Folk recipes for contraction of the uterus after childbirth. Exercises after childbirth to quickly contract the uterus

During 9 months of pregnancy, a woman's body, both inside and outside, undergoes colossal changes. Carrying a baby and preparing for childbirth cause changes in almost all systems and organs of a pregnant woman. Therefore, after the birth of the baby, the woman's body must again go through a period of adaptation in order to return to its previous state. Physical exercises after childbirth (with the permission of the gynecologist, of course) they will help with this.

Often, for the first time after the birth of a baby, young mothers do not really care about their appearance, they are busy with other joyful chores. However, after a few weeks, the realization comes that the reflection in the mirror has changed a little, and this further increases the psycho-emotional stress. It is very important for a woman to feel attractive, so you need to not waste time and find the right set of exercises after childbirth to restore your former figure and regain your confidence.

On average, the postpartum period lasts 6-8 weeks. During this time, endocrine, sexual, digestive, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system... The process during which reverse transformations occur in systems and organs after pregnancy is called involution.

Endocrine system changes

Immediately after childbirth, the production of estrogen and progesterone begins to decline. Metabolism slows down and subsequently increases body weight due to a decrease in fat oxidation. The skin of a young mother becomes drier and less elastic, may appear. The hormone oxytocin is actively secreted, it contributes to the reduction.

The pituitary gland produces luteotropic hormone, which is responsible for lactation. First, colostrum is excreted - a yellow-transparent fatty substance that provides the first protection of the newborn. On the 3-4th day after childbirth, milk begins to be produced. The breast swells, sometimes increasing by 2-3 sizes.

Genitals after childbirth

Normally, the size of the uterus is restored by the 8th week after the birth of the child. The weight of the uterus after childbirth is about 1.5 kg, in 2 months its weight should decrease 30 times. This process is highly dependent on the principle of feeding the baby. In women who cannot breastfeed, volume reduction occurs much more slowly. They need to learn exercises to contract the uterus after childbirth.

The cervix returns to its original size after 3 weeks, but instead of a conical shape it becomes cylindrical. The inner lining after childbirth is a wound that must be allowed time to heal. Therefore, you need to carefully observe the hygiene of the genitals, and sex life it is better to postpone it for 1.5-2 months. At the same time, it acquires original form and the vagina. To maximize the restoration of vulvar muscle walls and function pelvic floor, you can do Kegel exercises after childbirth.

Discharge in the postpartum period

In the first 3-4 days postpartum period discharge (lochia) have bright red and resemble profuse menstruation. Over time, they take on a pink-gray hue, and their number is decreasing.

In breastfeeding mothers, menstruation occurs after the end of feeding or when attachments become very rare. However, it is important for women to remember that already six months after the birth of a child, even against the background of lactation, ovulation often occurs, so unprotected intercourse can lead to pregnancy. If a woman does not feed a child breast milk, menstruation comes in 1.5-2 months after childbirth.

What happens to other systems

Since many people are displaced during pregnancy internal organs due to the growing uterus, changes affect the digestive and urinary systems. It is possible to slow down peristalsis, the appearance of constipation, etc. Therefore, a woman should monitor her diet and pay attention to the regularity and quality of the stool.

Decreased tone in the bladder after childbirth often causes no urge to urinate, which threatens organ overflow and a decrease in uterine contraction. Because of this, the discharge of lochia slows down and is provoked inflammatory processes... Moderate exercise 6 to 8 weeks after delivery helps restore these functions.

After the birth of a child, a woman loses a large body weight, and the load on the cardiovascular system is significantly reduced. The body does not always have time to rebuild itself, therefore, the appearance of compensatory tachycardia is possible.

The musculoskeletal system of the pregnant woman within 9 months adjusted to the displacement of the center of gravity and after childbirth should be rebuilt back. Ligaments, muscles, joints and the spine get used to the new position of the body in space.

Often, the muscular system is weakened, which can cause pain. The abdominal muscles can diverge, forming a diastasis, with the abdomen protruding and it seems that the woman is pregnant again. And this is not only aesthetic problem, but also the risk of hernia. In order not to face such a problem, a woman should know what exercises to do in order to recover from childbirth.

How to quickly get back in shape after childbirth?

During childbirth, about 5-7 kg is lost, which accounts for the weight of the baby, placenta and amniotic fluid... Within a few days after giving birth, several kilograms of excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy go away. Further changes in weight and shape depend only on the woman herself.

A decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone slows down the metabolism, this contributes to a set of extra pounds if not observed proper nutrition... At the same time, lactation in the body takes a lot of strength and energy - about 500 kcal per day, this is what causes increased appetite in nursing mothers.

There is an opinion among the people that both a pregnant woman and a nursing mother should eat for two. But that's not true, one should stick to rational nutrition rich in fiber, protein and fermented milk products and avoid fatty, sweet and rich.

