Carrying out children's birthdays in the kindergarten. Birthday in kindergarten. Possible options for celebrating a birthday in kindergarten

Birthday is the most joyful event in a child's life. It can be perfectly noted in kindergarten... Moreover, you can spend this holiday on an impromptu basis, without special training... To decorate a gift, you can make a large bright box where gifts for birthday people will be folded.

To the soundtrack of Yu. Nikolaev's song "Birthday", children enter the hall and stand in a circle.


Today for little ones and adults,

For thin and fat,

Obedient and disobedient

Merry and sad

Our finest entertainment

Under the name Birthday!

Birthday is glorious

It's wonderful and funny!

Birthday boy ahead

Let it go, honest people!

The birthday boy goes to the center of the circle.

You guys don't yawn

Together, help in unison.

Happy birthday, congratulations!

Children... Yes Yes Yes!

Leading... And, of course, we wish ...

Children... Yes Yes Yes!

Leading... Grow up (birthday boy's name) more!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Be sure to be fatter ...

Children. No no no!

Leading. Be beautiful, kind, sweet ...

Children... Yes Yes Yes!

Leading... And loud, and pugnacious ...

Children. No no no!

Leading... To be strong, healthy, courageous ...

Children... Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Neat and skillful ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. For mommy to love ...

Children... Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. I used a strap more often ...

Children... No no no!

Leading... Okay! So that she feeds with sweets ...

Children. Yes Yes Yes!


Maybe enough congratulations?

It's time for us to play games!

Children. Yes Yes Yes!

Leading. Now instead of the traditional "Loaf" we will bake an extraordinary cake for our birthday boy. Hold hands to make it work long chain... Birthday boy, be the first and start "baking" our cake!

The game "Cake" is held.

At the signal of the birthday man, standing first in a chain, begins to turn around itself, winding the whole chain. When the whole chain is wound up, you should stop. If the child is small and it is difficult for him to wind the chain on his own, the presenter becomes the first and helps the birthday boy to “bake the cake”.

Leading. Here's the cake! What is he with us?

Children make various assumptions: with cream, with bananas, with ice cream, with cherries, etc.

What's missing on the birthday cake? Candles, of course! Put all your hands up. That's how many candles! Oh, what a wonderful cake we got - delicious, sweet, with bananas, cream and candles! Now let everyone take a piece of our delicious cake and calmly walk away, sit on a chair.

Children sit down.

Leading. It is customary to give gifts for a birthday. So today we have prepared such a gift for our lovely birthday boy.

The presenter takes out and places a small artificial tree against the central wall, on the branches of which multicolored sweets are hanging.

There are many miracles in the world

But go around the whole world -

Such a miracle as ours

In the whole world, no.

Look, kids,

After all, here on every branch

In wrappers of bright, golden

Sweets are swinging!

And in those sweets the secret is -

Can we guess or not?

The first candy

I take it off the tree

What will I find in candy

I do not know yet...

The presenter removes the candy from the tree, carefully unfolds it and reads the note:

“There is a wonderful gift from all,

It is called a friendly song! "

Children perform a song of their choice music director.


Second candy

I'm taking it off the tree

What's in this candy

We will now find out ...

"No dance merry holiday not bright

We will give you our dance as a gift! "

Children perform a dance of the music director's choice.


And now one more candy

I shoot from a thin branch ...

“They are waiting for you all now, guys,

Interesting riddles. "

The presenter makes riddles to the children.

Heals birds and animals

Heals small children.

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor ... (Aibolit).

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies above all,

Jam loves

And plays with the Kid. (Carlson)

It's mixed with sour cream,

It's cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled ... (Kolobok).

Grandma loved the girl very much,

I gave her a red hat.

Girl forgot her name

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

The father had a strange boy:

Unusual, wooden.

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere his nose sticks in its long one.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)


Well done, guys!

You have guessed all the riddles!

One more candy

I take it off the tree

In that candy

Now we will all find out ...

"The funnest of all in the world

Let's celebrate our birthday.

We know a lot of games

And now let's play them! "

Fun music games and competitive games.


There were a lot of sweets here,

Each contained a secret.

We sang and danced

Happy birthday congratulations.

But now on a thin line

Only one candy hangs.

And in that candy there is a surprise -

A prize awaits the birthday boy!

The presenter brings great bright box, which contains a gift for the birthday boy.

Laughter, joy and blessings

Donates to our entire kindergarten.

Be healthy, smart, handsome,

Well, and most importantly - happy!

