Eye makeup like a cat. Legendary make-up "Cat's eye. Video: step-by-step cat eye makeup on the impending eyelid

Many girls wear makeup in such a way as to emphasize the depth of their eyes, to give the image of mystery. Makeup made using the "Cat's Eye" technique can help with this. This make-up has different variations: daytime, evening. He's fine suitable for a girl who wants to look sophisticated. All fashionistas need to take note of the features of this technique.

What is cat eye makeup

To paint in a technique with such a tempting name was first started by residents ancient egypt. It was believed that cats are sacred animals, so women sought to be like them. Makeup technique involves giving the eyes an oblong shape with slightly raised corners.. They are painted so as to visually narrow and lengthen. For this, drawing arrows and shading shadows are used. This makeup is suitable for all women, you just need to choose a variation of the make-up and color scheme, taking into account individual features appearance.

Basic principles

the main objective cat makeup - visually narrow the eyes and increase their length. This is achieved through two main actions:

  1. Arrow drawing. The element is made with a liquid eyeliner, a special felt-tip pen or a pencil. Depending on the shape of the eyes, both eyelids or only the upper one are emphasized.
  2. Shading shadows. They are applied approximately like in the Smokey Eyes makeup, but more clearly so that the look is expressive.

What you need to make a make-up

To apply makeup, you need certain cosmetics. To perform makeup with high quality, remember a few recommendations for choosing cosmetics:

  1. Arrows are drawn with a felt-tip pen, liquid eyeliner or cosmetic pencil. Choose shades based on the color of the iris. It is best to purchase several funds. For a daytime make-up, for example, take a lighter liner, for an evening one - brighter. If your drawing skill is not too developed, choose a soft pencil. Working with liquid eyeliner and a felt-tip pen is much more difficult.
  2. Shadows are needed for shading and background. Available in both matte and shimmer finishes.
  3. The skin of the face needs to be put in order: even out the color, mask the defects. Makeup base may be needed Foundation, sculptor, corrector, highlighter, powder, blush.
  4. To complete the look, you will need mascara, cosmetics for eyebrow shaping and lipstick or a light shade.

How to choose the color of the eyeliner and the shape of the arrows

You need to paint very carefully. Women over 30 should draw arrows with black, gray or brown liner. For younger girls, to create a flirtatious look, you can choose the shade of eyeliner, taking into account the color of the iris:

  1. Brown. Suitable yellow and cold shades of green, gold, brown. Brunettes are better off using black eyeliner and mascara. Blondes can pay attention to brown cosmetics.
  2. Gray or blue. Choose blue, bronze or golden brown.
  3. Greens. Pay attention to peach, lilac, plum, olive and emerald colors.

Of great importance is the shape of the eyes, the cut. The type of arrow should be chosen taking into account these features. So, if your eyes:

  1. Closely planted. An arrow drawn not from the inner corner, but from the middle will help to visually increase the distance between them. The lower eyelid is better not to fail at all.
  2. Small. Draw arrows not with eyeliner, but with a soft pencil. Avoid too dark shades and sharp lines.
  3. Widely spaced. To visually reduce the distance between the eyes, draw the arrow slightly beyond the inner corner. The same applies to the bottom line.
  4. Round. Draw on upper eyelid thin arrow, and do not let the bottom one down.
  5. Narrow. Make arrows that will expand towards the middle of the century, and thinner towards the outer corner.

How to do makeup

It takes practice to learn how to paint well. To help you master this art faster the following recommendations:

  1. The classic "Cat's eye" is performed in dark shades, which emphasizes skin imperfections. Therefore, do not forget about the careful alignment of the tone of the face. Be sure to apply liquid concealer under the eyes to remove bruises, mimic wrinkles and signs of fatigue.
  2. To learn how to draw straight arrows, sit down, and place the hand with which you will work with your elbow on the table. The likelihood that it will tremble and the eyeliner will be smeared will decrease.
  3. Slightly pull the eyelid when drawing the arrows so that they are neat.
  4. If you work with a pencil, then sharpen it in a timely manner. The lead must always be sharp.
  5. Do not make the beginning of the arrow too abrupt. It should give the impression that it comes out of the lash line. Thickening can only go to the outer corner.

