Homemade birthday cards for a friend. The most original postcards are your own: photo ideas, stylistics, examples for inspiration. Master class Do-it-yourself card happy birthday

The target audience : educators and school teachers, teachers additional education, parents.

Master class structure: the master class consists of two stages: theoretical and practical.

Stage 1 (theoretical)

Target: transfer of personal professional experience in the field of creative and teaching activities... Improving the professional skills of teachers in the process of mastering the experience of making greeting cards.


◆ formation of an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bmaking postcards, as modern form applied arts;

◆ instilling interest in creating postcards self made;

◆ acquaintance with the history of creating greeting cards;

◆ demonstration of the master's work, tools and materials for work;

◆ formation of the need to create aesthetic, creative and unique things.

Form of carrying out: lecture-conversation.

Master class type: demonstration of work.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Stage 2 (practical)

Target: demonstration of methods and techniques of work when creating handmade postcards.


Development creative imagination through the implementation of a practical task;

Formation of the need to create an individually gift - a postcard, as a means of self-expression;

Summarizing work experience in various techniques applied creativity.

Form of carrying out: practical lesson.

Master class type: joint work of the teacher-master with the audience.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Stage 1.

Arts and crafts - diverse and interesting view activities promoting development fine motor skills hands of children and their personal qualities.

One of the development methods creativity trainees is making greeting cards.

The art of creating postcards is quite young, however, people have been engaged in handmade postcards for a long time. Also in ancient China On New Year's Eve, it was customary to give each other postcards, and the Egyptians did the same. In Europe Greeting Cards appeared in the XIII-XIV centuries. Of course, it was an extremely expensive pleasure that was available only to wealthy people. This slowed down the development of creating postcards, both with their own hands and with the help of craftsmen.

Only from the middle of the 19th century, with the development of printing and industry, greeting cards became available to mere mortals. In the 30s of the XX century, postcards were put on the conveyor, and their mass production began.

In our country, the "lull" has passed since the beginning of the XXI century. Over the past 5-10 years, there has been a growing trend in popularity different types needlework, including the production of postcards. Postcards and other handicrafts are back in value. Each such work contains a piece of the soul of its author, unique style... Like no two similar people, so, probably, there are no two similar handmade postcards. Another reason for the popularization of needlework is the need for creativity. Man is made like that. He needs it.

Making postcards with your own hands is very exciting and interesting activity, children like it different ages... Even the most simple postcards hand-made ones will bring great pleasure to moms, dads, grandparents and friends.

This greeting card is easy to make, does not require expensive materials and is quite within the power of students. primary school... You'll get finished work during one lesson.

Materials for making postcards:

1. The basis of the postcard:

Colored cardboard or corrugated cardboard(velvet paper).

Household viscose napkins (option: colored crepe paper, cotton pads).

Green crepe paper.

2. Tools for work:

The scissors are simple and curly.

Curly and corner punches.


3. Adhesive materials:

PVA glue (pencil)

Glue gun.

Lace, ribbons, cords, threads, sewing.

Beads, rhinestones, sequins, beads.

Volumetric, holographic and flat stickers.

Markers, pens, colored outlines and glitter gels.

Congratulation texts, the name of the cards, wishes.

Stage 2.


Step 1:

Cut out from viscose napkin according to the template of a blank for a rose with a diameter of 4-7 cm.

Step 2:

We fold the blank with a bag and fasten it with a stapler in the middle.

Step 3:

Gently turn out the blank for the rose. When making a rose from corrugated paper, it is necessary to turn the workpiece out especially carefully, the paper may tear.

Step 4:

Prepare the required number of stems from crepe paper. To do this, cut the paper into strips 2 (2.5) cm by 5 (6) cm.

Step 5:

Fold the strips in half lengthwise and then in half again.

Step 6:

Cut the end of the strip for the stalk with a cone.

Step 7:

Expanding. We twist the stem, leaving the sepal unfolded.

Step 8:

We glue the stem to the rose.

Step 9:

Colored cardboard sheet necessary form fold in half.

And on it we arrange flowers in random order. Decorate

Postcard with decorative elements.

In the late 19th century, postcards were called artistic cards. I meant that on all the forms there was something depicted, often people. Called postcards and open letters. The first samples were not folded and sealed in, it was only necessary to glue the stamps and send them by mail.

The first mention of such a shipment dates back to 1777. An entry in the Paris Post Almanac speaks of greetings sent over a distance in the form of engraved cards. They were invented by a certain Demon. However, the author of the postcard, as a phenomenon, is not considered him. Who, then, created the congratulatory forms? About this, as well as how to make modern versions postcards, we will tell further.

