Eye makeup with drooping eyelids step by step. What makeup is suitable for girls with small eyes and drooping eyelids. What you need to know about mascara, eyebrows and shadows

With age, skin folds over the eyelids, they begin to drop slightly and weaken, because of this, the eyes often become less expressive, they lose their depth. Special makeup for impending eyelids will visually solve this problem. Simple tricks in darkening and lightening certain areas will help give the look a sharpness and drama.

Day and evening makeup for the impending century

If classic makeup the eye is built strictly along the crease of the eyelid, then for those with it overhanging, it is categorically not suitable. It's just that the fold is completely hidden by the skin, respectively, such a make-up will not give any positive effect. Therefore, the scheme is constructed in a different way - this fold is replaced by an overhang. That is, the shape of the century is built right along the overhanging part.

We do daytime makeup step by step for the overhanging eyelid and eye enlargement:

  1. On the open eye, the outlines of the fold are drawn along the overhang. It is important to use shades that are as close to natural as possible - dark gray, brown, beige and other natural tones;
  2. Directly along the fold, on the lowest line to the movable eyelid, a thin strip of dark color is drawn. In the future, it will replace the usual transition between the eyelid and the eyebrow;
  3. The pencil line is shaded with a dense beveled brush towards the eyebrow. It is necessary to rub the paints carefully so that the shadow is uniform, but clear;
  4. After that, the moving part of the eyelid is corrected. With strongly overhanging folds, it is likely that it will not be visible at all. Therefore, perform some sophisticated techniques just pointless. But if a fold at the outer or inner corner is clearly visible, this should be used. Very light shades of shadows are applied to them - satin, pearl or highlighter;
  5. The lightened areas are also well shaded. With a dark color, you also need to slightly lower the eye from below so that the makeup looks symmetrical and neat. For the owners of the impending century, drawing the arrow is also perfect;
  6. The arrow, like the fold, is drawn directly over the overhang. With an open eye, a tail is drawn with a pencil or liner; in the future, strokes from the middle of the eyelid and the lower eyelash line will be suitable for it. The tail should be small (especially if it is a daily make-up). We also recommend using natural shades- brown or dark graphite;
  7. It remains only to finish the arrows (from the middle of the upper eyelid and the middle of the lower one), put a few light strokes above the shading line and highlight the eyelashes with mascara.

Softly darkening the corner with the arrow and shadows will create the effect of large, open eyes.

The evening make-up technique differs from the day one by the brightness of the colors. Brown shades are replaced by more catchy black, burgundy, blue and others that match the color and image.

New Year's smoky ice makeup for hanging eyelids with a step by step photo:

  1. The eyelid skin is prepared with foundation and powder. Can be used like special means as well as ordinary pastel shadows (strictly, matte);
  2. Sculptures for the face or dark brown shadows determine the location of the imaginary fold. You don't need to pay attention to the real crease of the eyelid. Instead, the cavity between the moving and stationary areas is darkened. To check, you need to click on the selected place. If the brush fails there, then you are doing everything right;
  3. To bright makeup looked organic, you need a round soft brush, and soften the contour with a shading flat. Please note that with overhanging eyelids, the shading is done quite wide, by about 70% of the fixed part;
  4. After shadows are applied on outer corner ok and under the eyelashes on the lower eyelid. To create a "cat" silhouette, you need to draw a thin tail and a shaded center with soft movements. The result is a neat shadow arrow;
  5. The drawing is duplicated with shadows of a light scale throughout the eyelid, but its contour should not reach the borders. After applying cosmetics, the paints are gently shaded;
  6. The main specificity in this make-up is to draw the imaginary fold as much as possible. For this thin brush and with dark shadows it is additionally drawn and deepened. The outer corner of the eye is being worked out in the same colors, the "bird" or arrow is now more distinct;
  7. Light matte shadows are applied to the main part of the movable eyelid. After that, you need to shade the borders and make a thin line between the eyelashes. To complete such a soft smoky ice will help false eyelashes, which will create another shadow on the drooping eyelids.

Makeup technique depending on eye color

The technique of applying shadows or the shape of the arrows does not change depending on the shade of the eyes. But the shades of cosmetics are changing. For example, green can be beautifully shaded with brown and beige, but with gray and black this color will look poor. It is the same with almost all other shades.

Makeup for brown eyes with a drooping eyelid

Eye makeup looks luxurious with an overhanging eyelid in blue and purple tones... Warm dark brown is very effectively set off by a cold deep range. Exists different variants application, we propose to dwell on the simplest:

Professional design for drooping brown eyes:

  1. The eyelids are smoothed with a base or matte powder. Beige eyeshadows without pearlescent pigment are also suitable;
  2. On the open eye, an imaginary fold is drawn in dark blue or purple. To do this, a flat brush is used to determine its location (between the movable area and the bone, with the right choice areas, the brush should fall slightly downward). After the line is shaded up along the overhanging fold;
  3. The fold is darkened with the darkest shade available. Also very beautiful make-up it will turn out with a combination of cold tones and graphite gray or black. A thin bright line is drawn in the center of the fold, which extends to the inner corner. This will create an arrow effect;
  4. The moving part of the eye is lightened with a nude shade. You can also use shadows of a shade slightly lighter than the main dark ones. This is also a very good technique for an evening smokey eye;
  5. The line of cilia is additionally outlined by a feline arrow. Remember that when removing it, you need to focus not on the real, but on the imaginary fold. And draw a tail, too, on it;
  6. The arrow on top can be highlighted with glitter or rhinestones. It is most beneficial to emphasize the extreme part of the arrow. The area between the eyebrows and the darkening should be well lightened. The outer corner is the same. it great option if you need to do wedding makeup;
  7. Finish the makeup with a little dark shadows on the lower lash line, a highlighter under the eyes and mascara. Many bloggers additionally recommend trying on false eyelashes.

