How to choose a soap. How to choose the right soap. Solid or liquid soap

If discomfort is felt after using the soap, the skin becomes dry and tightens, it is time to urgently think about changing the product, otherwise the situation will worsen and treatment will be required. In this article we will talk about the right choice soap for hygiene procedures... There are three groups of criteria to be guided by.

1. Appointment. Depending on the functional purpose and the composition, the following types of soap are distinguished.

Baby- specially formulated for the delicate skin of a child. Usually free from colorants and flavors. The composition is allowed to have insignificant amount herbal extracts. Usually, baby soap manufacturers are better controlled than others, so the chance to buy quality product higher.

This soap is suitable not only for children (including newborns), but also for people with sensitive skin and allergies. Disadvantages: medium and low antibacterial effect, lack of aroma and relatively high price.

Dressing- the most popular type of soap. Copes well with most microbes, has a beautiful appearance, smells good and is affordable. Suitable for daily use.

Flaw: toilet soap must be correctly selected for the type of skin (see. next criterion), otherwise it will cause dryness or irritation of the skin.

Antibacterial- due to its special composition, it is aimed at combating microbes and bacteria. Popular with people with problem skin trying to eliminate pimples, rashes and irritations.

Disadvantages: along with pathogenic bacteria, it also kills the necessary bacteria, disrupting the balance of microflora, therefore it is not recommended for daily use. It is advisable to use antibacterial soap during trips to nature, on trains and other public transport, for disinfection as needed.

Curative- usually has a sulfur or tar base, is often used in cosmetology to eliminate redness, peeling and skin rashes. After consulting a doctor, it can be used in daily skin care and dermatitis treatment. The disadvantage is sharp, not nice smell.

Organic - Contains Only natural ingredients, can be used by people with any skin type (matched), if there is no allergy to individual components. You can use organic soaps every day. The disadvantage is the high price.

Attention! Don't be confused with organic and handmade soaps, the types don't always overlap. Many craftsmen use synthetic ingredients.

Perfumery- has a pleasant aroma, but cannot replace eau de toilette or perfume, since the smell persists for a short time, quickly evaporating after application. At the same time, perfume soap does not very effectively cleanse the skin, therefore it is not recommended as the only remedy, it should be used in combination, for example, with toilet soap.

Economic- an excellent antiseptic, but with regular use it often causes allergies. Another drawback is a pungent smell. Suitable for on-demand disinfection.

2. Skin type. Soap is alkaline and skin is slightly acidic. As a result of the reaction protective layer is violated. If you choose the wrong soap, dryness and hardness will appear.

  • Oily skin - it is desirable that there is no soap in the composition glycolic acid... Recommended Ingredients: Sea salt, oatmeal, brown sugar and peach extract. From time to time, oily skin can be wiped clean with a cloth or napkin rather than immediately washing with soap.
  • Dry skin - suitable soap containing moisturizing ingredients: glycerin, scarlet faith, coconut oil, cocoa, avocado, or other vegetable oils. For very dry skin, it is better to use soap once a day in the evening, and the rest of the time rinse your face with warm water (not hot).
  • Sensitive skin - soaps should be free of fragrances and dyes that can cause irritation.
  • Normal Skin - Avoid soaps that are formulated for other skin types to avoid worsening the condition.

3. Price and appearance of the package. Good soap cannot cost less than 30-40% of the average market price for other similar brands. In an effort to save money, it is better not to buy the cheapest products, they are often made from low-grade harmful ingredients.

For bathing and washing a child, especially when it comes to newborns, conventional means will not work, moreover, they can greatly harm the baby. To avoid allergies and other side effects, in this case, only the best is required in babies' face and body care baby soap with good composition, no harmful colors or artificial ingredients. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating, which includes just such options. Knowing them weak and strengths, it will be easier for you to make the right choice.

There are a lot of work in this market. good companies, but only 5 of the most popular of them were included in this rating. They all have a good reputation and offer natural and safe baby products.

