed like this: each child starts the engine, doing circular motion in front of. Then he spreads his arms to the sides and runs in a circle. Having made a full circle, the plane slows down and slowly lands, i.e. the child squats on his haunches.



Description of the game: choose a "bunny" among children, put it in the center of the circle. Children perform movements according to the words:

Little white bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this,

And wiggles his ears!

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws,


We need to warm up the paws!

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump!


The bunny must jump!

First, the children squat down and use their hands to depict how the bunny wiggles its ears. Then they stroke one or the other hand, clap their hands. Then they get up, jump on two legs to the "bunny" standing inside the circle, try to warm it up, gently stroke it, then return to its place. "Bunny" chooses a replacement, and the game starts over.

Grandma Malanya

Tasks: teach to stand in a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text, the show.

Description of the game: children join hands, form a circle, an adult says the words:

At Malanya, at the old woman

We lived in a small hut

Seven sons, all without eyebrows,

With these eyes,

With these ears,

With these noses,

With a head like this

With such a beard ...

Didn't eat anything

We sat all day

They looked at her,

They did it like this ...

Under these words, the children first walk in one direction in a circle, holding hands. Then they stop and, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict what the text says: they cover their eyebrows with their hands, do “ Round eyes». « Big nose", Big head, beard, etc. They squat down and support their chin with one hand. At the end, they repeat any movement for the leader: make horns, wave a hand, jump, spin, bow, swing from side to side, etc.

The most accurate

Tasks: exercise a horizontal target in throwing bags; develop accuracy.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the players they put large basket... The guys are holding sandbags. Children throw the bags at the signal of the teacher, trying to get into the basket. The educator praises those who are in the basket and encourages those who miss. You can make the game more difficult by increasing the distance to the basket (children take a step back).

Catch the ball

Tasks: develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction while walking and running and change it depending on the situation, teach them to run in different directions, do not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Description of the game: the teacher shows a basket with balls and invites you to stand next to him along one of the sides of the hall. “Catch up with the ball,” the teacher says and throws the balls (according to the number of children) out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions. Children run after balls, take them, carry them to the basket.

Where does it ring?

Tasks: develop children's attention and orientation in space.

Description of the game: children are facing the wall, one of the children is hiding at the other end of the room and ringing a bell. “Listen carefully, where the bell is ringing, find it,” the teacher says to the children. When they find the bell, the caregiver praises the kids. The game repeats itself.

Crawl under the collar

Tasks: exercise children in crawling on all fours and crawling under an obstacle without touching it.

Description of the game: children sit on chairs set along one of the walls of the hall. In front, at a distance of 2-3 m, an arc is set - a collar. The teacher invites the bravest child, invites him to crawl on all fours to the collars, crawl under them, stand up and return to his place.

As you master the exercise, you can complicate it: crawl on all fours and crawl into the hoop, crawl under 2-3 arcs, standing at a distance of 1 m from each other.

Tasks: train children in throwing an object at a distance.

Description of the game: children stand in a line on one side of the hall. Everyone receives sandbags and, at the signal of the teacher, throw them into the distance. Everyone should notice where his pouch fell. At the signal of the teacher, the children run to their bags, take them in their hands and raise them above their heads. The educator notes those who threw the bag farthest.

Ay gu-gu!

Tasks: to acquaint with folk outdoor games; learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: an adult puts the children on high chairs. Passing from one child to another, he says: "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'll find a friend for myself!" Then he stops in front of one of the kids. "You want to play with me? - the teacher asks. "Let's go together, then." The teacher takes the child by the hand, the ionii go on together with the words: "Come on, let's go, let's go, we'll find a friend for ourselves!" The chain is gradually being assembled.

Children form a circle with the teacher. An adult reads the text and asks to repeat the movements after it:

Ay gu-gu, gu-gu, gu-gu,

Do not circle in the meadow.

There's a puddle in the meadow

The head will spin.

Oh, water! Oh, water!

What a trouble so trouble!

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Jumped, jumped and jumped

I got straight into a puddle!

Movement: children lead a round dance in one direction, with the last word of the first quatrain, squat slightly. Then they go the other way. They make several jumps and with the last word they crouch down and stop: “fall into a puddle”. They put their hands down, turn to face the center, put their hands on their heads and shake their heads.

The teacher approaches any child, takes his hands and helps him jump out of the puddle. The rescued child may on their own help any of the players to jump out of the puddle. So, the children together with the teacher save everyone, and the game starts over.

The bear in the forest

Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; learn to run on a signal in different directions without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: the "bear" is selected, which sits on the side of the chair. The rest of the children walk around him, "pick mushrooms and berries" and say:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

With the last word, the bear gets up from the chair, the children scatter, the "bear" catches them. Then a new "bear" is selected.

Bees and bears

Tasks: teach children to act on a signal; run without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: children are divided into two subgroups: one group is bees, the other is bears. Bees fly around the hall, saying: "W-w-w". The teacher says the words:

Oh, the bears are coming

The honey will be taken away from the bees!

Bears come out. The bees flap their wings, buzz, chase the bears away: they "sting" them, touching them with their hand. The bears are running away.

Who gets to the flag first?

Tasks: learn to walk in a forward direction; cultivate endurance.

Description of the game: the teacher asks the children which of them can walk very quickly. "Everything? Let's check it out! " Initially, two children compete. They are on the same line. The flag lies on the floor at a distance of 15-20 steps. At the signal (hitting the tambourine), the children go to the flag. At the same time, the adult emphasizes that you need to go to the flag, but it is not allowed to run. The rest of the children are watching, rewarding the winner with applause. Then new participants are selected and the game continues.


Tasks: to exercise children in the ability to run without bumping into each other; perform movements on a signal.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks: "Are you ready to fly?" Children answer. The teacher continues: "We start the motors!" Children, as shown by the teacher, make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal: "Fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the hall. At the signal: "Landing!" players return to their original position.

My jolly jingle ball

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: children are facing the teacher who is holding a big beautiful ball. Then the teacher shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand on the floor. Then he asks the children to jump high like balls, says the words:

My cheerful, ringing ball

Where have you set off to gallop?

Red, yellow, blue

Can't keep up with you!

Then the teacher throws the ball to the side with the words: "Now the ball will catch up with you - run away from it!" Children run away.

Hares and wolf

Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game: children represent hares, the teacher is a wolf. On one side of the hall for hares, houses or one are marked common Home... The wolf is hiding on opposite side- in a ravine.
An adult says:

Bunnies jump gallop, gallop, gallop
To the green, to the meadow,
They pinch the weed, listen,
Isn't there a wolf.

In accordance with the text, hares jump out of the houses, scatter around the site, then jump on two legs, then sit down and nibble the grass. As soon as an adult utters the word "wolf", the wolf jumps out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them (touch). Hares run away to their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. In the future, the role of the wolf is played by the child.

Funny bunnies

Tasks: exercise children in running, jumping, develop dexterity. Encourage independence. Arouse a feeling of joy from joint actions with adults and peers.

Game progress: the teacher says that they live in the forest funny bunnies with a mother rabbit and a gray wolf who wants to catch them. Then he offers to play: “You will be funny bunnies, and I am your mother, a bunny. Hares live in houses. " The teacher says:

Small houses

They stand densely in the forest.

Little bunnies

They sit in the houses.

Children squat down, hands are applied to the head, depicting rabbits.

Mother rabbit

I ran through the forest.

With her paw she

She knocked on everyone's window.

The teacher approaches each house, knocks and says: “Knock, knock, rabbits, let's go for a walk. If the wolf appears, we will hide again. " Hares run out of their houses, jump, run, frolic, until a wolf appears (an adult or a child senior group). He goes out into the clearing and says: “Oh, how many bunnies! How funny they are. I’ll catch them now. ” The hares run away. The wolf laments: “Oh, how the rabbits run fast. I can’t catch up with them. ”

The game is repeated several times.


Tasks: teach children to move together one after the other, to coordinate movements, not to push the runner in front, even if he moves slowly.

Description of the game: children are divided into pairs at will: one is a horse, the other is a coachman who harnesses the horse (puts on the reins) and rides around the hall from one side of it to the other and back. They begin to move after the teacher says the words:

Tsok! Tsok! Tsok! Tsok!

I am a horse gray side.

I knock with hooves

If you want, I will pump it.

Then, at the suggestion of the educator, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

We are not afraid of a cat

Tasks: teach children to listen to text and respond quickly to a signal.

Description of the game: the teacher takes a toy-cat, puts it on a chair - "the cat is sleeping." The presenter says:

Mice, mice, come out,

Have fun, dance

Come out quickly

A mustached villain cat is sleeping.

The mice surround the cat and begin to dance with the words:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

We are not afraid of the cat.

The cat wakes up and catches the mice (the teacher with the toy catches up with the children). Mice run away into burrows (sit on chairs).


Tasks: exercise in throwing balls into the distance.

Description of the game: to play, you need to spread balls on the floor different sizes: large and small. The teacher explains the rules: big ball throw into the distance with both hands, and small ones with one hand. Shows how to throw balls. Children stand on one side of the hall, repeat the actions of the teacher. After all the balls are thrown, the children go to collect them.