For blue and gray eyes

For heavenly blue eyes and all possible shades of gray can be used the same scheme as for drawing brown. It is important to consider the features of this color. All light eyes become especially expressive in combination with dark graphite shadows, orange, cosmetics with reddish pigments.

Bright yellow shadows in combination with burgundy look very interesting. If the makeup is complemented by arrows, then it is better to give preference to eyeliner. classic colors: black or brown.

Makeup for green eyes

For women with green eyes and mixed eyes, almost all shades of a warm palette are suitable. Makeup artists advise using cosmetics with red and pink pigments, as well as all brown colors. It can be nutty, chocolate, copper, honey, as well as all known beige (including porcelain nude).

If you are going to work with a red palette, then be sure to use a black liner. Otherwise, the eyes will appear tired and dull. Alternatively, you can also opt for a dark brown or gray eyeliner.

Features of eye makeup

If the owners almond eyes you do not need to worry about the peculiarities of the technique of applying shadows and types of arrows, then girls with round or convex shapes have to select special schemes.

Small eyes

Makeup for small eyes with a drooping eyelid requires special scrupulousness, the technique itself is extremely complex, not to mention the fact that you will have to darken almost the entire movable area. But this problem is often found among girls of oriental blood.

Phased execution:

  1. The outline of the lower eyelid is drawn first. This is done with a flat brush and dark shades of gray or bluish tint. To make the outlines appear as large as possible, this line is drawn under the lower lashes at the maximum possible distance, and then shaded;
  2. The outline of the future arrow is outlined on the open eye. It is important to choose a shape that fits and mark the imaginary fold with a liner. In the future, this will allow you to quickly outline the contours;
  3. Again, on the open area, a darkened contour of the imaginary fold is drawn. A sufficiently dark and wide line should pass along it, which will be shaded in the future and become even more pronounced;
  4. It is best to shade small eyes with an overhanging eyelid to do makeup in pastel colors... Then it will turn out to be light, but neat and stylish. On top of the darkened fold, another line is drawn, but already light - its outlines are brought to the beginning of the eyebrow;
  5. To complete this festive make-up, accents in the form of bright shadows of a suitable scale are placed in the outer corner and on the lower lash line. After a wide shading brush, the shadows are drawn to the temples;
  6. It remains to complement the image with mascara for volume, lipstick and contouring agents.

Round eyes

Owners of round or bulging eyes with a drooping eyelid also have a difficult time - the peculiarities of their anatomy rarely allow shading an imaginary fold in a standard way.

Step-by-step photo and instructions on how to paint bulging eyes with an overhanging eyelid:

  1. An imaginary fold is drawn almost above the real level - the anatomy of such a form is such that this is the only possible option;
  2. To draw a fold, the main part of the eye is lightened as much as possible. Donkey, the future fold is drawn with a thin or flat brush, the most suitable dark color... Minimal shading is required - it is important to leave the outlines of the folds clear and bright;
  3. To hide the bulging apple, the center of the eyelid is slightly darkened, brightened inner corner and fold. To do this, a thin dark line is clearly drawn along the contour of the eyelashes. From it, the tail is brought to the fold pattern and they are shaded together;
  4. A light darkened veil is drawn from the middle of the eye to the inner corner, this will make the apple less bulging and emphasize the contrast between the light areas;
  5. A little highlighter or light shadows with glitter are applied under the eyebrow and on the outer corner. They do not need to be shaded, although makeup artists still recommend distributing and mixing colors as much as possible;
  6. Eyelashes are applied with ink, if necessary, they are additionally darkened with a liner or decorated with rhinestones, stones.

Narrow and Asian eyes

How to do makeup for narrow or Asian eyes with drooping eyelids:

  1. The entire area is highlighted, for this it is best to use matte nude shadows;
  2. The darkest shadows in the palette work out the upper fixed eyelid and make an imaginary fold. The outer and inner corners are darkened with the same shade;
  3. The lash line and lower eyelid are additionally applied with a black liner. Then a small stroke rises from the outer corner at an angle of 45 degrees. According to its shape, the eyelid darkens from the middle;
  4. The resulting bird is drawn additionally on upper eyelid along an imaginary fold. This approach allows you to make it more effective;
  5. Light shadows with a shimmer should be applied to the area of ​​the eyeball (center of the eyelid). Makeup artists often use a special glitter. Then the makeup will look especially bright;
  6. The lower eyelid must also be supplied with eyeliner and shadows from the range used. The most important thing is to carefully shade the paints;
  7. At the end of the make-up, eyelashes are glued to the eyes and additionally tinted with mascara.

Almond shape

If the upper eyelid does not hang too much over the mobile one, then girls with an almond shape do not even need to do complex makeup... It is enough to apply a light make-up with emphasis on the main advantages: shape and color. For such a shape, you can use any recommendations, for example, draw an imaginary fold along the overhanging area or emphasize the outer and inner corners, and then extend the lines to the temporal lobes.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to draw the eyelash lines well and, if possible, use false eyelashes. This will create extra shading across the eyelid and add mystery and drama to the look.

