Active recreation of children in Dow. Organization and conduct of outdoor activities in a preschool institution. Summer kindergarten gardens



3 Fiz Cultural holiday

4 Health Days, Vacations

4.1 Methodology for the Day of Health, Vacation, In Different Age groups of pre-school institutions


List of sources used


"Take care of the health of the Smalod" - this motto reflects the need to strengthen the health of the child from the first days of his life. Rasting healthy, strong, emotional - the tasks of each preschool institution.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a child in children's garden without fun leisure and entertainment, noisy holidays and competitions, interesting games and fascinating attractions. Some are developing the intelligence, other-smell, third imagination and creativity, but unites them common education In a child, the need for movements and emotional perception Life. Moving, baby knows the world, learns to love him and purposefully act in it, improving the experience of organizing games, as a game for a preschooler is not just a memory of any actions, plots, but creative processing of impressions, combining them and build a new reality that meets the requests and impressions of the child .

The current socio-economic situation in the country has changed relations to children from raising adults. Strained rhythm of life requires modern man Clearance, confidence in their forces, perseverance and of course health. At the same time lack emotional psychological Well-being in a preschool institution can lead to the deformation of the child's personality, to reduce opportunities emotional contact with surrounding, increasing difficulties in establishing new social relationship. Therefore B. modern conditions relevant tasks are grafting children of interest in physical culture and sport, as well as training for their available motor skills.

One of the main tasks of physical education of preschoolers is to use a variety of shapes working with children who contribute to functional improvement children's body, enhance its performance, make it a persistent and hardy, having high protective abilities to adverse factors external environmentthat is, create conditions so that all children grow healthy.

Physical leisure leisure is aimed at the extension of the technique of performing certain exercises, but to educate positive emotions, high motor activity of children, free and casual mutual understanding.

1 form of organization active rest

Work on physical education with preschoolers is a complex wellness- educational and educational eventsThe basis of which is a motor activity. the main objective They are to, satisfy the natural biological need in motion, achieve good health and physical development children; ensure the mastery of preschoolers with vital engine skills and elementary knowledge of physical culture; Create conditions for the versatile development of the guys and educating the need for systematic exercise activities.

Exist different forms Organizations of physical education and in the system of physical education and recreation work of the preschool institution, a solid place occupy:

Physical leisure;

Physical holidays;

Days of health, vacation.

Interesting content, humor, music design, games, competitions, joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation motor activities. When organizing an active holiday, it is important to take into account climatic conditions, Features, Senean, Natural Factors. Positive results can be achieved subject to close cooperation between the staff of the pre-school institution and family. About the program and time of the upcoming event, children and parents are notified in advance so that they can also actively engage in their preparation.

2 Physical leisure in kindergarten

Physical leisure is one of the most effective forms of outdoor activities. It increases interest in classes, has a beneficial effect on the child's body, consolidates motion skills and skills, develops motor quality (speed, dexterity), contributes to the education of the feeling of collectivism, friendship, develops excerpt, attention, courage, perseverance, organization.

Physical leisure does not require special trainingIt is built on a well-known child for children and is carried out with several groups close to age composition (senior and preparatory groups). Such an event can be organized 1-2 times a month, duration of 30-50 minutes.

When leisure, the participation of the educator is necessary. He gives teams, sums up, is a judge in competitions. A significant role in creating a positive emotional attitude of children is played by music, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the feeling of the beautiful, consolidates the ability to rhythmically move, coordinating his movements with musical accompaniment.

Physical leisure can be different in content and organization.

2.1 Methodology for carrying out physical leisure In different age groups of pre-school institutions

First junior group

Physical entertainment They are held 1-2 times a month, as a rule, in the afternoon. Children are involved in joint action in rolling games, perform physical exercises With objects, emotionally respond to vivid impressions. Together with the older children, they take part in folk holidays, perform motor actions in games with adults. It is necessary at the same time to encourage each child to manifest their capabilities. It is important that team work contributed to the satisfaction of the child's need in the movements, delivered him joy, pleasure.