The five leaders are as follows:

  • Shea moisture- This company is owned by an African-born entrepreneur born in Liberia. Registered in the USA, its business is the production of natural and safe products for face and body care. The company pays special attention to the "children's" assortment.
  • Weleda- the company was founded in Switzerland in 1921. She is known, in part, for her own gardens, where they grow medicinal plants used for the production of organic face and body care products. Most of them are located in France, the Netherlands and Germany.
  • Dr. Woods- this manufacturer produces caring cosmetics, including for children. Its ingredients include various natural oils and plant extracts... Many of the company's products have a healing effect, but the emphasis here is on children's soap, which is produced here in both liquid and solid forms.
  • ATTITUDE- This American company operates in Canada, offering its customers organic beauty care cosmetics and home cleaning products. All of them are biodegradable, have quality certificates and are environmentally friendly. The manufacturer cares about the health of customers and the environment.
  • Hugo naturals- the manufacturer manually creates natural and universal detergents in solid form. He uses chamomile, lavender, vanilla as ingredients, so his products smell very pleasant and do not cause allergies.

Rating of the best baby soaps

To compile this TOP, we analyzed many positive and negative reviews the most popular products on the Ayherb website. Only 5 winners were included, based on a study of the following characteristics:

  • Release form (solid or liquid);
  • Weight and size;
  • Type of packaging;
  • Consistency and texture;
  • Smell;
  • Naturalness of the composition;
  • The amount of foam;
  • Easy to wash off;
  • Positive effect on the skin.

A separate line should be taken out the safety of the use of the funds under consideration for the child, since in this case it is one of the most significant selection criteria. You can also call the ratio of price and quality important, since very often the cost is overestimated due to the popularity of the manufacturer.

Shea Moisture, against eczema, crude butter shea, chamomile and argan oil, 141 g

It is completely safe soap for newborns and older children, it does not irritate the skin or cause flaking. Washing them does not leave a body unpleasant sensations, on the contrary, it allows you to eliminate increased dryness of the skin due to the presence of moisturizing components - shea butter and coconut. In a word, he is natural here, although contact with the child's eyes should still be avoided, otherwise they will have to be rinsed for a long time. Buyers declare that they are unobtrusive, pleasant aroma does not cause allergies in babies. It is also convenient that you can wash your face with it, or swim completely.

Shea Moisture, Baby Eczema Soap, Raw Shea Butter, Chamomile & Argan Oil, 5 oz (141 g)


  • Does not dry the skin;
  • Nice smell;
  • Eliminates redness;
  • Excellent moisturizing properties;
  • Deep cleansing;
  • Washes well;
  • Does not leave a feeling of tightness on the skin.


  • Stinging eyes when washing;
  • "Absorbs" water.

According to customer reviews, Shea Moisture does not relieve eczema itself, but eliminates its symptoms. After applying it, the skin becomes soft, smooth and clean.

Weleda, with calendula, 100 g

This soap for children is the best of the solid choices in our ranking. It is good because it is suitable even for newborns and babies with sensitive skin. You can safely take it with you to the hospital, but you will need a soap dish, from which you will have to regularly drain the water so that the bar does not become limp. The child's dermis reacts well to it - it does not get irritated, does not become covered with a rash and does not turn red. At the same time, the product is economical in consumption, perfectly foams and is easily washed off. This option is ideal for washing the body and hands, although it does a good job on the face as well.

Weleda, Calendula Soap, 3.5 oz (100 g)


  • Dries up inflammation;
  • Does not crumble;
  • Effective in the fight against atopic dermatitis;
  • Gentle for the skin;
  • Washes away dirt well.


  • Specific smell;
  • Small size of the bar.

Weleda baby soap belongs to natural and is both medicinal and cosmetic at the same time. It can be used without fear for the health of the baby, at least every day, because there are no fragrances or dyes in the composition.

Dr. Woods, Kids' Mild Castile Soap, Fragrance Free, 149 g

This is one of the best baby soaps for newborns and can also be used effectively for bathing an older baby. Outwardly, it does not differ in anything special - an ordinary bar of a standard size, deserving attention due to the absence of a pungent odor and a good cleansing effect. Its composition is so natural (jojoba and coconut oil, vitamin E, etc.) that it can even be used for facial and intimate area care for babies. Judging by the reviews, parents themselves are not averse to using it. With all this, the price for it is unprecedentedly low for such a high quality.

Dr. Woods, Kids' Mild Castile Soap, Fragrance Free, 5.25 oz (149 g)


  • Lasts for a long time;
  • Washes well;
  • Does not get wet in water;
  • Suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • Easy to wash off;
  • Leaves a feeling of cleanliness.


