As you like in communication. Be confident, but not selfish. When you liked the successful and rich

In a relationship, a woman should take the passive side. No action is required from a woman, only reciprocity is enough from her. But it's all very easy when the man himself drew attention to you and takes the first steps himself.

At the same time, a woman often likes a man whom she does not know at all. In this case, it is necessary to take the steps yourself, but so that the man does not even guess who first planned the acquaintance.

How to please a man at first sight

To please a man at first sight is not a talent, but a certain behavior that requires skills, knowledge and naturalness. To please a man without saying a word is the most smart decision such a delicate issue.

You must look beautiful. A delightful image is the easiest way to draw attention to yourself. In women, men are attracted by sophistication, lightness, restraint and style. Moreover, style is understood not only as harmonious clothing, but also character traits: light makeup, which emphasizes your facial features, mannerisms, looks, movements. Men are interested in those women who are able to bewitch and arouse deep interest.

Create in advance suitable image, and then the man himself will pay attention to you. Next, the matter is right behavior after the first impression.

How to meet a man you like

A man should be the first to get acquainted - this is a stereotype that for many broke down in the last century, along with the beginning of a wave of feminism. Of course, the situation when a man comes up and gets to know you is the best. You don't have to take independent steps, you just have to reciprocate and not look like you were just waiting for him to talk to you.

If you want to get to know a man, you can choose any way to do this: be at a party next to him, accidentally involve him in general conversation, write a message to social network. A man will not consider this an obsession if you maintain an appearance of restraint in all your actions.

If you are near a man, it is best to start a conversation with direct gaze on it and simple phrases. Next, follow the reaction of the man: if he likes you, he will definitely support the conversation. There are humble men, which are really lost in such a situation, but even by his views and movements you can understand whether he is located in relation to you or not. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Always leave yourself a chance to say goodbye to a man as easily as you spoke to him.

How to behave to please a man

Men will like it natural behavior and lightness of the girl. Do not be afraid to show your artistic abilities, but in moderation.

Carry on a conversation with a man as with an old acquaintance, do not be afraid to ask a man suggestive questions. They like it when they are interested, when they want to know about them.

All male nature is built on the desire for power and influence. Submit to the man. This can be done even in dialogue: develop those topics that the man touches. If he changes topics, then do not be afraid to act the same, to play along with the man, so to speak, while not deviating from your usual phrases.

Psychologists advises to first establish with a man visual contact. If a man is already looking at you, then look him straight in the eyes, but literally for a split second. After some time, you can repeat this technique and add a slight smile. Men are very perceptive, and such gestures will show him your interest.

How to impress a man on a first date

If a man asked you out on a date, it means that he is already interested in you. Therefore, do not worry and be nervous. Be his friend and girlfriend at the same time. Do not be afraid to joke, express your emotions and speak out about the topics covered. After all, on a date, a man wants to know you, hear you, understand you a little more. If you go on a date looking beautiful and irresistible, but there is nothing to talk about with you, you will cause vague feelings for yourself: a man may think that you are only interested in your beauty.

Avoid criticizing things around you. You can express your views, but do not show dissatisfaction with the chosen restaurant, service or contingent. On a first date, it doesn't matter as long as you don't underline your displeasure.

What to talk about with the man you like

You can discuss many neutral topics with the man you like, but at the same time you will recognize each other. Worth avoiding banal questions. You don't even have to ask anything to have a conversation. Enough to pick interesting topics and the man himself will tell you everything.

Observe golden mean between speaking and listening. If a man asked you about your life, work, activities, do not hesitate to tell him, but only the most interesting. Do not list the names of your colleagues, it is better to remember one, but funny story. At the same time, you should not laugh after your own jokes, especially since you still don’t know a man’s sense of humor so well.

SMS to the man you like

You should not write SMS to the man you like immediately after the first date. It is best to wait until the man calls you himself. If you are sure of his sympathy, but did not receive a call, you can write an SMS, but one that does not oblige the man to respond and, moreover, to meet. If a man reacted to a message that did not require an answer (without an explicit question), it means that he is really interested in continuing the conversation.

How to dress to please a man

In fact, men have different tastes, but everyone likes restraint and elegance. Men are attracted, of course, to dresses, skirts, blouses with cutouts, tight-fitting clothes that emphasize your silhouette.

