Classic pedicure includes. Hardware pedicure technology, sequence description. Classic or edged pedicure, what is it

A woman needs to make a lot of efforts to make her legs always look beautiful. There are several ways to achieve smoothness and tenderness of the skin and treat nails. Most female representatives choose a trimmed classic pedicure.

It can be done both at home and in a beauty parlor, although the procedure takes quite a long time. When cutting rough skin, you can get hurt. There is also a high risk of infection if the instruments are handled improperly.

Hardware pedicure is performed only by the master. The risk of injury and infection is very low. But this procedure has a high cost compared to the classic version. The processing process does not take much time.

A set of measures aimed at maintaining the nails and skin of the legs in order is called a trimmed pedicure. During work, cutting is used: scissors, tongs and blades. They are needed for trimming nails, removing burrs and cuticles, cutting off rough skin and calluses.

Attention! Removing rough skin with a blade machine is not suitable for every woman. You do not need to do this if the procedure copes ordinary pumice, pedicure file or grater.

Features how often to do

This type of pedicure is done about once a month, depending on the condition of the skin of the legs and nails. Some women, who are characterized by the formation of corns and corns, carry out the procedure twice a month, others - as the nails grow.

Performing a classic edged pedicure is possible only after steaming the legs so that the skin of the feet and nails soften. When manipulating with sharp objects requires care and caution. Such a pedicure can be easily done on your own, you just need to prepare the necessary tools.

Pros and cons, contraindications

The procedure has a number of advantages and disadvantages, as well as some contraindications.

What are the advantages of a trimmed pedicure:

  • legs become smooth, look beautiful;
  • there is no trace of corns and corns;
  • the foot treatment is very pleasant;
  • low cost;
  • can be done at home.
  • cuts and injuries;
  • infection of microdamages with insufficient disinfection of instruments;
  • pain during inaccurate or careless performance of the procedure;
  • some time costs. It will take about an hour to complete all the manipulations.

Carefully! Pedicure by classical pattern contraindicated in patients with diabetes mellitus. The danger lies in the long healing of the foot, thereby increasing the risk of infection.

Watch a master class on performing a classic edged pedicure.

Which pedicure is better - hardware or edged

The procedure is quite different. hardware pedicure. It is done on dry skin of the foot using different type nozzles. Dead skin removal is painless and safe. Accordingly, the possibility of cuts and infection of wounds is reduced. The device processes and polishes the nails, removes the cuticle and removes the skin in the necessary places.

Each of the two methods of pedicure is good in its own way. The full use of hardware is available only in a beauty parlor, and trimming can be done at home.

Safety is an important aspect of the procedure. Here, the advantage of hardware pedicure is obvious. In addition, it takes much less time to complete it.

How to do at home

The main condition for a home edged pedicure is the presence of all necessary fixtures. They need to be well disinfected. in the machine must be sharp.

Important! The procedure takes a lot of time, you can not carry it out in a hurry. Otherwise, the result will be sloppy and ugly, and you can easily get hurt.

List of materials and tools

For a trimmed pedicure at home you will need:

  • a bowl of warm water for steaming;
  • towel;
  • pedicure machine;
  • scissors;
  • forceps;
  • cuticle softener oil
  • nail polish remover;
  • file for grinding;
  • orange stick to push back the cuticle;
  • nutritious cream;
  • antiseptic;
  • cotton pads.

Stages of work

The order of the pedicure is as follows:

  1. Soak your feet in water at a temperature of about 48 degrees for 10-15 minutes. You can add essential oils or disinfectant solutions to the bath.
  2. Wipe the polish off the nails, cut them in a straight line and use oil to soften the cuticle.
  3. Treat the foot with an antiseptic.
  4. Carefully remove with a pedicure machine excess skin. Make the final processing by grinding.
  5. Remove the cuticle with forceps.
  6. Shape your nails.
  7. Use foot cream.

The procedure is simple, any woman who wants to look beautiful will cope with it. It is not necessary to turn to professionals. But foot care should be regular, even in winter period they need nourishment and hydration.

Precautions when using a pedicure machine

Designed to remove calluses and rough skin from the foot. The device replaces whole line tools. The blades in it are sharp, so you need to be careful and attentive.

Important! The pedicure machine is not designed to remove the cuticle, it is also forbidden to use a regular razor.

