How to choose the right size of the bandage. How to choose the right size for pregnant women. Prenatal bandage for pregnant women - types and which one is better to choose

During pregnancy, as the woman's abdomen grows, the center of gravity shifts, the physiological curves of the spine change, and the load on the joints increases. pelvic bones... This can lead to discomfort. To alleviate the condition, starting from the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, the doctor may recommend a special bandage for pregnant women: we will consider which one is better to choose in this article. It may also be required in postpartum period... It is important to know how to choose a bandage so that its use is beneficial and not inconvenient.

Bandages vary in design and period of use

The main types of bandages:

  • prenatal, intended to be worn from the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy until delivery;

  • postpartum, worn after the birth of a child;

  • universal, whose design implies the possibility of use before and after childbirth, depending on the method of putting on.

By their structure, bandages for pregnant women are in the form of a removable belt or panties with a special bandage elastic band. The belt is usually more rigid, denser, has a special design with cutouts and reinforcement points. It renders better support for the back and belly, but requires careful selection of the size.

Sometimes in the case of operative delivery (with the help of caesarean section) in early postoperative period wearing a postoperative bandage is required. It is used after all types of abdominal operations with dissection of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Its use reduces pain, promotes early rising of the puerpera and prevents suture divergence and the formation of postoperative hernias. Such a bandage should not be bought in advance, because it should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

How the bandage works

Prenatal Panty Bondage is jersey, in the upper part of which a wide elastic band is sewn. The design is such that this elastic band fits snugly to the lower back, and at the bottom it turns out slightly and supports the stomach. It helps to redistribute pressure, reduce stretching of the skin and abdominal muscles.

in the form of panties

The bandage panties are thin and elastic enough that they are invisible under clothes. They can be worn instead of underwear or worn over regular panties. Such a bandage requires frequent washing, so it is advisable to purchase a second one of the same for replacement, putting them on alternately as they become dirty. For ease of use, so as not to remove it completely when visiting the toilet, you can buy a model with fasteners in the crotch area.

The maternity bandage belt is prenatal and versatile. It is worn over linen or thin clothing, sometimes it has an additional "hood" for the abdomen (the so-called apron bandage).

There are 2 main types of belt - elastic band and non-stretch, dense construction. The use of a belt is beneficial for the spine, as it allows you to remove muscle tension, evenly distributes the load, is the prevention of progression and.

The universal bandage has 2 sides - narrow (in the area of ​​connecting Velcro fasteners) and wide. During pregnancy, the wider part is located on the lower back, and the narrower part runs under the belly. After childbirth, you should fix the abdomen with the wide part, tightly fastening the belt on the lower back.

Such a bandage has the possibility of individual adjustment and smooth cuts. This allows the belt, when properly sized, to comfortably fit the natural bony pelvic protuberances. But it is usually tighter and thicker than an elastic waistband or panties. Therefore, some pregnant women find it uncomfortable in the hot season.

A postpartum bandage is a very wide, tight belt or high tight-fitting panties (grace) with a tight insert on the abdomen. Models are different - with a zipper or on hooks, with additional drawstrings, with crotch fasteners or solid. It is important to decide in advance which postpartum bandage better for a particular woman, taking into account the visit to the sanitary room and the washing of the product.

Many do without postpartum bandage... It is best to check with your doctor shortly after childbirth. It should be remembered that the constant wearing of such a device can slow down the restoration of the natural tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. However, in some cases, a bandage may be necessary.

Information about: .

Not all pregnant women know what a bandage is for, using it only to prevent stretch marks and lower back pain.

Indications for the use of a prenatal brace:

  • the appearance of a pregnant woman with weakness and numbness in the leg;

  • negative effects of ionizing radiation;

  • pain in the pubic area;

  • spine diseases;

  • neurological pathology with impaired walking and posture;

  • a large volume of the abdomen, especially with multiple and high-water pregnancies;

  • a frequently occurring state of tonic tension of the uterus, the threat of termination of pregnancy and premature birth(starting from the middle of the 2nd trimester);

  • low position of the placenta, isthmic-cervical insufficiency;

  • weakness of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in a pregnant woman, including diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles;

  • signs of lymphostasis on the legs due to compression of large lymphatic vessels in the small pelvis;

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities.

It is worth postponing the wearing of the bandage when the baby has not yet taken the correct position in the uterus (head down) by 32–34 weeks of gestation. In this case, it is recommended to do special exercises stimulating the activity of the baby. And only after they have taken the desired position, they fix it with a bandage.

You should ask your doctor if you need to wear a bandage. If the pregnancy is going well and future mother does not feel discomfort, the bandage may not be useful.

Using a brace can be difficult if the woman has any dermatological disease with eruptions on the skin in the region of the sacrum. In this case, the decision is made jointly by a dermatologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the prognosis, risks and potential benefits of wearing such a bandage belt for pregnant women.

How to buy a bandage

It is very important to know how pregnant pick up a bandage... A thoughtless purchase "by eye", without careful definition the right size is likely to result in disappointment and wasted money.

Bandages for pregnant women, like clothing, should be purchased taking into account the size and individual characteristics figures. It is optimal not only to choose the size in accordance with the instructions on the product packaging, but also to try on this device. Therefore, it is advisable to buy a bandage at a pharmacy, a store for expectant mothers or an orthopedic salon - where a consultant can come to help, there is a choice and the possibility of trying on the bandage.

Fitting is especially important if the woman has non-standard body proportions or height that differs from the average. After all, the bandage is wide and dense enough, its edges can put pressure on the body or restrict movement if the model is incorrectly selected. It is better to decide before buying whether the chosen product is suitable for the pregnant woman.