The chicken went out for a walk

Tasks: teach to listen carefully to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children stand behind the teacher one after another. The teacher says the words:

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass.

And after her, the guys

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko-ko

Don't go far!

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

Full trough.

Children repeat the movements behind the teacher: they walk, raising their knees high, flap their "wings". To the words: "Ko-ko-ko, don't go far!" - shake a finger. “Row with your paws, look for grains” - they squat down, looking for grains. "They ate a fat beetle" - show the thickness of the beetle, "earthworm" - show the length of the worm, "drank some water" - bend forward, hands are pulled back.


Tasks: develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, exercise in walking, running one after another.

Description of the game: children are lined up along the wall of the hall.

The teacher stands in front, he is the "locomotive", the children are the "cars". Children don't hold on to each other. The teacher beeps, and the children begin to move forward; at first slowly, then faster and finally they start running (with slow movement, children pronounce the sounds "chug-chukh-chukh"). “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.

Pass the ball

Tasks: learn to pass the ball to each other; develop speed.

Description of the game: children with the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher passes the ball to the child standing next to him, he to his neighbor. The ball needs to be passed quickly, you can listen to music. The teacher tries to catch up with the ball.


Tasks: learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children with a teacher stand in a circle. The teacher says:

Sunshine, sunshine

Gold bottom.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks flew in

And the drifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

Movement: children walk in a circle. According to the words "a stream ran in the garden" - the children run in a circle, "a hundred rooks have arrived" - they wave their hands, "the drifts are melting" - they slowly squat, "the flowers are growing" - they stand on their toes, stretch up.

Shaggy dog

Tasks: to learn to listen to the text attentively, to run on a signal in different directions.

Description of the game: a chair is placed in the center of the hall, a toy dog ​​is placed on it. Children walk around the dog saying:

Here lies a shaggy dog

Burying my nose in my paws.

Quietly, calmly, he lies,

Either asleep, or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up.

And let's see what will happen ?!

Under this text, children approach the dog. On the last words of the text, they reach out and touch shaggy dog... The teacher takes the toy and catches up with the children. Children run around the hall in different directions. Then the dog "gets tired" and goes to sleep again.

Jump to the balloon

Tasks: exercise children in jumping.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle with balloon in hand. Children jump, trying to touch the ball.

Birds fly

Tasks: teach to imitate the movements of birds, to act on a signal.

Description of the game: children - "birds" sit on the chairs. To the words of the teacher: "Ay, the birds flew!" birds fly all over the room. To the words of the teacher: "The birds flew into the nests!" the children hurry and sit on their chairs. The teacher calls the most dexterous and fastest bird that was the first to fly into its nest. The game repeats itself.


Tasks: develop dexterity, speed.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the hall. The trap educator stands in the center. Children say: "One-two-three, catch it!" and run across to the other side of the hall. The teacher with the words: "Now I will catch!" catches children.

Birds and a cat

Tasks: exercise children in running in different directions.

Description of the game: children - "birds", educator - "cat". The teacher depicts a sleeping cat, while the children are walking at this time: they wave their hands, sit down, peck at the grains. The cat wakes up, says "meow", tries to catch the birds, children scatter in different directions, hide in houses (sit on chairs).

Sun bunnies

Tasks: learn to run easily, catching up sun glare by changing the direction and pace of movement in accordance with the nature of the movement of the sunbeam, develop the speed of movement; foster interest in joint participation with peers in outdoor games; contribute to the improvement of respiratory and musculoskeletal systems the child's body; maintain a positive emotional attitude from the players.

Description of the game: the game is played on a clear sunny day. An adult brings a small mirror out into the street and attracts children to observe the appearance of a sunbeam.

Sunny bunny, jump-jump,
I went out for a walk
I jumped deftly out the window,
I ran across the roof.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
He jumped onto the window.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
And on Antoshka's nose.
- Hey guys, don't yawn

And catch up with the hare!

An adult invites children to "catch" a sunbeam galloping along the veranda wall or path. Its task is to quickly move the sunbeam so that the guys are forced to actively run around the site with a change in direction. The winner is the one who manages to be the first to "catch" the sunbeam.


Tasks: introduce children to Russians folk games, develop quickness and dexterity.

Description of the game: a circle is drawn on the ground, a flower is placed in its center. The teacher plays the role of a watchman, stands in a circle; children - bees - squatting outside the circle. The teacher says:

Spring bees,

The wings are golden

What are you sitting,

Don't you fly into the field?

Al will rain you down,

Al bakes you with the sun?

Fly over the high mountains

For the green forests -

On a round meadow

On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle and touch the flower, and the teacher tries not to let anyone in. When the children manage to touch the flower, the game ends with the words: "The bees flew to the flower!"

Bunnies in the house

Tasks: to raise locomotor activity children, develop quickness, dexterity; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game: hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. Children - "bunnies" - jump and run around the hall. The teacher plays the role of a wolf. To the words of an adult: "Gray wolf!" - "wolf" goes hunting, children run into their "houses".

"Jump up to the balloon."

On playground stretch the cord at a distance of 3-5 m from the ground. The balls are tied to it so that they are higher outstretched arms child. The teacher invites the children to jump and hit the ball with their hands. The height of the tied balls is adjustable depending on the height of the children and their capabilities. An adult makes sure that the children, bouncing, touch the ball with both hands (in order to uniformly load the muscles of the shoulder girdle).

Complication option.

You can hang bells, butterflies (made of paper), etc. on the cord. The teacher makes sure that the children, bouncing, touch objects alternately with their right and left hands.

"Treat the squirrel with a nut."

A squirrel (toy) is on a shelf or twig of a tree, and a basket hangs next to it, just above the child's raised hand. To treat a squirrel with a nut (put it in a basket), the child must jump well. An adult makes sure that the children push off with both legs at the same time and land softly. You can hang 2-3 baskets, this will make it possible to simultaneously perform the exercise for 2-3 children. Taking into account the height of the children, the baskets can be hung at different heights.

Jump over the cord.

A 3-4 m long cord is stretched on the floor. Children come up to the cord and, at the signal of the teacher, jump over it.

You can put 5-8 cords in parallel different color(at a distance of 50 cm).

"Jump into the hoop."

There is a hoop with a diameter of 1 m on the floor. Children are invited to come closer to it and jump into it, and then jump out of the hoop. The exercise is performed simultaneously by 3 people, repeat it up to 5 times. You can invite children to walk and run around the hoop after completing the exercises.

"From a hoop to a hoop."

Flat hoops (3-4) are placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Children jump on two legs one after another from hoop to hoop, moving forward.

"Through the brook."

There is a "trickle" of oilcloth on the floor blue 15-20 cm wide, 2 m long. An adult says that the trickle is deep, so you have to jump further so as not to get your feet wet. Children come up to the stream and jump over it, pushing off with two legs at once. The teacher makes sure that they push off harder and land softly, bending their knees.

Jump to the flag.

Colored flags are placed on chairs or a bench. At a distance of 1-1.5 m from the chairs, a cord is stretched on the floor. Children come up to the line and, at the teacher's signal, jump from it on two legs, moving forward to the flags. When the children are at the flags, they should take them, wave them and put them in place. They come back running.

The teacher makes sure that the children, while jumping, push off with both legs at the same time and land softly.

"Along a flat path."

Children jump on paths 2-3 m long on two legs, moving forward. At the end of the track, everyone takes a ball from the box, rolls it along the same track in the opposite direction and runs after it. If it is difficult for the child to complete the exercise, then you should not require that he necessarily jump to the end of the track. For the track, you can use colored cords, gymnastic sticks or colored oilcloth.

"Around the Hoop".

Children stand in large hoops for 2 people. At the signal from the teacher, they jump out of the hoop and jump on two legs around it. Each child makes up to 10 jumps, gradually the number of jumps increases to 15. At the signal of an adult, children rest in a hoop. The exercise is repeated.

"Jump offon the track. "

Children from a bench 15 cm high jump onto a colored path made of oilcloth. On the bench, they stand freely, without interfering with each other. When jumping down, they land softly on both feet.

Complication option. An adult puts 3-4 gymnastic benches parallel to each other at a distance of at least 1 m, each of them has different colored paths. Children take turns jumping off all the benches. The exercise is repeated 3 to 5 times, depending on the capabilities of the children.

"Jump offinto the hoop. "

There are flat hoops in front of the bench. Children stand on the bench according to the number of hoops and jump into them. The teacher makes sure that the children land softly on their toes.

"From cube to cube".

With the help of children, the teacher places cubes in a circle at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. Exercise is performed simultaneously by 2-3 children. Everyone jumps off a cube and goes in a circle to another cube, stands on it, jumps off again, etc.

Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old

Roll the ball

Tasks: teach simple ball games; develop attention and responsiveness.

Description of the game: the teacher seats the children in a circle (3-4 m in diameter) or a semicircle. The child sits on the floor, legs apart. The teacher sits in the center and rolls the ball to each child in turn, calling his name. The child catches the ball and then rolls it back to the caregiver.