Children go to their group for a tea party.

For the final congratulations, you can use the wishes in verse according to the SIGNS of the ZODIAC, verses by N. Ivanova.

You, little ARIES,

The character is not always even -

You can be mischievous

A bit stubborn and funny.

Do not butt us, lamb,

Grow up smart and kind.

How nice it is for Taurus

Facial expression -

Affectionate and kind look

Like little calves.

Our calf is beautiful

Grow up and be happy!


Gemini child is

A good sign of spring and summer.

Grow warm, light,

Shine like the sun!

Dear CANCER child!

You grow up without knowing fights!

Be cheerful always, everywhere,

Like a crustacean in river water!

Be strong, friend, from the cradle!

According to the horoscope you are a lion!

The lion looks like the sun

Just as bright and good!

Virgo are famous by right

Affectionate and kind disposition.

All sweeter, kinder and more beautiful,

Everyone is happier our VIRGO!

Our baby LIBRA

Amazing beauty!

Like a scale, always be accurate

Very fair and honest!

Like a scale, be accurate

Fair and honest!


SCORPIO you are, but not scary

Sweet, nice and homey.

Grow up, our Scorpiosha,

Kind, smart and good!

You are our little SAGITTARIUS

Well done and dashing!

You grow up happy baby

Get into the top ten aptly!

You are our dear baby

Our beloved KAZEROZHKA!

Never butt

Always be kind, gentle!

Our dear AQUARIUS!

Tears you pour less often!

Be beautiful like a rain

Like a transparent dewdrop!

Sweetheart, dear FISH!

Always please us with a smile!

Be happy and skillful

And swim through life boldly!

He became independent, resolute and big, although a couple of "minutes" ago he was still in the wheelchair. Despite the fact that every birthday is a holiday for the whole family, parents look forward to this moment with some anxiety. Especially mom. After all, there is so much to think up, do and prepare. And what to do if your birthday person decided to invite the whole kindergarten group, because he has friends there. First tip - don't panic! Children's holiday will organize in kindergarten.

One of the most important points in organizing a holiday in kindergarten - negotiations with the management of the institution.

First, you should ask your teacher about the possibility of organizing an event in a group. Most likely, she is aware of what is allowed and what is forbidden in the garden. Some kindergartens prefer humble congratulations birthday boy and the distribution of sweets, while others allow almost everything. We recommend starting a discussion of the moments of the celebration, in which the children from the group will participate, two weeks before, so that there is time to make adjustments to the plans.

It is also necessary to clarify who will help (and whether there will be at all) the teacher on the occasion. You may need to include some of the parents you are friends with. It will be much more convenient for several adults to organize and monitor two dozen babies.

If your holiday is limited only to treats, then check in advance what sweets are available for all children. For example, perhaps your child loves Orange juice, but other guys may have it, which means that such a drink should be excluded altogether.

Treats are usually given in the kindergarten after breakfast or lunch, but large-scale festivities are best planned for the time after daytime sleep... So the kids will be rested and full of strength to have fun.

First, let's talk about a gift for the hero of the occasion. Many children in kindergartens discuss in advance what to give the baby and collect money. As a rule, these are kits for creativity, board games and simple toys... But this only works if the parent committee is cohesive. If such a situation is not possible, then the gift is purchased by mom and dad and given to the educator, and he already gives it from the whole group.

It is very good if the kids prepare a gift with their own hands, for example, a postcard or holiday poster. Great option gift for older children - a joint photo collage. This point should be discussed with the teacher in advance. For many children, preparing surprises is very pleasant, do not deprive them of this opportunity.

Also, the parents of the birthday boy should take care of small gifts for all children. Yes, it is clear that this is your child's birthday, but children are children, you cannot do without tears. Therefore, to make the holiday a success, buy very small, but pleasant surprises for all guests. These can be small cars for boys, animal figures for girls, pencils, notepads, puzzles, etc. holiday packaging and sweets in addition - that's all! Absolutely everyone will be happy.

How do we decorate and what do we treat?

What a holiday without a vibrant atmosphere? For kindergarten the most perfect option- balloons. They are perfect both for decorating a group and for outdoor use. Today, the choice of colors, textures, compositions from balls is simply huge. You can find options with your favorite cartoon character and make a holiday in one theme (for example, spider-man or Winx fairies), or you can give preference to the classics. Balloons are a holiday for any child! You definitely can't go wrong. The kids will then take these decorations home, and they will delight them for some time.