How to make age-related makeup step by step for the impending century

Light age makeup with a lifting effect is very similar to the classic make-up for small eyes with a drooping eyelid. Its main feature is that the imaginary fold is darkened along the open area and brought almost under the very eyebrows.

Video: The specifics of the impending century makeup

They are not born beautiful, they become beautiful. This means that it doesn't matter if you are naturally beautiful, nowadays everything can be fixed with the help of high-quality cosmetics and well-applied makeup.

Look at famous women, whom half the world considers beauties. Looking closely at their faces, you will be able to notice that they also have flaws, but they know how to either carefully hide them, or to present them correctly.

One of these disadvantages is drooping eyelids. How to do makeup for brown, blue, gray, green eyes with such centuries?

Every woman can learn to use cosmetical tools so that the eyes become beautiful, and sagging eyelids are not noticeable.

The art of eye makeup with overhanging eyelids

Puffy eyelids give the eyes a tired look, and the look - doom. There are several reasons why this feature occurs.

  • Violation of fluid metabolism in the body... If you had normal eyelids before, but recent times they hang over the eyes - go for a consultation with a doctor.
    Saggy eyelids can indicate kidney problems. Timely treatment will definitely help you.
  • Aging skin... Every day the skin's elasticity decreases more and more. This is facilitated by poor ecology, improper nutrition, as well as a lack of vitamins.
    Use quality creams age-appropriate eye contour and eat more vitamin E foods.
  • Heredity... In this case, drooping eyelids are a problem that has haunted you since birth.
    If possible, you can do plastic surgery and get rid of this problem forever. If this option is not for you, properly applied makeup will help.

The first steps

Let's get down to the process

  • Work carefully on the eyebrows: you need to visually raise them, and slightly increase the length with a pencil.
  • The shade base should be your main companion in the fight against puffy eyelids.
  • Matte light shadows should be applied under the eyebrows and tinted the inner corners of the eyes. Shining pearlescent shadows are not recommended.
  • Highlight dark shadows the outside of the eyes.
  • Saggy eyeliner should start strictly from the middle of the eyelids and go to the outer corners of the eyes, gradually expanding.
  • Use a curling iron to curl the lashes at the outer corners of your eyes, then apply the mega-volume mascara. False eyelashes can be used instead.
  • Diligently paint the lower eyelid with dark shadows.


  • To hide a pimple, apply a drop of concealer to it and blend the area around the pimple without touching the affected area.
  • While circling your eyes with the liner, step back a little from the eyelashes. This will create a wide-eyed effect.

How to enlarge small eyes

Lack of makeup with small eyes and drooping eyelids gives the face a sore look. Often, this phenomenon also has medical roots in the event that your face is swollen.

Limit salt and water overnight!

Limit salt intake, drink more water during the day and less water at night, follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Perhaps the problem will go away by itself. If not, correct it with makeup.

The specifics of applying make-up

Selection of cosmetics

  1. Set aside black shadows and pencils. Your choice: pastel shades.
  2. Liquid liner and pearlescent gloss are also not for you.
  3. Your choice: shades of lilac, brown and green.

Little tricks:

  • First, apply shadows without closing your eyes, blend them thoroughly, and only then close your eyes and tint the movable eyelid.
  • Usage pearlescent eyeshadow the sagging area is prohibited! Shine will create additional volume and highlight the flaw.

Features of eye makeup for puffy eyelids

Depending on some individual characteristics make-up recommendations change as well.

Remember: shadows must be matte!

Usually only color palette make-up. Let's consider the most common options.

  • Brown eyes sagging eyelids... For dark, chocolate and honey eyes with swollen eyelids it is recommended to use gray shades... The outer part is charcoal gray, the inner part is silver.
  • Blue eyes and drooping eyelids... Saggy eyelids above blue eyes can help hide pink, green, and lilac shadows.
  • Green eyes with puffy eyelids. Unusual color shades of violet, as well as plum, purple, apricot and khaki are emphasized.
  • Gray eyes with drooping eyelids... Gray-eyed girls are suitable brown tones... Avoid using pink and lilac eyeshadows.

Narrow eyes

To make "Asian" eyes with drooping eyelids wider, enlarge them in size and hide droopy eyelids, a few tricks will help.

  1. After applying the base under the eyeshadow, draw a thin line over the crease of the upper eyelid with a well-sharpened dark gray pencil.
  2. Then you should carefully draw an arrow from the outer corner of the eye and connect the lines with a "bird", similar to the Roman numeral V.
  3. Thoroughly blend all lines with a brush.
  4. Apply light shadows on the upper eyelid, and the lower one should be emphasized with dark shadows or a liner.
  5. You can also tint the inner eyelids, this greatly enlarges the eyes.

Bulging eyes

Bulging eyes with a drooping eyelid are the exact opposite situation. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the size of the eyes and hide the swelling of the upper eyelids:

  • Use a minimum of makeup - it too emphasizes the size and shape of the eyes.
  • Don't use shadows. Your main allies: liner and pencil. The lines should be thin and straight.
  • The arrow should be small and neat.
  • Diligently highlight the area under the eyebrows.
  • Mascara is applied only to the upper eyelashes and exclusively to the outer corner of the eye.