Sun and rain

Tasks: develop in children the ability to run scattered, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game: The game can be played both indoors and outdoors. Houses are either chairs or circles on the ground.

The teacher turns the highchair back forward and invites everyone to do the same with their highchairs. “Look, this is a small house,” he says, sitting down in front of the chair and looking out through the hole in the back, as if through a window. Calling the children by name, the adult invites each of them to "look out the window" and wave his hand.

So the chairs built in a semicircle become houses in which children live.

"What a wonderful weather! - says the teacher, looking out the window. - Now I’ll go out and call the kids to play! ” He goes to the middle of the room and invites everyone to take a walk. The kids run out and gather around the teacher, and he says the following text:

The sun looks out the window,

Our eyes squint.

We clap our hands

And run into the street!

Children repeat the rhyme, and then under the words "Top-top-top" and "Clap-clap-clap" everyone stomps their feet and claps their hands, imitating the teacher.

"Now let's run!" - suggests the teacher and runs away. Children scatter in different directions. Suddenly the teacher says: “Look, it's raining! Hurry home! " Everyone is in a hurry to their houses.

“Listen to the rain drumming on the roofs,” says the teacher and, tapping with bent fingers on the seat of the chair, imitates the sound of rain. - It has become very boring. Let's ask the rain to stop dripping. " The teacher reads a folk nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, do not regret a drop.

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window in vain!

The noise of the rain at first intensifies, but gradually dies down, and soon it stops altogether. “Now I’ll go outside and see if the rain is over or not,” the teacher says, leaving his house. He pretends to look at the sky and call the kids: “The sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk! "

Children again gather around the teacher and after him repeat the poem about the sun and perform funny movements. You can run, jump, dance, but until the teacher says again: "Oh, the rain is starting!"

Cat and mouse

Tasks: train children in crawling, the ability to respond to a signal, perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Description of the game: the game is played with a subgroup of children (8-10) in a room (on a carpet) or on a lawn covered with soft grass. In the middle of the room (on the carpet) or on the lawn, a gymnastic ladder is placed on the edge or a cord is pulled. On one side of the fenced space is a house of mice. Choose a cat. She sits on a chair or tree stump. Mice sit in burrows, behind the stairs, the Educator says:

The cat is guarding the mice,

She pretended to be asleep.

The mice crawl out of the holes (crawl between the slats of the stairs or crawl under the cord) and run.

After a while, the teacher says:

Quiet mouse, do not make noise,

You won't wake the cat ...

The cat gets off the chair, gets on all fours, arches its back, says loudly: "meow" - and catches mice, they run into their burrows (do not crawl under the cord or ladder rails). The role of the cat is first performed by the educator, then the most active child is entrusted, then other children are involved in this role. The game is repeated every time with a new cat.


Tasks: teach to listen to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text; develop imagination.

Description of the game: the teacher draws a line on the ground. “This will be our house,” says the teacher, “from here our legs will run along the path, and where they will run, I’ll show you now.” The teacher moves away from the children at a distance of 20-25 steps and draws a parallel line on the ground: "Children will stop here."

Returning to the guys, he helps them line up at the first (starting) line and pronounces the words under which they will perform actions, then offers to repeat them.

Legs, legs,

We ran along the path

We ran in the woods

We jumped over the bumps

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

We ran to the meadow

Lost a boot.

Under these words, children run towards the other line, jump on two legs, approaching an adult (four jumps in total). With the last word, they stop, squat down, turn in one direction or the other, as if looking for a boot. "Found a boot!" - says the teacher, and everyone runs back to the starting line. The game starts over.


Tasks: to consolidate in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it; learn to coordinate movements; develop attention.

Description of the game: the ritual of invitation to the game is held: "Katya, let's go play!" The teacher takes the child by the hand, approaches the next kid with him: "Vanya, let's go play!" The child shakes hands with the previous one, and now the three of them go to invite the next one. This is how all the children take turns holding hands. First, it is better to approach those pupils who express a desire to join the game, and it is more expedient to invite shackled children last.

Children, together with the teacher, hold hands, form a circle, begin to "blow up the bubble": tilting their heads down, the kids blow into fists, one under the other, like a pipe. Each time they inflate, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble has expanded slightly. These actions are repeated 2-3 times. Then everyone joins hands and gradually expands the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay that way

Don't burst.

It turns out to be a large stretched circle.

The teacher says: "The bubble has burst!" Everyone claps their hands, they say: "Clap!" and run into a bunch (towards the center).

After that, the game starts over.

You can end the game like this. When the bubble bursts, say: "Little bubbles flew ..." Children scatter in different directions.


Tasks: teach to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text; develop attention.

Description of the game:“Now we are going to ride the carousel,” says the educator. - Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break. Holding hands, the children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels spun.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two ... (pause),

The game is over.

Under these words, the carousel first slowly moves in one direction, then the pace of speech and movements accelerates, On the words "ran" the carousel changes direction and spins faster. Then the pace of movements gradually slows down, and everyone stops at the words "The game is over."

Catch, catch!

Tasks: exercise in jumping.

Description of the game: A lightweight, easy-to-grasp object is attached to a stick about half a meter long on a strong cord - a soft foam ball, shred, etc. Before the start of the game, the teacher shows this stick. Lowering and raising it, he invites some children to catch the object on a string. An adult gathers around him the guys who are interested in catching the ball, invites them to stand in a circle. Itself becomes in the center.

"Catch-catch!" - says the teacher and brings the object suspended from a stick to one or another child. When the baby tries to catch the ball, the stick rises slightly and the child jumps up to grab it. Turning in different directions, an adult tries to involve all children in this fun.

By playing a little this way, you can slightly change the rules. So, the children take turns catching the ball, running one after another past the stick.

The dolls are dancing

Tasks: teach to perform game actions in turn; cultivate independence.

Description of the game: the teacher shows the table on which the dolls are located. “Look what dolls came to play with us today!” - says the teacher, trying to draw attention to new toys. -Such smart dolls, probably, really want to dance, but they themselves do not know how to dance. They are small and used to being taken in their arms and dancing with them. " Taking the doll, the adult shows how to dance with it. Then he calls the children (from one to three), invites everyone to choose a doll. Children together with dolls perform dance movements. At the end, the dolls are bowing in the hands of the children.

"Now," says the adult, "think about who to give your doll to." The little ones pass the dolls on to those who have not danced yet. The game continues until all the children dance with the dolls.

The game can be conducted both with musical accompaniment and with the singing of an adult.


Tasks: foster friendly, benevolent relationships; teach to imitate the movements characteristic of a particular toy; develop imagination.

Description of the game:“Do you like it when you are presented with toys? - the educator addresses the children. - Now we are going to make gifts to each other. " An adult invites the children to line up in a large circle, calls on the one who will be the first to choose a gift for himself. The kid goes to the middle of the circle, and the teacher with the children leads a round dance under the following words:

We brought gifts to everyone

Whoever wants will take

Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,

A horse, a spinning top and an airplane.

With the end of the words, the children stop. The teacher, referring to the child standing in the circle, asks which of the listed gifts he would like to receive. If the kid chooses a horse, the children depict how the horse gallops, if a doll is chosen, everyone dances like dolls, if the top is spinning, and if an airplane is selected, they imitate the flight and landing of the plane.

If a child chooses a horse, then under the words:

“Our horse is galloping, chok-chok-chok!

The sound of swift feet is heard

Hop hop hop! Hop hop hop! "

children jump, raising their legs high like horses.

Addressing the child inside the circle, the teacher invites him to see “what beautiful horses he has” and choose the one he liked the most. Having chosen a gift for himself, the child takes a place in the round dance, and the one he chose goes to the middle of the circle. Children again join hands and repeat the words: "We brought gifts to everyone ..."

If a child chooses a doll, then the children depict dolls dancing in place under the words:

Doll, doll, dance

Wave a bright ribbon.

(Repeats 2-3 times.)

The spinning top spins in place, and then squat under the words:

This is how the top spins

Buzzed and on the side.

(Repeats 2 times.)

The plane is portrayed as follows: each child starts the engine, making circular movements in front of him. Then he spreads his arms to the sides and runs in a circle. Having made a full circle, the plane slows down and slowly lands, i.e. the child squats on his haunches.



Description of the game: choose a "bunny" among children, put it in the center of the circle. Children perform movements according to the words:

Little white bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this,

And wiggles his ears!

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws,


We need to warm up the paws!

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump!


The bunny must jump!

First, the children squat down and use their hands to depict how the bunny wiggles its ears. Then they stroke one or the other hand, clap their hands. Then they get up, jump on two legs to the "bunny" standing inside the circle, try to warm it up, gently stroke it, then return to its place. "Bunny" chooses a replacement, and the game starts over.

Grandma Malanya

Tasks: teach to stand in a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text, the show.

Description of the game: children join hands, form a circle, an adult says the words:

At Malanya, at the old woman

We lived in a small hut

Seven sons, all without eyebrows,

With these eyes,

With these ears,

With these noses,

With a head like this

With such a beard ...