  • It dries the skin a little.

The remedy from Dr. Woods is generally pleasing to the skin, but if it is sensitive it may be necessary to use a moisturizer after using it.

ATTITUDE, Little Ones,for hands, 295 ml

From the list of the best liquid soaps for kids this remedy became the most beloved of the parents. Naturally it captivates convenient form release, you still do not need to rub your face and body, and the composition is washed off faster. It also wins thanks to its environmental friendliness, although perfume is still present here. Probably, it is he who spoils the reputation of the product, buyers point to a not very pleasant smell as a disadvantage. But in the absence of allergies, it is not critical, especially since there is a good dispenser here and the product foams perfectly.

ATTITUDE, Little Ones, Foaming Hand Soap, 10 fl oz (295 ml)


  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Practical packaging;
  • Good consistency;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Gentle hand care;
  • Does not sting the skin, even with dermatitis.


  • Has no therapeutic effect;
  • Dries up the skin of a child;
  • Possible problems with the dispenser.

In the reviews, some buyers complain about the dispenser breakage after certain time after purchasing the product, and therefore it is not recommended to put too much pressure on it. It is also important that, having bought Little Ones soap, you will most likely have to take another one for the face, since it is not designed for the washing procedure, for which you will also need a good one.

Hugo Naturals, Handmade, Chamomile & Vanilla, 113 g

And again, the winner was the lumpy product - it is of standard sizes and with the best squad... Its base is oils that provide a good moisturizing effect. Therefore, it will be especially relevant for those children whose skin is dry and flaky. This option is also ideal for babies who wear diapers, as they often experience irritation that can be reduced by bathing. This product is very gentle and can be used to cleanse both face and heels.

Hugo Naturals, Handmade Baby Soap, Chamomile & Vanilla, 4 oz (113 g)


  • Unobtrusive smell;
  • Does not tighten the skin;
  • Easy to lather the body;
  • Foams normally;
  • Leaves no sticky film;
  • Does not get wet.


  • Not found.

Some reviews indicate that this tool stings when caring for the child's intimate area, while processing it, he begins to cry. However, outwardly, no manifestations of irritation may be visible.

Which baby soap is better to buy

In general, it is much more convenient to use liquid options for bathing, and when washing your hands, you can limit yourself to a solid form. The last funds are spent more sparingly, but at the same time, they can be washed off the body worse. It is also undesirable to use them for very sensitive skin. But in any case, the composition should not contain artificial fragrances, dyes and aromatic additives. If the product has an unnatural color and a pungent aroma, then this is a reason to think about its safety for the child.

  • For dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, Shea Moisture products may come in handy.
  • If you need something versatile so that you can wash your hands, face and body, then it is better to choose the option from Weleda.
  • For bathing babies with sensitive skin a product from Hugo Naturals would be perfect.
  • If you need to wash only your hands, then you should take a closer look at the ATTITUDE offer.
  • A child who is allergic to strong odors you can buy a remedy from Dr. Woods, which has almost no aroma.

The best baby soap offered in this rating can be found in offline stores, but mostly you need to order it via the Internet. Therefore, you will have to spend extra money on delivery, but, ultimately, high quality and the naturalness of such products will make bathing babies effective and safe.

Kornei Chukovsky, in the lines "Long live fragrant soap ...", urged children to cleanliness and hygiene, which at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as in post-war Russia, was especially relevant.

Do I need to use soap today, is it safe to wash it every day, and what are the main functions of soap?

An analysis of more than a dozen studies conducted in scientific laboratories around the world has shown that daily hand washing with soap and water reduces the incidence of viruses during epidemics by 21%, and the incidence of gastrointestinal infections by 31%.

This proves to us once again that you need to wash your hands with soap. A piece of solid toilet soap today is a necessary hygiene product that every family has, it is used by adults and children.

Interestingly, the first soap in our country was only a luxury item. In the XIV-XV centuries, soap was given on special occasions: on birthdays and weddings. But what can I say, if even 80 years ago (in the childhood of our grandmothers) soap was in short supply. Hair was cleaned with water with bread and ash, linen was washed with coastal clay soil or soda.

The same solid soap that is sold in stores today was invented in the 8th century by the famous Arab alchemist Gabir ibn Haen. It took almost 9 centuries until soap was first produced in the Russian Empire. industrially... But despite this, until the middle of the 19th century, only noblemen used soap.

