Tan quickly without the sun. What is melanoma? Water treatments: sunbathing baths

52 291 0 Hello! In this article we will tell you about Tan... Gone are the days when the pale White skin was considered a sign of aristocratic origin. Now successful and happy ladies stand out with a beautiful even tan.

Tanning: is it useful

"It is harmful to sunbathe in the sun!", "The sun ages the skin!", "Lying on the beach, you can earn cancer!"- we have all heard such sayings at least once. But are they as fair as is commonly believed?

Indeed, the scorching sun can cause great harm skin and body. If you sunbathe in moderation and follow certain rules, then the reception sunbathing becomes a useful and enjoyable experience.

A proper tan helps in the fight against skin diseases. So, sunbathing with psoriasis is not only possible, but even necessary. The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the patient's skin condition, reduce itching and discomfort. In combination with the treatment, tanning helps to get rid of diseases such as fungus, eczema, acne etc.

In addition, sunburn becomes the prevention of rickets, since during sunbathing, vitamin D is actively formed in the body, which helps to strengthen bone tissue and muscles.

Ultraviolet light also stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Helps improve blood circulation and endocrine activity.

Melanin - what is it

Why do people get different tanning under the same conditions? Why doesn't the skin tan in the sun? Why can't I get tanned in the sun before? It's all about melanin. It is he who is responsible for our color of eyes, hair and skin. In addition, melanin plays protective function, protecting the skin from sun damage. Accordingly, the more melanin, the darker skin and richer tan. In the body, special cells are responsible for the production of melanin - melanocytes.

The tanning process is as follows:

  1. You find yourself in the sun.
  2. Ultraviolet rays begin the process of destroying DNA in the body.
  3. The body begins to produce melanin to prevent further damage.

Sunbathing and tanning beds increase the amount of melanin. This can explain why people who are already tanned are less prone to burns and detrimental influence sun. For the same reason, it is recommended to sunbathe gradually.

There are people whose skin practically does not tan in the sun, and any attempts to acquire a beautiful tan end with burns and disorders. In such people, melanin is produced in small amounts or not at all.

Owners of such sensitive skin it is not recommended to sunbathe and stay in the sun for a long time. It is worth noting that the number of melanocytes is approximately the same for everyone, but the amount of melanin released is different, and not everyone has enough of it to get a tan.

For what diseases you can not sunbathe in the sun

Not everyone benefits from tanning. Contraindications for sunburn are:

  • Oncological diseases
  • All precancerous diseases
  • Eye diseases
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Tuberculosis
  • A large number of birthmarks
  • A large number of
  • A large number of age spots
  • Some medications
  • Age up to 5 years
  • Large moles (more than 1.5 cm)
  • Some female diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Small amount of melanin (fair skin and hair)
  • Relatives with melanoma
  • Freckles
  • Hypertension
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Elevated temperature
  • Infectious diseases
  • Psychoneurological diseases
  • You can not sunbathe with mastopathy and polycystic ovary.

Sometimes the question arises: “ At what temperature can you sunbathe in the sun?". You can sunbathe in the sun at any temperature inherent healthy person... If the body goes inflammatory process, and the body temperature is elevated, trips to the beach should be canceled until recovery.

Pregnant women are prohibited from sunbathing and being in the sun. Breastfeeding moms can take sunbathing, but very carefully, avoiding overheating and burns. Young mothers need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can sunbathe only from 9 to 10 o'clock or from 16 to 17.
  2. Drink water with lemon on the beach.
  3. Tanning sessions start from 15 minutes, gradually increasing to 1 hour.
  4. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its possible impact per child.
  5. Tanning without protective equipment is prohibited.
  6. Avoid direct sunlight and stay in the shade.

In addition to all of the above, some cosmetic procedures can negatively affect the condition of your skin and become a contraindication for tanning. These procedures include:

  • Peeling
  • Hardware skin cleaning
  • Epilation
  • Botox injections
  • Permanent makeup
  • Essential oil wrap
  • Removal of moles and warts.