Didn't eat anything

We sat all day

They looked at her,

They did it like this ...

Under these words, the children first walk in one direction in a circle, holding hands. Then they stop and, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict what the text says: they cover their eyebrows with their hands, do “Round eyes”. "Big nose", big head, beard, etc. They squat down and support their chin with one hand. At the end, they repeat any movement for the leader: make horns, wave a hand, jump, spin, bow, swing from side to side, etc.

The most accurate

Tasks: exercise a horizontal target in throwing bags; develop accuracy.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle. A large basket is placed in the center of the circle at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the players. The guys are holding sandbags. Children throw the bags at the signal of the teacher, trying to get into the basket. The educator praises those who are in the basket and encourages those who miss. You can make the game more difficult by increasing the distance to the basket (children take a step back).

Catch the ball

Tasks: develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction during walking and running and change it depending on the situation, teach them to run in different directions, not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Description of the game: the teacher shows a basket with balls and invites you to stand next to him along one of the sides of the hall. “Catch up with the ball,” the teacher says and throws the balls (according to the number of children) out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions. Children run after balls, take them, carry them to the basket.

Where does it ring?

Tasks: develop children's attention and orientation in space.

Description of the game: children are facing the wall, one of the children is hiding at the other end of the room and ringing a bell. “Listen carefully, where the bell is ringing, find it,” the teacher says to the children. When they find the bell, the caregiver praises the kids. The game repeats itself.

Crawl under the collar

Tasks: exercise children in crawling on all fours and crawling under an obstacle without touching it.

Description of the game: children sit on chairs set along one of the walls of the hall. In front, at a distance of 2-3 m, an arc is set - a collar. The teacher invites the bravest child, invites him to crawl on all fours to the collars, crawl under them, stand up and return to his place.

As you master the exercise, you can complicate it: crawl on all fours and crawl into the hoop, crawl under 2-3 arcs, standing at a distance of 1 m from each other.

Tasks: train children in throwing an object at a distance.

Description of the game: children stand in a line on one side of the hall. Everyone receives sandbags and, at the signal of the teacher, throw them into the distance. Everyone should notice where his pouch fell. At the signal of the teacher, the children run to their bags, take them in their hands and raise them above their heads. The educator notes those who threw the bag farthest.

Ay gu-gu!

Tasks: to acquaint with folk outdoor games; learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: an adult puts the children on high chairs. Passing from one child to another, he says: "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'll find a friend for myself!" Then he stops in front of one of the kids. "You want to play with me? - the teacher asks. "Let's go together, then." The teacher takes the child by the hand, the ionii go on together with the words: "Come on, let's go, let's go, we'll find a friend for ourselves!" The chain is gradually being assembled.

Children form a circle with the teacher. An adult reads the text and asks to repeat the movements after it:

Ay gu-gu, gu-gu, gu-gu,

Do not circle in the meadow.

There's a puddle in the meadow

The head will spin.

Oh, water! Oh, water!

What a trouble so trouble!

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Jumped, jumped and jumped

I got straight into a puddle!

Movement: children lead a round dance in one direction, with the last word of the first quatrain, squat slightly. Then they go the other way. They make several jumps and with the last word they crouch down and stop: “fall into a puddle”. They put their hands down, turn to face the center, put their hands on their heads and shake their heads.

The teacher approaches any child, takes his hands and helps him jump out of the puddle. The rescued child can, of his own free will, help any of the players to jump out of the puddle. So, the children together with the teacher save everyone, and the game starts over.

The bear in the forest

Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; learn to run on a signal in different directions without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: the "bear" is selected, which sits on the side of the chair. The rest of the children walk around him, "pick mushrooms and berries" and say:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

With the last word, the bear gets up from the chair, the children scatter, the "bear" catches them. Then a new "bear" is selected.

Bees and bears

Tasks: teach children to act on a signal; run without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: children are divided into two subgroups: one group is bees, the other is bears. Bees fly around the hall, saying: "W-w-w". The teacher says the words:

Oh, the bears are coming

The honey will be taken away from the bees!

Bears come out. The bees flap their wings, buzz, chase the bears away: they "sting" them, touching them with their hand. The bears are running away.

Who gets to the flag first?

Tasks: learn to walk in a forward direction; cultivate endurance.

Description of the game: the teacher asks the children which of them can walk very quickly. "Everything? Let's check it out! " Initially, two children compete. They are on the same line. The flag lies on the floor at a distance of 15-20 steps. At the signal (hitting the tambourine), the children go to the flag. At the same time, the adult emphasizes that you need to go to the flag, but it is not allowed to run. The rest of the children are watching, rewarding the winner with applause. Then new participants are selected and the game continues.


Tasks: to exercise children in the ability to run without bumping into each other; perform movements on a signal.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks: "Are you ready to fly?" Children answer. The teacher continues: "We start the motors!" Children, as shown by the teacher, make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal: "Fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the hall. At the signal: "Landing!" players return to their original position.

My jolly jingle ball

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: children are facing the teacher who is holding a big beautiful ball. Then the teacher shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand on the floor. Then he asks the children to jump high like balls, says the words:

My cheerful, ringing ball

Where have you set off to gallop?

Red, yellow, blue

Can't keep up with you!

Then the teacher throws the ball to the side with the words: "Now the ball will catch up with you - run away from it!" Children run away.

Hares and wolf

Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game:
An adult says:

To the green, to the meadow,
They pinch the weed, listen,
Isn't there a wolf.

In accordance with the text, hares jump out of the houses, scatter around the site, then jump on two legs, then sit down and nibble the grass. As soon as an adult utters the word "wolf", the wolf jumps out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them (touch). Hares run away to their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. In the future, the role of the wolf is played by the child.

Funny bunnies

Tasks: exercise children in running, jumping, develop dexterity. Encourage independence. Arouse a feeling of joy from joint actions with adults and peers.

Game progress: the teacher says that funny bunnies live in the forest with their mother-hare and a gray wolf who wants to catch them. Then he offers to play: “You will be funny bunnies, and I am your mother, a bunny. Hares live in houses. " The teacher says:

Small houses

They stand densely in the forest.

Little bunnies

They sit in the houses.

Children squat down, hands are applied to the head, depicting rabbits.

Mother rabbit

I ran through the forest.

With her paw she

She knocked on everyone's window.

The teacher approaches each house, knocks and says: “Knock, knock, rabbits, let's go for a walk. If the wolf appears, we will hide again. " Hares run out of their houses, jump, run, frolic, until a wolf appears (an adult or a child of an older group). He goes out into the clearing and says: “Oh, how many bunnies! How funny they are. I’ll catch them now. ” The hares run away. The wolf laments: “Oh, how the rabbits run fast. I can’t catch up with them. ”

The game is repeated several times.


Tasks: teach children to move together one after the other, to coordinate movements, not to push the runner in front, even if he moves slowly.

Description of the game: children are divided into pairs at will: one is a horse, the other is a coachman who harnesses the horse (puts on the reins) and rides around the hall from one side of it to the other and back. They begin to move after the teacher says the words:

Tsok! Tsok! Tsok! Tsok!

I am a horse gray side.

I knock with hooves

If you want, I will pump it.

Then, at the suggestion of the educator, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

We are not afraid of a cat

Tasks: teach children to listen to text and respond quickly to a signal.

Description of the game: the teacher takes a toy-cat, puts it on a chair - "the cat is sleeping." The presenter says:

Mice, mice, come out,

Have fun, dance

Come out quickly

A mustached villain cat is sleeping.

The mice surround the cat and begin to dance with the words:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

We are not afraid of the cat.

The cat wakes up and catches the mice (the teacher with the toy catches up with the children). Mice run away into burrows (sit on chairs).


Tasks: exercise in throwing balls into the distance.

Description of the game: to play, you need to spread balls of different sizes on the floor: large and small. The teacher explains the rules: throw a large ball into the distance with both hands, and small ones with one hand. Shows how to throw balls. Children stand on one side of the hall, repeat the actions of the teacher. After all the balls are thrown, the children go to collect them.

The chicken went out for a walk

Tasks: teach to listen carefully to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children stand behind the teacher one after another. The teacher says the words:

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass.

And after her, the guys

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko-ko

Don't go far!

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

Full trough.

Children repeat the movements behind the teacher: they walk, raising their knees high, flap their "wings". To the words: "Ko-ko-ko, don't go far!" - shake a finger. “Row with your paws, look for grains” - they squat down, looking for grains. "They ate a fat beetle" - show the thickness of the beetle, "earthworm" - show the length of the worm, "drank some water" - bend forward, hands are pulled back.


Tasks: develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, exercise in walking, running one after another.

Description of the game: children are lined up along the wall of the hall.

The teacher stands in front, he is the "locomotive", the children are the "cars". Children don't hold on to each other. The teacher beeps, and the children begin to move forward; at first slowly, then faster and finally they start running (with slow movement, children pronounce the sounds "chug-chukh-chukh"). “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.

Pass the ball

Tasks: learn to pass the ball to each other; develop speed.