Classic variant

It is better to start with a traditional make-up for girls who make such an image for the first time in order to understand whether it is suitable. execution instruction classic makeup:

  1. Prepare your skin. Cleanse and moisturize with lotion. Apply foundation, foundation, and powder. If necessary, use other means to correct the tone of the face.
  2. Apply a beige or sheer eyeshadow base. Top cover with bodily matte shadows. Shade them thoroughly natural brush. It is better to use not crumbly, but compact shadows.
  3. Start drawing arrows from the tips. Draw long ponytails from the outer corners of the eyes towards the temples. Check the symmetry by looking straight ahead in the mirror.
  4. On the upper eyelid, draw a line along the lash line from the inner corner. It should connect to the top of the ponytail.
  5. Highlight the lower eyelid with eyeliner. Paint over the corners of the arrows and other gaps. Make sure that the ends of the contour are sharp and the entire space between the eyelashes is stained.
  6. Apply mascara and shape your eyebrows.
  7. Lips either do not paint at all, or cover light lipstick. The emphasis is not on them, but on the eyes. If you make your lips bright, then the image will turn out to be too vulgar.

Pencil technique

Performing makeup in this way is relatively easy, even for those who do not have enough experience yet. The main tool is a soft pencil saturated shade . Application technique:

  1. Make a few strokes in the palm of your hand to soften the pencil.
  2. Draw an arrow on the upper eyelid, pull the ponytail around the outer corner and lift it up. Underline the bottom with a pencil. Connect both arrows so that the eye is completely circled: from the inner corner to the outer.
  3. Cover your lashes with several coats of mascara.

How to Draw Cat Arrows

It is very difficult to bring the eyelids up beautifully and evenly, practice is needed here. To learn how to draw arrows "Cat's eye", use the following instructions:

  1. Mentally mark the line you want to draw. Lead it with dark shadows or powder.
  2. Slightly pulling the outer corner of the eye, apply eyeliner towards the temple, lifting up. If you want to make a wide arrow, then first draw a thin line, and then add new layers on top of it.
  3. If you want your makeup to look natural, extend the eyeliner no more than 5 mm beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  4. If you plan to draw an arrow with a pencil, then simply put dots on the eyelid at a small distance from each other, and then connect them with a continuous, even line.
  5. There is a second way. Draw a short strip from the outer corner of the eye to the temple - the tail of the arrow. Then draw a line with an eyeliner. It should come out of the inner corner of the eye and connect to the tip of the tail. Fill in the space between the two lines.

In gold decoration

Makeup in this performance looks beautiful and elegant. "Cat's eye" in a golden brown palette - a good option daytime make-up. It is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Apply shadow to the eyelid golden color.
  2. Cover the outer corner with a shade of "Mocha" with a slight shimmer. They also emphasize the lower eyelid. Blend the borders.
  3. Draw graphic black arrows with eyeliner.
  4. Apply one or two coats of mascara to your eyelashes.

Makeup in dark blue

A cat make-up in this design turns out to be very catchy, so it is better to leave it for some special occasions. Makeup technique in dark blue version step by step:

  1. Apply light shadow all over the eyelids.
  2. With dark blue eyeliner, paint over the arrow from the outer corner, forming a checkmark along the top crease.
  3. Paint over the resulting space with shadows until the middle of the century. Take a shade to match the eyeliner.
  4. Blend the edges of the shadows with a soft brush.
  5. Color your eyelashes.

How to avoid mistakes

"Cat's eye" - the kind of makeup that must be done perfectly. There are a number of common mistakes that make girls look sloppy. How to avoid them:

  1. Wrong arrows. If you have narrow eyes, then do not make thin lines. If they round shape, then strongly bring the tail of the arrow beyond the outer corner.
  2. The mucosa of the lower eyelid is brought only with a kajal. regular pencil can damage the thin shell.
  3. Draw arrows with open eyes. If you close them, the lines will be different and at the wrong angle.
  4. Shadows are applied only before eyeliner. If you do this after, then the product will crumble, ruining both the color and shape of the arrow.

Makeup photo Cat's eye



The basis of cat eye makeup is bright eyes with large arrows and lips in pastel colors. This popular trend in makeup became widely known after the 60s of the 20th century, when big eyes, underlined with black eyeliner.

They began to decorate their eyes with arrows long before our era. Egyptian queens and kings. On the tombs of the pharaohs, there are many images with emphasized black and gold eyes. The Egyptians valued and respected cats for their vitality, flexibility, agility and, of course, beauty. It was at about the time that makeup appeared " cat eye".

Cat eye makeup is suitable for all women. For those who have small eyes, the arrows will enlarge them, favorably emphasize large eyes, and the tips of the arrows raised up will make the look mysterious and sexy.