With these tricks, you can turn makeup Round eyes with overhanging eyelids to almond-shaped and reduce their size.

Video "Day and evening eye makeup with drooping eyelids"

The video shows eye makeup tutorials with overhanging eyelids:

Sad eyes

If you look sad even on the funniest day, chances are you have downcast eyes. Eye makeup with an overhanging eyelid will correct the situation, you just need to know some subtleties:

  1. Do not paint the corners of the eyes and the movable eyelid with dark shadows. This will exacerbate the “sad” effect.
  2. On the moving eyelid, you need to impose the main color of the shadows, and also paint its inner part with it. The outer corner of the eye must be kept clean, this technique will raise it, and the eyes will become "more fun".
  3. Dark shadows should be applied in a wide line to the crease of the upper eyelid and shaded upward.
  4. With a liner, you need to bring your eyes from the middle of the upper eyelid, raising the arrow and taking it up. Having shaded the paint a little, you will see that the look has become mysterious and languid.
  5. The lower eyelids should be outlined with a thick pencil.
  6. Eyelashes are colored only in middle region eye.
  7. If the eyebrows are also “sadly” crooked, correct the shape with tweezers and eyebrow shadow.

How to properly paint eyes with overhanging eyelids.

A drooping eyelid is a problem that worries both very young and older women. Such a form of the century rewards its owners with a sad and tired look.

But everything can be corrected: the swelling is visually removed, and the eyes are transformed if you apply the "overhanging eyelid" make-up technique

How can this be achieved? Even if you are not a sorceress and have not completed beautician courses, you can easily reproduce the proposed makeup.

No need to follow blindly fashion trends... This will lead you to disappointment: the eyelids may visually increase in size, the proportions of the eyes may be disturbed.

Experienced cosmetologists will reveal to you the secrets of creating makeup for different cases and according to the color of the iris and the shape of your eyes. Read the article about this.

How to properly paint eyes with overhanging eyelids?

There is no reason for grief because of the peculiarities of the shape of the eyelids. After all, it can be wrapped in a piquant zest with a competent approach to making a make-up and observing simple recommendations from cosmetologists.

Hanging eyelids will help you highlight your dignity. We learn to give clarity and openness to our eyes on our own

Making a beautiful bend of the eyebrow

You can start applying cosmetics on eyes with overhanging eyelids, having at hand the minimum necessary set of tools for makeup artists:

  • palette of eyeshadows of light tones
  • Eyeliner
  • eyelash curler
  • makeup brushes

Before you start conjuring up and trying out options for eye makeup, you should correct the shape of your eyebrows. If you have a drooping eyelid, then the correct curvature of the eyebrow will significantly improve your appearance, divert attention from the shape of the eyelids, and give expressiveness and openness to the eyes.

What is the preferred eyebrow shape? A straight, crease-free eyebrow should be raised with its top edge above the center line.

Eyebrow length also plays important role. Short line eyebrows should be lightly painted with a pencil

Jennifer Lawrence

But there are pitfalls here too: the color of the correcting pencil should match your natural color eyebrows.

The owner of the thick eyebrows that are fashionable today will have to work on making them thinner.

Correct the eyebrows, guided by the basic rule: attach the eyebrow pencil to the face in such a way that the line passes along two points. The first is the wing of the nose, the second is the inner corner of the eye. At the point where the pencil touches the eyebrow, the eyebrow should begin.

The highest point of the eyebrow is where the line touches the wing of the nose and the pupil. How to determine where the eyebrow should end? To do this, you need to draw a conditional line (or using the same pencil) that crosses the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye.

The eyebrows are raised. Now you can lengthen them, or leave the natural length. Light shadows or a highlighter should be painted over the line under the eyebrow.

  • It's time to lift the outer edge of your eyes. This technique will help to achieve the effect of a positive mood.
  • We remove sadness, fatigue and uncertainty from them, with the correct make-up of the eyes, directing the gaze upward. Visually, there should be an impression of a gaze taking off along the line of gracefully curved eyebrows.
  • A professional eye make-up with overhanging eyelids will only temporarily relieve you of the inherent touch of sadness in your eyes. A more sophisticated technique for correcting small eye flaws has not yet been invented. And only by choosing the surgical path, you will save yourself from the need to hide the “sadness” in your eyes with the help of cosmetics.
  • But not every woman is ready to meet with a plastic surgeon. Some are panicked at the sight of medical instruments. And some people are simply not ready to entrust their faces to doctors.

From how the woman herself perceives anatomical feature a lot depends on your appearance. Will she endow others with confidence and beauty, using the advice of experienced cosmetologists, or will believe in the presence of an undisguised sign of aging on her face - this is her personal choice

Catherine Zeta Jones

We will try to help those who do not see flaws in themselves, but only want to emphasize the charm of eyes with overhanging eyelids. We will retrain temporarily as cosmetologists, arm ourselves with eye shadow brushes and proceed.

For everyday make-up eye with a drooping eyelid you will need several palettes of light shadows. Painting with light shadows in the upper eyelid area will help open your eyes. Fatigue from the face will disappear, and the look will acquire lightness

Look open and raised eyebrows - this should be eye makeup with overhanging eyelids

Alternatively, cover the upper eyelid with a pale, mattifying shadow.

