How to use cosmetics that did not come up. How to apply makeup correctly. Transparent nail polish

Cosmetics enjoyed all the centuries, but before she was not like now. Used coal, herbs, and others organic productswhich can be painted. IN modern world Everything is much easier. Cosmetics are divided into decorative and simply cosmetics, which is used to care for face, hair and body. But how to use cosmetics?

It knows almost everything, but often make mistakes. Because of this, they do not receive the desired result. For example, the face care requires to properly choose cleansing and toning means, and only then cream for a person, for example, Lime Crime.

The skin is dry, sensitive, oily, combined, normal, with pigmentation, as well as fading. Good cosmetic companies produce creams of all Lines and divide them on day and night. If the cream is correctly selected, then there will be no problems, and if you bought a cream for oily skinAnd it is dry you, it will be even more pushed, since this cream contains drying additives.

The eyelid cream needs to be bought strictly by age criteria. Otherwise, do not get the expected result. It is not necessary to hope that the use of the cream one or two days will give the result. Faculty care products should be used everyday exactly way you brush your teeth. This is simple hygiene. Many people think something is addictive, but this is a delusion.

Hair care is also important. Shampoos and air conditioners are divided into hair type: fatty, dry, damaged, painted and dandruff. Hair must be washed twice. The first time apply a little shampoo to dissolve dirt, sebumAnd the second time is a concrete hair washing. Air conditioner only apply to the tips for 1-2 minutes. Wash out those slightly cool water, since it cannot be hot. Do not comb wet hair Immediately after washing. They will fall out.

Completely use decorative cosmetics not difficult. For example, in catalogs famous firms There are photos and descriptions, how to properly apply shadows, lipstick, use the contour. If you buy cosmetics in the store, and the sales assistant cannot tell and answer questions, then you need to use the Internet and find video lessons on concrete question Maika. There is a lot of such information on YouTube. Look for beauty sites and read articles about cosmetics.

  1. Makeup is day and evening.
  2. Day - in warm pastel colors.
  3. If you have allocated more bright eyes, then the lips are preferably smeared with a glitter or gentle color lipstick.
  4. If the eyes are slightly summarized, you can more brightly emphasize the lips.
  5. Tonal cream necessarily in the complexion
  6. Lipboard in the color of lipstick or, in extreme cases, only one tone is darker. By the way, you can choose all this in one place -

or every day carefully disguise the skin's injustice? For any of these goals, an industrial reserve of cosmetics is not needed. How to achieve the desired result of minimum of funds and efforts - in the ELLE instructions.


Task: skin as my only better

Solution: Apply the tonal basis with wet sponge

Task: Hide Acne, Package, Pigmentation

Solution: Point disguise with brush

It is pointless to apply the path of the tonal cream to the whole face if you need to disguise a couple of pimples jumped overnight or traces that they left behind. It is more logical and easier to "beat" exactly the goal. With a little synthetic brushes Apply the proofer directly to inflammation or spot. Finger pad slightly rising borders. Thus, you use (see the previous paragraph) and reliably hiding imperfections.

Task: look having a rested

Solution: Use Consiller instead of the Corrector

The Council for those whose fatigue gives a dim look and the skin, circles under the eyes, the overall refuge. It is enough to apply under eyebrows, around the eyes and on the nasolabial folds of the console with the built-in function of the light efficiency.


Task: Make an eye color rich

Solution: Bright eye pencil

Perhaps you are more comfortable with neutral beige-brown shadows On centuries, or at all without them. However, the strip juicy color Along the eyelashes can be not just an experiment, but also add brightness and shine eyes. The main thing to choose the color is not tone to the tone (in this case the effect will be reverse), and in contrast. If you have green eyes, feel free to paint the orange and scarlet arrows. Evaluate the power of the gold and bronze liner. Gray iris will make brighter blue and turquoise pencil. Kartlazyme is all: from Fuchsia to Emerald.

Task: Smokey Iz, quickly and just

Solution: Use Chabby Sticks

To draw the right smoke-az, as the makeup artist does, it is not necessary to end the school makeup and buy the same cosmetics as he has. Just one chabby isted. A pencil with thick chiffel is good for drawing a ciliary circuit, and for a decisive (it is convenient to do with your finger). With him, you can easily control the intensity from the daily version of the "smoky glance" to the burning sexual.

Task: Delicate accent on the eyes

Solution: Circular eyeliner

It is only worth carrying a black pencil on the mucous membrane of the upper and lower eyelid, as a look instantly opens, the eyes seem more, deeper, expressive. Draw right on the eyelashes, paying special attention space between them.