At this time, the first washstand appeared, and in aristocratic circles, ladies gathered for a fashionable action - washing with soap. The 20th century has greatly changed the field of use of soap, since it was at this time that synthetic detergents and various chemical additives to it appeared. It is interesting that it was in Russia in 1912 that the first synthetic surfactants without fats were invented, but they did not find widespread distribution. Subsequently, already in 1930, the production of these substances was launched by the Americans, thanks to which today we have washing powders, shampoos, liquid soaps.

To understand how safe it is to use soap, let's take a look at its composition.

Soap composition

Solid soap:

  • a mixture of salts of higher fatty acids (lauric, oleic, stearic, palmitic),
  • glycerol,
  • flavors,
  • dyes.

Get solid soap by the reaction of saponification of oils and fats with sodium hydroxide (alkali). Solid soap always has alkaline reaction, as it contains the remains of sodium hydroxide.

Liquid soap: almost always obtained on the basis of synthetic surfactants (surfactants).

Difference from solid soap: gives good foam due to surfactants, less alkaline pH, the presence of various softening and moisturizing additives.

The main functions of the soap

  • Cleansing dirt and hand hygiene

The soap molecule consists of two parts: hydrophobic (afraid of water) - it contains long organic radicals and, thanks to this, copes with pollution, and the hydrophilic part contains a carboxyl group, which is responsible for the interaction of the molecule with water.

  • Antibacterial function of the soap

Specialists are developing all new components to fight pathogenic bacteria on the skin's surface. Today, there are two of the most common antibacterial ingredients: triclosan and triclocarban, which are registered with the Protection Agency. the environment USA as a component of hazardous pesticides. The worst thing is that these components are very persistent, and when we flush them down the drain, they end up in rivers and lakes.

A study of the water composition of the Great Lakes, located in Canada and feeding the Atlantic Ocean (the most famous Lake Michigan), showed that triclosan was found in 90 percent of water samples and in many fish. What we use every day and pour into the sewer will certainly return to us as a result of the cycle. Triclosan is even found today in breast milk samples. In our country, triclosan and triclocarban are permitted ingredients in soap.

According to dermatologists, overuse antibacterial soap can lead to unpleasant consequences: allergies and disorders of the skin microflora.

The well-known dermatologist Irina Skorogudaeva in many of her interviews has repeatedly emphasized that ordinary solid soap, and even more so antibacterial, together with harmful ones, destroys beneficial microorganisms on the surface of the skin. In addition, triclosan soap, when used continuously, can be addictive, as it leads to microbial resistance and even their mutation. Studies have shown that hospital bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa are generally resistant to its action.

There are several works devoted to the acquisition of microbial resistance to antibiotics under the influence of triclosan. Doctors advise using this soap only in unsanitary conditions. The FDA (TheFoodandDrugAdministration) banned the use of triclosan in soap for general production in 2016. To buy triclosan soap in America is now only possible with a prescription in pharmacies.

  • Cosmetic function of soap

IN modern conditions Soap products are used as a cosmetic or facial cleanser. Specialists add ingredients that are gentle to the skin, nourish, heal, moisturize and give it radiance into the soap. However, dermatologists advise using only soaps for the face made from natural oils (olive, coconut) or special foams and mousses containing mild surfactants.

Is it safe to use soap?

To answer this question, we turned to specialists, as well as to scientific literature. It is known that a person needs skin in order to restrict the body from aggressive external environment... The aggressor can be sudden changes in temperature, humidity, various sources pollution, UV radiation, pathogens, and detergents such as soap. The protective function of the skin is performed by the upper lipid layer located in the stratum corneum. The lipid layer consists of free fatty acids, ceramides and cholesterol, and has an acidic pH of about 4.5-5. Maintaining the pH at this level is critical to healthy state skin and microflora (Lambers H. Int. Cosmet. Science 2006, 28, p. 359).

In dermatology, there is even such a thing as the acid mantle of the stratum corneum. Physiological role such an acidic mantle is to protect against the effects of various microorganisms. It is very easy to break this mechanism. For example, washing your face frequently hot water with common solid soap or liquid cleansers containing sodium laureth sulfate or other aggressive surfactant.