Second younger group

Physical leisure is held in the afternoon 2-3 times a month for 20 minutes. Its content is physical exercises that have the form of games, fun and entertainment. The task of the educator to attract children to the accumulative participation in collective and individual motor actions. When selecting leisure content, it is better to use an entertaining plot "Trip to the Forest", "We are visiting", "Parsley".

The main time of leisure must be filled with movements. It is mostly frontal work with children, but it provides a change of muscle and emotional load.

Medium group

Physical leisure is carried out 1-2 times a month in the afternoon. The duration of it is 20-30 minutes. In the "Vacation", as well as in the summer, leougure can be carried out in the first half of the day after breakfast. It is important to teach children to independent participation in joint exercises, games, entertainment, encouraging each child to manifest their capabilities. Physical leisure is like the result of the work for the past month.

With highly gifted children, sports dance is learned and used on leisure activities, holidays and matinees. Sport dance It is a complex use of rhythmic gymnastics exercises, which alternate with the simplest elements of acrobatics. Duration 2 - 2.5 minutes.

Senior group

In the older age it is necessary to develop in children the ability to creatively use their motor experience in conditions emotional communication with peers, to teach the initiative in a variety different types Activities. This can contribute to the involvement of physical education to participate in the preparation of physical culture: children make out the playground, sprinkle with sand path, lay the skiing, build a snow slide, shaft, a labyrinth, cleaned the rink, make colored ice floes.

The requirement for the time of physical culture leisure is the same as in the middle group, duration - 30 minutes.

The physical cultural leisure content will depend on the choice of themes, the tasks and the conditions for its conduct.

3 Fiz Cultural holiday

Physical holidays are effective form active recreation of children.

Physical education professionals contribute to physical culture and sports, improving movements, educate such traits such as collectivism, discipline, respectful attitude to rivals.

During physical culture holidays, all children must take active participation in mobile I. sports game, relay, dancing, attractions, exercises with elements of acrobatics, musical rhythmic movements. Wide use of different gaming techniques, gaming exercises, mysteries, musical works contributes to positive emotional setup Children to the active use of previously acquired motor skills and skills. Thus, excessively moving children develop the ability to bring the task to the end, showing attentiveness and achieving accuracy of execution: Low-moving children learn to well and freely navigate in space, participate with interest in collective games, showing such qualities as fast response, dexterity and flexibility.

Schoolchildren are invited to physical education - former pupils of preschool institutions, parents, sisters, brothers.

Holidays are held, starting with middle group, 2 - 3 times a year and one on the water (in the pool), the duration of the physical culture holiday 1 - 1 hour and 20 minutes. Events can also participate children from the neighboring preschool institution. The topics of holidays can be the most varied: " Olympic Games», « Cheerful starts"," Winter Carousel "," Zimushka - Winter "," Newune Holiday "and so on.

Physical education can be organized not only on the selection of preschool institutions, but also in the nearby park, the forest, in the stadium. The subject and organization depend on the venue. When planning and preparing the holiday, it is necessary:

Identify the tasks of the holiday, date, time, place of it;

Prepare demonstration performances: parade of participants, contests, games, competitions;

To allocate the holiday responsible for the preparation and holding of the holiday (preferably the participation of the head, methodologist, educators of groups, an educator in physical culture, parents, representatives of the neighborhood);

Determine the number of participants each age group kindergarten, as well as invited guests;

Designate the procedure for summing up the competition and competitions, encouraging holiday participants.

The success of the physical culture holiday largely depends on how detailed and clearly planned its program.