In addition, within a couple of weeks after childbirth and in the absence of contraindications, you should start doing exercises to restore your figure.

In order for sports to be beneficial, enjoyable and effective, you need to follow simple instructions:

  • consult a doctor before starting classes;
  • choose a gentle set of exercises and not overstrain;
  • do not try to lose weight quickly;
  • systematically, but slowly increase physical activity;
  • breathe correctly and not make sudden movements;
  • exercise in comfortable clothing in a well-ventilated area after feeding;
  • do it regularly;
  • listen to your own body.

Exercises to contract the uterus

To speed up involution, a few days after delivery, you can perform exercises for the uterus:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Straighten them smoothly and bend them back 10 times. On the last extension, squeeze your toes into a "fist" 10 times.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees. Straighten one leg and pull the sock as close to you as possible 10 times. Repeat with the other leg.
  3. Lie on your back with your legs stretched out and slightly apart. Place your hand on your stomach in the area below the navel. Take a deep breath through your nose, rounding your belly. Noisily release the air with your mouth and draw in your stomach as much as possible, helping your hand in the direction from the pubis to the navel. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Repeat exercise 3, but lying on your side, 10 times.
  5. Leaning on your elbows, lie on your stomach and put a dense pillow under it. Repeat breathing exercises, as you exhale, squeeze the pelvis as much as possible into the pillow.

Arnold Kegel's exercises will help restore intimate muscles. They can be done anytime, anywhere:

  1. Alternately compress the muscles of the vagina and anus for 10 seconds. Take a relaxation break of 10 seconds between exercises. It is important to ensure that the muscles of the face are relaxed. It is necessary to devote 5 minutes a day to this "exercise".
  2. Repeat the previous exercise, but at an accelerated pace - 1 second each.

It is necessary to start exercises after childbirth for uterine contraction and Kegel gymnastics, like any other activities, with a minimum physical activity... These exercises increase blood flow in the genitals and contribute not only to their recovery, but also improves the quality intimate life due to increased sensations.

How to flatten your stomach after childbirth

Before starting classes, you must remember that immediately after childbirth, the abdominal muscles must be treated very delicately. Postpartum abdominal exercises should be smooth and gentle. Overload and sudden movements can aggravate the situation and provoke diastasis. Therefore, they should be started 6-8 weeks after childbirth, and after cesarean - after 2-3 months.

Here are some of the most successful and effective exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Put your arms, bent at the elbows, behind your head. Pull your shoulder blades off the floor and pull up to your knees. The chin does not reach to the chest. Hands do not push the neck. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your legs and bend them at the knees at a right angle. Using the abdominal muscles, lift the pelvis up. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Lie on your back, bend your knees and tilt them to the side on the floor. Repeat the movements as in the first exercise 15 times. Change the position of the legs to the other side, repeat 15 times.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your legs at an angle of 45 degrees. Place your arms bent at the elbows behind your head. Bend your left leg and try to reach the knee with your right elbow, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor. Repeat the same with right foot and left hand. Do it 20 times.

There are many exercises for weight loss after childbirth. Don't just dwell on the press. It is necessary to train all muscles at once - this is more effective. Six months after giving birth, you can start intensive training in normal mode and go to the gym or group training, but everything is assessed on an individual basis. Many people enjoy exercise after childbirth on fitball. Classes on the ball raise the mood and they can be done even with the baby in his arms, he will also like it.

How to get your breasts back in shape

During breastfeeding, the breast tissue is stretched, the glandular tissue is replaced by loose connective tissue, the muscles weaken and the breast sags, taking on a completely unaesthetic appearance. Getting it back in shape is harder than throwing it off. excess weight or pump up the abs, but thanks to daily breast exercises after childbirth, you can restore tone pectoral muscles and not be afraid to wear clothes with an open neckline.

Most effective exercises:

  • Stand up straight. Connect your palms in front of your chest and press one against the other with force for a few seconds. Repeat 8 times.
  • Raise your arms at head level. To embrace right hand left elbow and left hand - right. Press with your forehead on your hands with force. Repeat 8 times.
  • The starting position is the same as in Exercise 2, but with your hands behind your head and pressing with the back of your head. Repeat 8 times.
  • Lean your hands on the wall and press on it with your palms, as if you want to move it. Repeat 8 times.
  • Push up off the floor, but with an emphasis on your knees. Bend your chest to the floor as low as possible. Repeat 10 times.
  • Swing your hands like a mill. Back and forth 8 times.

By doing these exercises during the nursing period, you can increase blood circulation in the mammary glands, thereby improving lactation.

In order for the breast to remain beautiful and elastic, it is necessary not only to do exercises, but also to apply the baby correctly, wear comfortable underwear and use special cosmetics to restore skin elasticity.