Baby tan

Children over 3 years old can already go to the beach, but under close maternal supervision. Do not allow the baby to stay in the sun and water for a long time. If the child loves to swim and cannot be pulled away from the water, put on a light shirt to cover his shoulders. Keep your child out of the sun without clothes. Give your baby water often.

For sun protection, use only products made specifically for children. Even good sunscreen for adults can irritate the baby.

If the child does not sunbathe at all in the sun, this is a reason to be wary. Perhaps the child lacks melanin and sunbathing is best avoided altogether.

How to sunbathe in the sun

Before you start sunbathing, you need to decide on the degree of protection and the type of your skin. The easiest way to find out your type is to look at your appearance. The table presents brief recommendations taking into account the type of appearance: how much you need to sunbathe in the sun, what kind of sunscreen should be and what is the reaction to tanning.

Appearance type Tanning reaction Time of continuous tanning in one session (before 12.00 and after 16.00) Recommended SPF Factor for Sunscreens
Dark hair and eyes, dark skinThey do not burn out even after the first long tanning sessions.1,5 hour15-20
Dark blond, chestnut or blonde hair, bright skinBurn out quickly and get burned. The tan sticks quickly.1 hour20-25
Blond or red hair, brown or gray eyesAre susceptible to burns.45 minutes30 and higher
Blond hair and blue or green eyes; Red hair, pale skin, freckles,They burn out instantly, burns heal for a long time.30 minutes50 and above

Tanning preparation

When it comes to a beautiful tan, the main thing is preparation. Take care of your skin before heading to the beach:

  1. Exfoliate or scrub. Dead cells prevent an even tan, which means you need to get rid of them. To do this, you can use any scrubber or stiff brush. After the procedure, it is advisable to wait 2-3 days for the skin to finally recover. On clean, renewed skin, the tan lays down evenly.
  2. Use the rule of gradualism... Start sunbathing at 5 minutes, gradually increasing the interval. This rule also works in clothing. In the early days, try to cover your body, gradually exposing it to the swimsuit.
  3. If you are going to relax in hot countries, it is useful to prepare your skin for the sultry sun. For this visit the solarium twice a week for five minutes.
  4. Purchase a special vitamin complex for the skin in the pharmacy.
  5. Review your diet for summer time ... Give up alcoholic beverages on the beach. Include in your diet bright vegetables and fruits such as: carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, peaches, apricots, peppers, etc. They are high in beta-carotene. And he, in turn, activates the process of melanin production. So that the skin does not age and is protected from harmful influence sunlight, you need to add nuts, corn or olive oil... These foods nourish the body with vitamins E and selenium. Protect the skin from free radicals greens will help: spinach, cabbage, onions.
  6. Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach, but you should not sunbathe immediately after a meal.... Most the best way: sunbathe 30-40 minutes after eating.
  7. Select in advance right time and place. Remember that there are hours when it is very dangerous to sunbathe in the sun.
  8. Collect the bag... You must have a hat, a bottle of water, a blanket or a blanket, a towel, sunscreens, Sunglasses, lip balm.
  9. Apply sunscreen 10 minutes before leaving home.

What time can you sunbathe in the sun

No matter how quickly you want to sunbathe, you should not go to the beach during the peak hours of sun activity. The time of day and the degree of danger of sunburn are presented in the table:

Choosing a place for sunbathing

In the summer, the issue of tanning in the sun is solved quickly and easily. It is enough to prepare the skin and go swimming and relaxing on the nearest beach.

The problem with tanning is more difficult in the cold season. Many people ask the question: “ Is it possible to tan in the sun in winter? ". The answer is simple: it is possible, but difficult. The sun is at a different angle from the Earth, which means ultraviolet rays have to do difficult path through other layers of the atmosphere. Consequently, tanning takes longer.