Task: Natural eyebrows

Solution: Grass Eyebrow Gel

If you regularly visit the makeup artist to home use You will need only one tool - a squeezing gel (or mascara). Multifunctional product attaches needed color, adds visual density and fixes the hairs in the right place.

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"Savings - the richness of the poor and wisdom of the rich," Alexander Duma loved to say. Sometimes things that seem to have no use can be faithful to faith. For example, the cream, the smell of which you do not like, or a powder of the "wrong" shade. We know how to make cosmetics, which just dust on the shelves, benefit.

We are in website We found ways to use the cosmetics that you did not come up, but stored because it's a pity to throw away after all.

1. Tonic

Many facial tonic includes alcohol, which effectively destroys bacteria, which makes it an excellent antiseptic.

  • Tonic will help you if you need to urgently disinfect your hands. He is able to become excellent alternative special medium.
  • They can also wipe mobile phone or computer keyboard. First, in these subjects, a huge amount of dirt and bacteria accumulates, and secondly, the technique should not be washed with water, but alcohol solutions are suitable for these purposes.

2. Cosmetic oil

Cosmetic oil for skin can be cleaned with sink from of stainless steel. Drip the remedy for a rag and wipe the surface, after which you walk with a paper towel. Oil creates on the surface the finest film, which will prevent the appearance of plaque and soap spots. No wonder this trick is often used on exhibition samples.

3. Transparent nail polish

Colorless lacquer is able to give a gloss not only to nails, but also with almost any polished surfaces, it will help to secure small details.

  • To get rid of scratches on polished furniture, you need to carefully apply to the damaged area.
  • Varnish will help save the favorite pair of points. To no longer lose small bolts from the rim, it is enough to fix them thin layer varnish.

4. Powder

  • Before training in the gym Swipe the zone with increased sweating: armpits, elbow bends, neckline and palm. Such a trick will help to avoid irritation and dotability.
  • Crumbly powdered You can replace dry hair shampoo. You need to slightly point the roots of the hair, so that this cosmetic is absorbed excess skin fat. After that, expect the hair well above the bathroom.

5. Two-phase makeup remover

A two-phase makeup remover copes not only with cosmetics on her face, but also with different types Pollution.

  • To eliminate traces from labels and price tags, almost from any surface, wipe it with a cotton swath in such a means. In the same way, you can remove the stain from cosmetics from clothing, only in this case the transparent liquid should be used, without dyes.

6. Liquid remover fluid

Liquid for removing varnish, which contains acetone, can be used in everyday life as a solvent, stain remover. In addition, such a means has a degreasing effect.

  • If your fingers found themselves in the sticky captivity superclosure, apply acetone on the skin. Wait about 30 seconds and wash your hands with warm water with soap.
  • To return the pristine cleanliness of the Cafel, take warm water, Add a tool there and wash the resulting tile.
  • If stains appeared on china, you need to carefully clean it soft cloth, moistened in water with the addition of liquid for removing varnish. Do not forget to rinse the dishes thoroughly to completely remove the remains of acetone.

7. Cream

The creams include moisturizing components. They helps to return the skin elasticity and make it softer.

  • Cream that did not approach you, you will certainly like it leather things. To refresh the type of bag or your favorite pair of shoes, you need to smear them with the remnants of the cream, and they will re-shine as new.
  • Also cream you can lubricate winter shoes Before removing it for the summer in the closet.

8. Shampoo

The composition of any shampoo besides ordinary detergent components Softening substances are included, as well as Panthenol (Panthenol), so it is perfect for washing things from delicate tissues. Lace linen, products from natural wool, silk fabrics - all these things will say thanks if you replace washing powder shampoo.

9. Lip Balm

The basis of this cosmetics Is Vaseline, which has moisturizing and lubricant action.

  • Residues hygienic lipstick They will help save the grains of hair tips, you just need to gently apply the tool.
  • Balsam will help to bring with jammed mechanisms, because it works like lubrication. For example, it can be applied to door hinges And accessories of kitchen cabinets and windows so that they are easier to open and closed.

The usual means will show themselves in a new way.


It is not always possible to use all cosmetics. It flies, accumulates and occupies a whole suitcase. You want a new, other, bright. And you buy more and more cosmetics from which you will not know either, what to do.

There are secrets that will help you use your cosmetics not only with the mind, but also to save well.

Concealer - This is the base under shadow and even frosted beige shadows. You just need to apply in the eyelid and growing. For summer suitable option tonal + daily cream \u003d Easy tinting heat cream.

Mascara - this is the same liquid submarine. The texture and composition are very similar, so if necessary, you can replace one tool to others. It will take only thin brush. You do not want to become like a panda?