How to choose prenatal band? You should decide on the model, listen to the doctor's advice and not give up trying on. The bandage should not or shift when moving. It is important that it supports the waist and belly of the pregnant woman well.

When buying a bandage, you should carefully study the dimension indicated on the package. The marking will depend on the type of product and manufacturer. You should not be guided only by your own prenatal sizes even if the weight gain is small. The fact is that during pregnancy there is often a slight divergence of the joints of the pelvic bones, so that the girth of the hips can increase by several centimeters. It is best not to be lazy and measure your parameters with a measuring tape, sometimes this saves time when selecting a band.

Bandages for sale different manufacturers- both domestic and foreign. It is worth choosing proven brands, this guarantees the quality and safety of the product. For example, the FEST universal bandage or elastic belt, chicco bandages, anita, MAAM and Bliss prenatal bandages, the domestic TONUS ELAST brand are not bad.

Size selection

The size of the braces-panties of postpartum braces-graces usually corresponds to the size of the underwear (according to the European or domestic mesh). They are recommended to buy one size larger than usual. At speed dial weight, you may need to buy more bandage panties, because they are not regulated.

The bandage belt is marked S, M, L, which corresponds to sizes 42-44, 44-46 and 46-48.

The bands can have numbers 60, 65, 70 and so on. And 60 size should be bought for a woman with 44 Russian (or 38 European) clothing size.

Basic rules for wearing a bandage

It cannot be worn for more than 3 hours in a row, you should take a break. Also, you cannot sit in it for a long time, because in this position it increases the pressure on the groin area and worsens the venous outflow from the lower extremities.

A correctly selected bandage, if there are indications for wearing it, significantly improves the well-being of a pregnant woman, and reduces the risk of pregnancy complications.

Therefore, if the doctor recommends purchasing this device, you should not be arbitrary and try to save money on the purchase. It is better to spend time and choose exactly the model that will meet all the requirements and will not cause discomfort in difficult period pregnancy and after childbirth.

An article on how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women and mature mothers after childbirth. We will analyze the main types of such clothes and their differences. We will find out why such medical clothing is needed and what are the contraindications.

In addition, we will decide which type is best for you. And also what sizes to choose, where it is better to buy such a product and at what price. At the end, you will be able to see various reviews and photos.

Prenatal bandage for pregnant women - types and which one is better to choose

Prenatal braces for pregnant women can be different types and designs. We'll look at them below. And which one is better to choose is up to you. Just try on each type, and you yourself will understand which one is most comfortable.

Prenatal bandage

Comfortable - this means that the clothing does not restrict movement, does not chafe, does not cause sweating or irritation on the skin.

The fact that the fetus is still inside does not mean that its opinion should not be taken into account. If the child pushes a lot when you put on the bandage, then the design does not suit him.

Note that before wearing such medical clothing, consult your doctor first. Perhaps you may have some contraindications.

How long to wear a bandage for pregnant women

So, how long to wear a bandage for pregnant women. Usually, the doctor recommends wearing it from the second trimester, that is, from 20 to 25 weeks. But this is very individual. Because sometimes exact date may be incorrectly defined.

In case of a threat of miscarriage, early dates During pregnancy, your doctor may advise you to start wearing a bandage from the beginning.

What is a bandage for during pregnancy

Let's talk about what a brace is for during pregnancy. It is worth saying that the doctor may prescribe wearing such clothes after an initial examination for various medical indications... Now we will consider them.

Premature birth

The threat of premature birth can occur at any stage of pregnancy. The correct distribution of the load on the body will help to maintain well-being while carrying a child.

If you are weak abdominal muscles and muscles pelvic floor, then wearing a bandage during pregnancy is mandatory. Such clothing tightly fixes the position of the uterus and prevents its premature prolapse.

Against scarring (stretch marks)

By increasing the weight and size, the tension of the skin on the abdomen and upper legs increases. In addition, any skin of even the most trained woman is stretched. This leads to the formation of unsightly scars (stretch marks).

Pregnancy scars

Scars very poorly come off the skin. In some cases, this memory of pregnancy can last a lifetime.

Low location of the placenta

This is when the fetus is fixed in the lower part of the uterus. In order not to provoke placental abruption sharp movement, it is recommended to fix the abdominal wall.

Breech presentation of the fetus

The child lies with its head down. There is nothing wrong with that. If the position of the fetus is already stable, then a prenatal brace can be worn.

If the position is unstable, then it is better to try to turn the fetus over. There are special exercises for this. In this case wearing a bandage is contraindicated.

The exercises helped or the child himself took the correct position - only a doctor can draw these conclusions. But this medical clothing for expectant mothers will help to fix the correct position of the fetus.

Increased amniotic fluid

Polyhydramnios is diagnosed using ultrasound. The reasons that cause it can be different:

It is worth noting that at such moments the belly can grow to a very large size.

Repeated pregnancy

If the interval between pregnancies is very small, then stretch marks on the skin may still persist. The abdominal cavity is weakened by previous childbirth.

Also, after a previous birth, a scar from a cesarean section could remain. In general, experience past pregnancy will help determine when to wear a maternity bandage.

Back pain and osteochondrosis

The spine experiences increased stress during pregnancy. There is a shift in the usual center of gravity of the whole body of a woman.

If the expectant mother moves a lot during the day, the load on musculoskeletal system increases. Back pain can lead to persistent sleep disturbance. This is unacceptable for a woman.


The restructuring of internal organs with an increase in the uterus, causes problems of blood circulation in the small pelvis. All circulatory system experiences additional stress, as it must supply oxygen and nutrients growing organism.