The postpartum period (6-8 weeks after childbirth) is a period of physical and emotional restructuring. Reproductive organs return to prenatal condition. The family adapts to the arrival of the child in the home. The responsibilities of each parent change to cope with the needs of the baby as well.

Recovery of the uterus after childbirth

With a weak involution of the uterus, ordinary nettle can give a good result. Brew 3-4 tablespoons of dry crushed leaves in 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist until cool and give half a glass to drink 3-4 times a day.

An alcoholic tincture of water pepper (pharmaceutical preparation) also helps well.

No less popular among the people is the deaf nettle - white lamb. Its flowers are appreciated. For cold infusion, take 2 tablespoons per 0.5 l boiled water room temperature, leave overnight, filter in the morning and drink half a glass 4 times a day. Or prepare a decoction: 2 tablespoons of flowers for 2 cups of boiling water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, strain. Drink during the day in fractional portions.
You can also use the herb of lamb. From dried leaves exactly the same decoction is prepared as from flowers, it is prescribed in the same dosage. True, it acts somewhat weaker, but it does not affect blood pressure. As you know, the flowers of the lamb are known to help lower blood pressure in hypertension.

A woman should be alerted if the postpartum discharge remains bloody after a week. In these cases, if the nettle does not help, you need to turn to the shepherd's bag. An ancient, proven remedy for any bleeding. Let me remind you that the usual daily dose of the infusion is 3-4 tablespoons of herbs for 2 cups of boiling water, wrap the dishes with the infusion warmly for several hours.

Field yarut, also from the cruciferous family, which has some resemblance to a shepherd's bag, a common weed that clogs crops also stops uterine bleeding and finds application even with uterine cancer. Two tablespoons of dried herbs are brewed with a glass of boiling water overnight, filtered in the morning, taken from one teaspoon to a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

With bleeding in the postpartum period, blood red geranium is excellent - a beautiful, memorable plant that adorns the forest edges and the slopes of wooded hills. A cold infusion is effective: 2 teaspoons of dry herb for 2 cups of boiled water at room temperature, leave all night, drink during the day in fractional portions.

Birch leaves, collected in early May, while they are still tender and sticky, help speed up and facilitate postpartum cleansing. Dried, they can be stored for two years. The infusion is prepared from 3 tablespoons in 3 glasses of boiling water. Soak in an oven heat or a thermos for 2 hours, adding a pinch of tea soda. Drink a glass warm 3 times a day, starting from the 12th day after childbirth - this is what Russian healers recommended to do.

Physical recovery after childbirth

Changes occurring in your body in the first week after the birth of a baby can cause you to feel uplifted and energized, or, conversely, exhaustion and loss of energy.

Most women experience sudden mood swings and young mothers feel tired and need rest.

Immediately after giving birth, doctors carefully monitor your physical condition to see how the recovery is progressing. Your temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rate are often measured. The number and nature of lochia are also monitored ( postpartum discharge mucus and blood from the uterus), size, density and location of the fundus of the uterus, functioning Bladder and the digestive tract.

The uterus, in the process of restoration, called "involution", returns to its prenatal size 5-6 weeks after delivery. To improve the contraction of the uterus and prevent severe blood loss at the placental attachment, uterine massage is sometimes prescribed, which is carried out by the nurse or postpartum woman herself.

Feeding the baby also contributes to the contraction of the uterus.

Red lochia, significant for several days after delivery, gradually decrease and become pale pink, and in the next few weeks - whitish-yellowish, white or brown. The discharge can last for 6-8 weeks.

Postpartum pain, unpleasant and sometimes painful contractions of the uterus after childbirth often occur when you are babysitting and, more often, if this is not the first birth. To relieve pain, relax and use slow breathing. Postpartum pain usually disappears within the first week.

At the final stage of the involution of the uterus, the cervix returns to almost the original prenatal size, but the external dilatation of the cervix remains somewhat wider.

The vagina gradually acquires its tone, but the labia remain somewhat wider, larger and darker than they were before pregnancy.

The general condition of women after a successful birth is usually good. But it happens that soon in some people the temperature rises to 38 ° C, sometimes chills occur - this is a consequence of increased muscle work during childbirth. The temperature can be slightly increased in the first days - this is the body's reaction to the absorption of tissue decay products on the wound surface of the uterus.

Blood pressure may drop after childbirth. This is not accidental: since the uteroplacental blood circulation has ceased to function, the uterus contracts, and therefore its blood supply decreases, the body takes emergency measures in order to get rid of the unnecessary amount of blood. The kidneys excrete more fluid, and the volume of the circulating blood decreases rapidly. This is the reason for the change blood pressure... As a rule, it soon returns to normal.