Do not forget that the mascara can be done volume, if you apply a little powder on the cilia.

Makeup brushes. Try to open art brushes. Why not? The same paints, the same textures. Some professional brushes, of course, cannot be replaced, but in general it is worth trying.

Blush. Normal cream blush It is quite suitable for makeup eyes instead cream shadows. Choose warm and inconspicuous tones. If you have dark or bright blush, mix them with a powder - it turns out a more natural option.

Eyeshadow Use instead of a pencil for eyebrows. Is there an eyebrow shadow? And what are these worse? It is worth noting that the shadows must be matte. Violet or green shadows, for example, not worth using.

Try to do the following: brush lining with cream or water, perch in the shade and spend the line along the century - here's the effect of the eye pencil. The line is even softer and natural. Pearl shadows can be applied to cheekbones to highlight them and make the skin shine.

Pomade. It can easily replace cream blush. Only to apply it is very careful, so that you will not compete with the matrychka. The base under lipstick will serve the usual concealer. Transparent lip gloss will replace the gel for fixing the eyebrows.

High-quality cosmetics today on gold weight. Purchase funds that will really work - moisturize and restore the skin, save spectacular image Throughout the day - not just just. Many fair sex representatives are in finding "their" cream, serum, lipstick or mascaras for eyelashes.

When Niche cosmetics mass market and luxury class has already been tested, but desired results No, some women turn to professional means. What you need to know about cosmetics for the pro, before making a purchase?

1. Professional cosmetics - a separate group of goods

Beauty tools for professionals are rooted from "ordinary" cosmetics. As a rule, this is a special niche, not designed for a wide consumer. Its main advantage is high efficiency Products. Leaving cosmetics effectively moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin, erases wrinkles and treats dark spots. And decorative - allows you to create any image, if necessary, changing the appearance of a woman beyond recognition.

It is designed for such cosmetics on professionals. To learn how to competently use, you need to go through special courses and get a certificate of their end, together with the right to use the cosmetics of a separate brand in your work.

2. The concentration of active substances above

The effectiveness of care cosmetics is an order of magnitude higher than similar production of the mass market or suite. This is achieved mainly due to the fact that the concentration active ingredients, as well as their bioavailability is very high. If a ordinary creams They work mostly on the skin surface, then leaving for professionals can overcome the skin barrier, penetrate into deep layers of epidermis and working with alive cells.

The percentage of active ingredients in cosmetics for professionals is very high. It is necessary in order for the condition of the cover and its need for considerable degree were satisfied after one application. But in any case, professional cosmetics are recommended to use courses - to achieve and consolidate the desired result.

3. The focus of cosmetics - for the result

Professional cosmetics is a kind of exclusive, produced in large packages, tubes and bottles specifically for the clinic and beauty salons. Before the production of products to the cosmetic market passes special testing. Only after confirming the quality of products, it will fall on the table to a professional. For the consumer, its use is good because the substances contained in the composition of the care products not only replenish the needs of the skin, but also stimulate the regenerative processes of the body.

4. Formulas of funds are developed by scientists

Structure professional cosmetics For salons thoroughly thought out. All leaving agents are saturated vegetable extracts and active substances of natural origin. These are vitamins and antioxidants, enzymes and anti-aging components. Acting in the complex, they are successfully fighting with photo and chronovation, support youth, health and attractiveness of the skin, stimulate rehabilitation processes, help to resist harmful influence external factors.

In the formula of professional cosmetics, there are definitely special biocomplexes, synthesized molecules that increase the efficiency of other components. Cosmetics are made with the latest achievements scientific World, with nanotechnology.

In the niche of professional cosmetics produced separate funds, intended for home Application. Some fine sex representatives are unreasonably thinking that their use can replace a visit to the clinic or beauty salon. But it is not.

As mentioned above, Cosmetics PRO are very concentrated, and a beautician, a dermatologist, doctor, after examining the client's skin, clarification existing problems And the reasons that were led to them. Home Line Professional cosmetics is created to maintain and secure the effect that managed to achieve in the cabin.

In order for the use of cosmetics for professionals to go to a woman's benefit, the optimal dose of the main active substances cosmetics. So, there are peelings for cover, containing up to 70% of active ingredients (for example, fruit acids). If they are used at home, the skin can get a burn, will arise allergic reactions or more serious consequences requiring long treatment.

After consulting a professional home arsenal care cosmetics can be replenished complex care - gels, moussas and milk for cleansing skin, tonic, creams, serum and ampulle for the treatment and preservation of youth and beauty of the skin.