Happy valentines day greeting card

The British Museum has a Valentine's card dated 1415. It is indicated on the message. The author of the postcard is the Duke of Orleans. He is the author of greeting cards as a phenomenon. True, there was no post office under Charles of Orleans. He sent the valentine with a messenger. The conclusion prompted the Duke to make a postcard.

After the Battle of Agincourt, the nobleman ended up in the Tower. Karl was oppressed not so much by the prison as by the separation from his beloved wife. So the man began to write letters to her in verse, and for Valentine's Day he came up with a special gift.

The duke wrote to his wife more than once that his heart was given only to her. This symbol of love can be reflected in a congratulatory letterhead. We suggest watching the video « how to make a postcard with your own hands for a day Saint Valentine's".

Volume postcards do it yourself can be called surprise cards. The figure hidden inside is surprising, gives the gift a special charm. But, this does not implore the merits of the flat versions. We offer you to view a photo selection of both those and others, choosing the option to your liking.

Happy birthday card

DIY postcards allow to follow old tradition sign cards. This does not mean personal congratulations, but the author's autograph. It was put on greeting cards 30 years ago. Although most of the postcards were mass production, but the design of each series had its own author. His name was marked on back side products.

With the beginning of the use of computer office equipment, artists lost orders, and congratulatory cards lost their autographs. But, you make the postcard yourself and you have every right to confirm it with a stroke. The birthday boy will be pleased.

This DIY birthday card refers to universal, suitable for both men and women. If a girl has a holiday, you can perform the model in pink color, choose stamps with hearts,. By the way, prints can be simulated manually without having special equipment... In general, do not be afraid to fantasize. You can find inspiration in the following photo collection:

DIY Happy Birthday Cards can be addressed to a woman, or a man, or a girl. Greeting cards from February 23rd are exclusively for gentlemen. The date is not accidental. On this day in 1918, the Red Army defeated the Austro-German troops near Psovsk and Narva.

The army of the new Soviet state has just begun to form. What they were able to gain upwards became the point in the history of the military forces of the country of the Soviets. First, February 23rd was called the day of the red army, then, in the afternoon Soviet army and the navy. After the collapse of the USSR, they focused on the date.

Some defend the point of view that only servicemen should be congratulated, given the history of the holiday. But, the majority perceives February 23rd as simply the day of all men. Therefore, postcards are preferred universal ones.

For example, blanks in the form of stylized uniforms or jackets will suit all gentlemen. Let's learn to do such DIY paper cards.

So, the master class has been mastered. It remains to be convinced of the correct choice. Below are the variously designed maps for February 23rd. Perhaps one of them will overshadow the impression of the uniform and inspire you to be creative. Each of the presented works can become do-it-yourself card for dad, beloved, or grandfather.

Interestingly, the feminine holiday, like the postcards associated with it, has a socialist history. Socialists were activists who annually gathered international conferences and upheld the right of women to a salary equal to a man's and an 8-hour workday. Demonstrations were also held.

The first took place in the United States in 1857. The women were dispersed by pouring icy, dirty water. This only brought the speakers together. They began organizing demonstrations annually, setting a fixed date of March 8th.

In Russia, however, the demonstrations took place on February 23rd. They began in 1913, when they had not yet abolished Julian calendar... After its cancellation, they began to celebrate in a new style, like the whole world, on March 8th.

No matter how militant the ladies are, no matter what political views they hold, they remain women. And all women, as you know, love. Therefore, most of the postcards for the celebration are decorated with buds. So let's figure it out how to make a postcard with your own hands to the international women's day.

DIY beautiful postcards by March 8, in addition to flowers, other women may also contain. Pretty hearts, beads, lace, bows will not interfere. How to combine them with greeting cards? We suggest stocking up on ideas from the pictures below. There are samples from the headings " do-it-yourself card for mom"," Beloved wife "," grandmother ".

Among the greeting cards for March 8, many are also suitable as postcards on mom's day. With your own hands the gift of the one that gave life is nice to do and give. By the way, mothers day is celebrated not in spring, but in autumn - in last resurrection November.

The importance of peace and the role of wars in the history of states is evidenced by the first ever artistic postcard issued in circulation. They chose not flowers, not a landscape, but an artilleryman with a cannon as the decor of the letterhead. The postcard was issued in 1870. 70 years remained before the start of the Great Patriotic War.

More of it has passed since the end of the war. But Russians continue to remember and honor the heroes of the battle with the Nazis. One of the ways to show respect to veterans is through a gift DIY card for 9 May. How to do it? See the video below for instructions.