The principle of making a make-up:

  • We use a little trick: on the inner corner of the eye we apply lighter shadows. We do not rub, but lightly apply the brush to the eyelid, applying shadows in layers. Closer to the outer corner of the eye, we lay shadows in darker tones.
  • For further drawing, we need a palette of matte light shadows. On the border of the impending centuries, draw horizontal line shadows, slightly capturing the area of ​​the movable eyelid. Careful shading will make the transitions from dark to light smooth and invisible
  • It's time to use a dark eyeliner. Run it along the upper lash line
  • Do not forget about shading: there should be no clear lines on the border of the fixed and mobile eyelids.
  • This is not the end of the makeup. We haven't adjusted the lower eyelid yet. We paint the outer corner of the lower eyelid with a dark pencil or loose shadows
  • If you paint over the lower eyelid incorrectly, then the eyes will visually appear smaller. Our task is to achieve a brighter look, expressive and open
  • It's the turn of the eyelashes. There is no secret here. Just paint over your lashes well with your favorite shade of mascara. Curling the upper eyelashes with special forceps will make the look wide and mischievous. Lower eyelashes we paint over, but do not twist.

Festive eye makeup with drooping eyelid differs from everyday in that shadows are used here more bright shades, with a glitter effect.

Bright shining shadows paint the upper fixed eyelid. Draw the upper movable eyelid with dark shadows. The transition from light to dark is extinguished.

Apply shadow to the eyelashes and paint over the lower eyelid. Now you are ready to shine and strike with your beauty!

It should be noted that an excess of shine, pearlescent shadows, too dark, up to black, shades on the eyelids create a vulgar, blurry image. We need an elegant, spectacular and solemn appearance.

What mistakes can be encountered when applying eye makeup with an overhanging eyelid?

  • Avoid excess makeup, which will add more than a dozen years to your face, deprive it of openness and light.
  • Use only loose eyeshadow and pencil for make-up eyes, which can be easily and evenly shaded.
  • Skip liquid eyeliner with a drooping eyelid. Otherwise, you will achieve the effect of sharply defined eyes. Sharp lines in the make-up of eyes with an overhanging eyelid are not acceptable
  • Do not paint over the lower lash line with black shadow. Such a make-up will seem sloppy.
  • Combine shades. Mixing colors in your eye makeup will help freshen up your face and liven up your look. For example, you can use single color shadows, but in different shades.
  • Do not use the classic make-up " Smoky eyes”Because it implies the inclusion of grays and blacks in the shadows. For eyes with a drooping eyelid, this is a forbidden trick.
  • When drawing arrows on the eyelids, do not drag down the outer corner of the eye.
  • Try to cover your eyes for even shading on all skin folds
  • Pearlescent shadows are one of the unsuccessful options for performing eye makeup with an overhanging eyelid. But if you are captivated by a specific palette with pearlescent particles of shadows, then do not apply them wide tassel under the eyebrow. This will create a relaxed and effortless look.
  • Treatment of the eyelids with a special base before applying the shadows will help get rid of the problem of unaesthetic rolling of the shadows.

Video: a step-by-step makeup tutorial for the impending century

Arrows for overhanging eyelids

  • A slight overhang of the crease of the upper eyelid above the line of growth of the eyelashes or an almost imperceptible gap between the eyelid row and the crease of the eyelid is not considered a disadvantage
  • Owners of such eyes need to exactly repeat the techniques and techniques of makeup artists. This is the only way that applying makeup will not turn into a daily torment for you.
  • And if you have already drawn wide arrows and the folds of the eyelid are drawn with dark shadows, and you looked in the mirror and could not understand where the make-up disappeared, then the next video tutorial is for you. You will learn to visually get rid of overhanging eyelids
  • Having chosen the cosmetics necessary for your eye shape and with a little practice, you can easily repeat the stages of applying makeup after the master. Avoid make-up in an unusually feminine style cat eyes you don't have to.

Video: arrows for the impending century

Makeup for brown eyes with a drooping eyelid

Daytime make-up brown eyes with an overhanging eyelid will look harmonious if performed with shades of champagne, peach, taupe and brown... More saturated shades use for an evening out.

  • Avoid pink shadows (they will give your eyes a touch of fatigue and soreness) and yellow (they will enhance the natural yellowness of the overhanging eyelids)
  • Work on masking bags and bruises under the eyes
  • If you want to learn how to perform a competent make-up for eyes with an overhanging eyelid, you cannot do without watching video tutorials and strictly following the recommendations of professionals.

Video: eye makeup with an overhanging eyelid

Makeup for blue eyes with drooping eyelids

Blue-eyed girls with drooping eyelids need to repeat the same makeup application algorithm.

But before moving on to step-by-step lesson makeup, remember the famous owners of eyes with overhanging eyelids. These are Gisele Bundham, Lively Blake, Camilla Belle, Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Emma Stone and many other women whom we deservedly consider as sex symbols.

Loose eyelids are not a problem or a flaw. This is just your inherent unique trait that you should learn to beat, using the advice of experienced cosmetologists.

  • For make-up of sky blue eyes, shadows of the same heavenly shade are usually used. But we are faced with the task of performing eye makeup with a certain peculiarity.
  • You should not guess the shades and choose combinations that are obvious at first glance. Let's follow the advice of a professional who will tell in a master class about the technique of drawing eyes with a hanging eyelid.

Video: makeup for blue, gray eyes

Makeup for green eyes with overhanging eyelids

For owners of green eyes with overhanging eyelids, we suggest watching a video tutorial and trying to perform the makeup option on their own.