With any form of the organization of the physical culture holiday for preschoolers, you must remember the following:

Invalid processing of a children's holiday in an entertainment sight for adults. This is especially true for holidays with elements of states organized on the initiative of sports organizations;

Invalid selection of participants - children giving only top scores. It is advisable to participate all children;

When preparing for the holiday, it is important to maintain the living interest of children to the event. Should not be carried away by excessive number of repetitions, training, individual tasks - performances, especially competitive games;

Necessary rational distribution exercise in different activities (taking into account the level of development of motor activity and physical preparedness Children).

The greatest benefit For recovery and hardening, children bring physical education, organized outdoors.

3.1 Methods of physical education in different age groups of pre-school institutions

Second younger group

Physical holiday most often kids younger age Invited to older, but it can be tamed for pupils of the 2nd youngest group.

It is necessary to plan a physical consumer holiday at the beginning of the year, outline its subjects. The physical education holiday content depends on the season of the year and the specific conditions in which it is carried out. IN winter time It is necessary to use exercises characteristic of winter conditions - Sledge riding, snow games, in summer it is possible to include exercises that require large space - games with running, jumping, throwing, exercises in equilibrium in different conditions.

The tasks of the physical education holiday - to attract children to the accurate participation in collective and individual actions, enrich them bright impressions, deliver joy from the feeling of freedom and beauty of movements in games, fun, dance and dance.

Medium group

Physical holiday, as a rule, the pupils of medium groups are involved in participating in the holidays organized for senior preschoolers.

However, at least 2 times a year - in winter and in summer - independent physical culture holidays are organized for these children. They will last 50 minutes.

The holiday program is planned familiar funny games and exercises (attractions, dances), in which the entire group participates, as well as the dance performances of children and speeches - impromptu (run together in one hoop, jumping through the snow shaft). The creation of a good festive mood is included in the content of the holiday "surprise" moment - the unexpected appearance of winter, Snow Maiden, red hats. It is important to create a common holiday joyful mood, cause children a desire to participate in future holidays.

Senior group

Physical consumer holiday is held 2 - 3 times a year. The duration is 60 minutes. The purpose of the holiday in the senior preschool age is the active participation of the whole team of the group, through what the motor preparedness of children is detected, the ability to show physical qualities Under the necessary conditions.

The holiday program includes exercise, games with elements of sports, outdoor games, sport exercises, games - relay, as well as entertaining quiz and riddles. Schoolchildren, athletes who are active participants active participants are invited to children's holidays.

The holiday of the holiday diversify the sports dancing of children. Sports dance is learned with a group of children who have manifested themselves in gymnastics and acrobatics. Its duration 3 minutes. The main content is the exercises of the complex of rhythmic gymnastics and elements of acrobatics. The dance complicates in this group by the performance of the most gifted children in the form of solo, a duet, a trio against the background of dance actions of the remaining dance participants.

Holidays are possible in different seasons of the year. With this in mind, they can carry out in a variety of natural conditions of the terrain (in the park, in the forest, in the meadow, the river bank). It is peculiar to the content of the physical culture holiday on the water - in the pool, on the banks of the river. During his children show their skills in performing exercise prepared for swimming (slip), sailing with supporting objects and without them. At the same time, a variety of games are widely included, rides in water and water.

4 Health Days, Vacations

Days of health and holidays are designed to promote the improvement of children and the prevention of fatigue. These days are canceled all training sessions. Day mode is saturated with active motor activity of children, independent games, musical entertainment. In the cold season, staying outdoors is lengthened. In the warm season - all the life of children is transferred to open air.

The day of health begins the morning reception of children, which can be held in entertaining, comic form. Children and parents offer to perform various fun, tasks before they fall into the group: it can be a "bar of obstacles", make a riddles of sports and so on.

In the afternoon, physical cultural holiday or physical leisure may be carried out.

4.1 Methods of conducting a day of health, vacation in different age groups of pre-school institutions

Second younger group

Health day is carried out at least once a quarter. Educational work On this day, it is aimed at creating the conditions of active recreation of children, in connection with which all classes are canceled. In the warm season, it is desirable that children are most outdoors as much as possible, during the day, during the cold season - the stay of children in the air increases if possible.