The lipid layer is extremely easily soluble with solid soap, as well as with various harsh surfactants.

If the lipid barrier leaves the skin, water leaves the skin, and at the same time the acidic environment on the surface is disturbed and the pH rises. Scientists have calculated that normal skin with a slightly acidic medium (pH5-5.5) can be in contact with soap for no more than 10-15 seconds without consequences. It will take about an hour to restore the protective layer of the epidermis after washing with this soap.

There are many reports in scientific articles from Australia, Germany, Japan that the continuous use of soap or an alkaline cleanser significantly increases the pH of the skin (Duncan C.N. The effect of anacid icclean server sus soap on the skin pH and micro-flora of adult patients : anon-randomized two group crossover study in anintensive care unit.Intensive Crit Care Nurs 2013; 29, 291). Korting et al reported that the pH of the skin surface increased to as high as 8.5 with continuous use of soap on the face and forearm (Korting H.C. Int.J. Cosmet.Science 1991; p.91).

Research in America has shown that pH also affects the protective function of the skin. The skin of bald mice was exposed to acetone and then the pH was measured. It has been found that the protective barrier function the skin recovered faster in the presence of an acidic solution compared to a neutral one. In a Journal of Investigative Dermatology article, Hatano and others have shown that maintaining acidic environment in the lipid layer by the use of alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA) prevents the development of dermatitis in mice. Scientists have found that acidic topical agents are capable of treating various dermatoses (HatanoY.J. Invest.Dermatol., 2009, 129: 1824-1835).

These acids are now part of many pharmacy cosmetics, as well as in the means used in the treatment of skin diseases.

About handmade soap

By choosing beautiful soap handmade, you should pay attention to its composition, as well as information about the manufacturer. Some manufacturers use a chemical alkaline base as the basis for hand-made soap. At the same time, the composition of such soap will practically not differ from the usual bar soap. Often many colors and flavors are added to hand-made soaps, and the word “natural” is also spelled out in order to attract a customer. The best natural soaps are made by hand using only natural vegetable oils. For example, coconut, olive, palm. It is worth saying that the cost of such a soap in Russia cannot be less than 150-250 rubles.

pH of the skin for various diseases

Lipid layer at correct work able to resist various microorganisms, as well external factors. Normal growth flora is optimal at acidic pH values, while pathogenic bacteria such as S. staphylococcus thrive at neutral pH (KörtingH.C. ActaDerm.Venereol. 1990). Increased value pH has been observed in skin studies in various diseases. The study involved 100 children with atopic dermatitis. It has been reported that the pH of their skin is significantly higher than that of healthy children. Dermatologists also found that skin pH was higher in patients with ichthyosis vulgaris (5.3 ± 0.7) than in healthy subjects (4.5). The enzymes responsible for peeling in ichthyosis depend on the pH, the change in which interferes normal process peeling. Therefore, for the treatment of this disease, preparations with lactic acid are used all over the world (ActaDermVenereol 2013, 93, Skin pH: From Basic Science to Basic Skin care, SabaM. ALIandGil Yosipovitch)

In people suffering from contact dermatitis, as well as mycosis of the feet, more than high values pH versus healthy.

And finally, a study on adolescents with acne. Invitro bacteria that cause acne, at pH 6.5, actively multiplied, and at a pH of less than "6", the growth noticeably decreased. In a study conducted over four weeks , acne lesions increased in the solid soap group. The skin pH of adolescents who used acid-containing liquid cleansers decreased (KörtingH.C.Clin.Dermatol, 1996, 14, P.23.KörtingH.C. Infection 1995, 23: P. 89).

All these works prove once again that patients suffering from skin diseases should not use solid soap or other alkaline detergents. This will only make their illness worse.

Problem skin often has alkaline environment so it needs to be acidified regularly and not made more alkaline with soap. For this, it is desirable that the facial cleanser contains natural and synthetic acids (lactic, grape, malic, tartaric, citric acid, salicylic acid), as well as prebiotics.

Tips for using soaps and cleansers for face and body

Solid or liquid soap?