Video: makeup for green eyes with overhanging eyelids

Makeup for small eyes with drooping eyelids

Small eyes with a drooping eyelid represent quite delicate problem for women. When performing a make-up, it is important not only to visually remove sadness from the eyes, but also to increase them.

The beautician will not create a big-eyed princess of a Disney fairy tale in a master class from his model. But you will learn how to choose eye shadows and how to apply them correctly to make your eyes more expressive.

Video: smoky makeup

Makeup for deep-set eyes with drooping eyelids

When performing a make-up for deep-set eyes with an overhanging eyelid, it is necessary to simultaneously correct two problem areas.

For makeup, you need three shades of eyeshadow. The algorithm of action remains the same: the upper eyelid is covered with the lightest shadows. The area under the eyebrow is painted with the same light shade.

  • The shape of the eyebrows for the make-up of deep-set eyes should be raised as if in surprise. Bushy eyebrows need to thin out. At the base of the eyebrow and above it outer edge a glare is created
  • The middle of the movable eyelid closer to the outer corner of the eye is covered with a darker tone
  • Shade the painted area well with a soft brush again. Outer part paint over eyes the most dark tone shadows
  • We bring in the lower eyelid with dark shadows. The closer to the inner corner of the eye, the less noticeable the line should be. gradually disappearing. Do not forget to shade the painted areas
  • Use a pencil for the arrows. Directing them high up
  • Eyelashes are painted, as in previous cases: upper - with subsequent curling, lower - with the application of one layer of mascara and without additional procedure twisting
  • The final touch is the accent on the lips. For this we use bright lipstick.

Video: makeup for deep-set eyes with overhanging eyelids

Makeup for narrow Asian eyes with overhanging eyelids

Narrow asian eyes with overhanging eyelids make the appearance of its owner unique. When performing a make-up, the main thing is not to erase the mystery and attractiveness in the look. Then natural beauty mysterious oriental women will fully open, and lightness will appear in the look

Make-up for slanting and narrow eyes has some features:

  • The shadows are matte. Pearlescent cosmetics will make your eyes look sore or painful
  • Day makeup performed with light shadows. The outer corner of the eye is drawn in a dark color.

Video: makeup for narrow Asian eyes

Smokey Ice for overhanging eyelids

Oh, this sensual look with drag! It is believed that men cannot take their enthusiastic gaze from a woman with a smokey make-up. But like the dark deep color shadows in the eyes and women themselves. Otherwise, smoky makeup would not have retained its leading position among fashionistas.

Smokey eye makeup with overhanging eyelids

Video: smokey ice for eyes with overhanging eyelids

Evening eye makeup with drooping eyelids

For evening make-up, a riot of colors is permissible. Well-placed shadows will look harmonious. Heavy eyelids visually hide under shadows

Video: evening makeup with an overhanging eyelid

How to properly apply eye makeup with overhanging eyelids?

  1. Woman's face and makeup for an overhanging eyelid;
  2. Unbuttoned look - technique makeup for the impending century;
  3. Learn to create a make-up for the heavy corners of the eyes;
  4. We remove swelling by performing a make-up for sagging eyelids;
  5. Video: how to do eye makeup with overhanging eyelids.

Item 1 of the content. Woman's face and makeup for the impending century

Not every woman or girl is given ideal features and correct proportions persons, however, for the rest, not well-off in this regard, the female population, this is not a reason to consider themselves inferior and ugly. For this, a make-up was invented, capable of short term transform your face and bring it to ideal condition... Applying the right decor, you will emphasize not only beautiful features faces, but you can also correct the wrong ones: visually eliminate the imbalance of individual parts of the face, enlarge or reduce the lips, nose, eyes, cheekbones, and even change the color of the eyes. You can easily solve the most common problem, which is drooping corners of the eyes, when the eyelids hang over the eyes. Moreover, depending on the age, this problem manifests itself more and more clearly.

Eye makeup with drooping eyelids literally works wonders in hiding all the imperfections. But you should not forget that make-up will only help for a while. A good plastic surgeon will help you get rid of such a shortcoming forever.

Item 2 of the content. Open eyes - makeup technique for the impending century

Consider a drop-eyed make-up. A drooping eyelid is a flaw, of course, age. However, even among young people, you can often find the owner of the "hood" when the outer corners of the eyes are down, as a result of which the face looks sad and sad. To eliminate this deficiency and give expressiveness to the look, the eyes must be visually opened, as it were, using all the necessary for this modern technology... By learning how to do the right eye makeup with drooping eyelids, you can permanently get rid of the visible look fatigue and your eyes will again attract the attention of men.

Basic make up tricks for impending eyelids

  • Making such a "special make-up", you need to focus all your main attention on the eyebrows. The most suitable eyebrow line will be an elongated, raised, visually opening eyes. However, the eyebrows themselves should not be too thick. You can achieve this on your own by resorting to correction.
  • It is important to remember: makeup for drooping eyelids is done with open eyes. All lines, as well as color combinations when closed eyes, look completely different after completion, if you look at the face after applying makeup with closed eyes.

When creating such a “perfect make-up”, certain difficulties can arise. It is important here to transfer the emphasis of the individual image from the chin, forehead and nose to the eyes. To do this, you will need the following cosmetics and accessories: mascara, pencil, brush, special tongs and shadows. It is desirable to pick up shadows different shades and types: light - basic, dark - as basic.