Description of the game: children with the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher passes the ball to the child standing next to him, he to his neighbor. The ball needs to be passed quickly, you can listen to music. The teacher tries to catch up with the ball.


Tasks: learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children with a teacher stand in a circle. The teacher says:

Sunshine, sunshine

Gold bottom.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks flew in

And the drifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

Movement: children walk in a circle. According to the words "a stream ran in the garden" - the children run in a circle, "a hundred rooks have arrived" - they wave their hands, "the drifts are melting" - they slowly squat, "the flowers are growing" - they stand on their toes, stretch up.

Shaggy dog

Tasks: to learn to listen to the text attentively, to run on a signal in different directions.

Description of the game: a chair is placed in the center of the hall, a toy dog ​​is placed on it. Children walk around the dog saying:

Here lies a shaggy dog

Burying my nose in my paws.

Quietly, calmly, he lies,

Either asleep, or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up.

And let's see what will happen ?!

Under this text, children approach the dog. At the last words of the text, they reach out and touch the shaggy dog. The teacher takes the toy and catches up with the children. Children run around the hall in different directions. Then the dog "gets tired" and goes to sleep again.

Jump to the balloon

Tasks: exercise children in jumping.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle with a balloon in his hands. Children jump, trying to touch the ball.

Birds fly

Tasks: teach to imitate the movements of birds, to act on a signal.

Description of the game: children - "birds" sit on the chairs. To the words of the teacher: "Ay, the birds flew!" birds fly all over the room. To the words of the teacher: "The birds flew into the nests!" the children hurry and sit on their chairs. The teacher calls the most dexterous and fastest bird that was the first to fly into its nest. The game repeats itself.


Tasks: develop dexterity, speed.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the hall. The trap educator stands in the center. Children say: "One-two-three, catch it!" and run across to the other side of the hall. The teacher with the words: "Now I will catch!" catches children.

Birds and a cat

Tasks: exercise children in running in different directions.

Description of the game: children - "birds", educator - "cat". The teacher depicts a sleeping cat, while the children are walking at this time: they wave their hands, sit down, peck at the grains. The cat wakes up, says "meow", tries to catch the birds, children scatter in different directions, hide in houses (sit on chairs).

Sun bunnies

Tasks: to learn to run easily, catching up with the glare of the sun, changing the direction and pace of movement in accordance with the nature of the movement of the sunbeam, to develop the speed of movement; foster interest in joint participation with peers in outdoor games; to contribute to the improvement of the activity of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems of the child's body; maintain a positive emotional attitude among the players.

Description of the game: the game is played on a clear sunny day. An adult brings a small mirror out into the street and attracts children to observe the appearance of a sunbeam.

Sunny bunny, jump-jump,
I went out for a walk
I jumped deftly out the window,
I ran across the roof.

Jump and jump, jump and jump,
He jumped onto the window.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
And on Antoshka's nose.

Hey guys don't yawn

And catch up with the hare!

An adult invites children to "catch" a sunbeam galloping along the veranda wall or path. Its task is to quickly move the sunbeam so that the guys are forced to actively run around the site with a change in direction. The winner is the one who manages to be the first to "catch" the sunbeam.


Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk games, to develop speed and dexterity.

Description of the game: a circle is drawn on the ground, a flower is placed in its center. The teacher plays the role of a watchman, stands in a circle; children - bees - squatting outside the circle. The teacher says:

Spring bees,

The wings are golden

What are you sitting,

Don't you fly into the field?

Al will rain you down,

Al bakes you with the sun?

Fly over the high mountains

For the green forests -

On a round meadow

On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle and touch the flower, and the teacher tries not to let anyone in. When the children manage to touch the flower, the game ends with the words: "The bees flew to the flower!"

Bunnies in the house

Tasks: increase the physical activity of children, develop speed, dexterity; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game: hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. Children - "bunnies" - jump and run around the hall. The teacher plays the role of a wolf. To the words of an adult: "Gray wolf!" - "wolf" goes hunting, children run into their "houses".



Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old

Roll the ball

Tasks: teach simple ball games; develop attention and responsiveness.

Description of the game: the teacher seats the children in a circle (3-4 m in diameter) or a semicircle. The child sits on the floor, legs apart. The teacher sits in the center and rolls the ball to each child in turn, calling his name. The child catches the ball and then rolls it back to the caregiver.

Sun and rain

Tasks: develop in children the ability to run scattered, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal.

Description of the game: The game can be played both indoors and outdoors. Houses are either chairs or circles on the ground.

The teacher turns the highchair back forward and invites everyone to do the same with their highchairs. “Look, this is a small house,” he says, sitting down in front of the chair and looking out through the hole in the back, as if through a window. Calling the children by name, the adult invites each of them to "look out the window" and wave his hand.

So the chairs built in a semicircle become houses in which children live.

"What a wonderful weather! - says the teacher, looking out the window. - Now I’ll go out and call the kids to play! ” He goes to the middle of the room and invites everyone to take a walk. The kids run out and gather around the teacher, and he says the following text:

The sun looks out the window,

Our eyes squint.

We clap our hands

And run into the street!

Children repeat the rhyme, and then under the words "Top-top-top" and "Clap-clap-clap" everyone stomps their feet and claps their hands, imitating the teacher.

"Now let's run!" - suggests the teacher and runs away. Children scatter in different directions. Suddenly the teacher says: “Look, it's raining! Hurry home! " Everyone is in a hurry to their houses.

“Listen to the rain drumming on the roofs,” says the teacher and, tapping with bent fingers on the seat of the chair, imitates the sound of rain. - It has become very boring. Let's ask the rain to stop dripping. " The teacher reads a folk nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain, more fun,

Drip, do not regret a drop.

Just don't get us wet

Don't knock on the window in vain!

The noise of the rain at first intensifies, but gradually dies down, and soon it stops altogether. “Now I’ll go outside and see if the rain is over or not,” the teacher says, leaving his house. He pretends to look at the sky and call the kids: “The sun is shining! No rain! Come out for a walk! "

Children again gather around the teacher and after him repeat the poem about the sun and perform funny movements. You can run, jump, dance, but until the teacher says again: "Oh, the rain is starting!"

Cat and mouse

Tasks: train children in crawling, the ability to respond to a signal, perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

Description of the game: the game is played with a subgroup of children (8-10) in a room (on a carpet) or on a lawn covered with soft grass. In the middle of the room (on the carpet) or on the lawn, a gymnastic ladder is placed on the edge or a cord is pulled. On one side of the fenced space is a house of mice. Choose a cat. She sits on a chair or tree stump. Mice sit in burrows, behind the stairs, the Educator says:

The cat is guarding the mice,

She pretended to be asleep.

The mice crawl out of the holes (crawl between the slats of the stairs or crawl under the cord) and run.

After a while, the teacher says:

Quiet mouse, do not make noise,

You won't wake the cat ...

The cat gets off the chair, gets on all fours, arches its back, says loudly: "meow" - and catches mice, they run into their burrows (do not crawl under the cord or ladder rails). The role of the cat is first performed by the educator, then assigned to the most active child, then other children are involved in this role. The game is repeated every time with a new cat.


Tasks: teach to listen to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text; develop imagination.

Description of the game: the teacher draws a line on the ground. “This will be our house,” says the teacher, “from here our legs will run along the path, and where they will run, I’ll show you now.” The teacher moves away from the children at a distance of 20-25 steps and draws a parallel line on the ground: "Children will stop here."

Returning to the guys, he helps them line up at the first (starting) line and pronounces the words under which they will perform actions, then offers to repeat them.

Legs, legs,

We ran along the path

We ran in the woods

We jumped over the bumps

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

We ran to the meadow

Lost a boot.

Under these words, children run towards the other line, jump on two legs, approaching an adult (four jumps in total). With the last word, they stop, squat down, turn in one direction or the other, as if looking for a boot. "Found a boot!" - says the teacher, and everyone runs back to the starting line. The game starts over.


Tasks: to consolidate in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it; learn to coordinate movements; develop attention.

Description of the game: the ritual of invitation to the game is held: "Katya, let's go play!" The teacher takes the child by the hand, approaches the next kid with him: "Vanya, let's go play!" The child shakes hands with the previous one, and now the three of them go to invite the next one. This is how all the children take turns holding hands. First, it is better to approach those pupils who express a desire to join the game, and it is more expedient to invite shackled children last.

Children, together with the teacher, hold hands, form a circle, begin to "blow up the bubble": tilting their heads down, the kids blow into fists, one under the other, like a pipe. Each time they inflate, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble has expanded slightly. These actions are repeated 2-3 times. Then everyone joins hands and gradually expands the circle, moving and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

Stay that way

Don't burst.

It turns out to be a large stretched circle.

The teacher says: "The bubble has burst!" Everyone claps their hands, they say: "Clap!" and run into a bunch (towards the center).

After that, the game starts over.

You can end the game like this. When the bubble bursts, say: "Little bubbles flew ..." Children scatter in different directions.


Tasks: teach to coordinate movements with each other and the rhythm of the text; develop attention.