The choice of eyeliner


Makeup " feline look"requires neatly accentuated eyes. A prerequisite are the arrows. They can be drawn in any form, length and shape, as long as it is done brightly and neatly. Now there are many types of eyeliners, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Eyeliner in the form of a felt-tip pen is excellent suitable for beginners make-up artists and women who have a small amount time for makeup. The felt-tip pen allows you to make the arrow on the eyelid bright and draw it as quickly and clearly as on paper. Cons: the felt-tip pen dries out pretty quickly and becomes unusable. After a few applications, the line becomes lighter. Cat arrows after a felt-tip pen are quickly erased, so makeup will often have to be touched up.

Pencil. One of the most popular means - eyeliner - helps quickly. A big plus of the pencil is that it can be used for a long time. Some pencils have to be constantly sharpened, but you can find a model with a twisting lead. Minus: the arrows on the eyes do not look very clear and bright. Any soft pencil leaves a slight "haze" after application.

Liquid eyeliner is the best remedy to create cat eye makeup. The eyeliner lays down in a thin but dense layer, creating shiny, well-shaped arrows with clear boundaries. It doesn't take long to draw. It usually takes a few practice sessions to get a straight line with a playfully curled up tip. When choosing a liquid eyeliner Special attention must be given to the brush. It should be solid with a pointed end; with a different type of brush, a thin line will be difficult to achieve.

Dry eyeliner. It is of two types. The first type is an eyeliner that does not need to be diluted with water. It is very compact and visually resembles shadows. Its disadvantages are that the eyeliner can quickly wear out and smear. Eyeliner, which can be diluted with water, is similar in its properties to liquid, the only drawback is that it is necessary to select a brush for it separately.

How to use eyeliner


For cat-eye makeup, the main and most difficult element to perform is eyeliner. In makeup, it can be gray, brown, blue, gold, but most often black.

Drawing arrows is a special art. It is rare for anyone to succeed accurately and clearly the first time. Beautiful make-up"Cat's eyes" in a few minutes can be created only after long training.

Depending on the type, size and shape of the eye, the form of drawing arrows is selected. Small eyes can be further enlarged and "opened" with a thick arrow on the upper eyelid and a small one on the lower eyelid. In this case, the line emphasizing the lower eyelid should be at a small distance from the lash line.

Almond-shaped eyes can only be slightly emphasized with a thin pencil line, they are ideal for cat-eye makeup. Round and close-set eyes are sure to stand out with the help of an arrow bent up.

To draw arrows, you need an eyeliner, an object with a thin flat edge(thick sheet of cardboard, business card, credit card), hard surface.

  1. It is necessary to open your eyes and use a mirror to imagine a line that connects the inner and outer corners of the eye.
  2. Stepping back from this line at an angle of 45º, draw a line with eyeliner from the inner corner of the eye to the temples using a business card or credit card. After a while, the hand will be full and "helpers" will not be needed.
  3. Next, a line is drawn from the end of the arrow to the eyelid and drawn with eyeliner. The main thing is not to go beyond the edges.
  4. It is recommended to start drawing the arrow from the middle of the eye. Finding on the upper eyelid the most high point along the lash line, a line is drawn with eyeliner from this point to the outer corner of the eye, and then to the inner one.
  5. It is necessary to ensure that the arrow thickens from the inner corner to the outer.
  6. The arrow of the lower eyelid is drawn in one line, starting from the inner corner to the outer, and is connected to the arrow of the upper eyelid.
  7. After applying eyeliner, you need to sit for a few minutes with eyes closed so that the arrows dry out, do not spread and are not imprinted on the fixed surface of the upper eyelid.

Makeup "cat's eyes" involves beautiful, bright and even arrows. It is quite difficult to draw them like that, the hand can tremble at any moment and ruin the makeup. Any hard surface (table, stool, sink) will help to make even arrows. It is necessary to firmly rest against it with your elbows when drawing arrows.

Most often, eyeliner is used to draw "cat" arrows, but in the case of everyday or soft makeup, you can line your eyes with shadows.

For makeup "cat's eyes" you will need any palette of shadows, the main thing is that it contains several shades. Pastel, brown and golden tones are suitable for work, study and walking. More vivid and provocative - blue, green, purple - can be used for makeup for a party with friends or a disco.

Applying eyeshadow for cat-eye makeup seems to be easier for many, although it is time consuming.

Step one. The most light shade selected palette. It should be light, but not white. White shade applied to the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow. For the base, it is better to use light beige shadows.

Step two. A darker shade is applied to the second half of the moving eyelid, which is closer to the outer corner of the eye.