Although the kidneys produce much more urine than usual for a few days after childbirth, women in labor often do not need to urinate and have to be reminded to urinate. Sometimes the urge to urinate is caused by the noise of water flowing out of the tap or dousing of the external genitals warm water... If you still cannot urinate, you need to resort to using a catheter.

In contrast, after childbirth, many women find that they have difficulty retaining urine, especially when sneezing, coughing, or laughing. This happens if during childbirth the obturator muscle - the sphincter of the bladder - is overstretched.

The following exercises help:

    squeeze the vagina and relax it after 10 seconds; at the same time, the muscles of the walls of the vagina are also strengthened;

    do not empty a full bladder immediately, but gradually, alternating the release of small portions of urine with compression of the vagina. After regular exercise, the obturator muscle will strengthen and retain urine.

In the early days, not all is well with the functioning of the intestines. Its tone is lowered, digestion is slow, there is no stool. Therefore, empty your bowels with an enema, laxative, and an appropriate diet. An overflowing bladder, a clogged intestine squeeze the uterus, the outflow of lochia is difficult, and its return to normal size is slowed down.

Sometimes postpartum women become swollen and inflamed. hemorrhoids... In such cases, lotions of chamomile infusion, special rectal suppositories, Shostakovsky's balm help.

In the absence of contraindications ( difficult labor, crotch tears, cesarean section), you need to get out of bed no later than 24 hours after childbirth and try to recover as soon as possible locomotor activity... it good prevention thromboembolic complications (blood flow of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels). More likely, independent stool, urination will improve, the stretched anterior abdominal wall will tighten, and the function of the genitals will be restored.

From the 1st day after giving birth, you can do physical exercises in the morning. But they shouldn't bore you.

Postpartum restorative gymnastics

Gymnastics in the early postpartum period helps the recovery process really well. It is only important to observe the rate of increase in the load and the variety of exercises. The same exercise and tedious, tedious workouts, on the other hand, can elicit the opposite response than expected.

Below are four small sets of exercises for restorative gymnastics. Choose a complex that you can do calmly and without overexerting yourself.

A few additional tips:

All of these exercises remain relevant throughout the postpartum period, and not only in its early phase. They can and preferably be done within 10-12 weeks.

It is best to start exercising on the first day after giving birth.

Exercise should be done regularly, several times a day, lying on a flat surface (use a small pillow for convenience).

Perform movements slowly, without concentrating, smoothly. Not abruptly at all.

The area where you study should be well ventilated. The optimum temperature is considered to be 18-20 degrees.

It is necessary to exercise in comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.

Remember to visit the toilet before exercising.

It is better to exercise after feeding.

Always get up from the prone position by turning over the side.

It is better to lie on the stomach most of the time, thereby maintaining the involution of the uterus and a decrease in postpartum discharge.

Getting up early after childbirth and walking support recovery processes. Pay attention to the good placement of the feet and especially to the "rolling" from heel to toe.

1st set of exercises

Exercises to prevent thrombosis. You can start exercising on the first day after giving birth.

Starting position: lying on your back, both legs bent at the knees. We straighten our legs so that the knees with their lateral parts do not come off each other. Slowly and strongly squeeze the toes 10 times ("pull in the claws") and release them again. Let's straighten one leg. 10 times slowly and strongly pull the sock towards you, and then back. Have changed your leg. We will do the previous exercises with both legs, without lifting them, but simply stretching out on our back.

Supplement: If you have had varicose veins veins or leg pain, use special elastic leggings or stockings.

2nd set of exercises

When performing these exercises, you must breathe in the lower abdomen. You can start classes on the very first day after childbirth.

Starting position: lying on your back, both legs bent at the knees. Place your hands on your lower abdomen.

Inhale slowly through your nose, and then just as slowly exhale through your mouth to "haaaaa". The stomach rises during inhalation, then during exhalation we slightly help it with our hands, leading our palms in the direction from the pubic bone to the navel. We do not press, but simply stretch our hands along the lower abdomen.

Then we turn on our side. Head, rib cage and the pelvis lie on the same line (you can use a small pillow or roller under the neck), the knees are slightly bent. Upper arm lies on the lower abdomen. And again we repeat the breathing exercises with the stomach, stretching out with our hand while exhaling in the direction from the pubic bone to the navel (in fact, we move the pelvis forward, while not bending the body).

To increase the pulling force more, pronounce "pfff" or "puuuh" as you exhale while imagining that your belly is contracting like a sponge.

Then they rolled over onto their stomach. We put under lower part abdomen with a small, dense pad. It is important that there is minimal or no pressure on the chest. We breathe in the lower abdomen. And again, when exhaling (on "haa", "pff" or "fluff"), we again move the pelvis forward.