Make-up should be (and it must be!) Light, not flashy. Be sure to blend well tone cream, shadows, powder. Men are very repelled by untidiness, and even more so on the face: there should be no lumps of mascara in the corners of the eyes, foundation should not be visible on the nasolabial folds.

If you wear jewelry, then it must be of high quality. Otherwise, it is better to completely abandon jewelry.

Manicure should also be chip-free, hands should be moisturized, perfume should not be intrusive.

Make sure that all buttons that need to be buttoned are buttoned. If you are wearing jeans or a low-waisted skirt, then you should always be sure that the lower back is not visible. Underwear.

Hair must be clean and well-styled, and all gadgets and accessories must be free of scratches and cracks.

If you do not know the tastes of men, then it is better to avoid bright accents in clothes or leave only 1-2 bright details of your image. For example, instead of a green skirt, it is better to wear a gray or black one, but add interesting bracelet or belt.

You should be comfortable in the clothes you choose. Feminine jumpsuits made of light fabrics, pencil skirts in combination with blouses or shirts always look very beautiful.

Elegance requires the absence of multiple prints. If you put on a checkered shirt, then the rest of the wardrobe should be basic monochrome colors. A plaid shirt, for example, does not go well with a colored scarf or fishnet tights.

In pursuit of femininity and elegance, beware of vulgarity. On first dates, it is better not to wear patterned tights, turtlenecks with cutouts, short dresses. If a man is interested in long-term and serious relationship, he will not approve of such behavior of yours.

What gift will a man like

It is important to choose according to the circumstances. If you are not close enough yet, then you should not give a man gifts with a clear hint of a relationship: shirts, underwear, household items. However, you can choose as a gift male accessory. For example, business card holder, purse, tie clip, car paraphernalia.

It is important that the thing High Quality but not expensive. Expensive gifts are generally considered bad manners.

If you know the tastes of a man well, then great gift become a book or collector's edition. You can also choose a quality notebook. successful man should be able to plan his time, so a notebook is a necessary thing.

If you want to give a man an invitation to any interesting event then the situation needs to be assessed. The fact is that invitations are always given in duplicate, since a man must go to the event with someone. But a man should not feel your obsessive behavior. Perhaps the man did not plan on this stage relations to attend an event with you, so it is best to give invitations with a closer relationship with a man.

Phrases for a man to like him

Men like to feel their importance, but at the same time, many of them are quite insightful. So don't flatter the man.

In order for him to like your words, they must first of all be sincere.

For example, you can say that suits the man the sweater he wore to the meeting. You didn't tell the man that he was handsome, but you emphasized that he looked good.

It is best to notice the details, but not to make direct compliments. A man will not only enjoy your words, but also notice your insight.

You can also use phrases in a conversation that emphasize your positive emotions next to this person. "I feel good with you" - simple and sincere words that will please the man. After all, he understands that your sense of harmony depends on his presence.

Feel free to tell the man how you feel, but don't use big words. “I like the way you care” - with these words you not only convey to the man his importance, but also emphasize your own. After all, you notice his signs of attention in relation to yourself, and the man will know about it.

How to please a man - the main female trick

Women's tricks are the main tool of girls to conquer a man.

To female tricks include smell, charm, naturalness, sight, mind, voice, clothing and femininity.

Work on yourself, on each of the listed points, emphasize your the best sides and fix deficiencies.

How to please a man video

The video below shows the behavior of women that men like. The views of men on the opposite sex and their tastes are described.

As they say, people will never have a second, and most of us feel anxious when we try to please people. We consider ourselves pretty funny and witty when we communicate with close people and friends who know us well and with whom we feel comfortable. But what happens when we meet new strangers? It is often difficult for us to come up with the perfect joke that will make everyone laugh and perceive us as attractive people.

We're not sure if the thought we're going to say will actually be funny, or if our attempts at humor will make people look at us in awkward silence. These feelings self-doubt will become a thing of the past if you start practicing the five solid advice below.

  1. Make your body language more expressive

  2. One characteristic is their expressive body language. In moderation, of course. People won't be drawn to you if you just stand as still as a tree, making your jokes so simple and boring. If you accompany your speech, people will take it as a sign of your courage and confidence. Therefore, what you say will be more natural and people will want to hear more about it.