But even if you risk undressing for a tan in winter, this procedure is unlikely to give you pleasure because of the cold. Therefore, the best way to tan in winter is to travel to warmer countries.

How to get a bronze tan in the sun

The place of your vacation depends not only on your impressions and places that you can visit, but also on the color of your skin after returning home. Tanning in different countries differ from each other.

Desired tan color Where to go Notes (edit)
GoldenFrance, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Turkey
BronzeGreece, Turkey, Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Romania, BulgariaIt is recommended to sunbathe in the morning, or after 16.00, use moderate protection.
ChocolateCongo, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Indonesian islands, Ecuador, Brazil, ColombiaUse products with maximum SPF. Start a tanning session in a minute.
Dark coffeeIndia, MaldivesUse products with maximum SPF. Start a tanning session in a minute. Burn symptoms are slow to develop.
Shade of cinnamonEgypt, Israel, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, BahrainUse maximum SPF.

However, if possible, it is best to soak up the local beach first so that the skin becomes less susceptible to the sun. Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a tanning bed? Not only is it possible, but even necessary. A five-minute trip to the solarium will prepare your skin for the warm foreign sun.

How to sunbathe exactly on the beach

For even tan a number of recommendations must be followed:

  1. The basic rule of even tanning is movement. Just lying down and turning around from time to time is not enough. You need to move on the beach: swim, play, run, walk, etc.
  2. Do not use perfume or alcohol on your skin. This can cause sun spots.
  3. To avoid being in the sun for more than 2 hours.
  4. Do not neglect hats, otherwise your hair will turn into straw.
  5. Use sunscreen.
  6. Moisturize your skin.
  7. Relax. Better not to read or watch videos on the beach. The eyes are already under strain. But you should not sleep on the beach, otherwise you will definitely get burns and tan unevenly.

How to speed up your tan

If tanning is necessary, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Apply protection. You can't do without it.
  2. During peak hours, sunbathe in the shade instead of in the open sun.
  3. Move.
  4. Sunbathe near the pond. Water reflects Sun rays and the skin tans faster. For the same reason, after bathing, you do not need to wipe your skin. The water droplets will work like lenses.
  5. Use and.
  6. Quick tan will help to obtain funds with the "crucible" effect. They increase blood circulation.
  7. Renew your layer of sunscreen every half hour to hour.

Why does not the face tan

If your face is not tanning, pay attention to the position of your body while tanning. Apply sunscreen to your face every time you go to the beach. After returning home, wash off the cream and apply a moisturizer: lotion or milk. Burns quickly develop on the face, so do not overuse tanning for this part of the body.

Home remedies for tanning

In getting a beautiful tan, folk remedies can give a head start to purchased creams and oils.

Home remedy for sun protection

You will need:

  • Butter walnut- 1 bottle
  • Jojoba oil - 2 tsp
  • Wheat germ oil - 2 tsp
  • Lang ylang oil - 5 ml.
  • Shea butter - 1 tsp
  • Avocado oil - 2 tsp

Mix all components and place in an airtight container. You need to apply the mixture 3-4 hours before leaving the house. This tool will be enough for you for a long time.

How to maintain a tan with folk remedies

You can also make your own after-sun lotion. You only need oil for this. apricot kernels(50 ml) and sea ​​buckthorn oil(3 drops). Apply gently after tanning as it can stain your skin.

In order for your tan to remain beautiful and rich as long as possible, you will need:

  • Carrots 10-15 cm long - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp
  • Buckwheat flour - 1 tsp

Grate the carrots and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply and leave on the skin for 30 minutes. Wash off. The mask can be used every three days, with a course of five to six times.

Complications after sunburn

Sunburn does not always go away without a trace of health. Failure to comply with safety rules often leads to changes in the body. Many people notice the appearance of new moles and freckles. Sometimes skin conditions can get worse. This often happens with herpes on the lips.