Varicose veins in the legs

Signs of varicose veins appear as stars and strings of blue color on foot. Capillaries and small vessels do not withstand and stretch. It happens that this leads to their complete rupture.

The compression bandage will reduce and correctly distribute the load on lower limbs... But remember that this is just one of the measures to prevent varicose veins. There are many other ways to deal with varicose veins.

What else is a maternity bandage for?

And what else is a bandage for pregnant women for? In addition to medical indications, such clothing can relieve stress on the spine, internal organs and skin.

By supporting your belly, it can help you deal with tiredness and heavy legs. This is important when before maternity leave still far away, and the belly begins to grow rapidly.

But a bandage alone will not prepare your abdominal muscles for childbirth. Ideally, you need to do muscle strengthening well before pregnancy.

But for those who did not have time to do this, there are various exercises for pregnant. It is important to do them regularly. You can do the exercises by wearing a bandage.

Until the very birth, he will be the subject of your wardrobe. If such clothing is worn for medical reasons, then the period of its use will be determined exclusively by the doctor.

If your clothes help you carry over physical exercise and creates a sense of comfort, then dress her as needed.

Some moms-to-be do not stop exercising during pregnancy. The abdominal muscles must be supported in excellent shape... The bandage will help you complete all the exercises in your workout without feeling back pain.

How to wear a universal maternity bandage

Many do not know how to properly wear a universal maternity bandage. Let's fix this problem. It should be said that such a model consists of two strips of stretchable material. You can wear it both before and after childbirth. Hence the name - universal.

Universal bandage before and after childbirth

Before giving birth worn as follows. Wide tape fixed along the back to unload it, and narrow under the belly. The tension of the bands is adjusted with Velcro.

The side straps are reinforced with an elastic band with flaps. This allows you to adjust the tension without undoing the entire bondage. After childbirth it is simply turned over with its wide part on its stomach.

The disadvantage of this type is its volume. It can protrude from under the clothes. Velcro sometimes ruins clothes and tights.

Maternity Bondage Panties

Bandage maternity panties are sewn like regular panties, only with an elastic insert in the lower abdomen. Elastic back panel runs along the waist. It is narrower in front to support the belly from below. The wider the elastic, the more effective action bandage.

Maternity Bondage Panties

Briefs can have fasteners on the sides for size adjustment. A fastener is made at the bottom for convenience when visiting the toilet.

Model in shape panties for pregnant women is usually sold with jewelry: ruffles or lace inserts... If you are not going to deny yourself beautiful underwear because of your position, then you can also choose a color. It usually has warm pastel colors.

Maternity Lace Bondage Thongs

If you plan to wear such panties instead of underwear, then you will need to wash them often. Therefore, buy a few in advance.

With a large increase in weight in last trimester These maternity clothes can be very chafing and irritating.

Panties are available in different designs:

  • classic
  • shorts
  • thong

But any doctor will advise you to choose exactly classic version... And for winter, shorts are very suitable. In the cold season, they are much warmer.

Maternity belt

The maternity belt is a wide elastic band. Dress it along the waist and lower abdomen. Secure with Velcro, while adjusting the degree of tension.

Maternity bandage belt

You need to put on such a bandage belt over linen and tights. Velcro can be on the sides and front. The lateral socks are fixed once at the beginning of the socks and are further adjusted as the abdomen grows. Daily adjustment is carried out by the front Velcro flap.

In summer, the belt does not completely cover the belly. As a result, the expectant mother does not suffer from heat and excessive sweating.

Now the model with a hood is very popular. This is the same elastic band, but in the upper part there is a kind of elastic hood for the tummy. This model slips less with everyday wear.

Special models are available for summer time with a mesh hood or a slit on the convex part of the abdomen.

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

One more important question: how to wear a maternity bandage correctly? It should be noted that wearing such medical clothing is not always recommended. After 3 - 4 hours you need to remove it for 30 - 40 minutes. At this time, it is better to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair.

If you or the fetus have any discomfort while wearing the bandage, you must remove it immediately. The child can force you to take off such clothes with active jerks. I also recommend taking it off during a night's sleep or daytime rest in a supine position.

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly

How to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women, the doctor must tell. And not only to tell, but to conduct the first training session.

Bandages are put on and removed, usually in a supine position. This is not very convenient. But everything has its own explanation.

Lying on your back, you need to slightly raise the pelvic region up. V horizontal position the load on the abdominal cavity is minimal. Also, the uterus does not fall down due to gravity.

Sometimes you won't always have the opportunity to lie down. In this case, you need to sit down and lean back as much as possible. Then raise your stomach slightly with your hand. In the pressed position, you can fasten the bandage.

Postpartum bandage

The postpartum band is intended for a different purpose than the prenatal band. Do not rush to put it on and consult your doctor in advance.

Postpartum bandage

Postpartum braces are the same varieties as prenatal braces. But the specificity of the design is determined by their functionality.

They are designed to restore the slimness of the figure and muscle tone after a difficult period of gestation and childbirth. Such clothes are made denser and more elastic.

Contraindications to use

There are various medical contraindications for using such a bandage after childbirth. Therefore, I will begin this important section of the article with them.

Slow contraction of the uterus after childbirth requires close supervision by doctors. Its main part is adjacent to the abdominal wall. The uterus remains mobile due to its elongation after the gestation period.

The tone of the ligamentous apparatus is lowered here. Therefore, in no case should you make decisions on wearing such clothes on your own.

Diseases of the stomach and kidneys after childbirth, they can enter the acute stage.

Cesarean section also plays a role. In this operation, the bandage secures the suture and the entire abdominal wall. This is essential to ensure the healing process. But if the seam is non-standard (longitudinal), then such clothing is contraindicated.