Since ordinary solid soap, as a rule, contains alkali residues in its composition and its pH is always too high, it is best to use such soap only for hands and feet. If possible, purchase a solid soap made from natural oils.
Liquid soap, as well as various shower gels, give good lather due to surfactants. Therefore, their pH is less alkaline. However, the presence of "hard" surfactants (for example, sodium laureth sulfate) makes it difficult to wash off the skin. Some people find that after using shower gels, they have a persistent chemical feeling on their skin. Therefore, when choosing a liquid soap or gel, you must pay attention to the composition of the product.

  1. First of all, you need to choose soap depending on which part of the body we want to use it and for what purpose (cleansing from dirt, bacteria or for cosmetic purposes).
  2. It is recommended to use solid soap only for washing hands and feet where the skin is less sensitive. It is good to use such soap for disinfection and cleaning of dirt every day. Hands should be washed in warm water with soap.
  3. It is better to choose baby soap as a solid soap. All its components are subject to strict quality control. Often natural plant extracts are included in the composition of such soap, which gives it antiseptic properties.
  4. Liquid soap and cream soap, in which the pH is from 5.5 to 6-7, can be used to wash the body, but not daily, but 2-3 times a week in combination with warm, but not hot water.
  5. When choosing liquid soaps as well as facial cleansers, read the ingredients carefully. It is better to choose products containing mild surfactants: any glucosides, Decylpolyglucose, betaine, polyglycosides, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, sodium cocoylisethinate, Sodiumcoco-sulfate, sulfosuccinate, Sodium sulfosuccinate, Glythereth Cocoate, Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate la, Magnryl sulfate. The less the product lathers or lathers, the less surfactant it contains, the better.
  6. Do not buy liquid soaps containing dyes and a large number of fragrances. In general, it is better for the liquid soap to have not even a transparent color, but slightly cloudy. This once again indicates that complexes of correctly selected "soft" surfactants have been added to it.
  7. If your skin is problematic, then choose products with an acidic pH (less than 6).
  8. To cleanse the delicate or sensitive skin of the face, intimate hygiene products are also suitable, which are not allergenic, but at the same time they remove dirt well.
  9. In order to correctly choose a cleanser for your face, it is better to contact a dermatologist who will select it according to your skin type.
  10. Do not use soap containing triclosan or its analogs, even for washing your hands. Only in urgent unsanitary cases.
  11. If you have time, try to cleanse your face and neck using natural ingredients prepared at home.

Natural Facial Cleansers Recipes

Recipe number 1. Means for all skin types, simple preparation

For any type skin fit cleansing with natural yoghurt without additives. If the skin is oily, then mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 teaspoon lemon juice... Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Rinse off with warm water.

Recipe number 2. For oily skin, honey based

  • ¼ cups of water
  • ¼ cups of lemon juice
  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • ½ tablespoon honey
    Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix. Apply the mixture to a wet face and leave for 15 seconds, rinse with warm water.

Recipe number 3. Summer based on cucumber

  • ½ cup yogurt
  • ½ cucumber
  • 5 mint leaves

Place all ingredients in a blender, grind and apply to a pre-moistened face, rinse with warm water.

Bar soap is very popular nowadays. And not only as a cosmetic product, but also as an element of bathroom decor. How to choose a really high-quality product, natural and safe for health?

What is natural soap?

The first and foremost difference is that natural soap does not contain any synthetic components. Various chemical ingredients that manufacturers often add to improve the consumer properties of soaps can have a negative impact on the skin and human health in general.

Besides, regular soap often made from cheap animal fats. Manufacturers of natural cosmetics use only pure vegetable oils - palm, coconut, olive and others. Each of them affects the properties of the final product.

Soap with oil tea tree has a bacteriostatic effect and is therefore well suited for oily skin. Almond and argan oils, as well as shea butter are known for their moisturizing effects. Sea buckthorn oil promotes skin regeneration.

How is natural soap made?

For creating natural soap vegetable oils, caustic alkali and water are needed. Under the action of alkali, oils decompose into glycerin and acid. Further, the reaction of acid with alkali, known to everyone from the lessons of chemistry, occurs - salt is formed.

This whole process is called saponification, the result is two valuable, complementary products - soap and glycerin. In this case, for every three molecules of soap, one molecule of glycerin is formed. Soap possesses detergent properties and glycerin softens the skin.

At this stage, you can add various natural ingredients (essential oils, honey, milk, cream, vegetable and berry purees, beeswax, algae, clays, herbal and flower extracts), which will give the soap its individuality. Then the whole mass is mixed, poured into molds, placed in heat.