3rd set of exercises

The main load of these exercises is directed to the muscles of the perineum and the pelvic floor, therefore, be careful when performing the exercises, or go to a lighter complex.

One of their functions of the pelvic floor muscles is to support the internal organs: the uterus, bladder, intestines. During childbirth, the "holding" muscles of the urethra, vaginal opening and rectum are strongly stretched. The sphincters weaken and problems with urination and bowel control begin. If an episiotomy (perineal incision) was performed during childbirth, then it is advisable not to perform this set of exercises until the suture heals, because the load can be very strong. In this case, it is advisable to perform a set of "soft" exercises lying on your stomach.

Lying on the bed, or sitting in a chair, we try to alternately strain the muscles of the vagina and anus. As if "blinking". At first you might get the impression that alternating reductions are not possible, but this is not the case. Soon you will be able to share muscle tension. As soon as we learn to separate the "blinking", we will try to conduct the "wave" from the anus to the pubic bone with the muscles. This exercise is also helpful in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids. And during exercise, be sure to monitor the muscles of the mouth. The tongue, palate, lips should be relaxed. This will help you in response to relax the perineum and make your breathing soft.

The next exercise is best done half-sitting or sitting. We try to slowly, by tension of the muscles of the perineum and pelvis, pass the wave from the bottom up, through the pubic bone to the navel, making a slow motion with the pelvis forward. Slowly up, and then calmly back. In this case, you need to breathe evenly, without holding the breaths in and out.

But please do not try to put your muscles in an increased load. The exercises should be done easily, as if playfully.

4th set of exercises

In it, breathing control and load on the pelvic floor are complemented by abdominal muscle training. Pay attention - all exercises are done on exhalation and gentle tension of the pelvic muscles.

Starting position: lying on your side, head, chest and pelvis are in one line. The knees are bent. One arm bent at the elbow and rests under the head. With the other hand we rest on the bed at the level of the navel. The palm is best clenched into a fist. On exhalation, we slightly raise the pelvis, resting on the fist. Repeat several times, then do this exercise while lying on the other side.

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. The socks are pulled up. During exhalation, we begin to stretch our socks towards ourselves, raising both hands alternately to the right or left side. There is no need to lift your chest or lift your heels off the plane.

Starting position: standing on all fours (the exercise can also be performed in bed). Head, top part torso and pelvis are on the same line. Knees are slightly apart. During exhalation, we draw in the stomach, and increase the tension by slightly raising the left knee and right palm. Then we changed the "diagonal" (raise the right knee and "left palm").

Further, one of the most "tedious" exercises of the complex: standing on all fours, the feet lie flat, while exhaling we try to straighten our knees as much as possible without bending our back, trying to keep it as straight as possible. The bulk of the body during this exercise will press on the palms and the back of the foot.

Starting position: lying on your side, knees bent. The upper hand lies calmly along the body, the lower one creates an emphasis on the plane. During exhalation, we tighten the abdomen and raise the torso. Then we repeat the exercise on the other side. Please note - on the one hand, the abdomen will stick out more than on the other - this is a normal situation (depending on the intrauterine position of the child). On the side where the "overhang" is greater - the exercise should be performed more often.

Now an exercise to stabilize the muscles of the abdomen and back. Starting position: stand facing the wall, legs apart and slightly bent at the knees. Hands rest against the wall with full palms, elbows are also pressed against the wall. While exhaling, we mentally move both elbows to the navel. Then we change the exercise: again we mentally move our right elbow and left knee towards each other. Then with the left elbow and the right knee. No actual movement is required.

First difficulties after childbirth

A young mother should not be left alone for a long time with this tiny crying lump immediately upon returning home. After all, many problems immediately arise: how to feed, how to swaddle, how to bathe. It's good if at first there is experienced woman- a mother or mother-in-law who will help you get used to the new role.

Well, what if a young mother is left alone? Sometimes an apartment in such a family turns into a laundry factory, then into a drying room, then into an ironing room, then into a storage area for dirty linen and dirty dishes. Indeed, without the skills of caring for a child while maintaining household, without clear planning of household chores, determining their priority and sequence, it is impossible to be a good housewife, loving, caring mother and wife. Bathing, swaddling, washing, ironing, feeding, putting to bed, cooking, cleaning the apartment ... Your head is spinning! Where can you remember about your husband and your own appearance?

It is not surprising that many young mothers cannot withstand such loads and soon begin to experience chronic fatigue, they are constantly falling asleep, apathy and even indifference appear. What to do? Where is the exit? Unfortunately, there are no ready-made recommendations, it all depends on the conditions prevailing in a particular family. However, some advice can be given - both to a young mother, and to people around her, and (above all!) To a young dad.