Bowel prolapse can be caused by a change in the location of internal organs and a weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. Therefore, wearing such clothing is prohibited.

Allergic reactions and skin diseases are also part of the contraindications.

You should not wear a bandage after childbirth without a doctor's permission. He will take into account the progress of labor and general state after examination. This can happen on the day of delivery or the next day. But all the same, among the obligatory list of things in the hospital, it is better to take such clothes with you.

How to wear a postpartum brace

Now let's talk a little about how to properly wear a postpartum brace. It is usually worn, depending on the indication, up to 6 weeks after childbirth (postpartum period).

If the doctor has not prescribed the wearing of such clothes immediately after childbirth, then to restore your figure, you will be able to put it on not earlier than after discharge from the hospital.

Remember that such medical clothing alone will not cope with an increase in the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdominal wall. Therefore, be sure to complete the exercise complexes, while gradually increasing the load.

How to put on a bandage after childbirth

Some may find it difficult to properly wear the brace after childbirth. You need to put it on while lying down. Then the pressure in the abdominal cavity is normalized. And the muscles relax as much as possible and are effectively fixed.

Right after giving birth, you need to get to your feet very slowly. Dizziness or fainting may occur. Therefore, be careful here.

The size for the postpartum brace is selected according to the size before delivery. When gaining body weight in 9 months more than 10-12 kg, the size should be taken 1-2 more than usual.

Bandage briefs for postpartum woman

Some manufacturers can offer special bandage panties postpartum woman... This model usually has a reinforced insert in the abdomen.

Postpartum bandage briefs

Sometimes a corset-like structure is made. More rigid bone plates are sewn into the fabric from the inside different lengths... In this case, the height of the band is increased. You can put on such a model with plates no earlier than 30 days after giving birth.

Pants - shorts

Various manufacturers offer bandage shorts or bermuda pants. This type of clothing imaginatively makes the figure slimmer. The hip line is also being corrected. The buttocks and tops of the legs are tightened.

Bandage Shorts

You should not abuse such corsets. It is better to go in for sports and quickly regain the shape lost during pregnancy.

After childbirth, a bandage belt is put on the waist area. It is fastened with Velcro. Modern belts, as a rule, have several additional fasteners on the side to adjust the tension.

Postpartum Bandage Belt

The disadvantage of this type of clothing is slippage. Slides up, as a rule. Therefore, such a belt is not very comfortable to wear with trousers. Sometimes, in order not to form folds on the sides of the belt, additional inserts-bones are made.

Due to its density, such clothes do not highlight the waist line. She not only sucks in the stomach, but also the buttocks, which visually spoils the figure.

Many people may not know how to wear a universal brace after childbirth. It is usually worn upside down. The wide band should hit the belly, and the narrow one should support the back. This design is more resistant to slipping.

Universal postpartum bandage

However, this type of model is quite voluminous and can be seen from under the clothes. After giving birth, you will have to endure and wear loose dress... But after a month and a half, you will regain your shape and be able to wear your favorite tight dresses and skirts.

Postpartum bandage after cesarean section

A postpartum bandage after a caesarean section covers the entire area from the waist down to the pubis. It is equipped with a fastener along the entire width of the belt. Made to be softer than normal postpartum garments.

Postpartum bandage after cesarean

This model, in addition to strengthening the abdominal muscle, prevents the formation of postoperative abdominal hernias.

Can be worn over a sterile suture dressing. It should also be worn until the final scar is formed and full recovery forms.

Where to buy a bandage for pregnant women and how much it costs

Some may wonder where to buy a bandage for pregnant women and mothers after childbirth, as well as how much it costs. It is sold as in specialized stores and in pharmacies. Sometimes they can sell directly at the women's clinic.

It is best to buy in specialized stores that have fitting rooms. Pharmacies may not allow you to try on clothes. And it's better not to buy it without trying it on.

In this case, it is better to try on with outerwear. The bandage should not be visible under the dress. Velcro can get caught in awkward places and ruin clothes.

You can also buy such products in online stores. However, I recommend making such purchases only for the already familiar model. For example, if you need another specific model to replace.

How much it costs?

I will say that the price in pharmacies and shops ranges from 300 to 3000 rubles. It mainly depends on the type of clothing, size, brand and quality of the material itself.

Which maternity bandage is better to choose

What kind of bandage for pregnant women is better to choose - they will tell you at the points of specialized sale. It is important to try them on before buying medical clothing. Try on all the models available in the store.

After putting on the bandage in the fitting room, do not rush to take it off. Stay in it for at least 10-15 minutes. Be sure to do most of your daily routines. Clothes should not crush or rub you. It should be comfortable in it.

It is better to choose models with several rows of fasteners. This will give more precise tension control and will come in handy when upsizing.

When buying clothes for pregnant women or after childbirth, it is better to try on the bandage that you are wearing. He will help you choose right size clothing so that it is not too visible.

Model designs are determined by when they are used: during pregnancy (prenatal) or after childbirth ( postpartum).

There are also universal bandages... The versatility allows you to save money on the purchase, as it can be worn before and after childbirth. But if you expect to use it after childbirth, it is better to buy two after all. After all, the entire period of wearing can take a whole year.

Bandages are made from the most ergonomic and hygroscopic modern materials... High-tech materials create a second skin effect. Ideal for skin natural cotton... But you can't avoid elastane, microfiber or microfiber inserts.

Cheaper models are also on sale. They are made from synthetic materials... But it is better not to save money and choose natural materials.