In addition, vascular veins and "mesh", areas of light skin, a large number of small moles may appear. The latter can lead to cancer if sunbathing is abused.

Where to buy sun tanning products

Especially for the readers of our site, we have selected tanning products, as well as after-sun creams of various brands and brands. Choose the one that will best suit your skin in composition.

Yves rocher

For Tan:

  • Kit " Perfect tan»With SPF 30- the set includes: Spray for preparing the skin of the face and body for sunburn + Regenerating milk for the face and body after sunburn + Sun Protection Milk-Spray for the Body SPF 30 and Transparent cosmetic bag - AS A GIFT
  • Sunscreen Milk for Face and Body SPF 50+
  • Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 30
  • Sunscreen Anti Aging Cream for SPF Faces 30
  • Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 15

After sunburn:

  • After Sun Repairing Milk for Face and Body- Milk with a light melting texture instantly refreshes and soothes the skin after sun exposure thanks to Primorsky's Einegolovnik extract. This unique polyactive vegetable component protects the skin from photoaging and activates cell renewal.
  • Revitalizing Anti-Aging After Sun Cream- Protects the skin from photoaging and activates cell renewal.
  • Moisturizing After Sun Milk 3in1- soothes the skin overheated in the sun, moisturizes it and prolongs the tan.


For Tan:

  • Capital Vichy Ideal Soleil Set matting emulsion SPF50 and mineralizing thermal water VICHY

After sunburn:

    Thermal water VICHY Strengthens, restores the skin, normalizes pH, enhances the barrier-protective functions of the skin.

    Vichy capital ideal soleil moisturizing set spray veil body tanning activator SPF30 and Beach bag For a present.

    Toning treatment against age spots SPF50 + Instantly evens out complexion and corrects dark spots day after day.

La roche posey

For Tan:

  • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS XL FLUID 50+- fluid for the face.
  • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS MILK FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN 50+- milk for babies.
  • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS SPRAY FOR CHILDREN 50+- spray for children with sun protection.

Garnier - Amber Solaire

For Tan:

    GARNIER coconut intensive tanning oil

    GARNIER sunscreen body spray SPF30 pure protection +

After sunburn:

  • GARNIER moisturizing and soothing after-sun milk
  • GARNIER Intense Golden Sun Spray, Waterproof, SPF 15

Other tanning products:

  • Avene SPF 50- Solaires Mineral Cream. Cream with natural base, not only protects, but also restores after damage to the skin of the face, has in its spf and ppd filters.
  • NIVEA SUN 30 or Sun Care spf 50 It has a soft texture with nourishing ingredients.

Other after-sun products:

  • NIVEA after-sun cooling spray

You can find a large number of products for tanning and after it from our partners " Cashback service LetyShops ". You not only buy goods in trusted stores, but also get cashback.

Differences between tanning in the sun and in a solarium

Find external differences between tanning in the sun and in a tanning bed is difficult.

However, the main advantage of a tanning bed is the ability to dose the radiation. Natural conditions this will not be allowed. In addition, hard waves are filtered, which have a bad effect on the human body.

Another advantage of the solarium is its accessibility for city dwellers.

How to tan quickly / 8 rules for a perfect tan

Different types of self-tanning products, additives that stimulate the production of melanin, or melanotan injections - there are many products for artificial tanning. Therefore, it is important to choose a method that will not only give beautiful shade skin, but will not bring any negative consequences.

Self-tanning: what is and how it works

The main alternative to tanning on sunny beaches or in a solarium is self-tanning. The active ingredient is a dihydroxyacetone (DHA) compound. DHA - natural substance, it is obtained from sugar cane or sugar beet. Dihydroxyacetone reacts with amino acids of the surface layer of the epidermis, without penetrating into the dermis and even more so into the blood. The result is the production of melanoidins, substances similar to melanin, which cause darkening of the skin. Depending on the amount of product applied and the concentration of DHA in it, the degree of tanning varies from light to dark brown.