In the first few weeks after the birth of a baby, many women are unnecessarily worried about him. It seems to them that they are not coping with their maternal responsibilities, and they feel insecure, are in constant stress. Either they get upset because of any speck on the baby's skin, then they think that he is sick, then they do not suck well, or they cry a lot. These mothers often come to the baby's bed when he sleeps and listen to if he is breathing.

Excessive preoccupation with the mother during the newborn period of the child is, apparently, a necessary biological program provided by nature. She makes even the most carefree and frivolous mothers take their responsibilities more seriously. The first weeks of a child's life really hard time- the newborn adapts to new living conditions, and you gain the experience of motherhood, learn to understand the child and take care of him. Closer to 3 months, the difficulties remain behind, the baby becomes calmer and more cheerful, capable of rewarding all recent worries with a smile, joy and genuine pleasure from communicating with you.

Another problem: you have heard plenty of conversations about raising children, read some special literature, but due to a lack of experience, you do not know where to stop and what rules of care and upbringing to adhere to.

Believe me, it is better not to take literally everything that your relatives and friends advise you. Don't be afraid to trust your common sense Do not deliberately make it difficult to raise your child. Follow your intuition and follow the advice of your doctor whenever possible. Remember: the main thing that a baby needs is your love and care. Whenever you take the child in your arms, even if at first not very dexterously and confidently, feed, bathe, change him, talk to him affectionately, smile at him, the baby feels your care and tenderness, feels needed and loved. And this is the main thing that is biologically necessary for him for human and cultural development.

Sometimes mothers take motherhood too seriously and see it only as a responsibility. But this is also an incomparable joy. Try to enjoy everyday communication with the baby, from observing the changes that occur to him, the manifestation of more and more new opportunities, abilities and skills. Let this be your attitude in life.

Let's talk separately about the relationship between spouses. A husband's reaction to having a baby can be complex. On the one hand, it is definitely a joy. But, on the other hand, and a subconscious feeling of their uselessness. Outwardly, this feeling can manifest itself in excessive irritability, the desire to spend time with friends, outside the home, even in showing signs of attention to other women.

A young father must remind himself that his wife has a much more difficult time, since all the worries and anxiety about the baby, huge nervous, physical and mental stress fell on her shoulders. It is at this time that the wife needs help, moral support and the love of her husband. Helping his wife with the housework and taking care of the child, the young father will feel needed, family ties will strengthen, the wife will appreciate his care and participation.

There are men who are sure that caring for a child is not a man's business. This is not true. Scientific evidence shows that spiritual closeness, mutual understanding, friendly relations Between the father and the children it is easier to develop in those families where the father early, from the first weeks, and better - the days of the child's life, participates in caring for his son or daughter.

The father needs at least from time to time to feed the child himself from a bottle, from a spoon, wash his diapers, communicate with the baby every day, play with him. Most fathers prefer to walk with the child when he is asleep and does not show himself in any way. This is not enough for the father to develop a close relationship with him. Sometimes the mother needs to leave the child with the father so that he can take on all the worries about the baby, at least for a while, while the mother is in the store or at the doctor's. Only by entering into communication with the child, the father will feel the "taste" of parental love.

A set of health-improving exercises performed by a woman in the postpartum period

Exercise can be done within a few days after giving birth. If there are stitches, then only abdominal breathing is done as an exercise, or full yoga breathing, if you own it.
Therapeutic effect:
energizes and cleanses the blood;
gently massages abdominal organs;
improving blood circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots and blood stagnation.
After several days of abdominal breathing, we turn to a set of exercises performed every day.

Exercise 1
Starting position: sitting in bed.
tighten all muscles, including the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, anus;
inhale with tension, exhale with relaxation;
then take your shoulders back and up in a slow and gradual movement;
lower your shoulders;
do 5 circular movements shoulders;
after backward movements, move your shoulders forward: at this time, the shoulders go forward, down and back. The arms hang softly, they should not move independently of the shoulders;
then roll your shoulders alternately - almost like backstroke, but without arms. When the left shoulder goes backward, the right one moves forward.
Therapeutic effect:
the vertebrae rotate in their nests, blood circulation increases, and this prevents the curvature of the spine.

Exercise 2

move your toes up and down several times;
then rotate your feet a few circles to the right, a little to the left;
then raise and lower your foot several times, training the ankles;
with your legs below the knees, make a movement as if you want to shake something off your feet, first with one, then with the other leg.

Exercise # 3
Starting position: sitting with outstretched legs, hands on hips. Performance:
take a few "steps" with the buttocks forward;
then take "steps" back.

Exercise 4 Execution:
raise your arms, bent at the elbows, to the sides and try to bring the shoulder blades together, squeeze them more tightly;
put your hands down;
repeat several times.

Exercise # 5
Starting position: sit down, bring your feet together and grab your ankles with your hands. Performance:
swing from side to side, massaging your buttocks.
Therapeutic effect:
improves blood circulation in the anus, perineum and vagina.