  3. Amplify someone else's ego

  4. No one can remain invulnerable when you praise him, even if you say it in the form of criticism. People like it when their virtues and qualities are noticed, and stimulating their ego will certainly help people to like you. Even if you say, for example, to a girl: “I didn’t think this dress could look so good on someone!” The person will take it as a compliment. Yes, you criticized her fashion sense, but at the same time, you said how attractive she is.

  5. Make jokes about things that won't make people feel insecure

  6. It's normal to feel uncomfortable when someone makes fun of you. But if someone jokes about something that is out of your control, either because it's temporary or it's not in your personality, that's another story. You don't take this as a criticism, the joke will be funny, and you will like this person. Therefore, another way to please people is to play jokes on them, but in a way that does not make them feel embarrassed.

    So, if some of your friends have done something that is far from who they really are, like doing something stupid while intoxicated, and they are not the type of people who are used to getting drunk, they will not get angry if you joke at their expense. They will join you and laugh because it's not mean. it fun entertainment in which everyone can take part.

  7. Laugh at yourself

  8. The best way to please people is always by making fun of yourself. People are always ready to jump up and greet such jokes with a smile and approval. Why is that? Because it tells them that you are not an insecure person, that you are fine realize your shortcomings and that you accept them as part of your identity, you are not afraid to show them to the world.

    You should not follow a path that will make a fool out of you, people will take it as a hint of stupidity. When you say, "I could be a model if I wanted to." People will understand that you are joking about your appearance without directly saying "I'm fat" or "I'm not that handsome", which would be a sign of your insecurity. Therefore, to please people, laugh at yourself.

  9. Don't offend anyone with your jokes

  10. If people feel insecure about a particular aspect of their appearance or their personality, jokes about it will hurt their feelings, and they will probably be wary of you for a long time, maybe even for the rest of their lives.

    Trying to score points hurting other people, even if everyone else laughs, is not the right way please people. Imagine how you would feel if it were the other way around. Not funny anymore, right? Just be careful when messing with other people's feelings, then you won't be on the right way and you can always please people.

These five tips are used by many people. With their help, you will be able to please people, and even more, they will make people fall in love with you.

We all noticed that among the fair sex there is such a type of young ladies, for whom men go in single file. For such daughters of Eve, there are no questions how to please a man or win the heart of an impregnable and arrogant male. Such seductive women the art of seduction flows in their blood, and they don’t even have to strain at least to interest and fall in love with themselves the right man. What is the secret of female magnetism, what is the elixir of temptation, which guys fly like honey, we will understand in this article.

Seduction theory: what kind of women do men like
In the understanding of many, the art of seduction - secret knowledge about demonic obsession and magical skills of temptation. Persons who wield these mysterious lures are like witches who conjure at night to create a love potion. However, at its core, seduction is a kind of romantic game, flowing on certain positively charged coordinates. Knowledge of the rules of this endless game is given to some girls from birth in the form of charming charisma. Other tireless Madonnas master the art of seduction through the focused study of features. male psychology and tireless self-improvement.

No matter how the ladies acquire knowledge of how to fall in love with a man, the law of seduction works only if inner world persons are a font of pleasure. When a woman is in harmony with herself. When she perceives life not as a source of suffering and pain, but as a well of inspiration and pleasure. When her surroundings are not mortal enemies, but friends who bestow vital energy.
So what kind of women do men like? There can be no single answer here, the standards of femininity for each guy are different. However, most men peck at the hook on which the following baits are strung.

Bait 1
Women who know how to seduce a man are always optimistic and positive. They enjoy every moment of life and are sure that tomorrow will be better. They meet their chosen one with joy and a smile. They never have a headache with a man. Madams who know how to win a man do not have bad mood and signs of depression.

Bait 2
Ladies who know how to please a guy are always happy with everything. They are not upset by the arrival of their companion at three in the morning in a drunken stupor and with traces of lipstick on his cheeks. They are not upset that their daughter has been walking around in a torn coat for the third year, and in order to pay the loan installment, they need to take out a new loan. They do not strain their partner with trips to some Malta, being content with mud from the local swamp. They are happy that their little pot is lying on the sofa and dreams that he will someday become the heir to the Queen of England.

Bait 3
Girls who know how to interest men do not have close relatives. Ideally, a seductive woman is an orphan. If she has relatives, then they probably live at the North Pole. The mothers of seductive women are beautiful fairies who live in a fairy-tale kingdom and visit their son-in-law only to hand over the keys to a brand new behi.