Medium group

Health Day is a day of rest, entertainment and games. It is held once a quarter.

On this day all training sessions are canceled, including physical education. The content of the day of health is mobile games, sports exercises, walks outside the area of \u200b\u200bkindergarten, physical education.

Senior group

Health day is held once a quarter. Its content is the moving games, sports exercises and games, sports entertainment, games - relay, pedestrian and ski rolling, simplest tourism. It is very important to develop interest in the organization own willing Movable games and the simplest competitions with their peers.


Held during the first week of January and the last week of March.


Thus, methodically properly organized work on physical education is designed to satisfy the natural need of children in motion and contribute to the timely mastering of their engine skills and skills, form a positive self-esteem to itself and the activities of comrades.

Such work with children of preschool age is valuable and in that it creates conditions for emotionally psychological well-being, as it has a great influence on the development of the mind, the education of character, will, morality creates a certain spiritual attitude, awakens interest in self-expression, promotes not only the best assimilation Knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also a beneficial effect on the children's psyche.

When conducting sports holidays of leisure and entertainment, children get the opportunity to show greater activity, independence and initiative in actions. This opens up another important aspect: there is no need to give children temporary and spatial landmarks, customizing them with these words, as "faster, rather, hurry" or "more, not there, above," since children without fuss, calmly and confidently perform tasks .

The practice of work convinces that for effective activities with children, a well-thought-out system for training teachers is needed, close contact with medical Personnel and family.

Parents show a great interest that in the mode of the preschool institution daily, the motor activity of children was provided daily. The family largely determines the attitude of children to physical culture, their interest in sport, activity and initiative. This contributes to the emotionally close communication of children and parents in different situations And naturally arising their joint activities: condemnation of success sports Life Countries, Look inside Telecasts, Sports joint holidays, leisure, entertainment, competitions and attractions in preschool institutions and on contractual sites.

Children are especially susceptible to convictions, positive example Father, mother, lifestyle family. Therefore, teachers of preschool institutions It is necessary to improve the methods of pedagogical propaganda, involve parents into an active educational - educational processso that knowledge gained by them is embodied in specific work on the physical education of children. If measures to strengthen the health of the child held in kindergarten are complemented daily exercises and games at home, taking into account the individuality of the child, using a variety of games and exercises, children develop certain positive inclinations and interest.

List of sources used

1. Lysova V.Ya., Yakovlev TS Sports holidays and entertainment. - M.: Arkt, 2000. P. 3 -4

2. Kopukhova N.N., Ryzhkov L.A., Samorav M.M. Educator in physical culture in preschool institutions. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. P. 198 - 199

3. Runova MA Muscular activity of the child in kindergarten. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. 12

4. Mashchenko M.V., Shishkin V.A. Physical culture of preschoolers. - MN: Uradai, 2000. 275

5. Shebeko V.N., Ovsyankin V.A., Karmanova L.V. Physical Education! - MN: "Enlightenment", 1997. 125 with

6. Aksenova Z.F. Sports holidays in kindergarten. - M.: Arcta, 2000. 90 s

7. Shumilova V.A. Sports - entertainment holidays in kindergarten. - Mozyr, OOO Id "White Wind", 2002. 70

8. Kilpio N.N. 80 games for kindergarten. M.: 1973. 196c

9. Osokina T.I., Timofeeva E.A. The organization and conduct of physical education in the children's preschool institution. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1987. 197

10. Mashchenko M. V., Shishkin V.A. What kind of physical education is needed by the preschooler? - MN: NM Center, 1998. 136 with

Activities with children on the "Tourism Sounds"

The times when families with children were available only to rest on the household sites and a passive stay in the Black Sea resorts, fortunately, remained in the past. Today, the attention of parents is increasingly switched to active holidays with children, the possibilities for which, by the way, not to consider.