Exercise 6
Starting position: arms extended to the sides.
rotate your arms in small circles forward, increasing the diameter of the circle;
then rotate backward, making the circle smaller. Therapeutic effect:
the figure of the mother is quickly restored;
exercise is important for the health of the child, since he feeds on the mother's milk, and the quality of milk depends on her physical and mental state;
also directly contribute to the production of milk;
the genitals begin to take on their original position and size faster;
other abdominal organs that have been displaced by an enlarged uterus, and the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, which have been severely stretched, also return to normal faster;
prevent the formation of blood clots and stagnation of blood in the uterus and veins;
help with constipation.

A set of exercises that restore the figure, prevent the formation of fat and performed by a woman after the birth of a child

During pregnancy abdominal muscles stretched to accommodate the growing uterus. After the birth of a child, they remain enlarged and, if nothing is done to prevent this, they sag due to loss of tone, fat accumulates in them. This can be fought with pelvic exercises. After all, pregnancy with an owl does not necessarily have to spoil the figure of a woman. If a woman consciously trains using certain exercises, her figure after childbirth should remain unchanged.

Exercise 1
Starting position: lying on your back.
inhale and pull your knees to your stomach;
as you exhale, slowly lower them, feeling the pressure in your abdomen.

Exercise 2
Starting position: standing, hands above the head.
inhale and stretch your arms up, straining all the muscles, including the stomach;
as you exhale, relax.

Exercise # 3
Starting position: standing, arms along the body.
inhale and lift only one head, feeling the tension of the abdominal muscles;
as you exhale, relax.

Exercise 4
Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Performance:
bend over and take out your right foot with both hands;
then straighten up, spread your arms to the sides and at the same time bend back;
repeat twice;
then the same thing on the other side.

Exercise # 5
Starting position: the same. Performance:
leaning back and leaning on your elbows, vigorously reach your right shoulder with your right knee several times;
then the same with the left foot.

Exercise 6
Starting position - standing, legs apart, hands on the back of the thighs. Performance:
lean forward, get your right knee with your head;
straighten up and take out the left one. When bent, your hands should slide along the back of the leg to the ankles.

Exercise 7
Starting position: clenched fists in front of the chest.
holding clenched fists in front of the chest, spread your arms, as if overcoming resistance, to the shoulder line;
bring it back;
repeat. Exercise # 8
Starting position: standing, arms along the body. Performance:
clench your fists and in one fell swoop bring them together in front of your chest;
put your hands down and bring them together again. Exercise 9 Execution:
make a movement with your hands, as if you were breaking a rope, tensing your chest muscles;

Exercises to return the vagina to its normal size

After childbirth, sexual intercourse should be avoided for 3 months, as in order for the vagina to take normal sizes, it takes time (about 100 days). This is important for both spouses, otherwise the vagina will remain stretched and never acquire
its normal size, which will affect the degree of sexual arousal.
If such a restriction is not possible for the spouses, then a woman needs to do the following exercises a few days after giving birth for 3 months every day:

Exercise 1
Starting position: squat down.
take a deep breath and at the same time slowly and smoothly contract the anal muscles. These contractions should be felt in the perineal area;
hold your breath for a few seconds and take a slow breath, relaxing the muscles in the anus;
this alternation of contractions and relaxations with inhalation and exhalation should not be abrupt.
Focus on the perineum.
Initially, perform 4 movements a day for 5 seconds for each contraction and relaxation. Gradually bring the total number of reductions to 10-15.

Exercise 2
Starting position: sitting or lying.
squeeze the muscles of the buttocks, connect them tightly, strain so that it feels like your hips are smaller.
Therapeutic effect:
strengthen the muscles of the vagina;
help to avoid hemorrhoids, which often appear after childbirth;
have a massaging effect on the rectum.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes necessary for carrying and giving birth to a baby. After childbirth, the body begins to return to its normal state, the recovery time of all body functions is called the postpartum period. The recovery period takes up to 8 weeks and is individual in each case.

For a complete recovery good influence will provide special gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, accelerate the postpartum contraction of the uterus and restorative exercises necessary for a full return of the body to normal.

When can you do exercise after delivery, benefits and contraindications

Exercises for contraction of the uterus after childbirth are soft and free of stress, which is familiar to every person. You should take into account the changes in the body in the postpartum period and not try to actively play sports, even if it was your job before pregnancy. You can start classes on the second day after the birth of your baby.

In the first postpartum period, use breathing exercises, relaxation with alternating tension of individual muscle groups: abdomen, perineum, legs, back, but without active movements. This helps to improve blood circulation in the body, improve the contractility of the uterus and restore intestinal motility.