The aging process of soap, during which the alkalization reaction is completed and the soap becomes non-aggressive, can take from one to two months. This manufacturing method is usually called "cold".

There is also " hot way": After the main reaction between vegetable oil, alkali and water has passed, the mass is boiled (or rather, languished) in special boiler in a water bath at 70 ° C for 4–8 hours, depending on the variety. Only after that other natural components are laid.

With this method, the alkalization reaction is significantly accelerated, and the soap can be used immediately after it has cooled and hardened. The appearance of such a soap, as a rule, is "wild", it can have uneven edges, it is not bright.

Over time, the color may change, since it does not use artificial colors, stabilizers, fixatives. But those who know a lot about soap appreciate this product.

IN recent times it has become popular to cook soap from a ready-made soap base - this is an option home creativity... It turns out a product with strong smell, transparent or bright color, various, sometimes very intricate forms, with drawings, various inclusions.

It can be very dangerous, since the soap base almost always contains a lot of synthetics - preservatives and detergents.

How to choose a soap? Reading the label

According to the rules of the international nomenclature cosmetic ingredients INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients), the packaging must indicate the components that make up the product, in descending order. That is, the names of those ingredients that contain more are written in the first place.

In the case of natural soaps, these are saponified oils (coconut, palm, olive). Sometimes they can be called "sodium salts of fatty acids of certain oils" or "higher salts of fatty acids of oils". All these formulations indicate that the soap is based on natural vegetable oil.

Further, all other components are indicated: essential oils, herbal extracts and other natural ingredients added during the soap making process, glycerin formed as a result of the reaction, water.

If the list is not limited to this, do not be lazy to carefully read it. Often for improvement consumer qualities manufacturers add synthetic components that perform one function or another: superficially active substances(Surfactants) or detergents, preservatives, stabilizers, antibacterial components, dyes, fragrances, acidity regulators, etc.

Each of these groups includes many of the elements that can be found in commercial soap. And often "synthetics" are indicated in the first positions in the description of the composition. On sale you can find "soap" that does not contain salts of fatty acids at all, that is, it is completely made on the basis of synthetic surfactants.

Unfortunately, more often than not, it does not come to reading the composition, which is written in small print and replete with unfamiliar terms. However, there are simple ways to determine the naturalness of a soap. Pay attention to color, shape, smell and price.

Natural soap does not exist bright colors and exotic forms. Its aroma is achieved exclusively due to the combination essential oils and herbal extracts that cannot smell like lilacs, strawberries, ice cream or caramel. And the price of natural soap is never low. It is justified by the cost of the ingredients and the laboriousness of the production.

In addition to momentary ones, there may be long-term consequences the effects of synthetic additives on the human body. Research in this direction is underway. So, there is information that:

1. flavorings- Artificial scent substances containing polycyclic musk compounds can cause allergies.

2. sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS)- a surfactant that can damage the upper layers of the skin and weaken its protective function.

3. polyethylene glycol (PEG)- a refined product that stabilizes the soap, prevents cracking and makes the skin permeable to harmful substances.

4. triclosan - synthetic component with antibacterial effect - destroys both harmful and beneficial bacteria, can cause their mutation, that is, promote the development of new bacteria.

Carefully study the composition of the soap that you are used to using, its appearance, smell. Evaluate how natural it is and decide what is more important to you - guaranteed quality or bright appearance.

Come home or office from the street and Wash the hands- what could be more familiar? But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. To know, which soap is dangerous to health, can be further in the article.

A hundred years ago a piece scented soap for many it was an unattainable luxury, and in Medieval Europe the use of any detergents (as well as the water procedures themselves) was considered an unnecessary and even unsafe whim for health. For example, it is known that the Spanish queen Isabella of Castile washed with soap only twice in her life - at birth and on the eve of her wedding. And this is a person of blue blood - what can we say about the commoners of that time ?!

Fortunately, in our time soap available to everyone, and you can choose for every taste: solid, liquid, handmade, with natural oils and herbs, with a moisturizing and scrubbing effect. But how to choose soap? The answer is simple: read the label carefully - and you will choose exactly what suits you best!

Which soap is hazardous to health?