Working with this type of tool requires some skills, take precautions:

  • The machine must be positioned correctly in the hand. The skin must be cut from top to bottom, controlling the force of pressure on the tool.
  • Never trim a pedicure with a blunt machine. It will bring a lot discomfort. In addition, the procedure will be delayed for a long time, and the skin will be cut off with difficulty.
  • During processing, follow the pressure. You need to act softly and smoothly.
  • Always treat the skin of the foot with an antiseptic before and after the procedure.
  • Do not forget to treat the machine with a disinfectant solution.
  • The heel area should be cut from one edge, gradually moving towards the other.
  • The rest of the skin is removed by grinding. The sawing is used to process those places where the machine failed to achieve the desired result.

Compliance with the rules will prevent the possibility of cuts and infection of wounds. As a result of the procedure, get a smooth and delicate skin feet, neat and beautiful pedicure.

Useful video

Master of pedicure and manicure with many years of experience shows classic execution treatment of nails and skin of the feet.


Any type of edged pedicure, classic and hardware, has its pros and cons. However, removing rough skin with their help helps to bring the legs in order. For some women, it is not enough to use a pumice stone, because the necrosis of the skin on the feet is a purely individual process.

The pedicure machine should be used only for its intended purpose, observing all safety precautions. This reduces the risk of skin damage and infection.

There are many modern techniques for skin and toenail care. One of them is the European pedicure. Like any other procedure, the European pedicure has its own characteristics, performance techniques, advantages and disadvantages.

most main feature European pedicure technology is its safety. Pedicure is suitable for anyone, even if he has diabetes or there is a tendency to fungal diseases. One of the varieties of European pedicure is the use of a special machine. But, despite this, the European pedicure is characterized by the absence of injuries and infections.

Features of European pedicure

  1. This technology implies the absence of scissors and blades. Unlike a classic pedicure, the risk that the feet will hurt or become inflamed after the removal of rough skin is small. In addition, the feet and the skin around the nails are treated with special pedicure files, so the effect is guaranteed.
  2. There are 3 types of European pedicure technique: dry, wet or SPA and hardware. The dry pedicure technique is considered the most effective, because the result will last for a long time. following procedure should be done in two weeks. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, a dry pedicure can be done once a month.
  3. In the European pedicure, the cuticle is not mechanically removed. Within 5-6 sessions as a result special processing the cuticle stops growing, and the toes look well-groomed. In addition, the risk of hangnails is reduced, so the skin on the legs will look perfect.
  4. When using a European pedicure, it is almost impossible to contract fungal infections.
  5. Along with the practical result, the dry pedicure procedure is a pleasure and pleasure, so this great way relax.
  6. Dry pedicure is suitable for everyone: men, women, adults, children. This type of pedicure is especially useful for children's feet, prone to sensitivity.

Despite these positive points, the European pedicure has some disadvantages.

  • First, there may be allergic reaction, because pedicures use substances containing alkali.
  • Secondly, a European pedicure is only suitable for those who constantly monitor the skin of their feet. If the skin on the legs is fluffy and rough, then it is better to apply a classic pedicure.

At home, the European pedicure technology will take about an hour. To make a high-quality dry pedicure, you must follow the steps:

  1. Steam your feet well hot water. This is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.
  2. Then you need to remove from the nails old varnish. It is better to choose an acetone-free product that does not dry the skin around the nails.
  3. To remove the cuticle, you must use special cream or a gel that softens the cuticle. The advantage of this procedure is that the cream dissolves dead skin cells, so it is enough to remove them with a special spatula without using scissors. Beauticians recommend using wooden ones that do not scratch the skin.
  4. After that, you can move on to the nails. With a special nail file, you need to polish the nail plate to make it smooth and even.
  5. Another file to give nails desired shape. It is better to make the edge of the nail even, and not rounded, so that it does not grow into the skin.
  6. On the feet should be smeared with a special exfoliating cream. In those areas where the skin is rougher, apply more cream. For best effect feet can be wrapped in a plastic bag or towel and left for 30 minutes.
  7. After the skin has softened, the feet, especially the heels, should be rubbed with a pumice stone or a special brush. Modern salons use scrapers with small blades that give the heels a smooth finish. But you need to use these scrapers with care so as not to damage the skin.
  8. At the end of a dry pedicure, the nails should be treated with a fat-free lotion or nail polish remover. Then cover the nail platinum with varnish of any shade.