Step three. A dark shade forms a kind of corner at the outer part of the movable eyelid. The triangle drawn with shadows should connect the outer corner, the end of the crease of the upper eyelid and the lash line. Its area is obscured by shadows.

Step four. by the most dark shade shadows or black shadows from the middle of the century, a thin line is drawn along the lash line. It should imitate an arrow and end at the top corner of the triangle.

Step five. The same line is drawn under the lower eyelid and connected to the upper arrow.

Step six. As additional allocation You can draw a thin line along the lash line with a pencil or eyeliner.

Creating an image


Cat-eye makeup focuses on the eyes, but it's also important to complement it with lipstick, foundation, and foundation.

Makeup base. Makeup "cat's eyes" is often chosen as an evening make-up, so it is better to use a dense base that evens out the face.

Foundation and face contouring. Not only the eyes should resemble a cat's, but also the face. Cover foundation the entire face is needed, including the eyelids and lips. With the help of highlighters and bronzer, you need to perform the correct contouring of the face and emphasize the "cat" cheekbones.

Mascara. This is the second most important makeup product after eyeliner and shadows. Mascara is used depending on the condition of the eyelashes, but lengthening and curling is recommended. With cat-eye makeup, you can use tools for. If evening makeup is chosen, false eyelashes are welcome.

Pomade. Since the main accent in makeup, lips should not attract much attention. It is best to use lipstick in pastel, beige, light pink tones or transparent gloss. bright lipstick effectively complement evening makeup only if the eyes are made up with black eyeliner without using bright shadows.

cat eye makeup The look of a tigress makes a woman more attractive and sexier in the eyes of a man. You can get this look with a simple female cunning- Doing cat eye makeup. It is characterized by an underlined contour going diagonally upwards. Such a make up makes the eyes slanted, which adds a special charm. female image. The advice of our stylist will help you create a cat-eye makeup, even if you have never done it before.

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Photo Gallery: Cougar Look: Learning to Do Cat Eye Makeup

Select the "Cat's Eyes" outline according to the shape of your eye

Many girls like how this makeup option looks on others. But they themselves do not dare to try it - they are afraid that this type of make-up will look ugly on their face. We are in a hurry to dispel your fears, the "Cat's look" makeup technique implies many variations, everyone can choose their own.

Makeup options "Cat's eye"

Each eye shape has its own, the most successful, version of the contour. Yes, with makeup. bulging eyes it is best to emphasize only the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. In this case, the line should not be wide, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect - “bulging eyes”.

Close-set eyes want to visually move away from the nose. This can be achieved if we focus on the outer corners of the eyes. In this case, it is not necessary to bring the eyeliner line to the inner edge. You can smoothly complete a little further than the middle of the century, smoothly narrowing it. As in the first case with bulging eyes, it is better not to emphasize the lower contour.

With far-set eyes, we should achieve the opposite effect, namely, to give the impression that the eyes are closer to the nose than they really are. To do this, it is worth extending the eyeliner line further than the inner corner of the eye ends. Here you can tie both the upper outline and the lower one - as you like.

Narrow eyes open wide arrows. However, you should not go too far with the arrow outside the eye, and if you still want to, then do it only from above, that is, do not draw a corner from the connected upper and lower eyeliner lines.

Fatal danger for small eyes are clear lines of eyeliner and dark colors. It is better to use an eyeliner rather than an eyeliner, and blend it lightly. Choose light brown, gray shades.

Choosing an outline shade for the "Cat's Eye"

"Cat's look" can be done in different colors. It will depend on the color of your eyes and the event you are heading to.

Suitable for working days and day walks classic version"cat's eye": black eyeliner without a large number shadows.

If you decide to make up your lips red, you will get universal makeup, which will be appropriate both at work and for going out in the evening.

The evening version can be quite bright and shiny. But keep in mind that the lips will have to be left light if you use several colors for eyeliner, and even finish big picture glittery shadows.

Makeup with the effect of a cat's eyes will look discreet and restrained if you combine the eyeliner classic color with another one that will blend in with the shade of your clothes, nail polish or accessories.

Eyeliner shade according to eye color

brown eyes suitable makeup in shades of brown and purple.

To beauties with green eyes fit blue, green, lilac with pink.

If you have sky blue eyes, use a gray-blue color scheme.

How to do makeup "Cat's eye", master classes

First, decide what exactly you will apply the contour:

Tip: If you are just learning how to draw arrows, it is better to use a pencil. It is easier to erase and shade it, in case the line is not quite even.