Any soap contains two main components: fats (previously used by animals, but in recent years manufacturers prefer vegetable oils, of which the most expensive is coconut) and lye. The latter performs the function of cleansing: when soaping, alkali dissolves dirt particles, and water washes them away. However, the same alkali washes away the protective film from the skin and thus dries it out - therefore, moisturizing and nourishing components (lanolin, spermaceti, glycerin) are added to high-quality soap. Same in soap preservatives, dyes and fragrances are usually present (in small doses, they usually do not pose a threat to health). However, in the wake of the "green" lifestyle popular in recent years, many elite manufacturers completely refuse to use dyes and perfume additives... This soap does not look very presentable, but you can be sure: the likelihood of an allergic reaction when using it is minimized.

How to choose the right soap?

There are different types of soaps. Cosmetologists advise keeping several types in the bathroom at once and applying each of them depending on the situation.

Solid toilet soap- classics of the genre. Is used for regular hygiene hands. It is desirable that your daily soap included caring components: extracts medicinal herbs(chamomile, calendula, linden, sage) have an additional antiseptic and soothing effect.

Liquid soap differs from solid not only in consistency. Scientists noticed that in the liquid detergent various dietary supplements are better preserved. Besides, liquid soap contains less alkali, which means it does not harm the skin. Such soap is very convenient to use: each bottle has a dispenser that excludes the transmission of pathogenic bacteria through soap(which is especially important in in public places, offices); it also lathers well even in very hard water.

Baby soap designed for babies and people with sensitive skin. If the usual odorous multicolored soap dries out the skin or causes you an allergic reaction, try the option for children. Such soap contains a minimum harmful additives and is hypoallergenic.

Cosmetic soapcontains much moremoisturizing and nourishing ingredients,than usual. Some manufacturers even refer to this product as “cream soap" or " washing cream”, Assuring that you can even wash your face with it. Cosmetologists insist that the face should still be cleaned with specially designed products. But for the hands - in case theythe skin is very dry, as well as in rooms where the air is very dry,cosmetic soap- just what you need!

Antibacterial soap. Manufacturers insist that it eliminates all harmful bacteria and microbes known to science. However, scientists do not always share this optimism (for more information on this type of soap, see below).

Natural soap(elite, handmade) is not a cheap pleasure, but the effect of its use is worth the money spent! Usually this soap contains a maximum of natural ingredients, looks very elegant and smells delicious. In the soap handmade try to replace all artificial ingredients with natural ones: even dyes are usually used of natural origin (hibiscus, sea ​​buckthorn oil, beets, sage, etc.). So soap can replace shower gel(that is, it is suitable for the whole body), and sometimes even shampoo (for example, tar soap helps against dandruff, and nettle - against hair loss).

Depending on the goal you want to achieve, choose soap with appropriate additives. So, honey and beekeeping products tone, nourish and soften the skin; chamomile extract strengthens the protective barrier on its surface; St. John's wort, calendula and eucalyptus have anti-inflammatory effects; extract seaweed or finely ground coffee beans are added to make a scrub soap; oat flour or bran - to care for oily and combination skin, and crushed citrus peel - to achieve an anti-cellulite effect. However, keep in mind that many phytochemicals can be severe allergens! For example, if you are allergic to citrus fruits, then you should also avoid soaps with orange oils. Therefore, the choice of any product is purely individual!

What are the dangerous additives in soap?

When buying soap, pay attention to its composition. For example, a fragrance called amber nitromous(it is absorbed from the surface of the skin and even passes into breast milk) is recognized as hazardous to health and is prohibited in many European countries. And the group of aniline dyes is a carcinogen. Generally, how less color and the smell in the soap - the safer it is.

Popular antibacterial soap is dangerous to health and not as useful as its manufacturers are trying to convince us. This soap contains a substance triclosan(or triclocarban) - in fact, this explains the outstanding antibacterial properties of soap.

It is proved that triclosan is a strong allergen, moreover, it dries up the skin and leads to it premature aging and even disruption of the hormonal system!

But as for the effect on pathogenic flora, many types of microorganisms very quickly adapt to triclosan and become immune to its effects. However, all these negative manifestations are possible only with prolonged and regular (several times a day) using antibacterial soap... If you use it from time to time, as needed (for example, when traveling, after contact with animals, working in the garden, or as a disinfection when minor scratches), then antibacterial soap will serve you well.

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