Such a tan lasts from one to two weeks, is not washed off with water, but is removed as a result natural process exfoliation of the skin. Scrubs and products with acids accelerate the exfoliation process, thereby shortening the life of the tan. Photo: shutterstock.com DHA is considered safe for use in cosmetic purposes and calls allergic reaction in rare cases. Self-tanners with dihydroxyacetone have no contraindications; pregnant and lactating women can also use them without harm to their health.

It's important to remember that using a self-tanner does not eliminate the need for sun protection. Even if you look tanned, you need to use sunscreen.

Self-tanning has several drawbacks. Firstly, they are not easy to apply evenly, and it is difficult to achieve a tan without stains and streaks. Another factor must be taken into account: on the face, the stratum corneum is noticeably thinner, but on the knees and elbows it is thicker, so there may be a difference in color. Secondly, many products cause a specific odor that is difficult to mask with other aromas.

Instant tan in the studio

Studios instant tan help to solve main problem- uneven application. Most studios use DHA-based lotions, they also include coenzyme Q10, various vitamins and natural ingredients, which not only give a beautiful color to the skin, but also moisturize it.

It is important not to steam or scrub the skin 8-10 hours before the procedure so that the lotion does not clog the pores. Photo: shutterstock.com

Tanning accelerators

Tanning accelerators increase the production of melanin by the skin. Most often, the composition of such funds includes the amino acid tyrosine. But there is still no evidence of the effectiveness and safety of such funds.

Tanning pills

The main active ingredients tablets - carotenoids. These are natural antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids accumulate in the skin and affect its color. Studies have shown that beta-carotene from carrots or lycopene from tomatoes protect the skin from UV radiation, both natural and artificial. But the effect of photoprotection and coloring of the skin appears only after a few weeks of constant intake of carotenoids. There is a danger of overdoing it with their quantity and getting a yellow-orange skin pigment.

Beta carotene and lycopene are best obtained from natural sources- vegetables and fruits. The study found that high doses of synthetic beta-carotene increase the risk of lung cancer among smokers. This casts doubt on the potential benefits of such a substance.

Another popular ingredient in these tablets is canthaxanthin. It is a natural carotenoid that is approved as a colorant for food products... The main effect of taking it is the coloring of the skin pigment in an orange-brown color. But the American Food and Drug Administration and medicines(FDA) has banned the use of canthaxanthin as a tanning pill due to their side effects... Among them: gastrointestinal disorders, urticaria, hepatitis, retinal destruction and potentially aplastic anemia - serious illness blood. Photo: shutterstock.com

Tanning injections

Injections are popular among bodybuilders to give the skin a tan. The most commonly used drug is melanotan I or melanotan II - synthetic analogs of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH). This hormone plays important role in skin and hair pigmentation. Initially, research focused on issues of erectile dysfunction, but they were all stopped.

On sale you can still find powders and solutions for injections, which are positioned as effective means for Tan. Many sites indicate that a similar drug containing another analogue of this hormone is approved for sale and has proven effectiveness. This is indeed the case. There are drugs with afamelanotides that are aimed at treating a rare skin disease associated with sensitivity to the sun - erythropoietic protoporphyria.

These preparations contain different active substances... Melanotan I and II are unlicensed and untested products. They can cause many negative effects, including the risk of skin cancer. Related Articles How sunscreen helps keep you young Is it okay to sunbathe in the sun Most SPF products won't protect you from the sun Is it okay to go to a tanning bed in winter

Which makes cells human skin get a real tan without the sun. It "works" even for red-haired people and blondes, whose skin quickly burns in the sun. In addition, the new "tanning technology" eliminates the occurrence of skin cancer.