Cycling and riding

Only the lazy did not hear about the benefits of cycling, but cycling - it's also excellent option For recreation with children. For the beginning, the child, of course, you need to master the bike and learn how to ride it well, and then you can go anywhere on the map where there are cycles (for traveling with children it is very important). If your child is too small for self-riding a bike, refuse to enjoy twist the pedals not worth it: the baby will feel great in the children's chair, and for older guys will suit a tandem bike or a special children's trailer. More independent children will prefer, of course, its own bike.

For bikerogulok with children, do not forget to acquire bodies and protective equipment, because rentals may not be the desired size.

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Equestrian walks are perfect for outdoor activities with children. With the help of instructors, anyone will be able to ride the ride, not even possessing the experience of riding. Equestrian tourism became very popular in last yearsEquestrian clubs appear everywhere, where children explain how to overcome the fear and sit on a horse, how to carry, they teach them to keep in the saddle and care for animals. Children from 6 years old are allowed to study, but the optimal age for riding is 10-12 years old.

Holidays on water

Some parents do not stop on these types of outdoor activities and go further, mastering the extreme types of tourism with children, such as rafting or diving. For alloy on the mountain river with the participation of young raftters, they choose, of course, the descents of the first level of complexity. Waving between the boulders, the children come to indescribable delight, and that the journey does not seem tedious, the guys have entertained by interesting games and competitions. Please note that children from 10 years old are allowed to descend along the river.

To get acquainted with the secrets of the underwater kingdom will only be the children who have already been 8 years old. Before meeting with colorful fish and amazing corals, the child must be instructed, after which he tries to go to the sea and trying to breathe under water. Demonstrating the knowledge of the safety rules and dive signs, the young diver receives the solemn right to immerse themselves under the water.

Today, parents' attention is increasingly switched to active holidays with children - to universal, it is necessary to notice, pleasure.

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Planning an active holiday with children, it is important to think in advance all the details. Important value for comfortable travel It has children's clothing - it should be durable and comfortable. Special equipment is better prepared in advance, fit the equipment, trace so that everything is fit. It is advisable to complicate the routes gradually, following the reaction of the child, so that the vacation does not turn to it in an irresistible obstacle and brought only pleasant emotions. For the first trip, uncomplicated hikingMoreover, depending on interests, you can offer something more saturated.

Do not forget to spend a conversation with chance, explaining the safety rules, and never leave a child without supervision or outside the limits of hearing.

And in advance to take care of the aid kit - this is an indispensable companion on the trip. Despite the fact that the mechanisms of thermal regulation of the children's body work better than an adult, let you have a complete set of medicines for any, as they say, fire.

Each parent, who has little children, worries such important questionlike the mode of operation of kindergartens. Is the work schedule in government agencies? Is it distinguished in private organizations? What should I do if a violation was detected?

The main mode of operation set at the legislative level

There is a standard mode of work on the law that was installed medical professionals and representatives of preschool institutions. In accordance with the charter, there are several features of their stay in the children's institution:

  • Parents have the right to leave a child in the kindergarten for 12 hours. IN different cities A defined time mode is installed: from 8 am to 8 pm or from 7 am to 7 pm. Except are private and round-the-clock kindergartens.
  • IN pre-holiday days The temporary mode is reduced to 10.5 hours, that is, parents can lead a child in the kindergarten in the usual time, but they take it 1.5 hours earlier.
  • On weekends and kindergartens do not work.
  • In some institutions, by agreement of educators and parents, there is something parents can leave their baby in kindergarten until 21 hours. A single group for children of all ages is organized on its territory.
  • There is also an abbreviated mode of the day, which lasts only 3-4 hours. Usually, for such a period of time, newcomers left, which must be adapted.

All this order concerns only the stay of children in a preschool institution, he does not apply to the kindergarten workers.