This is another kind of European pedicure, which allows you not only to make the legs attractive, but also to enjoy it. To do this yourself at home, follow these steps:

  1. Remove old varnish from nails. Lower your feet into warm water, preferably adding aromatic oils or a little shampoo to make the skin soft.
  2. Then wipe your feet dry, and push back the cuticles with a wooden spatula.
  3. To give nails perfect shape, you need to cut them either with nail scissors or tweezers. File the edges of the nails with a nail file so that they are even.
  4. To remove the rough skin of the feet, you can use a special scrub, which is then removed with a soft wet wipe. After that, a nourishing cream is rubbed into the skin.
  5. Finish off the pedicure with bright varnish on nails.

Pedicure - necessary procedure in every woman's life. Modern techniques offer several options, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages. Which one is better to do? What should be preferred in this or that case?

Classic or edged pedicure, what is it

Edged or classic pedicure is performed after steaming the legs in a warm bath. Calluses, corns, roughened epithelium are removed with special tools. To do this, use all kinds of brushes, pumice stones, abrasives, as well as scissors and blades.

Classic pedicure, advantages:

  • it is easy to do, it is performed in a beauty salon, it is relatively cheap;
  • the procedure is easy to repeat at home, for this it is enough to have tools, master the basics of technology;
  • training will take a minimum of time, just read the information, watch the video, repeat the same thing a couple of times on yourself.

Classic pedicure, disadvantages:

  • at the end of the procedure, there is a feeling of thinning of the epithelium. This occurs due to the fact that the keratinized areas are not removed gradually, but in one session. Feelings in the first days after a pedicure cause some discomfort;
  • fragility of the result, because in some cases the procedure has to be done weekly. It all depends on the rate of growth of the epithelium, the degree of its coarsening. After cleaning rough areas, active growth skin cells, corns are formed again;
  • when removing large layers of coarsened dermis, extensive corns, deep calluses, pain occurs in these places. The master can do everything carefully, but cutting tools affect the deep surfaces of the epithelium, which is rather unpleasant;
  • During the procedure, a significant thickness of the skin is cut off. As a result, the feet become defenseless against microbes, particles of dirt, dust. No matter how neat the classic pedicure is, it is not recommended to do it with high sensitivity of the legs, vascular diseases. It is also prohibited for diabetes, heart problems, fungal diseases;
  • the possibility of infection, the occurrence of foci of inflammation.

Hardware pedicure, features, benefits

For safe procedure held in a beauty salon, you will need special equipment. The legs are not pre-steamed, they are simply treated dry with the apparatus. The device contains a set of nozzles, changing which, delicately, painlessly polish the keratinized areas of the epithelium. Hardware pedicure allows you to gently remove corns, calluses. By purchasing the device, the procedure can be repeated at home.

Advantages of the method:

  • achieve a fast and stable result. The epithelium is removed, cleaned off gradually, which does not cause active cell division, and slows down their growth. It is enough to do this every 14-15 days, after achieving a lasting effect - once every 25-30 days;
  • minimum trauma, because the nozzles do not cut, but clean off the dermis, evenly exfoliating layer by layer;
  • there is no need to steam the legs before the procedure, hardware pedicure copes with any problem in 10-15 minutes. The rest of the time is spent on disinfecting the feet, moisturizing, softening, and nourishing the epithelium.


  • The main disadvantage of the procedure is that high price compared to a classic pedicure. In addition, the following negative points can be noted:
  • the technique is contraindicated for those whose nail plate is thinned;
  • if the legs are running, visible result will be felt after a few sessions;
  • to carry out the procedure, it is not enough to have a device; it is important to use it skillfully in order to obtain the desired effect.

However, it does not matter if the feet are painful, have diabetes, cardiovascular, fungal diseases and the most gentle method of care is needed.

The subtleties of performing trimmed pedicure

Photo of removal of corns with a classic pedicure

The step by step process looks like this:

  1. Before the session, the legs are lowered for 15-25 minutes. in a container with warm water, where add sea ​​salt, decoctions of herbs, aromatic oils. If the skin is rough, an exfoliating scrub is first applied to maximally soften the epithelium.
  2. When the skin is softened, it is brushed off with a pumice stone, first with a large grain, then with a fine one.
  3. Then, according to the technology of classic pedicure, they begin to process the nail plates. They are cut with scissors, tweezers, filed with a nail file.
  4. The next step is the processing of cuticles, which are pushed back with a wooden stick or carefully cut with nail scissors.
  5. At the end, the legs are again immersed in warm water, then wiped dry, treated nourishing cream, if desired - nails are painted with varnish.