“We believe we have discovered a new strategy for fighting skin cancer. Malignant tumors most often it is the skin that is affected, and most of them are associated with ultraviolet irradiation. Our approach allows us to replace the light pigment molecules in skin cells with their darker cousins ​​without exposing them to ultraviolet radiation, "said co-author David Fisher.

According to official WHO statistics, prolonged exposure to the sun is today the main cause of melanoma and other forms of skin cancer. This is due to the fact that ultraviolet radiation either directly destroys DNA, or interacts with molecules in our skin cells and turns some of them into carcinogens. Every year the number of victims increases by about 132 thousand people.

The main defender against ultraviolet radiation is the pigment melanin, which absorbs radiation without harming the rest of the cell. Scientists today are not entirely sure whether melanin always protects our skin from cancer. There is evidence that its yellow variety, pheomelanin, present in the skin cells of red and fair-haired people, contributes to the development of melanoma, and the synthesis of melanin in skin cells when exposed to sunlight is accompanied by the release of aggressive molecules that can damage DNA.

In 2006, Fischer and his colleagues found that skin cancer in redheads and blondes could be prevented by covering their skin with a special substance called forskolin. Experiments on mice have shown that it "includes" in their DNA genes associated with the synthesis of "black" melanin, even if they lack or damaged receptors that respond to skin exposure to ultraviolet light.

When scientists tried to carry out similar tests on human skin, they were disappointed: the forskolin molecules could not penetrate its relatively "thick" layers. This prompted Fischer's team to start developing another protein that could seep through the surface of human skin and turn on the same gene chain as forskolin.

The attention of scientists was attracted by the SIK2 gene and the associated enzyme that controls the behavior of the MITF gene, the main "regulator" of mammalian coloration. In normal body cells, SIK2 suppresses the work of MITF, interfering with the synthesis of new pigment molecules and the appearance of other changes, usually associated with the growth of the embryo or the response to ultraviolet radiation.

Guided by this idea, the specialists synthesized the YKL 06-061 protein, which neutralizes SIK2 molecules and forcibly "turns on" MITF for several days until the concentration of the SIK2 enzyme destroyed by it is restored.

Bronze skin tone or light tanning is very easy to maintain throughout the year. To do this, you must either regularly travel to seaside resorts, or periodically visit the solarium. If you need a tan instantly, you have a persistent prejudice towards a tanning bed, and your vacation will not be soon, use self-tanning products. ELLE will prompt 9 better ways that will help you look tanned without the slightest harm to your skin.

1. Oil

Before buying this product, ask the seller if it gives instant effect, or the sunburn will appear gradually. The second option is better: the skin will be colored evenly, without spots. In addition, to obtain a perfect uniform color, you must first peel, moisturize the skin and only then apply the oil. Note also that with the help of such a tool you can prolong your natural tan after relaxing at the sea. Dry self-tanning oil is available from Nuxe (with gold particles), St. Tropez, Dior and Guerlain.

2. Gel

Self-tanning gel suitable for girls who want everything at once. Firstly, products of this type are easily applied and quickly absorbed, secondly, they do not leave marks on clothes, and thirdly, the tan appears instantly. What more could you ask for ?! You can find such a gel from Sothys, Clarins and Sephora.

3. Mousse

Self-tanning mousse is ideal for oily skin, since it has the property of slightly drying it. Keep in mind that these products are very quickly absorbed, so they should be applied with a special glove, otherwise your palms will turn dark chocolate. Note also that after applying the mousse, the tan will appear gradually: first, the skin will turn yellowish-brown, then bronze, and only then, after two hours, it will acquire quite dark shade... Therefore, if you do not want to look like a sultry mulatto, do not rush to apply a second portion of mousse: wait full manifestation tanning. We advise you to pay attention to mousses from Babor, Lumene and L "Oreal.