Mode of operation of the main personnel

There is a mode of operation of kindergartens set for staff. For each of them there is a certain load per week.

For example, the mode of operation of the head of the kindergarten is 40 working hours per week. This is quite normal. That is, such personnel must be present in a preschool institution and fulfill their duties for five days a week (from Monday to Friday), eight hours a day (from 8.00 to 17.00). One hour has a lunch break (from 12.00 to 13.00).

In some cities, standard mode may vary. For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, the main staff of the preschool institution operates from 9.00 to 16.00. The same work schedule has an institution administrator and a senior teacher.

Mode of work of educators

A little different mode of operation of a kindergarten teacher, its load should not exceed 36 hours a week. The standard in preschool institutions work two specialists: the first shift worker - from 7.00 to 14.30, and the employee of the second shift is from 14.30 to 19.00, a break for lunch from preschool teachers lasts 30 minutes. As for the work schedule, the educators work every day with alternating shift.

The mode of operation of auxiliary personnel

It is worth noting that it also works on the territory of the kindergarten auxiliary personnelwhich makes the life of kids more comfortable, interesting and colorful and provides invaluable assistance to caregivers. They also developed a specific work schedule.

  • With a load of 40 hours a week, nanny and younger educators work (from 8.00 to 17.00), chefs and kitchen workers (from 6.00 to 15.00).
  • At about 20 o'clock a week, Zaughz should be in the garden, music leader, secretary, cleaner, repairman, janitor and loader. Usually, such staff is in the service of 4 hours a week from 8.00 to 12.30 with a break for lunch for 30 minutes.
  • Around the clock on the territory of the pre-school institution should be a watchman. It works 24 hours a day with a work schedule in three. The minimum in the state should be four employees.

It is worth noting that in some institutions the presence of personnel, as well as the mode of operation of kindergartens, may differ slightly.


Separately, it is worth talking about the routine of the day in a preschool institution, with which every parent should be familiar.

  • During the first hour of the kindergarten, children are taking place. Already arrived kids at this time are engaged free view Activities.
  • At 8.00, breakfast is organized (as a rule, it is dairy dishes).
  • From 8.30 to 9.00 Creative classes are held in groups, such as drawing, modeling or dancing.
  • From 9.20 to 11.20, a walk in the fresh air is provided, this time may vary, depending on weather conditions.
  • From 11.45 to 12.20 children dinner.
  • From 12.45 to 15.00 provided for a two-hour quiet hour.
  • At 15.30, the kids are sent to the afternoon personnel.
  • From 15.25 to 16.25 provided group classes.
  • From 16.20 to 19.00 in children free time, they are all waiting for the arrival of their parents. IN summer period They walk on the street, in the winter are located in groups and play.
  • Dinner is provided at 18.30.

In some preschool institutions in the routine of the day, classes with speaking copes, swimming, choreography about much more are included.

What to do if the mode is broken?

The mode of operation of kindergartens, established in a legitimate manner, must be observed. Unfortunately, not all employees of this sphere qualitatively fulfill their duties. The following violations are found that may adversely affect children and their parents:

  • The tutor does not come to work on time, because of which the parent is forced to leave his child with a guard or wait, periodically late for work.
  • The educator demands to take his baby before, as it does not want to be until the end of the change in the institution because of one child.

By law, the teacher is obliged to start his official duties At 7.00 (or 8.00, depending on the exact chart), that is, at this time the parent can already leave his baby in kindergarten. If the educator is periodically late, then this fact should be fixed and write a complaint to the head of the head. With a one-time delay, it is recommended to talk to the teacher orally. If, by the fault of the educators, a person was late for work and received a reprimand for this, he was entitled to demand compensation from the educational institution.

As for the end of the working day, each parent has the right to leave his child in the institution until 19.00, and the teacher must work until the last kid has been taken away. If the teacher does not want to fulfill his duties, then it should be reminded him of what is the mode of operation of the group in kindergarten, or to spend an oral conversation with him, explaining its own situation at work.