  1. Under the eyebrows and along the lash line, we distribute light shades - the base.
  2. Starting from the middle of the movable eyelid - first to the inner and then to the outer corner of the eyes, apply a dark tone. Smoothly blend the transition with a soft V-shaped brush.
  3. Then in a darker tone, in the brow section, apply another layer of shadows. Transitions are also carefully masked with feathering. We paint the lower eyelid with the same tone.
  4. Thus, we get a color rainbow on the upper eyelid, with deep colors. To enhance the effect and maximize the look, draw arrows with the tips directed towards the top.
  5. We paint with mascara once and curl the eyelashes. After the mascara is dry, apply a second layer, thereby, as it were, creating volume.

So, the general eye makeup for overhanging eyelids is ready.

Clause 3 of the content. Learn to create makeup for heavy eyelids

How to apply eye shadow correctly when performing eye makeup with overhanging skin? We answer: when creating such a visage, it is important to try to visually raise and then mask the hanging corners of the eyes. Ideally, a sense of a clear and open gaze is created.

  • It is necessary to start applying cosmetics from the base, thanks to which the shadows will adhere perfectly and will not roll off. In addition, the base cream will facilitate the application of subsequent eyeshadow and blending.
  • As a basis, choose white or light beige tones as a shiny or pearlescent version can only enhance the sagging effect. For this purpose, choose a soft, medium-sized brush.
  • After applying foundation, open your eyes and mark with a pencil the bottom edge of your overhanging eyelid. Then we draw a contour and slightly shade the overhang thin brush... Make movements, directing the brush upward, away from the eyelashes.
  • Select matte shadows and apply them to top edge so that the outer corner of the eye is covered by the darkest part. In the underbrow, that is, in the very upper part of the moving part, light shadows are traditionally applied.
  • Thanks to this play of chiaroscuro, applied along the entire space under the eyebrows to bottom point overhanging, a feeling of deep space is created, which will certainly divert attention from the hanging “hood”.
  • For the outer corner of the eye, use darker shadows and a barrel-shaped brush. Blending should start with medium shadows from the edge of the lashes and finish with darker ones, including capturing the sagging part of the eyelid.

We remind you: the whole process takes place with your eyes open. The further cascade of actions of the “hoods” make-up for the eyelids follows the same scenario as in the first case. See above.

Item 4 of the content. We remove swelling, creating a visage for sagging eyelids

Make-up for the lowered corners of the eyes that does not age. In general, it is similar to the previous one. Here, the main thing is to avoid mistakes:

  • Any, even the most primitive visage does not forgive and does not allow excesses. A young, beautiful face can look sullen and aged in an instant, while interesting, wide-open natural eyes can go out and hide under excess paint.
  • Daily or festive makeup for overhanging eyelids is applied only with a pencil and dry shadows. Liquid eyeliner it is better to exclude it, since in this case it is difficult to shade and sharply emphasizes a heavy look, which does not accept the make-up of eyes with an overhanging eyelid.
  • You can learn how to apply cosmetics on your own by watching video tutorials or reading relevant articles on the Internet. But in order to fully believe in yourself before such a difficult process as a make-up for overhanging eyelids, it is better to study at the school of makeup artists.

Video: the nuances of eye makeup with overhanging eyelids

A session, a blockage at work, endless fatigue lead to consequences on our face. We look like we haven't slept for several days in a row, and even a day off in nature does not fix the situation. One of the consequences of a hard working life is a drooping eyelid over the eye. Naturally, this is inherited or occurs at an older age, when the skin is not so elastic, but with the current turn of life, young girls face this problem much faster. How to solve it with cosmetics and makeup?

Eye makeup rules with a drooping eyelid

A drooping eyelid is not a sentence, and certainly not a disadvantage. Any girl has the right to present herself as a queen or a goddess, because for this she only needs cunning skills in makeup technique. A striking example to that - famous people, because they have 20 tours and concerts a month, and make-up artists manage to return their freshness. What's stopping you from looking great? Follow the nuances and rules of eye makeup with an overhanging eyelid:

  • Before applying eyeshadow, you need to use a foundation. Choose a highlighter or tone cream light beige, then the eye area will already visually look easier. Shadows with this technique will not roll on coils.
  • You've heard about the rule - if there is a flaw, it is easy to hide it by highlighting another winning part on the face? Use this technique. With overhanging eyelids, you need to pay close attention to the eyelashes. Make them thick by painting over with lengthening mascara, but only the top row. In the lower one, the extreme lateral hairs are distinguished for visual magnification eyes.
  • Having overhanging eyelids, you should correct your eyebrows with makeup. In your case, the ideal shape is raised and elongated. Thickness should not be too dense, neat and graceful eyebrows are what you need. The eyes will appear more open and the drooping eyelids will tighten. For brown eye makeup, use cosmetic pencil, eye shadow and gel. The first beauty product will correct the shape, paint the missing part, the shadows will fill in the gaps and unevenness among the eyebrows, the gel will help keep the perfect shape throughout the day.