Bait 4
Magnetic persons who are able to please a man always take responsibility and keep everything under personal control. They always have enough money from paycheck to paycheck and have a stash to pay for the loss in the casino of their chosen one. They plan their own vacation and pay for their stay at the resort. Such madams never reproach a man for not writing a report on time because they courageously saved their betrothed from a hangover by running several times for beer. They understand that it is their own fault that this beer was not in the refrigerator in the right amount.

Bait 5
Women who are able to seduce a man see only good things in their chosen one. Even when this good thing was deeply lost behind a ten-year drug addiction experience. Their life partner is an ideal prince, perfect even if he took the last plate out of the house to pay off gambling debt. Their husband is a superhero, even if he has been sitting on his wife’s neck for the last twenty years, legs dangling comfortably. Their husband is wonderful if he methodically insults, humiliates, beats his wife.

How to master the technology of seduction: tips from an experienced temptress
How to please a man if you don’t have the qualities of a victim from birth, and you simply don’t plan to be a rag to wipe your feet? It turns out that it is not at all necessary to sacrifice your feelings. dignity to charm the guy. I will share how I went through the path of transformation in order to win the heart of a thirty-year-old single handsome man with a solid account in a Swiss bank.

Step 1
In technology, how to seduce a man, my special look takes pride of place. The “shooting” tactics practiced in front of the mirror can now disarm any Cavalier with a seductive visual signal. The "eye shooting" trick has worked for centuries, and works flawlessly on modern guys. How to interest a man? Give him a half smile, look straight into his eyes, languidly look away, then look modestly again. Guys perceive such a signal as a call to action.

Step 2
To win over a man, I began to use my charming voice, pronouncing phrases in two timbres. My first voice - everyday - I use for normal friendly communication. Notes of the second - deep and smooth - I save for intimate messages that hit right in the guy's heart.

Step 3
To make a man fall in love with me, I learned to “accidentally” touch him. I boldly but not brazenly penetrate his personal space and make an inviting gesture. I casually touch his arm, or unintentionally brush breadcrumbs off his jacket. Almost every male perceives my touch as a gong to start hunting.

Step 4
To look passionate and attractive, you need to have your own passion and infect others with it. Such a passion for me was the hobby of my chosen one - karting. Not only did these races allow me to feel the drive from a surge of adrenaline, I managed to become a test site star among male pilots. My handsome boy simply had no choice but to start competing with other males for my attention.

Step 5
I began to meticulously monitor my appearance and body, not in order to please men. I brought the figure into perfect shape for yourself. Maybe this doesn’t sound quite right to other matrons, but the fat sagging folds of men’s ladies do not inspire feats. Even though I'm not a model glossy magazine, however, my legs are slender, my tummy is tucked up and my posture is like that of a person of royal blood. In addition, my passion for running in the morning for some reason turned out to be a habit of my chosen one. And we conquer park alleys together.

Step 6
I realized that my imperfection lay in my past and began to eliminate all reminders of my bad story. I got rid of a huge mountain of things that had been lying aimlessly on the shelves for ten years. I ventured to visit a stylist who came up with a rather seductive look for me. Now, instead of the usual jeans, I confidently flaunt in a cool miniskirt and high heels. I really like my reflection in the mirror, and my contentment with myself drags all the guys around me into a net. The chosen handsome man, including.

Step 7
I decided to surround my space with beauty. Now I do not have a snack on the go, but I taste the delicacies flaunting on a luxurious antique service. Instead of a boring picture of a pine forest masking a hole in the wall, I hung a portrait of myself, skillfully photoshopped by a photographer. I don't sleep on bed linen, which I inherited from my grandmother, and show off on a charming silk sheet. It is not surprising that the gentleman, who now cannot be driven out of my bed, also liked to soak up such underwear.

Step 8
In order not to lose the feeling that I am the most charming woman, at the same time and stimulate my boyfriend's passion to fight for the right to possess me, I surrounded myself with a company positive people. Among my friends, very interesting and respectable male persons predominate. My relationship with other guys is not flirting at all, but mutually beneficial cooperation: I give them inspiration, and they reward me with energy.

Step 9
The main secret The one I have to please men is very simple: to love being a woman. Skillfully seduce a guy can only be a person who is bastard that she was born a woman and she likes to be herself. The one who loves her individuality, is proud of her virtues, skillfully shows her zest. A person who enjoys admiring her reflection, praises her charm, knows how to use intuition, has flexibility and resourcefulness can conquer a man.