Description of the game: “Now we are going to ride the carousel,” says the educator. - Repeat the words after me and move together in a circle so that the carousel does not break. Holding hands, the children, together with the teacher, move in a circle and pronounce the following words:

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels spun.

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two ... (pause),

The game is over.

Under these words, the carousel first slowly moves in one direction, then the pace of speech and movements accelerates, On the words "ran" the carousel changes direction and spins faster. Then the pace of movements gradually slows down, and everyone stops at the words "The game is over."

Catch, catch!

Tasks: exercise in jumping.

Description of the game: A lightweight, easy-to-grasp object is attached to a stick about half a meter long on a strong cord - a soft foam ball, shred, etc. Before the start of the game, the teacher shows this stick. Lowering and raising it, he invites some children to catch the object on a string. An adult gathers around him the guys who are interested in catching the ball, invites them to stand in a circle. Itself becomes in the center.

"Catch-catch!" - says the teacher and brings the object suspended from a stick to one or another child. When the baby tries to catch the ball, the stick rises slightly and the child jumps up to grab it. Turning in different directions, an adult tries to involve all children in this fun.

By playing a little this way, you can slightly change the rules. So, the children take turns catching the ball, running one after another past the stick.

The dolls are dancing

Tasks: teach to perform game actions in turn; cultivate independence.

Description of the game: the teacher shows the table on which the dolls are located. “Look what dolls came to play with us today!” - says the teacher, trying to draw attention to new toys. -Such smart dolls, probably, really want to dance, but they themselves do not know how to dance. They are small and used to being taken in their arms and dancing with them. " Taking the doll, the adult shows how to dance with it. Then he calls the children (from one to three), invites everyone to choose a doll. Children together with dolls perform dance movements. At the end, the dolls are bowing in the hands of the children.

"Now," says the adult, "think about who to give your doll to." The little ones pass the dolls on to those who have not danced yet. The game continues until all the children dance with the dolls.

The game can be conducted both with musical accompaniment and with the singing of an adult.


Tasks: foster friendly, benevolent relationships; teach to imitate the movements characteristic of a particular toy; develop imagination.

Description of the game: “Do you like it when you are presented with toys? - the educator addresses the children. - Now we are going to make gifts to each other. " An adult invites the children to line up in a large circle, calls on the one who will be the first to choose a gift for himself. The kid goes to the middle of the circle, and the teacher with the children leads a round dance under the following words:

We brought gifts to everyone

Whoever wants will take

Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,

A horse, a spinning top and an airplane.

With the end of the words, the children stop. The teacher, referring to the child standing in the circle, asks which of the listed gifts he would like to receive. If the kid chooses a horse, the children depict how the horse gallops, if a doll is chosen, everyone dances like dolls, if the top is spinning, and if an airplane is selected, they imitate the flight and landing of the plane.

If a child chooses a horse, then under the words:

“Our horse is galloping, chok-chok-chok!

The sound of swift feet is heard

Hop hop hop! Hop hop hop! "

children jump, raising their legs high like horses.

Addressing the child inside the circle, the teacher invites him to see “what beautiful horses he has” and choose the one he liked the most. Having chosen a gift for himself, the child takes a place in the round dance, and the one he chose goes to the middle of the circle. Children again join hands and repeat the words: "We brought gifts to everyone ..."

If a child chooses a doll, then the children depict dolls dancing in place under the words:

Doll, doll, dance

Wave a bright ribbon.

(Repeats 2-3 times.)

The spinning top spins in place, and then squat under the words:

This is how the top spins

Buzzed and on the side.

(Repeats 2 times.)

The plane is portrayed as follows: each child starts the engine, making circular movements in front of him. Then he spreads his arms to the sides and runs in a circle. Having made a full circle, the plane slows down and slowly lands, i.e. the child squats on his haunches.



Description of the game: choose a "bunny" among children, put it in the center of the circle. Children perform movements according to the words:

Little white bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this,

And wiggles his ears!

Bunny is cold to sit

We need to warm the paws,


We need to warm up the paws!

Bunny is cold to stand

The bunny must jump!


The bunny must jump!

First, the children squat down and use their hands to depict how the bunny wiggles its ears. Then they stroke one or the other hand, clap their hands. Then they get up, jump on two legs to the "bunny" standing inside the circle, try to warm it up, gently stroke it, then return to its place. "Bunny" chooses a replacement, and the game starts over.

Grandma Malanya

Tasks: teach to stand in a circle, perform movements in accordance with the text, the show.

Description of the game: children join hands, form a circle, an adult says the words:

At Malanya, at the old woman

We lived in a small hut

Seven sons, all without eyebrows,

With these eyes,

With these ears,

With these noses,

With a head like this

With such a beard ...

Didn't eat anything

We sat all day

They looked at her,

They did it like this ...

Under these words, the children first walk in one direction in a circle, holding hands. Then they stop and, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict what the text says: they cover their eyebrows with their hands, do “Round eyes”. "Big nose", big head, beard, etc. They squat down and support their chin with one hand. At the end, they repeat any movement for the leader: make horns, wave a hand, jump, spin, bow, swing from side to side, etc.

The most accurate

Tasks: exercise a horizontal target in throwing bags; develop accuracy.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle. A large basket is placed in the center of the circle at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the players. The guys are holding sandbags. Children throw the bags at the signal of the teacher, trying to get into the basket. The educator praises those who are in the basket and encourages those who miss. You can make the game more difficult by increasing the distance to the basket (children take a step back).

Catch the ball

Tasks: develop in children the ability to maintain the necessary direction during walking and running and change it depending on the current situation, teach them to run in different directions, not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance.

Description of the game: the teacher shows a basket with balls and invites you to stand next to him along one of the sides of the hall. “Catch up with the ball,” the teacher says and throws the balls (according to the number of children) out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions. Children run after balls, take them, carry them to the basket.

Where does it ring?

Tasks: develop children's attention and orientation in space.

Description of the game: children are facing the wall, one of the children is hiding at the other end of the room and ringing a bell. “Listen carefully, where the bell is ringing, find it,” the teacher says to the children. When they find the bell, the caregiver praises the kids. The game repeats itself.

Crawl under the collar

Tasks: exercise children in crawling on all fours and crawling under an obstacle without touching it.

Description of the game: children sit on chairs set along one of the walls of the hall. In front, at a distance of 2-3 m, an arc is set - a collar. The teacher invites the bravest child, invites him to crawl on all fours to the collars, crawl under them, stand up and return to his place.

As you master the exercise, you can complicate it: crawl on all fours and crawl into the hoop, crawl under 2-3 arcs, standing at a distance of 1 m from each other.

Tasks: train children in throwing an object at a distance.

Description of the game: children stand in a line on one side of the hall. Everyone receives sandbags and, at the signal of the teacher, throw them into the distance. Everyone should notice where his pouch fell. At the signal of the teacher, the children run to their bags, take them in their hands and raise them above their heads. The educator notes those who threw the bag farthest.

Ay gu-gu!

Tasks: to acquaint with folk outdoor games; learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: an adult puts the children on high chairs. Passing from one child to another, he says: "I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, I'll find a friend for myself!" Then he stops in front of one of the kids. "You want to play with me? - the teacher asks. "Let's go together, then." The teacher takes the child by the hand, the ionii go on together with the words: "Come on, let's go, let's go, we'll find a friend for ourselves!" The chain is gradually being assembled.

Children form a circle with the teacher. An adult reads the text and asks to repeat the movements after it:

Ay gu-gu, gu-gu, gu-gu,

Do not circle in the meadow.

There's a puddle in the meadow

The head will spin.

Oh, water! Oh, water!

What a trouble so trouble!

Jump-jump, jump-jump.

Jumped, jumped and jumped

I got straight into a puddle!

Movement: children lead a round dance in one direction, with the last word of the first quatrain, squat slightly. Then they go the other way. They make several jumps and with the last word they crouch down and stop: “fall into a puddle”. They put their hands down, turn to face the center, put their hands on their heads and shake their heads.

The teacher approaches any child, takes his hands and helps him jump out of the puddle. The rescued child can, of his own free will, help any of the players to jump out of the puddle. So, the children together with the teacher save everyone, and the game starts over.

The bear in the forest

Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; learn to run on a signal in different directions without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: the "bear" is selected, which sits on the side of the chair. The rest of the children walk around him, "pick mushrooms and berries" and say:

The bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

With the last word, the bear gets up from the chair, the children scatter, the "bear" catches them. Then a new "bear" is selected.

Bees and bears

Tasks: teach children to act on a signal; run without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: children are divided into two subgroups: one group is bees, the other is bears. Bees fly around the hall, saying: "W-w-w". The teacher says the words:

Oh, the bears are coming

The honey will be taken away from the bees!

Bears come out. The bees flap their wings, buzz, chase the bears away: they "sting" them, touching them with their hand. The bears are running away.

Who gets to the flag first?

Tasks: learn to walk in a forward direction; cultivate endurance.