Learning to stay in the saddle or improve your riding skills you will help you instructors of the Harmony School. Here we are glad to students of any age and are happy to share their love for animals and many years of experience.

ul. 1st Ostankinskaya, d. 7a, p. 38

Action game "HypeTs in the Dark" for children 6+

You can hardly meet a child who would not like a game of hide and seek. And when it is equipped for it a whole location in the form of a giant labyrinth, in which it is possible and you need to act tactically, to apply objects found and confuse the enemy in every way to remain unnoticed, such an adventure can cause a real storm of emotions.

ul. Lucinovskaya, d. 53, Corp. 2.

Family Parks Active Recreation Joki Joya 0+
Merry never happens a lot!

Attractions, interesting and children, and adults, playgrounds, sports zones, cozy restaurant and space for family holidays - Where to find such a perfect combination? In the parks of outdoor activities for the whole family Joki Joya! Here you can have fun and enjoy your family or celebrate a children's holiday. Parents Login Free!

Novorizhskoe highway, 5 km from Moscow Ring Road, ul. 7th Kozhukhovskaya, d. 9, ul. Kirovograd, d. 13, lit. BUT., Moscow region, Goutishchi, ul. Peace, d. 51, Pornaya ul., 10, 56 km. MKAD, Balashikha, Mikror-N Railway Street. Soviet, d. 9., prosp. Novoyasenevsky, d. 1.

Children's playground "Pyramids" in the area "Buninskaya meadows" 0+

Children's playground "Pyramids" in the project "Buninsky meadows" - Creative gaming space for children of different ages - from kids to schoolchildren. it playground With houses, carousels, swings and even a real stream with developments, gateways, water wheels and islands. Walk promises to be interesting and informative!

NAO, Sosenskoye settlement, ul. Alexandra Monakhova.


It does not matter what kind of training level you have and how old you are. In the trainee "weightlessness" you can go to the free jump area, have fun to celebrate any event, visit group classes, dive into a foam pit, play basketball on a trampoline or try yourself in extreme species Sports.

Paper pass, d. 19, p. 1


Children love to jump and without a trampoline, and with him all the more. In the hall of the trampoline complex on the street. Folding installed 37 secure entertainment trampolines different modelswhere you can jump in the whole family and master the dashing acrobatic tricks. Pre-recording is not required - just come and have fun! In the trampoline center you can spend children's day birth or holiday in fascinating physical education format. And if you taste and want to train regularly, the club has children's sports sections and family group classes.

ul. Folding, d. 1, p. 1, input 12, ul. Leninskaya Sloboda, d. 26, p. 35

Fitness and recreation center "Kimberly" 0+

In this center, even the smallest - classes take place for children from two months. Aqua, cloddroid, fitness, dance lessons, fencing and struggle - All this offers its little guests "Kimberly Land".

ul. Azov, d. 24

TRV "Weipark" 0+

In Weipack there is a bowling, billiards, trampolines, labyrinths and many other cheerful entertainment. There are branches of popular parks of rides "Cosmik" and Jungle Kids, a segwider, an ice rink and an artificial ski slope. In the trampoline club "Jampwei" you can not only jump from the heart, but also to take part in an exciting sports quest. And every Saturday from 12:00 in the shopping center there are free animation programs for kids - meetings with heroes of popular cartoons, aquagrim, games and contests with prizes.

71st kilometer of Moscow Ring Road (external), der. Putylkovo, d. 16a

The best water parks Moscow 0+

The first water parks appeared about 60 years ago and were originally located where there was a suitable climate and reservoirs. However, at the end of the last century, they gradually moved into closed premises and began to work year-round due to new water supply and heating technologies. Today, the tropical resort can be arranged even in the north. Of course, there are a lot of world-class water parks in the capital. This review is devoted to the largest of them.