Maternity bandage with lacing

Elastic fabrics have replaced the lacing on the bandages. Although models with lacing are still produced, like those of our mothers and grandmothers. It is impossible to quickly put on and take off such a bandage. Also, the lacing is often located on the back. We need to call someone for help.

V summer time it is better to purchase a bandage with perforation in the upper part. This creates additional ventilation and.

How to choose a maternity bandage by size

Now let's talk about how to choose a maternity bandage in size. Naturally, you need to buy a new one, not a used one. If you will be wearing it all the time, then it is better to buy several pieces for a change. After all, elastic parts can stretch as you wear them.

The size of the clothes should also vary. It is not always possible to do this with fasteners and Velcro. On different timeframes pregnancy belly has different sizes.

The size will be matched to you in a specialized department of the pharmacy or store, if your doctor has not taken care of this. To determine the size, measure the volume of the thighs under the belly with a centimeter. Sometimes it is additionally required to measure the waist as well.

How to determine the size of the maternity bandage?

In general, the sizes are indicated corresponding to the volume of the hips 90, 100, and so on. 1, 2, and the like can be specified. In this case, 1 corresponds to 90, 2 - 100, and further on an ascending basis.

The size can be indicated in Latin letters or numbers, like ordinary clothes. In this case, the size of the bandage is determined by your pre-pregnancy size. The table of correspondence between Latin letters and numerical values ​​can be found in any reference book.

An example of a table of sizes of a bandage for pregnant women

Maternity bandage photo

Below I suggest you see a photo of several models of prenatal bandages for pregnant and postnatal women. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Briefs before childbirth

Panties after childbirth

Postpartum shorts

Postpartum belt


Now you know how to wear a maternity bandage correctly and which one is better to choose. There are two main areas - prenatal and postnatal. Then there are various models.

Before wearing, be sure to consult a doctor, as there are various contraindications. If you have already decided on a model, then it will not be difficult for you to buy it. Pay attention to the dimensions and especially the quality of the material. In general, be healthy!

It is no secret that during gestation, the mother experiences serious discomfort associated with an increase in the load on the muscles of the back, legs and internal organs. In some cases normal flow pregnancy is impossible without providing additional support for the mother, so an orthopedic device is prescribed to solve the problem. Today we will discuss their types and functionality.

Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy?

Before discussing a prenatal bandage and figuring out which one is best for you, you should figure out why the device is being bought and in which cases it is not required.

Indications for wearing

is an orthopedic product designed to help you during pregnancy. The bandage serves additional support length and bone fixator.

Let's discuss the indications for use.

  1. If you move a lot during the day, spend a lot of time upright.
  2. There are pains that are caused by the increase and size of the child.
  3. Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis), as well as various injuries due to which osteochondrosis has occurred.
  4. In the process of gestation, pain in the legs occurs. Also, the product is needed when.
  5. It is used for fixation when the failure of the bandage leads to the sagging of the abdomen.

Important! The product must be worn for obstetric pathology, since the lack of an orthopedic device may entail additional problems.


At the same time, there are contraindications, which are based on the functionality of the device.

The fact is that Continuous use of this product causes the abdominal muscles to atrophy. The same thing happens with the leg muscles of astronauts, which long time are in zero gravity. In our case, the following happens: after childbirth, atrophied muscles, devoid of elasticity, tighten much longer, returning to their initial shape. As a result, after the woman gets saggy, as if she gave birth to 5-6 children at once.

It is also worth abandoning the product if you have tissue or skin diseases in the pelvic area. Since any tissue impairs oxygen access, skin diseases can progress, therefore, the device must not be worn.
It should also be said that the use of a bandage is not widespread for the reason that it is not required attribute women in position. Nature made sure that the woman's body could fulfill its main reproductive function, therefore, the use of the product is limited, which may worsen the flow. Also, the bandage is used when several children are expected at once.

Did you know? The first orthopedic invention that was used to support a fetus during pregnancy dates back to 1700 BC. These devices were used to reduce protrusion.

How to choose a bandage? Views

Having discussed what a prenatal bandage for pregnant women is, let's talk about which one is better to choose. We will deal with the main types of products and their functionality.

Prenatal Briefs for pregnant women is the usual woman pants that have an additional extended insert on top to help support the abdomen. Such a product will help to cope with carrying in the case when only a little support is required, and not fixation of the abdomen and back with the transfer of weight to the shoulders.

Main advantages:

  • low price;
  • the product is not noticeable under clothing;
  • easy to put on and comfortable to wear.
  • you can only put on the product while lying down, so there is a problem with going to the restroom;
  • panties require daily washing, so you won't be able to get by with one pair;
  • panty bandage is not suitable for overweight women, since it cannot stretch too much.

It is worth saying that the prenatal bandage in the form of panties is used only during pregnancy. After that, such a product becomes useless.

Universal maternity bandage

The universal prenatal bandage is most easily described as “two in one”, as it is used both during pregnancy and after childbirth. It looks like an ordinary belt, but on one side it has a narrow strip, and on the other - a wide one.

During pregnancy, the wider part is located on the lower back, and the narrower part is located under the belly. After pregnancy, the belt is turned over so that the wider part supports the abdomen.

  • versatility;
  • small price;
  • can be put on and off anywhere.
  • v in this case versatility means you won't get too much convenient device that can slide;
  • one way or another, and the belt will be noticeable under light clothing.

Prenatal bandage belt

This option is a wide elastic waistband with Velcro that allows you to adjust it to suit your needs. Such a belt is attached in the lumbar region, and fastens directly under the abdomen, allowing you to hold the fetus at the same level and reducing the load on the lower back muscles.