It is best to bring balloons and decorate the group or playground with them while you sleep. Such a surprise will be appreciated by absolutely all children. Or such an option - we decorate when everyone leaves for an evening walk before returning home, and in the morning the next day the holiday will immediately begin. Ask some parents for help, because it is quite difficult to bring volumetric balloons alone and, which is very important, noticeable.

In addition to balloons, multi-colored paper garlands and inscriptions from bright letters"Happy birthday!". If there is no tradition in the kindergarten to attach a photo of the birthday person on a poster, then you can start it. Make a bright poster with congratulations and pictures, on which in the future the photos of the birthday people will replace each other. Children will appreciate such a personalized greeting.

With treats, everything is much more complicated. It was said above that the educator should ask the teacher if the children in the group are allergic to this or that product. Don't forget this! It is also worth clarifying whether it is possible to bring a cake to the group. The manuals of many children's institutions prohibit serving homemade cakes, but allow store-bought ones, accompanied by quality certificates. And this position can be understood, because in the event of poisoning, the demand will be from the head and educator. Making claims against industrial cake makers is much easier than dealing with your parents. In this regard, in many kindergartens it is generally forbidden to bring products with cream, with the exception of rolls, muffins and cakes in sealed factory packaging.

Fruit is a great option. Just choose the most familiar ones: bananas, pears, apples. As for drinking, it is better to give preference to natural juices and clean water... Parents, no soda, even if your child loves it.

Fun for kids

You have decided on decorations, gifts and treats, but how to amuse? This is much more difficult. Moreover, mom needs to keep track of what is happening. There is no time to be distracted, and even with imagination in adults it is often a little tight. Professional animators will help you solve this seemingly incredible problem. The case itself ordered to arrange real holiday with outdoor games, because there is much more space in a group or on a playground in a kindergarten than in an apartment. And this means that there is where to turn around.

To avoid disappointment, choose among the artists those you have already seen or who have been recommended by friends. A preliminary discussion of the program, numbers and competitions should also be discussed in advance. If you have any ideas or wishes, do not hesitate to talk about them.

Please note that one animator can handle a maximum of six children. If there are ten guys in a group, or even more, then you definitely cannot do without a second artist.

By the way, instead of the already classic Nolik and Simka or Spiderman, pay attention to other types entertainment programs... For example, ideal for very little ones puppet shows, and for older children - science shows and show soap bubbles... What kid doesn't like giant bubbles ?! But with clowns you have to be more careful. Many children (and adults as well) are afraid of them either from the very beginning, or after watching advertisements for Hollywood horror films.

Take the test Optimists and pessimists have different assessments of the same situation and prospects. What is your child more inclined towards?

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Kids love very much joint holidays... But birthday in kindergarten is a topic that causes a lot of controversy and doubt among parents and educators.

On the one hand, for a child, a birthday is an extremely important event, and the opportunity to celebrate it in the garden relieves from headaches, how to gather the baby's friends at home. On the other hand, can all parents afford to organize something grand on this day? And if not, is it correct to single out one child?

We propose to consider the main options for how you can celebrate / designate a birthday in kindergarten, and listen to the opinions of those who have already had to deal with this issue. After all, in the end final decision to accept all the same to parents.

Birthday in kindergarten is a treat!

The kids will undoubtedly be very happy if the birthday boy decides to treat everyone. It can be a treat at a festively set table, or just a distribution of "sweet bags". The only point: there is a possibility that you will not be allowed to bring a cake to kindergarten and pour soda into glasses. Although these "ingredients" of the holiday are easy to replace: juices in small bags, muffins and biscuits in individual packages. Fruits or beautifully decorated fruit desserts are irreplaceable on a children's birthday table.

And yet, if you are convinced that a birthday in kindergarten without a cake is not a birthday, come and talk about this with the kindergarten kitchen workers. After all, this prohibition stems solely from considerations of sanitary and hygienic safety. And in the kitchen, your cake will be cut into portions and served to the kids, or they will bake their own - by agreement, which will completely save you the hassle. It is best to avoid buttercream cakes.

You can decorate the cake with small candles and the little ones will blow them out.

When organizing food in kindergarten for a birthday, remember that children do not like long feasts. For them, games, music, and other cheerful attributes are preferable. Therefore, it is better if the dishes are such that they can be eaten "in one sitting", and then come to the table again.