How is a hardware pedicure performed

Photo of nail shape correction with hardware pedicure

Procedure order:

  • to soften calluses, corns, keratinized dermis, use special agents with keratolic properties;
  • after the legs are treated with softeners, special nozzles of different diameters, abrasives remove corns, calluses, problem areas;
  • if there are cracks on the feet, at first the protruding edges are slightly trimmed, then the surface is polished with nozzles. At the end, the crack is lubricated with oil to speed up healing;
  • when there is an ingrown nail, it is treated with a special softening cream, then the ingrown site is polished with boron. At the end, the ingrown area is painlessly removed with tweezers.

Choosing between pedicure techniques

Which pedicure technology is better, hardware or classical? The answer suggests itself, given the following aspects:

  • when you need maximum safety, painlessness, complete protection against infection, it is worth doing a hardware pedicure;
  • if there are problems with the heart, blood vessels, diabetes, it is better not to find a hardware technique. The same goes for cases where there is thrombosis, varicose veins veins, fungal diseases of the legs.

What do you prefer, classic edged pedicure or the other is a personal matter for everyone, but one is worth remembering for sure. When visiting a beauty salon, close attention is paid to the qualifications of the master. In this case, the sessions will bring maximum benefit for the body, moral satisfaction.

Hello, Dear friends, Lena Zhabinskaya is with you again.

The sight of beautiful and well-groomed legs attracts and fascinates both sexes. But while some only dream of it, others successfully achieve it, not only within the walls of expensive salons, but also at home.

Moreover, the procedure that provides high-quality foot care - pedicure, has a lot of varieties with their own characteristics and contraindications, among which anyone can choose the perfect one for themselves. We'll talk about them today. So, the types of pedicure and their main differences.

I already wrote about what a pedicure is and. So now let's get straight to the point.

Modern cosmetology offers girls several types professional pedicure. Each of them involves the use of a certain set of tools and tools that allow you to achieve your goal - to finally see your nails and feet clean, healthy and beautiful.

At the same time, each type of pedicure has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as contraindications. To know about them means to protect yourself in the pursuit of beauty. Always remember this and then the procedures you performed will always bring you pleasure and positive emotions.

What are the types of pedicure?

  • Classic or edged.
  • European, or dry, unedged.
  • Hardware.
  • Combined.
  • SPA - pedicure.
  • Fish.
  • Japanese.

Interestingly, this list changes all the time. After all, women strive for perfection, and modern cosmetology helps them to achieve it.

Classic pedicure

Perhaps its features are familiar to all of us from childhood. The process of its implementation includes several stages:

  1. steaming the legs in the bath;
  2. foot treatment with pumice, exfoliating agents;
  3. giving nails desired shape;
  4. cuticle removal.

And all this is fast, easy and accessible to everyone. That is why they often go to salons for a classic pedicure, even more often they do it at home, not even suspecting that simplicity and speed have serious drawbacks.

What is the danger of this type of pedicure? Lots of moments here:

  • The possibility of infection with fungal and other diseases. And all due to the fact that water is used in its implementation, or rather a bath with it. Lack of regular disinfection, and frequent use hydromassage devices at times increases the likelihood of getting many ailments as a bonus to a pedicure. IN best case everything can be limited to itching, burning on the skin, curvature of the nail plates.
  • The risk of contracting more serious illnesses such as AIDS or hepatitis. It rises due to cuticle cutting and possible injury. skin from the use of sharp instruments. Moreover, salon masters do not have sufficient funds to perform the same disinfection that is done within the walls of surgical or dental offices.
  • Overzealous. This is the only way to call excessive cutting of the stratum corneum of the foot, which is carried out when performing a classic pedicure. As a result, the treated areas may cause discomfort, pain, or simply enhance the skin regeneration process. In other words, it will grow on them with renewed vigor, forcing its owner to turn to the procedure again and again.


All of the above shortcomings forced the masters to look for a way out of this situation, which later turned out to be a European pedicure.

What he really is? In general, the same technique that is used for edging, but without the use of baths with water and sharp dangerous tools.

Includes European pedicure the following steps:

  1. safe removal of the cuticle using special tools that soften it and allow you to gently move it to the edges of the plate. Their regular use helps subsequently slow down its growth;
  2. giving the nails the desired shape through the use of tweezers and scissors;
  3. removal of rough skin of the foot with scrapers and graters.

Meanwhile, with all its advantages, the European pedicure also has one significant drawback - the slowness in the process of giving a well-groomed look to the nails. In order to achieve it, sometimes it is necessary to perform at least 6 procedures. You can find out more from our article.


Behind the respectable name of this pedicure hides simple technique its implementation using a special device.