This is not the only option do-it-yourself cards. Victory expressed through red carnations, images military equipment, letters-triangles, marching people, melodies of the war years, eternal. The artillery fireworks are also a symbol of the holiday. All this can be reflected in DIY postcard in May.

DIY postcard to a veteran can become history, like the holiday of May 9 itself. Even now, some museums display post-war greeting cards dated 40s and 50s. These postcards are more than half a century old. They, like letters from the front, reflect the mores of the era, the aspirations of the Soviet people.

Happy New Year greeting card

On the Internet you can find postcard templates.With your own hands all that remains is to cut out the printed details of the composition and put it together. If you want to make drawings, patterns, yourself, a master class will help. We offer a lesson from Miroslava Kostrikina. She will show you how to make a volumetric card with a snowman, a house powdered with snow and a green spruce nearby.

The photo collection also includes DIY baby cards, and options for adult craftsmen. Samples can be made in large format, or in miniature, similar to Business Cards... By the way, business cards are considered the progenitors of greeting letterheads. This is the Chinese version of the origin of the postcards. The culture of business cards has been developed in the Celestial Empire since ancient times.

Local etiquette obliges you to leave your card at the door of the house if you do not find the one you wanted to congratulate. Not everyone wanted to leave a standard business card. Some Chinese people began to paint on and glue additional elements to their letterheads.Someone began to change the size of representative cards. And so the postcards appeared. As you can see, each country has its own view of their origin.

On March 8, on a birthday or on an anniversary, I would like to congratulate my beloved mother sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.

Buy finished postcard in any performance at the present time - not a problem.

But how much emotion will mom get if you give her a handmade card?

Postcard made with your own hand- this is not just a small bonus to the main gift, but a real testimony of love and gratitude to a sweet mother. Such a souvenir will be kept by the mother in a conspicuous place for many years.

Always remember! Postcard in mother's holiday a card doesn't have to be perfect or look flawless.

Such a postcard is always very beautiful, elegant, original, easy to make and does not require much time and material investments. Be sure to find for yourself suitable option and create a postcard with your own hand - please your loved one!

As a basis, you can take cardboard of a delicate cherry shade, cut out a rectangle from it. Next, we take a cardboard in a box and cut out a shape from it in an arbitrary shape up to half of our cherry base, glue it, and decorate the place of gluing with exquisite white lace. We decorate the card with bows, beads and buttons, add good my sincere congratulations and our surprise for our beloved mother is ready!

The basis of the postcard will be all the same cardboard. On the base we glue two strips of fabric of different width. On the upper wide strip, you can stick the words "mom" with letters cut from different cardboard... We leave the bottom strip for decoration and warm words congratulations. The decor can be ribbons, beads, pieces of lace, various flowers, in general, everything that your imagination tells you.

The basis of the postcard will be white or other light cardboard. On top of the cardboard we glue flowers, leaves, hearts in the form of an applique, ladybugs, cute birds, etc. colors must be selected very competently - no more than 3 shades, so that your card looks harmonious. For bulk, you can add beads, laces, buttons.

Do-it-yourself paper birthday card for mom in stages.

For this we need:

For work, you still need to print on a printer. vase template.

Do you like this self-made miracle?

Unusual and voluminous

If you have a desire to make a complex and unusual postcard, there are many such options.

Which one is right for your mother personally is up to you. Each of them is original in its own way, beautiful and easy to perform.

Magnificent and original

If you really want to give your mom something more complicated, give her something that will truly surprise and give positive emotions.

Take some of your precious time and create a 3D postcard or postcard from unusual materials. This is not at all difficult to implement, but it will take a little more time, as well as patience and perseverance, attention and hard work... But such a masterpiece will be really appreciated and will cause a flurry of positive emotions!

Master class "How to make an endless postcard?" watch in our video:

You can bring your own flavor, change colors or material, add missing decor elements in your opinion, etc. but most importantly - kind, warm and sincere words for your beloved mom!

Beautiful birthday card for beloved mom

In order to create such an unusually beautiful postcard, you will need:

  • double-sided white coated cardboard;
  • paper with verses, it is possible with notes, with the effect of aging;
  • - artificial leaves and flowers;
  • - two round stickers with congratulatory inscriptions;
  • - blue ribbon;
  • - colored sequins;
  • - sticker or pre-printed inscription "Congratulations!"
  • - pencil, scissors, ruler, double-sided tape, glue.

Let's get to work.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in your postcard made with my own hands for your beloved mother, the most important thing is not at all paper, ribbons or rhinestones, and not even the wishes that you will write on the spread of the postcard. The most important thing is your sincere desire to please your mother, to show care and attention!