There were no contraindications for such exercises, even after operative delivery and suturing, doctors recommend performing a small complex in several cycles during the day.

Painful sensations during this period are the norm and are not contraindications to the lesson. Exercise helps tone the uterus, allowing it to clear and return to its normal position. The delay in the uterine cavity of postpartum formations contributes to the development of inflammation of the muscles of the genital organ.

Rebuilt into a growing fetus, the body slowly returns to its original state. At this time, urinary retention and constipation are possible, exercise allows you to avoid this. Toning the muscles of the small pelvis and perineum prevents prolapse and prolapse of the uterus. In addition to the general strengthening effect on physical health normalization occurs psychological state new mom.

The early start of strengthening the muscles of the abdominal wall will avoid the sagging of the abdomen. If after exercise, instead of a surge of energy, you are pursued by fatigue, pain or dizziness, you should reduce the load on the body that is not strong after childbirth.

For serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system or an acute rise in body temperature, classes are not allowed.

It should also be abandoned in acute infectious processes, conditions caused by massive blood loss, significant perineal ruptures.

Exercises for self-fulfillment

It is preferable to practice in a well-ventilated area, changing clothes in comfortable clothes loose fit and perform complexes daily until full recovery organism, and not from case to case. If there is no special room for classes, you can perform the complex while lying on the bed in the ward.

Exercise in the early postpartum period is aimed at faster contraction and cleansing of the uterus, and not at losing weight or returning to its former harmony and attractiveness.

Serious and strength exercises until complete recovery (about 4 months).

For the first 2 weeks after childbirth, the described exercises are sufficient, with the addition of tension in the muscles of the abdominal and vagina for 3-4 days from the beginning of classes. Further, with good health, it can be expanded to full-fledged gymnastics, consisting of special exercises, but only after consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Gymnastics after childbirth at home

If childbirth is resolved naturally and by the time of discharge, all the stitches were removed, the complex can be performed from the first days, if there are stitches, we do not strain the stomach. We start the complex from a position lying on our back, arms outstretched, palms pressed to the floor.

This set of exercises will be enough until the body is fully restored and the uterus returns to its normal size. If you feel strong pain or discomfort from exercise, you should give up for a couple of days, then try to introduce it into the complex.

Always exercise after feeding your baby and going to the toilet. In addition to the complex of exercises, the contraction of the uterus will be facilitated by ordinary walking and sleeping in a prone position. Do not stay in bed for a long time, start leading an active life as early as possible.

Pronounced postpartum efficacy should be noted Eastern dance... Their specificity, aimed at the rapid restoration of fertility, contributes to the preparation female body To repeated childbirth without significant damage to health.

Exercises after episiotomy and caesarean section

When the perineum is cut in natural childbirth exercises for contraction of the uterus are prohibited. Forbidden long time sit, especially on a hard seat. Before getting out of bed, it is recommended to tighten the muscles of the buttocks.

After healing and removal of stitches, you can start simple exercises on gymnastic ball... V in this case it will be just sitting and rocking up and down. The only exercises in the early postpartum period will be the Kegel complex.

After the operative delivery, during the healing of the stitches, there is no need to remember full-fledged gymnastics, but some exercises can be performed. This will contribute to more quick recovery organism.

A prerequisite will be wearing postpartum bandage to maintain muscle tone and prevent seam divergence.

You can start doing the exercises in a week, but only with the consent of the doctor. Exercises are performed in comfortable posture lying or sitting:

  • flexion, extension of the feet;
  • rotational movements of the feet;
  • tension and relaxation of the buttocks;
  • from a position, lying on your back, without lifting your legs from the floor, bend and straighten your knees;

A full range of exercises for training the press, back, leg muscles or any other muscle groups can be performed only after the body has fully recovered after surgical intervention and with the consent of your doctor.

Kegel exercises

This is a special set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic day. Suitable not only for women after childbirth, but also for people suffering from weakening of these muscles. These can be senile problems, and the prolapse of the pelvic organs when lifting weights. Recommended for all women over 45 years of age. Arnold Kegel recommended performing this complex in the following cases:

The set of exercises consists of tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles in different intensities.

  1. It is necessary to tighten the muscles of the pelvic day (as if interrupting urination) and relax as you exhale.
  2. Tense and relax the muscles involved in intercourse as quickly as you can.
  3. Push as in childbirth, but not with such a layer and relax.

A set of simple 3 exercises is performed several times a day, you should start with 7 repetitions of each exercise, followed by an increase.

The exercises included in the gymnastic complexes after childbirth are distinguished by their ease of execution and softness of execution. This guarantees the absence of complications and harm to health, even if not skillfully performed. The only condition for starting classes is the permission of your supervising doctor. recovery period(8-12 weeks), you can start performing complexes for losing weight and restoring the press.