Every woman has her own drawing secrets perfect shooters for make-up "Cat's eye". Some people use this pattern.

Using a brush and a compact eyeliner, you can create such a makeup.

With liquid eyeliner, you can get such wide arrows.

If in eye makeup leading role you assign shadows, then the sequence of their application can be as follows.

The multi-colored "Cat's Look" will shine with all the shades of the rainbow if you adhere to this scheme and observe the zoning.

As you can see, the Cat's Eye arrows can be various lengths and widths, colors and shapes. But you must remember the main thing distinguishing feature this make-up is the clarity of the lines! This is what distinguishes it from Smokey Ice - a make-up that is somewhat reminiscent of "Cat's Eye", but is distinguished by abundant shading of shadows. The result is a smoke effect. Compare in the photo the makeup "Cat's eye" and smokey eyes.

Video tutorials makeup "Cat's eye"

Arrows drawn with liquid eyeliner on the upper eyelid.

On next video shows the process of creating arrows using a compact eyeliner and a brush that extend beyond the inner edge of the eye and outline it in a neat corner. As we said, such makeup is good for far-set eyes.

And now we are carefully watching how shadows are added to the eyeliner when creating a make-up in the style of a cat's look.

If you are a makeup artist for a party, then this video is for you! This arrangement of arrows (lack of connection of the upper and lower lines in inner corner) allow you to make the cut of your eyes wider. Taking note of this option will be useful for those who have naturally narrow eyes.

The stages of drawing the arrow pattern in the next video are clearly visible.

If the first time you didn’t succeed in creating the Cat’s Eye makeup, don’t worry. In this business, as in any other, training is important!

This type of makeup is in a simple way focus on the expressiveness and sensuality of their own eyes. It is this part of the face that usually attracts the most attention. Makeup that gives a stunning cat-eye effect is ideal for girls who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Of course, so bold option make-up is more suitable for evening look. When applying cosmetics for a daytime composition, it is better to choose calmer options. In any case, you need to make makeup as accurate as possible.

The nuances of oriental makeup depending on eye color

To make beautiful and harmonious, you need to choose the right cosmetics. You will need shadow, pencil or eyeliner. Of course, it is difficult to imagine such makeup without mascara. In any case, choosing colors cosmetics must take into account the shade of the eyes.

Makeup for brown eyes "cat look"

These girls are perfect suitable blue, peach, lilac eyeliner. Also a great option would be yellow or green option. As for the choice of shadows, certain features must be taken into account.

For example, girls from bright eyes must choose pastel shades shadows. Dark eyes are more suitable for owners of saturated eyes. color solutions. Generally Brown eyes Perfectly harmonize with coral, blue, blue shadows. Great option will turn brown or peach.

For green eyes

Owners of green eyes are perfect plum or lilac eyeliner. You can also choose peach or golden solution. When choosing shadows, green-eyed beauties should pay attention to the tones of brown, purple, bronze. Black shadows will be the winning option.

At the same time, one should be very careful about green and shades of gray. They can make you look tired.

For blue eyes

For owners blue eyes eyeliner in orange, brown or bronze is perfect. When choosing shadows, such girls should pay attention to plum, lavender, gray tones. Orange and light brown solutions will look interesting enough. It is very important to learn how to correctly combine shades with each other.

Step-by-step technique for performing cat-eye makeup: photo

To make beautiful and harmonious makeup, you can use different cosmetics- shadows, eyeliner or pencil. Important it has the shape of your eyes.

Owners of bulging eyes should focus only on the upper eyelid. The line should not be very wide. Girls with close eyes should emphasize outer corners. Thanks to this, it will be possible to move the eyes away from the nose.

To correct distant eyes, you need to extend the arrow a little further than the inner corner. Wide arrows will help to make narrow eyes wider. And owners of small eyes are advised to choose not an eyeliner, but a pencil. At the same time, it is very important to shade it carefully.

How to make a make-up with a pencil: pencil technique

Now you can draw a neat line with a pencil. It should follow the growth of eyelashes. It is important to be as careful as possible and avoid gaps between the roots of the eyelashes and the line. If they do appear, you need to shade these areas by performing vertical movements.

You can also make a line from the inside of the upper eyelid. Thanks to this technique, it will be possible to make the look deeper and more dramatic. To prolong the life of your makeup, you should use a waterproof pencil.

As a result, you will get the basic version of the make-up. If you want a brighter and unusual composition, you can use a few more interesting shades.