Recall Carnegie, who wrote the following: "A man's name is the sweetest and most important sound to him in any language." If you do not hear the name of the interlocutor - do not hesitate to ask again. If this telephone conversation Write down his name so you don't accidentally forget it. The fact is that when you use any name substitutes, even affectionate or respectful, the interlocutor suspects that you simply forgot his name. And you really can forget him, so it's better to play it safe. If it is not possible to write down the name of a new acquaintance, use the simplest mnemonic tricks: you probably already have an acquaintance with the same name (and if not, then that is definitely the name of some celebrity), and all you have to do is remember him during a conversation. The situation is more complicated with rare and foreign names, but even here mnemonics will help you: quickly come up with the simplest rhyme, even if it’s completely crazy, in the spirit of “Li Zhenfan flies to Kazan” - and you are guaranteed to remember this name later.

Make a mistake

Ironically, the easiest way to win over anyone is to make a mistake and let them correct you. Usually we do exactly the opposite: we try in no case to make a mistake, and if we do, we try to pretend that nothing like this happened. And thus we force everyone around to pretend that they did not notice anything. At this moment, people around feel extremely awkward, they do not want to continue acquaintance at all.

But if you make a mistake and let a person correct you, you kill three birds with one stone. First, he feels more confident because his ego is flattered by this situation; secondly, he can communicate with you more freely; and thirdly, he himself is not afraid to make a mistake in front of you.

Praise the interlocutor from the third person

Sometimes it's embarrassing to give a direct compliment simply because there is no the right occasion. In addition, I want the compliment to not be on duty, because the banal “You look great today” will not win over anyone. What to do? Give compliments, but in a third person.

For example, like this: “Maria Ivanovna, Vasily Petrovich told me that you - the best doctor in our city". It doesn't matter if Vasily Petrovich said it, and it doesn't matter who he is. The main thing is that this character (quite likely, invented at all) openly flattered Maria Ivanovna. Frankly flattering the interlocutor is not good, it seems, but it's not you - it's Vasily Petrovich. But they will remember you as a pleasant person, and not this very Vasily.

Reflect the pose of the interlocutor

But carefully. So that he doesn't feel like you're teasing him. If your interlocutor is sitting with his hands folded on the table, it is also better for you to put your hands on the table, but in a slightly different way. If he props his head up with his hand, you can straighten your hair, tuck a section behind your ear, or touch your chin. It works very simply: the posture reflects our internal state, and we perfectly read body language, we just don’t realize it. And if you mirror the pose, this is a sign: you feel the same as your new acquaintance. And it is always more pleasant for us to communicate with those who experience the same sensations as we do.

Bare your wrists

And more often show their inside. This is a simple bodily signal: you feel safe, you trust the interlocutor, you do not expect anything bad from him. It's captivating.


It is clear that people are most interested in their own person. If you find it difficult to sympathize with a person about whom you know nothing, you should listen to him more carefully: in fact, we constantly complain. For bad weather, for traffic, for bad feeling and the behavior of others. On drowsiness and lack of coffee, in the end. It’s just that it’s not customary to focus on this, these are words spoken into the void, words that occupy awkward pauses. You are supposed to just agree with them. And you do not just agree, but sympathize. Of course, one should not rush to a person with consolations - this is not the right reason. But say something along the lines of “How I understand you! You've had a hard day, it'll be over soon, hold on" won't hurt.

Make the interlocutor praise himself

It's elementary, but it always works. Everyone loves to brag about their accomplishments, and all you have to do is exclaim at the right time, “Wow! You have to have an iron will to pull this off!” It doesn’t matter what we are talking about at all: about work, about a hobby or about losing weight. Most likely, the interlocutor will answer you with something in the spirit: “Come on, nothing special,” but he will think to himself: “Wow, I’m done!” Everything, it's done.

Ask for a favor

It seems to us that we can win over a person by rendering him some small service. It works, but not always: if you help a person in an awkward situation, he may avoid further communication simply because it is unpleasant for him to remember his “shame”. But acting as a savior is a completely different matter. President Franklin once said, “He who has once done you good will be more willing to help you again than he whom you have helped yourself.” This phenomenon is known as the Benjamin Franklin effect. A person who shows courtesy to another grows in his own eyes, which means that he is always ready to continue communication, because this reminds him of how wonderful, reliable and generally a hero he is. The main thing is not to abuse this method, because no one likes dependent beggars, of course.