Description of the game: the teacher asks the children which of them can walk very quickly. "Everything? Let's check it out! " Initially, two children compete. They are on the same line. The flag lies on the floor at a distance of 15-20 steps. At the signal (hitting the tambourine), the children go to the flag. At the same time, the adult emphasizes that you need to go to the flag, but it is not allowed to run. The rest of the children are watching, rewarding the winner with applause. Then new participants are selected and the game continues.


Tasks: to exercise children in the ability to run without bumping into each other; perform movements on a signal.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the room. The teacher asks: "Are you ready to fly?" Children answer. The teacher continues: "We start the motors!" Children, as shown by the teacher, make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest. After the signal: "Fly!" spread their arms to the sides and scatter around the hall. At the signal: "Landing!" players return to their original position.

My jolly jingle ball

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Description of the game: children are facing the teacher who is holding a big beautiful ball. Then the teacher shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand on the floor. Then he asks the children to jump high like balls, says the words:

My cheerful, ringing ball

Where have you set off to gallop?

Red, yellow, blue

Can't keep up with you!

Then the teacher throws the ball to the side with the words: "Now the ball will catch up with you - run away from it!" Children run away.

Hares and wolf

Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk outdoor games; teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game: children represent hares, the teacher is a wolf. On one side of the hall for hares, houses or one common house are marked. The wolf is hiding on the opposite side - in a ravine.
An adult says:

Bunnies jump gallop, gallop, gallop
To the green, to the meadow,
They pinch the weed, listen,
Isn't there a wolf.

In accordance with the text, hares jump out of the houses, scatter around the site, then jump on two legs, then sit down and nibble the grass. As soon as an adult utters the word "wolf", the wolf jumps out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch them (touch). Hares run away to their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. In the future, the role of the wolf is played by the child.

Funny bunnies

Tasks: exercise children in running, jumping, develop dexterity. Encourage independence. Arouse a feeling of joy from joint actions with adults and peers.

Game progress: the teacher says that funny bunnies live in the forest with their mother-hare and a gray wolf who wants to catch them. Then he offers to play: “You will be funny bunnies, and I am your mother, a bunny. Hares live in houses. " The teacher says:

Small houses

They stand densely in the forest.

Little bunnies

They sit in the houses.

Children squat down, hands are applied to the head, depicting rabbits.

Mother rabbit

I ran through the forest.

With her paw she

She knocked on everyone's window.

The teacher approaches each house, knocks and says: “Knock, knock, rabbits, let's go for a walk. If the wolf appears, we will hide again. " Hares run out of their houses, jump, run, frolic, until a wolf appears (an adult or a child of an older group). He goes out into the clearing and says: “Oh, how many bunnies! How funny they are. I’ll catch them now. ” The hares run away. The wolf laments: “Oh, how the rabbits run fast. I can’t catch up with them. ”

The game is repeated several times.


Tasks: teach children to move together one after the other, to coordinate movements, not to push the runner in front, even if he moves slowly.

Description of the game: children are divided into pairs at will: one is a horse, the other is a coachman who harnesses the horse (puts on the reins) and rides around the hall from one side of it to the other and back. They begin to move after the teacher says the words:

Tsok! Tsok! Tsok! Tsok!

I am a horse gray side.

I knock with hooves

If you want, I will pump it.

Then, at the suggestion of the educator, the children change roles and the game is repeated.

We are not afraid of a cat

Tasks: teach children to listen to text and respond quickly to a signal.

Description of the game: the teacher takes a toy-cat, puts it on a chair - "the cat is sleeping." The presenter says:

Mice, mice, come out,

Have fun, dance

Come out quickly

A mustached villain cat is sleeping.

The mice surround the cat and begin to dance with the words:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

We are not afraid of the cat.

The cat wakes up and catches the mice (the teacher with the toy catches up with the children). Mice run away into burrows (sit on chairs).


Tasks: exercise in throwing balls into the distance.

Description of the game: to play, you need to spread balls of different sizes on the floor: large and small. The teacher explains the rules: throw a large ball into the distance with both hands, and small ones with one hand. Shows how to throw balls. Children stand on one side of the hall, repeat the actions of the teacher. After all the balls are thrown, the children go to collect them.

The chicken went out for a walk

Tasks: teach to listen carefully to an adult, perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children stand behind the teacher one after another. The teacher says the words:

The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch fresh grass.

And after her, the guys

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko-ko

Don't go far!

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains.

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

Full trough.

Children repeat the movements behind the teacher: they walk, raising their knees high, flap their "wings". To the words: "Ko-ko-ko, don't go far!" - shake a finger. “Row with your paws, look for grains” - they squat down, looking for grains. "They ate a fat beetle" - show the thickness of the beetle, "earthworm" - show the length of the worm, "drank some water" - bend forward, hands are pulled back.


Tasks: develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, exercise in walking, running one after another.

Description of the game: children are lined up along the wall of the hall.

The teacher stands in front, he is the "locomotive", the children are the "cars". Children don't hold on to each other. The teacher beeps, and the children begin to move forward; at first slowly, then faster and finally they start running (with slow movement, children pronounce the sounds "chug-chukh-chukh"). “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.

Pass the ball

Tasks: learn to pass the ball to each other; develop speed.

Description of the game: children with the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher passes the ball to the child standing next to him, he to his neighbor. The ball needs to be passed quickly, you can listen to music. The teacher tries to catch up with the ball.


Tasks: learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Description of the game: children with a teacher stand in a circle. The teacher says:

Sunshine, sunshine

Gold bottom.

Burn, burn clearly

In order not to go out.

A stream ran in the garden,

A hundred rooks flew in

And the drifts are melting, melting,

And the flowers are growing.

Movement: children walk in a circle. According to the words "a stream ran in the garden" - the children run in a circle, "a hundred rooks have arrived" - they wave their hands, "the drifts are melting" - they slowly squat, "the flowers are growing" - they stand on their toes, stretch up.

Shaggy dog

Tasks: to learn to listen to the text attentively, to run on a signal in different directions.

Description of the game: a chair is placed in the center of the hall, a toy dog ​​is placed on it. Children walk around the dog saying:

Here lies a shaggy dog

Burying my nose in my paws.

Quietly, calmly, he lies,

Either asleep, or asleep.

Let's go to him, wake him up.

And let's see what will happen ?!

Under this text, children approach the dog. At the last words of the text, they reach out and touch the shaggy dog. The teacher takes the toy and catches up with the children. Children run around the hall in different directions. Then the dog "gets tired" and goes to sleep again.

Jump to the balloon

Tasks: exercise children in jumping.

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher walks in a circle with a balloon in his hands. Children jump, trying to touch the ball.

Birds fly

Tasks: teach to imitate the movements of birds, to act on a signal.

Description of the game: children - "birds" sit on the chairs. To the words of the teacher: "Ay, the birds flew!" birds fly all over the room. To the words of the teacher: "The birds flew into the nests!" the children hurry and sit on their chairs. The teacher calls the most dexterous and fastest bird that was the first to fly into its nest. The game repeats itself.


Tasks: develop dexterity, speed.

Description of the game: children stand on one side of the hall. The trap educator stands in the center. Children say: "One-two-three, catch it!" and run across to the other side of the hall. The teacher with the words: "Now I will catch!" catches children.

Birds and a cat

Tasks: exercise children in running in different directions.

Description of the game: children - "birds", educator - "cat". The teacher depicts a sleeping cat, while the children are walking at this time: they wave their hands, sit down, peck at the grains. The cat wakes up, says "meow", tries to catch the birds, children scatter in different directions, hide in houses (sit on chairs).

Sun bunnies

Tasks: to learn to run easily, catching up with the glare of the sun, changing the direction and pace of movement in accordance with the nature of the movement of the sunbeam, to develop the speed of movement; foster interest in joint participation with peers in outdoor games; to contribute to the improvement of the activity of the respiratory and musculoskeletal systems of the child's body; maintain a positive emotional attitude among the players.

Description of the game: the game is played on a clear sunny day. An adult brings a small mirror out into the street and attracts children to observe the appearance of a sunbeam.

Sunny bunny, jump-jump,
I went out for a walk
I jumped deftly out the window,
I ran across the roof.

Jump and jump, jump and jump,
He jumped onto the window.
Jump and jump, jump and jump,
And on Antoshka's nose.

Hey guys don't yawn

And catch up with the hare!

An adult invites children to "catch" a sunbeam galloping along the veranda wall or path. Its task is to quickly move the sunbeam so that the guys are forced to actively run around the site with a change in direction. The winner is the one who manages to be the first to "catch" the sunbeam.


Tasks: to acquaint children with Russian folk games, to develop speed and dexterity.

Description of the game: a circle is drawn on the ground, a flower is placed in its center. The teacher plays the role of a watchman, stands in a circle; children - bees - squatting outside the circle. The teacher says:

Spring bees,

The wings are golden

What are you sitting,

Don't you fly into the field?

Al will rain you down,

Al bakes you with the sun?

Fly over the high mountains

For the green forests -

On a round meadow

On an azure flower.

The bees try to run into the circle and touch the flower, and the teacher tries not to let anyone in. When the children manage to touch the flower, the game ends with the words: "The bees flew to the flower!"