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Kind words and wishes for any holiday will be doubly pleasant if presented in a cute postcard made with your own hands. By this original present you will emphasize the importance of a person for you, because the most valuable resources of a person are invested in handmade gifts - his personal time and the most sincere feelings.

Incredibly spectacular postcard with volumetric balloons it is quite simple to create.

To make it you will need:

  • Colored paper;
  • A pair of scissors;
  • Threads;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch;
  • A3 sheet of cardboard.

The basis of the craft will be cardboard, which must be folded in half. Next, we proceed to the decor:

1. Cut out circles from paper different colors and sizes. Their number may correspond to the age of the birthday person or the number of congratulations, if it is large team... Then each friend or colleague will be able to leave their own wishes on a separate ball.

2. Cut out a small triangle of the corresponding color for each ball, glue it to the mug, fix the thread on top with adhesive tape.

3. We glue some of the balls directly onto the postcard. For the rest, we cut out strips measuring 2 cm by 7 cm, fold them with an accordion, glue them with one side to the back surface of the ball, and the other to the postcard.

4. Begin to cut the flags for the garland. Each letter of congratulation will correspond to one such flag, while the colors alternate. First we cut out the oblong rhombuses, then fold them in half around the string and glue them so that we get triangles.

5. Glue the garlands to the card, leaving loose ends. Their length is approximately 25 cm and 28 cm.

6. Awesome surprise greeting card is ready. You can customize the cover on the other side or choose one of the options below.

With a simple applique of flags, you can also beat the front of the postcard.

An original idea with candles from small rolls of paper.

The composition of confetti looks interesting, the creation of which takes very little time.

Creation of such stylish postcard even a first-grader can do it.

To do this, he will need:

  • Gold and yellow cardboard;
  • Slice notebook sheet(preferably in an oblique line);
  • Several yellowed leaves;
  • Small pencil;
  • Satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

1. Fold a sheet of gold cardboard in half. The card will be positioned horizontally.

2. Cut out a rectangle from a notebook sheet of such a size that when overlapping from its edge to the edge of the postcard, a few centimeters remain. We write congratulations on it. Clumsy children's handwriting is not a problem, here it will look quite appropriate.

3. Glue the tape from below with glue. Bend the ends inward.

4. Cut out from yellow paper three circles, glue the leaves to them. We glue it over the tape.

5. From the remnants of the tape we fold a bow, decorate it with a pencil, and glue it in the upper right corner of the postcard.

Any teacher will be happy with such a sign of attention from his little student.

Any helpers can be used to create a postcard. school items: notebooks, colored pencils and even shavings from them.

In this postcard, the drawing is combined with the quilling technique.

You can focus on the subject taught by the teacher.

The main wizard of the New Year will also not refuse a gift. And he will certainly be delighted with such a pretty postcard.

To create it, you need to stock up on:

  • Cardboard for the base;
  • Colored paper;
  • Felt-tip pens;
  • With glue;
  • Scissors.

The creation of a postcard, as always, begins with the fact that we fold a sheet of cardboard in half.

1. On green paper, mark 4 strips 3.5 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm and 6.5 cm wide.

2. Fold the sheet like an accordion, cut out the strips.

3. Glue the folded accordions to the bend, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest.

4. Expand the accordions and glue them to the other side of the postcard.

5. We decorate the background with pictures of snowflakes and appliqués of gifts, and over the tree we glue an asterisk made of red colored paper.

6. Decorate the cover. You can even do this with ordinary snowflake made of white paper.

Santa Claus will definitely like this craft with his brother Santa made of felt and cotton wool.

Difficult to manufacture, but very original New Year cards with volumetric figures inside.

A card for Santa Claus can be decorated funny snowman from circles of paper of different diameters.

A 3D card in the shape of a pixel heart is suitable for Birthday, February 14, March 8 and many other holidays. You can give it to both a man and a woman.

You will need:

  • Thick paper;
  • Stationery knife.

You can draw the layout of the heart yourself, or you can take a ready-made template.

1. We make cuts with a clerical knife along vertical lines.

2. Carefully make horizontal folds, fold the card in half, iron it carefully. For convenience, you can stick it to the table surface with tape.

3. Decorate the edges of the postcard decorative tape and add signatures. Ready!

The paper flowers in the postcard will not fade, and will delight their mistress for many years.

And such a surprise, made with your own hands, will replace thousands of words about love.

Another variation on the theme of valentines is a card with a scattering of hearts inside.

Some of the most beautiful postcards are those made using the quilling technique.

Children will love this funny moving postcard with a dog.

Regular buttons can inspire you to create a stylish postcard with your own hands.

An original solution for the New Year - postcards in the spirit of minimalism.