  • Marshmallow, small meringues
  • Curd pudding
  • Sweets (better not chocolate): marmalade, jelly, waffle, caramels
  • Biscuits, drying
  • "Kebabs" from non-allergenic fruits or assorted fruits
  • Sandwiches, canapes, small baskets, or small pizzas
  • Natural juices or fruit drinks

In addition to treats, parents can also organize small inexpensive gifts from the birthday boy for the kids, because on their birthday in kindergarten, kids still do not quite understand why only one has a holiday, everyone wants attention.

The birthday boy can give "guests" a coloring book, a notebook, a leaf with stickers, a small toy (he can give away his entire collection of kinder surprises), a set of wax crayons, and so on, or all the same sweets, only packed in bright bags, or - if not too lazy to glue - cardboard boxes with the name of the birthday man.

Do not forget to treat the teachers for the birthday in kindergarten as well: they will not take treats from children's table... In many kindergartens there is a tradition of giving a cake to teachers.

Tip: Try not to give out the treats from the teacher or you, but to accept them. Active participation the birthday boy himself. The same is the process of inviting to the table.

Birthday in kindergarten is a decoration!

It will be nice if parents find time to show up early in kindergarten on their birthday and decorate the group (entrance, playground) in honor of their child. There is no need to devote a lot of time, money and effort to this: it is enough to indicate that today is not an ordinary day, but a festive one, and arouse interest in this event. Sometimes it is enough to inflate a few balloons, hang ribbons-spirals or stars from foil. It is very good if you can make the blanks at home with the birthday boy.

Tip: If balls or other interesting "things" are used as decoration - do not leave them hanging and deflating - let the children take them apart and play with them at the end of the day.

Birthday in kindergarten - mood!

good reason for games, contests and even shows. There are two paths to choose from.

THE FIRST OPTION - PREPARE THE CELEBRATION PROGRAM YOURSELF (possibly: with the participation of an educator or music director - "by agreement of the parties"). Even if at first it seems daunting, there is nothing difficult here: you just need to feel at home, taking the main initiative into your own hands. Recall the popular and unpretentious children's games and contests: riddles, blowing bubbles, playing "ponytails" (catching up with ribbons in the belt), "repeating" (repeating the words named by the presenter in movements).

Attract and hold baby attention not so difficult: the main thing is to allow yourself to sincerely tune in to the holiday: - Hello, kids! Seals, Moore and Moore-Moore have come to you (take 2 soft toys). They came to wish the boy Pasha a happy birthday. But they do not know anything about Pasha at all ... Tell Mura how Pasha looks ... Tell Mur-Mur what Pasha is a friend ...

Children are passionate, and the birthday person is in the spotlight. And you should not strive for a program that is too busy: kids get tired quickly. It is best to "balance" the program of the holiday by dancing from 3-4 musical compositions.

THE SECOND OPTION - INVITE YOUR BIRTHDAY IN KINDERGARTEN PROFESSIONALS. Clowns, role-playing dolls, fairies come with their own ready-made program. And, possibly, prizes. And, if they have rich experience, and the program is proven, then a flurry of emotions is guaranteed. Never invite animators from holiday agencies "at random": if there is no recommendation of friends, then come and study the portfolio, talk about what the professionals have ideas about your particular holiday. Be sure to discuss the duration of the event, the intensity of the games, the age of the kids in the group. Since not every character can be perceived in crumbs junior group adequate: they can get scared noisy company incomprehensible creatures. Some are even afraid of Santa Claus.

Tip: Before making any decision about a birthday in kindergarten, be sure to consult with the educators. Perhaps the garden has its own well-established traditions that are not customary to break. There may be a strong imbalance between the wealth of families, and the caregiver does not want this to be emphasized. Or maybe the teacher himself will be glad to offer some ideas or help: after all, who, if not him, knows all the children in the group better?

By the way, in some kindergartens there is a tradition to celebrate the “birthday boy’s day” - this is a holiday with a “loaf”, music and games, which is held about once a month - for all birthday people of the month. Then the need for individual days birth "disappears". Perhaps in your garden there is (or may appear at your suggestion) and a "birthday corner", which will have to be filled with: photographs of the baby, his drawing, wishes-designations in the form of pictures. Children love to look at such bright corners.


Anastasia Rodkina, 28 years old:

- I think that it would be necessary to please the kids and more, if there was more money. And so - we usually bring a treat - sweets + some kind of fruit (tangerine, apple). Gifts are bought in advance so that they are the same for everyone: for example, a book and a balloon, a coloring book and a balloon, a notebook with a pen - it will always come in handy ... senior group(with the help of a teacher) ... And it would be possible to call a clown to amuse the children for at least 30-40 minutes ...