However, this answer is not enough for scientists, and they are doing a lot of research to determine the factors that attract us to each other.

Here are a few interesting tricks, which will help you look at existing acquaintances in a new light and quickly start a relationship.

1. Copy gestures

When you are talking to someone, try to copy their gestures, body movements and facial expressions. This strategy is known as mirroring, where you mimic the other person's behavior.

The chameleon effect occurs when people unconsciously imitate each other's behavior and that behavior leads to liking.

2. Spend more time with the people you want to meet.

We usually like the people we know.

To demonstrate this phenomenon, psychologists conducted an experiment in which four women had to be present in the classroom as students. Each of the women appeared in the classroom different amount once.

When male students were shown photographs of four women, they expressed greater sympathy for the women they saw more often, although they did not interact with them.

3. Compliment

People will associate you with the words you use to describe other people.

In other words, everything you say about other people affects how you are seen. If you speak of others as sincere and good people you are associated with these qualities. The reverse is also true, if you constantly badmouth someone behind their back, you will be associated with negative traits.

4. Express positive emotions

People are strongly influenced by the mood of other people, and we subconsciously feel the emotions of those around us.

Perhaps this occurs because we naturally copy the movements and facial expressions of others, which helps us feel the same as others.

If you want other people to be happy around you, try to express positive emotions.

5. Be friendly and competent

When you show yourself to be friendly, people feel they can trust you. If you appear competent, they tend to respect you.

Psychologists believe that it is important to first demonstrate your friendliness, and then competence, since from an evolutionary point of view it is important to know whether a person is trustworthy.

6. Show your flaws from time to time.

People tend to love you more after you've made a mistake, but only if they think you're a competent person.

By showing your imperfections, you become more intimate and vulnerable, making it easier for others to get close to you.

7. Emphasize shared values

We are attracted to those who are like us. In one experiment, people were asked about their attitudes on various issues and then invited to live together. By the end of the experiment, people liked more those who had similar attitudes with them on different topics.

8. Touch

Subconscious touch occurs when we touch another person so subtly that they hardly notice it. Even a light pat on the back or a touch on the hand can cause more warm feeling towards you.

9. Smile

When you smile when you meet another person for the first time, chances are that they won't forget you.

In one experiment, participants looked at photographs of women in different poses: a smiling woman in an open and closed pose, and an unsmiling woman in the same poses. The experiment showed that the participants liked the smiling woman regardless of her posture.

10. See the other person the way they would like to be seen.

People want to be perceived the way they perceive themselves. We all want confirmation of our opinions, whether negative or positive.

So if a person about himself high opinion, he prefers those who also have a high opinion of him, and people with negative attitude they prefer those who criticize them. It seems strange, but it is explained by the fact that we like to communicate with those who respond to us with what corresponds to our idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthemselves.

11. Tell a secret

This is one of better ways start a relationship. If we communicate very personal questions we feel so much closer friend to a friend than if we were talking on trivial matters.

So, for example, when you get to know someone, you might start with simple questions, for example, asking about the movie the person last saw, and then asking about more intimate people in their lives.

When you share personal information with another person, they feel closer to you and are more likely to trust you.

12. Show that you know how to keep secrets

People highly value honesty in relationships. Honesty, loyalty, trustworthiness are perhaps the most important components in friendship and relationships.

13. Demonstrate a sense of humor.

No matter what we think about perfect friend or partner, a sense of humor is important.

Using humor when introducing yourself greatly increases the chances that the other person will like you, and if you have a fun experience together, it increases the romantic attraction.

14. Let others talk about themselves.

Talking about ourselves gives us as much pleasure as food, money or sex.

In other words, when you allow another person to share a story from your life, it creates more positive memories of your interactions.

15. Be a little vulnerable

Emotional openness or closeness often explains why some people get along and some don't.

Of course, being emotionally open comes with the risk of becoming vulnerable and the uncertainty of being accepted.

However, openness is very important in both friendships and romantic relationships.

16. Show that you like them.

When we think we like someone, we usually like that person too.

If we know that the other person will accept us, we are friendlier to him, increasing the chances that he will actually like us.

Even if you're not sure about the other person's feelings, act like you love them and chances are the feeling will be mutual.