The whole principle of its work is built around the rotation of cutters - special rough nozzles. They clean off dead skin cells, remove the cuticle, and polish the nail, and, if necessary, give it the desired shape.

The use of special tools that previously “dissolve” the stratum corneum, as well as a variety of nozzles, allows you to perform all the necessary manipulations without the risk of injury and infection of the skin.

In addition, her gentle and well-groomed appearance in the case of using modern hardware pedicure, it lasts much longer. But you will have to pay extra for all this - the cost of such a pedicure is justified above the cost of the others mentioned.

SPA - pedicure

A unique option that not only gives beauty and well-groomed feet, but also helps to relax.

It is based on the use of special cosmetics With essential oils, plant extracts, therapeutic mud, thermal waters, which soften and exfoliate the skin, relieve fatigue, rejuvenate and heal.

However, with all its advantages, this type of pedicure also has its drawbacks - it is not suitable for people with problem feet, including fungal infection or ingrown nails, and also has a high cost.


The name itself tells about the technique of its implementation. It consists in the use of edged classic pedicure for nail care and hardware - for foot skin care. However, this is not a panacea.

Often, these procedures, if necessary, are supplemented by others, for example, peeling. Most often, acid is used when the foot is processed. glycolic acid and wrapped in a film and a towel on certain time. After its expiration, the coarsened zones are cleaned with pumice stone, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

It's incredibly simple and effective procedure, which leaves behind young and healthy skin of the feet, but has one drawback - within 5 days after its implementation, the treated skin can peel off in layers, therefore it needs protection in the form of ordinary socks. Moreover, the sight is not very pleasant.


It's comparatively new technology performing a pedicure, all the subtleties of which are beautifully illustrated in the photo. Exotic came to us from Asia.

To perform the procedure, the client's feet are disinfected, after which she lowers them into the aquarium, in which all the work of the file, pumice stone, brush and scrub is performed by fish with the wonderful name Garra rufa. Dead skin particles are an integral part of their diet.

Moreover, in addition to the exfoliating effect, this procedure also has another one - it regenerates tissues due to substances contained in the saliva of fish. In other words, all old wounds and cuts after it heal many times faster.

Does it have its drawbacks? Unfortunately yes. And they are not limited to the high cost of the type of pedicure itself. In some countries, it is officially banned due to the ability of fish to carry infection.


An original technique that includes elements of SPA, unedged pedicure and massage. Rejuvenates and revitalizes through the use of products made from natural ingredients, however, is overpriced.

It was Lena Zhabinskaya, bye-bye.

IN modern world both women and men take care of themselves. It keeps youth, gives beauty. Wealthy confident people will not allow themselves to appear in society in a unkempt form. To do this, they turn to professionals who provide all types of hairdressing services. also should not be ignored. The complexity and regularity of the procedures give a good result.

The essence of pedicure

Existing and pedicure include a set of actions. They are produced in without fail regardless of the chosen method. The foot requires a particularly wide range of procedures. Caring for her includes a certain sequence of actions.

Initially, the dry, keratinized layer of the skin is softened. Then the upper layers of the epithelium (dead cells) are removed various methods. Next, the master processes the nails, eliminates their ingrowth (if any). Also in the case of determining other deformations nail plate its shape is corrected.

Handles the cuticle. During the procedure, corns, calluses, cracked heels are removed. It completes the pedicure course. It improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the body, as well as the mood of a person. This useful procedure if performed by an experienced professional.

Methods and approaches

Depending on the level of the salon that provides foot care services, the client is offered one or another set of effects. In addition to the basic procedures, they can offer a relaxing massage. It is even possible to get healing procedures or psychotherapeutic during a pedicure session.

Existing types of pedicure (photo below) may include a course of paraffin therapy, depilation, in-depth antiseptics. Such a wide range of procedures makes the presented service popular.

There are beauty salons that during the procedure use the effect on all the senses. Apply aroma oils, play of light, sounds. A person during the procedure listens to the sound of the surf, the singing of birds, etc. This is a very useful, relaxing effect. Color therapy also has a healing effect on the psyche. This allows you to escape from the affairs, the daily hustle and bustle. During the session, the person rests both physically and psychologically.

Varieties of procedures

There are several basic approaches to performing a pedicure. The oldest of them is the classical approach. It has been widely used for many years. This is the easiest job to do at home.

But it has many shortcomings. That's why modern views pedicure is very diverse. The most popular today are European, hardware, To choose best approach before performing the procedure, it is necessary to consider the features of each of them.