Valentina Avramchik, 35 years old:

- In terms of food, of course, I would like to better offer children fruits - delicious, different. But young mothers are a category, as a rule, of poor people. And different fruits for a group of 25 people are not cheap. Therefore, we just get by with sweets, a few pieces at a time. After all, we still need to organize some kind of entertainment, this is done by all parents, we agreed on this: someone comes dressed in fairytale character, someone brings from home a favorite game that everyone can play together, someone organized a small puppet show. I brought a large Whatman paper from work, paint, and offered to draw greeting card all together. Someone just brings music or a fairy tale on disk. Well, it all depends on the degree of employment of the parents.

Veronica Sizova, 33 years old:

- Mickey Mouse came to congratulate one boy, they ordered a clown for the girl, a couple of children invited their group after classes in children's Cafe nearby, but not all went, because somehow it was decided that a gift for these children was to get together and buy a good one, and besides, not all parents had time on these evenings. There was a choice. Those who went liked it. Later, however, there were requests from their own children to have a clown in the kindergarten for his birthday. But with a more detailed conversation, it turned out that the small person first of all impressed the drawing on the faces during festive program... Went bought special paint, came with him to the garden, and painted hearts and stars on their cheeks in honor of Andryusha. The child was satisfied.

Maria Yasnova, 28 years old:

- We just recently celebrated a birthday in a kindergarten. We bought all the kids apple juice and harmless Semper cookies. And as gifts for classmates - a small rainbow toy, as we had in childhood. Most of all, it seems to me, the birthday man himself was pleased with the gift.

Maria Andreevna, 54 years old, educator:

- The parent committee decides whether there are gifts for kindergarten birthdays. If so, then I advise everyone to be the same. On this day, in a group with children, we pay attention to the birthday man, we say congratulatory words: This allows each child's speech to develop. When the parents were not going for gifts, I suggest that the group give something to the birthday boy: do it with pens, for example, it brings the team together. The main thing is to create a mood for the child. A game is played for him, a song is sung, a rhyme is read - for which there is enough imagination. You need to pay attention to a specific child - that's the goal. V expensive gifts children kindergarten age do not need: they do not understand what is expensive and what is cheap, and, as a rule, they are not deprived of toys. But attention is often deprived of. Especially reserved, shy kids. At a Christmas tree or other holiday, such children often remain on the sidelines, but on their own birthday in kindergarten, they simply have to feel their importance! And then let the educator, who knows each pupil well, try.


Talk to your supervisor or caregivers about the possibility of having a party. The nurseries have spacious and comfortable rooms where children can have fun, play, watch performances and treat themselves to a variety of goodies. In many children, celebrating the birthdays of pupils is a tradition. But, if the manager is reluctant to do this or puts forward any material conditions for such a kind of rent, then think about how this idea is generally justified. If you are ready to go to all the conditions - plan. No - come up with a different scenario. Your mood should not be darkened by anything.

You were allowed to celebrate the holiday, they allocated an excellent hall, instructed what you can and cannot bring from food and you can spend time on holding the event. Forward! Write a script, let your baby tell about this birthday someday to his own, and those to their grandchildren. Children's memory is phenomenal.

Rent costumes and talk with the free day parents of your classmates about whether they would agree to fall into childhood for a couple of hours and amuse their children? If there are no volunteers, then invite a clown or find professional animators working on children's parties. Everything that children adore is good, everything that is not boring, but not too violent, so that later the celebrants can be pacified. In warm weather, the active part of the celebration can be moved outside.

Think over everything to the smallest detail - decorating the hall with balls, gifts for children who will poems, sing songs, guess riddles and entertain themselves and the birthday boy in every possible way. Nobody should leave the holiday offended, everything should be enough for everyone. Buy treats for the kids better lungs so that they do not kill their appetite. Prepare an outfit for the hero of the occasion, because he will receive close attention and sincere admiration, as well as the lenses of photo and video cameras, you will capture the holiday and happy children's faces.

Do not forget to help the employees of the institution to put the place of the event in order after the holiday in the kindergarten. Thank them for their understanding, help and participation in the event with something the kindergarten needs or just nice signs of attention. If it is appropriate and you have time for this, arrange a separate tea party for them, sit all together - mothers, fathers and educators. Well, this is how it will turn out: in some kindergartens, the rules are very strict, but somewhere it is quite possible and even encouraged.