Main pluses:

  • easy to put on and take off;
  • the fabric is natural, so in hot weather the belt does not overheat the skin;
  • has a low price;
  • there is a possibility of adjustment during the growth of the abdomen.

  • Velcro can damage clothing;
  • with poor fastening, it can slide;
  • stands out under the lung.

By today's standards, it is an "outdated" option, as it requires third-party assistance to fully fix the product. However, this option is ideal for those women who have serious problems with the spine, which makes carrying a child torture, especially in the later stages. The main advantage of the corset is the correct fixation of the fetus from all sides, as well as the general support of the back.


  • fixes the fetus over the entire area of ​​the abdomen, both above and below;
  • fixes the spine, reducing the load;
  • improves posture.

  • requires outside help;
  • stands out in light clothing;
  • expensive;
  • covers a large area of ​​the skin, which increases sweating.

Popular brands producing maternity bandages

It's time to talk about the main manufacturers of bandages that are present on our market. Consider the pros and cons of each brand.

Bandage for pregnant women "Fest"

The manufacturer has a whole line of products for expectant mothers, so it allows you to choose not only desired view products, but also underwear, as well as various devices used during pregnancy
The prenatal bandage "Fest" is a medical device, therefore its functionality is aimed at treatment. That is, the products are used in medicinal purposes, not just to support the fetus.


  • Prevents impaired blood circulation in the kidneys.
  • Reduces the risk of prematurity.
  • Reduces the likelihood of female genital prolapse after childbirth.

Bandage for pregnant women "Orlett"

The manufacturer produces enough expensive products for pregnant women who have improved functionality. High price based on best quality materials that do not cause allergic reactions and also have hydrophobic properties. In this case, the fabric has extended term service, thanks to which it can be used in case of repeated pregnancy.

Important! Orlett Prenatal Bandage is designed for the second and early third trimester, and can also be used after childbirth.

The price also includes additional costs for the development of a bandage that is comfortable in all respects, which has additional Velcro and tightening tapes that allow you to perfectly fit the product to any figure within the same size.

Maternity bandage "Nuova vita"

"Nova Vita" offers products that are distinguished by their individuality and, at the same time, have great quality fabrics. The gadgets have different color variations, allowing the expectant mother to choose exactly the color that best suits the clothes.

All products are made from microfiber, which allows oxygen to pass through well, eliminating the occurrence of prickly heat or irritation. Also, due to the properties of the material, the product fits well to the body, providing comfort.

Bandage for pregnant women "Ekoten"

This manufacturer differs in that it makes 2-in-1 belts, which are safely used during the period. Most of the products are equipped with additional plastic ribs to provide better back support. Also, the devices have several additional puffs that better fix the product.

"Ecoten" is used by those women who have a predisposition to sagging skin after childbirth, as well as expectant mothers who have problems with the spine in the lumbar region.

The prenatal bandage has various sizes so that you can choose the product for your figure. Therefore, further let's talk about how to determine your size and choose a product that will fit perfectly.

It should be said right away that if you have the opportunity to try on a product, then be sure to do it, since there are always errors in measuring the size.
So, to find out the size, you need to measure the girth of the hips below the abdomen. It is in the place where the hips expand as much as possible, and not closer to the knees.

After measuring, you need to compare the data with the size table:

  • XS - 90 cm;
  • S - 95 cm;
  • M - 100 cm;
  • L - 105 cm;
  • XL - 110 cm;
  • XXL - 115 cm.
If your size is between the above, then you should give preference to a larger bandage, which has additional straps for the tie.

Important! In no case, do not take the smaller option, as you risk pinching the stomach, harming the fetus.

It should be understood that each manufacturer can produce goods that have slight deviations from your described dimensions, so be sure to check not only the size, but also the girth of the product, since the missing centimeters will be noticeable.

How to put on and when to start wearing the bandage?

Finally, we'll talk about how to put on your prenatal brace and when to start wearing it.

How to put on a bandage?

If you are using the product in the form of underpants, then wear it so that the fixing (top) tape is located under the belly, regardless of its size. Sitting on the stomach, the panties not only lose all functionality, since they do not hold anything, but also begin to squeeze the stomach. As for the belts, they are also attached under the belly, like the underpants, playing the role of support. To prevent the product from slipping, it should be pressed against the pubic bone and wrap around the thighs, slightly squeezing them.

When to start wearing?

The prenatal bandage is prescribed by the attending physician, he also determines from what period to wear. For this reason, it is not possible to specify time frames in a free format. Usually, the product begins to be worn from the 5th month and before childbirth, since it is during this period that the abdomen grows very quickly and, accordingly, the load on both the musculoskeletal system and internal organs increases.

It is better to wear the postpartum option in the first days after the birth of the child, since the functions of the bandage at this time are most useful, they help to tighten the stomach, but do not prevent sagging of the skin.

Did you know? The latest advancement in this area is the "smart" band, which is equipped with sensors that indicate the movement and condition of the fetus. It communicates with the mobile device and lets you know what the child is doing. The system keeps track of your kid's actions so that you don't miss anything.

This concludes the discussion of orthopedic products that help reduce the stress on pregnancy during pregnancy. motor system and internal organs. Be sure to consult your doctor when choosing a bandage, and also be sure to choose your size and do not use used options. Remember that an orthopedic product is not an accessory, but is intended for certain cases, so if the doctor thinks that you do not need it, then this is true and worth listening to.

From our article you will find out what the maternity bandage is for and how to dress and wear it correctly. We will also introduce you to the most popular types of bandages for women in an interesting position.