Bunnies in the house

Tasks: increase the physical activity of children, develop speed, dexterity; learn to navigate in space.

Description of the game: hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. Children - "bunnies" - jump and run around the hall. The teacher plays the role of a wolf. To the words of an adult: "Gray wolf!" - "wolf" goes hunting, children run into their "houses".

Outdoor games for children 2-3 years old

outdoor play is a fun, emotionally rich activity of a child in compliance with certain rules.

it is difficult to overestimate. during active movement, respiration, blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body are activated. in addition, outdoor games, speed of reaction and attention, train strength and endurance, relieve impulsivity.

in the process of these games, kids learn to obey general rules and act in a team; they develop and develop qualities such as honesty, fairness, discipline, empathy develops and a desire to help each other develops.

in the third year, children are already relatively good at walking, running, crawling and climbing, so the motor content for this age is based on these movements.

the same game can be played several times in a row (up to 5 times), depending on the mood of the children and the nature of the motor tasks. total duration outdoor games is about 10-15 minutes.

sunny bunny

take a lantern and show your child how a yellow spot appears on the wall from it: "this is a sunny bunny." invite the child to catch the bunny with their palms. if the "bunny" is on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.

runners are jumping
sun bunnies,
we call them - don't go,
were here - and they are not here.
jump, jump in the corners,
were there - and they are not there.
where are the bunnies? gone
we didn't find them anywhere.
(A. brodsky)

the bear in the forest

This game requires the participation of two adults. "Bear" (one of the adults) sits on a chair in the corner of the room and "sleeps". another adult with a child (or children) walks through the forest, picks "mushrooms", "berries", they echo: "ay! ay! " then an adult and children, holding hands, begin to approach the "bear" with the words:

the bear in the forest
I will type a lot of bumps,
and the bear is blind -
does not run after me.
the branch will break off -
the bear will chase me!

on last word The "bear" growls (gently! So as not to frighten the kids) and runs after the players, catching them.

bear and children

one of the adults is appointed "bear". another adult and children squat at one end of the room. The "bear" walks around the room, pretends to look for children and says:

the bear walked through the woods,
for a long, long time he searched,
the bear was looking for kids,
sat down on the grass, dozed off.
then the "bear" sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and dozes.
adult and children say:
the children began to dance,
bear, bear, get up,
began to knock with their feet.
catch up with our children.

on the last word, the children run to the other end of the room and squat down there.

one, two, three - catch!

children stand on one side of the room. they say: "one, two, three - catch!" - and run to the opposite wall of the room. the driver, who is in the center of the room, must manage to catch the players before they reach the wall.

snake tag

funny music for children sounds , children run, jump, have fun. the music stops, and the children squat down and hide (so that the snake doesn't "notice" them). a snake (toy) crawls past children, and children need to resist and not rush to run away from the snake. in this game, the children develop endurance.

geese, geese

children stand against one wall of the room. driving (adult) in the middle.

the presenter says: "geese, geese."
children: "ha, ha, ha."
presenter: "do you want to eat?"
children: "yes, yes, yes."
presenter: "well, fly - if you want, just take care of your wings

children run to the opposite wall (there is their house), and the leader must have time to kill as many children as possible.

wolf and sheep

children stand in a circle, in the middle of which the "wolf" (the chosen child) sits.

the rest of the children - "sheep" quietly approach the "wolf", while you can invite children to perform various movements (squat, clap, etc.).

when one of the "sheep" touches the "wolf" - he jumps up and begins to catch the children. the caught "sheep" becomes a "wolf" instead of him, and the game continues.

mice dance

children - "mice" - lead a round dance, in the middle "cat" (one of the children) "sleeps"

mice dance
the cat is dozing on the bed.
"Quieter, mice, do not make noise,
don't wake up the cat.
how vaska cat wakes up
will break our round dance! "

on the last words "cat" wakes up and catches "mice". children can hide if they sit on chairs (climb into burrows).

panty mice

The "cat" (the designated adult) sleeps on the chair. children - "mice" - slowly walk with him, pronouncing the words of the nursery rhyme and performing the appropriate movements:

the mice came out once
see what time it is.
one two three four,
the mice pulled the weights.
suddenly there was a terrible ringing:
"Bomb, bomb, bomb!"
the mice run away!

"Cat" "wakes up" and catches up with "mice". children need to have time to sit on the chairs.

birds in their nests

children - "birds" - stand on small elevations (cubes, bars 5-10 cm high), located on one side of the room. an adult says: "the sun is shining on the street, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains."

"Birds" jump or descend from hills, "fly", wave their "wings", squat, "peck" "grains". at the signal of an adult: "it's raining!" - the birds fly away to their nests.

pancake and pancakes

a large hoop is placed in the center of the room (this is a "pancake"), and around several small hoops ("pancakes"). children run around the room, then an adult says: "pancake" - or, "pancakes". children need to stand in the appropriate hoop.

toss toys

if you have a lot of stuffed toys at home, you can play very fun game ... Divide the rug in the room in half (place a long rope in the middle of the rug to mark the border).

distribute Stuffed Toys equally between you and the child. you throw your stuffed toys into the child's territory, and he throws it into yours. task: to throw all soft toys to the area of ​​another player.

day Night

the leader says: "day" - everyone is running, - "night" - freeze in place. the driver must notice who is moving. who has moved - becomes a driver.


each of the players is assigned a "car".

his "garage" can be a chair or a hoop on the floor. “Cars” “drive” around the room and try not to crash into each other.

you can complicate the task and put a wide long board (bridge) on the floor, put obstacles in the form of chairs, boxes, etc. at the signal: "cars, to the garage!" - all are trying to quickly occupy their "house".


children stand one after another in a column and put their hands on their shoulders in front standing child... it turns out a "train" that slowly moves around the room with the words:

here is our train,
the wheels are knocking
and on this train
the guys are sitting.
"Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu",
- a steam locomotive is running
far, far away
he took the guys
far, far away.
but here's the stop:
“Who wants to get off?
get up guys
let's go for a walk! "
(A. Anufrieva)

with the last words, the children scatter and can pretend that they are picking mushrooms - berries. at the signal of an adult, they again stand one after the other, depicting trailers.

mosquitoes and frog

an adult is appointed a "frog", children - a "mosquito". each child has a handkerchief in his hands. children run around the room, flap their "wings". an adult says:

a mosquito sat on a bush,
on a fir tree on a stump,
dangled his legs under the leaf, hid!

the children, having heard these words, sit down on the chairs prepared in advance and cover their heads and faces with handkerchiefs. The “frog” is looking for “mosquitoes”, saying: “kva-kva! where are the mosquitoes? kva-kva! " then the game is repeated.

birds and cars

girls are appointed "sparrows" and boys - "cars". an adult says: "the birds flew out for a walk." girls - "birds" - "fly" around the room, "flap their wings", "peck grains." at the signal of an adult: "the cars have left!" - "birds" quickly run away from the road, and the boys begin to pretend cars: "turn the steering wheel" and "drive" along the "road". the next time the children can switch roles.


children - "bees" - run around the room, "flap their wings" and buzz: "w-w-w". a "bear" appears (an adult or a toy in the hands of an adult) and says:

teddy bear is walking
take away honey from bees.
the bees answer:
this beehive is our house.
go away, bear, from us,

"Bees" flap their "wings", buzz, chasing the "bear" away from their "hives".


children depict ravens. children squat down and pretend to be asleep. adult says:

the crows are fast asleep,
everyone is sitting in their nests,
but wake up at dawn,
will croak in the yard. "

on the last word of the poem, the children wake up and say: “kar-kar-kar”, - they begin to “fly” around the room and flap their “wings”. an adult accompanies their actions with the words:

flew, flew,
blacks flew: "kar-kar".
aunt came out on the path,
pours crumbs to the crows.
the crows flew in,
pecked everything to the crumb:
"Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock", -
their beaks pounded.

children - "blacks" - squat down and knock their fingers on the floor, saying: "knock-knock-knock." an adult takes a doggy toy and says:

tuzik walked around the yard,
the little crow scared:
"Av-av, av-av!"

(A. Anufrieva)

the dog "catches up" the "ravens", and the "ravens" "fly away" to their "nests" and squat down.

bunnies and houses

hoops are laid out on the floor according to the number of children. children - "bunnies" - jump and run around the room. to the words of an adult: "gray wolf!" - children run into their "houses".


children portray moths. an adult pronounces the words of the poem:

in the green in the meadow
moths fly.
and from flower to flower
flutter merrily.
children run, waving their wings, "fluttering".
Tanya went out onto the meadow,
she has a net in her hands.
beware, moth,
fly away soon, friend!
(A. Anufrieva)

"Moths" run away from an adult who holds a bright net in his hands and tries to catch them.

each with a toy!

on the floor in different places soft toys are laid out. children run around the room, trying not to touch the toys. on a certain signal: clap of hands, hit of a tambourine, ringing of a bell - each child picks up one of the toys in his hands. then puts the toy back and play continues.