Classic pedicure

This approach uses the technique of cutting the rough skin of the feet, nails. First, the legs are steamed in the bath. Then the nails are cut, polished with different files. So their shape is corrected, deformations are eliminated. Then the cuticle is trimmed.

After these actions, heels and feet are treated with pumice or other grinding agents. The main types of pedicure apply elements of this approach to one degree or another. The classic version is the most inexpensive and therefore affordable. But it has more than other types of disadvantages. At home, it is even more preferable to perform such a technique than in the cabin. This is the only type of pedicure that is actually easier to do on your own.

Disadvantages of classic pedicure

When steaming the skin of the feet, a classic pedicure involves the use of water. Types, techniques are varied, but many use foot baths. However, water is favorable environment for the development of fungus and other skin infections. Even when using antiseptics, there is a chance of getting infected through the bath similar ailments. This is especially true for special hydromassage devices. Not a single institution is able to qualitatively disinfect nozzles after each visitor. This process requires a lot of time, which is sometimes not enough. There is, albeit small, but the likelihood of getting itching, burning on the skin, deformation of the nail plates after the procedure.

But this is not the worst. The method of cutting the cuticle sometimes, with inaccurate movement, leads to injuries of the skin. And this is far from uncommon. In this case, it is possible to become infected with very serious diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, etc.). In the salon, there is no way to disinfect the instrument as thoroughly as in a hospital or dentistry.

Another disadvantage of the method is the cutting of the stratum corneum along with the partial disruption of living cells. This enhances the regeneration process. Skin grows faster. Therefore, this approach is not efficient enough.

European methodology

Today, there are improved versions of the classical technique. These include the most different types pedicure. Their main differences lie in the improvement of one or more procedures. But general principle is saved. One such modified approach is the European methodology.

All stages and actions remain the same as in the classic version. The only difference is the lack of cuticle cutting. This is a safer pedicure (you can not get hepatitis, HIV). With a wooden spatula, the cuticle moves to the edge. At the same time, it is processed special means. It softens the skin. With regular repetition of the procedure, the cuticle grows more slowly, and cuts can be avoided.

However, the application water procedures leaves the possibility of infection with fungal infections.

SPA pedicure

The types of pedicure considered earlier can be supplemented with various caring procedures. The principle remains the same. On initial stage legs are steamed in a bath of water (there is some chance of infection with a fungus).

But the use of various scrubs, masks and foot creams gives best result. The skin becomes hydrated healthy look. In the process of applying the product, a light massage is performed. It is very relaxing and calms the nervous system.

Combined approach

The most controversial reviews are found about combined type pedicure. He is marketing ploy, allowing the master to take a large payment for his work. This is the usual classic version, in which the skin is polished with the help of the apparatus. It just makes the job easier for the master. However, all disadvantages classical method are stored in it.

This variety provides, like all other approaches, applying varnish to the nails (at the request of the client). However, nail extension is a separate procedure that does not include any pedicure. Types of coating are different in structure, color and possible therapeutic effect.

hardware method

The previous option cannot be considered a hardware pedicure method, since it involves steaming the skin of the foot. before starting the work of the master, it provides for the treatment of the feet with a special antiseptic. Next, a special substance is applied to the skin. It softens only dead cells. Further, using a device with various nozzles, only the keratinized layer of the epithelium is removed. Living tissue is not affected. This eliminates the possibility of cuts, skin injuries.

It is also the most hygienic approach. During its implementation, it is impossible to become infected with a fungus or other even more serious ailments, since baths are not used. This method was developed and widely used in Germany. Attentive to detail, the Germans ruled out the possibility of infection with various infections and viruses. This is a really good process.

The competence of a beauty salon worker should raise serious doubts if he polishes with a device on a wet foot. At best, the procedure simply will not work. Wet skin particles clog the pores of the machine nozzle. Therefore, mixed types of pedicure are regarded as unprofessionalism.

Machine processing wet skin not only ineffective, but can also lead to burr formation. The procedure will have to be repeated again, but not with this master. After the work of a professional, the legs retain their beauty long time. characteristic feature hardware pedicure is gradual decrease the need to carry out the procedure. When removing only the stratum corneum, the recovery processes in the tissues are not accelerated. The skin becomes healthy, soft and extraordinarily beautiful.

Having considered the main types of pedicure, it is worth concluding that all of them, except hardware method, one way or another, expose the health of the legs to the threat of infection various infections and fungus. Therefore, it is better not to save money and take care of your feet with a really safe approach.