Pregnancy is the most wonderful period in the life of every woman. During these nine months, she will be surrounded by the care and love of her loved ones. Pleasant chores will begin literally from the first days. After all, as long as the state of health allows mom-to-be there is a lot to do. We need to prepare a room for the baby, buy clothes, a stroller and a bath for him.

Some women are so addicted to buying essential items that they forget about their health. And they do so, of course, in vain. Indeed, from the moment the child begins to develop intensively, the pressure is quite strong on the spine and internal organs of the pregnant woman. Therefore, starting with fourth month you need to help your body to cope with these loads. A maternity bandage will help you to cope with this task correctly.

What is a maternity bandage?

Maternity Briefs

Bandage- this is a special belt that helps the walls of the abdominal cavity and all internal organs stay in place. Another function of this device is to unload the spine. Thanks to the bandage, a woman practically does not feel the load on her back and can more long time be on your feet.

This device is especially helpful for women who do not quit their jobs until the very birth. It allows the expectant mother, even at a later date, to feel good, move freely and go about her business.

But, in addition to medical, the bandage also has cosmetic properties... Wearing it minimizes the likelihood of ugly stretch marks. In addition, the bandage reduces recovery period... Since on abdominal walls there is minimal pressure, and they practically do not stretch, then a few weeks after giving birth a woman can boast of an almost perfect tummy.

Indications for wearing a bandage for pregnant women

Ostechondrosis requires regular wearing of a bandage for pregnant women

Some women consider the bandage a waste of money and try to do without it. Of course, if the pregnancy passes without complications and the woman does not have discomfort in the back, then it is quite possible to do without this device. But in addition to the desire of the pregnant girl herself, there are also medical indicators in which the tummy is in mandatory additional support required.

Therefore, before categorically refusing to wear a bandage, be sure to weigh the pros and cons. After all, if you are carrying your first baby, and he has enough heavy weight, then you definitely cannot do without this special belt.

You need to wear a bandage in the following cases:
Previous birth ended in caesarean section
Multiple pregnancy
3rd-6th pregnancy
Weak abs
Having problems with the spine
Abnormal presentation of the fetus
Risk of miscarriage
High water

When to start wearing a maternity brace?

You should start wearing a bandage at about the fifth month of pregnancy.

Although it is believed that the bandage should be worn from the 20th week of pregnancy, the final and correct solution can only be a doctor who deals with your health. Based on your test results and how you feel, your gynecologist may advise you to wear a belt for the whole day or for a specific period of time.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, it is recommended to start wearing it from about 24 weeks. But if the woman's condition is satisfactory or she bears twins or triplets, then wearing a bandage is attributed already from 12-14 weeks. If you are cheerful and full of energy and a rounded tummy does not interfere with your usual activities, you can postpone the purchase of a belt until 28 weeks.

How to choose a maternity bandage?

Make sure that the bandage does not pinch the tummy

As you probably already understood, the main function of the brace is to support the tummy and relieve the spine. But in order to do just that, it is necessary that the belt of saddles on the body is perfect. It is unacceptable for it to dangle or squeeze the body very strongly. If you don't quite choose correct model, that is, the likelihood that this will negatively affect both your well-being and the well-being of your baby.

Therefore, do not hesitate and always check the parameters of the belt. And so that you do not have any problems during the purchase, you can measure your body in advance in the area of ​​the hips, waist and mid-abdomen.

Recommendations for choosing a bandage for pregnant women:
The size of the belt should be slightly larger than your underwear.
Give preference to models made of thick cotton
Be sure to try on the bandage in the store
Do not buy a growth belt.
Make purchases only at specialized locations or pharmacies

Maternity bandage size, table

Try to get the right bandage size

If you do not have the opportunity to try on in a store or pharmacy, then try to pick up the best option based on the data of a special table.

Maternity Bands Size Chart:

Girth under the belly Hip girth Bandage size European size bandage
89-92 85-90 42-44 XS
93-96 91-95 46-48 S
97-101 90-101 50-52 M
102-104 101-105 54-56 L
105-108 106-110 58-60 XL
109-115 111-115 62-64 XXL

How to wear a maternity bandage?

Remove the bandage every three hours

If you were able to choose the right bandage, then there should be no problems with its sock. All you have to do is dress it correctly and periodically give your body a rest. After putting on the belt, be sure to see if you have fixed everything correctly. Make sure it squeezes your body evenly.

And if during the movement you felt that in some place he weakened and began to dangle, then try to find a secluded place and fix it in correct position... Usually, gynecologists do not recommend wearing a bandage for more than three hours in a row. Therefore, if you need to be on your feet all day, do not forget to take it off every 3-4 hours or they would like to weaken it.

It is also very important to take proper care of the bandage. If possible, then wash it every 2-3 days and be sure to dry it well in the sun. So you will be able to avoid the reproduction of harmful flora and protect yourself and your baby from infection with pathogenic viruses.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

Maternity bandage belt

There are three types of maternity braces. Some of them are designed specifically to support an ever-increasing tummy, others help to correct posture and relieve the spine, and still others cope with all functions at the same time. In order for you to be able to understand which one is right for you, we suggest that you work with us to understand the types of support belts.

Prenatal... Helps to properly distribute the weight of the tummy and maintains the spine in the right position. In addition, regular wearing of this belt helps to minimize the likelihood of stretch marks in the abdomen.
Postpartum. Promotes more quick recovery abdominal muscles. There are models that can be worn immediately after childbirth.
Universal... Typically, such a model has two sides, one of which is almost twice the size of the other. Most often, the smaller side has a width of 25-35 cm.This allows a woman to use it while carrying babies and during the recovery period

In addition, the bandages can also be divided into the following types:
Bandage panties. They are distinguished from ordinary underwear by a special elastic insert. This type of bandage is categorically not suitable for women who are gaining weight intensively. In this case, it will be quite difficult to find the correct size.
Bandage belt. This device is more popular with women than the previous one. This is due to the fact that it has a special multi-level fixation system. Therefore, you can safely use it throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

How to put on the bandage correctly?