4. Napkins

It is convenient to carry wipes soaked with self-tanning liquid with you in your purse and periodically wipe your face with them during the day. This method will fit for those who have already managed to brown slightly in the sun and only want to correct the skin of the cheeks, forehead, chin and neck. By the way, wipes can stain your fingers, so hold them with their very tips, and immediately after the procedure, wash your hands with soap and water. Tarte and Bronzeada have self-tanning wipes (the latter is very fond of using Olga Buzova, whose year-round chocolate tan usually raises a lot of questions from fans).

5. Spray

The main advantage of the spray is that it is easy to use on its own and to apply tanning to the most difficult to reach places, for example, the buttocks. The result is visible immediately, so if something went wrong, the error can be corrected instantly. Excellent sprays are offered by Garnier, Nuxe, Clinique and Lorac.

6. Serum

This method is suitable for those who prefer to fake tan manifested itself gradually. Self-tanning serums are often very concentrated, so for natural effect they should be mixed with your favorite cream (literally three drops are enough) immediately before applying to the face or body. It should be noted that this tan looks very natural! Miracle serums are available from Clarins, Guerlain and Collistar.

7. Lotion

A special lotion with moisturizing properties is suitable for girls with dry skin: after using this product, it will look tanned, fresh and radiant. Find moisturizing bronzers at Sisley, Lancaster, or La Prairie.

8. Cream

This is the most common self-tanner that suits absolutely everyone. Moreover, manufacturers have tried to facilitate the choice perfect shade, marking the packaging with special markings for blondes, brunettes or brown-haired women. In addition, creams are divided into two groups: with an instant and a gradual effect. The first ones are suitable for girls with fair skin, the latter are best used by swarthy young ladies. When looking for the perfect self-tanning cream, we advise you to pay attention to Dove products, Lancastar or Estee Lauder.

9. Spray water

The hardest part of the art of self-tanning is to gently tint your face. You can not squint, otherwise white stripes may appear, do not apply too much large quantities means, so as not to get the effect of the mask. Etc! Therefore, spray-water-self-tanning is considered the most convenient for the face. It is easy to spray, absorbs quickly, and the excess can get wet cotton pad... It should be noted that it contains hypoallergenic ingredients that will have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Yves rocher and Sephora.

Self-tanning lotion lays on the skin gradually, like a real tan from exposure to the sun. You need to use it every day - apply to cleansed skin (you can scrub before first use) until you achieve the desired shade. The advantage of such products is that they do not leave stains, and the minus - instant result you will not get it, it will take several days.

2. Sun gel

Tanning gel is good because it has a light texture, it is instantly absorbed and gives an express result. We advise you to apply it with gloves so as not to stain your palms.


3. Spray self-tanner

Another most quick way tan - self-tanning spray. It does not need to be rubbed with your hands - just spray it onto the skin at a distance of 20-30 centimeters. This "tan" dries very quickly on the skin and is easily washed off warm water... For one publication - perfect!

4. Tinting wipes

As easy as pie! Tinting wipes give a pleasant light shade, and most importantly, they are very easy to use. These napkins are economical - one package is enough for you to provide a "tan" for the whole body and face. True, the shade does not differ in durability - after warm shower you will become Snow White again.

5. Body bronzer

Bronzers are not only for the face, but also for the body! Apply the product to the skin with a special sponge - that is, you get an instant effect. It does not stain clothes and lays on the skin in an even layer - the main thing is to shade the product with high quality.

6.BB body cream

This tool has a very light shade that does not even resemble a tan, but rather the effect of use foundation... Skin tone becomes smoother, BB cream will hide minor inflammation and redness. Ideal if you plan to wear a dress with deep neckline or an open back, but I'm not sure about the smoothness of the skin.

7. Salon "Hollywood tan"

Most reliable way get a beautiful tan - go to special procedure... There are a lot of advantages: firstly, the effect lasts up to two weeks, secondly, a special professional spray is used, and thirdly, the beautician will apply the tone perfectly evenly. It is better than a solarium - it is not hazardous to health and not harmful to beauty.