  • Avoid applying pearlescent eyeshadow as it weighs down the eyelid. Use matte texture to the entire region. If you want to refresh your image, then the only thing good place for pearlescent shadows - light brow arches.
  • Draw the folds and outer corners in dark shades, while going beyond the border of the eyes is quite acceptable. Then the eyelids will look hidden inside. Smokey Ice make-up is suitable if the colors are not deep and saturated.
  • Highlight the inner corners of the eyes with light, natural tones. Do not forget about the upper part of the eyelids, which is located under the eyebrows. It should also be highlighted with light shades - beige, white, cream.
  • The lower eyelids should be drawn with a dark, but not black pencil, not forgetting to shade. This technique makes your look expressive and deep.
  • Avoid sharp, rough lines. Eyeliner and arrows for hanging eyelids are taboo, otherwise you risk adding a dozen years. To accentuate the upper eyelids, use a soft pencil and hard eyeshadow, which are then sure to shade. The tip of this line should be raised up, slightly going beyond the border of the eyes.

How to do makeup: step by step technique

Make unmistakable, chic or light makeup a step-by-step execution technique will help you. There are 2 main types - daytime and evening make-up... The first is suitable for work, walks, evening meetings with friends and tourist travel. evening make-up for brown eyes with hanging eyelids will make you a seductive, fatal beauty, before which no one can resist. Let's try?


In everyday makeup for brown eyes, light tones prevail, which create the effect of openness, lightness, and hide fatigue. We need 3 types of matte shadows: light (beige, cream), transitional from the first to the second color, dark (gray, chocolate). And also lengthening mascara, eyebrow pencil with a natural shade and soft for the eyes, foundation or highlighter. Stages of execution:

  • Preparing the skin of the eyelids. Apply a light base, powder. Do not forget about the section under the eyes: the circles under them should be masked tonal basis to look fresher.
  • We bring our eyes. To do this, we take a soft pencil (if it is not available, use a non-black eyeliner). We draw a thin upper line of the eyes, giving them almond-shaped(we slightly overestimate the tip at the end).

  • Apply shadows. We take a light shade and paint over the entire area of ​​the eyelid. Highlight the inner corner of the eye with a white pencil, blend. The next step is to apply a dark shade according to the "loop" principle. This is a kind of semicircle in which you need to avoid the overhanging eyelid, and paint the fixed fold. A rounded or angular shape is up to you, but do not forget to raise it higher, otherwise the look will be very tired. We take transitional shadows to smooth out the transitions from light to dark shade, apply to the middle of the motionless eyelid, filling in the "loop" area closer to the end of the eye.
  • Apply under the eyebrows with a light color, highlighter or pearlescent texture.
  • We draw the lower eyelid halfway with dark shadows (from the outer corner to the middle). We shade, connect with the eye area.
  • We decorate the eyelashes with lengthening mascara. Paint over the top row, the bottom is not needed.
  • Tidying up the eyebrows. We make an elongated, raised shape using a pencil or shadows. We fix it with gel.
  • Daytime makeup with overhanging eyelids is ready!


Makeup in the style of Smokey Ice leaves no one indifferent. With him attend the red carpet of film festivals, film premieres, passionate and romantic dates, parties in clubs. Step by step technique The bright and chic Smoky Ice is detailed specially for your event. You will need a primer, soft pencil, tri-color matte brown eyeshadow, highlighter, lengthening mascara. Let's get started!

  • Skin preparation. We cover the upper surface of the entire eyelid with a primer (if not, we use a tonal light cream, which we then sprinkle with powder). Such a foundation will not allow the shadows to crumble, plus shading is much easier.
  • We bring our eyes. Take a soft pencil suitable color(similar to the main dark shade), paint over the upper lash line. Blend it up to the movable eyelid with an applicator brush.

  • Apply shadows. The first step is to correct the structure of the eyelid - partially or completely hidden fold... Paint the outer corner with dark shadows, taking into account the entire area of ​​the eyelid. Blend so that most of the moving part is dark in color. Draw a line under the eye with the same shadows. With a lighter shade, walk along the border with a dark one, going to the outer corner of the eye. Take a highlighter, draw a line under the eyebrow. Use the lightest shadows to highlight the inner corner of the eye, shading it so that there are no clear boundaries between the shades.
  • Apply mascara. In Smokey Ice makeup, lashes should be long and voluminous. If yours, even with the application of mascara, do not achieve the desired effect, then use overhead. Then the Smokey Ice makeup will look really complete.
  • Evening make-up for brown eyes with drooping eyelids is ready!


If you want to find out more at real example about makeup with an overhanging eyelid, watch this video clip. At the beginning, the specialist tells what technique it is forbidden to work in with such problems, and then step by step application does beautiful girl with brown eyes even more delightful. Several of the techniques used will seem like real discoveries to you!

Makeup artists with many years of experience will easily give you an answer to any question and will definitely choose makeup for impending eyelids. Take advantage of the tips without going to the salon:

  • Paint open eyes with shadows, otherwise when closed version the result will upset you. The transition of colors will not be soft and delicate, the borders will look strange and awkward.
  • Remember to darken the corners when applying bright eyeshadows.
  • With brown eyes and droopy eyelids, forget about black. It will only make the situation worse. Use a palette of light, beige, brown, gray shades.

Photo of makeup for brown eyes with a hanging eyelid

Guess what Catherine Zeta Jones, Emma Stone, Gisele Bundchen, Blake Lively have in common? Brown eyes, beautiful and serene. Many combinations of colors, palettes and shades suit them. Take advantage of your privilege to look amazing. Visual photos of makeup for saggy eyelids will show you great results that are easy to do at home.