Correctly worn bandage will never pinch the body

Before you start putting on the bandage, be sure to read the instructions. Usually it is always sold in one set with a belt. If it so happens that you have chosen a model without an information sheet, then find a video on this topic on the Internet.

After you study all the information in detail, you can come directly to dressing. Usually, panty models dress exclusively in a horizontal position. Most often they are dressed, even in the morning, without getting out of bed. But do not confuse them with ordinary underwear. In no case should they replace your usual panties. To comply with all hygiene rules such a bandage should be worn over standard underwear. The support belt can also be worn in a horizontal position. In this case, the main thing is to fix the fasteners correctly.

When you are finished putting on the bandage, take a close look at yourself in the mirror. If you did everything correctly, then the belt will be under the belly, and not around the navel. Right clad bandage should cover slightly pubic bone and rest on the hips. At the end, try to squat or bend over a little. If you feel that the belt is digging into the stomach, slightly undo the fasteners.

Contraindications to wearing a bandage

As such, there are no contraindications prohibiting a pregnant woman to wear a bandage. Provided that the woman is healthy and the pregnancy is easy, she may well do without him. The expectant mother is prohibited from wearing a belt only if there is a possibility that it will harm the baby. In all other cases, women can easily make their lives easier during the period of intensive abdominal growth.

The most common contraindications are:
Allergy to the material from which the belt is sewn
Transverse and breech presentation fetus
Jumping weight gain (you cannot wear a panty)

Video: How to put on a maternity bandage correctly

Each type of bandage has its own selection rules, but it should be remembered that you cannot start wearing this or that bandage without first consulting a specialist. Hernia and postoperative bandages are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Prenatal braces do not require a strict prescription from a doctor, however, it is recommended to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist before purchasing them.

Postoperative and hernial bandages
Postoperative bandages differ in width and girth. The required width of the postoperative band is determined based on the height and build of the patient, as well as the length and location of the suture. The bandage should cover postoperative suture from all sides by at least 1 cm. In order to correctly determine the girth of the postoperative bandage, it is necessary to know the patient's waist.

Based on this data, the sales consultant will be able to choose the best model for you. Usually, manufacturers indicate in the description of the bandage what parameters it is designed for, so you can also choose the bandage yourself in the online store or pharmacy.

If a chest postoperative bandage is selected, then it is necessary to know the girth of the chest in the place where it is planned to wear it. For women, the chest circumference is measured under the breasts.

For correct selection inguinal bandage is necessary to know the volume of the abdomen. The volume of the abdomen is measured along the line between the waist and the hips. In order to measure the volume of the abdomen, you must first measure 8-10 cm down from the waistline with a centimeter, then measure the volume of the body at the resulting point. This is the volume of the abdomen.

For the correct selection of the umbilical bandage, it is enough to know the size of the waist.

Prenatal and postpartum bandages
Before proceeding with the selection of a prenatal bandage, it is necessary to study the list of indications for wearing it. Firstly, it is worth thinking about a prenatal band after the 20th week of pregnancy, when the belly is already noticeable. Secondly, you need to consider physiological features- Prenatal bandage is strongly recommended for weak muscles of the press and pelvic floor, with osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine, fragile constitution and a predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks).

The main indication for wearing a brace is, of course, pain in the lower back and back. WITH medical point vision, these pains are natural and do not have negative consequences however it is difficult to tolerate them on a daily basis for several months.

Lifestyle is also important future mother... With an active lifestyle, a bandage is a must. Moreover, an active lifestyle is considered in which a pregnant woman is in an upright position for more than 3 hours a day, not to mention the fact that she can work.

Certain obstetric pathology(excessive increase in the size of the uterus, multiple pregnancy, big sizes fetus, etc.), in which the bandage is prescribed by a doctor and is vital for both mother and baby.

Prenatal Bandage Models
If we talk about models of prenatal bandages, then it can be a brace-panties and a bandage-belt.

High-waisted bandage panties with elastic inserts on the abdomen and lower back are worn over underwear or on a naked body. The second option is less preferable, since it requires daily washing of the bandage. Such a bandage is worn only while lying down.

The bandage belt is fastened under the abdomen with a Velcro fastener, it fixes the uterus well without squeezing the fetus, and is adjustable in girth. Such a bandage can be worn both lying down and standing.

Which model to choose depends on the lifestyle of the pregnant woman and her personal preferences. To women who lead active image life up to late date pregnancy, a bandage belt is more suitable, so it is easier and faster to remove and put on.

Sizes of prenatal and postnatal bandages
The size of the prenatal brace is most often determined by the circumference of the hips under the belly. However, some manufacturers have their own size rulers, taking into account the circumference of the waist and hips at the widest point, as well as the height and weight of the pregnant woman. Therefore, it is advisable to measure all these parameters before purchasing. When choosing a bandage panties, you need to add one to the size of your underwear before pregnancy.

Obstetricians-gynecologists strongly recommend wearing a postpartum brace for the first 2 weeks after childbirth in order to help the abdominal muscles to restore tone and the muscles of the uterus to contract. However, the decision to wear a postpartum brace should only be made in conjunction with your doctor. Postpartum bandage is not recommended for certain skin conditions, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, as well as with certain sutures after a cesarean section. The size of the postpartum brace is determined by the circumference of the hips after the baby is born.