A set of pink buttons and rhinestones can be easily transformed into a graceful flamingo.

And with the help of multi-colored paints from pasta, you can make bow ties for a men's postcard.

It will be pleasant for a dear person if your joint photo flaunts on the postcard.

Anniversary is another reason for a festive handmade.

A three-dimensional card with gifts inside is created with just a few cuts and folds of paper.

DIY video cards

Postcard-suit - stylish gift for beloved men.


For many, postcards have long been a relic of the past. People started to use electronic congratulations forgetting how symbolic and meaningful they can become for the recipient original postcards do it yourself.

However, no matter how advanced the technology is, beautiful postcards made with love and attention will always remain original symbolic present for any person, because they, like old photos, are the keepers of memories and emotions, which is priceless.

Today, especially for you, the 1001 Council team has prepared a unique overview of ideas on the topic "The most original do-it-yourself cards."

It features unusual and interesting postcards that even schoolchildren can do.

We also presented for you do-it-yourself card ideas in more complex techniques, namely scrapbooking, quilling, with the help of which you realize extraordinary ideas for greeting and invitations for your birthday, New Year, wedding, etc.

About ideas and beautiful examples what postcards to make with your own hands, then ...

DIY postcards from simple materials: ideas, techniques, methods of implementation

To create postcards with your own hands, especially if you create in a company with little toddlers, for whom this occupation very important and responsible, stock up on pieces of ribbons, fabric, burlap, colored paper and cardboard, buttons, beads and pebbles and many other materials that can be used to create a postcard.

Glue in our kit home creativity, scotch tape, scissors and thread must also be present.

The simplest DIY greeting cards

Undoubtedly, we do not strive to immediately do something unique, especially if children create postcards with their own hands.

It is clear that kids, as a rule, make greeting cards with their own hands for mothers, grandmothers, teachers.

To create a postcard with your own hands is very important good idea, which will determine our further actions.

Taking multi-colored sheets of cardboard, you can cut out a blank for a postcard. Next, using a stencil, we cut out cute and colorful flowers, butterflies, certain figures from colored paper, which will be located on our greeting card.

Having cut out the parts, we glue them on the surface of the cardboard, and the homemade masterpiece is ready. Be sure to leave a place for the signature, or print the congratulations on the printer in advance.

Of course, we talked about this process quite simply. You can familiarize yourself with more interesting postcard ideas by viewing our selection of examples.

In it you will see which postcards do it yourself in a simple way can be done for birthday, new year, March 8, for the day of defenders of the motherland, christening, etc.

DIY original postcards using the quilling technique

For a long time, the quilling technique has grown into an art that involves the creation of whole masterpieces from twisted pieces of colored paper.

Do-it-yourself cards can also be made using the quilling technique. Through this original technique you can make magnificent postcards with your own hands in the form of flowers, curls, leaves, twigs, bouquets, which will be very appropriate to complement sincere words of congratulation, handwritten or prepared in advance in a printed version.

Do-it-yourself quilling cards can be supplemented with rhinestones, beads, beads, fabric inserts, lace, or ribbons, which will look just great.

In addition to the usual components of a set for labor with paper products, to implement quilling masterpieces, you will need a special awl, tweezers, pins, a paper knife, a comb to create extraordinary elements, and, of course, colorful paper, with which the quilling elements will be performed.

Unusual DIY cards using scrapbooking technique

Another wonderful technique that deserves special attention- scrapbooking. Using this method, you can arrange not only postcards, but also family albums, notebooks.

Do-it-yourself cards using the scrapbooking technique can be created not only on paper, but also on cardboard and wood.

To implement this technique, you must prepare some materials in advance, namely cardboard, colored paper, glue, ribbons, lace and fabric pieces, dry leaves and decorative flowers, beads, etc.

As you can see, our list includes diverse elements that allow you to realize postcards with your own hands according to your unique idea... The idea is very important not only for the process itself, but also for choosing the appropriate decor.

If the postcard is performed on thick cardboard, even coffee grains and cereals can be used.

DIY postcards: product stylistics

It is very important to choose the best idea so that your do-it-yourself cards turn out to be successful and exclusive. This is especially true for types such as wedding invitations.

Sometimes future spouses want everything to be perfect and unique at their wedding, which they are not lazy to do. invitation cards do it yourself for all guests.

Check out the ideas for such cards below, looking at which you will immediately understand how to make these wonderful invitation cards.

And how do you like a postcard for dad in the form of a man whose costume is made of fabric, or a postcard with a fabric insert that imitates a girl's dress. Very creative!

In our review you will see ideas of postcards of different styles, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by your family and friends.

DIY postcards: amazing variations of homemade postcards