In addition to a pencil, it is quite possible to use liquid eyeliner to perform this type of makeup. It will allow you to get brighter and clearer lines. However, in order to apply it as accurately as possible, you should have the necessary skills.

How to draw arrows with shadows

At first, it is recommended to use dark shadows that are applied along the growth of the eyelashes located on the upper eyelid. The color can be different - dark blue, brown, black. In this case, it is very important to shade the contour well. This should be done in the direction of the crease of the upper eyelid.

Then you can move on to using shadows of the same color, but a lighter tone. They are placed in the middle of the moving eyelid. In this case, it is worth moving to the outside and slightly going beyond the edge of the eye. Thanks to this technique, you will be able to model the incision and get the desired length of the eyes. It is important to remember naturalness, otherwise there is a risk of getting a ridiculous composition.

The top layer will be the line of the most dark shadows. It should run along the central part of the moving eyelid, and also slightly go beyond the edge of the eye. Completed lines need to be shaded a little to avoid abrupt transitions colors.
To prevent crossing the established boundaries, you can use simple trick. To do this, a folded napkin should be attached to an imaginary edge. At the end of the make-up, dark shadows should be used, which are applied to the central part of the moving eyelid.

Video tutorial on applying makeup in the style of "cat's eye"

To create a beautiful and seductive cat-look make-up, you need to take into account certain features. The constituent parts of such a make-up are, even tone skin and creamy lips. How to apply makeup correctly to create attractive image? Look at the video:

Video: how to draw cat arrows with eyeliner

To always look attractive, you need to learn how to choose the right type of arrows for your face. At the same time, you should definitely take into account the shape of your eyes - thanks to this, you will be able to emphasize your advantages and hide flaws. How to choose the right type of arrows, look at the video.


I often have to repeat in my posts (and especially in the comments) that I am not a makeup artist or even some kind of home make-up guru; I can't do very much. That, in my opinion, is the value of blogs: here simple people with hands growing out of nowhere show what a mere mortal can do with cosmetics.

Recently, I wanted to try making cat-eye arrows for myself, or “cat's eye”. I had no confidence that I could do it. However, it suddenly turned out that it was actually very simple, and I really got hooked on these wide, curved retro arrows. When I showed them to instagram, then some of those who commented complained about the complexity of execution; but this is not at all the case, and now I want to show you step by step how simply these arrows are drawn.

In general, there are many types of cat-eye arrows, they are often supplemented with a contour along lower eyelid, but I don’t like this option on myself, and then - the task is to make everything as simple as possible, so we make an option approximately like the beautiful Bridget in the photo.

Here's what we start with: the eyes are not made up at all.

Now about the eyeliner. In my experience, the easiest gel eyeliner to use is in a jar with a brush. It does not blur, it is easy to dial the right amount, it allows you to interrupt the line and continue to draw (after all, the arrow “without taking your hands off” is not always given), it does not freeze tightly, like liquid eyeliner so that the line is easy to correct. Although, of course, this is a matter of taste, but I will show the arrows drawn exactly.

In order for everything to go smoothly, it makes sense to stock up on some simple accessories: cotton swab, a toothpick with cotton wool, concealer, and if there is a corrector pencil.

I have several of these, but for arrows I prefer - it has a sharp beveled tip, which is great for this.

We start drawing. There is a lot of debate about whether to draw the tail of the arrow first or the outline of the eyelid; in fact, in our case it is absolutely unimportant, because they are drawn separately. I'll start with the ponytail now. And here's what's important: when drawing a ponytail, you need to continue the line of the lower eyelid.

The ponytail is still “rough”, the flaws can be corrected, but here’s the idea: it is in this position relative to the eyelid line that the ponytail will create a bend with a raised look and a straight line with a lowered one.

Now we just take and draw the outline, connecting it with the tail. As you understand, it was possible to start with a contour, and then draw a tail - they do not depend on each other.

In principle, we already have a ready-made arrow, although for a thin one it would be necessary to make the tail line a little higher so that there is no kink.

But we have other tasks. Now we remember planimetry and draw such simple thing, like a triangle: we connect the upper tip of the tail and the middle of the eyelid.

Since the line will pass through the crease of the eyelid, it may be intermittent - it's okay, we'll finish everything. Now we need to paint over this triangle from the inside. If we did everything right, then this is what we get:

And when we open our eyes, a straight line - voila! - turns into a beautiful curve:

In general, I have already done this many times, but every time I am happy with the result, like a child. And the truth is - how simple and how beautiful!