Be at this holiday like children. Have fun, admire, be moved, play. The burning eyes of your son or and their friends will be your best reward for doing everything right!


  • birthday in kindergarten

Tip 2: How to play the game "Loaf" on children's day birth

Popular children's game "Loaf", without which it is unlikely to do children's day birth, evokes pleasant memories from childhood. Now as adults, it is time to teach your kids this amazing game. To do this, you need to remember the rules of the game, restore the lyrics of the song in your memory.

The game "Loaf" can be played with children different ages- starting from two years. Usually this game is played on children's name days, but it is quite appropriate to play it at any time in the children's company.

Child psychologists note that thanks to this game, a feeling of belonging to the event is formed and a positive psychological microclimate is created in the group of children. In addition, this game is mobile, which contributes to physical development child. Repeating the song over and over as you play will help your child's memory develop.

The rules of the game are as follows: the participants join hands and stand in a circle, and the birthday person is placed in the center. Children begin to move in a circle, singing a song: “As on the Machine (the name of the hero of the occasion is called) the name day, we baked a loaf. This is such a height (together they raise their hands up, stand on their toes), this is such a low (they squat down, lowering their hands), this is such a width (they move as far as possible from the center of the circle, holding hands), such dinners (they converge close to birthday boy in the center of the circle). Loaf, loaf, whoever you want - choose (clap their hands).

After that, the birthday man chooses one of the children around him - puts him in his place in the center of the circle, and he himself gets into the circle and the round dance begins again. The game is played until all participants have visited the center of the circle.

Annual celebrations in honor of the birthday (for both adult and child) cause a lot of trouble and excitement, organization and preparation is time-consuming, creative energy, and sometimes money. First of all, you will be obliged. So you want to escape somewhere on your personal anniversary from the customs of “stamping at work” and handing out sweets at school! Despite your wish for the baby's birthday don't take him to kindergarten at all, disrupt the daily routine and solve the problem cardinal method denial, the child will not benefit from it... Because:

  • all the kids in the group are celebrating birthday in the garden;
  • I want congratulations, gifts, round dances, loaves and give away the best sweets;
  • you can be "the most important", attract to yourself increased attention staff and friends.

We offer the parent TOP-3 creative ideas for a child's birthday in the garden:

Option 1 - "standard"

Option one, it is also the main one, it is also the simplest and most common: give something to all the children in the group as a keepsake from the birthday boy... Usually mothers buy:

  • chocolate candies;
  • Barney Bears;
  • small packages of fruit juice;
  • "Kindersurprizes";
  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • bananas.

Sweet delicacies by the piece - and everyone is delighted. Don't forget the educators! They devote their lives to your children, put their soul into education, work. It is worth treating them, for example, with a cake. This will help you establish contact and find a common language.

Note that many children in the garden also suffer from disorders digestive system... Therefore, chocolate, concentrated juices and citrus fruits are strictly prohibited. It will be a shame if your kid's friends are "offended" on their birthday in kindergarten. That's why an alternative to treats can be distribution:

  • stationery(colored gel pens, bright pencils and erasers, sharpeners, notebooks and favorite crumbs of stamps with famous cartoon heroes);
  • tiny toys(boys will prefer cars, girls - "", "Little ponies" or "Winx");
  • soap bubbles;
  • balloons etc.

Option 2 - "professionals"

The second option for a birthday party in kindergarten, in addition to the time and money left in the store, will require the parents to show their imagination. Having previously agreed the time with the educators (so as not to violate the daytime regimen, not to interfere with the walk, sleep, lunch and not disrupt the developmental activities), invite animators to the group! It is not at all necessary to spend money on a full one and a half hour performance. But all children, without exception, will be delighted with a soap bubble show (10-15 minutes), several tricks, a funny acrobat clown or a mini-puppet show. Your baby's birthday will be remembered by everyone for a long time!

Option 3 - "with love"

If you are creative people, needlewomen, entertainers and like to spend time with children (and not shift their entertainment and training to hired personnel) - do the "lesson" yourself. Arrange, organize 2-3 contests, draw a newspaper collage with the whole group… Can bring a camera and arrange a festive photo session the whole group: make some noise, jump, play, throw confetti and blow out the candles on a piece of cake. The main thing is to clean up everything after yourself, and not leave the "dirty work" to the nanny.

Dear Parents! Organizing a birthday party in the garden is not that hard work, but very rewarding. Your child will definitely appreciate the efforts, feel the fullness of your love and will continue to be proud of mom and dad - the best in the world!

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